Respect for the lord brings
… Brendan Mc Crossanfor the lord brings
Respect for the lord brings many blessings.
Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life.
All God asks from us to respect him and to have humility. It is not too much to ask for is it?
To be loved and respected is all we all ask for, is it not? Is it not more important to give our creator even more respect and to be humble in our approach towards him? We as parents want our children to give us the respect and honor due to us as parents, and so it is no different with our heavenly Father. He is not only our Father but our “creator,” and that puts him way above the title Father.
He is the one who created us millions of years ago and created us ‘holy’ ‘made us in his own divine image,’ and planned a great future for us; and planned to make us rich; and filled with himself, he planned to fill us with heavenly power and give us victory in our battles against our enemies. He loved us even with all our faults, sins, failures and blemishes; who could love us like that? Only a loving Father God that’s who, and all he asks for in return is some respect; to honor him as our God, not just as our father but as Almighty God the creator of everything in existence. He is the Supreme Being; the Holy one, the beginning and the end, of all things. He is the one worshipped by all of heavens angels and elders and heavenly beings, and he chose to create us in his own divine image and all he asks is for a little respect and do we give him that respect? Sadly for most of his children no we don’t.
Did you know that the Christian religion is the only religion that uses the name of its God to curse and swear, and to use with disrespect; it is used in the midst of conversations to express disbelief or to exclaim something nothing to do with God, it flows from the mouths of other religions as a swear word, and those other religions never disrespect the name of their God’s. In some cultures they will kill you or attack you for saying something disrespectful about their prophets never mind their God. A man wrote a book, I think his name was Salaman Rushdie, I probably have his name spelled wrong but most people know who he is, he lives in England and he wrote this book discrediting Islam, showing up its many faults and failings as he seen. When his book went on sale and Muslims read it they became enraged and put a price on his head, and ordered any Muslim who gets a chance to kill him for saying what he said about the prophet Mohammed. There were public demonstrations all around the world and people were hurt and places burnt to the ground in some countries, protesting against what he had written. This man is still in hiding to this day many, many years later, he dare not show his face in case some Muslim recognizes him and he would be killed.
I have been in Muslim countries and in those places I hear Muslims using the name of Jesus Christ to curse and swear by. They have no respect for the name of the Christian’s God and use it to mock and have fun with. My own Son in Law is a Muslim and he uses the name of
Jesus Christ to curse and swear, he is really not to blame because he has listened to Christians use the lords name in vein to swear and curse, he repeated what he heard Christians who came to his country Turkey, at first he thought they were saying, ‘Jesus cries,’ and after a while he asked, ‘why does Jesus cry?’ Those who used the Lords name in their everyday conversations didn’t understand what he meant, and then they realized he meant “Jesus Christ.” My other Muslim son in law was exactly the same he also used to say ‘Jesus cries,’ and he also asked why their Jesus cries all the time, is he a very sad person?
The Muslim people know who Jesus is and especially the Muslims in Turkey because this is a place where a lot of the bible was written in, and in a place called Bodrum, Saint Paul travelled through this part of the country on his way to Koss, {or Coss as it was written then}
So as he travelled through this country preaching, many Muslims hear about Jesus, and not only that but the Muslims in Turkey have great respect for Mary the mother of Jesus, and go on pilgrimage to her former house in Ephesus, and many have an personal experience visiting her former home, they say a great presence is in that house. This house is the place where she and Saint John ended up living and dying in.
it was strange to the Muslims who are living in many holiday resorts hearing so called Christians curse and swear and misuse the name of Jesus, and they copy them and say the lords name as a curse, they don’t realize that it is wrong and disrespectful to do this as they would never hear a Muslim defame the name of their God or Prophet Mohamed.
I know that no Buddhist curses by the name of their God, or no Hindu uses the name of their God disrespectfully, and no other religion in the world uses the name of their God to swear with or curse with or to use in distain. No one but the Christian uses the name of Jesus our God as a curse and so when they visit places where other religion are, the people take up the name of Jesus as a swear word in the conversations, because of the Christian religious people swearing in his name.
I will say you never hear a Hindu use the name of their God as a curse word, and you never hear a Buddhist say in the name of Buddha get lost or something worse. Only the Christian uses that name to disrespect their God and others follow, thinking it is ok. If the Christian disrespects the name of their God, and they believe Jesus was just a prophet and not God, they follow suit and so the name of Jesus is disrespected everywhere around the world and this is to do with Christians or Christian religious people I should say who have no reverence for God or understanding what that name really is.
