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FRalwaays EE s
TO LET FUTURE CUSTOMERS KNOW THAT YOU EXIST call us at the magazine to advertise at the details below
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Hello everyone, In January we will have owned and run this magazine for the last ten years. Barry is soon to be 68 years of age, so we are looking for somebody who would like to buy the business from us and carry on running it. If so see our advert on page 5. Just reply to our email address to have a chat!! As we write this we have just had rain. It certainly seems to have been the longest hottest summer we remember in our 12 years living out here. Have a good month Sandra & Barry
Our little dog from the front cover has hidden herself away in the magazine, can you find her? Last month she was on page 60.
STILL the BEST ADVERTISING PRICES & SERVICE ON THE COSTAS 15 euro per month for a 40mm x 60mm advert
55 euro per month for a 128mm x 92mm advert
35 euro per month for a 90mm x 60mm advert
95 euro per month for a 153mm x 202mm advert
including FREE artwork/design and free advertising on our website!!
Advertising prices still the same as when we launched in January 2005
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(exact location on the GA map at back of this magazine) 3
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We at your Gran Alacant Advertiser continue to bring you all of the news, including that from our Gran Alacant Councillor, Loreto Cascales, as we have since May 2005. It is our perogative at the magazine, NOT to update this 2005 picture, as we all looked a great deal younger!!! Hi again, I thought it is my duty to inform you both that some action has been taken, just after that you spoke to Loreto. I am happy to say that Tuesday 12th at 18.30 hours we heard some noise outside, so we went to see,and there was a van with pressure washer equipments and three workers were washing the black stains,there was also what we thought, that could be an inspector, to oversee the job. However, when the water dried, it revealed that the job was rushed and not done 100 per cent, still some black marks are visible especially where the road gutter is. Well I suppose this is only what we are going to get, maybe the cleaning job it is up to their standards but surely not to ours. Going back, now a few years, originally, the bins (refuse) and recycling ones were allocated just outside the Life Resort offices, but of course, the latter succeeded in getting them moved (I wonder how...) and they were placed where they are now, that it is ok, I say reluctantly, but at least they should be one next to the other, instead there are about 3.5 meters apart, one next to the bottle-bank and the other away leaving a quite big gap, where, of course uncivilized people just dump all the rubbish from their house, and when there is no rubbish I even saw a car parked in between. Another big issue that we have is the problem with the Supermarket (formally Maxcoop) they do not have a refuse bin of their own, so what they do daily is to fill the bins with cartons, surely this is
not what thy should do as cartons should be recycled and they should really use one of the blue bins, I shall in due course, denounce the supermarket to the Council. So what happens is that when we are ready to throw our little bin bags, we find a bin or sometime both full, I always push the cartons so my refuse bag will fit, but many others just leave the bags on the floor. Myself and my wife, came to Spain for a nice relaxing life, but instead we have to deal daily with frustrating events like this. Finally we would like to thank you immensely for what you have done for us. Best regards Giuseppe Messina Hi, to you both, I would have the very last request,and this will be the very last one, next time that you meet with the Councilor, can you please show her this
picture, as I mentioned earlier there is a gap between one bin and the other, big enough to park a car. The problem is that when the lorry arrives, one bin is emptied, but the other one is
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l PROVIDES A MONTHLY PROFIT - EVERY MONTH l WORK FROM HOME - NO GETTING UP FOR WORK l ALL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT INCLUDED l WORK PART TIME FOR A FULL TIME WAGE l TRAINING PROVIDED IF REQUIRED l INDEPENDENTLY VALUED AT 55,000 uk pounds BUT l ANY SENSIBLE OFFER CONSIDERED l If the business does not sell, we will continue as usual and will be looking foreward to having owned the magazine for ten years in January . enquiries by email please 5
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then left full, as the rear of the car is nearly touching the bin, so, I suppose in fear to damage the car they choose not to empty it and wait for the car to leave. It is logic that the two bins should be close to each other, well at least this is what I think. Best regards Giuseppe Messina Ps: you are very welcomed to use the picture as a funny one with the title :Kamikaze driver or similar, obviously the driver must be someone that doesn't care too much about his car Now that the market fence has been moved allowing people to walk their dogs on there at the top of the car park people are allowing the dogs to mess on the waste ground near to the fence. Would be a good idea if some bins could be fixed to part of the fence. There was an instant a couple of days ago where I had to wash the pavement down at my friends house were a dog had been sick or messed and it was clearly full of worms which made me feel sick. Surely whoever was responsible needs to get their dog to the vets. Our little dog gets all the medication to prevent any kind of illness like this, which goes to show Spanish don't look after their pets. Thanks for putting my onion picture in the magazine, I am famous now. Best Wishes Graham Loreto phoned the police and they are trying to obtain paperwork to allow them to use plain clothes police to confront the dog owners. This will also enable them to patrol in other areas too. HI Barry, could you pass on this email to Loretta please. It is regarding the property next door to ours. The property has been. Unoccupied for the last 5years and has fallen into a very bad condition. The garden is overrun with weeds over a metre high. There is an empty swimming pool behind the house with dirty water and is producing more than
