Routledge Aviation 2017
Welcome Welcome to the 2017 Aviation Catalogue. Within this catalogue you will find information on our wide range of books for professional practice and student use, covering topics including Human Factors in Aviation, Aviation Management, Aviation Psychology, Airlines and Airports, Airline Operations, and more in the subject of Aviation. We welcome your feedback on our publishing programme, so please do not hesitate to get in touch – whether you want to read, write, review, adapt or buy, we want to hear from you, so please visit our website below or please contact your local sales representative for more information.
Prices, publication dates and content are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without notice.
Contents Airlines and Airports .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Aviation Business and Economics ................................................................................................................................... 5 Aviation Law, Policy and Regulation ........................................................................................................................... 9 Aviation Management .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Aviation Medicine ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Aviation Psychology, Training and Simulation .......................................................................................................... 15 Aviation Systems and Operations ................................................................................................................................ 18 History of Aviation ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Human Factors in Aviation ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Unmanned Aviation ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Airline Industry
Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy
Poised for Disruptive Innovation? Nawal K. Taneja, Faculty Emeritus, Aviation, Ohio State University
Anne Graham, University of Westminster, UK and Peter Morrell
Although airlines have a long history of continuous improvements and innovation, few of their innovations can be classified as disruptive innovations. The few that did emerge were facilitated, for example by new technology (jet aircraft) and government policy (deregulation). Now there are new forces in play: customers who expect to receive products that are more personalized and experience-based throughout the entire journey, new customer interfaces (via social media), advanced information systems and analytics, financially powerful airlines based in emerging nations, and the rise of unencumbered entrepreneurs who think differently as well as platform-focused
Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy bridges the gap between much academic research on airports published in recent years - lacking much managerial relevance - and real world airport financial management. This is achieved by featuring expert analysis of contemporary issues specific to airport finance and funding strategies, illustrated by worked examples from a wide range of different countries to enhance understanding and create a global perspective.
integrators. Routledge Market: Aviation June 2016: 234x156: 270pp Hb: 978-1-472-48401-7: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56642-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Aviation October 2016: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-472-44020-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56649-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Anger in the Air
Airline Strategy
Combating the Air Rage Phenomenon
James Pearson, Course director of BSc Aviation Management and senior lecturer in airline strategy, Coventry University Updated bank account details SF 903775 19.08.16 DB Airline Strategy provides a thorough, engaging and stimulating textbook that explores a number of key areas of strategy to airlines through the application of case studies, while focusing on a number of key strategic issues in an up-to-date and detailed way. The book is written primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate students of aviation management around the world, but it will also be of direct interest to practitioners within the industry and involved with airlines. Routledge Market: Aviation January 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-22193-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22194-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-40922-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Joyce A. Hunter The new realities of airline travel came into full focus after the September 11 terrorist attacks. These horrific events escalated air rage incidents by 400%, but more importantly they put the entire airline industry under the spotlight. In subsequent years, the general public began to voice frustrations with the industry in very dramatic ways, a marked shift in consumer behavior from that of before 9/11. The International Transport Workers Federation responded with a call to action to bring about major changes to raise the airline industry to a level of service quality sufficient to meet the needs of 21st Century passengers. The quality of services that airline customers expect and the propensity toward air rage needs to be understood. Undoubtedly, some passengers are prone to air rage by factors in no way related to customer service. However, a better understanding of the customer's perception of service and airlines' offerings is one way of addressing the air rage crisis. Routledge June 2009: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-0-754-67193-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56709-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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3rd Edition • NEW EDITION
Airline Survival Kit
Buying the Big Jets
Breaking Out of the Zero Profit Game
Fleet Planning for Airlines
Nawal K. Taneja
Paul Clark
This book has clear aims: to address both the multi-faceted challenge - that the industry has never made any sustainable profits, and some possible opportunities for its different constituents (e.g. management, labor, and governments) to enable airlines to break out of the almost zero profit-margin game. It provides pragmatic insights into: the complexities of the airline business; the actual and perceived obstacles to achieving reasonable profit margin; past and present (successful and unsuccessful) strategies; plausible future prospects for global passenger growth; and alternative airline business models - particularly the type of models that have led to enduring success for a few. The audience includes airline senior executives, members of the board, major shareholders, government policy makers, labor leadership, the airline investment community, aircraft manufacturers.
Selecting the right aircraft for an airline operation is a vastly complex process, involving a multitude of skills and considerable knowledge of the business. Buying The Big Jets has been published since 2001 to provide expert guidance to all those involved in aircraft selection strategies. This Third Edition brings the picture fully up to date, representing the latest developments in aircraft products and best practice in airline fleet planning techniques. It features a new section that covers the current and future aircraft programme strategies from both the airframe and engine manufacturer points of view.
Routledge May 2003: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-754-63452-2: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Aviation June 2017: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-472-45873-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74982-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-57066-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Clipped Wings
Driving Airline Business Strategies through Emerging Technology
Corporate social and environmental responsibility in the airline industry Deborah Ancell
Nawal K. Taneja
Within the developed world, airlines have responded to the advice of advocates for corporate social and environmental responsibility to use the intertwined CSER dimensions of economics, society and environment to guide their business activities. Clipped Wings is a treatise for business professionals featuring academic research as well as industry anecdotes. It is written for airlines (including their owners, employees, passengers and suppliers), airports, trade associations, policy makers, students, consultants, CSERplus specialists and anyone who is concerned about the future of competitive airlines. Routledge Market: Aviation September 2016: 234x156: 428pp Hb: 978-1-472-47773-6: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57243-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
In the rapidly evolving airline industry, new technologies play an increasingly critical role in the delivery of real and perceived value in reducing costs, enhancing revenue, and improving customer service and customer safety/security. This book focuses at a senior executive level, examining the key forces affecting the airline business and their potential in terms of short and long-term strategies. The author discusses the role of emerging technology on the airline industry, defined very broadly and including computers, information, databases, aircraft, telecommunications, Internet, wireless, speech recognition, face recognition, etc. His argument is that technology should not only be an enabler of business strategy but crucially the driver of business strategy. The central theme is the vital interaction between technology and business strategy across a wide spectrum of functions. Routledge August 2002: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-754-61971-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-25736-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Designing Future-Oriented Airline Businesses
Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane
Nawal K. Taneja Designing Future-Oriented Airline Businesses is the eighth Ashgate book by Nawal K. Taneja to address the ongoing challenges and opportunities facing all generations of airlines. Firstly, it challenges and encourages airline managements to take a deeper dive into new ways of doing business. Secondly, it provides a framework for identifying and developing strategies and capabilities, as well as executing them efficiently and effectively, to change the focus from cost reduction to revenue enhancement and from competitive advantage to comparative advantage. Based on the author’s own extensive experience and ongoing work in the global airline industry, as well as through a synthesis of leading business practices both inside and outside of the industry, Designing Future-Oriented Airline Businesses sets out to demystify numerous concepts being discussed within the airline industry and to facilitate managements to identify and articulate the boundaries of their business models. Routledge July 2014: 234x156: 308pp Hb: 978-1-472-44296-3: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57672-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Nawal K. Taneja Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane is the fourth in a series written at the encouragement of practitioners in the global airline industry. Core customers are beginning to seize control of the direction of the industry from airline management. Customers are doing so due to deep dissatisfaction with what is being offered by traditional carriers across all areas, including network, product, price, customer service and the distribution system. New airlines have clearly focused business designs with the discipline to reject non-valued products or services. In the US, new airlines score higher in customer satisfaction, offering lower fares and making larger operating profits. This book is about customer behaviour and how to address it. It provides detailed but easy-to-read practical discussion of the changes required on the part of airline management not only to think boldly, but also to execute courageously and relentlessly. Routledge August 2005: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-0-754-64528-3: £50.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Developing Strategies for the Modern International Airport
Flying Ahead of the Airplane
East Asia and Beyond
Airlines willing to develop insight from foresight relating to the expected ’step phase changes’ will eventually improve their margins. However, the backward-looking airline, managed using old strategic levers and short-term metrics, will cease to exist, merge, shrink, become more dependent on government support, or become irrelevant. ’Management innovations’ are not going to deliver the required improvements; innovation within management is essential for airlines' survival. In Flying Ahead of the Airplane, Nawal Taneja analyzes global changes and thought-provoking scenarios to help airline executives adjust and adapt to the chaotic world. Drawing on his experience of real airline situations worldwide, the author concludes that there is a gulf between what executives are doing now and what they need to do to stay ahead of the curve.
Alan Williams Developing Strategies for the Modern International Airport identifies and analyses the primary issues facing the modern international airport, and their role in a global economy. Based on the premise that the aviation industry has a primary and decisive role in the economic and social development of the modern international economy, this book examines the modern international airport and its process of integration into the larger global economy. As the integration of the aviation industry within the larger context of international business grows, there are an increasing number of important airport sites world wide, which are exhibiting the characteristics of what has been called by one authority an ’aerotropolis’, where major airports are integrated into the wider multi business dynamics of cities such as Shanghai or Beijing. Such pioneering developments are indicative of this region and bring with them a host of new issues and challenges for economic development. Routledge July 2006: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-0-754-64445-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57684-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Complimentary Exam Copy
Nawal K. Taneja
Routledge November 2008: 234x156: 298pp Hb: 978-0-754-67579-2: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58253-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Looking Beyond the Runway
The Passenger Has Gone Digital and Mobile
Airlines Innovating with Best Practices while Facing Realities
Accessing and Connecting Through Information and Technology
Nawal K. Taneja The global airline industry, facing significant changes and discontinuity is prompted and forced to deal with a "new normal." Who would have imagined a few years ago that: - a significant percentage of consumers in the US now prefer to fly low-cost airlines instead of full-service airlines because they perceive the product to be better, - airlines would generate up to a third of their total income from non-ticket revenue, - many low-cost airlines would add complexity to their original simple business models through the development of code-share agreements, the use of global distribution systems, and travel agents to distribute their seats. Routledge May 2010: 234x156: 354pp Hb: 978-1-409-40099-8: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-315-25020-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Nawal K. Taneja Technology is changing expectations in the airline industry. Passengers want to be in control, and they expect airlines to become solution providers and aggregators of value, to provide them with personalized services. Airline employees expect to be given the tools to do their jobs and to meet passenger expectations. Airline executives expect to make returns that are reasonable and relatively stable through business cycles. All of these expectations can be met by airlines through the effective and efficient leveraging of information and technology, to shift from being operations- and product-centric to becoming customer-centric and dramatically improving the overall passenger travel experience throughout the travel cycle. In this new book by world-renowned airline expert Nawal K. Taneja, the 7th in a series with Ashgate, the author explores and explains the game-changing opportunities presented to the industry by new-generation information and technology. Routledge September 2011: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-1-409-43502-0: £40.00 eBook: 978-1-315-55479-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Modeling Applications in the Airline Industry
Why Can't We Make Money in Aviation?
