3 minute read
How this book came about
Please note. There has been nothing derogatory intended towards any- one written in this little booklet. And no offence is intended at anyone or any organization.
I refer to no one with contempt or mockery.
I hope that no one will be offended by what I have written in this book, and in fact I wish that people who have funny stories of what they seen happening during our great war with Britain to get in touch with me and share their stories.
I do not intend any thing derogatory towards our former enemies, and over the years I have shared times of prayer at Magilligan Prison with some of my former enemies sharing the gospel of peace through Jesus Christ, and with IRA and UVF, UDA, INLA and Official IRA within the Prison fellow- ship outreach. All of us shared the one room together.
And I also prayed with Prison warders and soldiers who shared a time of prayer for those prisoners of both persua- sions, whilst our prayer meeting was taking place with the prisoners
This is also not intended to glorify myself or to glorify an organization or to glorify or justify war.
War is evil and there is no getting away from that.
My calling rioters, • fighters.• and the IRA, • freedom fight- ers• is just trying to make it light - hearted.
Not our war! But still funny .
The war with Iraq was building up, frontline Iraqi soldiers heard American soldiers firing their guns. Thinking that the war had finally begun they stood up with their hands up in the air, and walked with a white flag held high towards the Amer- ican lines. The American army was very shocked at seeing such a mass surrender especially as the American soldiers were only prac- ticing at their rifle range. And when the poor Iraqi soldiers reached them they had to explain that the war had not yet begun and they would have to go back and wait until the war started before the Americans could accept their surrender. So they sent the Iraqi soldiers back to their own lines to await the beginning of war. Then they surrendered. It wasn• t funny for the poor Iraqi soldiers but it was funny.
{So you see I personally think, funny things happen in war, all wars not just ours.}
Where the hell are they John?
My wife• s uncle John was a very brave man though some- times a foolhardy fighter. Many a scary time I shared on the battlefront with John.
One night John came banging on my front door shouting at me to get up and come on. They, {the Brits} were in. It was 4 am and I was knackered [tired] from rioting {battling} the day before. I jumped out of bed still half asleep and into my • already prepared shoes with the socks already tucked inside them, and the trousers inside the socks, and my drawers inside the trousers.• Because there was no way that I was going to be caught out naked if my house was raided, and also to save time when the bin lids start banging and whistles blew alerting everyone that the Brits had begun raiding someone• s home. Having dressed in record time I was off down the stairs with Roses words ringing in my ears, • Watch yourself love.• • Right,• I shouted as I banged the door behind me and grabbing my already prepared stash of milk bottles that were sitting by my front door step in my hands. I ran over the street following John.
All the streetlights in the street had been smashed previously and even the street names had been changed in an attempt to put the Brits off and confuse them when they raided. So the street was pitch dark. Running faster than John I overtook him in my eagerness to get at the Brits. Just a little bit on I had to stop because I could see nothing it was so dark. Stopping to rub sleep out of my eyes, I called back to John.. • Where are they?•