Have you ever wondered why the name of Jesus is so widely used as a curse word? I will explain here in this little book why. Satan the true Christians greatest enemy gets people to use that wonderful name disrespectfully so that they cannot use that name against him, when they come into a revelation of the power in that name Jesus. ‘At the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and below the earth,’ and if it is disparaged and made into nothing by a believer, then the believer later on will feel no great power when trying to use that name to raise the deformed and twisted bodies that Satan placed on people. Jesus said the devil, Satan is a thief a murderer and a liar, and that thief is stealing from the Christian the true power and awe of that name ‘Jesus,’ and so he will have it ridiculed and used as a swear word or
spoken of without thought, and so when it is needed it will have little effect against his works or against him.
Christian believers give this lots of thought, because when I was a terrorist in Northern Ireland, I allowed hate to fill my heart and I used that wondrous name ‘Jesus’ to flow from my lips as I cursed the British army and Northern Ireland police with it; and even until recently I would find myself saying that beautiful name in wrong ways, and oh how much I have repented and asked for forgiveness and mercy for those times. I know the power in the name of Jesus because I see it in my daily life as I pray with or for others in need of healing or a miracle. And recently, two little children who were given no hope of surviving were healed through that awesome name, and just around Christmas 2012 they were both discharged from hospital healthy and the doctors were confused and amazed, {both parents told me these words;} these children were in two different hospital one in Northern Ireland and one in Southern Ireland. The name of Jesus is above every name including deformity and sickness and disease, and sin.
No non Christian healer in this world uses the name of their God to command sickness and disease to get out of someone, no Buddhist commands, ‘in the name of Buddha’ Satan get out of this woman or man, or be healed. Why? It is because Jesus is the only true God, that is why you never hear of deliverance or healing in the name of any other God in this world, only the Christian God ‘Jesus’ name can drive demons out or heal the sick. If any other religion and note I say religion, because these other religions are not the true one, there is only one mediator between God and man and that is the man Christ Jesus. No other religion claims to have someone take away their sins, and get them into heaven, they believe in heaven ok, but they have to earn it. True Christian believers have salvation through Jesus dying for their sins, paying for the world’s sin, and Jesus was showing a new way of life and living; he was not starting a religion, he said he is the way, the truth, and the life. Man later on put the way of life into forms of religion, for example; Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran and so on but Jesus did not call on man to start a religion he called on man to come follow him and his example, he is the way.
Only the Christian religions, and I should not say religion really, because we have many diversions of Christianity among us, some believing one thing and another, use that name with disrespect
The Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses states quite clearly, not to misuse the name of God and Jesus is God not just the son of God he told one of the apostles who asked to see the Father, ‘to have seen him is to have seen the Father for he and the Father are one person.’ I have given you three different translations to show what God says about misusing his name and the threat of punishment if you do.
Exodus 20-7-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
7 Do not misuse my name. I am the LORD your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name.
Exodus 20-7-Amplified Bible (AMP)
7 You shall not use or repeat the name of the Lord your God in vain [that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely]; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
7Exodus 20-7-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
“You are not to use lightly the name of ADONAI your God, because ADONAI will not leave unpunished someone who uses his name lightly.
How much more do we need to stop using the name of Jesus as a curse or swear word and learn to give respect to his name and honor also for his name is God itself. So you can see also for yourself there is a punishment coming for anyone, no matter what religion, for anyone who misuses him glorious name. If you have used his name in vein or disrespectfully then repent sincerely and don’t do it again.
Sadly I have misused his name many times; I was not a good person when I was not saved, nor born again.
I have been in a healing ministry since the day I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, thirty six years ago, and I knew instantly that I had been given the gifts of healing and miracles and the other gifts, but I was mostly drawn to the healing ministry.
Now today I have been shown the awesome power in the name of Jesus, and that his name is actually God itself, so when I speak to sickness and disease and demons at the mention of the name of Jesus which is all the power of God himself in that name, the sickness and demons should take flight, but subconsciously I know I have misused that wondrous name so it creates a block inside me; I have repented ok, but still it is hard to visualize the awesomeness of that glorious name Jesus. Now I am asking God for revelation of the name of Jesus I know in my mind what the name is and what the name can do, but I need a supernatural revelation in my spirit to know deep inside me that name is all of God himself., and probably so do you, so like myself ask for that revelation and you will receive.
