The holy SpiriT iS a perSon

copyright@27 -09 -2018
TheHolySpiritisapersonnotabird!Iknowhetooktheformofadovewhen JesuswasbaptizedintheJordanRiver,justasJesustooktheformofsomeone elsewhenhewalkedwiththe twoapostlesontheroadtoDamascus.
Mark 1:10
The moment Jesuscameupoutofthewater , he saw the heavens open and the ‘’ Holy Spirit’’ inthe‘’form ’’ ofadove’’ descen ding on him,
Hereinthisscripturehetookthe‘’form’’ofadove;’’hecouldhavetakenany formhewishedbutitwastoshowJohntheBaptisthimselfdescendingon Jesus;somethingthatJohncouldunderstand.ThenontheroadtoEmmaus Jesusprevented thedisciplesseeinghimashereallywas,theythoughtthey weretalkingwithsomestranger.
Luke 24:13 Amplified Bible
[ The Road to Emmaus ] And then, that very day two
of them were going to a village called Emmaus , which was about seven miles from Jerusalem.
15 While they were talking and discussing it, JesusHimselfcameupand began walkingwiththem 16 Buttheireyeswere [miraculously]preventedfromrecognizingHi m.
OnenightasIwasprayingintonguesformywifewhohadjustbeentoldby herdoctorthatshehasonlysixmonthtoayearandahalftolivebecauseof cancerinherlungs,andasIwasprayinginthespirit,{tongues}
andthisisthe wayIhavebe endoingforthelastfortyyears,whentheHolySpiritmademe awarethat ‘’ hewasaperson, ’’ andIneverthoughtofhimassuch , forforty yearswhenIprayedforpeopleforhealing,orprayingforsomemiracleI needed,orananswertomyprayer.Ijus tstartedspeakingintongues,withmy
mindfixedonwhateveritwasIwasprayingfor,andsomenightsIhave prayedintonguesforovertenhoursormore,justspeakingintonguesnever thinkingofwhogavemethegift. IspoketotheHolySpiritbutnot thinkingof himasaperson assuch .
Nowdon’tgetmewronghere,IprayedintonguesforwhatitwasIneeded , andprayedintonguesfaithfullyforhoursjustthinkingofsomeoneoragroup ofpeopleIhadinmyheart.IneverthoughttoasktheHolySpi
ritwhathe wantedmetodo;Ineverthoughttoaskhisopinion.Ortoaskhispermission,I justrattledoffintongues. ‘’ Now tongues to me are the greatest of the spiritual gifts, ’’ foritistheonlygiftthatIoryoucanturnonatwill.Allthe othe rgiftshavetobegivenwhenyouneedthem ,
NowtodayIhaveasituation;IhavethepersonoftheHolySpiritrevealinghe isaperson,andthethirdpersonoftheHolyTrinityjustas Jesus andthe fatherarepersonswiththeirownidentity soalsois theHolySpirit .
TragicallyIonlythoughtoftheHolySpiritasthereasonIwasprayingin tongues.Irarelygavethoughttothe ‘’person’’ behindmyspeakingintongues. IjuststartedprayingintonguesnotevenaskingtheHolySpiritwhatitwasI was reallyprayingfor,andsoforfortyoddyearsIneverbotheredtoask for theinterpretation ,thesecondhalfofmygiftoftongues.
Ijustusedthem sayingsometimesthat ‘’the Holy Spirit knows better than me what it is I am praying for; ’’ orifIwas askedtoprayforsomeone , Ijustgenerallybegan prayingforthemwithoutseeking first theHolySpirithimself.
OrifIwasreallytruthfulwithmyselfIneveraskedbecauseIfoundithardto interpretmytongu esinrelationshipto whatitwasthatIw asprayingfor , or evenwhichwayIshouldpray,forthewordofGodtellsusthatwedon’teven knowwhatweshouldprayfororhowtoprayasweshouldbuttheHolySpirit knowsofcoursewhatheissayingtofatherGod,andfatherknowswhat exactlyhe issaying.
26 And in the same way by our faith the ‘’ Holy Spirit ’’ *helps us * with our ‘’ daily problems ’’ and in our ‘’praying. ’’ Fo r we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the ‘’Holy Spiri t’’ prays for us with such ‘’ feeling ’’ that it ‘’ cannot be expressed in words. ’’ 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as ‘* he * pleads for us * in *harmony with God’s own
will. * 28 And we know that all that happe ns to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
InthisscripturetheHolySpiritiscalled‘’he,’’ *he * pleads for us *
IhavereadinscripturethattheHolySpiritisalsoreferredtoas‘’she,’’andI willgivethatscrip turelateron,butfirst let’s lookatwho ‘’he ’’ ‘’is and what he does! ’’ andsomeofthethingsthatJesusiscreditedfor,whenitisactually theHolySpiritthatdoesthosethings!Nowlet’sgetthisstraightfirstofall. ThereisnoJealousybetween Jesus , theFather , andtheHolySpiritbecause theyareall ‘’One spirit;’’ thereisnodisagreementbetweenJesusandthe Spirit,theyarejointpersons justasall bornagainpeoplearenow‘’onespirit,’’ withJesusandtheHolySpirit , in ‘spirit ’ of coursenottheflesh andblood bodieswehavenowatthismomentasweawaitour ‘’new bodies’’ in heaven whenweleavethisbody,forour‘’newbodies’’ ‘’havebeengiventousbythe HolySpirit ’’‘whenwedie ’and ‘’leavethisnoneternalfleshandbloo dbodies. ’’
TobetruthfulIalwaysbelievedthatitwasJesuswhogaveusthesenew spiritualbodies.OurhumannaturefindsithardtocredittheHolySpiritwith verymuchwhenitisactuallyhimthatdoesthese breathtaking thingsforus, andheloves uswiththeverysamelovethat ‘’God the Father does ’’ andthat ‘’Jesus s howed ’’ when *he suffered and died for us. *
Remember ‘’they are one and think as one, ’’ andnotas‘two’or‘three,’ differentpeople;youneedtokeepthesethoughtsinmind;for youarenot discreditingJesuswithanything,becausetheyareone,justasJesussaidin ‘’John , ‘’may they ‘be’ ‘one’ just as we are, in spirit’’
for this is the only way that we can be one with Jesus. Whoisinus?WeknowthatJesusisinus, whenwer eceivedhisofferofsalvation.Whoalsoisinus?TheHolySpiritfor wereceivedthisgiftfromAlmightyGodwhenwewerebaptizedintheHoly Spirit,wherewereceivedthefullnessofthesegiftsfromtheFatherwhoalso isinusforscripturesayswea re filled with the Godhead, father, Son, and Holy Spirit, halleluiahpraisethelivingGodwhoisthreeinoneandoneinus also.
12 During my time here I have kept safe within your family all of these you gave me. I guarded the m so that not one perished, except the son of hell, as the Scriptures foretold.
13 “And now I am coming to you. I have told them many things while I was with them so that they would be filled with my joy. 14 I have given them your commands. And the world h ates
them because they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t. 15 I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to *keep them safe from Satan’s power. * 16 They are not part of this world any more than I am. 17 Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth . 18 As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world , 19 and ‘’I consecrate myself ’ to meet their need for growth in truth and holiness.
