BOMA Horizons Winter 2022

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BOMA’s New Leadership

Welcome your new Officers and Board Members. (See pages 6 and 7.)

Happy Holidays... and a Sweet Ending to Our Annual Celebration

The last few months have been filled with events and fun with many of our members together again. From education sessions to networking opportunities, our events have been sold out. We held our Annual Meeting & Celebration in early November in-person, for the first time since 2019. The event celebrated our Partners, Workgroup Volunteers, Board Members and Leadership Academy Graduates. Our partners provided door prizes, and we had a dessert surprise from Mister Softee to cap the day off! (See photos below.)

(Continued on page 4)

Violent Intruder Incidents

Learn how to be prepared for violent intruder incidents that could occur in your workplace. (See page 9.)

Member Profiles

Learn more about Principal Member Toby Ludwick, CBRE, and Associate Member Seth Wilson, METCON. (See pages 10 and 11.)

HVAC Tour & Networking

The Backpack to Briefcase program in October taught the basics of HVAC systems and maintenance, followed by networking. (See page 14.)

2023 BOMA Events

We have a full line-up of events for the coming year! (See back page.)

From top left: Samantha Stires, DivCo West; and Liz Despins, Newmark Knight Frank. Brittany Abangan, CBRE. Ice cream treats. Sawyer Norried, TMG Partners.

Government & Finance focuses on ensuring that the organization stays financially solvent, continues to grow our leadership potential and manages our advocacy responsibilities.

Stakeholder Engagement focuses on membership retention, stakeholder involvement and providing valuable networking opportunities.

Education & Careers leads our education programming and career growth for our membership.

Marketing & Collaboration ensures that our messaging is relevant and easily accessible. Facilitates marketing efforts for events, programming and announcements.

Email for more information.

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As a preeminent real estate and business litigation “boutique” firm, we offer the highest level of exceptional and personally tailored client service, experience and superior work product that is on par with the national law firms with a very competitive rate structure. A majority of our attorneys have more than 25 years of experience, and attorneys working on our clients’ matters possess an aggressive style tempered by common sense and sharp business intuition. Our goal is to meet each client’s individual objectives, which makes us ideal problem-solvers even in the most challenging and complex cases.

About BOMA Horizons

Our 2022 Partners Gold Partners ABM/Able Allied Universal Century Commercial Services Home Depot PRO Metcon TI Legacy Mechanical & Energy Services Platinum Partners Gidel & Kocal Construction Company Kastle Systems ProTech Silver Partners Arborwell/a SavATree company BSM Facility Services CBRE RiverRock Real Estate Group Securitas WCI-GC Bronze Partners Harvest Properties Metro Services Group Newmark Northern California NECA Paramount Properties PJMB Commercial, Inc. Restoration Management Company Rossi Builders Inc. Security 101
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Horner Law Group, PC specializes in business and real estate litigation and represents a diverse client group in all aspects of disputes involving the development, ownership, operation, management, leasing, construction, finance and purchase and sale of real estate and all types of contractual, partnership, ownership and other related business disputes and issues.
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BOMA HORIZONS is published by Eason Communications LLC for BOMA OEB. Current & past issues may also be viewed at Editor: Henry Eason • Ad and Art Director: Ellen Eason
To advertise, contact: Ellen Eason at 415.596.9466 or

Annual Celebration (Continued from the front page)

At the event we thanked our outgoing 2022 Board Members: Kelly Lynch, Overton Moore; Karen Cowan, Restoration Management; Lucinda Alipio, KGIP; and Rob Chamberlin, Security 101.

Congratulations Leadership Academy Grads

We also took time to congratulate our twelve Leadership Academy graduates listed below. They attended four sessions and learned about BOMA OEB, leadership skills and even planned an event for 2023. (See photo on the next page.) Our 2023 Leadership Academy is open for applications until January 6.

Brittany Abangan CBRE

Sierra Fenn RiverRock Real Estate Group

Ally Fitzmaurice Harvest Properties

Paymon Hifai Horner Law Group, P.C.