our fair share of mosquitos. We can only guess at what the inside is like. The two elderly people who owned the property died some 5/6years ago. Their families want nothing to do with it so it is only going to get worse. Any help or info. would be welcome. Regards, Tom Lormor no.23 c/Belgic Loreto says, go to the GA Council Office, make a dununcia and the Town Hall can then go into the area and take action. Hello you 2people, I was wondering if you could put this in next months mag. I was in Elche hospital for 9 days when I had a very bad bout of Meningitas. One night observation ward then 9 others in isolation where I had the best care I could have received. All the medical staff, doctors, nurses even the cleaning ladies had a kind word for you. So could you put a big thank you in your mag. Would so much appreciate it, thank you. H.W.Claxton better nown as Bert a round Gran Alacant. Barry & Sandra, finally found a moment to read the September edition of you excellent magazine! Wi-fi on the beach, eh? Amazing! Are you able to tell me the exact location of the proposed hotel? Is it this side of El Faro or the lighthouse side I wonder? (I remember mutterings about the proposal a few years ago.) I was also wondering who owns the piece of land past the Sports Centre and the new market and just beyond Brico on the same side. Are any proposed plans for the site which is, and has been for quite some time now, a bit of an eyesore - the pavement hasn't even been finished there! (I suggest it would make an excellent overflow car park for the new market/traders‌) My husband & I are looking forward to coming over
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to our apartment in GA for a few weeks later this month and so hope we might enjoy some pleasant weather then! Thank you! Kind Regards Helen. The site for a hotel is on our GA map at the back of our magazine. Just before the lighthouse is a plot printed in pink. This is the plot. The untidy land is privately owned with no plans yet to build on this area. So a pavement will not be constructed until the owners start to build. Barry & Sandra, still the best informative magazine in the Costa Blanca hope you are both well.? I read with interest the letter from Giuseppe Messina, I also in the past have expressed my concerns about the bins, dog mess & also the lack of street cleaning in Gran Alacant. I have had meetings with Loreto, she is very pleasant & thanks me for bring these problems to her attention but still we lack action. I agree with Giuseppe, the bins & areas around them are a disgrace, especially when all the August holiday makers are here, not blaming them but the lack of sufficient bins to contain all the rubbish. When did you last see the bins been cleaned out like they used to do with a pressure washer? The bins are in extremely poor condition & dangerous to use due to the foot mechanism not working so you have to do it by hand. That's not difficult but they are dirty & some are liable to drop off their mountings if indeed they are still on them. Most of the damage is done by the trucks that empty them. I have asked Loreto to come to my area to show her where rubbish is dumped around the spare land & all the dog mess etc etc . But she doesn't take me up on my offer. If she did in fact go around the bins, all the bins not the
ones she chooses she would appreciate why we are complaining again & again. I have complained about Calle Chipre & Calle Malta rarely getting swept, Loreto says they should be swept every other day by the road sweeping truck, thats a joke we have kept a keen eye on this & we are lucky to see the road sweeper once every month. When Loreto phones the contractor they start sweeping again for less than a week then that's it no more for a month . We all pay Suma so we all deserve our bins & streets to be clean not just the ones visitors see as they drive the main roads in Gran Alacant. Give is a clean Gran Alacant to be proud of please. Best regards Bill Loreto had no comment. Watch next months magazine for an answer. October sees a day of racing by children and adults on the GA Commercial Centre car park. Poster for these Abel Anton events is in this edition of our magazine. complaints in last months issue about the dripping mess from the refuse lorry.....It has now been repaired! car parking on the new market area was made available by the Town Hall as businesses in the area were asking if they could use it for their customers. ongoing problem for house owners in Altomar 1 and Panorama for over 7 years of very bad sewage odours may at last be coming to an end.
Talk again next month Sandra & Barry
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Restaur ant in Los A renales
C/San Bartolomè de Tirajane, no.40 03195 Arenales del Sol. Tel: 96 691 12 13
We have expanded to DOUBLE the size
Menu of the Day (every day of the year) weekday menu .......................................... 10 euros menu Saturday, Sunday and holidays ....... 12 euros. Evening menu (night only) salad fry (fish) or grill (meat) bread and beverage......(9 euros per person minimum two people)....... ......................18 euros. Special menu .. salad especial starter rice with lobster food, drink and dessert ......(minimum two people).......... 17 euros. Every day of the week, the menus will consist of 5 first courses (inc pasta, rice, and soup) and 5 main courses (meat or fish). Open every day of the year Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, do not open at night. Open evenings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday WE ARE HERE
