Handbook 2013 2014

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“Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true…” Science and Health page 261

THE PRINCIPLES On Which Our Dorm Community Operates  Spiritual Growth  Academic Success  Consideration for others  Consideration for the physical environment  Safety


New U/S Boarders not at Pre-season Training arrive

Sat. Aug 24

New Parent and New Student Orientation (TBA)

*Sun. Aug. 25

Returning U/S boarders arrive

Sun. Aug. 25

PPA Ice Cream Social 2 -3:30 pm –Social Center Patio

Mon. Aug. 26

Upper School Registration

Wed. Sept 18

Missouri Day

Fri, Sept 27

Prin Giving Day

Sat Sept 28-Mon Sept 30

Senior Retreat

Fri.-Sun., Oct. 11-13

Upper School Family Weekend

Wed.-Fri. Nov. 27-29

Thanksgiving Break (No Classes)

Tues.-Th. Dec 10-12

Fall Semester Final Exams

*Fri. Dec. 13

Christmas Break travel day

*Mon. Jan. 6

All boarders return

Tues. Jan. 7

Spring Semester classes begin


Fri. Feb 7

Prin Giving Day

*Fri. Mar. 7

Spring Break travel day

*Sun. Mar. 23

All boarders return

Mon. Mar. 24

Spring semester classes resume

Thurs.-Sat. Apr. 3-5

Spring musical production

Tues.- Fri. Apr. 22-25

Senior Final exams

Fri Apr 25

Prin Giving Day

Tues.-Fri. May 20-23

Underclassmen final exams

Fri -Sun. May 23-25

U/S graduation weekend (details TBD)

Sun. May 25

Graduation (Required for all students)

Mon.–Sat. May 26-31

Trip Week (Required for underclassmen)

*Sat.-Sun, May 31- June 1

Travel days for underclassmen TBD

* indicates TRAVEL DAYS for boarders

GIRLS’ DORM SCHEDULE SCHOOL MORNINGS 7:00am Dorm office (119) opens. It is expected that everyone will be up by this time. 7:20 BE SHOWERED, BED MADE, ROOM CLEAN, DRESSED AND READY FOR SCHOOL 7:20-7:50 Bible Lesson Study (Doors open, MUSIC OFF, Bed made) If your hall does BLS at another time, PLEASE stay on YOUR hall during these hours to 7:45 Breakfast opens maintain QUIET for those doing metaphysical preparation. 8:10 Classes START MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:00pm DORM QUIET; Boys leave; TV’s off. 7:30 Check in at during Daylight Savings 7:15 Check in on Standard Time. 10:15 Dorm Quiet. Students on own hall preparing for bed; Prinweb/ internet off. 10:30 All cell phones off. Lights out! WEDNESDAY THREE STYLES OF TESTIMONY MEETINGS 6:55pm Check-in DORM OR HALL – girls only in dorm or hall living room; study begins immediately. 7:00 JOINT – boys and girls in *Check-in and study time begins right after service. 7:00 Ridgway* OFF-CAMPUS – at local CS churches* *Check-in and study time begins right away. 9:30 May be off halls and have music on 10:15 Dorm Quiet. Students on own hall. Prinweb/ internet off. 10:30 All phones off. Lights Out! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Friday evening, plan your homework for the weekend. Check with your housemom to find out about schedule of hall meetings or outings. By 11:30pm

Check-in at 119 for Freshmen, Sophomores, and ANYONE ON CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS SIGN OUTS: 11:30pm Freshmen and Sophomores 12:00am Juniors and Seniors (Seniors may ask special permission to stay out until 12:30 as the need arises.) 11:30pm Dorm Quiet. 12:30am TV’s, computers and all cell phones off. Lights out. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MORNINGS: 8:00am HOUSEMOM OFFICE OPENS 9:30am Paging begins on Saturday (Sunday 9:00AM) NO BOYS IN DORM UNTIL 11:30AM SUNDAY EVENING 7:00pm Boys leave 7:30 Check in at during Daylight Savings 7:15 Check in on Standard Time. 7:30 – 9:30 Study Hall – check with your housemom about hall gatherings. 10:15 On own hall preparing for bed. Prinweb/ internet off. 10:30