20 “I am not praying for these alone but also for the ‘’future believers ’’ w ho will come to me because of the testimony of these . 21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are, Father that ’’ just as ‘’you are in me ’’ and ‘’I am in you , ’’ so ‘’they will be in us, ’’ and the world will believe you sent me. 22 “I have given them the glory you gave me ‘’the glorious ‘unity ’ of being ‘one, ’ ‘’as we are ’’ 23 ‘’I in them ’’ and ‘’you in me, ’’ ‘’all being perfected into ‘’one ,’’ so that the world will know you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me. 24 Father, I want them with me these you’ve given me so that they can see my glory. You gave me the glory because you loved me before the world began!
Inthisscriptureitmaysurpriseyouthat Jesus himself is actual ly praying for you, yeshehimselfisprayingforyou , -19 -20 *“I am not praying for these alone but also for the ‘’future believers ’’ who will come to me because of the testimony of these . ‘’Are you a future believer,’’ ‘’you are if you were ‘’re born ’’ long after the apostles died,’’ then Jesus is praying for you . You maybethinking thatistoomuchtothink ,that ‘’Jesus is actually praying for me; ’’ whataboutthe billionsofotherswhoarebornagain,howisheprayingforthemalso. Jesusreturnedtoh eavenafterdefeatingthedevil,andparaded thedeviland all thefallenangelsbeforethethroneofGodasalltheheavenlyhostswatched on.A ndinhispositionasGodagain , hecouldprayasingleprayer , notthese biglongprayersthebrethrenpray , buta single wordforthefuturebelievers, forwhenhespoketodemonsheused ‘’oneword ’’ only ‘’out,’’ andtheyleft immediately .
Iwenttomyfirstprayermeetingtoma kefunofmymotherinlaw,butinthat firstmeetingGodspoketomethroughamanwhospokeinagutturaltypeof tongu e. Asthismanspokeintongues,Godspoketomesaying, ‘‘’I am one in three,’’ ‘’I am three in one, ’’ ‘’you are one in me, ’’ ‘’I am o ne in you, ’’
Then thewordschanged,andsaid, ‘’I am one of three,
‘’ you are one of me,
‘’I am one of you.
I am, three of one,
Ididn’trealizeatthetimethatGodwassaying‘’IBrendanMcCrossanwasone ‘’ of ,’’ and ‘’in ’’ him,’’Ifoundt hisscriptureyearslater inthebookofJohn .I finallyunderstoodwhattheLordhadbeensayingtomeallthoseyearsago .
Thosewordskeptrepeatingoverandoveragain ,andasthemanspokeIhad toholdmyselfdowninthechair,becauseIfeltmybody lifting , andIheldon toth atchairlikegrimdeathforIfeltthatIshouldsaywhatw asbeingspoken tome , andIwassogladwhenhestoppedspeaking,Ididn’tknowwhat was happeningtome,butmymotherinlawP eggyknewthatitwasthe ‘’gift of interpretation ’’ thatIreceived , andsowhenGodwentfishing thatnight he caughtme,forRosemywifeandIdecidedtogototheprayermeetinganddo thebaptisminth eHolySpiritafewweekslater,andwehaven’tstopped doing thethingsthatGodwants ustodo eversince ,andthatisnowoverfortyyears .
IrealizethatineverythingnewIdiscoverintheworddoesnottakeaway from anythingJesusdone,ortheHolySp iritdonethroughhim,fortheyof equalvalueinGodthefather’seyes!
IalwaysbelievedthatitwasJesuswhoconvincedtheworldofsin,nowIcan seeclearlyhereinthisscripturethatitisthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ that ‘’convinces the world of sin. ’’
John 16 Living Bible (TLB)
7 but the fact of the matter is that it is best for you that I go away, for if Idon’t , the Comforter won’t come. If I do, ‘’he
will for I will send
to you
8 “And when ‘’he
has come
convince the world of its sin, ’’ and ‘’of the availability of God’s goodness,
deliverance from judgment ’’ . 9 The world’s ‘’sin ’’ is ‘’ unbelief
and of
10 there is righteousness available because I go to the Father and you shall see me no more; 11 there is deliver ance from judgment because the prince of this world has already been judged .
in me;
AgainthescripturereferstotheHolySpiritas ‘’he’’ threetimes , andonceas ‘’ him ’’ inthisscripture! ‘’I will send ‘ ’him,’’ to you
When ‘’he’’ hascome, ‘’he’’ will ‘’conv ince the world of its sin;’’ Ialways thoughtthatthiswasJesuswhodonethis,Ineverpaidmuchmindtowhatthe rightpersonwasaccreditedwith,Ijustreadthescripturewithoutgiving muchthoughtto*whosaidandwhodonewhat,*nowofcourseIsee *who donewhatandsaidwhat,*forIamnowtunedintotheHolySpiritaswellas Jesusandthefather.
BecausetheHolySpiritshowedmethat he was a person, Ihaveapproached mygiftoftonguesmorerespectfully;IamnowawareofwhomIamtalkingto , andasIask ed himformymiracleforRosemywife, I prayed in ‘’ his words ’’ and ‘’let him ’’ do the ‘’healing through me and those praying for Rose.’’ It mayseemtobethesameasbefore ,butitisn’t ,ithasallchanged,forRosegot hermiracle,she hasnowbeendiagnosedascancerfree,nocanceranywhere inherbodynow , whereasbeforeshehaddoublelungcancerandatumor threecentimeterslong behindherheart ,andithas *alldisappeared ,* leaving thedoctorfumblingforwordstotrytoexplain toRoseandI , whytherewas nownocancer. Butweknowwhat’shappened
glory to God on high.
WhattitlesdoestheHolySpi rithave? Whatdoesitmatterabouthistitles? Wellwehavetohave ‘’ reverence for him ’’ nowweareawareofhimasa ‘’he.’’
Andsoweneedtoseeallthat ‘’ he is ’’ and ‘’has done , ’’ nowtodaywithour newthinking
Thesetitlesaretakenfrom ‘’ Martin H. Manser,’’ siteandIamsorryfor borrowingwithouthispermissionbecauseitwasallinBibleGatewayandnot separateasadifferentsite.
Titles relating the Holy Spirit to God the Son
Gal4:6 See also Ac16:7 ;Ro8:9 ; Php1: 19; 1Pe1:11
Titles revealing the Holy Spirit’s essential nature
The Spirit of truth Jn16:13 See also Jn14:17 ; Jn15:26 ;1Jn4:6
The Spirit of ho liness Ro1:4
The Spirit of life Ro8:2
The Spirit of glory 1Pe4:14
The eternal Spirit Heb9:14
Titles showing the nature of the Holy Spirit’s activity
The Counselor Jn14:26 ; Jn15:26
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding
Isa11:2 See also Dt34:9fn ;Eph 1:17
The Spirit of grace and supplication
The Spirit of sonship Ro8:15
Zec12:10 fn
The Spirit of judgment and fire Isa4:4fn
Thesetitlesarejustsomeofthetitle stheHolySpirithas.
Once again I can only say this is something else that I heard being credited to Jesus alon e.
IthoughtthatitwasJesuswhogavememy ‘’new life ’’ ‘’ in him ’’ on ‘’ the cross , ’’ nowIamawarethatthisis not so ,andthisisnot takinganythingaway fromJesus,hedonehispart , andis just showingwecandothesamethingsas himbecause ‘’we have his * same * ‘’Holy Spirit. ’’ Thingslike ‘healingthesick, growingnewarmsandlegs,andbodyparts, ’ asdirectedbythesameHoly Spirit.
JesuswentabouthealingthesickbutitwastheHolySpiritdirectinghimasto whattodoandwhentodo itanditwas ‘’hispowernotJesuspower ’’ that healedthosesickpeople.Allthiswasdoneforourenlightenmentitwasto showuswhattodoandwhentodoitbutundertheHolySpiritsdirection.
