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Consideration of the Hon. Treasurer’s Report and Balance Sheet

Despite the economic downturn the Association continues to be in a sound financial position. In particular the ‘Leo Randle Trust’ has maintained its balance, as the Trustees have been prudent with the allocation of funds and kept a keen eye on our portfolio. I acknowledge the contribution of my fellow Trustees in particular, Peter Longhurst and our consultant Ian Butler. A review of the Associations’ general funds will indicate that again we have incurred a loss in 2009. This has occurred over the past few seasons due to transferring funds to our 100th Anniversary account and also the substantial subsidizing of our social events including the 2008 Cocktail Party. This area of revenue decline will need to be addressed over the coming seasons to ensure that our general funds remain in a sound position. We as an Association cannot rely on funding from the Leo Randle Trust to subsidize our social events that is not what the Trust funds are for, in the main they are to be utilised for the welfare of the Association. This would include supporting our Exchange program, gear, training and development requirements and any emergency situation that could arise.

On the sponsorship front Canterbury League Club continues to offer both moral and financial support to the Association. This sponsorship has been in operation for the past 13 years. The sponsorship is ongoing for season 2010 and I would like to express the members’ appreciation to the Chairman of the Club, Peter Winchester, CEO John Ballesty and the Directors and staff for their ongoing support. Sleeve sponsorship was again provided by ‘Ronnies Demolition & Excavation’ with our thanks to Paul & Yvette Hassarati. After several years as our Short sponsor, Andrew Taylor’s ‘As Clean as a Whistle’ have not renewed for 2010. The support provided over the past few seasons by Andrew has assisted this Association to maintain its high standards. Fellow member Jim Hall has negotiated a 4 year agreement with the Association for the ‘Short Sponsorship’ package and Jim’s continuing contribution to the Association is acknowledged. Apart from the Canterbury League Club, Harold Park has been another long term sponsor of this Association with printing requirements for the past 13 years. To my friend and CEO of Harold Park, John Dumesny – thanks! The support of both the Bulldogs Football Club & the NSWRLRA is acknowledged and to the officials of the Junior League in particular, Kevin Shanahan and Brian Tovey I express my thanks for your continued support of Junior football and this Association. The Junior League at the request of this Association renamed their annual referees’ appreciation award the ‘Les Matthews Appreciation Award’ and this year Jeff Hassarati was the well deserved recipient. Well done, Jeff!


In preparing this report to you as President I reflected on my initial Forword in the Association’s Annual Report for Season 1997 where I stated “Our charter is to provide referees for the district and if these officials perform up to their ability that is all anyone can expect”. These words are true today, but we as members must continue to improve our standards. A continual disappointment to me has been a

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