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Todas las fotos se pueden ver en la Información redactada en Inglés. Hola de nuevo, Después de mi último email pensé que era mi deber informarles que desde entonces han limpiado las aceras, justo después de que ustedes hablaran con Loreto. Estoy feliz de decir que el martes 12 a las 18.30h oímos algo algunos ruidos afuera, así que fuimos a ver lo que pasaba, nos encontramos con una furgoneta con lavadora a presión y a tres trabajadores lavando las manchas negras, también estuvo presente un inspector, para supervisar el trabajo. Sin embargo, cuando el agua se secó, pudimos ver que el trabajo no se hizo del todo bien ya que todavía se veían algunas manchas negras en la cuneta. Bueno, supongo que esto es todo lo que vamos a conseguir, tal vez este trabajo de limpieza está a la altura de sus estándares, pero definitivamente no de los nuestros. Volviendo atrás, hará unos años, en un principio, los contenedores de basura y los de reciclaje se asignaron a las afueras del “Life Resort pero, por supuesto, el complejo logró que los trasladaran (me pregunto cómo ...) y se colocaron donde están ahora, que no está mal, lo digo de mala gana, pero al menos deberían de esta uno al lado del otro, en cambio están colocados a unos 3,5m el uno del otro, por supuesto hay personas que usan este espacio para tirar su basura en la calle, y cuando no hay basura Incluso vi un coche aparcado
en el medio. Otro gran problema que tenemos es con el Supermercado (formalmente Maxcoop) que no tiene un contenedor de basura, así que lo que hacen todos los días es llenar los contenedores con cajas de cartón, esto no es lo que deben hacer con las cajas de cartón: deberían reciclar los cartones usando los contenedores azules. A su debido tiempo, voy a denunciar el supermercado al Ayuntamiento. Así que lo que pasa es que cuando vamos a tirar nuestras bolsas de basura, nos encontramos con el contenedor lleno, yo siempre empujo las cajas de cartón para que mi bolsa entre, pero muchos simplemente dejan las bolsas en la calle. Yo y mi esposa vinimos a España para una agradable vida relajada, pero en cambio tenemos que lidiar todos los días con hechos frustrantes como este. Finalmente, nos gustaría dar las gracias a ustedes inmensamente por lo que han hecho por nosotros. Atte: Giuseppe Messina
Hola a los dos, tengo una solicitud - y esta será la última vez- la próxima vez que se reúnan con el Ayuntamiento ¿pueden mostrarles esta foto?, como he mencionado antes hay un espacio de más de 3m. entre un contenedor y el otro, lo suficientemente grande para aparcar un coche. El problema es que cuando pasa el
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camión de la basura, vacía uno de los contenedores pero el otro no, ya que la parte trasera del coche está casi tocando el contenedor, así que, supongo que por miedo a dañar el coche, deciden no vaciarlo y esperar a que el coche se vaya. Lo lógico es que los dos contenedores deben estar cerca el uno del otro, bueno, al menos eso es lo que pienso. Atentamente: Giuseppe Messina
ver con la propiedad, por lo que sólo va a empeorar. Si nos pueden dar cualquier ayuda o información. Saludos, Tom Lormor no.23 c / Bélgica, Loreto dice, vaya a la Oficina del Consejo GA, hacer una denuncia y el Ayuntamiento puede entonces ir a la zona y tomar medidas.
Ahora que la valla de mercadillo se ha movido, la gente está usando parte del terreno baldío para pasear a sus perros en la parte superior del aparcamiento. Sería una buena idea si fijaran algunos contenedores a una parte de la valla. Hace un par de días tuve que lavar la acera cerca de mi casa ya que un perro había hecho sus necesidades, claramente el perro estaba enfermo o en mal estado porque todo estaba lleno de gusanos, lo cual me hizo sentir enfermo. Gracias por poner mi foto de mi cebolla gigante en la revista, ¡ahora soy famoso! Best Wishes Graham Loreto llamó a la policía y ellos están tratando de obtener autorización para permitirles vestir de civil para hacer frente a los propietarios de perros. Esto también les permitirá patrullar en otras áreas también. Hola Barry, ¿podría transmitir este mensaje a Loreto por favor? Es en relación con la propiedad de al lado a la nuestra. La casa ha estado desocupada durante los últimos 5 años y está en una condición muy mala. El jardín está lleno de malezas de más de un metro de altura. Hay una piscina detrás de la casa con agua sucia y está llena de mosquitos. Los dos ancianos que eran dueños de la propiedad murieron hace unos 5/6 años. Sus familias no quieren tener nada que
Hola a los dos! Me preguntaba si ustedes podrían poner esto en la revista del mes que viene. Yo estuve en el Hospital de Elche durante 10 días enfermo de Meningitis. Estuve una noche en la sala de observación y otros 9 en aislamiento donde tuve la mejor atención que podría haber recibido. Todo el personal médico, los médicos, enfermeras, incluso las señoras de la limpieza tenía una palabra amable para mí. ¡Quisiera darles un gran agradecimiento a todos! H.W.Claxton también conocido como Bert
Hola Barry & Sandra, He estado leyendo su revista mes a mes… ¿Me pueden decir la ubicación exacta del hotel propuesto? ¿Estará cerca del Faro? (creo recordar murmullos acerca de la propuesta hace unos años.) También me pregunto de quién es el descampado que está pasado el Brico y antes de Balcones del Mar. ¿Existen planes propuestos para el sitio? Lleva sin arreglar desde hace bastantes años y las aceras aún no se han terminado allí (Sugiero que sería un excelente aparcamiento para el nuevo mercadillo) Mi marido y yo vamos a venir a GA. a finales de este mes, por lo que esperamos un poco de buen tiempo! Gracias! Un cordial saludo: Helen. El sitio para el hotel se puede ver en la
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última página en el mapa de GA. Puede ver que antes del Faro hay un terreno coloreado de rosa, este será el sitio para el futuro hotel. Con respecto al descamado que mencionas, es de propiedad privada y todavía no hay planes para construir en esta zona. Así que un pavimento no será construido hasta que los propietarios empiecen a construir.
una broma, hemos estado atentos y si tenemos suerte hemos visto al barrendero una vez al mes! Cuando Loreto llama a los responsables, se ve una acción inmediata, pero desafortunadamente no dura mucho tiempo! Todos pagamos el Suma así que todos merecemos que nuestros contenedores y calles estén limpios.