Ahmed Abdelghany and Khaled Abdelghany Modeling Applications in the Airline Industry explains the different functions and tactics performed by airlines during their planning and operation phases. Each function receives a full explanation of the challenges it brings and a solution methodology is presented, supported by numerical illustrative examples wherever possible. The book also highlights the main limitations of current practice and provides a brief description of future work related to each function. The authors have filtered the rich literature of airline management to include only the research that has actually been adopted by the airlines, giving a genuinely accurate representation of real airline management and its continuing development of solution methodologies. The book consists of 20 chapters divided into 4 sections: - Demand Modeling and Forecasting - Scheduling of Resources - Revenue Management - Irregular Operations Management. Routledge April 2010: 234x156: 290pp Hb: 978-0-754-67874-8: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59581-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Adam M. Pilarski Seemingly since the beginning of aviation history there has been discussion and speculation on the remarkable inability of the industry to generate profits. This is even more so the case now, when a number of the world's airlines are bankrupt. The failure of aviation, or at least of airlines, to produce a reasonable rate of return on investments has been a fact pondered by many at great length but never satisfactorily understood. Somehow the industry seems to violate the most basic principles of economics and business. The question as to how this is the case and how the industry managed to survive, let alone actually grow and prosper so far, is the subject of this book. It details the historical performance of the industry and critically explores the various theories proposed to explain its lack of profitability. Summarizing the analysis, the book also looks to the future, combining lessons from the past and recommendations regarding the better management of airlines. Routledge September 2007: 234x156: 260pp Hb: 978-0-754-64911-3: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54724-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Simpli-Flying Optimizing the Airline Business Model Nawal K. Taneja The airline industry is in a state of radical restructuring as its markets and key stakeholders (customers, airline labour and management groups, governments, and the financial community) adjust to the new aviation realities. Airline executives can be forgiven for being overwhelmed by technology proliferation, zestful new paradigm airlines, September 2001, business cycles, Iraq, SARS, and animal diseases. The leadership challenge for all carriers is now to select and execute appropriate business models, thinking both 'inside' and 'outside' the 'box', to turn conventional wisdom upside down to achieve dramatic increases in productivity. Some legacy carriers still need to create an effective strategy for much larger cycles that encompass major discontinuities. Burdened by past decisions, they are forced to fight with one hand tied behind their back to 'convert volume to value', to survive and prosper. Routledge March 2004: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-754-64193-3: £50.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AVIATION BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Aerospace Strategic Trade
Air Transport Provision in Remoter Regions Svein Bråthen and George Williams
How the US Subsidizes the Large Commercial Aircraft Industry Philip K. Lawrence and Derek Braddon The U.S. economy is generally considered to run on free market or laissez faire principles, implying that U.S. policy makers do not provide government support for industrial or commercial sectors. While mostly true, it is not the case with strategic industries, such as aerospace. Support for the aerospace sector has been viewed as essential, because aerospace technologies have been the material backbone of U.S. security systems. But American historic dominance in commercial aerospace, and particularly the large commercial aircraft sector, arose on the back of defence technology paid for by the US government. Aerospace Strategic Trade analyses the subsidy of the U.S. large commercial aircraft (LCA) industry and redefines the terms of the Airbus/Boeing subsidy debate. This is achieved by tracking the benefits to Boeing, of the Research and Technology contracts granted by the DoD and NASA. Routledge April 2001: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-754-61696-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26326-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This book stems from a series of biennial conferences devoted to issues affecting air-transport provision in remoter regions that have been organized by the Centre for Air Transport in Remoter Regions at Cranfield University. The primary aim of the conferences has been to provide an opportunity for those responsible for operating, managing, regulating and financing air transport services and associated infrastructure in these areas to be informed of the latest best-practice initiatives, to contrast different policy approaches and to debate potential solutions to perennial problems. Remoter regions has been a neglected area of air transport, as much of the focus of public and media attention is on the larger airlines, airports and aircraft. While the number of large airports in the world is in the hundreds, there are many thousands of smaller airports providing communities all over the globe with vital air links. Routledge October 2010: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-754-67342-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56636-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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4th Edition
Air Cargo in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Airline Finance
Anming Zhang, George W.L. Hui, Lawrence C. Leung and Waiman Cheung Series: Ashgate Studies in Aviation Economics and Management Air traffic and the aviation industry have grown rapidly on the Chinese mainland in the two and a half decades since China's open door policy. Accession to the WTO will further stimulate trade and foreign direct investment (FDI), intensifying the demand for air cargo services. It will also open up the Chinese economy to foreign participation in the transportation and logistics sectors, making these sectors more competitive and efficient. This book provides a systematic and comprehensive study of China's air cargo industry as well as its policy evolution. It covers the sources and destinations of air cargo in mainland China and Hong Kong: whence it comes and where it goes to. The major hubs of the transportation network - Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Guangzhou - are discussed one by one. The virtual aspects of the network at these hubs in terms of IT applications, preparedness, and needs are examined and compared. Though the subject matter of this book is air cargo. Routledge July 2004: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-0-754-64216-9: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Peter S. Morrell Air transport industry finance, with its complexity and special needs such as route rights, airport slots, aircraft leasing options and frequent flyer programmes, requires specific knowledge. While there are numerous financial management and corporate finance texts available, few of these provide explanations for the singularities of the airline industry with worked examples drawn directly from the industry itself. Revised and updated in its fourth edition, this internationally renowned and respected book provides the essentials to understanding all areas of airline finance. Designed to address each of the distinct areas of financial management in an air transport industry context, it also shows how these fit together, while each chapter and topic provides a detailed resource which can be also consulted separately. Supported at each stage by practical airline examples, it examines the financial trends and prospects for the airline industry as a whole. Routledge May 2013: 234x156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-409-45279-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-409-45278-2: £35.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Air Transport in the Asia Pacific
Airlines: Managing to Make Money
Edited by David Timothy Duval
Stephen Holloway
Air transport in the Asia Pacific has undergone significant transformation in the last three decades. What was once a region in the shadow of larger and more prosperous continents such as North America and Europe is now at the forefront of expansion in commercial air-service networks, frequency and capacity, and the overall growth in the contribution of air transport to economies on regional and, in many cases, individual country levels. Despite this, it represents an area that is generally under-represented in the commercial air-transport academic literature. Air Transport in the Asia Pacific seeks to fill this gap. Against this context, the aim of the volume is to offer a contemporary snapshot of current academic research into commercial air transport in the Asia Pacific. While one volume cannot realistically address the complete range of identifiable issues, this book provides timely, specific and research-based studies authored by leading academics and practitioners. Routledge November 2014: 234x156: 322pp Hb: 978-1-409-45406-9: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56634-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Complimentary Exam Copy
Drawing on recent developments in the services management, strategic management and brand management literatures, this stimulating and well-illustrated book presents critical new approaches to developing customer-centered airline strategies. Designed for a wide audience of aviation management students and professionals it acts as a linking text using a services management approach to integrate strategy, marketing, human resources management and operations. Written in an accessible and practical style, it is the first book to draw together a broad range of knowledge from contemporary management fields to produce a framework specifically relevant to the airline industry. It is an unparalleled resource for students and airline managers alike. Routledge October 2001: 234x156: 456pp Hb: 978-0-754-61558-3: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AVIATION BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Airport Slots
Contemporary Issues Shaping China’s Civil Aviation Policy
International Experiences and Options for Reform Achim I. Czerny, Peter Forsyth and Hans-Martin Niemeier Over the past several decades, commercial air traffic has been growing at a far greater rate than airport capacity, causing airports to become increasingly congested. How can we accommodate this increased traffic and at the same time alleviate traffic delays resulting from congestion? The response outside the US has been to set a maximum number of slots and use administrative procedures to allocate these among competing airlines, with the most important consideration being 'grandfather rights' to existing carriers. The United States, on the other hand, has used administrative procedures to allocate slots at only four airports. In all other cases, flights have been handled on a first-come, first-served basis, with aircraft queuing for the privilege of landing or taking off from a congested airport. While recognizing the advantages of slot systems in lessening delays, economists have criticized both approaches as being sub-optimal, and have advocated procedures such as slot auctions. Routledge February 2008: 234x156: 456pp Hb: 978-0-754-67042-1: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Balancing International with Domestic Priorities Alan Williams The emergence of China as a future major participant in international aviation raises some interesting questions, especially from a strategic policy perspective. The progressive shift from a command to a mixed market economy under the central leadership of the Beijing administration now finds itself faced with the needs to balance a strategic duality in the context of the role of China's civil aviation industry. In a very real sense this situation requires the design and accommodation of a growing role for China's mainstream carriers within the operational context of the need to meet the complex challenges from increasing international market competition. In parallel with such major external pressures, central government must also accommodate domestic priorities with regard to internal economic development. The fruits of economic progress as a function of market reform are commonly understood to have positively reshaped the live of only a proportion of the national population to date. Routledge October 2009: 234x156: 258pp Hb: 978-0-754-67140-4: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57385-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation and Tourism
Discrete Choice Modelling and Air Travel Demand
Implications for Leisure Travel
Theory and Applications
Edited by Anne Graham, Andreas Papatheodorou and Peter Forsyth Transport is an essential element of tourism, providing the vital link between the tourist generating areas and destinations. Good accessibility, which is determined by the transport services provided, is a fundamental condition for the development of any tourist destination. Moreover the transport industry can be a major beneficiary of tourism because of the additional passenger demand that may be generated. Aviation is an increasingly important mode of transport for tourism markets. Whilst geography has meant that, in modern times, air travel has always been the dominant mode for long distance travel and much international tourism, moves towards deregulation, and in particular the emergence of the low cost carrier sector, have also increased aviation's significance for short and medium haul tourism trips. Thus developments in aviation can have very major implications for many leisure and business tourism markets. Routledge March 2010: 246x174: 408pp Hb: 978-0-754-67187-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-409-40232-9: £35.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56852-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Laurie A. Garrow In recent years, airline practitioners and academics have started to explore new ways to model airline passenger demand using discrete choice methods. This book provides an introduction to discrete choice models and uses extensive examples to illustrate how these models have been used in the airline industry. These examples span network planning, revenue management, and pricing applications. Numerous examples of fundamental logit modeling concepts are covered in the text, including probability calculations, value of time calculations, elasticity calculations, nested and non-nested likelihood ratio tests, etc. The core chapters of the book are written at a level appropriate for airline practitioners and graduate students with operations research or travel demand modeling backgrounds. Routledge June 2010: 234x156: 306pp Hb: 978-0-754-67051-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57754-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation Markets Studies in Competition and Regulatory Reform David Starkie Aviation Markets: Studies in Competition and Regulatory Reform is a collection of 17 papers selected from David Starkie's extensive writings over the last 25 years. Previously published material has been extensively edited and adapted, and combined with new material, published here for the first time. The book is divided into five sections, each featuring an original overview chapter, to better establish the background and also explain the papers' wider significance including, wherever appropriate, their relevance to current policy issues.
Routledge March 2008: 234x156: 246pp Hb: 978-0-754-67360-6: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-754-67388-0: £35.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26185-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Evolution of International Aviation Phoenix Rising Dawna L. Rhoades The purpose of this book is twofold. First, it lays out the forces that shaped the international aviation industry and that changed all the rules in the drive for liberalization. Second, it looks at the many interesting and difficult choices ahead that the airline industry in general and the international aviation industry in particular face. These choices include many dichotomies: pulling back from the trend toward liberalization or embracing the liberalization trend, merging in search of profitability or fragmenting the industry in search of economies. These possible futures are explored including the pros and cons of each future from a national, consumer, employer, and employee perspective. As with the previous two editions, Evolution of International Aviation reviews the historical development of the international aviation system. Routledge November 2014: 234x156: 348pp Hb: 978-1-472-42016-9: £40.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Introduction to Air Transport Economics
Stormy Skies
From Theory to Applications
Airlines in Crisis
Bijan Vasigh, Ken Fleming and Thomas Tacker
Paul Clark
Introduction to Air Transport Economics: From Theory to Applications uniquely merges the institutional and technical aspects of the aviation industry with their theoretical economic underpinnings. In one comprehensive textbook it applies economic theory to all aspects of the aviation industry, bringing together the numerous and informative articles and institutional developments that have characterized the field of airline economics in the last two decades as well as adding a number of areas original to an aviation text. Its integrative approach offers a fresh point of view that finds favor with many students of aviation. The book offers a self-contained theory and applications-oriented text for any individual intent on entering the aviation industry as a practicing professional in the management area.
As the airline industry struggles to extricate itself from its latest crisis, the time has come to examine the fundamentals of airline business strategy in a more innovative way and find answers to the questions, "What went wrong?" and "Why didn't we see it coming?". Stormy Skies captures the key issues that determine a viable airline industry in an increasingly globalised world and calls for more radical business thinking to ensure that mistakes are avoided in future. It looks at the airline business through the eyes of both the airlines themselves and also their customers, drawing upon the experience and views of industry personalities.
