La Marina Advertiser October 2024

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It's a Local Affair!

La Marina Advertiser brings you news and views on local issues in La Marina Urbanisation, La Marina Pueblo and San Fulgencio.

If you have any QUESTIONS for Samantha about local issues, please email Sam on with Samantha Hull San Fulgencio Councilor

Answering all your questions about local issues as well as exploring life and culture in Spain as a San Fulgencio local.

This month I am going to address one of the many questions we have received:

“I have lived here in La Marina for 10 years and have always paid SUMA but I’m not sure what it is and why I have to pay it. Can you explain and tell me where the money goes?"

In San Fulgencio, the payments you make to SUMA are primarily for local taxes, which include:

1. IBI (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles):

This is the property tax that all homeowners pay annually, regardless of residency status. The tax rate in San Fulgencio is set at 0.830% of the property's assessed value. It actually applies to all property types. This includes residential homes, commercial properties, undeveloped land, and garages.

2. Vehicle Taxes: SUMA also collects taxes related to vehicle ownership, which are typically billed annually.

3. Basura (Rubbish Collection): This fee covers the cost of waste management and is usually billed separately.

SUMA is the tax management agency for the Alicante area and is responsible for collecting these taxes on behalf of the local municipalities.

With current figures, the IBI tax rate for San Fulgencio in 2024 is, as mentioned above, set at 0.830% of the property's assessed

value (land registry value). This rate is set by each individual municipality. It's important to note that IBI rates can vary significantly between municipalities, even those in close proximity to each other.

The IBI tax is calculated using two main factors:

1. Cadastral value: This is the property's assessed value, determined by the Spanish Tax Agency based on factors like location, size, age, and other characteristics.

2. Tax rate: Set by the local council, in San Fulgencio 0,830% of the cadastral value.

The formula is:

IBI Tax = Cadastral Value × Local Tax Rate Non-payment of the taxes can lead to serious consequences, including property and bank account impoundment.

SUMA (Suma Gestión Tributaria) is a public agency that plays a crucial role in tax administration for municipalities in the Alicante province of Spain. It is responsible for:

1. Assessment of local taxes

2. Billing taxpayers

3. Collection of taxes

4. Enforcement of tax payments

The agency collects taxes on behalf of city councils using its own resources.

SUMA offers several services to assist taxpayers:

• You can pay online at and there is the option to put it into english

• In-person payments at local SUMA offices

• Telephone payments using credit or debit cards

• Payment facilities at most Spanish high-street banks

• Option to set up direct debits for regular payments

What is the money from taxes used for?

The taxes paid to San Fulgencio Townhall fund essential public services and infrastructure maintenance. This includes the upkeep of roads, street lighting, parks,

and waste management. Taxes also support the water supply, sewage systems, and maintenance of public buildings like schools and libraries. Social services, including care for the elderly and support for low-income families, are also funded by local taxes.

Public safety is another key area, covering the Policía Local, fire services, and preparation for any emergency.

Taxes contribute to urban planning, building inspections, and environmental initiatives, such as park maintenance and sustainability programs.

Recreational facilities like sports centres, playgrounds, and cultural events, including festivals and exhibitions, are supported by these funds. The town also invests in economic development by promoting tourism and providing business support. Administrative costs, including staff salaries and operational expenses, are covered as well.

In addition, public transportation, debt servicing for municipal projects, and climate change initiatives are funded through local taxes.

If you have any other questions, please let us know and I will try and address them to the best of my ability.

My La Marina

with Debbie Alger & The Garden of Reflection

'Love is a durable fire, in the mind forever burning, never sick, never old, never dead and from itself never turning.'

When did you first come to La Marina?

My parents moved here over 30 years ago, so I've been visiting a long time, but made the move in 2007 with my husband and my son... My dad had many health issues, so we moved here to support him and mum.

What was the inspiration for the Garden of Reflection?