Hola Barry & Sandra, Sigue siendo la mejor revista informativa de la Costa Blanca! He leído con interés la carta de Giuseppe Messina, también en el pasado he expresado mi preocupación por los contenedores, los excrementos de los perros y también la falta de limpieza viaria en Gran Alacant. He tenido reuniones con Loreto, que es muy agradable conmigo y me agradece por traerle estos problemas a su atención, pero todavía nos falta la acción. Estoy de acuerdo con Giuseppe, los contenedores y las zonas que los rodean son una vergüenza, especialmente cuando estamos de temporada alta, se ve la falta de contenedores suficientes para contener toda la basura. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que vimos como limpiaban los contenedores con una lavadora a presión? Los contenedores están en muy mal estado y algunos son peligrosos de abrir debido al mecanismo de pie no funciona así que hay que hacerlo a mano. La mayor parte del daño ya está hecho por los camiones que los vacían. Le he pedido a Loreto que venga a mi calle para mostrarle donde la basura se acumula en las aceras y todos los excrementos de perros, etc., etc. Pero ella no ha venido todavía. Me he quejado de Calle Chipre y Malta calle que rara vez son barridas, Loreto dice que se deben barrer cada dos días con el camión de limpieza viaria, eso es
Saludos cordials: Bill Loreto no tenía comentarios. Pueden ver la respuesta el mes que viene.
5 de Octubre- Día de Carrera Abel Antón - para los niños y adultos en el aparcamiento del Centro Comercial GA. Los carteles para la Carrera Abel Antón está en esta edición de nuestra revista.
Gracias a las quejas del mes pasado por el camión de basura que goteaba aceite, ..... Ahora se ha reparado!
El Ayuntamiento ha abierto el aparcamiento para coches del nuevo Mercadillos ya que varios negocios y locales de la zona han hecho una petición para usarlo para sus clientes
El problema constante para los dueños de las casas en Altomar 1 y Panorama que durante más de 7 años han sufrido muy malos olores de alcantarillado, puede que por fin esté llegando a su fin. Sandra & Barry
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Hi to everybody in Santa Pola or in the Costa Blanca. Is still being very hot but the fiestas in the Costa Blanca carry on. This month there’re more parades of Moors and Christians being held in Benidorm 5th, Crevillent 4th and 5th, Rafal, Planes, Callosa d’en Sarria 11th and 12th, Campello 12th and Calpe, 17th to 22nd. There are also local fiestas in Jalon, Polop or pilgrimages like the well-known in Benejuzar “el Pilar” on the 12th . And the popular “ Abel Anton – Gran Alacant “ race on the 5th. This is all for now
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FERAL FRIENDS OF GRAN ALACANT & nearby areas Bank account details: 0073 0100 54 0486406431 Iban ES94, Swift OPENESMM
There are many Vet bills/animals in need. You can help by: Sponsor an animal for an amount per month or puntual donations.
Daisy´s kittens actual pic
Mother daisy with kittens born 1 day after rescuing pregnant f. between 2 busy roads by GA shopping C. opp. Gym, on 15.8.14 PLEASE ADOPT
Adorable whites
Volunteers are needed for the 2nd. hand market stall starting October.
We all need a forever-home, only asking for some love and food. There are many more mouths to feed, Spring-Summer high season for litters and not many homes to foster them. FERAL FRIENDS DOES NOT HAVE A SHELTER. OUR WORK IS TO TRAP FERALS TO STERELIZE THEM AND SAVE & ATTEND THOSE INJURED OR ILL. Due to lack of funds since 2012 We are only attending extreme urgencies. PLEASE DONATE !! SUPPORT US, PLEASE your support makes a difference. phone : 697 574 199 (not Sundays)
Foster Homes & Volunteers Needed. Litter, food & material accepted (except Generic Markets brand food. Aldi is OK). For info contact 697 574 199 (except Sundays)
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Mobile phones unlocked Sim cards cut down EMAIL:
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We are easy to find in El Altet. From Gran Alacant turn off the N332 signposted El Altet. Over the roundabout. Over the traffic lights and we are on the right, before the next roundabout.
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PERSONALIZED ATTENTION, I advise on the best product according to your type of driving and use.
RAPID FITTING. The largest stock & quick fitting of leading brands of tyres.
QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL, own training center.
LATEST MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGIES integral to service your car, even the guarantee of origin. ALL YEAR SAVINGS. Exclusive savings plan through the card and follow individualized PAS Maintenance of your vehicle.
PROXIMITY, national 1Red, 667 workshops in Europe, Near your house, you have a workshop, Confort Auto. RENEWED ISO 9001 Quality anuaimente by independent certification.
SOCIAL COMMITMENT TO USE organic products, tyres, oil etc. Colaboration with NGOs involved in road safety
There are coffee shops next to us when waiting for that short job to be carried out. For longer jobs drive your car over to us and we will run you home, and collect you when your car is ready, if in the Gran Alacant area.
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The M.A.B.S.
is off to a flying start with their new venue for this years show. Right on our door step at CLUB SOCIAL COSTA HISPANIA behind the carabasi strip in Gran Alacant. Due to the huge sell out of tickets last year we have taken your advice and have booked the venue for four nights, the dates are 3rd 4th 5th 6th of November. Please look out for posters to where tickes can be purchased. This years show is promises to be a knock out with lots of surprises and special guests. Tony Hall will be doing the music. Thankyou to the great Murphy and Lis of Sol Builders who jumped in and sponsored the Las Vagas head dresses, that I had no idea how to start making.Thank you Murphy so much I will be taking you up on your very kind offer for anything we are need of.
PLEASE GIVE M.A.B.S. THE SUPPORT YOU GAVE IN LAST YEARS SHOW, M.A.B.S. NEEDS YOU ALL . THANK YOU JEAN. See the Gran Alacant map at the back of this magazine for our location.
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Important information from ORKE Services
How will you divide 7 mangoes between 10 people? By making Mango Shake!
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In a whole year, where does the maximum amount of ice fall? In Glasses of wine!