ForinstanceIwaswalkingthroughourlocalTescoshoppingarcadewhenI heardaloudvoicesaying ‘’STOP’’ IimmediatelystoppedforIrecognizedthat voiceasthevoiceofthelord.Ilookedbothwaysinthatentrancehallbut therewasnoonethere ,soIstoodafewmomentswaitingondirectionofwhat todo,thenIfelttoturnbackandbeginwalkingbackouttowardsthefront entrancewhereIhadcomeinfrom;butasIstartedtowalkbackIhadgoneno morethanacoupleofyardswhenI‘feltto stop,’soIdid,andtheretotheside ofmewasalittlephonecovershop.IfeltledtowalkovertoitandallIcould thinkoffwhenthegirlservingasked‘’whatcouldshedoforme?’’Was,I pulledoutmyphoneandasked,‘’didshehaveacoverfori
t;’’thankGodshe didn’t,forIwasn’treallylookingforone,andasthegirlcamebacktomeI askedtheHolySpiritwhatdoeshewantmetodo?
Hespokethesewordstome; ‘’ask her if she died tonight where would she go,’’ andshelookedatmeinsh ock, {I also was in shock for I would never have thought to ever ask anyone this question} andthenshereplied,afterafewmomentshesitating, said ‘’hell,’’. Iwassurprisedatheranswerandthoughtshewasjoking , and said,‘’areyousure,’’andsher eplied, ‘’with the life I have led that’s where I am going,’’ Iturnedtothelordinmymind,forIknowGodreadsourminds {the devil cannot read our minds but puts plenty of rotten things into them.}
andasked , ‘’ now whatdoIdo, ’’ andhesaid, ‘’ask her if she would like to go to heaven,’’ Idone whatIwastold, andshereplied, ‘’ofcourseIwouldlovetobutbecauseofthe lifeIhaveledIamdestinedforhell.’’ Thenthelordsaidto ‘’ask her ’’ ‘’would she like to go to heaven, ’’ andshe again repliedbutthistimeIc uthershort,shehadgottento ,‘’ofcourseI would,’’andItoldherthereisonlyonewayintoheaven,andthatistosay, ‘’God I am sorry for my sins,’’ ‘’Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior,’’ and that’s it, ‘’you cannot earn heaven it is a free gift,’’ soshespoke outinfrontofmeandsaid , ‘’God I am sorry for my sins; Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior.’’
In that instance she was born again, she had become a
‘’ new creation ’’ a ‘’ New Creature, ’’ an d as Iexplainedtoherthatwasallshehadtodotogetinto heaven,simplywas , to, ‘’repent ’’{tellGodyoursorryforyoursins} and ask Jesus into her heart as her lord and savior.’
’ That’s how easy getting into heaven is.
Wetalkedforabriefwhi leandItoldherthatGodlovesherandsentmetoget hersaved;andtogetherintoheavenwhenshedie s manyyearslater.Aftera littlewhileofchattingwithher,IsensedtheHolySpiritsaying, ‘’ask her if she would like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit,’’ Iexplainedalittlebitaboutthis
giftandshesaidshewouldlovetoreceiveitandafterlayinghandsonher behindthecounter; shebeganspeakingintonguesastheSpiritgaveherhis amazinggift,theonlygiftthat‘’we’’canturnonan
doffatwill,therestofthe giftsneedtobeopenedwhenweneedthem.
SeeingthelookofjoyonherfaceIlefther,praisingGodforhisHolySpirits leading.
OverthenextweekIwasdrawntothisboothathreemoretimesandthree timesIaskedt hedifferentgirlsservingthesamequestion,andtheyall answered,‘’theywanttogettoheaven,’’‘’butdidn’tknowhow.’’Nowthey wereassuredthatheavenwastheirstohaveasthey
repentedand askedJesus intotheirhearts , andreceivedsalvation.A ndthesethreegirlswereall baptizedintheHolySpiritandspokeintonguesastheHolySpiritgavethem utterance.
OneotherdayasIwalkedpasttheboothIseenanothergirl,ablondhaired girlandIthought,‘shouldIstopandtellherthegospe lmessage,and ‘’feltno answerfromtheHolySpirit, ’’ butdecidedtogooveranywaytoseeifthiswas theHolySpiritnotansweringme;andaskthisnewgirlifshewouldliketoget toheaven,andshebluntlytoldme, ‘’no she is not interested,’’ soI walked away,knowingtheHolySpiritdidn’tdirectmetothisgirl,butmonthslater shefinallygaveherlifetothelord.IspoketohereverytimeIpassedandshe wasthereItoldherthatGodlovesherandsomeotherstufffromthebible, andnowthi sdaymonthslateronshefinallytoldmeshegaveherlifetothe lord.
SincetheHolySpiritstoppedmeandtoldmewhattodo,Ihaveleftmyself opentohisdirectionasIwalkaroundthisstoreandothershoppingstoresin thecity,andIhavestoppe dwithdozensofgirlsand afewyoungme n,and gavethemthesamemessage,andmostaskedthelordintotheirlivesandgot saved;somesaid,‘’I’lldoitlater,’’soIstoppedtalkingtothemandleftthem, having ajokewiththem,thenleaving,knowing thatthechancesofthemtruly askingJesusintotheirheartswasprobablynotontheirmindswhentheygot home.
Thisissomethingthathasbeenplacedintomyheart,asimplewayoftelling peoplehowtogetintoheaven,andnowIask, ‘’Holy Spirit I want souls for your kingdom, show me who to talk to,’’ andmostofthetimeIgetitright, butsometimesIjustaskpeople,‘’dotheyknowhowtogetintoheaven’’and thoseIaskjustoffofmyself,mostlydon’twanttoknow,Iamtryingtorely onlyon thepromptingoftheHolySpiritandnotonmyfeelingsfromnowon.
ThisisonlysmallthingsthattheHolySpiritwantsofme,thesearethe‘ ’works of the Father’ ‘that have been prepared for me from before time even began,’’ and ‘’if I don’t do them, who will?’’ Theseare‘’ my works ’’ that God has prepared for me to do ’’ andnowthatIamfullyawareofthisIwantonly tofollowtheHolySpiritsPrompting,thenIknowIwillbesuccessfulinthe workpreparedformesincebeforetimebegan.
Ifyouha veneverbeenusedtobringsoulstothelordthenusethismessage theHolySpiritgaveme,itisasimpleeasymessagetogive;mostpeoplewant togetintoheavenbutwerenevertoldhow,especiallythoseoftheCatholic faith;Iwasnevertaughthowto getintoheavenuntilIwasbaptizedinthe HolySpirit,afteraskingJesusintomyheartonedaypreviously.
{BiblesusedarefromtheBibleGatewaybibles. }
Sometimes I am amazed at wha t the Holy Spirit does and I thought it was Jesus who done all these things
**[ John 3:6 Men can only reproduce human life, but the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ gives ‘’ new life ’’ from heaven ;]**
** [John 6:63
Only the ‘’ Holy Spirit ’’ gives ‘’eternal life. ’’ Those born only once, with physical birth,* will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spirit ual life ] **
Thesearethevery words of Jesus himself tous,tellingusthatitis the ‘’ Holy Spirit ’’ that creates those ‘’ new lives ’’ that he gives us. And this new life is eternal life not physical life .