I have of course used the name of Jesus over the last thirty six years and seen many awesome miracles and demonic power flee in terror at the use of his name, but at the same time I was swearing and cursing using that glorious name without thinking about what I have been saying, it was a habit I had left over from my very bad days before I was born again. Now I am bring all my energies to bear on stopping all that, and speaking his name with total respect and reverence. And like everyone else it is difficult to stop a habit of a lifetime, but we can do it with the grace God provides.
Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life
In this book I am trying to show you different things relevant to your salvation and the new life that began immediately after you were saved, and born again; to be saved or born again was not the end of our life with God but it was only the beginning of a new way of life. Sadly many Christian believers stop there, not knowing there is even more awaiting them from the moment of salvation. After salvation comes the baptism in the Holy Spirit and some Christian religions do not even believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit; they mistakenly believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit was just for the Apostles to kick start the church of God, and the enemy has deceived then into believing this, one such group is the Baptists.
I know from personal experience that they do not believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, or healing or miracles unless God does them himself without the use of his children using gifts. Isn’t that so sad, they fight against an evil spiritual being and they try and fight him with human power,andofcoursethey willloosemosttimes.Youneedsupernaturalpowertodefeat a supernatural being, and if you don’t believe in the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and as one man I know a Baptist elder with whom I ministered with in a prison, shared with me his disbelief in the gifts by quoting 1-corinthians -13-1- ‘if I had every gift and didn’t love I would only be a gong clanging;’ but he failed to realize was that if he had love and the gifts he would be even more use to God instead of disbelieving the Holy Spirit, and if he continued reading the word of God he would have seen the word says in 1-Corinthians -14-12- since you are so anxious for the gifts ask for the very best, for those that will be of real help to the church.
Salvation is only the beginning of all that God has to offer his children, and in this scripture he is offering us riches honor and a long life; I don’t know about you but the most important of these is the gift of a long life but I believe in every promise from God and to have honor bestowed on me by God is awesome and to be rich is a great blessing to have because I can now help the poor.
After this comes power from on high, to have those gifts to use them for the body of Christ, to experience God working through you to help and heal others. I have been used to bring healing to others I have felt the power of the Holy Spirit, and at times I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit during healing services and worship. But there are even many more awesome things awaiting the Believer who may or may not know or realize what they now have through Christ Jesus. The believer now has the Holy Trinity living in them; they have been filled with all of God himself.
Colossians-2-10- The Way Bible
You are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ; you too are filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature.
This is what the believer has inherited when he became born again, as Saint Paul said it was no longer him who lives but Christ Jesus who lives in him. We were given a new life. It is no wonder that God says to respect him, he is in us in all his glory, and we are in effect respecting ourselves also by respecting him because he is joined together with and in us.
Romans-5-2-because of our faith he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
Most Christians believe that when they die they will go to heaven and that is not correct, they are already seated in heaven and standing in the place of highest privilege in Jesus Christ with whom they are joined together as one person.
1-Corinthians-6-17- if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person.
These are just a sample of the things you have belonging to you, that you received when you became a believer, but there is even more wonderful promises from God promises that will affect you whilst still on this earth in your physical body. So it is advisable to respect the Holy One who has done these things for you.
In this little Book I am going to point out some more delightful promises to you, if you didn’t already know them. Did you realize that when you read the first scripture you were given a promise of riches, honor and the promise of a long life? If you respect and honor your lord your God, this is actually a promise from God and should be held up before him and praise him for making you rich, financially. Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life.
True humility first
Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life.
To be humble before your God and creator is a blessing in itself, and to give God true respect and adoration. The word respect means to have admiration for God, to admire him as someone way above you. Just like kids all throughout time admired and respected their pop idols, and they are just mere men and women.
Respect is to have a high opinion of someone, to hold them in esteem, {in high regard}. To respect means to hold someone in reverence. Reverence means to look upon them in awe, and awe means to look on them in wonder, to worship them, to look on them with admiration. It means to have veneration, to be in astonishment, and adoration of God. All those words simply mean ‘respect,’ so you see God knows the meaning of words, and words like respect, hold in them all the above meanings, and this is what God means when he says
respect for the Lord, he wants us to do all of the above because that is what respect means, and that is what every good God loving Christian believer tries to do anyway.