All cell phones off. Lights out! (NO late night study)

2013-2014 Upper School Class Schedule Monday - 45 min Periods 8:10-8:40 Upper School Chapel

8:40-9:25 Period A

Tuesday - 90 min blocks 8:10-8:35 Advisory w/Chapel & Announcements 8:40-10:10 Block A

Wednesday – 90 min blocks 8:10-8:20 Chapel (w/2nd Period) 8:20-9:50 Block B

Thursday - 80 min blocks 8:10-8:50 Teacher collaboration Student Sleep - In

8/7/2013 Friday - 80 minute blocks 8:10-8:20 Chapel (w/2nd Period) 8:20-9:40 Block B

9:00-9:10 Chapel (w/1st period) 9:10-10:30 9:30-10:15 Period B

10:20-11:05 Period C

Block A

10 minute passing 10:20-11:50 Block C

10 minute passing 10:00-11:30 Block D

10 minute passing 9:50-11:10 Block D

10 minute passing 10:40-12:00 Block C 11:15-12:00 Advisory

11:10-11:55 Period D

11:30-12:00 Lunch 11:50-12:25 Lunch

11:55-12:25 Lunch

12:30-1:15 Period E

12:30-1:15 Period E

1:20-2:05 Period F

1:20-2:50 Block F

12:00-12:35 Community Block/Class Meetings/Clubs

12:00-12:35 Lunch

12:00-12:35 Lunch

12:40-1:25 Period E

12:40-1:25 Period E

12:40-1:25 Period E

1:30-3:00 Block G

1:30-2:50 Block F

1:30-2:50 Block G

2:50-3:30 Conference

2:50-3:30 Conference

2:10-2:55 Period G

2:55-3:30 Conference

2:50-3:30 Conference

3:00-3:30 Conference


WAKE UP: Everyone wakes themselves to be prepared to leave the dorm on time with bed made, room clean, and ready for school before Bible Lesson starts.

BIBLE LESSON STUDY: Bible Lesson Study is from 7:10 – 7:40am (8:00 – 8:30 on Thursdays). This time is for the study of the Christian Science Bible Lesson. You should be sitting upright in your room. It is expected that you will not be using your computer during this time. If you need to do some computer study during BLS, please check with your housemom and please be considerate not to be clicking on your computer while your roommate is studying. If your hall does not have BLS on a morning during BLS time, please remain on your hall so as not to disturb the rest of the dorm. (Thank you). Continue the reflective atmosphere after BLS – no music please!

LEAVING IN THE MORNING: Breakfast opens at 7:45am each school morning except Thursdays when it opens at 8:15. School starts at 8:10 Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday. You should be in your classroom and settled by 8:05. Thursday’s school starts at 9:00 so you should be in the class room 5 minutes prior. It is a life lesson to realize that 5 minutes prior to the start of something is “on time” and arriving when it starts is late. Leave for school through the front door.

DAILY ROOM REQUIREMENT: Keep your room clean and orderly each day (including Saturday and Sunday). Beds should be made, no clothes or other items on the floor, desktop straightened, dresser top neat, wastebasket not full, dirty clothes in a basket and carpet clean. Vacuum your room and change your linen at least once a week. Keep halls and bathrooms clean and clear. There will be random room inspections. There should not be any open food containers and all containers that had food in them should be thrown out daily. They will attract bugs and flies.

DORM USE DURING THE DAY: The dorm is closed to EVERYONE during the school day. In case of emergency see the receptionist at the academic building to request permission. If you come to the dorm during the day please check in with Mrs. Oyer. You are expected to have your school books, musical instruments, project supplies, and athletic clothes when you leave in the morning.