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AT THE CARABASI COMPLEX a subsiduary of Olimpo Construction & Reforms. Open Monday-Friday: 10 am- 1pm and 4 pm- 7 pm - Saturday by appointment
visit our showroom visite nuestra sala de exposici贸n bezoek onze showroom
Ask for our new shower screens and shower bases comprehensive reforms reformas integrales
Phone: Juli谩n: 660 65 18 27 Alex: 608 280 958
gabi quark page.qxp_Master magazine 23/09/2014 14:04 Page 3
Avd Noruega 214 local 4. Gran Alacant. Phone 966 698 705 for reservations
your family run Spanish Restaurant at the Carabasi *food *drinks *sport
WIN € 100 SATURDAY 11th OCTOBER “competition for the fastest to eat the super gabi” Reserve a seat to paticipate. Entry fee to eat, €15 ORDER THE BURGER MEAL & EAT IT WITHIN
We ALL ate the burger!!!!!!
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Mon - Sat 10am - 2pm. and 5pm - 10pm Sunday. 10.00 - 8.30pm
The Original and The Best.
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Gran Alacant Council pledges support for Horse Rescue Centre The Santa Pola (Gran Alacant) council has strengthened its relationship with the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre after meeting with co-founder Sue Weeding and local business supporters Karen Webster of G.A. Homefinders with Barry and Sandra Lane from the Gran Alacant Advertiser on August 28.
The Councillor for Gran Alacant Loreto Cascales has pledged the councils support towards the Rojales centre in recognition of their important work to prevent animal cruelty and neglect in the Alicante province.
“They have given our information to the local police so now if there is a situation involving horses and donkeys in their area, we can be sure that we will be informed very quickly,” Sue said. “We were also very impressed to learn that the council banned circuses with animals two years ago, as well as any type of bullfighting or running with the bulls. It’s great to know the council is so forward-thinking and supportive when it comes to animal welfare issues.” Sue thanked the Gran Alacant community for their tremendous support over the past few years, especially the volunteers who regularly muck out stables and the group donating their time to staff the new Gran Alacant charity shop, which opened in July.
“We’ve had massive support for the shop, which already has a huge following despite being open for only a few weeks,” Sue said. “The locals love it because it is the only charity shop in Gran Alacant.”
The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre welcomes any donations and sponsorships to help support their important work. Large donated items such as furniture can be collected from your house and each shop also offers a delivery service for large items purchased from the charity shops. Please contact the charity shop hotline on 652 021 980 for more information about furniture pick-ups and volunteering.
Every single cent donated to EHCRC or spent in their eight charity shops across the Alicante province goes towards the feeding and care of the many horses, ponies and donkeys that live at the centre. The EHCRC charity shops are located in La Zenia, Los Montesinos, La Siesta, Ciudad Quesada, Guardamar, La Marina, Pilar de Horadada and Gran Alacant. IMPORTANT INFORMATION DUE TO ESSENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WORK OUR OPENING DAY`S ARE CHANGING
The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre will be open to the public every Sunday up until Sunday 2nd November then only on the first Sunday of every month between 1pm and 4pm. Entrance is free and refreshments and tasty food are available in the garden café. The first horse tour begins at 2pm, where you can get meet and pat the residents, hear their stories and see firsthand where your money is spent. EHCRC is located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga 59. For more details and directions to the centre, please visit
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Live Music Saturday afternoons 11th & 25th 1-30pm - 3.30pm
We are easy to find in El Altet. Leave the N332 just up the road from GA signposted El Altet. Turn right at the first traffic lights and we are on the left.
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Welcome to the Commercial Centre the area of Gran Alacant that includes:-
here and on the next six pages
PLUS on page 3 GRANNET As you leave the N332 to come on to Gran Alacant this area is on your right.
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REF.: GA0306 GRAN ALACANT Energy Proficiency Rating 1 floor Apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances, Airconditioning, Glazed terrace, Grills, Double glazed, New tiling on solarium, Sea views, Communal pool. PRICE: 75.000 €
REF.: GA0253 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT URB. NOVAMAR Nice ground floor apartment with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, fully furnished and with white goods, electric heating, communal swimming pool, Beautiful and peaceful surroundings PRICE: 95.000 €
REF.: GA0157 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT URB. ALTOMAR II Nice apartment in urbanization with several communal gardens and pools. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living / dining room and separate kitchen. Covered storage room with access from the bedroom. PRICE: 78.500 €
REF.: GA0150 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT MONTE Y MAR ALTO Apartment with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Fully furnished and with appliances: Airconditioning 3 Bedrooms. Year: 2005 Baths: 1, M2 Living: 66 m2 Terraces: 1 Mountain views: PRICE: 79.000 €
REF.: GA0070 GRAN ALACANT TOWNHOUSE - URB. BRISAMAR Townhouse with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, Furnished and with kitchen appliances, Solarium, Communal pool, Childrens playground, Tennis court, Enclosed urbanization, Nice and quiet PRICE: 95.000 €
REF.: GA0069 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - MONTE Y MAR ALTO Groundfloor apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Fully Furnished and with appliances. Ceiling fans, Glazed in terrace, communal pool and within a gated urbanization. Close to all amenities PRICE: 85.000 €
REF.: GA0052 GRAN ALACANT TOWNHOUSE MONTE Y MAR ALTO Townhouse with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, Completely furnished and with appliances, Air conditioning, Solarium, Basement, Communal pool, Inside the urbanization.
