1 minute read
Mr. Lionel Brown
This year the coaching Panel started again with a course conducted in March at Lakemba Services Club with a small but keen number of starters.
One other course was conducted later in the year, which attracted six candidates attending this course and resulted in all candidates obtaining accreditation.
Again the efforts of Tony Danks and Doug Keen with their schools program delivered some new referees to the association.
The Level 2 course conducted over a weekend, had only one candidate from the Association being Feras Karem. The course has now been limited to 18 year old and above referees; a decision introduced by the NRAS committee.
I wish to thank all the members who assisted the new referees in their first season, also to the executive for support this year.
Finally many thanks to Joe Attard and Glenn Jeffcoat for their help and support again in conducting these courses.
2009 Courses Candidates Currently Withdrawn Conducted Refereeing Refereeing 2 9 7 2
Lionel Brown