EVENING CHECK IN: Check in Sunday through Thursday is 7:30 during Daylight Savings and 7:15 pm on Standard Time. Check in on weekends is 11:30pm for freshmen, sophomores, and anyone on campus. Juniors and seniors may sign off campus until 12:00am. You may not go back outside after you have checked in.

STUDY HALL: Study hall is 7:30–9:30 Sunday–Thursday nights. You can always start earlier. If you have more homework than you can do in two hours, you are encouraged to return to the dorm earlier than check-in to get an early start. Use the time prior to study hall to gather what you need for study hall.. You should remain on your hall unless you have received special permission from your housemom and the housemom whose floor you are going to. If there is a need for group study, see your housemom. During study hall you are expected to be on your own hall and all doors should be open. You will need to put your cell phone in the cell phone pouch with your name on it. If you need to make a call during study hall, check with your housemom or your sister-housemom. There should not be any audible music playing. Headphones are OK, but be alert as to whether the music is enhancing or detracting from your learning. Day students should not be in the inner dorm after 7:30pm. They are welcome in the dorm living room if there is permission for you to study with them.

LATE STUDY PERMISSION: EVERYONE MUST BE ON THEIR OWN HALL AT 10PM LATE NIGHT STUDY IS AN EXCEPTION. All face washing, teeth brushing, running water must be done before you start your late night study. There should not be any water running after 10:30pm. Be sure to download all assignments or research material prior to 10:15 when the wireless is turned off. You should be in your pajamas and ready to slide into bed so as not to disturb your roommate when you come back in. WEEKDAY LIGHTS OUT: Bedtime is 10:30pm on school nights. The light in every dorm room should be off unless you are in a single AND have permission from your housemom to stay up. Everyone should be out of the bathrooms and in their rooms with lights out by 10:30pm. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING By: 11:30pm Check-in at 119 for Freshmen, Sophomores, and anyone on campus. By: 12:00am Check-in for Juniors and Seniors who are signed out. Seniors may request a 12:30am sign in when there is a specific need. WEEKEND LIGHTS OUT: Lights Out at 12:30 am. Please be considerate of those who have already gone to bed especially after 11:30pm. You may sleep in a friend’s room, but YOU MUST LEAVE A NOTE BY YOUR DOOR SAYING WHERE YOU CAN BE FOUND (please put the date on the note)! Also, you must get permission from your friend’s roommate. You may not share beds. There are sleeping mats at the end of the hall on 2nd North if you need them. SUNDAY NIGHT: Sunday afternoons are great for getting homework done, marking your Bible Lesson books, cleaning your rooms (Vacuum, dust, organize), etc… Sunday night is a time for your halls to gather for sharing, discussion, playing, etc.. Please be sure to allow at least an hour of time to be set aside for this important gathering. The 7:30 – 9:30 is still set aside as quiet time to get your homework and chores done. You must be on your own hall by 10:00pm. Wifi goes off at 10:15pm Lights out at 10:30pm for everyone. NO LATE STUDY!

The Dorm – How it Works (Expectations) MEALS:

You are expected to go to all meals and eat wisely. SUNDAY lunch is weekend reg. All evening and weekend meals are weekend reg. No visible bra straps, shorts must have a 4 inch inseam, no cleavage, no hats, music devices, or phones allowed at any time. Cell phones may not be used in the dining room. All attire should be clean, neat, whole, and modest.