Tucker Gordon Cushman & Wakefield

Shane Gunari Harvest Properties

Kelvin Lee Cushman & Wakefield

Teresa Middleton Sloan Valve Company

Michelle Nash RiverRock Real Estate Group

Amanda Sanders KG Investment Properties

Gretchen Whipple BioMed Realty

Seth Wilson METCON TI

A Sold-Out Tour for OAKtoberfest

In addition, your 2023 Elected Offices and Board of Directors were confirmed during the luncheon, including three new directors: Toby Ludwick, Jeannie Nyberg, and Seth Wilson. (See photos on pages 6-7.)

2023 BOMA OEB Elected Officers

Liz Despins, President Newmark Knight Frank

Nicole Price, Vice President Cushman & Wakefield

Jenna Hattersley, Past President Harvest Properties

Lucinda Alipio, Treasurer KGIP

Board of Directors

Eric Brown

Courtney Belanger

BSM Facility Services

Shorenstein Realty Services

Michelle Lane CBRE

Karissa Obeso Cushman & Wakefield

Gail Ringer

RiverRock Real Estate Group

Toby Ludwick CBRE

Jeannie Nyberg American Asphalt

Seth Wilson METCON TI

Our recent OAKtoberfest Tour & Toast showcased the latest in tenant amenities at three of our downtown buildings. Thank you to the property teams at 21 Center, 1330 Broadway and 601 12th Street for their hospitality. The event was sold out with over 75 attendees, and the reception at the roof terrace at 601 was a great way to end the tour. Thank you to our Partner Sponsor, Allied Universal. (See photo collage with highlights on the next page.)

Upcoming Events

At press time, the Stakeholder Engagement Workgroup was making final touches on plans for A Night with the Stars Holiday Party on December 8. They’ll be rolling out the red carpet, so get dressed in your Hollywood glam and enjoy a night of fun, dancing and friends. We’ll be at a new spot in Jack London Square, Bloc 15. DJ Justin will be spinning the tunes, and Olivia Smartt will be there to capture the night with her amazing photos. Looking forward, the workgroups have planned a great 2023 full of education, networking and fun. Be sure to check out the calendar on the back page and the BOMA website for the 2023 schedule. Have a Happy Holiday Season & Happy New Year!

Outgoing board members: Kelly Lynch, Overton Moore; Lucinda Alipio, KGIP; Karen Cowan, Restoration Management; and Rob Chamberlin, Security 101.


to Our Leadership Academy Graduates

OAKtoberfest 2022 Thank you to our Partner Sponsor Leadership Academy graduates: Gretchen Whipple, BioMed Realty; Shane Gunari, Harvest Properties; Ally Fitzmaurice, Harvest Properties; Sierra Fenn, RiverRock Real Estate Group; Brittany Abangan, CBRE; Tucker Gordon, Cushman & Wakefield; Michelle Nash, RiverRock Real Estate Group; Kelvin Lee, Cushman & Wakefield; and Seth Wilson, METCON TI. (Not pictured: Paymon Hifai, Horner Law Group; Amanda Sanders, KG Investment Properties; and Teresa Middleton, Sloan Valve Company.) enjoyed building tours and networking at the OAKtoberfest. Thank you to our Partner sponsor, Allied Universal.
6 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O O U R 2 0 2 3 E L E C T E D O F F I C E R S C O N N E C T , E N G A G E & L E A R N J e n n a H a t t e r s l e y , H a r v e s t P r o p e r t i e s P a s t P r e s i d e n t E l i z a b e t h D e s p i n s , N e w m a r k P r e s i d e n t N i c o l e P r i c e , C u s h m a n & W a k e f i e l d V i c e P r e s i d e n t L u c i n d a A l i p i o , K G I P T r e a s u r e r Introducing the BOMA Elected Officers for 2023 Your 2023 elected officers were formally announced at the Annual Meeting in November. Reach out to congratulate them and share your ideas about our association as we head into a new year.

