Boom Publishers Amsterdam Psychology & Psychiatry Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2016
Compassion as the key to happiness Beyond stress and self-criticism When was the last time you were relaxed, calm and satisfied? When was the last time you experienced a long period of happiness when you were cheerful, upbeat and energetic? Many people suffer from chronic stress. When you have chronic stress, it isn’t only difficult to be happy; stress is also a key cause of burn-out, anxiety and depression. A common source of chronic stress comes from within ourselves: we are self-critical and demand a lot from ourselves. In Compassion as the key to happiness, the authors outline a stepby-step process for developing the ability to be compassionate towards ourselves and others. By bringing balance to the various emotional systems, chronic stress can be transformed into healthy stress. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and don’t feel the need to be perfect, this creates room for vitality, joy and play. This book contains many visualisation, experiential and writing exercises to get you started right away.
‘The last 20 years have seen increasing research on what creates well-being, good mental
has worked as
a psychotherapist for many years. She has
and physical health, and happiness. In this
written various self-help books on the
important book […] The authors guide
subject of how to thrive – even in the
people through this research and onto some
presence of pain.
core practices that can help to create positive states of mind via compassion cultivation.’ – Paul Gilbert, professor of clinical psychology and author
has been Professor of Mental Health
Promotion at the University of Twente since 2011. His research focuses on the substantiation and evaluation of an individual- oriented approach in mental healthcare.
of Compassionate mind and Compassion-focused therapy
original title rights
Compassie als sleutel tot geluk • 2015 • 184 pages Suzanne Batelaan,
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Imperfectly content Dealing with your inner critic Many of us have an inner critic that is never satisfied. “What I said during the meeting made no sense at all...”, “I forgot to congratulate him again. I’m such a ...” Can’t we just turn off this voice? The simple answer is ‘no’: feelings of shame and guilt serve an important function. They ensure that we stay within the boundaries of socially acceptable behaviour. At the same time, however, this voice can have a negative impact if it becomes too strong. This isn’t solved by just telling yourself to stop ‘being so hard on yourself’. Thankfully it is possible to change: you can learn to deal with your inner critic by learning to understand yourself better. In Imperfectly content, you use various tests to gain more insight into your tendency to experience constant feelings of guilt and shame and how adequately or inadequately you deal with these feelings. By looking at yourself from the perspective of a sympathetic observer, you can learn to accept that you are indeed not perfect, but that you can be content with being ‘good enough’.
is a psychotherapist/
psychoanalyst and forensic expert. His publications include an introduction to psychoanalysis, a diagnostics manual and articles on narcissism, shame and guilt.
original title
Onvolmaakt tevreden. Omgaan met je innerlijke criticus • 2016 • 140 pages r i g h t s Suzanne Batelaan, Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Growing up too soon On parentification Excessive loyalty on the part of a child towards a parent and the blurring of the lines that separate the child’s role and the parent’s role occur more often than we think. But is it by definition a bad thing when it occurs? Growing up too soon is about children who care for their parents – a phenomenon called ‘parentification’ – and the expectations parents have of their children. It is a book that provides practical tips as well as emotional support. Examples are used to describe what parentification is and how it manifests itself. Various high-risk groups, such as the children of divorced parents and the children of parents with a psychological condition, are handled in detail to explain how family issues can lead to parentification. Marinka Kamphuis discusses the damage this can cause to children, the specific problems that can arise during childhood or later in life and what can be done about them.
‘A useful and reader-friendly overview of this issue for caregivers and parents.’
is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.
She combines working at her own practice with teaching.
– psyche & brein
original title
Te vroeg volwassen. Over parentificatie • 2015 • 272 pages Suzanne Batelaan,
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Learning to suffer At some point in everyone’s life, there will be suffering. To a greater or lesser extent, we are confronted with cancer and other diseases, traumas, setbacks or the loss of loved ones. Despite the inevitability of suffering, we are inadequately equipped to deal with it. In fact, we do as much as we can to wall ourselves off from it. Martin Appelo explains why this is not a good idea. When it comes to suffering, the law of reverse effort applies: it catches up to those who want to run away from it, whereas those who embrace it know how to deal with it when it arises. Learning to suffer presents a clear definition of suffering based on both Eastern and Western thought. Appelo makes a distinction between various types of suffering and discusses how to deal with each type. Based on five true stories, he shows how we can deal with suffering in a kind way.