GOING “IN”: If you feel unable to make it to school, please talk with a housemom. If you are ready to return to school during the day you will need to get a note from Mrs. Oyer or the housemom on duty. During the school day, if you need to come “IN,” please see the receptionist who will contact the dorm. If you return to class later than the beginning of lunch period you may not participate in sports or other activities after school. NOTE: When you miss a block day of school, it is like missing two days and it might be almost a week before you will see that teacher again. The dorm maintains an “IN” kitchen that has food for you to eat while you are IN during the day. SUNDAY SCHOOL: Everyone is assigned a Sunday School to attend at a local church. On Sunday morning please check in at 119, READY TO GO, 10 minutes before your bus leaves. The housemom in 119 will announce the arrival of the bus for each church. Leave the dorm by the main entrance. Please check with your Sunday School teacher about bringing your lesson books. Don’t forget to take money for contribution; it is an easy way to show gratitude for the work that the church members do in providing the service, and keeping the doors open and the rooms comfortable. NO HEADPHONES on BUSES or in Church. Cell Phones should not be seen or heard. NO FOOD or DRINKS, ON THE VANS OR BUSES. GENERAL PERMISSIONS: Your parents have filled out a General Permission form, listing the off-campus privileges they have approved. These forms, which you have read and signed, are in a notebook in 119 if you need to see them. It is your responsibility to know what your permissions allow and not sign out for anything that your parents have not given you permission to do. Any other special permission must be approved by the Residential Head. HAIR COLORING: The dress reg requires that your hair color be “natural.” You must have permission from your parents and the Residential Head to change the color of your hair. DAY STUDENTS IN THE DORM: Day students visiting the dorm Friday or Saturday evening should be off the halls and in the dorm lobby by 11:30pm to either be picked up by their families or to drive home. On school nights day students need to be in the living room by 7:30pm. BOYS VISITING HOURS: BOYS ARE WELCOME IN THE DORM LIVING ROOM AND LOBBY. Monday through Thursday: after school until 7:00pm Friday after school until 11:15pm Saturday 11:30 am until 11:15pm Sunday from 11:30am until 7:00pm

CONTACTING HOME: Your parents love to hear from you on a weekly basis either by phone, email or letter. THANK YOU NOTES: If you have been invited off campus on a special occasion, please write a thank you note within a day or two of the visit and let your housemom know you have done this. MARKING YOUR LESSON BOOKS: During the term when bookmarking is required, The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures should be marked and chalked each week in preparation for study of the weekly Bible Lesson from the “Christian Science Quarterly�. Books should be marked by 10:00pm Sunday evening. LINEN CHANGE: You may use your own linens or the sheets and pillowcases provided by the school. All linen should be laundered or exchanged once a week. Dorm sheets and towels may be placed in the bin outside the laundry room on Terrace level. If you use your personal sheets, you must wash them weekly. BICYCLES: Bikes may not be kept in the dorm. Please register your bike in the dorm office. State law requires lights and reflectors and Town and Country law requires that you wear a helmet. Please be aware that Mason Rd. and Weidman are off-bounds. There should be NO borrowing of bikes without permission from the owner. SKATEBOARDS, ROLLERBLADES and SCOOTERS: Please use extreme caution while traveling around campus. Be mindful of pedestrians and vehicles. No rollerblading, skateboarding or scootering in the dormitory or other buildings. The pathway down from the academic building to the dorms is off-limits to skateboarding. Skateboarders and rollerbladers MUST wear protective equipment. MOPEDS AND MOTORCYCLES: Boarders are allowed to ride on mopeds or motorcycles only with Special Permission from their parents. The driver must be school approved. Helmets are required. FURNITURE: Dorm furniture must stay in your room all year. If you wish to take the bunk bed down to make two single beds you need to let your housemom know so she can collect the hardware. All furniture should remain in its upright position. There may be only one mattress per bed. There should be no writing of any kind on the furniture, or on any property. WALLS/DOORS: Please be considerate of yourself and others regarding the pictures, posters, etc. that you choose to hang on your walls. Nothing sensual, violent, alcohol or drug related. No nude or partially nude pictures or posters will be permitted. Do not use nails or any kind of tape on the walls. You must use sticky tac. All painting and arts & crafts must be done in the rec room on newspaper - not in dorm rooms! NOTHING can be taped, sticky tacked, or nailed on the inside or outside of your door.