Congratulations to our new board members shown below.

7 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O O U R 2 0 2 3 E L E C T E D B O A R D M E M B E R S C O N N E C T , E N G A G E & L E A R N J e a n n i e N y b e r g A m e r i c a n A s p h a l t T o b y L u d w i c k C B R E S e t h W i l s o n M e t c o n , T I
who are ending their terms: Kelly
Thanks to the 2022 Board Members
Lynch, Overton Moore; Karen Cowan, Restoration Management; Lucinda Alipio, KGIP; and Rob Chamberlin, Security 101.

CONGRATULATIONS METCON on Ten Years of Building the Bay Area!

METCON celebrates 10 years of commercial construction in the Bay Area this February. METCON is a group of construction professionals that guide corporate real estate teams and landlords to their construction goals.

Your goal may be to ‘RTO’, Reposition, Renovate or Value Add. We take the best construction professionals from around the Bay Area and bring them under one roof to run projects with the hurdles of construction already mapped out for our clients. We serve Life Science, Office, Industrial, R&D projects around the Bay Area and up to Sacramento. Our partnerships in the industry extend across each city building department, top architects, and engineers. We want to introduce you to these wonderful partners we have made in the last decade to get your projects on track and in the most qualified hands! - SETH WILSON, Business Developer | 925.324.4223


Violent Intruder Incidents: Be Aware and Prepare

Property managers are often the first on the scene when a violent intruder attacks. What can you and your company do to prepare and train for such an incident?

“Be prepared and aware,” said presenter Matt Harris, Senior Regional Trainer for Allied Universal, at a webinar for BOMA OEB members in September. Training is key for a “significant and coordinated response” to such emergencies.

Recent data shows that active shooter events are most common in commercial spaces (43%), followed by educational settings (19%), open spaces such as festivals (14%) and government/military sites(10%). During the pandemic there were no active shootings in offices, but there was an uptick in open spaces. As people return to offices, there may be an increase of such events in offices.

The first step in preparation is awareness. Look around your space and think about how you might react in a situation. “Train how you play, so you will play how you train,” Harris said. “Make basic awareness second nature.” Look for exits when you enter a space.

Some pertinent facts about intruders: 97% act alone, 66% have a connection to victims (i.e. not random acts), 63% use only one weapon (usually a handgun). The majority of shooters take their own lives. Pre-indicators include: discussion of plans on social media and elsewhere, an orientation toward violence, collecting firearms, fascination with other shooters, stress, drug/alcohol abuse, and radicalization.

Plan for Survival: Run, Hide, Fight

Some tactics for surviving an active shooter situation include: having an escape route plan, determining primary and secondary exits, designating a meeting place, and having a lockable space. Perform drills as a part of training.

Because it takes awhile for law enforcement to arrive, “for the first 9-15 minutes, we are on our own,” Harris said, noting that nearly all casualties occur in the first seven minutes of an incident.

Run, Hide, Fight. You have likely heard this advice for violent situations. Running is the best option. Run (not in a straight line), warn others but don’t stop to explain, get away and only then call 911. Hide if running isn’t an option. Lock and barricade a door if possible. Remain quiet. Fighting is the last resort, but one that the perpetrator will not likely expect, Harris said. You might throw things at the shooter, attempting to harm and distract him. The more attacks the better.

When law enforcement arrives on the scene, they will be moving urgently and aggressively. Listen and follow commands, as everyone is a suspect. They are not there to help victims. Law enforcement will hold everyone until the scene is cleared, questioning and identifying witnesses.

Crisis Management

For incidents like these, property management should have a communications plan with a phone tree and/or mass texting for notifications and a designated media spokesperson. Consider plans for employees, such as employee assistant programs and counseling. Also plan on the building being locked down for a while — possibly months.