‘As no other, he [Martin Appelo] knows
works as a health
psychologist and behavioural therapist
how to stimulate us and explore avenues
with a number of agencies and institutions.
for providing assistance with new insights.’
He is a much in-demand speaker at
– sociale psychiatrie
symposia and conferences. Earlier works published by Boom Publishers include his best-selling: Socratisch motiveren (Socratic motivation), Waarom veranderen (meestal) mislukt (Why trying to change bad habits (usually) results in failure), Het gelaagde brein (The layered brain) and Een spiegel voor narcisten (A mirror for narcissists).
Leren lijden • 2016 • 160 pages Barbara Kuiper,
original title rights
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Life stories and psychotrauma Narrative exposure therapy in theory and practice For PTSD patients, there are successful trauma-oriented therapies such as CBT or EMDR. However, these treatments are not always sufficient because they can be too burdensome to patients who have experienced multiple and complex traumatic events in the past. Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) has been specifically developed for these PTSD patients. The aim of NET is to provide the patient with an overview of his or her entire life and to integrate the traumatic events into his or her life story. This is based on three pillars: the chronological lifeline, narrative exposure and the witness report. NET has proven to be an effective form of treatment. This first Dutch NET manual is a practical guide on the treatment
‘NET is a form of treatment that has proven
methods, with a lot of examples and specific cases.
to be suitable for use in different cultures. It therefore appears to be an important RUUD JONGEDIJK
is a psychiatrist and Director of Care &
supplement to the treatment of traumatised
Innovation at Stichting Centrum ’45 and Arq Psychotrauma
refugees and non-Western patients […].’
Expert Group. He introduced NET as a treatment method in the Netherlands and has established NET training courses and
– emdr magazine
supervisory tracks.
‘In conclusion, Levensverhalen en psychotrauma is a clearly-written, informative and entertaining manual that I warmly recommend.’ – directieve therapie magazine
original title
Levensverhalen en psychotrauma • 2014 • 382 pages Barbara Kuiper,
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Compassion in your life Enriching mindfulness with heartfulness Being kinder towards yourself, more socially connected and less afraid of making mistakes – who wouldn’t want that? In the real world, this is often difficult to achieve, especially when you find yourself in painful or stressful situations. Compassion enables you to attain greater happiness. Compassion is the ability to feel connected with the pain and suffering of ourselves and others and the courage and willingness to do something about it. It is an ability that everyone can develop with practice. The Boom self-help book Compassion in your life is a guide for everyone looking for ways to ease suffering, experience greater happiness, have a healthier attitude towards themselves and others and to live life from the heart. The book contains valuable exercises and free downloadable audio files for further
‘A clearly outlined training regime.’
developing compassion and enriching the benefit of mindfulness with heartfulness.
– psychologie magazine
is a mindfulness trainer
in the mental health care sector and a lecturer affiliated with both Dutch and foreign institutions that offer mindfulness training programmes. ERIK VAN DEN BRINK
is a psychiatrist,
psychotherapist and mindfulness trainer at the Center for Integrative Psychiatry and Het Behouden Huys (a psycho- oncological centre).
Compassie in je leven • 2015 • 204 pages Suzanne Batelaan,
original title rights
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Fear of driving Feeling embarrassed because you are technically able to drive, but are too afraid to get behind the wheel? It is estimated that half a million to one million Dutch have a driving license, but don’t make use of it. For various reasons they have become too afraid to drive. Some don’t drive at all, others particularly fear to drive on highways. There is often a lot of embarrassment about being too afraid to drive, when you are in fact able to. This self-help book is designed for all owners of a driving license who have different levels of driving anxiety which interferes with their daily lives. The reader will be guided by the author, Yvette van der Pas, through a step-by-step program. The methods and practices are based on cognitive behaviour therapy, and are illustrated with case examples from Van der Pas’ clinical practice. Fear of driving will help you to confidently take to the road again.