PROHIBITED ITEMS: The following items are prohibited: Standing halogen lamps; fireworks of any kind; weapons; knives; alcohol; tobacco; drugs; all medicated products; drug related items (including vitamins, stay-awake and diet pills); any form of contraceptive; matches; candles; incense; sunlamps; coffee makers; caffeinated coffee; hot-plates; hot coils for boiling; cooking appliances; space heaters; refrigerators; music with foul language or questionable themes, or with Parental Advisory ratings of “R” or above.

MOVIE LENDING LIBRARY: The dorm maintains a DVD library for borrowing movies. When you check out the movie, it is expected that you will watch it soon and return it within 24 hours to the housemom on duty who will initial that the movie has been returned (please show her it is in the case). Your sign out card will be pulled and will not be available until you return the movie. Do not loan a movie that you have signed out to a friend; turn it in first and let them sign it out. If you sign it out you are responsible for it.

MAILBOXES: Each boarder has a mailbox in the inner lobby. This is where you will receive mail and messages. Please do not use this as a storage unit. This space belongs to the person whose name is on it. You may put something in someone’s box, but you may not take anything out of any box that is not yours.

PRIVACY AND RESPECT FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY: It is forbidden to go into other people’s rooms if they are not there. Items may not be borrowed without explicit permission from the owner. You must obtain permission each time you borrow something - there are no “blanket” permissions. Even if you have permission, you may not go in unless the owner is present. Knock on any closed door before entering. WRITE YOUR NAME IN YOUR CLOTHES!!!!

CELL PHONES: All cell phones must be registered in 119 and a Cell Phone Use Policy signed. Failure to comply with these rules may mean loss of your cell phone for a period of time. CELL PHONE USE: BASED ON THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS, CELL PHONES SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING BIBLE LESSON, STUDY HALL, OR AFTER LIGHTS OUT.

RECYCLING: Recycling bins are located in the inner lobby, 2nd floor lobby, and on Terrace by the loading dock for paper, plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans, newspapers and magazines. Each dorm room has a wastebasket to be used for paper recycling. Please make an extra effort to recycle whenever possible. The school gets paid for paper that is recycled.

SAFETY REQUIRMENTS FOR DORM ROOMS: *IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND FIRE SAFETY IN THE DORM* Extension cords and power strips must be 1875 watts or greater with the approved ground. These are available in the Principia bookstore. Large pole lighting needs to be sturdy with either direct- or non-direct incandescent lights only. Be sure correct wattage is used in all lamps, at all times. ALL LAMPS MUST HAVE AN ON/OFF SWITCH. Beds must be three feet apart. Pathways to and from your door must be kept clear and free of obstacles. Nothing is to be hung from the light, the smoke detector, the fire sprinklers or the blinds. In case of fire it is imperative that you can be seen from your doorway. Nothing can be hanging that blocks the view into the room.

NOT ALLOWED: Standing halogen lamps and clamp lamps Wall plug adapters Wall hangings which are not fireproof COMPUTER USE: The Prinweb, including internet access, will be turned off at 10:15pm Sun – Thur. Failure to comply with the TUP agreement will result in monitored use of your computer. Continued indiscretions with your tablet may result in restricted use. Please be smart about your computer use! SECURITY: Campus has security hosts who check to be sure our dorm doors are locked at night. No exterior doors should ever be propped open. Visiting teams or guests should not be invited into the interior of the dorm. “Known” visitors must sign in the Visitor Book located in 119. A “visitor” is anyone who does not live in the dorm or is not a dorm staff member. Remember, this is our dorm-home and it is secured for your safety and well-being. You can reach security by calling 314-514-3111