TheHolySpiritd oesmorethanwerealize,forinstance
; didyouknowthat Jesus never healed anyone by his own power ?Thismaycomeasashockto you,butitwasbythe ‘’Holy Spirits ’’ ‘power ’ inhim , thathereceivedathis baptismattheJordanRiver ,byJohntheBapti st.Itwastherethathereceived the ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ justaswe can receive the same ‘’Holy Spirit , ’’ thereisonly the ‘’one Holy Spirit. ’’ Some peopleIhavemetthinktherearetwoHoly Spirits,theoneJesushas,andtheonewereceiveatthebaptism intheHoly Spirit,amazingisn’tittothinkpeople,Christianpeople,believetherearetwo spirits!
Jesusistheonewhoissayingthesetruthsinbothscriptures,andhealsosays that ‘’his’’ ‘’miracles’’ were from the ‘’Holy Spirits Power,’’
Mark 3:30
He told them this because they were saying ‘’he did his miracles ’’ by Satan’s power instead of ‘’acknowledging ’’ it was by the *‘’ Holy Spirit ’s ’’ power ’*
Jesus ack nowledged’’ thathismiracleswerebythe *‘’power of the Holy Spirit,’’* andnotfromhispower,andthereadersofthewordneedtorealize this.Jesushadto‘’receivetheHolySpirit’’justas‘’wealsoneedtoreceive him.’’ThereasonJesusdidthing sthiswaywastoshow us ‘’we also as well as ‘him’ need to have the Holy Spirit in us , for the Holy Spirit to work his miracles through us .’’ MakenomistaketheHolySpirit,istheonewho performedthoseawesomemiracles;likeraisingthedead,making people grownewarmsandlegsandbodypartsandthosedeformed straightened, andthosewithdemonicpoweroppressingthem, delivered; andtheHoly Spiritknewofcoursewhenpeopleweresickoriftheyhadanevilspirit withinthem.
Realizingthatiti sthe *Holy Spirit, * this *third person* intheHolyTrinity,is theoneJesusneededtogoaboutandheal thesick ,andraisethedead,and ‘’ it is the ’’ *same Holy Spirit* that ‘’we can have , ’’ andneedtoseethoseexact samemiracleshappeningforusa lso.
“For ‘’we ’’ ‘are ’ ‘’his ’’ ‘’ workmanship , ’’ created ‘’ in ’’ Christ Jesus ’’ for ‘’good works , ’’ which ‘’ God prepared ’’ ‘’ beforehand ’’ that we should walk in them ”
Itistimefor theChristianchurchpeople toseemiracles’happeningfor them , ifwehavethelordsdesiresinourhearts; our ‘’first desire ’’ is for the ‘’ kingdom of God ’’ and nothing else , andthe ‘’kingdom should be our first and last desire , ’’ and toloveandseesickpeoplehealedthroughthelords HolySpiritworkingin us.JustasJesuslovedpeopleandwasmovedbythe HolySpiritscompassionworkinginhim.
God’swordsays ‘’he ’’ has ‘created works ’ for ‘’us ;’’ hehasprepared them for usfrombeforeheevenmadethisworldandeverythinginit.
Andthoseworks mostl yinvolve ‘’bringingsoulsto theKingdomofH eaven ,’ ‘reachingthelost forhim ’’ ashedirectsyou! Andalso ‘’healing the sick’’ and ‘’delivering people from demons and evil spirits;’’ forsomesicknesshaveademonorevilspirit behindthem, ‘’forexa mple’’ peoplewitha ‘longtermillness ’ oran ‘incurable
illness ;’ behindtheirdiseaselaysanevilspiritordemon,andtheydon’teven know.Anythingincurablebymedicinehasanevilspiritbehindit.
Acts 13:2
One day as these men were worshiping and fasting , the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job I have for them.”
Acts 13:4
Directed by the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus .
Thesearescripturestoshowyouitisthe ‘’ Holy Spirit ’’ whoistellingushow towalkintheareaswhereGodthefatherwilluseyouforhisglory. Haveyou everfeltapromptingtogosomewhere , andwhenyoufollowedthis promptingyoumetwithsomeoneyouweredrawnto,andasyoutalkedwith them ,theHolySpiritgaveyouwordsforthem;wordsthatbroughtcomfortto them,fortheHolySpiritiscal ledthecomforter ;
John 16 Living Bible (TLB)
7 but the fact of the matter is that it is best for you that I go away, for if I don’t , the ‘’Comforter ’’ won’t come. If I do, ‘’ he’’ will for I will send ‘’him’’ to you
Heuses ‘’ you ’’ tobringcomfortand healingtopeople;yes‘’heusesyou.’’I said,youaretheonesthatGodhaschosenbeforetheworldevenbegan, { Ephesians 1 1 6 } Godhashisplansalldrawnoutanditisthedevilwhoistrying todestroyGod’splansforyouandforme,solet’skic khimoutofsituations thathetriestogaincontrolof.
ThinkhowpreciousyouaretoGodforheusesyoutoreachoutandhelp others,eitherbywordsofcomfortfromtheHolySpirit,orbyhealingsbythe HolySpirit’spower,itisallbytheHolySpi rit, ‘’heusesus ,’’ justlike ‘’heused Jesus ’’ tobringcomfortandhealing , anddeliveringpeople fromtheworksof theenemy.
This is how important the Holy Spirit is.
But blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can
eternal sin.”
be forgiven
It is an
SomeChristiansdonotevenknowthatblasphemyagainsttheHolySpiritisa ‘’ sinthatwillsendthem tohell,’’aswellasthe‘’onlyothersin,’’ *refusingtobe saved, * *refusingtoacceptforgiveness,andsalvation, * andthis hurts my heart,forIneverwanttoseepeoplerefusingtobesavedorforgiven,butIdo seethis whenI ministertopeoplethewordofthelord ,bring ing withmethe ‘’salvationmessageinashortenedform;
peopletellmeto ‘’getlost ’’ ‘’ very aggressively ,’’ orjust ‘’notinterested,goaway. ’’ Thankfullythemajorityof soulsIgoto , theHolySpirit directs metothem , andsoIofferthewordof salvationtothemandtheyacceptthat.
*BlasphemyagainsttheHolySpiritistoknowwithoutashadowofdoubtthat itistheHolySpiritwhoishealingsomeoneanddeliberatelysayingitisthe devilthatis doingthathealing , oractofGod;andpraiseGodveryfew ChristianswilleversaysuchathingagainsttheHolySpirit.*
Peoplethinkthatsexualsinwillkeepthemoutofheavenandothersthink thatbadlanguageorfightingorstealingorsomethinge lsewillkeepthemout, butthatissowrong,theonlything s thatwillkeepthemoutofheavenis ‘’ blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
or ‘’refusingtobeforgiven, ’’ ‘’refusing theirsalvation. ’’
TheHolySpiritispartoftheHolyTrinityandassuchi sGod,jus tasthefather andsonJesusare ,andtheyarealltheonespirit.Butforwhateverreason knownonlytoGodatthismoment ,forme , isthattheFatherandsonholdhim uptothegreatestheightsofholiness.Heseemstobe the ir expression of h oliness .
Inthelastdays,andthisissomethingthatalotofChristiansarealltalking aboutatthemoment,buttheyforgetthattheHolySpirithasbeenheresince Jesussenthi m over twothousandyearsago ,thelastdaysaresincethen,and onlyGodtheFatherhimselfknowswhenthelastdaysare .