My dad was the inspiration... He passed away in 2009 and I would have loved somewhere to go and think about him, lay flowers on his birthday or anniversary. This stayed at the back of my mind for a long time.

When and how did the Garden begin?

The Manchester arena bombing in 2017 was the start. Being from Manchester, and having friends who were directly affected, I arranged a vigil at the social centre. There I talked to various people about the idea of a space to go and pay respects to loved ones. Everyone agreed so I started the ball rolling. In my mind I wanted a small space with a bench and a few plants - I never dreamed it would grow into what it is today!

The next day I went to see councillor Paulino Herrero who was immediately on board and offered to help. That same day I also met with George Scammel, who suggested the spot where the garden stands, which has turned out to be perfect.

I did a fundraiser at Aloha bar which was a great success, so my idea of just a bench grew much bigger overnight. A local builder offered to build the first wall and pathways, and Alison at New Start Properties very kindly funded it.

How is the Garden funded?

There isn't really a fund for the garden, if I need anything I put a shout out on social media, I've never been let down yet. We have a great community spirit in La Marina! I have had donations of power tools, pots, benches, a spot light, plants, stones, soil, even solar panels.

Who maintains the Garden?

I've met amazing friends through the garden, so many people come and help, I call them all my Garden Army! Some are more able than others but all are welcome and appreciated, new people turn up all the time!

John White meticulously fits every plaque, and there are a lot of plaques. Thank you, John! Paulino continues to support me as did Samantha Hull Gallon and Darren Parmenter, the previous councillors. I even had a visit from the British ambassador Hugh Elliot. Also I have to mention the Royal British Legion not just for their help with maintaining the Garden but also their support of the Rememberance Day service which is held every November and which is always well attended.

We go all out on the poppy display, another product of the amazing volunteers. Look on the Facebook page "Garden of Reflection" for photos.

How can I remember a loved one in the garden?

There are various ways, from a plaque on the wall, to a butterfly or planter with a name on.

Just contact me on Facebook pages Garden of Reflection or Debbie Alger, Call me on 641 814 295 or Email:


Asociacion De Ayuda Necesitado 'Help & assistance where or when necessary'

The charity was started ten years ago by Pauline Prior (now in the UK). She and Peter, her husband, began by doing quiz nights and the money was used to buy a few bits and pieces to help out a handful of families who were struggling.

Over the years the charity has grown to what it is today. AAN now has up to 85 families a month on our list. We spend on average 3,200 euros monthly on food, cleaning and personal hygiene products. In fact last month the bill for food alone was just over 3,200 euros.

Our charity shop is open six mornings a week. Monday to Friday 10-2pm, Saturday 10-1pm. We are in Calle Sierra Castilla 42 (near Cards and More) The charity raises its funds by selling goods at the shop that have been kindly donated by members of the public and by holding various functions and activities through the year, such as our Fashion Show (see the picture in this article!!).

The list of families AAN helps comes from Social Services. Items such as food and cleaning/sanitary products are delivered to the Catholic church here in La Marina (on C/Justo Antonio Quesada – from where we also sell second hand furniture!), where the charity has a large storeroom, and boxed up for monthly collection by our families in need.

Every Christmas the charity also holds its shoe box appeal. A child's age and name are written on a box and those people kind

enough to donate items can identify which child they think their gift would best be appreciated by.

Each child will usually be given two or three gifts depending on how generous people are.

Additionally, the charity works with an orphanage in Orihuela.The orphanage accomodates an average of 75 children aged between 8 and 17. AAN do not provide food to them, but do supply a lot of clothes, shoes and toys throughout the year, and particularly at Christmas.

During the year, besides our Fashion Shows, AAN also holds two Race Nights, an Easter Fair, a Christmas Fair and a Gala Dinner.


October 10th

Fashion show at the AAN shop

October 14th

Race Night at Ahmed's Delicatessen

November 29th

Xmas Fair at the AAN shop

675 61 95 68

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Spanish Bar Assc Reg No. is ICAE 1265)


on a Health and Welfare Power of Attorney/ Advance directive document with the details of your elected representative advised so that they are legally able to speak on your behalf if you are incapable of doing so at that time.

