Magritte: This is not a biography

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Thanks to Thomas and his talent for endless reinvention. Thanks to Nathalie, Camille and Gauthier for their trust and their work. VINCENT I’d like to thank Nathalie, Camille and Vincent for their patience and support. Thanks to René Magritte and his ironic art for inspiring me and making me dream. Thanks to all the ways art has contributed to making me a better person. THOMAS

© Éditions du Lombard (Dargaud-Lombard S.A.) 2016, by Zabus, Campi All rights reserved The elements drawn out of Magritte‘s oeuvre are reinterpreted or copied in this book with the approval of The Magritte Foundation, represented by Monsieur Charly Herscovici. © Charly Herscovici - SABAM Belgium 2016

First published in English in 2017 by SelfMadeHero 139-141 Pancras Road London NW1 1UN Written by Vincent Zabus Illustrated by Thomas Campi Translated from French by Edward Gauvin Publishing Director: Emma Hayley Sales & Marketing Manager: Sam Humphrey Editorial & Production Manager: Guillaume Rater UK Publicist: Paul Smith US Publicist: Maya Bradford Designer: Txabi Jones With thanks to: Dan Lockwood

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-910593-37-0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed and bound in Slovenia



have a key to t he museum ?

one will bot her you at t his hour .

Of course ! I work here !

This is my first visit …

Mademoiselle ?

Hey ! Psst !


People always walk right by me wit hout stopping . Stay

a while , won ’ t you ?


Why ? Because I’ m not one of his most famous works . And yet I’ m t he illustrat ion of one of his primary principles : invert ing a cliché !

Not to stop you , dear sir , but I deserve your at tent ion .

Wit h me , Magrit te was telling us : “What is hidden must be shown . ”

I’ m

t he key to all his work ! He was about blurring t he line bet ween paint ings and what t hey depicted .

No !

Magrit te ’ s

work is figurat ive , but also a permanent assault on representat ional art !

Real life is always in a somewhere else t hat doesn ’ t exist !

Paint ing t he real amounted to conceiving of it in images , a fruitful betrayal !


You can ’ t smoke a painted pipe !

The painter ’ s eye is a false mirror !


object conceals anot her !

Paint ing must not act as a passive mirror of realit y , but rat her transform it !

Whew !


doesn ’ t li ke people impoverishing his visual ideas wit h words .

Trut h to tell , I’ ve no choice …

Why t his desire to answer t he quest ions paint ing asks of us ?

You ’ re not wort hy of wearing t hat hat .


Images are enough all by t hemselves !

I can ’ t take t his any more !


force me to look

into Magrit te if he doesn ’ t li ke it ?


She never even told me her name … And why did she leave me all alone ?

Sigh …







font ’ s too small ! I can ’ t hear you !


you hear me now ?


I’ m Magrit te ’ s official biographer . I’ m taking you to Paris , old sport !

Do I get a say ?

In 1927 , René left to see k fame in t he French capital , li ke ot her Belgian painters before him .

No .

He stayed for t hree years , one of t he most creat ive periods in his career – more t han 175 canvases !

When wit h

he came back

Georget te —

Georget te ?

His wife . He married her in 1922 . Tell me you know t hat much , at least ?


Um …


Act ually , I…

W hat a nincompoop ! S ee here , if you really wish to penetrate t he mystery of M agrit te , you have to get to know her .



T he women in M agrit te ’ s oeuvre take on t he t housand faces of G eorget te .

As a teenager , René was racked by a hyperact ive and tort ured libido . It was Georget te who channelled his urges , lent his incoherent life struct ure .

They met in a carousel - salon just li ke t his one when she was t welve . Then t hey fell out of touch , before reunit ing in Brussels a few years later .

Muse , lover , housewife – she gave him a stable framework so he could pursue his paint ing .


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