Acts 2:17
God sa id, ‘I will pour out my
Holy Spirit ’’ upon ‘’all mankind , ’’ and ‘’your sons and daughters shall prophesy, ’’ and your young men shall see visions, and your ‘’ old men dream dreams. ’’
FortwothousandandeighteenyearstheHolySpirithasbeenwithus,an din thoseyears,wehereinthis western sideoftheworld,haveseenverylittleof him;excepttoreadaboutoneortwosaintsthathavebeenusedexceptionally to work healingandmiraclesthroughthem,butnothingsayingordinary Christiansdoneanyth ingforGodexceptafewthatsufferedpersecutionand deathforJesus. Thatissosad;IknowthatCatholicsweretoldthatiftheyread thebibletheywouldgomad.I also wastoldthatasayoungman of seventeen yearsold.
ButnowtheHolySpirithas beenworkingwiththiscenturyChristians , pouringouthisgiftsonthem. Icouldn’tbelieveit ,whentheotherdayImetan oldfriend Paddy, andhetoldmehehasamemorylossdisease,{ I can’t spell al l time ers; } Aftertalkingalittlewhilewiththe mIdiscoveredthathiswifewas baptizedintheHolySpirit , andIsaidtoher , ‘’whydon’tyoulayhandsonhis brainandcommandhealingtoit ?’’ sheverballyattackedmeandsaidshe refusedtobegiventhegiftsofthespirit,shedidn’t wantanything todowith them.S hethentoldmeshehadpeoplepraywithmyfriendandthatisallshe neededfromtheHolySpirit.IthoughtwhataninsulttoGod , actuallytelling himtoshovehisgifts ,andinsuchanaggressivemanner. Iwasshockedtosay the leas t andIwouldhavewalkedaway then , onlyPaddycontinuedtalkingto me,Iwasthatshockedbythemannerinwhichshespoketomeaboutthe HolySpiritsgiftstoher. IfIwastheHolySpiritIwouldhavebeenseriouslyoffended,butIamnot,for theHol ySpirittakesnooffense,that’showbeautifulheis.
‘Now ’ knowingheisa ‘’ person ’’ hasmadememoreawareofwhoitiswhen talkingwithhim,andovertheyearsIhavebeenmixinghimupwithJesus ,and speakingasiftheyshouldknow ,andtheydo pr aiseGod.NowIknowhowto separateJesusandthethingshedidfromtheHolySpirit’sworkingthrough him,andknowingthereisnojealousybetweenthem.Icanfeelok.
Irememberjustnow,howitfelt when Maryledmeto Jesus ,andyearslater Jesus ledmeto thefather,thatfeltsodifficultforme ,andIknowsomeofmy friendsfeltthesame ; thenafterawhileitbecameallrighttocommunicate betweenthetwoofthem,nowIhavetolearnagainhowtoseparatetheHoly SpiritfromJesusandtheFat her ,andtalktoeachindividuallyandcollectively forthe y areone.
Luke 4:1 2
Then Jesus, full of the ‘’Holy Spirit , ’’ left the Jordan River, being urged by the ‘’Spirit ’’ out into the barren wastelands of Judea, where ‘’Satan ’’ tempted him for ‘’ forty days . ’’ He ‘’ate nothing ‘all that ti me ’ and was very hungry. ’’
Justimaginehowitwouldfeeltobedrawnoutintothedesertforfortydays andnightswithnofoodwithyou,howyouwouldfeel,andwhatwouldbe yourfeelingswhensomeonecamealongandtemptedyoutodothings contraryto yourbeliefs. AndJesussufferedthis as a ‘’man ’’ ‘’remember , ’’ a ‘’ human being, ’’ ‘not as God ’ butassomeonelikeyouandme. Buthewasfull oftheHolySpiritandthatwasenoughtosustainhimduringthattimethere.
We also need to be full of the H oly Spirit . Hungerleavesusvulnerable,so poorJesusmusthavebeenfeelingverytiredandemotionaldrainedbythe timethosefortydaysandnightsended;andtherewasSatanthedevil temptinghimwitheveryfoultypeofsinamancouldcommit ;that we asa manmightgothroughinlifeandhenevergaveinonce.
The Temptation of Jesus
… 12 But Jesus declared, “It also says, ‘d o not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 13 When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time. 14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the ‘’power of the Spirit,’’ and the news about Him spread throughout the surrounding region.
ItwaswhenJesus ledbytheHolySpirit , wentbackintocivilizationthathe returned ‘’full of the *Holy Spirits * power, ’’ * ‘’not his power as God , ’’ butasa humanbeing , havinglefthispowerandaut horitybehindhiminheaven.Not bypowerorbymightbutbymyspiritsaysthelord,youshallsucceed!
Then he answered and spoke unto me, say ing, “This is the word of the L ORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, ‘ Not by might nor by power, but by ‘’My Spirit, ’’ saith the L ORD of hosts
Jesuswalkedaboutthemiddleeasttouchinganddeliveringpeoplefrom sicknessanddisease,anditwas ‘not by his own power’ thathehealedall thosepeopleandcausedmiraclestohappen.Jesusdonethosethingsbecause helovedmankindashisveryownchildren,andwearehisownholychildren eventoday,andhislovehasnotchangedonebit;hestilllovesus unconditio nallyandshowsitthroughthe ‘miraclesandsignsandwonders ’ happeningthroughus, foritisbythesameHolySpirittodaythat doesthose thingsusingus; whataprivilegetobeusedbytheveryhandsofGodtobring healingtosomeone. AgainIusera differenttranslationjusttogiveyoua largerideaofwhotheHolySpiritisandwhathedoes.
Then he said to me, “This is the ’’ word of the LORD ’’ to Zerub babel : Not by might, nor by power, but by ‘’my Spirit, ’’ says the ‘’LORD of hosts. ’’ you will succeed because of my Spirit , though you are few and weak.’
WecannotgooutintothisevilworldwithoutfirstbeingfilledwiththeHoly Spiritforthisevil worldwoulddestroyus. IhadahealingserviceinHullEngland,InaChristianchurch,andduringthe serviceIbeganprayingandlayinghandsonthosegatheredthereinalineup. AsIwentdownthatlineagirlbeganwailinguncannily ,shewaspossessed by anevilspirit,andJesusbegandeliveringher,andshebackedoutofthelineup bentintwo,wailingallthetimewhile‘’peoplelookedonwithoutmoving,they weresoconcernedfortheirhealing;’’myfriendswhoministeredtohertold melaterthat sheandanotherwomanhadcometothemeetingwiththe intentionofdestroyingtheservice,andthereforedenyingthoseneeding
healingthetouchfromJesusspirit,buttheSpiritofGodwasstrongerthanher evilspiritsactivity,anditlefther.Shehad noideawhereherfriendwentto.
“And now I will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just as my Father promised. Don’t begin telling others yet stay here in the cit y until* the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ comes and fills you with power from heaven.”
Jesusadvisedhisdisciplesnottogooutintotheworldaroundthemuntilhis spirithadcomeuponthem;andifheadvisedthemnottogooutyetuntilthey receivedtheHolySpir itinthem ; foronlythencouldtheygooutanddeliver thelordsmessages ,anddeliverthosepossessed ,andoppressedbyevilspirits , forhumanfleshcannotdealwithsupernaturalevilspiritslikedemonsand powersandthedevilhimself. Taketheadvice ofJesuswaittillyoureceivethe HolySpiritbeforeyougooutintothisworldtodeliverthelordsmessages. The ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ comes and ‘’f ills ’’ ‘you ’ with ‘’ power from heaven.”