SIGNING OUT You must sign out anytime you go off campus - even going to Mason Woods Village (Straubs, Starbucks, Subway) or any residence on Principia campus (including apartments at the boys dorm). Anytime you go past a gate, you should ask yourself, “Have I signed out?” GOING OFF CAMPUS:  Fill out your sign-out card (located in the rack outside 119)  Where you are going, YOU MAY NOT SIGN  How you are getting there, OUT SOMEONE  Who you will be with ELSE’S CARD  Your expected return time. - ONLY YOUR OWN!  The card must then be initialed by the housemom in 119. It is important that you be very specific should anyone need to reach you.  If riding in a car, your card must state “car”, with driver’s name.  If you are going to a day student’s home, we need a phone call from a parent saying there will be an adult at the home while you are there.**  The driver will need to come into 119 to pick you up.  The housemom on duty will circle her initials indicating she has seen the driver.  Then place the card in the appropriate rack in 119.  All student and college drivers must be approved by the Dean of Students. When you return, promptly place your card in the rack outside 119, so we know you are back on campus

** When signing out to a day student’s home we MUST speak to the parent of the day student before you leave.** IF YOUR PLANS CHANGE, it is important to call the dorm office, (314) 275-3544, and talk with the Housemom on duty. The call should be made prior to the time you signed out to return.

Special: Anyone wanting to leave the dorm in the morning before the office is open needs housemom approval the night before. Have your card filled out and signed the night before and slip it under the door when you leave in the morning.

OVERNIGHTS INVITATIONS OFF CAMPUS: Friday nights only and only once/month 1. Obtain the appropriate FORM from 119. 2. Student must ask her Housemom, and have her sign the form by Wednesday evening. 3. The inviting parent must call the dorm secretary to discuss - before 4:00pm on Thursday (for the coming weekend) - even earlier would be great! 4. Return the form, filled out and signed, to Mrs. Oyer before 4:00pm Thursday. 5. There must be a parent present at the home while you are visiting. 6. There are no overnights on Saturday night 7. Be sure to follow up with a Thank You note after the visit!

OVERNIGHT GUESTS IN THE DORM: 1. You must get permission from your Housemom to have an overnight guest. 2. Fill out appropriate form in 119 3. The guest’s parent must speak with Mrs. Oyer (314-275-3535) to give permission before Thursday at 4:00pm. . 4. Overnight visitors in the dorm need to sleep in the room they have been designated to sleep in by the dorm secretary or housemom. This should not change without housemom approval. WEEKEND AWAY: 1. If you will be missing ANY classes, your parents must call or email the Academic Dean for permission. This must be done BEFORE you check with the dorm about being away and before you arrange flights. PRIN COLLEGE VISITS: *Upper School Policy Permits Visits As Follows: 1. If you are 16 or older, you may visit your sibling at Principia College once per semester. This will count as a social visit. 2. Juniors may have a single Admissions Weekend visit during the year. Social overnights are not allowed except with siblings as outlined above. 3. Seniors may have one Admissions Weekend or one Social Weekend visit per term – two overnight visits per year. All college overnights require conversations between the dorm secretary and the RC of the house you will be visiting PRIOR to confirming permission to go. * If planning a weekend away, please see Mrs. Oyer for special instructions.

BOUNDARIES:  All students are asked to stay on the inner campus (The Green) after dark.  The inner campus extends from the Girls’ dorm to the Academic building, to the Boys’ dorm and Isabel House, not on or beyond the mile road.  ALL other areas are off-bounds.  If running after dark it must be on the inner Green (not near the Boys’ dorm).  The Boy’s Dorm is off-bounds to girls after 7:00pm on school nights and after 11:15pm on weekend nights.  There is no walking, running or biking on Mason, Weidman or Manchester Roads.  There should be no “lingering” in parked cars. Once you’ve checked in at night you are not to leave the dorm without housemom permission.


