Dedicated to...

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Nassau Jan 27 1988 A present, from me to me!! The message? Its [sic] nice when you just don’t give a damn.



Jonathon Causer. A kind present from Johnny Fisher, who nicked it off his Aunt.



Sept ’73 For Mummy – may you read it all – clearly and without prejudice – right to the end! Lots of love, Hetty xxx

Mum says it is disgusting: I say it may encourage you to learn the piano. Mum & Dad, Xmas 1989


Happy Valentine’s my love, This is not a text book of how to get out of the wedding! (see back) All my love, Ben 14/2/76


For Rebecca In case you have any ideas!



– For Ted is 3 days late. od My peri x.o.d.



Dec 21st 08 – I love you – To my darling Husband – We have now been married for 6 very special months. Enjoy memories of our wonderful Honeymoon as you read this. Anita xxx



To Matt, From Daniel . . . Happy Hunting! “One day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets . . .” Taxi Driver 23.72



Sulaiman, When the year first started out, I was so convinced that you didn’t like me. After a little time (and some baking), you’ve become one of my most reliable people here. I have so much respect for you – whip-smart, funny, loyal – stay awesome, okay? Thank you for being a part of my family here this year. I’m going to miss you, but I can’t wait to hear about all the fantastic things you’ll be doing, next year and beyond. I know everything will be just spectacular for you. Whenever we’re in the same city again, remember you’ve got a girl to bake for you!


Stephanie [See author note p185]


From one naughty young lady to another hoping that your mother doesn’t know that you’re out and that you wear only the best woolly bloomers. 30.8.64 on your quartercentury


To my Stiffy, In remembrance of the anniversary of the most important day in my life. From his Slutty


March 19th 1928

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