REF.: GA0047 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - MONTE Y MAR BAJO Topfloor Apartment with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances, Air bconditioning, Awnings, Security grills, Communal pool, Nice and quiet. 2km from the sandy beach. PRICE: 79.000 €
PRICE: 100.000 €
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REF.: GA0123 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - URB. PUERTO MARINO Groundfloor Apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances, Air conditioning, Gas natural heating, Glazed in porch, Satellite dish, Big sunny terrace, Communal pool. PRICE: 89.950 €
REF.: GA0045 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - URB. SUEÑO AZUL Lovely topfloor apartment with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, Furnished and with appliances, Overlooking the communal pool, Lovely gardens, Nice and quiet urbanization, Nearby all amenities. PRICE: 60.000 €
REF.: GA0105 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - URB. PUERTO MARINO Top floor Apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances, Solarium, Communal pool, Childrens Playground, Nearby all amenities PRICE: 79.995 €
REF.: GA0041A GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - MONTE Y MAR ALTO Ground floor south facing apartment with communal swimming pool. Close to all local amenities. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge/diner, american style kitchen, and all white goods. PRICE: 78.500 €
REF.: GA0092 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT MONTE Y MAR ALTO Ground floor corner apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Partially furnished with appliances, Air conditioning, Double glazed, Natural gas cntral heating, Combi boiler, Flyscreens, PRICE: 89.500 €
REF.: GA0012 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT - MONTE Y MAR ALTO Topfloor Apartment with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances. Electric wall heaters, Log burning fire, Communal pool, Nice and quiet urbanization PRICE: 80.000 €
REF.: GA0085 GRAN ALACANT FLAT/APARTMENT MONTE Y MAR ALTO Top floor Apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, Completely furnished and with appliances, Ceiling fans, Communal pool, Lovely views PRICE: 90.000 €
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LOT 'S WIFE The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, 'My Mommy looked back once while she was driving,' he announced triumphantly, 'And she turned into a telephone pole!'
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GOOD SAMARITAN A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan. She asked the class, 'If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?' A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, 'I think I'd throw up.'
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Baby squid
Rib-eye steak
Sirloin steak
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DID NOAH FISH? A Sunday school teacher asked, 'Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark ? No,' replied Johnny. 'How could he, with just two worms.'
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La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..L
NEW CHARITY SHOP NOW OPEN IN LA MARINA URB. Situated in Avenida Londres next door to Cuts R Us barbers the new shop is bristling with bargains for everyone. New stock of men’s and women’s clothing, bedding, bric a brac and much more arrives several times a week so you are sure to find what you are looking for amongst the professionally displayed items.
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..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..
Tel: 966 797 119 659 728 128
Tel: 966 797 119 or 659 728 128
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Pets In Spain is a website dedicated to the re-homing of abandoned and unwanted animals on the Costa Blanca. Whether you are looking to adopt an animal, advertise an animal or if you simply want to know more about taking care of your pet in Spain, please take a look at our site. To view more animals for adoption go to: GREAT If you would like to advertise an animal email: NEWS The 6 Belgian Shepherd pups and Nina have all been adopted. Our beautiful Balu is a very happy and playful little kitten. He is approx 10 weeks old, good with other cats and started his vaccinations. Call: 645 469 253
Jessica is about 6 months old and looks like a mini Belgian Shepherd cross. This poor little girl wasn't even in the fencing of the hoarders property with over 300 dogs, she was just wandering all over including in the road. She is a little shy but is slowly gaining in confidence with the loving she is finally getting. She weighs around 6 kilos and will be medium size when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253
Heidi is such a sweet little girl, she was 1 of 300 dogs in a house in Murcia that needed urgent rescue, she crawled up to us on her tummy as we were leaving the house where we had already rescued 10 dogs and we couldn’t leave her. She is around 6 months old, weighs about 6 kilos and will be medium size when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253 Joshua is 1 of the 11 dogs we rescued from a dog hoarder in Murcia. He is now around 6 months old and weighs 5.5 kilos so will be small when fully grown. He is good with other dogs, cats and is very affectionate and loyal. Call: 645 469 253.
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Adverts on pages 45-49 are in two traffic free squares on Gran Alacant.
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MONTEMAR BOWLS AND SOCIAL CLUB (Sponsored by Super Valu) Hola Everyone, both Sue and me are now back from our Break back in the UK, never expected to return to such high Temperatures, a bit sweaty on the bowls green but at least it enables me to with her who must be obeyed permission to have a Pint or 3. Firstly Congratulations have to go to Geraldine Fisher, Harry Dobson and Gordon Fisher for Winning the SABA Trips (see pic) a fantastic performance, They beat on the way some very good teams. Also congratulations go to Denise Ashberry, John Corbet, Dave Melville and Alan Ashberry for Winning the Internal Sunset League. Monday 15th September we held a Charity Bowls match with teams that are also appearing in the MonteMar Open that starts on the 16th September. The Winning team came from El Cid. A nice amount of Money was raised for Local Charities. Tuesday 16th September MonteMar Bowls Club held their Annual MonteMar Open, teams come from far and wide to play in such a Prestige event and a big thanks must go to Dave Melville & his band of helpers for all their hard work in organizing the event. The event is split into 4 Groups who play 7 Matches over the next 3 Days. The Winners of each group play in the Semi- Final on Friday Morning and the Runners up in each group play on Friday morning in the MonteMar Plate with the winners of the semi finals play on Friday Afternoon. The Bowling in the Final was of the highest quality with the Winners of the MonteMar Open the team from San Luis, Colin Jackson, Colin Lindgren, June Jones and Keith Jones (see pic) Runners up the team from South Leeds AKA MonteMar, Leslie Jones, Peter Jones, Pauline Woodfine and Barrie Woodfine (see pic). The Winners of the Plate were the team from Mazarron, Richard Cooper, Julie Cooper, Dave Green and Nina McKenzie (see pic) Runners up in the plate the team from MonteMar. Denise Ashberry, John Corbet, Dave Melville and Alan Ashberry (see pic). For further information about MonteMar Bowls and Social Club, Please contact Press Officer Brian Zelin 966790606 and on also at and on Facebook.