This is the dorm office located on the First Floor. An adult will be on duty there before and after school each day and on weekends from 8:00am until doors are locked. We urge you to keep your money, valuable jewelry, credit cards, travel info, tickets, and passports in the dorm safe in ”119”. Be wise about sharing your valuables. Approved student drivers must keep all sets of their car keys in the safe.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT’S OFFICE: Mrs. Oyer’s office is near the front door of the dorm. If you need special assistance, such as travel plans or a chaperone to drive you to an appointment, please see her. The office is locked when she leaves for the day. The fax machine and copier are located here. If the door is locked, please see the housemom on duty. These machines are not for use after 10pm. TELEPHONES: There is an analogue phone in a phone booth on each floor. To call off campus, you must dial “9” first. This phone will only work on local calls and calls to the Elsah campus. For long distance calls use a calling card, call collect, or use your cell phone. The phone in the living room is available any time, day or night. LAUNDRY ROOM: There are laundry rooms on each of the east and north hallways. These laundry rooms are for the residents of these halls only. The laundry room on Terrace is available to anyone. Please be prompt in removing clothes from the washer and dryer so that others may use them. Be considerate of others’ belongings. All machines are turned off at bedtime. Use your own laundry basket. NO LIQUID BLEACH Clean up after yourself! PRACTICE ROOM: The music practice room is located off the Rec Room. Please check in with 119 if you want to use it during study time. When finished practicing please leave the door open! Please be sure your housemom knows you are down there. DORM KITCHEN: The kitchen in the Rec Room is available to use for special occasions. It is equipped with a stove, refrigerator and microwave. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LEAVING THE KITCHEN AND COOKWARE CLEAN AFTER EACH USE.

LIVING ROOM: The living room has a different atmosphere than any other place in the dorm. It is a gracious space to share with friends. Please respect it by leaving the furniture in place, no roughhousing, and by not bringing food or drinks into the room. Be courteousness and considerate of others using this room. When boys visit you in the living room everyone must be sitting upright. Please be considerate with Public Display of Affection. TV VIEWING: Please be considerate of others when using the TV in the living room (lights, and volume). TV may be watched on your own hall on school days until dinner and on Saturdays until 12:30am; on Sundays, after 12:00 noon until 7:00pm.

TV shows should elevate thought and inspire positive views of manhood and womanhood. TV shows that are vulgar, overly medical, or violently graphic should not fill our airwaves. R rated movies are not permitted unless you are a senior, 17, AND you have permission from a housemom or the Mansfield’s to watch the R-rated movie in the blue room. Seniors are completely responsible to be sure that no unauthorized person is watching the R-rated movie. NO R-rated movies should be in the inner dorm. If you have one, please have your housemom hold it for you. Watching movies on your own computer at times other than at the normal TV viewing hours stated above is not permitted. QUIET ROOM: The Quiet Room is located on Second East (Room 237). You are welcome to use it any time for Christian Science study. Current periodicals, bound volumes and other reference books are available. NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THIS ROOM. All of your personal belongings should be removed when you leave. This room is not a place to do schoolwork or chat on the phone. CAMPUS HOUSE: Campus House is a Care Facility staffed by Journal listed Christian Science nurses to meet the nursing needs of the students. Its purpose is to provide Christian Science nursing care and a quiet healing atmosphere. If you aren’t feeling well it is sometimes appropriate to go to Campus House for undisturbed rest and Christian Science study. This needs to be cleared through the Residential Head or your Housemom, and you will need to let a parent know that you need that care. IF you are going to spend the night, you will need to have a journal listed practitioner working with you. There is no charge for using this facility. DORM VAN/BUS: The van and sub are used for dorm-sponsored transportation. Be sure to remove all trash and personal belongings and close all windows when you disembark. Pull your card when you go. RIDES: Occasionally you may have a need for a ride to an appointment, the airport, etc. Please see Mrs. Oyer well ahead of time so she can arrange for a chaperone. If the housemoms are not available to take you and we need to hire someone to take you, it will be billed to your account. COOKIE CUPBOARD HOURS: Cookie Cupboard is not to be used as a meal replacement. Cookie cupboard is closed an hour before and an hour after mealtime. You may buy drinks during this time. Cookie cupboard is also closed during study hall (including no drinks). DORM CLEAN UP: Every weekend one hall will be assigned dorm cleanup. Each girl on the hall will have a duty to complete. There will be a rotating list of chores assigned. In addition to this each hall will be responsible for keeping its hall and living room neat and clean at all times.


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