Some final advice: test and review drills, train quarterly, ensure that equipment functions (do doors lock?), think fire-drill culture, provide feedback, and ACT! Harris advised that your security provider can assist in exercises. Reach out to them for expertise.

Missed the webinar or want to review it? A recording is on the BOMA OEB website in the Online Learning Center.


Principal Profile

Toby Ludwick, Chief Engineer, CBRE 2100 Powell Street, Emeryville

Since 2018 Chief Engineer Toby Ludwick has led a team of three Engineers at 2100 Powell Street in Emeryville, a 17-story high-rise with sweeping views of San Francisco and the bay. His crew manages day-to-day operations and maintenance for the 382,810 GSF tower with attached four-story parking structure which is owned by CBRE Investment Management and managed by CBRE. The building is LEED Gold certified, IREM Certified Sustainable, WELL Health and Safety rated, and has an Energy Star score of 96. “Every day I’m proud to come to work in this wonderful building with an amazing team,” Ludwick says. “The building recently completed upgrades to the lobby and fitness center and added an amenity center with glass walls that open to an exterior patio for tenants to enjoy.”

The Engineering profession represents a career shift for Ludwick, whose education at UC Santa Barbara was in studio art, followed by 10 years heading up the prepress department at a print shop. “Making the transition from a production artist to Engineer felt like a natural progression,” he says. “I’ve always been interested in figuring out how things work and developing skills to make creations of my own.” Engineering is in his blood: his great-great-grandfather, father and two brothers have all worked in the field. Ludwick decided to change course and pursue engineering in 2009 and says that “thirteen years later, after re-tooling my career and paying some dues, I couldn’t be happier with that decision.”

Ludwick, who was elected to the BOMA OEB 2023 Board of Directors, says he “enjoys attending BOMA events and getting the opportunity to connect and re-connect with colleagues, vendors and service providers. There is a wealth of knowledge in the membership that is a real value to those looking to further their careers. More than anything, I love talking to my colleagues and being a part of this community. I am thrilled and humbled to join the board and get the chance to work with people I respect.”

In his downtime, Ludwick tackles home improvement projects, including building a deck, putting in a hot tub, and upgrading his electrical system. “My wife is hoping I get started on remodeling our bathroom next,” he adds. “The skills I’ve learned as an Engineer empower me to take on these projects that require me to step outside my comfort zone.”

Toby Ludwick

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Business Developer Seth Wilson brings a background in industrial production and design and business administration to his role at METCON. “Business management and industrial design studies taught me hands-on skills to work on things myself and within a team,” says Wilson. “I have a passion for design, having grown up with a mother who was a popular gallerist in LA. She gave me an eye for color and pattern, and provided an example for having fun where you work!” Experiences in tech sales for a start-up taught him about sales and relationship-building.

Wilson develops new relationships and projects for METCON’s existing customers. He also assists with marketing and managing teams for the Pleasanton-based general contractor. METCON serves the corporate office, life science and industrial sectors. Corporate interiors and building repositioning are specialties. Its tagline is “building remarkable experiences.”

“We just wrapped up a big lab for Cellares on the Peninsula. They make massive sci-fi looking pods for other labs,” he notes. “We have been very hard at work with Unchained Labs, building out its three floors in Hacienda. We are also closing in on the end of our build for Corsair’s Headquarters in Milpitas. They make rainbow-colored computer accessories. Very killer space!”

Recently elected to serve on BOMA OEB’s Board of Directors for 2023, Wilson is eager to increase his involvement in the association. “I look forward to meeting everyone in BOMA OEB. I am a natural networker and love to help people look for a new job or hire new teammates,” he adds.

Wilson stays extremely active in his off-hours. “In my free time I golf, snowboard, fish, off-road with my jeep, backpack with my wife, and spend time with my parrot (who is 24 and still young!),” he remarks. In addition, he also directs large-scale footraces in the East Bay and takes part activities at his church.