Think aboutsomethinghere how ‘could Jesus ’ endurethatterribletor tureat thescourgingatthepillar,andthencarryacrossuphilltoCalvary,ifhedidn’t havetheHolySpiritspowerwithinhimhelpinghimsucceedinhismission. IfyouhaveneverreceivedtheHolySpiritspowerthensimplyaskhimto comeintoyouli keyouaskedJesus,askfirstforhissupernaturallanguage, thatawesomegiftoftongues,forthewordtell suswedonotknowhowto pray; soifthewordistellingyou, ‘’youdonotknowhowtopray, ’’ thenyou needtolearnhowtoprayinthe power and authority of the Holy Spirit ,and thatisprayingintongues.
26 And in the same way by our fai th the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ helps us with ‘’ our ‘daily problems ’ and ‘’ in our praying. ’’ For ‘we ’ ‘’don’t even know what we should pray fo r’’ ‘’ nor how to pray as we should, ’’ but the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ ‘’prays for us ’’ with ‘’such feeling ’’ that it ‘’ cannot be expressed in ‘’ words ’’ 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts ’’ ‘knows, of course, what the ‘Spirit is saying as ‘’he ’’ ‘’ pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will . ’’ 28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
. When you pray in tongues it is the Holy Spirit who gives you the words to pray out of your mouth , then ‘’he’’ works ‘’ everything ’’ out for you in the ‘’perfect will’’ of ‘God the father.’
Before you pray ; stop for a moment to remember that the Holy Spirit is a person not a birdie and let him fill your mouth and heart with his words as ‘’he ’’ then acts upo n his own words for you. 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts ’’ ‘knows, of course, what the ‘Spirit is saying as ‘’he’’ ‘’ pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will ’’
Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as ‘’he’’ a person not some thing, but as ‘’he.’’
If only we could realize who the Holy Spirit is , and what it is he does , and then we would have more knowledge of him , a stronger faith and trust in him, Jesus trusted in him one hundred percent, so let us trust him also in the same one hundred perc ent, for this is the Holy Spirits time on earth to help mankind. First we had the father in the Old Testament, then we had Jesus in the New Testament and now we have the Holy Spirit in these end times of this world to help us live it in power and authority for the glory of God the father.
1 When God began creating the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth w as a shapeless, chaotic mass ,* with the ‘’Spirit of God ’’ brooding over the dark vapors.*
3 Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared. 4 5 And God was pleased with it a nd divided the light from the darkness. He called the light “daytime,” and the darkness “nighttime.”
Together ’’ they formed the first day ’’
In the beginning ‘’The Holy Spirit’’ and ‘’God the father,’’ and probably ‘’Jesus’’ formed the days of the week; making all these things from nothing, for it says in this next day; together they made man in their own spiritual image , and man being men not just one man as in Adam and Eve; he made the woman later taking a rib from Adams side.
26 Then God said, “Let Us (‘’Father ’ ‘Son, ’ ‘’ Holy Spirit ’’) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness ]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” 27 So God created
man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; ‘’male and female ’’ He created them. -----
31 God saw everythi ng that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.
God was happy with all they had made between them; did you notice that God made man and woman in his own likeness, meaning that there had to be a female side to God; ‘’male and female ’’ He created them. the femal e side to God is in the Holy Spirit for later on in the book of proverbs it speaks of the spirit of God as a female
Proverbs 8 1 Living Bible (TLB)
8 1 3 Can’t you hear the voice of wisdom? ‘’She ’’ is standing at the city gates and at every fork in the road, and at the door of every house. Listen to what ‘’ she ’’ says: 4 5 “Listen, men!” ‘’she ’’ calls; “How foolish and naive you are! Let me give you understanding. O foolish ones let me show you common sense! 6 7 Listen to me! For I have important information for you. Everything I say is right and true, for I hate lies and every kind of deception . 8 My advice is wholesome and good. The re is nothing of evil in it. 9 My words are plain and clear to anyone with half a mind if it is only open! 10 My instruction is far more valuable than silver or gold.”
11 For the value of wisdom is far above rubies; nothing can be compared with it. 12 Wisd om and good judgment live together, for wisdom knows where to discover knowledge and understanding. 13 If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind.
14 16 “I,’’ Wisdom, give go od advice and common sense. Because of my strength , kings reign in power, and rulers make just laws. 17 I love all who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me. 18 Unending riches, honor, justice, and righteousness are mine to distribute. 19 My gifts are better than the purest gold or sterling silver! 20 My paths are those of justice and right. 21 Those that love and follow me are indeed wealthy. I fill their treasuries. 22 The Lord formed me in the beginning, ‘’before ’’ ‘he created anything el se. ’’ 23 From ages past, I am. I existed before the earth began. 24 I lived before the oceans were created, before the springs bubbled forth their waters onto the earth, 25 before the mountains and the hills were made. 26 Yes, I was born before God made th e earth and fields and the first handfuls of soil.
29 “I’’ ‘was there ’’ when he established the heavens and formed the great springs in the depths of the oceans.
‘’I’’ ‘’was there ’’ when he set the limits of the seas and gave them his instructions not to spread beyond their boundaries. ‘’I’’ ‘was there ’’ when he made the blueprint for the earth and oceans.
‘’I’’ ‘’was the craftsman at his side. ’’ ‘’I’’ ‘was his constant delight, ’ rejoicing always in his presence.
And how happy I was with what
he created his wide world and all his family of mankind! 32 And so, young men, listen to me, for how happy are all who follow my instructions.
33 “Listen to my counsel oh, don’t refuse it and be wise. 34 Happy is the man who is so anxious to be with me that h e watches for me daily at my gates, or waits for me outside my home! 35 For ‘’whoever finds ‘me ’ finds life and wins approval from the Lord. ’’ 36 But the one who misses me has injured himself irreparably. Those who refuse me show that they love death.”
Th e Holy Spirit is calling himself ‘’she’’ in this scriptures; for the Holy Spirit is multi facetted {any surface of a cut gemstone} if you look at a large gemstone you will see it is cut multi facetted, every cut is perfection as much as man can make it, an d the Holy Spirit is like the gemstones , they have multi sides to them him/her, that gemstone is worth a fortune for it is cut perfect so that every side shines with glory just as the Holy Spirit shines with glory also, the Holy Spirit can be what ‘’ he or she ’’ wants ‘’him or herself ’’ to be seen as, did you ever notice that ‘a woman has more wisdom than a man,’ it just comes naturally to her while men are not so wise and don’t realize things. In this scripture the Holy Spirit is also telling us that ‘’he ’’ was there when God created the first thing’’ = ‘him/ her.’ They were there before the world was formed and scripture also says ; ‘’he’’ ‘’ was the craftsman at his side, ’’ he helped create the universes and the world.
In understanding the Holy Spirit and w hat it is he does for us we need ed to go back to the beginning to see what power and authority he held with God, and remember ‘’he’’ was created before Jesus. He was the first thing God created. 22 The Lord formed me in the beginning, before he created any thing else.
Back to the days of the apostles Jesustoldhisdisciplesto ‘waituntilthefathersendstheComforter, ’ {the ‘Holy Spirit ’} ‘comesbeforeyougooutandpreachthegosp el,’ thegoodnews! He knewtheywouldn’thavethepowertogoupagainst powerfulevil people ,the devilandevilspirits ,anddemonseventhough Jesus haddefeatedthemforall mankind,butthehellofthedamneddidn’texistyet,andthedevilstimewas notyetup;hesentthembackdefeatedtotheearth,anditwasuptothe disciplesandfuturedisciplestouncoverthetruthsinthewordofGod,andso actinauthorityoverallofthem.Wemustuseourknowledgeandbelief,
{‘’faith’’}tocommandthose powersofevilincludingSatanhimselftoobeyour commands.