Routledge Market: Aviation October 2017: 246x174: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-23773-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-23775-9: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-315-29907-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge September 2010: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-0-754-67887-8: £40.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61087-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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3rd Edition
Liberalization in Aviation
Straight and Level
Competition, Cooperation and Public Policy
Practical Airline Economics
Edited by Hartmut Wolf, Peter Forsyth, David Gillen, Kai Hüschelrath and Hans-Martin Niemeier The last few decades have witnessed substantial liberalization trends in various industries and countries. Starting with the deregulation of the US airline industry in 1978, regulatory restructuring took place in further network industries such as telecommunications, electricity or railways in various countries around the world. Although most of the liberalization movements were initially triggered by the worrying performances of the respective regulatory frameworks, increases in competition and corresponding improvements in allocative and productive efficiency were typically associated with the respective liberalization efforts. From an academic perspective, the transition from regulated industries to liberalized industries has attracted a substantial amount of research reflected in many books and research articles. Routledge July 2013: 246x174: 488pp Hb: 978-1-409-45090-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59230-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Stephen Holloway This third edition of Straight and Level thoroughly updates the previous edition with extensive comments on recent industry developments and emerging business models. The discussion is illustrated by current examples drawn from all sectors of the industry and every region of the world. The fundamental structure of earlier editions, now widely used as a framework for air transport management courses, nonetheless remains unchanged. Part 1 of the book provides a strategic context within which to consider the industry's economics. Part 2 is built around a simple yet powerful model that relates operating revenue to operating cost; it examines the most important elements in demand and traffic, price and yield, output and unit cost. Part 3 probes more deeply into three critical aspects of capacity management: network management; fleet management; and revenue management. Part 4 concludes the book by exploring relationships between unit revenue, unit cost, yield, and load factor. Routledge September 2008: 246x174: 616pp Hb: 978-0-754-67256-2: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-754-67258-6: £30.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61089-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Low Cost Carriers
The Airline Revolution
Emergence, Expansion and Evolution
Economic analysis of airline performance and public policy
Edited by Lucy Budd and Stephen Ison Low cost carriers (LCCs) represent one of the most exciting and dynamic yet often contentious developments in recent commercial aviation history. Formed as a direct result of policies of airline deregulation and liberalisation that were initiated in the United States in the late 1970s before being implemented in certain European, Australasian, Latin American and other world markets from the mid-1990s onwards to encourage competition, LCCs have been responsible for progressively reconfiguring the spatial patterns, operational practices and passenger experiences of flight. In the process, they have enabled growing numbers of people to fly to more places, more frequently, and at lower cost than had been previously possible. In so doing, however, they have generated a number of socio-economic and environmental challenges. The 23 essays included in this volume provide a detailed insight into the emergence, expansion and evolution of the low cost carrier sector worldwide. Routledge April 2014: 416pp Hb: 978-1-409-46903-2: £140.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Gordon Mills When starting new airlines in response to government deregulation, entrepreneurs in the U.S. and Europe reduced some traditional service qualities (to reduce costs), concentrated on non-stop services between city pairs not already so connected, improved on-time performance, and offered low fares to win leisure travelers from the incumbents and to encourage more travel. The Airline Revolution will provide valuable economic analysis of this climate to students, airline professionals advancing to senior positions, public servants and others who provide advice to governments. Routledge Market: Aviation July 2016: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-472-43234-6: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61234-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AVIATION BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
The Economic Regulation of Airports Recent Developments in Australasia, North America and Europe Peter Forsyth, David W. Gillen, Andreas Knorr, Otto G. Mayer, David Starkie and Hans-Martin Niemeier Series: Ashgate Studies in Aviation Economics and Management This tour d'horizon book reviews airport regulation and competition in different regions of the world and contrasts different policy perspectives. Organized in four parts, the first three examine, in turn, Australasia, North America, and Europe, while the last section looks at the institutional reforms that have taken place in these regions. The book covers the regulation of airports, and competition in different regions, as well as privatization policy, the interaction between airports and airlines, and regional economic impacts. It also examines the linkages between governance structures and forms of regulation. The book's global sweep embraces all the large aviation markets, bringing together the ideas and challenges of academic economists, airlines, airport managers, consultants and government regulators. As well as looking at different methods, degrees and paradigms of regulation it also spells out the stress-points, in a way that makes essential reading for airport operators. Routledge July 2004: 234x156: 260pp Hb: 978-0-754-63816-2: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Economics and Political Economy of African Air Transport Edited by Kenneth Button, George Mason University, USA, Gianmaria Martini, University of Bergamo, Italy and Davide Scotti, University of Bergamo, Italy Written by a ‘who’s who’ of aviation consultants and policy makers, this book fills an emerging void in the literature regarding aviation markets. It focuses on issues in Africa, the least developed of these markets but one that is of increasing interest to the aviation community. This volume focus explicitly on the economic and political dimensions of the subject, although with relevance in many cases to the strategic planning of management of airlines, amongst other concerns. Topics discussed include external and internal market efficiencies, air service agreement liberalization, safety and security, LCC and other business models, airport economics, and aviation and tourism. Routledge Market: Aviation August 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-20360-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-47129-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Absent Aviators
Defining Aerospace Policy
Gender Issues in Aviation
Essays in Honor of Francis T. Hoban
Edited by Albert Mills, Jane Neal-Smith and Donna Bridges The objective of this book is to present a number of related chapters on the subject of gender issues in the workplace of the aviation industry. More specifically, the chapters address the continuing shortfall in the number of women pilots in both civilian and military aviation. Considerable research has been carried out on gender issues in the workplace and, for example, women represent about 10% of employees in engineering. This example is often used to show that the consequences of gender discrimination are embedded and difficult to overcome in masculine-dominated occupations. However, women represent only 5-6% of the profession of pilot. Clearly there are many factors which mitigate women seeking to become pilots. The chapters within this volume raise both theoretical and practical issues, endeavouring to address the imbalance of women pilots in this occupation. Routledge September 2014: 234x156: 388pp Hb: 978-1-472-43338-1: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56544-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Julianne Lammersen-Baum and Kenneth Button Featuring contributions from many of the most prominent contemporary figures in the US aerospace community, this book provides unprecedented insights into the ways in which aerospace policy is developed and implemented. Based on a wide range of real-life case studies and the personal experiences of those directly involved, its coverage includes some of the most influential and wide-ranging policies of modern times, including: the privatization of the Canadian air navigation system; government-industry cooperation; Leasecraft; NASA and the evolution of the hush kit; US activities to reduce launch costs; the emergence of a spaceport policy; VentureStar; issues in institutional restructuring: the problem with the FAA. Contributed in memory of Frank Hoban, the book compiles the work of a NASA funded team at George Mason University working on various institutional aspects of the aerospace policy and the aerospace industry, and also seeking out new directions for using the insights gathered. Routledge June 2004: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-0-754-64225-1: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-25833-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation Trends in the New Millennium
Foundations of Aviation Law
Ruwantissa I.R. Abeyratne This timely and authoritative book addresses the commercial and liability issues following commercial aviation into and beyond the year 2000.
Michael W. Pearson and Daniel S. Riley
Routledge April 2001: 234x156: 528pp Hb: 978-0-754-61299-5: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26180-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Foundations of Aviation Law is an easy-reading general primer into the often complex world of aviation law, written for aviation students as well as legal professionals who are looking for broad-based, introductory coverage of the subject. The text begins with basic legal concepts that build a foundation for in-depth exploration of aviation-specific subject matter. This allows the instructor to utilize one text in situations where a basic foundation in law is required before moving into aviation law specifics. It includes citations to relevant and key court decisions that provide a solid underpinning for the student of aviation law. The book is divided into six general categories, with fifteen relevant sub-chapters, allowing focused learning into particular areas of law. Throughout it features chapter summaries, key word indices and review questions. The design easily allows instructors to develop syllabi that spotlight the specific area of law that they are interested in exploring.
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Climate Change and the Aviation Industry
Frontiers of Aerospace Law
An Economic and Managerial Perspective Frank Fichert and Peter Forsyth Climate change has become a crucial issue for the air transport industry. Back in 1999, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published a specific report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere. Since then policymakers as well as airline managers have taken a variety of measures to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. However, the implementation of mitigation measures in a global industry provides several challenges. The European Union has been forced to revise their comprehensive Emissions Trading Scheme, thereby causing competitive distortions between EU and Non-EU airlines. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has been given the task of developing a global market-based mechanism for the reduction of aviation’s greenhouse gas emissions until 2016, which should be implemented until 2020. Therefore, the topic will remain high on the international agenda. Routledge January 2018: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-472-47917-4: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge February 2015: 246x174: 352pp Hb: 978-1-472-44560-5: £73.99 Pb: 978-1-472-44563-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-58287-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Ruwantissa I.R. Abeyratne Aerospace law is seeing a gradual merger between the two previously isolated regimes of human conduct pertaining separately to air and to space law. The use of information technology is arguably the foremost compelling force responsible for the unity of the aviation and space activities of man. It is therefore inevitable that information technology, computer law and the laws pertaining to State and individual responsibility are inextricably intertwined in a net of legal issues which would emerge in this new millennium. Frontiers of Aerospace Law introduces such issues as challenges to be addressed, both as corollaries and concomitants to this fundamental and overriding trend in the merger between air and space law. The issues range in space from legal liabilities pertaining to extra-terrestrial intelligence; environmental pollution in outer space; conduct of persons in outer space; to cyber crimes affecting outer space activities; and in air law, issues such as aircraft noise. Routledge November 2002: 234x156: 362pp Hb: 978-0-754-61949-9: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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International Air Carrier Liability Safety and Security David Hodgkinson, University of Western Australia, Australia and Rebecca Johnston, Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Notre Dame Australia International Air Carrier Liability brings together essential treaties and airline-to-airline agreements on air carrier liability, safety and security, and supplements these with expert commentary and analysis. The examination considers the general regulatory framework of international civil aviation (including the Chicago Convention and related documents) and how the liability regime fits within that framework. The authors aim to provide a reference aid for legal practitioners as well as academics, students (undergraduate and post graduate) and government officials regarding treaties, domestic laws and documents concerned with these issues. Routledge Market: Aviation November 2016: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-1-138-20049-4: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-51433-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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International Aviation Law A Practical Guide Ronald I.C. Bartsch International Aviation Law: A Practical Guide explains the international context and application of the law as it applies to commercial and recreational aviation, and to the broader aviation environment. It provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of aviation law from criminal law to contract law to the legal duties and responsibility of aircrew and other aviation personnel including airport operators, air traffic controllers and aircraft engineers. Each area of the law is clearly explained in accessible language and supported with practical case studies to illustrate the application of the law within an operational aviation context. It also provides advice on how to avoid or minimize legal liability for aviation practitioners and enthusiasts. Routledge November 2012: 246x174: 380pp Hb: 978-1-409-43287-6: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58930-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Will Sustainability Fly? Aviation Fuel Options in a Low-Carbon World Walter J. Palmer While international negotiations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been less than satisfactory, there is a presumption that a significant level of multi-lateral commitment will be realized at some point. International air and marine travel have been left to one side in past talks because the pursuit of agreement proceeds on the basis of commitment by sovereign nations and the effects of these specific commercial activities are, by their nature, difficult to corral and assign to specific national jurisdictions. However, air travel is increasing and, unless something is done, emissions from this segment of our world economy will form a progressively larger percentage of the total, especially as emissions fall in other activities. This book focuses on fuel. The aim is to provide background in technical and policy terms, from the broadest reliable sources of information available, for the necessary discourse on society's reaction to the evolving aviation emissions profile. Routledge December 2014: 234x156: 290pp Hb: 978-1-409-43091-9: £67.99 eBook: 978-1-315-54716-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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7th Edition
Air Transport in the 21st Century
Airline Marketing and Management