Paul Blackmoore (Practice Principal) with little helper Benny, his rescue French Bulldog


legally able to speak on your behalf if you are incapable of doing so.

A Power of Attorney for Finance is also strongly recommended to enable a trusted person to deal with your financial matters in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself and will also give your elected trusted representative the ability to unfreeze any assets and bank accounts should that scenario occur following any incapacity diagnosis.

Many folk do not realise that euthanasia in Spain is legal. You can elect to choose euthanasia when certain conditions are met and, in order to do so, it is important that your instructions are detailed in writing on a Health and Welfare Advance Directive document, so your elected representative is

A Power of Attorney for Finance is also recommended to enable a trusted person to deal with your financial matters in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself and will also give your elected trusted representative the ability to unfreeze any assets and bank accounts should that scenario occur following any incapacity diagnosis.

for you) and the Financial Power of Attorney will need to be notarised after production (we can arrange your notary appointment for you).

The Health and Welfare document will need to be registered at Patient Services Desk (SAIP) local hospital to you within of it being signed and the Financial Power of Attorney will need notarised after production.

Thy Will Be Done are experts in this area and will guide and assist you in all of these matters.

865 756 058 that euand has who is elect to certain order that your writing

The Health and Welfare document will need to be registered at the Patient Services Desk (SAIP) of a local hospital within 3 months of it being signed (we can do this

Just give us a call or complete our contact form at to discuss this with us in more detail.

Thy Will be Done are experts this area and can guide and you in these matters, just a call or complete our contact at to discuss this us in more detail.

Like an insurance policy, you always hope you will never need to use it, but it is never the less important to have it in place, just in case.

Like an insurance policy, you always hope you never need use it, but it is important to in place just in case.

865 756 058

ARENA the beautiful girl that was found near El Pinet beach. We need to find a forever home for her. Around 2 years old, Arena did not have the best start in life so can be a little scared when you first meet her.

She needs someone with the patience and confidence to help her learn to trust. She is good with the other dogs at the local dog park. she just wants lots of cuddles and attention, She is vet checked, spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped with a passport.

If you would like any information or to meet her please contact us at the Shelter on 711 075 305 or WhatsApp or email FB: K9 Club - Supporting Rescue Dogs & Cats

I’m a big fan of the “hit two birds with one stone” idea, or as we say in Spanish, “dos pájaros de un tiro.” What I mean by this is recycling words that we know, to create new ones and expand our vocabulary.

Compound words are formed by combining two distinct words to create a new one with a new meaning. Here are some examples:

Abrir (to open)

+ Botella (bottle) = abrebotellas (bottle opener)

+ Lata (can/tin) = abrelatas (can/tin opener)

Sacar (to take out)

+ Corcho (cork) = sacacorchos (cork screw)

+ Punta (point) = sacapuntas (pencil sharpener)

Quitar (to remove)

+ Mancha (stain) = quitamanchas (stain remover)

+ Esmalte (polish) = quitaesmalte (nail varnish remover)

Cortar (to cut)

+ Uñas (nails) = cortauñas (nail clippers)

+ Césped (grass) = cortacésped (lawn mower)

Parar (to stop)

+ Agua (water) = paraguas (umbrella, for rain)

+ Sol (sun) = parasol (umbrella, for sun)

+ Brisa (breeze) = parabrisas (windscreen, on car)

+ Choque (bump/impact) = parachoques (bumper, on car)

In contrast, derived words are formed from a single root word by adding prefixes or suffixes that, on their own, may not carry meaning but alter the meaning of the root when attached.

Common suffixes include -ería, which often indicates a shop, and -ero / -era, a profession or tool. For example:

Pan (bread):

• Panadería (bakery)

• Panadero/a (baker)

Pelo (hair)

• Peluquería (hairdressers)

• Peluquero/a (hairdresser)

Papel (paper)

• Papelería (paper shop/newsagent)

• But be careful! Papelera does not refer to a person but rather to a paper waste bin.