God is our Heavenly Father and is the Almighty one, he is way above every created thing, he is creator himself, there is nothing in existence that he did not make and so should he honored, he should be worshipped and loved sincerely. And all he asks is one simple thing from us, and in doing so, promises us riches, honor and a long life if we “first” humble ourselves, stop thinking we deserve this or that or I am worthy of what I have been given, or I am better than others.
To be humble means to be modest, to be meek, like Jesus was, and to be meek did not mean to be “weak.” Meek means to put others above you, whether they are or not makes no difference to you, the thing you have to do is to be humble, it simply means to look at others as those created by your father, like you, and we do not know how much they have been blessed even more than we have, or what they have suffered for Jesus. We just don’t know what lies beneath a person, so we should honor them just as God honors us. I know I have failed in this one many times when I listened to preachers preaching and thought I could have done better than them that sure was not modesty.
If you look at the words in this little scripture and those words are the words God commanded to be written down. What words did he place in top priority, respect for his name? No that was actually second he himself was showing us by example how modesty works, he placed humility first then respect for his name second, showing us we must also place others first. God placed the word humble first even before his awesomeness, he is a humble God whose Son humbled himself when he came down to earth to teach people a new way of life, “he humbled himself taking the guise of a slave,” that is what Jesus did, and should we be any better?
Did you know God will not humble you; he will stand against you if you are proud and arrogant and destroy you, just as he stood against Lucifer who was once the greatest angel in heaven; then pride overcame him and he elevated himself above God but wasn’t long in finding out he was not and was cast out of heaven with all his followers, and God will do that also against those who are arrogant.
We are the ones who must humble ourselves, even if our minds tell us we are better than some others; we are not; but we have power over our mind because every Christian has a portion of the mind of Christ and so we can assume the same position as Jesus looking at others through the eyes of the lord.
I can never get over how much the lord is teaching me in his ways even after thirty seven years now of being a Christian, and there is still so much in me that needs to change, and I thank God that is done by the working of the Holy Spirit who works to perfect me in this physical body and soul, My spirit is already perfect, Hebrews 10-14 you are forever perfect in the sight of God. And that never changes because God is talking about the spirit in me, his spirit!
NowmyfriendsyoualsocanhumbleyourselfbeforeGodandthenRespecthiminalltheways respect means and I have already shown you what respect means. First of all you humble
yourself then you giveGod therespecthetruly deserves and then you willhaveRiches, Honor, and a Long life. That is God’s sincere promises to you and God never goes back on a promise, Romans -3-3, and 2-Corinthians-1-18. All this and more are yours because God wants to bless us, his own divine children, and he also wants to give us every spiritual blessing and gift and power -1-Corinthians -1-4-10.
And there is even more when we respect the lord, he says in Proverbs -19-23.
Proverbs-19-23-The Way Bible Reverence for God gives life, happiness, and protection from harm
Wow! Respect! and we know respect means reverence for God brings with it life and happiness and protection from harm. Which of us does not want those promises? I know I desire to have all these promises for myself and I am not being selfish because you can have them also.
Having respect with all its meaning brings with it, long life Happiness, protection from harm, riches and honor, if we remain humble in our manner. I know the one thing every human being desires more than anything, it is not riches, but to be happy; you can have millions and be the most miserable person on this planet, and we see examples of this on our TV news all the time, some celebrity who is loaded with money commits suicide, All the money he or she had did not bring with it happiness, and some of them try to find happiness in drugs or sex and even swap sexual partners for those of the same sex, where they can find no contentment in what they are doing. Money does not bring with it happiness, it makes us feel happy for a short period, then the novelty wears off like everything else and unhappiness comes back again. True riches is when God blesses you financially with prosperity, and with it comes his joy, his happiness, and you are full and content because riches is not the greatest thing in this world but to find happiness with it is awesome, and if God is your priority then you will be a very happy person indeed.
