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hi ever yone, wel comet ot hef i r s ti s s ueofb. a. h.magaz i ne t hi smagaz i nehasbeeni nt hewor kss i nceear l ywi nt er andIam happyt os eei tcomet of r ui t i on. Iwant edt os t ar tt hi smagaz i neasanex t ens i onof mybookhouathomej our nal t hatIhavebeen wr i t i ngf oral mos t5year s .t hi smagaz i newi l l bea compi l at i onofal l t het hi ngst hatar eapar tofour l i f eatbookhou.I naddi t i onwehopet of eat ur es mal l l ocal ar t i s t s ,des i gner sandbus i nes s es . t hi sf i r s ti s s uef ors pr i ngcomesatat i mewhent hi ngs f eel f r es h,whent hi ngsar eanew andourt i met opul l our s el vesoutofal ongwi nt er . ast hemagaz i negr owsandt r ans f or ms ,t her ewi l l be new addi t i onst ot het eam.Iwantt ot hankj ohnf or hi ss uppor tandadvi ceonmaki ngt hi shappenandI wantt owel comeVer nasourf oodcont r i but or ,It hi nk herpas s i onf orf oodandex per i encei nwr i t i ngwi l l be agr eatas s et .f ornow Iam t her es i dentphot ogr aper . Ir eal l yhopeyouenj oyt hi svent ur eofour s . pl eas ef eel f r eet odr opmeal i net ogi ves ugges t i onsoradvi ce.

edi t or Ar ounnaKhounnor aj

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akaVer nbl ogsatS ake+Chees e andenj oyss pendi ngherf r eet i me t r avel l i ngandeat i ng.


s akeandchees e. bl ogs pot . com



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