Key Strategic Developments John F. O'Connell and George Williams Airlines are buffeted by fluctuating political and economic landscapes, ever-changing competition, technology developments, globalization, increasing deregulation and evolving customer requirements. As a consequence all sectors of the air transport industry are in a constant state of flux. The principle aim of this book is to review current trends in the airline industry and its related suppliers, thereby providing an insight into the forces that are changing its dynamics. The factors that are reshaping the structure of the industry are examined with a view to identifying the key issues whose impact will be critical in the future. The book features two very distinct sections. The first contains short contributions from industry executives at CEO/VP level from airlines, aircraft/engine manufacturers, safety and navigational provider organisations, who have set out their take of where the airline industry is heading. Routledge August 2011: 234x156: 512pp Hb: 978-1-409-40097-4: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26305-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Stephen Shaw Through six previous editions, Airline Marketing and Management has established itself as the leading textbook for students of marketing and its application to today's airline industry, as well as a reference work for those with a professional interest in the area. Carefully revised, the seventh edition of this internationally successful book examines an exceptionally turbulent period for the industry. It features new material on: *Changes in customer needs, particularly regarding more business travellers choosing - or being forced - to travel economy, and analysis of the bankruptcy of 'All Business Class' airlines. * An explanation of the US/EU 'Open Skies' agreement and analysis of its impact. *The increase in alliance activity and completion of several recent mergers, and the marketing advantages and disadvantages that have resulted. * Product adjustments that airlines must make to adapt to changes in the marketing environment. Routledge July 2011: 234x156: 378pp Pb: 978-1-409-40149-0: £25.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Air Transport Management
Airspace Closure and Civil Aviation
An international perspective
A Strategic Resource for Airline Managers
Edited by Lucy Budd, Loughborough University, UK and Stephen Ison, Loughborough University, UK With a clearly structured topic-based approach, this textbook presents readers with the key issues in air transport management, including: aviation law and regulation, economics, finance, airport and airline management, environmental considerations, human resource management and marketing. Air Transport Management: An International Perspective provides in-depth instruction for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying aviation and business management related degrees. It also offers support to industry practitioners seeking to expand their knowledge base. Routledge Market: Business and Economics, Aviation October 2016: 246x189: 366pp Hb: 978-1-472-45103-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-472-45106-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-56635-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Steven D. Jaffe The impact to airlines from airspace closure can be as benign as a two minute extension on an arrival pattern, or as catastrophic as a shoot down from a surface-to-air missile, as the tragic loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over the Ukraine in July 2014 demonstrates. Airspace constraints come in a variety of forms, both man-made and physical, but all result in operational inefficiencies that erode the economic vitality of an airline. Understanding the root causes of these airspace restrictions, developing strategies for mitigating their impact, and anticipating future airspace closures, are critical for the efficient and safe operation of any airline. This book uniquely examines the technological, geographic, regulatory, and political aspects of airspace closure, with a focus on how airlines continue to adapt to overcome these challenges, providing readers with a framework for identifying issues and solutions in a systematic manner. Routledge September 2015: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-1-472-41300-0: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56651-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
8th Edition • TEXTBOOK
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Air Transportation
Aviation Project Management
A Management Perspective John G. Wensveen Air Transportation: A Management Perspective by John Wensveen is a proven textbook that offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of air transportation management. In addition to explaining the fundamentals, the book transports the reader to the leading edge of the discipline, using past and present trends to forecast future challenges and opportunities the industry may face, encouraging the reader to really think about the decisions a manager implements. Written in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand style, the Eighth Edition modernizes the text focusing on newly emerging management trends, innovative technology, and an increased emphasis on global changes in the industry that will change the future of aviation. New and updated material has been added throughout the text including mini case examples and supplemental presentation materials for each chapter. Routledge May 2015: 246x174: 656pp Hb: 978-1-472-43678-8: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-472-43681-8: £46.99 eBook: 978-1-315-56637-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Triant G. Flouris and Dennis Lock Combining the considerable respective expertise of Triant Flouris and Dennis Lock, this unique book highlights the ways that successful businesses are managed in the aviation industry through the identification and application of proven project management methods. Theoretical concepts are defined, clarified and shown how they can be valuable to business managers and students of the aviation business sector. Aviation Project Management builds on the successful and popular work of Dennis Lock but is considerably enhanced by applications, examples, illustrations and case examples pertaining to projects exclusively from the aviation industry. Theory in the project management field is already well evolved, so the purpose of this book is not to review that theory but rather to demonstrate how the lessons of theory can be of practical use to aviation students and business managers. Routledge September 2008: 246x174: 320pp Hb: 978-0-754-67395-8: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56857-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Commercial Aircraft Projects
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Managing the Development of Highly Complex Products
Ethical Issues in Aviation
Hans-Henrich Altfeld
Elizabeth A. Hoppe and Elizabeth Hoppe
When it comes to very highly complex, commercially funded product-development projects it is not sufficient to apply standard project management techniques to manage and keep them under control. Instead, they need a project management approach which is perfectly adapted to their complex nature. This, however, may generate additional cost and a dilemma arises because in commercially-driven product developments there is the natural tendency to limit the management-related costs. The development of a new commercial aircraft is no exception. In fact, it can be regarded as an extreme example of this kind of project. This is why it is especially useful to analyse the project management capabilities and practices needed to manage them. Cost reductions can still be achieved by concentrating on the essential elements of some project management disciplines, to maintain their principal strengths, and combining them in a pragmatic way on the basis of an integrated architecture.
Ethical Issues in Aviation focuses on current concerns and trends, to reflect the changes that have occurred in this deregulated era. The book provides the reader with an overview of the major themes in civil aviation ethics. It begins with theoretical frameworks, followed by sections on the business side of aviation, employee responsibility, diversity in aviation, ground issues regarding airports, air traffic control and security, as well as health and the environment. Routledge Market: Aviation September 2017: 234x156: 420pp Pb: 978-1-472-47086-7: £30.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge November 2010: 246x174: 488pp Hb: 978-0-754-67753-6: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57283-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management
Leadership and Organization in the Aviation Industry
Edited by Andrew Cook and Damián Rivas Air Traffic Management is simply too complex to address through classical approaches such as system engineering and human factors. In order to change this, complexity science has to be embraced as ATM's 'best friend'. The applicability of complexity science paradigms to the analysis and modelling of future operations is driven by the need to accommodate long-term air traffic growth within an already-saturated ATM infrastructure. Due to its intrinsic value as an exposition of applied complexity science and applied research, Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management also appeals beyond the transport domain. Routledge Market: Aviation June 2016: 234x156: 170pp Hb: 978-1-472-46037-0: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57320-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Marc-Philippe Lumpé Leadership and organisational structures which are not adjusted to the cultural background of the employees concerned are most likely to produce sub-optimal results (House, 2004). Therefore it is necessary to develop appropriate leadership and organisational structures in order to fully grasp the cultural environment to be encountered in the professional world. This book presents a research project that was carried out to develop leadership and organisational structures in accordance with the requirements created by different professional backgrounds within the aviation industry. The identification of the different professional cultures was undertaken using a standardised questionnaire. The development of the questionnaire was carried out with the help of the GLOBE study (House, et al., 2004), one of the most extensive research efforts ever undertaken in the field of organisational and national cultures. Routledge June 2008: 234x156: 308pp Hb: 978-0-754-67144-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59177-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management
Managing Aviation Projects from Concept to Completion
Triant G. Flouris and Sharon L. Oswald Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management is designed to provide an intensely practical guide to this critically important topic. Comprehensive in coverage and easy-to-read in style, it allows both professionals and students to understand the principles and practicalities of crafting and executing business strategies with an aviation context. The result is a comprehensive and multifaceted teaching/learning package, which includes applied case studies on a wide range of airlines and aviation businesses, setting out how these organizations deal with strategy formulation and implementation in critical areas. Topics covered include: corporate strategy, generic strategy, competitive strategy, internal and external environment assessment, mergers, alliances, safety and security. Written directly for both aviation professionals and student courses in aviation strategy, aviation management and aviation operations, it will also be of great interest to aviation professionals. Routledge January 2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-754-63618-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57671-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Triant G. Flouris and Dennis Lock Triant Flouris is a prominent academic and administrator in aviation management education; Dennis Lock has more than forty years experience in practising, lecturing and writing about project management. When these two experts combined their considerable talents to write their earlier book Aviation Project Management, it was little wonder that distinguished reviewers gave generous praise and acclaimed it as a welcome addition to what, until then, had been a neglected field. That first title was structured as an essential primer for managers and students. The authors have now written this more in-depth book for managers and students who need to study aviation project management in much greater detail, as well as critically connect project management within an aviation context to prudent business decision-making. Aviation project management is described in considerable detail throughout all stages of a lifecycle. Routledge October 2009: 246x174: 528pp Hb: 978-0-754-67615-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59346-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Strategic Management in Aviation Critical Essays Edited by Thomas C. Lawton This valuable volume reprints the most important and influential journal articles and papers on aviation management with an extensive introduction by the editor. The volume is designed to improve access to the journal literature for libraries expanding their collections and provide scholars with a convenient and authoritative reference source. Tom Lawton selects the best of the management literature in this area from the top journals as well as including harder-to-find articles in the wider strategic management literature. The volume will be essential reading for all scholars and students interested in aviation management issues as well as those working in the industry who want a snapshot of current thinking in the field. Routledge July 2007: 416pp Hb: 978-0-754-62651-0: ÂŁ140.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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High G Flight Physiological Effects and Countermeasures David G. Newman This book provides a unique, authoritative and detailed examination of the physiological and clinical consequences of human exposure to high G forces. Pilots of military fast jets, civilian aerobatic pilots and astronauts during the launch and re-entry phases of spaceflight are frequently and repetitively exposed to high G forces, for which the human body is not fundamentally designed. The book examines not only the nature of the high G environment, but the physiological effects of exposure to high G on the various systems of the human body. In particular, the susceptibility of the human cardiovascular system to high G is considered in detail, since G-Induced Loss of Consciousness (G-LOC) is a serious hazard for high G pilots. Routledge May 2015: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-1-472-41457-1: ÂŁ65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58677-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Advances in Aviation Psychology Volume 1 Edited by Michael A. Vidulich, Pamela S. Tsang and John Flach Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Aviation remains one of the most active and challenging domains for human factors and applied psychology. Since 1981, the biennial International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) has been convened for the purposes of (a) presenting the latest research on human performance problems and opportunities within aviation systems, (b) envisioning design solutions that best utilize human capabilities for creating safe and efficient aviation systems, and (c) bringing together scientists, research sponsors, and operators in an effort to bridge the gap between research and application. Though rooted in the presentations of the 17th ISAP, held in 2013 in Dayton, Ohio, Advances in Aviation Psychology is not simply a collection of selected proceeding papers. Based upon the potential impact on emerging trends, current debates or enduring issues present in their work, select authors were invited to expand on their work following the benefit of interactions at the symposium. Routledge December 2014: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-1-472-43840-9: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56570-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aircraft Command Techniques Gaining Leadership Skills to Fly the Left Seat Sal J. Fallucco A captain must be able not only to fly the aircraft, but also to manage it, manage the crew, and above all, manage his or her resources. In a number of air carriers there may be less than adequate additional training conducted, when upgrading pilots to the very responsible position of captain. However, three things that do not change are the authority, challenges, and responsibilities of being captain. They are as constant today as they will be in the years ahead. Aircraft Command Techniques is a comprehensive examination of the characteristics of the experienced captain. Each chapter begins with an appropriate and relevant anecdote that is analogous to the chapter’s main theme. It then progresses to the chapter’s main objective and finishes with a scenario that the reader is asked to solve from a captain’s perspective using a number of considerations that are offered and should be evaluated when solving the problem. The intent is to help the pilot practise thinking as a captain. Routledge July 2002: 234x156: 228pp Pb: 978-0-754-61835-5: £30.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26304-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation Education and Training
Advances in Aviation Psychology, Volume 2
Adult Learning Principles and Teaching Strategies Edited by Irene M.A. Henley Series: Studies in Aviation Psychology and Human Factors
Using Scientific Methods to Address Practical Human Factors Needs Edited by Michael A. Vidulich, Pamela S. Tsang and John Flach This book is the second in a series of volumes to be published in conjunction with the biennial International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP). The aim of each volume is not only to report the latest findings in aviation psychology but also to suggest new directions for advancing the field. More than simply a collection of selected proceeding papers, authors expand on their work following the benefit of interactions at the symposium.