John 14:26
But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of me* and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit ‘’he ’’ will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I myself have told you.
‘’he.’’ OneofthethingstheHoly Spiritistodoistoshowusmuch ,andtoteachussecretesknownonlyto god . Als otoremindusabout Jesus andthewordshespoketous , forhiswords havelifeinthem ,andarefullof ‘’spiritualpowerandauthority.
Acts 1:8
But when the Holy Spirit ha s come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection .”
iplesincludingJesus ownmother,sofewCatholicsrealizethatMaryhadtoreceivetheHolySpirit justasshealsoacceptedJesusintoher,infleshandbloodform.Andonthe dayofPentecostasMaryandallthedisciplesweregatheredintheupper room , theHolySpiritcamedownonthemintheformoffireandsettledon eachoftheirheads, and enteredthem.
Acts 2:4
And everyone present was ‘’filled with the Holy Spirit ’’ and beg an speaking in languages they didn’t know, for the Holy Spirit gave them this ability .
ThisfulfilledthewordsofGodthroughtheprophets andthewordsofJesusto thedisciples, whenhepromisedthathewouldsendhisHolySpiritdownon themin theearth.
Acts 2:17
‘In the last days,’ God said, ‘I will pour out my Holy Spirit upon all mankind , and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men dream dreams. 18 -Yes, the Holy Spirit shall come upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they shall prophesy.
NowJesussitsonthethroneof highesthonorbesidetheFatherGod and remindsthefatherofhispromisetosendtheHo lySpiritdowntothe earthto goamongmenandwomen,andtheselasttwothousandandeighteenyears havebeenthelastdaysandarestillthelastdays.
Acts 2:33
“And now he sits on the throne of highest honor in heaven, next to God. And just as promised, the Father gave him the authority to send the Holy Spirit with the results you are seeing and hearing today.
Allapersonhastodotoreceivesalvationandtoreceiveth eHolySpiritisto ‘’repentandbelieve ’’ askJesusandtheHolySpiritintoyourheart, and ‘’believebyasking infaith’’ .
Acts 2:38
And Peter replied, “Each one of you mu st turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; then you also shall receive this gift, the Holy Spirit .
Acts 6 Living Bible (TLB) 8 Stephen, the man so full of faith and the Holy Spirit’s power
, did ‘’spectacular miracles ’’ among the people.
DoingmiraclesthroughtheHolySpiritspowerwillnotmakeyoupopular especiallyamongthechurchesandit isnodifferenttodayasitwasbackinthe daysofJesus,for theyaccused Jesusandtheyaccused Stephen falsely , and killed them. Doyouthinkthatyouwillreceiverecognizitionamongyour leaders?Noyouwillprobablybelaughedatbehindyourbackand madea mockeryof. Mydaughterssaythechurchesaremakingamockeryofme behindmybackandlaughingatmebecauseItellthemofthemiraclesthat Godhasdonethroughme,asItryandencouragethemtobelieve,andgoout intotheentireworldpreac hing,andhavethesesamemiraclesfollowthemas Jesuspromised.
Acts 10:45
The Jews who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit would be given to Genti les too!
TheHolySpiritwillbegivento ‘’every believer
asks for him,
allthey needtodoissimply
ask sincerely ,’’ andtheyalsowillreceivethesameHoly SpiritthatJesushad , whodonehismiraclesthroughJesus , andhewilldothe ‘’same miracles through you ’ ifyoubelieveinhim.Thisbookwastoletyou thereaderknow ,thatthe ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ is a ‘’person not a thing or a birdie, ’’ heisthethirdpersonintheHolyT rinity , though , tohaveitin the correct order ,hewasthesec ondafterGodhimselfthenJesus.
Acts 10:46 -47 But there could be no doubt about it, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Peter asked, “Can anyone obje ct to my baptizing them, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?”
Thefirstgiftthatabelievershouldaskforisthegiftoftonguesforscripture sayswedonotknowhowtoprayorhowtoprayasweshouldanditisalso theonlygi ftthatwecanturnonatwill ; wemustwaitontheHolySpiritto accesstherestofthegiftswhenneeded.
Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB)
26 And in the same way by our faith the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t e ven know ‘’what we should pray for ’’ nor ‘’how to pray as we should , ’’ but the ‘’Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling ’’ that it ‘’cannot be expressed in words. ’’ 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts ’’ ‘’knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying ’’ as ‘’he ’’ ‘pleads for us in ‘harmony ’ with God’s own will. ’’ 28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
29 For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to him and all along he knew who would ‘’should become ’’ ‘’like his Son, ’’ so that ‘’his Son ’’ would be the ‘’First, with many brothers ’’ . 30 And having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” ‘’filled us with Christ’s goodn ess, ’’ gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory.
Readthissectionagainandagain ,untilyou realize whatGoddoneforyouhis child. He declared us “not guilty,” ‘’filled us with Christ’s goodn ess, ’’ gave us ‘’right ’’ ‘’standing with himself, ’’ and ‘’promised us ‘’his ’’ glory.
Most Christians haven’t realized thattheyhavebeendeclared ‘’notguilty ’’ of anysinorfaultorfailing byGod,andtheydonotknowthattheyhavebeen
filled with ‘’His glory ,
whenyouhavebeenfilled,thenthere isnoroomfor anythingelse,Godthengaveyouandmerightstandingwithhimself,meaning righteousness. And donesomethingsoamazing ,andyet Ihaveheard Christiansofgreatstandingsayingwecannot share God ’sglory, {God will not share his glory with anyone . T his is O ld T estament Jesus is th e New T estament. ‘ ’The new will of God ’’} yetit isGodhimselfwhostatesthis, thathepromisedushisownglory;whatan honor andyetChristianssay ‘’lord I amnotworthy,orIamasinner,washed inthebloodorasinnersavedbygrace;a conundrumofthehighestorder,a contradictionofterms,you ‘’cannotbea sinnerandsaved
Acts 11:12
The Holy Spirit told me to go with them and not to worry about their being Gentiles! These six brothers here accompanied me, and we soon arrived at the home of the man who had sent the messengers. “Well, I began telling them the Good News, but just as I was getting started with my sermon, the ‘’Holy Spirit ’’ ‘’f ell on them, ’’ just as he ‘’fell on us at the beginning! ’’ Then I thought of the Lord’s words when he said, * ‘Yes, John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with* the Holy Spirit .’
TheHolySpiritsetsoutjobsforallofus,he setsthemintherightpositionso thatotherpiecesfitintothelord’sjigsawpuzzle,everyoneofusfit s rightinto theexactpartwheretheyshouldbe , sothatanotherpartfitsin to theirpart. Andallthepiecesfittogetherinthelord’sjigsawpuz zle.Ifyoudon’tdoit whentheHolySpirittellsyoutodosomething,thenthoseotherchildrenof Godwillnothaveaplacefor them tofitin.
Acts 13:2
One day as these men were ‘’worshiping and fasting ,’’ the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job I have for them.”
TheHolySpirittoldtheeldersofthechurchtodedicateBarnabasandPaulfor a special job hehad forthem ,andwhendidhetell them?Itwaswhilethey were‘’worshipingandfasting.’’WorshipbringswithitdirectionfromtheHoly Spirit.