Seth Wilson, Business Developer
Associate Profile
Meeting all your facility’s needs with one industry-leading provider. Facilities Engineering Cleaning & Disinfection Parking & Transportation Energy Solutions EV Charging HVAC & Mechanical Electrical Power & Lighting Landscape & Turf
Seth Wilson

The Office Is Ready for Reinvention BOMA

International COVID-19 CRE Impact Study Released

Results of the 2022 BOMA International COVID-19 Commercial Real Estate Impact Study are now available, showing stabilizing views on workplaces and the commercial office sector after the last two and a half years of transformation.

Drawing from the survey responses of more than 1,200 U.S. commercial office space decision-makers, the study also reveals that, despite perceptions to the contrary, employers and employees are equally supportive of hybrid work, with more than six in 10 members of each group wanting to be back in the office at least three to four days per week. With both employers and employees still seeing value in the physical workplace, this means commercial real estate has an opportunity to create even stronger partnerships with tenant companies to promote innovation and reinvention to shape the offices of tomorrow.


key findings:

u 86% of respondents affirm their in-person office is vital to operating their business, up from 78% in 2021.

u 72% say they would renew their lease if it were up today, up from 38% in 2021, returning to a pre-pandemic baseline and showing tenants have more clarity on their future space needs now.

u 76% said their employees and colleagues support returning to physical offices.

u Decision-makers predict, on average, that 29% of their employee base will be partly or fully hybrid/remote 12-18 months from now, similar to the 26% who said so in 2021. Still, two thirds would prefer that hybrid/remote work be limited to not more than 2 days per week.

u 78% of tenants seek property owner or manager investments beyond the status quo in health and wellness amenities and programs designed to improve in-office collaboration.

BOMA members may download an Executive Summary of the survey at

BOMA’s Carbon Reduction Resources

BOMA International has launched a triad of programs as part of its Carbon Reduction Initiative: Carbon Reduction Challenge – Sign up for BOMA’s Global Carbon Reduction Challenge and become a sustainability pioneer through your dedication to reducing carbon emissions. Make the commitment to benchmark your building emissions. Visit: BOMA/CRC/Resources/Decarbonization_Resource_ Center.aspx#top

Decarbonization Resource Center – Get the strategies and resources you need to make carbon reduction a reality. The best resources have been gathered from a host of organizations. See: CRC/Resources/Decarbonization_Resource_Center.aspx

Decarbonization Symposium & Legislative Fly-In –

Held in D.C. on March 14, 2023, this event will feature education sessions, a speaker from the Biden Administration, and a reception on Capitol Hill. On the next day, BOMA members will meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Learn more at: BOMA/Education-Events/Symposium.aspx.

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HVAC Mechanical Tour Covered the Basics

BOMA OEB’s Emerging Professionals had an opportunity to learn more about HVAC in the Backpack to Briefcase program on October 6. Experts from Legacy Mechanical & Energy Services led small groups in an interactive seminar and building tour at 6001 Shellmound in Emeryville Participants learned the basics about the types of HVAC equipment typical in a commercial building, an overview of how systems work and what maintenance is required. Networking followed at Pizzeria Mercato. Thanks to BOMA Gold Partner Sponsor Legacy for sponsoring this educational event!

The Backpack to Briefcase programs are a series designed to provide useful information for professionals in the early stages of their careers. There are a number of programs planned for 2023. Topics include: Professional Growth, RFPs, CAMs 2.0, Landscape & Water Conservation, Certificated of Insurance, and Vacant Building Best Practices. Check the calendar on the back page for dates, and watch for information in the coming months.

Celebration Commemorates CREATE’s 10th Anniversary

Commercial Real Estate Alliance for Tomorrow’s Employees (CREATE) commemorated its 10th anniversary at a festive rooftop reception at 221 Main on October 4. The celebration brought together students currently enrolled in the CREATE Fellows program at SF State, Fellows alumni, instructors and other program volunteers, and donors who support this results-driven workforce development program. The event acknowledged visionaries who foresaw a need to expand and diversify the CRE workforce years ago.