Routledge Market: Aviation May 2017: 234x156: 278pp Hb: 978-1-472-48141-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56571-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Aerospace Clinical Psychology Raymond E. King Series: Studies in Aviation Psychology and Human Factors
The aviation teaching environment is fairly unique and combines both traditional and non-traditional teaching environments. There are presently few books that address adult learning principles and teaching strategies relevant to the aviation context. Furthermore, aviation education has not generally benefited from many of the developments made in the field of education. This timely book: - facilitates the development of knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective instruction and training within the aviation context; - develops an awareness of critical issues that should be of concern to aviation educators and trainers; - provides aviation education and trainers with a variety of teaching strategies that can be effective in the development of essential skills in aviation professionals. The readership for this book includes university students who want to become instructors, as well as industry personnel who are involved in any of the various domains of aviation education. Routledge October 2003: 234x156: 456pp Hb: 978-0-754-61733-4: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26187-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Aviation Mental Health Psychological Implications for Air Transportation Edited by Todd Hubbard and Robert Bor
Flight training and flying are hazardous activities that demand the most of human operators, whether they be pilots or other factors (maintainers, air traffic controllers, managers, regulators) involved in the complex aviation system. 'Aerospace Clinical Psychology' serves as a handbook for dealing with aviators and other operators, those seen as patients as well as those functioning 'normally', who none-the-less wish to improve their performance. This book has much to offer the audiences who intersect the Human Factors and clinical areas of aviation and operators in extreme environments. It deftly defines specific touchstone areas such as selection, training, accident investigation, measurement and testing, and practical interventions. Routledge September 1999: 234x156: 136pp Hb: 978-0-754-61105-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26327-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This book provides an authoritative and practical guide to the assessment, management, treatment and care of pilots and other professional groups within aviation; covering a range of relevant topics, for health and human resources practitioners working in the airline industry. Pilot mental health has, hitherto, been regarded as a specialist topic in aviation medicine. Consequently, practitioners and researchers alike have been forced to consult specialist journals or seek out a relevant chapter on this topic in a general textbook to develop or update their understanding of the relevant issues. This book seeks to remedy this situation by gathering together all of the relevant insights into a single authoritative source gathered from the leading specialists in the field. Routledge September 2006: 234x156: 376pp Hb: 978-0-754-64371-5: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56856-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation Psychology in Practice
e-Learning in Aviation
Neil Johnston and Nick McDonald This book seeks to extend the boundaries of aviation psychology in two interrelated ways: by broadening the focus of aviation psychology beyond the flight deck to the whole aviation system; and by discussing new theoretical developments which are shaping this applied discipline. A key feature of these theoretical advances is that they are grounded in a more developed, ecologically valid, understanding of practice. Among the issues addressed in this new integration of theory and practice are the following: what goes on in the flight deck is dependent on the wider organisational context; human factors issues in aircraft maintenance and grounding are critical to aviation safety; our capacity to learn from aviation accidents and incidents needs to be supported by more systematic human factors investigation and research; we must also develop our understanding of the human factors of accident survival as well as accident prevention. Routledge May 1997: 234x156: 390pp Pb: 978-1-840-14133-7: £45.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Suzanne K. Kearns Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Whereas traditional classroom instruction requires pilots to be pulled 'off the line', a training facility to be maintained and instructors to be compensated, e-learning is extremely cost-effective and therefore an attractive alternative. However, e-learning only saves money if the training is effective. Eager to reap financial benefits, e-learning courses have a history of varying dramatically in quality. The poorest courses are those that directly convert classroom-based presentations to an online format, not recognizing that computer-based instruction is an entirely different medium. Addressing this issue directly, e-Learning in Aviation explores the characteristics of computer-based course design and multimedia that are associated with improved learning. It then provides guidance regarding how to use research-based instructional design principles to plan, design, develop, and implement an e-Learning course within an aviation organization. Routledge November 2010: 234x156: 194pp Hb: 978-0-754-67879-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57900-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research
Pilot Mental Health Assessment and Support
Edited by Klaus-Martin Goeters In the well-established aviation system, the importance of sound human factors practice, based on good aviation psychology research, is obvious from those incidents and accidents resulting from its neglect. This carefully structured book presents an up-to-date review of the main areas in the field of Aviation Psychology. It contains current thinking mainly from Europe, but with input from Australia and North America, from specialists involved in research, training and operational practice. Spanning six parts, the book covers: Human Engineering, Occupational Demands, Selection of Aviation Personnel, Human Factors Training, Clinical Psychology, Accident Investigation and Prevention. Looking at the six parts - in human engineering, the reader learns about human-centered automation as well as human factors issues in aircraft certification. Results derived by job analysis methods are presented in the next part and serve as basic information in the design of selection and training programs. Routledge August 2004: 234x156: 408pp Hb: 978-0-754-64017-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26184-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
A practitioner's guide Edited by Robert Bor, Carina Eriksen, Margaret Oakes and Peter Scragg Pilot Mental Health Assessment and Support presents an authoritative, comprehensive and practical guide to modern, evidence-based practice in the field of mental-health assessment, treatment and care. It features contributions from experts in the field drawn from several countries, professions and representing a range of aviation-related organisations, displaying a range of different skills and methods that can be used for the clinical assessment of pilots and in relation to specific mental-health problems and syndromes. Routledge Market: Aviation December 2016: 234x156: 406pp Hb: 978-1-138-22203-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-315-40194-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Competency-Based Education in Aviation
Simulation in Aviation Training
Exploring Alternate Training Pathways Suzanne K. Kearns, Timothy J. Mavin and Steven Hodge Training based on competency is an increasingly popular approach in aviation. It allows for an alternative means of compliance with international regulations - which can result in shorter and more efficient training programs - however there are also challenges. Competency-Based Education in Aviation explores this approach to training, through interviews with aviation training experts, considering the four aviation professional groups of air traffic control, pilots, maintenance engineers, and cabin crew. Research-based and practical strategies for the effective creation, delivery, and assessment of competency-based education are described in detail. Routledge Market: Aviation December 2015: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-1-472-43856-0: £60.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Florian Jentsch and Michael Curtis Series: Critical Essays on Human Factors in Aviation Simulations have been a fixture of aviation training for many years. Advances in simulator technology now enable modern flight simulation to mimic very closely the look and feel of real world flight operations. In spite of this, responsible researchers, trainers, and simulation developers should look beyond mere simulator fidelity to produce meaningful training outcomes. Optimal simulation training development can unquestionably benefit from knowledge and understanding of past, present, and future research in this topic area. As a result, this volume of key writings is invaluable as a reference, to help guide exploration of critical research in the field. By providing a mix of classic articles that stand the test of time, and recent writings that illuminate current issues, this volume informs a broad range of topics relevant to simulation training in aviation. Routledge March 2011: 540pp Hb: 978-0-754-62887-3: £195.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
The Airline Training Pilot Tony Smallwood Comprehensively revised and updated, the second edition of this widely regarded text reflects the changing environment within international airline training. With particular emphasis on human factors, crew resource management (CRM), crew and organizational culture, error management and advanced qualification procedures (AQP), it also examines attempts at reducing the so-called pilot error accidents and incidents. Aimed at an international airline pilot readership, it explains in simple straightforward detail the method and means of delivering effective airline pilot training. By highlighting the techniques and challenges of preparing the next generation of skilled and safety conscious pilots it is an essential resource for, airline trainers, pilots or potential pilots, intending embarking on a professional airline career. Routledge September 2000: 234x156: 346pp Pb: 978-0-754-61413-5: ÂŁ30.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AVIATION SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Aircraft Surveillance Systems
Airline Operations and Management
Radar Limitations and the Advent of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
A Management Textbook Gerald N. Cook and Bruce Billig
Busyairah Syd Ali
Airline Operations and Management: A Management Textbook is a survey of the airline industry, mostly from a managerial perspective. It integrates and applies the fundamentals of several management disciplines, particularly economics, operations, marketing and finance, in developing the overview of the industry. The focus is on tactical, rather than strategic, management that is specialized or unique to the airline industry.