Acts 13:4
Directed by the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ they went to Seleuci a and then sailed for Cyprus.
ThisisjustoneofthemanythingsthattheHolySpiritdoesforus,anditis importantforustorealizethattheHolySpiritisaperson,heisaddressedas ‘’he’’ inscripture,solet’sgive ‘’him’’ therespect ‘’he’’ isdue.
PrayingtotheHolySpiritorPrayingintheHolySpiritisagiftfromGodthe Almightyfatherandthereisnojealousybetweenhim,JesusortheHolySpirit. IusedtopraytoMaryasaCatholic, andthen onedayIfeltinsideofmethatI shouldbeprayi ngtoJesusandnotMaryanymore.ThenafterprayingtoJesus , MarydroppedbecauseInowknowthatwearenottopraytoMarybutasa Catholic,IwasbroughtuptoworshipMarygivingherequalplaceasGod,or justbelowhim.
Thenafteryearsof ‘’worshipingJesus ’’ Ifelthim leading me to the Father , andI had alwaysfelttheFatherGodwasaharshGod,aGodwhopunishedyou terribly, {my bad education, at school and at church yearly retreats, } theGodofthunderwas preached,soIstayedfarawayfromth isGodperson,thatwasuntilIfeltledby Jesustohim, nowIamfeelingledbytheFathertopraywithmoreintenseness throughknowingnowtheHolySpiritisaperson.
ItfeelsstrangejustasitwaswhenJesusledmetotheFatherGod, and now after readingmybibleIdiscoveredthatmyCatholicteachingintheolden days , {I’m 71 now} wasallwrong,thankGodIhearGodbeingspokenbyfolks aroundthe fortytofiftyasalovingGod.S adlyintoday’sschoolsitseemsthat Godisnotbeingtaughtasa realityorheavenorhelleither,forwhenI ministersalvationtoyoungpeopleasIgoaboutlettingtheHolySpiritleadme ItalkwiththemaboutgettingintoheavenandsomeofthoseyoungpeopleI talked witheither didn’tbelieveinGodorheaveno rhell.
Ifounditunbelievablewhenmyboystoldmethattheirreligiousteacherwas gayanddidn’tbelieveinthebible,butitwasajobhegotintheschoolandhe tookitknowingallhehadtodowasreadthempassages’fromthebook,and thengivet hempreparedquestionstheywouldhaveontheirpapers.How manyteachersofreligionintheCatholicschoolsareunbelievers,oragainst thebibleasthewordofGod,orhowmanyantiChristteachersareinother Christianschools. We actuallyhadapriestwhosaidhedidn ’tbelieveinthe miraclesthathappenedinthebible tome, andtherestofthelayreadersin
thechurchatameetinghehadwithus,andtoldushewasincludingchildren toreadthewordatmassonSundays ;healmostkilledthischurchbecauseof hisbadteachi ngandbecauseheranaroundwithchildreninhiscar.Thenone dayhegotamessagefromth eIRA {a terrorist organization } hehadonehourtoget ou tof Creggan orhewouldbeshotdead. This manhadabusedmanychildren andtheIRAhadgottohearofitandtheygavehim onehourtogetoutandhe clearedoutandlaterhewasconvictedofabusing many Creggan children .
Iwonderedwhatthere ligiousclassesweretaughtthesedaysanditwasmy niecethatexplainedtomewhatishappening.Shetoldmethattheyhave religiousstudywheretheylookatthe bible as a book, andnotasthe ‘’living word of Almighty God,’’ andtheythenhaveare ligiousexamattheendof term. TheyreadaboutJesusandGod , buthavenotrueideathatt heyarereal, andthatheavenandhellare notreallyareality,juststoriesfromabook.What hopedoouryoungpeoplehavewhenJesusisnotpresentedastheirlord and savior, andtheHolySpiritis never mentioned atall .
HappilyIhavebeengivenashortmeansoftellingyoungandolderpeoplethe messageofsalvationbytheHo lySpiritanditissimplythis.
Iaskthem,ifthey weretodietonightwherewou ldtheygoto, ’’ andtheanswersIgetare shockingsometimes.Iameithertoldinnice,andsometimesnotsonice, ‘’to getstuffed, ’’ andthatisthenicestwaysIcanwritethe ir commentsintothis book.
ButwonderfullythemajorityofthepeopleItal ktoastheHolySpiritdirects metothem,throughafeelingoranudge, that theyareopentohearthe ‘’Good News,’’ soIcontinuebytellingthemalltheyhavetodotogetintoheavenisto saytoGod , ‘’I am sorry for my sins, ’’ ‘’
Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior. ’’ And that is it, whentheyacceptJesusintotheirheartsI explained thatJesustookalltheirsinsandmineandtheworldssinsandpaid forthemonCalvaryonthecross,andtheywillneverbejudgedwhentheydie, forthei rjudgmentwasthemomenttheydecidedeitherforJesusoragainst him.Thatdecisionmadesuretheywouldgetintoheaven.
Sometimes Ifeltto talkwiththemabitlongerandIwouldtellthemabouttheHolySpiritandthe giftoftongues,asourprimary gift , becausewedonotknowhowtoprayorto prayasweshould , buttheHolySpiritpraysforusintonguesandtheFather knowsofcoursewhattheSpiritissayingashepleadsforusinlinewiththe perfectwillofGod.That’showmuchtheHolySpiritl
ovesus .
Sincefindingout , andthatseemsridiculousthatthe ‘’HolySpiritisaperson ’’ anda ‘him ’ or ‘she ’ asdescribed ,andin un imaginableway s todiscoverthathe wasthethird ‘’person ’’ inthe Holy Trinity ; andthattherewas no division or discord as each thought with the same thought. Iknewvaguelythatthe HolySpiritwasthethirdpersonintheHolyTrinitybutthatwasit,itnever wentanyfurthertillrecentlyforme.NowIgive ‘’ him his ’’ placeofhonorin theTrinityandgive him ‘’ his place ’’ inmyheartnowknowingheis aperson andnotjustagiftof tongues butasthegiverofthegifts.
ForfortyoddyearsIhaveprayedforhoursintonguesnevergivingathought towhohadgivenme thisawesome wonderfulgift,tillasIsaid , recently . I becameawarethatthe Holy Spirit was, and is, a person in his own right .I amnowtryingmybesttobecomemoreaware ofmyprayer language ,‘’thegift oftongues ’’oneof the nine giftsthatheusesthroughme andyou, toreachout tosouls ,andthosewoundedsouls ,andthesick ,asIhaveseenthesickhealed asI prayedwiththem ,woundedsoulsrestoredandthelostsavedthrough himworkingthroughme.
ItisajoytobeusedbyourGodtohelpothers,andIprayaspeoplereadmy booksthattheywillfindspiritualhelpinthemandspiritualknowledgeasthe Holy Spiritgavemerevelationintheword.Thegreatestrevelationformewas to ‘’realize that the ‘’Holy Spiri t’’ is a ‘’person, ’’ ‘’my God ’’ wholovedme enoughtoletmebeusedbyhimtodothejobIlove,andthatistobringsouls toheaven; no greater joy can a Chr istian have than to see more souls for heaven ,and when I find them I leave them with God as scripture says heis abletodealwiththemthere.
now by knowingthatthe HolySpiritisaperson ; and notathinglikeaweebirdie,givesmeintensejoy andpleasureandhappi ness ,andIpraythatasyoureadyourbibleandwhere issaysabouttheHolySpirityoucometo realize thatheisaperson , aperson intheHolyTr inity .