God desires to make his children wealthy, and I mean to have in great abundance, not just with a little over the means you have to meet your bills. There is something most Christian’s forget, we are the very sons and daughters of God, and our God is a king and Jesus is called the king of kings and we are called kings of life. God has created us kings, royalty, his chosen people his little children and our Father God owns all the wealth in the universes never mind all the wealth on the earth; for no one owns anything on earth, you can tell a millionaire that his wealth goes back to God when he dies, or even after it goes to his family, and eventually finds it way back to the real owner, God.
If you read through the scriptures in the Old Testament you will see that God makes his people wealthy, when they love and respect him, but when they show disrespect, their wealth is taken away and given to another, all you have to do is look at the Israelites, when they loved and respected the lord all went well for them they prospered in the land and were blessed mightily. But when they got fed up with respecting God and sought false Gods and idols all their
prosperity was removed from them and they were taken into captivity because they disrespected God.
Now for the love of God I am not saying that we should not be rich, I am saying the very opposite , we should be the richest people in the world, that is the way God planned things to be, but the enemy has robbed the Christian’s of this blessing by lying to them for years through wrong teachings, that Jesus was poor, Mary and Joseph were poor, and their baby the king of the world was born in a stable to show us that to be poor is a blessing; try telling that to those in Africa and in other places around the eastern world, the third world as man calls it. Go you and say to someone who is slowing starving to death because they have no money for food, that this is the way their God wants them to be, as they watch their tiny babies dying before their very eyes, so be grateful for their poverty. It is the enemy who got the churches to believe that because Jesus was born in a stable we should also have a poor mentality, and the people believed this; even though those who preached this message were sitting in luxury being catered to by the poor, living in great big houses with plenty. Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room at the Inns, you do not go and try and book a room at an Inn if you do not havemoney. Joseph tried all theInns but no room and it was timefor Mary to givebirth, and an Innkeeper allowed them to use his stable. Did you know that when the three Kings, those three wise men came to visit the new king of the world, they didn’t go to the stable as depicted in the many cribs we see at Christmas time? No! They came to the house where Joseph and Mary and Jesus were living in, read the four gospels at the beginning and you will see they all say the ‘house’ not the stable where Jesus was living. What Innkeeper would allow people to live in his stable without payment?
All this is a deception to get Christians to believe that their loving father wants them living in poor conditions, so when you see the wonderful promise of a long life, honor and happiness and riches, we don’t believe this wonderful promise from our Father God; It is an uphill battle to get any Christian to believe that God wants them living in luxury, to have everything they need and more, and the reason they have all this is because if you are poor then you can not help the poor, and remember what Jesus said to do, “help the poor.” How can you help anyone if you can’t even help yourself?
The reason you have been given wealth, is so that you can distribute it among those who have nothing, wealth belongs to God and he loans it to us if we believe, and I say loans it because we cannot take it with us when we leave this earthly place to go home to our mansion prepared for us in heaven. Did anyone realize that If God wanted to have us living in poverty and living in a broken down shack, why did Jesus say, there are mansions up there and I am going to prepare a place; but for us he probably meant a little broken down shack at the back gate of heaven in a slum area of heaven. Why am I saying all this about poverty and wealth, it is because most Christians cannot accept or believe that God wants to give them wealth, to give them a lottery, to supply their every need, after all he owns everything even the money of the national lottery, man owns nothing every thing is from God.
I want you the reader to understand that you have been deceived by the enemy into believing that God does not want us rich. Do you not think that when Satan comes before God that he mocks God to his face like he did about Job, about his poverty stricken children, his children living with hand me down clothes and living from the pound shops where everything costs one pound, $1-50 roughly?
Because of you respecting God and remaining humble, {and by the way humble does not mean to be poor as quite a lot of Christian’s believe, humility is putting others before yourself, looking up to them not down on them.} God promises to give you riches; a long life, happiness and honor and protection. It is time we allowed God to bless us because up till now we have been filled with unbelief and so could not receive those promises from God, God is a faith God and faith in him brings with it those riches and other things he offered to you. Reach out to your Father and ask for him now to give you all he promised in his divine word, tell him you believe and are ready to receive his Divine promises, now today.
Humility and respect for the lord brings with it, a long life, happiness, honor, riches and protection from harm. Let the blessings of Almighty God your Father bless you today as you strip away unbelief in Jesus name; rebuke that spirit of unbelief off of you and command it to stop its activities in the awesome name of Jesus. Amen