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Questions to answer 1. What is the price you -rent 2. What is the price you -tuition 3. What is the price you dentist? -a fee 4. What is the price you and bus companies? -a fare 5. What is the price you -a rate

pay for your apartment? pay for your education? pay to your doctor or pay to the airline, taxi pay for the local services?

Questions to answer 6.What is the price you pay for the money you borrow? -charges and interest 7. What is the price you pay for driving your car on a motorway? -a toll

. What is the price you pay to the company that insures you? -premium 9. What is the price you pay to the guest speaker? -an honorarium 10. What is the price paid to the government official to help some character steal?

Questions to answer 8-a bribe 11. What is the price collected by the trade union? -dues 12. What is the price you pay to your regular lawyer to cover his/her services? -a retainer 13. What is the price of an executive? -a salary 14. What is the price of a salesperson? -a commission 15. What is the price of a worker? -a wage

The role and perception of price ď Ż

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Price is the value that is placed on something. Price is any common currency of value to both buyer and seller. Price directly generates the revenues, serves as a communicator, a bargaining tool and a competitive weapon.

The customer’s perspective 

Price represents the value they attach to whatever is being exchanged.

In assessing price, the customer is looking specifically at the expected benefits of the products:



Quality Price assessment



The seller’s perspective 

Profit = Total revenue – Total cost

Total revenue = Quantity sold * Unit price

Total cost = Production cost + Marketing cost + Selling cost

Psychological effects of price 

Low price = negative statement about the product’s quality. A sudden reduction in price of an established product = quality has been compromised. High price might actually attract customers.

External influences on pricing 1.

Customers and consumers


Demand and price elasticity


Channels of distribution




Legal and regulatory framework

External influences on pricing 1. Customers and consumers ď Ż

The bigger the area, the more discretion the marketer has in setting price.

What the market will tolerate


External influences on pricing 2. Demand and price elasticity  Demand determinants   

Changing consumer taste and needs Recession Competitors’ products and price

Price elasticity of demand 

Sales respond to price variations: elastic.

Sales stable after price change: inelastic.

External influences on pricing 3. Channels of distribution

External influences on pricing 4. Competitors:  Monopoly: only 1 supplier - rare  Oligopoly: a small number of powerful providers dominate the market.  Monopolistic competition: competitors, each with differentiated product.  Perfect competition: competitors, each with products undistinguishable - rare

External influences on pricing 5. Legal and regulatory framework: ď Ż Watchdog bodies

Internal influences on pricing 1.

Organisational objectives


Marketing objectives



Internal influences on pricing 1. Organisational objectives 

Corporate strategy: target volume sales, target value sales, target growth, target profit figures

Market leader or niche

New entrant or established

Can be both short-term and long-term

Internal influences on pricing 2. Marketing objectives 

Focus on specific target markets and the position desired with them.

Depends on product’s life cycle: 

Intro. stage: lower price - invite trial

Growth & early maturity: raise price

Late maturity & decline: price reduction

Internal influences on pricing 3. Costs  Total costs include:  

Operating and Servicing costs

A product’s selling price generally represents:  

Its total cost (unit cost plus overheads), & Profit or “risk reward”

The process of price setting Pricing objectives

Demand assessment

Pricing policies & strategies

Setting the price range

Pricing tactics & adjustments

1. Pricing objectives  

Financial objectives: short/long-term Sales and marketing objectives   

Market share and positioning Volume sales Status quo: preserve the status quo – happy with current situation 

Price war (undercutting), price matching, improve product / service / communication


2. Demand assessment ď Ż

Marketers need to assess demand levels for a product at any given price.

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This involves a great deal of managerial skills as there are many variables.

3. Pricing policies and strategies 

New product pricing strategies  

Product mix pricing strategies: 

Price skimming: high price, then lower Penetration pricing: low price, then high up A product range starts with basic products, then price steps up with additional features

Managing price changes: 

Price are not static because of competitive pressure, Cost inflation, new opportunities

4. Setting the price range 

The cost-volume-profit relationship    

Fixed costs Variable costs Marginal costs Total costs

Setting the price range   

Cost-based method Demand-based method Competition-based method

The cost-volume-profit relationship 

 

Fixed costs: do not vary with output in the short term (salaries, rent, etc.) Variable costs: vary according to the quantity produced (raw materials, etc.) Marginal costs: change that occurs to total cost if 1 more unit is added Total costs: all the cost incurred Breakeven analysis: the point at which total revenue = total cost

A. Cost-based methods 

Mark-up price = costs + profit (giá cộng lời vào vốn) Cost-plus pricing = costs + fix % (định giá có lãi) Experience curve pricing (định giá theo đường cong kinh nghiệm)

B. Demand-based pricing 

When demand is strong, the price goes up; when it is weak, the price goes down. Need a good understanding of the nature and elasticity of demand. Psychological pricing: customer-based 

Rely on the consumer’s emotive responses, subjective assessments and feelings. Applicable to higher involvement products.

C. Competition-based pricing 

Depends on:  

The structure of the market The product’s perceived value in the market

Can be:  

Cost-leader with price-oriented approach Price-follower bases on the going-rate for the product

5. Pricing tactics and adjustments 

 

Price can vary to reflect specific customer needs, the market position. Marketers should set up a framework for pricing discretion. Special adjustments can be made for short-term promotional purposes Discounts, allowances, trade-in Zoned pricing: single, multiple zones

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