The Communication, Navigation and Surveillance systems provide air traffic controllers with the information necessary to ensure the specified separation between aircraft and efficient management of airspace. However, the radar systems that support air traffic management (ATM), and air traffic control (ATC), are at their operational limit. This book addresses the limitations of radar to support ATC in various operational environments and develops a causal model for incident/accident due to limitations in the surveillance system. It will be of interest to many in the field of aviation, and will also offer a useful reference on this vital topic for air traffic management courses. Routledge Market: Aviation August 2017: 234x156: 150pp Hb: 978-1-472-47797-2: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Aviation February 2017: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-1-138-23752-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-23753-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-29959-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Airline Operations
Airline Operations and Scheduling Massoud Bazargan
A Practical Guide Edited by Peter J Bruce, Yi Gao and John M C King This book offers a comprehensive overview of the essence and nature of airline operations in terms of an operational and regulatory framework, the myriad of planning activities leading up to the current day, and the nature of intense activity that typifies both normal and disruptive airline operations. It uniquely encapsulates the structure, extensive range of key topics and considerable detail pertaining to airline operations, offering valuable knowledge to industry and academia alike, by serving to fill a considerable gap in the literature and providing readers with a well-informed and interesting dialogue on these critical functions that occur every day within airlines. Routledge Market: Aviation September 2017: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-472-47817-7: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Operations research techniques are extremely important tools for planning airline operations. However, much of the technical literature on airline optimization models is highly specialized and accessible only to a limited audience. Allied to this there is a concern among the operations research community that the materials offered in OR courses at MBA or senior undergraduate business level are too abstract, outdated, and at times irrelevant to today's fast and dynamic airline industry. This book demystifies the operations and scheduling environment, presenting simplified and easy-to-understand models, applied to straightforward and practical examples. After introducing the key issues confronting operations and scheduling within airlines, Airline Operations and Scheduling goes on to provide an objective review of the various optimization models adopted in practice. Each model provides airlines with efficient solutions to a range of scenarios. Routledge August 2010: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-0-754-67900-4: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56647-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Airline Operations and Delay Management
Beyond Airline Disruptions
Insights from Airline Economics, Networks and Strategic Schedule Planning Cheng-Lung Wu Airline Operations and Delay Management fills a gap within the area of airline schedule planning by addressing the close relationships between network development, economic driving forces, schedule demands and operational complexity. The pursuit of robust airline scheduling and reliable airline operations is discussed in light of the future trends of airline scheduling and technology applications in airline operations. The book extensively explores the subject from the perspectives of airline economics, airline network development and airline scheduling practices. Many operational issues and problems are the inevitable consequences of airline network development and scheduling philosophy, so a wide perspective is essential to address airline operations in their proper context. The influence of airline network development on schedule planning and operations driven by economic forces and relaxed regulations is thoroughly examined for different types of operations in aviation. Routledge February 2010: 234x156: 254pp Hb: 978-0-754-67293-7: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56646-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Jasenka Rapajic and Jasenka Rapajic Despite airlines' tremendous efforts to streamline their operations to minimise controllable costs and improve flight punctuality, system inefficiencies are continuously on the increase. They inevitably lead to a higher number of operational disruptions, and consequently unforeseen losses. Beyond Airline Disruptions addresses this issue by taking a wider, more strategic perspective. By focusing on prevention rather than operational fire-fighting, and laying out the hidden aspects of operational disruptions, this book reveals the significant unexploited potential for cost savings and improvements in on-time performance. It explains for the first time what operational disruptions really are, describes their costs, tangible and intangible causes, and supports the creation of strategies for decreasing system inefficiencies and minimising the risks of operational disruptions. Routledge Market: Aviation September 2016: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-754-67440-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-27008-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26166-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Reducing Aircraft Ground Damage Management Solutions for Airside Operations Mario Pierobon Aircraft ground damage, particularly in view of the airline industry’s thin profit margins, is a significant financial, operational and safety issue. The Flight Safety Foundation several years ago estimated that ramp accidents cost major airlines worldwide at least $10 billion a year. These accidents affect airport operations, result in personnel injuries and damage aircraft, facilities and ground-support equipment. The Foundation also estimated that 27,000 ramp accidents and incidents - one per 1,000 departures - occur worldwide annually. Ground damage is associated with safety risks that cannot be underestimated. About 243,000 people are injured each year in ground-occurrence accidents and incidents; the injury rate is 9 per 1,000 departures. This book addresses the issue of ground-damage reduction at the level of a single service provider. Several industry bodies have tried to address the problem by launching a number of programs and promoting a number of initiatives. Routledge December 2017: 234x156: 275pp Hb: 978-1-472-44032-7: £60.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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HISTORY OF AVIATION Dummy text to keep placeholder
A History of International Civil Aviation From its Origins through Transformative Evolution Alan Dobson Explaining the development of international civil aviation from its origins in the early twentieth century to the present day is not just a story of technical advances. Planes cannot fly internationally without states granting them permission via air services agreements (ASAs) and such permission has always been accompanied by conditions. This created the central and fundamental problem for international civil aviation: tension between national sovereignty over air space on the one hand and a growing need to avoid ‘narrow-minded restrictions’ on the other in order to allow international civil aviation to flourish. Dobson expertly conveys the interplay between these two requirements. Routledge Market: Aviation May 2017: 234x156: 136pp Hb: 978-1-138-74559-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18060-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Human Error Approach to Aviation Accident Analysis
Aviation Human Factors and SMS
The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System
Daniel E. Maurino
Douglas A. Wiegmann and Scott A. Shappell Human error is implicated in nearly all aviation accidents, yet most investigation and prevention programs are not designed around any theoretical framework of human error. Appropriate for all levels of expertise, the book provides the knowledge and tools required to conduct a human error analysis of accidents, regardless of operational setting (i.e. military, commercial, or general aviation). The book contains a complete description of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), which incorporates James Reason's model of latent and active failures as a foundation. Widely disseminated among military and civilian organizations, HFACS encompasses all aspects of human error, including the conditions of operators and elements of supervisory and organizational failure. It attracts a very broad readership. Specifically, the book serves as the main textbook for a course in aviation accident investigation taught by one of the authors at the University of Illinois.
The Contribution of a Generation The last twenty-five years are arguably the period when the most significant change took place in international civil aviation as a whole. Progress in the post-WWII Fifties, the introduction of the jet engine in the Sixties, and the early technology in the Seventies effectively and efficiently supported safety and the service delivery needs of a slow-growing and largely static system. However, from the Eighties onwards, aviation changed from a craft-based and relatively small service to a massive transportation system that has become an essential component of the fabric of contemporary society. This book builds upon the need to preserve international civil aviation's corporate memory about facts and people, in the face of ever-constant and often radical change, and the de-personalization of aviation. This is achieved by providing a roadmap of key institutional and operational events that, since the mid-Eighties, have shaped aviation safety thinking into the present-day paradigm. Routledge August 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-409-43291-3: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-409-43292-0: £30.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge July 2003: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-754-61875-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-754-61873-7: £20.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Aviation Visual Perception Dummy text to keep placeholder
Research, Misperception and Mishaps
A Sociology of Commercial Flight Crew Bennett A Simon There are numerous psychological studies of pilots and piloting, but little has been done in the way of sociological examination. Commercial aviation is one of the world's biggest industries, yet there are few studies of pilots as social beings and of their place of work, the flight-deck. Developing a sociological understanding of front-line staff and of pilots' working environments is an important step to developing a more detailed understanding of this increasingly important sector. This book performs such a function and also adds to our understanding of pilots in general, from those who work for flag carriers to those who fly for regional or corporate jet operators. The readership includes the general public, industry legislators, regulators, managements, employees, trainers, journalists, academics and students of sociology, psychology, organisation theory and business management.
Randy Gibb, Rob Gray and Lauren Scharff Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Vision is the dominant sense used by pilots and visual misperception has been identified as the primary contributing factor in numerous aviation mishaps, resulting in hundreds of fatalities and major resource loss. Despite physiological limitations for sensing and perceiving their aviation environment, pilots can often make the required visual judgments with a high degree of accuracy and precision. At the same time, however, visual illusions and misjudgments have been cited as the probable cause of numerous aviation accidents, and in spite of technological and instructional efforts to remedy some of the problems associated with visual perception in aviation, mishaps of this type continue to occur. Clearly, understanding the role of visual perception in aviation is key to improving pilot performance and reducing aviation mishaps. This book is the first dedicated to the role of visual perception in aviation.
Routledge July 2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-754-64317-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26359-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge March 2010: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-754-67497-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56858-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Applied Cognitive Task Analysis in Aviation
Beyond Aviation Human Factors
Thomas L. Seamster and Richard E. Redding Due to the requirements of automatic system design, and new needs for the training of complex tasks, Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) has been used with increasing frequency in recent years by the airline industry and air traffic control community. Its power is reflected in the literature on professional training and systems design, where CTA is often cited as one of the most promising new technologies, especially for the complex cognitive tasks now confronting those working in aviation. The objective of this book is to bridge the gap between research and practice, to make what we know about CTA available to practitioners in the field. The book focuses on cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence analyses of aviation tasks. It is designed to help readers identify and solve specific design and training problems, in the flight deck, air traffic control and operations contexts. Routledge May 1997: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-0-291-39830-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26232-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Safety in High Technology Systems Daniel E. Maurino, James Reason, Neil Johnston and Rob B. Lee The authors believe that a systematic organizational approach to aviation safety must replace the piecemeal approaches largely favoured in the past, but this change needs to be preceded by information to explain why a new approach is necessary. Accident records show a flattening of the safety curve since the early Seventies: instead of new kinds of accident, similar safety deficiencies have become recurrent features in accident reports. This suggests the need to review traditional accident prevention strategies, focused almost exclusively on the action or inaction’s of front-line operational personnel. The organizational model proposed by the authors is one alternative means to pursue safety and prevention strategies in contemporary aviation; it is also applicable to other production systems. Routledge December 1998: 234x156: 181pp Pb: 978-1-840-14948-7: £30.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26165-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Building Safe Systems in Aviation
Critical Incident Stress Management in Aviation Joachim Vogt and Jörg Leonhardt
A CRM Developer's Handbook Norman MacLeod Building Safe Systems in Aviation provides a single source for those who need to progress beyond current models of Crew Resource Management (CRM) to developing safe systems in critical industries. Although the primary focus is on airline pilots, the principles apply to all sectors of aviation, particularly maintenance and cabin crew, as well as other high-risk industries. It systematically sets out the context of CRM and safe systems, the conduct of training, the resources needed by the facilitator and the processes required for the measurement of outcomes.
Routledge June 2005: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-754-64021-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26115-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Critical incident stress management (CISM) is now a well-established method in crisis intervention, and one that is clearly needed within aviation. However, there are many peculiarities in this branch of CISM which require thorough consideration. People working in high-reliability environments need to be sensitive to others' reactions to critical stress. They are the normal reactions of normal people in abnormal situations. However, to ensure this a proper programme must be put in place, based on a scientific and standardized approach. This book describes the various methods and elements of the CISM model, as well as their interventions. It also investigates the benefits of CISM on the individual level and on an organisational strategic level. It details CISM training and courses, and features a case study based on the Ãœberlingen accident of 2002. Critical Incident Stress Management in Aviation will be of direct relevance to human factors experts, safety managers & ATCOs. Routledge December 2006: 234x156: 194pp Hb: 978-0-754-64738-6: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57500-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems