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BEING THANKFUL A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, 'So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?' The little boy replied, 'Thank God he's in bed!'
CCW electrical services Qualified electrician All electrical work undertaken Tel 617872405 contact Clive or Wendy
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A fire over the Clot at Gran Alacant. Pictures sent to us by Bryan Thomas
Members from the Gran Alacant British Legion photos from the WW1 100 Year Commemoration Service held at Orihuela Costa in August.
(50 golden years) Â Bill and Kath Taylor Urb Brisamar
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Jellyfish on the local beach. Picture sent to us by Star Hayne
The first 2 pictures were taken in the town of Chemanus, towards the south of Vancouver Island, it's an old mining, then logging town that almost became extinct.The third picture was taken on Vacouver Island. it's an old mining, then logging town that almost became extinct, but some enterprising locals decided to re-vitalise the town and so began painting huge murals on all the buildings walls outside in the open. Now it's firmly a regenerated place with it being on the tourist trail, with many travellers from across Canada and the USA, plus coach trips from Nanaimo when cruise ships call in en-route to Alaska. The pictures were all taken in late July, and the one with the name 'North Pole' on was outside a Christmas shop, in Chamanus where they sell Christmas decorations all the year round. Sue & Michael.
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Tel: 966 698 569
Liliana Aldeguer Cerdán 793 English translation by Sergio Reina Esteban col 747
Ageing is a natural process which affects every alive being, and it’s totally normal losing some abilities (agility and flexibility) during its evolution. But if we are talking about losing memory and learning ability, the animal night be developing a dementia. Most owners know the fact that, as the pet gets older, some physical problems such as osteoarthritis and cataracts will appear, and they are a normal part of ageing. Nevertheless, some behavioural changes may indicate that, apart from the normal ageing process, a dementia may eventually appear. The moment when an animal starts being considered as “old” may vary depending on the species and the individual: in case of cats, they are considered as geriatric patients when they are older than 12 years. In case of a dog, depending on the breed, that moment will vary between 7 and 12 years. What kinds of changes are associated with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)? -Disorientation: the animal stops recognizing its habitual environment and starts wandering (or suddenly gets stopped at the corridor, looking at nowhere).
-Memory loss: the animal stops doing tricks or obeying orders that were perfectly learned in the past (such as “sit” or lay down”). -Increased vocalization: the animal barks or meows all the time, without demonstrating any pain or need (such as asking for food or going for a walk). -Sleeping alterations: the animal spends all the day sleeping, and all night walking around.
-Abnormal socialization patterns: the animal is unable to be alone in a room, and demands owner attention all the time, or maybe it wants to be alone all the time and refuses every cuddle. -Aggresiveness: sometimes because they don’t recognize family members and get scared. It’s very common that all its previous phobias (fear of children or noises) get worse and worse, so it reacts in an aggressive way.
All these signs are different in dogs and cats due to their different lifestyles. In cats, the owner usually reports it’s cleaning itself too much or maybe it has stopped doing it completely, and sometimes it stops going upstairs or using the litter tray. In case of very well trained and intelligent dogs, the signs start being evident very early, because they stop doing things which they had learned successfully in the past, such as obeying difficult orders or agility training, before behavioural alterations are detected. All these signs may not be exclusive of CDS, but also other problems: osteoarthritis, hyperthyroidism in cats, cystitis or colitis, because they may eventually produce a decreasing of normal activity and problems with urine and defecation. For this reason it’s important to have the animal checked by a Vet if the owner detects some of these signs, just to make sure if we are facing a CDS or not, and in case of a diagnosis of CDS, to start taking measures against it as soon as possible.
CDS is a condition that has no cure, but we can delay or stop its evolution by providing the animal a good diet, some vitamins and minerals, and some small changes in the animal’s environment which make its life easier: for example making food and water bowls and litter tray more accessible, providing ramps or stairs when the animal is unable to access some places by jumping, and using some “intellectual games” (searching a prize, learning some simple orders) for keeping its brain active, and avoiding sudden changes in its daily life (new pets, specially critical in cats, new home decoration, etc). Of course, there are some specific medicines available for treating this problem, but they are not valid in every case, and they should be used only under Veterinarian supervision.
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One thing often said about Gran Alacant is that there is nothing to do other than beach, bars and restaurants. I came across Dive Academy Santa Pola on google, rang them up and booked onto their famous Snorkel Safari to Tabarca Marine Reserve. Gary and Wayne the owners who live in Gran Alacant were happy to pick us up on route to the dive centre 10 minutes away. We had a fantastic trip and when we sat down for Tea, Coffee or Beers afterwards they told me I could actually go scuba diving!! I thought it was only the Jacques Cousteau’s and professionals that could do it. We booked to do the Discover Scuba Diving course designed to teach you step by step and although I was nervous to begin with the instructor was very professional and we
Did you know!!!!!!!