One of my favourite suffixes in Spanish is -ito / -ita, which indicates smaller size or adds a sense of affection or tenderness to


¡Buenas! We are Dani and Sam from the ‘Speechless in Spain’ Language Centre in San Fulgencio, where we have lived for over two decades and taught Spanish here with over 26 years of combined experience.

the word, which is quite hard to explain as we don’t really have the same occurrence in the English language:

• Poco (a little); poquito (a tiny bit)

• Mesa (table); mesita (little table), often referring to a small table, like a nightstand (mesita de noche)

• Gato (cat); gatito (kitten)

• Perro (dog); perrito / cachorro (puppy or small dog)

• Casa (house), casita (little house), referring to a small, cosy home or cottage.

• Cuchara (spoon), cucharita (little spoon, ie. teaspoon)

By adding these, along with so many other possibilities, we begin to create a family of words.

• Pan (bread); panadería (bakery); panadero (baker); empanada / empanadilla (pasty); empanado (breaded); panecillo (roll/bun)

• Pelo (hair); peluquería (hairdressers); peluquero/a (hairdresser); peluca (wig); pelusa (lint /bit of fluff); peludo (hairy/ fluffy). We could also add the compound word pelirrojo formed with the word hair (pelo) and the colour red (rojo) to create the term ‘redhead’.

• Mar (sea); marea (tide); mareado (dizzy); marino/a (marine/navy), like azul marino for navy blue); marinero/a (sailor).

Which words are you going to add to your word family?

If you'd like to know more about Speechless in Spain, get in touch: Tel: 623 003 215


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Another winter league season is almost upon us, and to get us ready for the pending battles to come we welcome two touring teams from the UK on October 6th and October 9th. Our first league match is at home on Monday October 7th, against Quesada, followed by a visit to Country Bowls on Friday 11th October.

The club will be wearing their new club shirts for all league matches this coming season. We held a Social night on Saturday September 28th at the Sports Complex, a fabulous George Michael Tribute night with Jim McMail plus a buffet and disco (see photographs of event kindly taken by La Marina Advertiser).

The 2024 Valencian Championships have just concluded and while no La Marina player was involved in the latter stages, congratulations to all who participated:

Men’s Singles

Mick Lowe, John Rae and Barry Roberts Ladies Pairs

Lesley Joynes & Desna Lowe, who just lost in round 3 to the eventual winners Mixed Pairs

Lesley & David Joynes. Margaret McLaughlin & Garth Slater

In the Vera Moran memorial Pairs competition held on Thursday September 26th at Emerald Isle Bowls Club, La Marinas Garth Slater & Barry Roberts came in a very good 3rd place out of 32 competing teams

P3. W3. Shots difference +15. The winning pair P3 W3 Shots difference +18 and 2nd place P3 W3 Shots difference +16. Thanks to Emerald Isle B.C. for hosting a great day!

If you would like to try your hand at lawn bowls, come along on a Tuesday or Thursday to our club days and have a go. All the equipment you need is available and there is always someone to help you if you are a novice to the game. Flat sole shoes must be worn.

Quiz time Quiz time

1. If you stood on the Arctic Circle what is the approximate speed of the Earth’s rotation?

2. Which is the only sea that doesn’t have a land boundary?

3. What is the most abundant element in the universe?

4. How many horses are on each team in a Polo match?

5. What is the name of Ronnie Barker’s character in Open All Hours?

6. What is the name of Woody’s horse in Toy Story 2?

7. How many keys are there on a piano?

8. Who wrote The Adventures of Don Quixote?

9. Which European City hosted the 1936 Summer Olympics?

10. Which Type of blood is rarest in humans?

To solve the puzzle each 3 x 3 box, each row and each column must contain all the numbers 1 to 9. For hints and information visit

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