Decision Making in Aviation
Paul M. Satchell While monitoring of computer-controlled systems is widespread, it is critically important in the cockpit of current passenger aircraft. Such monitoring requires special vigilance for those rare untoward events, which may be new to the pilot and which can have devastating consequences. This book uses a multidisciplinary approach to address this problem of sustaining attention while monitoring. It outlines and explains alternative ways of viewing the processes needed to prevent Human Factors accidents; it examines the use and limitations of cockpit resource management programmes in inducing behavioural and attitudinal changes appropriate for highly automated flight decks. The author’s approach deals rigorously with the physiological mechanisms underlying vigilance, arousal and stress, delineating clearly those that are relevant to the monitoring function. The three parts cover: monitoring problems and processes; monitoring measurement and alerting systems; and monitoring management. Routledge May 1993: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-857-42109-5: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26001-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Don Harris and Wen-Chin Li Series: Critical Essays on Human Factors in Aviation Decision making pervades every aspect of life: people make hundreds of decisions every day. The vast majority of these are trivial and without a right or wrong answer. In some respects there is also nothing extraordinary about pilot decision making. It is only the setting that is different - the underlying cognitive processes are just the same. However, it is the context and the consequences of a poor decision which serve to differentiate aeronautical decision making. Decisions on the flight deck are often made with incomplete information and while under time pressure. The implications for inadequate performance is much more serious than in many other professions. Poor decisions are implicated in over half of all aviation accidents. This volume contains key papers published over the last 25 years providing an overview of the major paradigms by which aeronautical decision making has been investigated. Furthermore, decision making does not occur in isolation. Routledge February 2015: 488pp Hb: 978-0-754-62867-5: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Crew Resource Management
Fatigue in Aviation
Critical Essays
A Guide to Staying Awake at the Stick Katherine A. Wilson and Eduardo Salas Series: Critical Essays on Human Factors in Aviation
Crew Resource Management (CRM) training was first introduced in the late 1970s as a means to combating an increased number of accidents in which poor teamwork in the cockpit was a significant contributing factor. Since then, CRM training has expanded beyond the cockpit, for example, to cabin crews, maintenance crews, health care teams, nuclear power teams, and offshore oil teams. Not only has CRM expanded across communities, it has also drawn from a host of theories from multiple disciplines and evolved through a number of generations. Furthermore, a host of methodologies and tools have been developed that have allowed the community to better study and measure its effect on team performance and ultimately safety. Lacking, however, is a forum in which researchers and practitioners alike can turn to in order to understand where CRM has come from and where it is going. Routledge May 2009: 448pp Hb: 978-0-754-62829-3: £255.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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John A. Caldwell and J. Lynn Caldwell This updated edition includes fatigue and sleep definitions as well as strategies for the measurement and assessment of fatigue. The aviation performance, mood, and safety problems associated with sleep restriction and circadian disruptions in operational settings are highlighted. The book is of interest to aviation crews in both civilian and military sectors - managers as well as pilots, flight crews, and maintainers. It's user-friendly, although scientific information is included to help the reader fully understand the 'fatigue phenomenon' from an evidence-based perspective as well as to enhance the reader's appreciation for the manner in which various interventions are helpful. Routledge May 2016: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-1-472-46459-0: £35.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58203-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Flight Stress
Human Factors for Pilots Roger G. Green, Helen Muir, Melanie James, David Gradwell and Roger L. Green
Stress, Fatigue and Performance in Aviation Alan F. Stokes and Kirsten Kite While stress and fatigue are often dealt with in other books on aviation performance and human factors, these realities of human vulnerability are now increasingly seen as central to the effective conduct of flight operations. Flight Stress provides a comprehensive treatment and a better understanding of stress and fatigue as they relate to aviation. It clarifies and distinguishes the concepts of stress and fatigue as they apply to flight, and expounds sufficient theory to provide a principled basis for the consideration and amelioration of stress effects in aviation. The authors examine what is known of the effects of stress from both laboratory and operational studies and detail the aspects of this knowledge to which aviation professionals should pay most attention. They go on to discuss the implications of stress and fatigue for performance in a range of aviation contexts, from air traffic control to aerial combat. Physiological, cognitive and medical sequel are explored. Routledge July 1997: 234x156: 432pp Pb: 978-0-291-39857-4: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-25520-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This book has two functions. The first is to provide a comprehensive and concise outline of the available human factors knowledge for the practicing pilot. The second function is to provide this knowledge in a way that follows very closely the syllabus of the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Human Performance and Limitations examinations for both professional and private pilots. Although the private pilot’s syllabus requires a narrower range of subjects to be studied, and in less detail, than the professional syllabus, this handbook covers both requirements, with syllabus variations being indicated in the contents page. The book is divided into four major sections containing material from psychology, physiology and medicine. Routledge May 1996: 234x156: 150pp Pb: 978-0-291-39827-7: £22.50 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Head-Up Displays: Designing the Way Ahead
Human Factors in Flight
Richard L. Newman This is a thorough description of this increasingly important technology, starting from the development of head-up displays (HUDs), particularly specifications and standards and operational problems associated with HUD use. HUD involvement in spatial disorientation and its use in recognizing and recovering from unusual attitudes is discussed. The book summarizes the design criteria including hardware, software, interface and display criteria. It goes on to outline flight tasks to be used for evaluating HUDs and discusses the impact of HUDs on flight training. Recent work indicates that a HUD may allow a significant reduction in the time required to train a pilot on a particular aircraft, even considering non-HUD-related tasks. The author concludes with a review of unresolved HUD issues and recommendations for further research and provides an impressive bibliography, glossary and index. Routledge June 1995: 376pp Hb: 978-0-291-39811-6: £120.00 eBook: 978-1-315-25359-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Frank H. Hawkins and Harry W. Orlady The late Captain Frank H Hawkins FRAes, M Phil, was Human Factors Consultant to KLM, for whom he had flown for over 30 years as line captain and R & D pilot, designing the flight decks for all KLM aircraft from the Viscount to the Boeing 747. In this period he developed and applied his specialization in Human Factors. His perception of lack of knowledge of Human Factors and its disastrous consequences led him to initiate both an annual course on Human Factors in Transport Aircraft Operation at Loughborough and Aston Universities, and the KLM Human Factors Awareness Course (KHUFAC). A consultant member of SAE S-7 committee, he was also a member of the Human Factors Society and a Liveryman of the Guild of Air Pilots. He was keynote speaker at the ICAO Human Factors Seminar held in St Petersburg, Russia in April 1990. Routledge March 1993: 384pp Pb: 978-1-857-42135-4: £35.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Human Error in Aviation
Human Factors in Flight Instructor's Guide
Edited by R. Key Dismukes Series: Critical Essays on Human Factors in Aviation Most aviation accidents are attributed to human error, pilot error especially. Human error also greatly effects productivity and profitability. In his overview of this collection of papers, the editor points out that these facts are often misinterpreted as evidence of deficiency on the part of operators involved in accidents. Human factors research reveals a more accurate and useful perspective: The errors made by skilled human operators - such as pilots, controllers, and mechanics - are not root causes but symptoms of the way industry operates. The papers selected for this volume have strongly influenced modern thinking about why skilled experts make errors and how to make aviation error resilient. Routledge March 2009: 608pp Hb: 978-0-754-62831-6: £215.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Craig S. Funk Designed to help the instructor to present concepts in human factors, this guide is presented in lecture-note format with each unit outlining performance objectives, questions and answers, references to pages in the main text and large-print summaries for overhead projection. The numbering relates to the unit questions in the Student Workbook. A set of objective questions on each unit is also provided as well as prepared tests.
Routledge March 1998: 297x210: 440pp Pb: 978-0-291-39832-1: £65.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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HUMAN FACTORS IN AVIATION Dummy text to keep placeholder TEXTBOOK
Human Factors in Flight: Student Workbook Craig S. Funk This student workbook is designed to help identify and master the key concepts in the Human Factors in Flight textbook. It provides the essential student materials which supplement the student text learning package. Each section provides performance objectives, followed by questions to prepare students for class discussion and examinations. Routledge March 1995: 80pp Pb: 978-0-291-39831-4: £30.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Improving Air Safety through Organizational Learning Consequences of a Technology-led Model José Sánchez-Alarcos Ballesteros The key theme of this book is organizational learning and its consequences for the field of aviation safety. Air safety rates have been improving for a long time, demonstrating the effects of a good learning model at work. However, the pace of improvement has almost come to a standstill. Why is this? Many safety improvements have been embodied in technology. New devices and procedures appear almost daily, yet the rate of air safety improvement has dragged in recent years. Improving Air Safety through Organizational Learning explains this situation as being the consequence of a development model supported chiefly by information technology being introduced as an alternative to human operators. This is not a book about the convenience of including or not including IT in aviation, but an open discussion about the adequacy and risks of some practices in the field. Routledge September 2007: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-0-754-64912-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58803-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations Harry W. Orlady and Linda Orlady With the pace of ongoing technological and teamwork evolution across air transport, there has never been a greater need to master the application and effective implementation of leading edge human factors knowledge. Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations does just that. Written from the perspective of the well-informed pilot it provides a vivid, practical context for the appreciation of Human Factors, pitched at a level for those studying or engaged in current air transport operations. Features Include: - A unique seamless text, intensively reviewed by subject specialists. - Contemporary regulatory requirements from ICAO and references to FAA and JAA. - Comprehensive detail on the evolutionary development of air transport Human Factors. - Key statistics and analysis on the size and scope of the industry. - In-depth demonstration of the essential contribution of human factors in solving current aviation problems, air transport safety and certification. Routledge May 1999: 234x156: 648pp Pb: 978-0-291-39839-0: £35.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Misunderstandings in ATC Communication Language, Cognition, and Experimental Methodology Immanuel Barshi and Candace Farris Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Effective radio communication between ATC and pilots has long been recognized as an important element of aviation safety. In recognition of the role miscommunications play in aviation incidents and accidents, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recently introduced language proficiency requirements for all flight personnel in all ICAO member states. Using an effective and economical experimental paradigm, the research described here teases apart the complex combination of factors (e.g. speech rate, controller message length, English language proficiency, cognitive workload) believed to contribute to miscommunications between controllers and pilots. Misunderstandings in ATC Communication offers an in-depth report of a seminal study in aviation communication, which until now has only been available in the form of an unpublished dissertation. Routledge May 2013: 234x156: 270pp Hb: 978-0-754-67973-8: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59564-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Implementing Safety Management Systems in Aviation Edited by Alan J. Stolzer, Carl D. Halford and John J. Goglia Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations
2nd Edition
Safety Management Systems in Aviation Alan J. Stolzer and John J. Goglia
The International Civil Aviation Organization has mandated that all of its member states implement Safety Management Systems (SMS) in their aviation industries. Responding to that call, many countries are now in various stages of SMS development, implementation, and rulemaking. In their first book, Safety Management Systems in Aviation, Stolzer, Halford, and Goglia provided a strong theoretical framework for SMS, along with a brief discourse on SMS implementation. This follow-up book provides a very brief overview of SMS and offers significant guidance and best practices on implementing SMS programs. Very specific guidance is provided by industry experts from government, industry, academia, and consulting, who share their invaluable insights from first-hand experience of all aspects of effective SMS programs.
Although aviation is among the safest modes of transportation in the world today, accidents still happen. In order to further reduce accidents and improve safety, proactive approaches must be adopted by the aviation community. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has mandated that all of its member states implement Safety Management System (SMS) programs in their aviation industries. While some countries (the United States, Australia, Canada, members of the European Union and New Zealand, for example) have been engaged in SMS for a few years, it is still non-existent in many other countries. This unique and comprehensive book has been designed as a textbook for the student of aviation safety, and as an invaluable reference tool for the SMS practitioner in any segment of aviation.