Angie at Aqaurius tells us that you can extend your passport by one year, for free, if it is within three months of expirey. Go to the Consulate at Alicante, armed with the correct documents and its job done. See British consulate website for more information.
ended up having a lot of fun. It wasn’t as scary as first thought and we got photos to prove we did it! We travelled in the dive van to the site and then started with a theory lesson. Then we entered the water from the beach so it was nice and shallow and we completed some exercises designed to put you at ease. Then we went for our first dive in shallow water but later after a break for lunch we got to go back in and try a little deeper. This was the best one as I was so relaxed by then and we saw loads of fish and Octopus. We are all going to book for our Open water Diver licences and we get 10% off future courses and dive kit too. Dive Academy run these courses every day of the year what-ever the weather and my son wants to become an instructor now so he is working towards his Instructor Development Course in November 2013. You only have to book one day before and there is lots of information on the website and facebook. Tel: 966699088 or 648463310 email:
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TIME TO PRAY A pastor asked a little boy if he said his prayers every night. 'Yes, sir.' the boy replied. 'And, do you always say them in the morning, too?' the pastor asked. 'No sir,' the boy replied. 'I’m not scared in the daytime.'
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by Mark Etheridge
I spend a lot of my free time taking bird photographs, usually searching for that one stunning, well-lit and well posed masterpiece which will bring me instant fame and fortune (it hasn’t happened yet!), but also to capture an image of a bird which may just be visible for a fleeting moment, and giving me a chance to study it more carefully at a later time on my computer monitor. There are several small birds – often referred to as LBJ’s (Little Brown Jobs) by birders – which take a lot of identification and sometimes a photograph is the only way you are going to get close to an ID. Other birds are very easily identified, for example in our area the Hoopoe is totally unmistakeable to anyone who has even a passing interest in birds, there is nothing else which looks even vaguely like it. Other birds in this category are the Bee-eater, the Kingfisher and of course our old friend the Robin. Which is what you might think the bird in my photograph this month is. But it isn’t.
It’s a Stonechat, known in Spanish as Tarabilla común, and is easily seen in the Clot around this time of the year. This bird does spend all year around our area, but its numbers are increased in the autumn by an influx of migrating birds from more northerly climes, and you can often see them in the new scrape area just over the road from the Carabassi bars. They often perch boldly at the top of dead or dying weeds, giving their distinctive “chack-chack” call, which sounds exactly like two stones being banged together, hence its English name.
They used to be classified as one of the Thrush family (as is the Robin) but recently they have been reclassified into the “Old World Flycatcher” family, which is what they do – catch flies! They also eat seeds during the autumn, which is why the seed-bearing weeds in the scrape area are so popular with them at this time of the year.
The bird in my photo is a male, and the main difference from the common Robin is that black head. The females are much duller, and are the typical LBJ type bird (see above!) which some birders find so difficult, but usually you will find the much more recognisable male nearby as well, these are very sociable birds.
They are common enough birds in the UK, but not often seen unless you go to their particular habitat of rough ground with low bushes, often beside the seaside where they add a colourful splash to drab areas.
You can see more photographs of birds and other animals from our area by visiting See you next month.
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WORDSEARCH “CATS” in Spanish and English
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Difficulty rating: easy
To solve the puzzle each 3 x 3 box, each row and each column must contain all the numbers 1 to 9.
While the rules of this logic puzzle may be simple, there are numerous strategies to help you solve Sudoku. For hints and information visit Difficulty rating: medium
Difficulty rating: hard
quark GA Map 2 pages.qxp_Master magazine 23/09/2014 15:56 Page 1
A map to help you find places of interest, and the locaton of all of o
Proposed new road
BLUE AREAS SUCH AS “SPORTS CENTRE” & BROWN AREAS SUCH AS THE “SCHOOL” are reserved for Council amenities, and are NOT for housing
from previous page EASY HARD
1 6
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f our advertisers on Gran Alacant. Get your business on our map. PARK
GA farmacia
Aquagest 24hr..(water co.)...902 250 170 Aeropuerto..............................966 919 000 Ayuntamiento-Gran Alacant. ............966 697 749 Alicante Bus Station...............965 130 700 Alicante Train Station.............902 240 202 Bomberos (Fire).....................085 Biblioteca (Library)..................966 692 773 British Consulate (Alic)...........902 109 356 Butano gas..............................966 672 222 Elche Hospital.........................966 616 900 Guardia Civil............................062 Guardia Civil............................965 411 290
Iberdrola..(electric co.)............901 202 020 Library GA............................ 966 697 110 Local Police...........................092 Local Police...........................965 411 103 Medical Health Service........966 699 081 National Police......................091 Red Cross (Cruz Roja)........965 416 936 Red Cross emergencies.....112 Rubbish collection.................966 693 955 Suma......................................965 292 000 Taxi sited at LIDL...................96 541 11 11 Telefonica..............................1004
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from September 1st 2014 to June 20th 2015
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This is the route and times for the bus that circulates around Gran Alacant. If you miss one, it will usually be back in half an hour. TIMETABLE & ROUTE FOR THE GRAN ALACANT TOURIST TRAIN From 16/09/2014 to 15/10/2014 Monday to Sunday from 10:00h till 14:00 h and 16:00h till 22:00h. ----From 16/10/2014 till 31/03/2015 Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00h till 14:00h Sunday and Monday not service. ----From 7/01/2015 to 31/01/2015 stop for maintenance.
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(your choice of tiles for the garden or house). All types of
BUILDING WORK undertaken
UNDERBUILD CONVERSIONS (you choose what you want. 1, 2, 3 bedrooms or just 1 large room for your own home cinema).
Coral & Serena terrace extensions. Bring your terrace foreward gives more room Auroras & Albas Terrace extensions FROM SMALL TERRACES TO
LARGE EXTENSIONS All work guaranteed! Give SOL a call on 606 818 442 or E-mail