“The power lies in our alliance,” CREATE Director Tory Brubaker said at the event. Over the past decade, CREATE evolved from an effort to tackle the CRE talent deficit.

It has grown into a partnership of four real estate associations (BOMA San Francisco, BOMA Oakland/East Bay, NAIOP SF Bay Area, and IREM SF Bay Area), delivering a 16-module curriculum at SF State and Merritt College.

“As CREATE embarks on its next decade, we see an opportunity to increase diversity in our industry and bring a richer set of ideas to the CRE table,” Brubaker noted. With the harsh reality of a retiring workforce, we must continue to expand and diversify our talent pool. The talent drought affects us all—owners, managers, vendors—and together, we can achieve a sustainable workforce. Please donate today at

CREATE is sustained by contributions from the industry employers that it serves. Please consider making your tax deductible donation to this vibrant program. To learn more visit contribute/donate or email Tory Brubaker at

D e l i v e r i n g C a r e e r - R e a d y E m p l o y e e s t o t h e C R E I n d u s t r y s i n c e 2 0 1 2 D O N A T E T O D A Y A T W W W . C R E A T E W O R K F O R C E . O R G

October Annual Meeting & Celebration Scenes

BOMA OEB members gathered for the Annual Meeting & Celebration in November to honor our 2022 officers and partners for their dedication to our association during the past year. The 2023 officers and board members were announced and congratulated. We also recognized this year’s Leadership Academy graduates. Attendees had plenty of time to network and to sign up for volunteer opportunities. Thanks to our event sponsor, Century Commercial Service.

Mary Rothaus, BluSky Restoration Contractors; Lauren McCormack and Brittany Kemp, both with Hines – Pleasanton Corporate Commons. Jeannie Nyberg and Chris Nyberg, both with American Asphalt. Jake McNamara and Gina Phillips, both with Arborwell, a SavATree Co.; Michelle Nash and Gail Ringer, both with RiverRock Real Estate Group. Debbi Nakahara, Kay Chesterfield, Inc.; Kaylynn Lum, RiverRock Real Estate Group; and Sierra Finn, RiverRock Real Estate Group. Jennifer Bartolomei, PJMB; and Lisa Sires, IES (Indoor Environmental Services).

BOMA Oakland/East Bay

436 14th Street, Suite 1216

Oakland, CA 94612


January 12 – Luncheon: Market Update

January 20–23 – BOMA International Winter Business Meeting (in Scottsdale)

February 9 – Luncheon: Bid BOMA

February 16 – Backpack to Briefcase: Professional Growth

February 24 – Leadership Academy: Kick-Off

March 9 – Education: Life Science Conversion

March 16 – New Membership Mixer

March 24 – Leadership Academy: Social Styles

April 20 – Backpack to Briefcase: RFP

May 1 – Walter Finch Spring Golf Tournament

May 11 – Luncheon: Generations in the Workplace

May 18 – Leadership Academy: Summer Mixer

June 15 – Reverse Tradeshow

June 15 – Backpack to Briefcase: CAMs 2.0

June 24–27 – BOMA Int’l. Conference (in Kansas City)

July 12 – Community Outreach Event

July 13 – Luncheon: Decarbonization/ESG

August 16 – Backpack to Briefcase: Landscape & Water Conservation Tour

August 18 – Leadership Academy: How to Be a Leader

August 29 – Tradeshow

September 14 – Luncheon: Building Engineer


October 4– OAKtoberfest Tour & Toast

October 12 – Luncheon: Government Affairs

October 13 – Leadership Academy: Plan a Backpack to Briefcase for 2024

October 18 – Backpack to Briefcase

November 2 – Wine Tour & Membership Mixer

November 9 – Luncheon: Annual Meeting

December 7 – Backpack to Briefcase: Vacant Building Management Best Practices

December 14 – Holiday Party

Visit for the latest information and watch for details in BOMA’s weekly emails.

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