Routledge April 2013: 234x156: 464pp Hb: 978-1-409-40165-0: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-472-41279-9: £30.00 eBook: 978-1-315-58798-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge August 2015: 234x156: 396pp Hb: 978-1-472-43175-2: £78.99 Pb: 978-1-472-43178-3: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-60750-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Dragon in the Cockpit How Western Aviation Concepts Conflict with Chinese Value Systems Hung-Sying Jing and Allen Batteau Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations The purpose of The Dragon in the Cockpit is to enhance the mutual understanding between Western aviation human-factors practitioners and the Chinese aviation community by describing some of the fundamental Chinese cultural characteristics pertinent to the field of flight safety. China’s demand for air transportation is widely expected to increase further, and the Chinese aviation community are now also designing their own commercial aircraft, the COMAC C-919. Consequently, the interactions in the air between the West and China are anticipated to become far more extensive and dynamic. However, due to the multi-faceted nature of Chinese culture, it is sometimes difficult for Westerners to understand Chinese thought and ways, sometimes to the detriment of aviation safety. This book provides crucial insights into Chinese culture and how it manifests itself during flight operations, as well as highlighting ways in which Western technology and Chinese culture clash within the cockpit. Routledge January 2015: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-472-41030-6: £62.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61568-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Limits of Expertise Rethinking Pilot Error and the Causes of Airline Accidents R. Key Dismukes, Benjamin A. Berman and Loukia Loukopoulos Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Why would highly skilled, well-trained pilots make errors that lead to accidents when they had safely completed many thousands of previous flights? The majority of all aviation accidents are attributed primarily to human error, but this is often misinterpreted as evidence of lack of skill, vigilance, or conscientiousness of the pilots. The Limits of Expertise is a fresh look at the causes of pilot error and aviation accidents, arguing that accidents can be understood only in the context of how the overall aviation system operates. The authors analyzed in great depth the 19 major U.S. airline accidents from 1991-2000 in which the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found crew error to be a causal factor. Each accident is reviewed in a separate chapter that examines events and crew actions and explores the cognitive processes in play at each step. Routledge January 2007: 234x156: 364pp Pb: 978-0-754-64965-6: £25.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23865-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Multitasking Myth Handling Complexity in Real-World Operations Loukia D. Loukopoulos, R. Key Dismukes and Immanuel Barshi Series: Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations Despite growing concern with the effects of concurrent task demands on human performance, and research demonstrating that these demands are associated with vulnerability to error, so far there has been only limited research into the nature and range of concurrent task demands in real-world settings. This book presents a set of NASA studies that characterize the nature of concurrent task demands confronting airline flight crews in routine operations, as opposed to emergency situations. The authors analyze these demands in light of what is known about cognitive processes, particularly those of attention and memory, with the focus upon inadvertent omissions of intended actions by skilled pilots. Routledge October 2009: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-0-754-67382-8: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-754-67997-4: £30.00 eBook: 978-1-315-55541-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Domesticating Drones The Technology, Law, and Economics of Unmanned Aircraft Henry H Perritt, Jr, Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology and Eliot O Sprague, Professional Electronic News Gathering Pilot, U.S. Helicopters, Inc.; Director of Market Development, AM Air Service; Professional helicopter flight instructor The public debate over civilian use of drones is intensifying. Variously called "unmanned aircraft systems", "unmanned aerial vehicles", "remotely piloted aircraft", or simply "drones", they are available for purchase by anyone for a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. They have strikingly useful capabilities. Domesticating Drones offers rigorous engineering, economics, legal and policy theory and doctrine on this important and far-reaching development within aviation. Routledge August 2016: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-472-45862-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57799-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Drones Safety Risk Management for the Next Evolution of Flight Harrison G. Wolf, University of Southern California, USA This book is an everything included approach to understanding drones, creating an organization around using unmanned aircraft, and outlining the process of safety to protect that program. It is the first of a kind safety focused text book for unmanned aircraft operations, providing the reader with a required understanding of hazard identification, risk analysis, mitigation, and promotion. It enables the reader to speak the same language as any civil aviation authority, and gives the toolset to create a safety risk management program for unmanned aircraft. Routledge Market: Aviation April 2017: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-1-138-20355-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-315-47141-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Drones in Society Exploring the strange new world of unmanned aircraft Ron Bartsch, UAS International, Australia, James Coyne and Katherine Gray Drones in Society takes the uninitiated on a journey to understand the history of drones, the present day and potential future in order to demystify the media hype. Written in an accessible style, it will appeal to a broad range of interested readerships, among them students, safety regulators, government employees, airspace regulators, insurance brokers and underwriters, risk managers, lawyers, privacy groups and the RPAS industry generally. In a world first, this book is a light and interesting read; being both relatable and memorable while discussing complex matters of privacy, international law and the challenges ahead for us all. Routledge Market: Aviation December 2016: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-22157-4: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-40965-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Absent Aviators ................................................................... 10 Advances in Aviation Psychology ............................... 16 Advances in Aviation Psychology, Volume 2 .......... 16 Aerospace Clinical Psychology ..................................... 16 Aerospace Strategic Trade ................................................ 5 Air Cargo in Mainland China and Hong Kong ........................................................................................... 5 Air Transport in the 21st Century ................................. 12 Air Transport in the Asia Pacific ...................................... 5 Air Transport Management ........................................... 12 Air Transport Provision in Remoter Regions .............. 5 Air Transportation ............................................................. 12 Aircraft Command Techniques ................................... 16 Aircraft Surveillance Systems ........................................ 20 Airline Finance ....................................................................... 5 Airline Industry ....................................................................... 2 Airline Marketing and Management ......................... 12 Airline Operations .............................................................. 20 Airline Operations and Delay Management ........... 20 Airline Operations and Management ....................... 20 Airline Operations and Scheduling ............................ 20 Airline Revolution, The ........................................................ 8 Airline Strategy ....................................................................... 2 Airline Survival Kit ................................................................. 2 Airline Training Pilot, The ................................................ 19 Airlines: Managing to Make Money .............................. 5 Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy .................................................................................. 2 Airport Slots ............................................................................. 6 Airspace Closure and Civil Aviation ............................ 12 Anger in the Air ...................................................................... 2 Applied Cognitive Task Analysis in Aviation ........... 23 Aviation and Tourism ......................................................... 6 Aviation Education and Training ................................ 16 Aviation Human Factors and SMS ............................. 23 Aviation Markets ................................................................... 6 Aviation Mental Health ................................................... 16 Aviation Project Management ..................................... 12 Aviation Psychology in Practice ................................... 18 Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research .......... 18 Aviation Trends in the New Millennium ................... 10 Aviation Visual Perception ............................................. 23
B Beyond Airline Disruptions ............................................. 20 Beyond Aviation Human Factors ................................ 23 Building Safe Systems in Aviation ............................... 25 Buying the Big Jets ............................................................... 2
C Climate Change and the Aviation Industry ............ 10 Clipped Wings ........................................................................ 3 Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems .............. 25 Commercial Aircraft Projects ........................................ 13 Competency-Based Education in Aviation ............. 18 Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management ....................................................................... 13 Contemporary Issues Shaping China’s Civil Aviation Policy .......................................................................................... 6 Crew Resource Management ....................................... 25 Critical Incident Stress Management in Aviation .................................................................................. 25
Decision Making in Aviation ......................................... 25 Defining Aerospace Policy .............................................. 10 Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management ....................................................................... 13 Designing Future-Oriented Airline Businesses ................................................................................ 3 Developing Strategies for the Modern International Airport ........................................................................................ 3 Discrete Choice Modelling and Air Travel Demand ................................................................................... 6 Domesticating Drones ..................................................... 31 Dragon in the Cockpit, The ............................................ 29 Driving Airline Business Strategies through Emerging Technology .............................................................................. 3 Drones ..................................................................................... 31 Drones in Society ................................................................ 31
M Managing Aviation Projects from Concept to Completion ........................................................................... 13 Misunderstandings in ATC Communication .......... 27 Modeling Applications in the Airline Industry ..................................................................................... 4 Multitasking Myth, The .................................................... 29
P Passenger Has Gone Digital and Mobile, The .............................................................................................. 4 Pilot Mental Health Assessment and Support ................................................................................... 18
e-Learning in Aviation ..................................................... 18 Economic Regulation of Airports, The ......................... 9 Economics and Political Economy of African Air Transport, The ........................................................................ 9 Ethical Issues in Aviation ................................................. 13 Evolution of International Aviation .............................. 6
Reducing Aircraft Ground Damage ........................... 21
F Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane .......................................................................................... 3 Fatigue in Aviation ............................................................ 25 Flight Stress ........................................................................... 26 Flying Ahead of the Airplane ........................................... 3 Foundations of Aviation Law ....................................... 10 Frontiers of Aerospace Law ........................................... 10
S Safety Management Systems in Aviation ............... 27 Simpli-Flying ........................................................................... 4 Simulation in Aviation Training .................................. 18 Sociology of Commercial Flight Crew, A .................. 23 Stormy Skies ............................................................................ 8 Straight and Level ................................................................ 8 Strategic Management in Aviation ........................... 14
W Why Can't We Make Money in Aviation? ................... 4 Will Sustainability Fly? ...................................................... 11
H Head-Up Displays: Designing the Way Ahead ...................................................................................... 26 High G Flight ........................................................................ 15 History of International Civil Aviation, A .................. 22 Human Error Approach to Aviation Accident Analysis, A ................................................................................................. 23 Human Error in Aviation ................................................. 26 Human Factors for Pilots ................................................ 26 Human Factors in Flight ................................................. 26 Human Factors in Flight Instructor's Guide ............ 26 Human Factors in Flight: Student Workbook .............................................................................. 27 Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations ............................................................................ 27
I Implementing Safety Management Systems in Aviation .................................................................................. 27 Improving Air Safety through Organizational Learning ................................................................................. 27 International Air Carrier Liability ................................. 11 International Aviation Law ............................................ 11 Introduction to Air Transport Economics ................... 8
L Leadership and Organization in the Aviation Industry ................................................................................... 13 Liberalization in Aviation .................................................. 8 Limits of Expertise, The ..................................................... 29 Looking Beyond the Runway ........................................... 4 Low Cost Carriers .................................................................. 8
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A Abdelghany, Ahmed .......................................................... 4 Abeyratne, Ruwantissa I.R. ........................................... 10 Abeyratne, Ruwantissa I.R. ........................................... 10 Ali, Busyairah Syd ............................................................... 20 Altfeld, Hans-Henrich ...................................................... 13 Ancell, Deborah ..................................................................... 3
B Ballesteros, José Sánchez-Alarcos ........................... 27 Barshi, Immanuel ............................................................... 27 Bartsch, Ron .......................................................................... 31 Bartsch, Ronald I.C. ............................................................ 11 Bazargan, Massoud ........................................................... 20 Bor, Robert ............................................................................. 18 Bruce, Peter J ........................................................................ 20 Bråthen, Svein ......................................................................... 5 Budd, Lucy ................................................................................ 8 Budd, Lucy ............................................................................. 12 Button, Kenneth .................................................................... 9
C Caldwell, John A. ................................................................ 25 Clark, Paul .................................................................................. 2 Clark, Paul .................................................................................. 8 Cook, Andrew ...................................................................... 13 Cook, Gerald N. ................................................................... 20 Czerny, Achim I. ..................................................................... 6
D Dismukes, R. Key ................................................................. 26 Dismukes, R. Key ................................................................. 29 Dobson, Alan ........................................................................ 22 Duval, David Timothy ........................................................ 5
Lammersen-Baum, Julianne ....................................... 10 Lawrence, Philip K. ............................................................... 5 Lawton, Thomas C. ........................................................... 14 Loukopoulos, Loukia D. ................................................. 29 Lumpé, Marc-Philippe .................................................... 13
M MacLeod, Norman ............................................................ 25 Maurino, Daniel E. .............................................................. 23 Maurino, Daniel E. .............................................................. 23 Mills, Albert ............................................................................ 10 Mills, Gordon ........................................................................... 8 Morrell, Peter S. ...................................................................... 5
N Newman, David G. ............................................................ 15 Newman, Richard L. ......................................................... 26
O O'Connell, John F. .............................................................. 12 Orlady, Harry W. .................................................................. 27
P Palmer, Walter J. ................................................................. 11 Pearson, James ....................................................................... 2 Pearson, Michael W. ......................................................... 10 Perritt, Jr, Henry ................................................................... 31 Pierobon, Mario .................................................................. 21 Pilarski, Adam M. ................................................................... 4
R Rapajic, Jasenka .................................................................. 20 Rhoades, Dawna L. .............................................................. 6
F Fallucco, Sal J. ....................................................................... 16 Fichert, Frank ........................................................................ 10 Flouris, Triant G. .................................................................. 12 Flouris, Triant G. .................................................................. 13 Flouris, Triant G. .................................................................. 13 Forsyth, Peter .......................................................................... 9 Funk, Craig S. ........................................................................ 26 Funk, Craig S. ........................................................................ 27
Satchell, Paul M. .................................................................. 25 Seamster, Thomas L. ........................................................ 23 Shaw, Stephen .................................................................... 12 Simon, Bennett ................................................................... 23 Smallwood, Tony ............................................................... 19 Starkie, David ........................................................................... 6 Stokes, Alan F. ...................................................................... 26 Stolzer, Alan J. ...................................................................... 27 Stolzer, Alan J. ...................................................................... 27
Garrow, Laurie A. ................................................................... 6 Gibb, Randy ........................................................................... 23 Goeters, Klaus-Martin ...................................................... 18 Graham, Anne ........................................................................ 2 Graham, Anne ........................................................................ 6 Green, Roger G. ................................................................... 26
H Harris, Don ............................................................................. 25 Hawkins, Frank H. ............................................................... 26 Henley, Irene M.A. .............................................................. 16 Hodgkinson, David ........................................................... 11 Holloway, Stephen .............................................................. 5 Holloway, Stephen .............................................................. 8 Hoppe, Elizabeth A. .......................................................... 13 Hubbard, Todd .................................................................... 16 Hunter, Joyce A. ..................................................................... 2
J Jaffe, Steven D. .................................................................... Jentsch, Florian ................................................................... Jing, Hung-Sying ................................................................ Johnston, Neil ......................................................................
12 18 29 18
K Kearns, Suzanne K. ............................................................ 18 Kearns, Suzanne K. ............................................................ 18 King, Raymond E. ............................................................... 16
Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. ..................................................................... Taneja, Nawal K. .....................................................................
2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
V Vasigh, Bijan ............................................................................. 8 Vidulich, Michael A. .......................................................... 16 Vidulich, Michael A. .......................................................... 16 Vogt, Joachim ...................................................................... 25
W Wensveen, John G. ........................................................... 12 Wiegmann, Douglas A. .................................................. 23 Williams, Alan .......................................................................... 3 Williams, Alan .......................................................................... 6 Wilson, Katherine A. ......................................................... 25 Wolf, Harrison G. ................................................................. 31 Wolf, Hartmut ......................................................................... 8 Wu, Cheng-Lung ................................................................ 20
Z Zhang, Anming ...................................................................... 5
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