‘This book reads almost like a novel
(1958) is a clinical
psychologist and cognitive behavioural
(partly because of its many examples
therapist. She also gives training to
and cases), without losing professional
cognitive behavioural therapists, acting as a teacher and supervisor. She has acted
credibility. A good addition to every
as an expert for the tv shows Angst de baas (‘On top of your anxiety’)
psychologist’s bookcase.’
and Fear fighters.
– meesters in de psychologie
Rijangst • 2014 • 172 pages Suzanne Batelaan,
original title rights
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Stop worrying We all worry about things – some of us even worry about the fact that we are worrying. This practical book will help you to put your concerns into perspective and teach you to cope with stressful situations. Using exercises from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), designed to understand the nature and seriousness of your worrying, Kerkhof shows you how to stop the cycle of worrying. By spending 15 minutes, twice a day, to do the exercises, you will learn to take control of your repetitive thoughts. By integrating humour into the exercises, Kerkhof encourages you to face and deal with your worries. Supporting and offering advice to worriers as well as their family and friends, this book also provides guidance for professionals working in mental healthcare settings, especially those who recommend selfhelp to their clients.
‘It’s a book which sets realistic goals, has a
is Professor of Clinical
Psychology at the VU University,
down-to-earth approach and is genuinely
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He
useful.’ – Claudia Hammond, broadcaster, writer and
specializes in worry, depression and
academic psychologist
suicide. He also has a psychotherapy practice, where he treats clients with persistent forms of worrying, depression and burn-out. Other contributors:
‘Very simple and practical.’ – Professor Geoff
Saida Akhnikh, Anneke Koopman, Maarten van der Linde, Marleen Stam en Elvan Tutkun.
Beattie, university of manchester and resident big brother psychologist
Piekeren • 2014 • 172 pages r i g h t s Suzanne Batelaan, p r e s s / m c g r a w - h i l l e d u c a t i o n , 2010 ) Stop Worrying. Get your life back on track with CBT original title
published in pnglish (university
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
KOP model handbook Many sufferers from mental health problems do not receive adequate treatment. Besides placing a serious strain on individuals and their families, this also causes substantial financial loss for society as a whole. During the past decades effective treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for common mental disorders have been developed. They have led to high success rates in individual treatment cases. However, research shows that all over Europe 60% of sufferers with a mental disorder still lack professional treatment. This book presents a simple concept (i.e. S = L x C1) which enables patients to gain insight into the underlying causes of their symptoms, how these can be addressed, and, especially, what they themselves can do to address them. Research has shown that this model is excellently appropriate for treating patients with mild to moderately severe mental health symptoms. This book is for every professional treating patients working in primary mental health care can benefit from the KOP model handbook. It will enable psychologists, community psychiatric nurses, and social workers to adapt and expand their working methods.
is Clinical
Psychologist, Institute of Mental Health in The Netherlands. DR. ELS HEENE
is Clinical Psychologist,
Institute of Mental Health in The Netherlands and Assistant Professor, Department Experimental Clinical Psychology Ghent University in Belgium.
original title
Handboek KOP-model – Kortdurende psychologische interventies voor de eerste lijn voor de Basis GGZ • 2015 • 328 pages r i g h t s Barbara Kuiper, Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Breaking with your parents If the contact a child has with its parents is mostly painful, even though everything has been attempted to improve the relationship, it can sometimes be best for both parties to go their separate ways. This book contains personal accounts that are recognisable to people with complicated family situations and provides tips for accepting these situations. The first part of the book deals with the primary reasons for breaking off contact, such as addiction, parentification or emotional abuse. The second part discusses the prevailing notions regarding parenthood and how people in the immediate environment can respond to the breaking off of contact. The book concludes with suggestions and recommendations about learning how to deal with a bad childhood, breaking off contact and accepting the resulting situation.
‘An interesting and poignant book, both
runs an alternative medicine practice and
teaches courses in personal development
for those involved in breaking off contact with their parent(s) and for anyone who wants to find out more about this relatively underexposed subject.’ – nbd biblion
Breken met je ouders • 2012 • 256 pages Suzanne Batelaan,
original title rights
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Recent acquisitions Attached – Amir Levine & Rachel Heller Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5®) – American Psychiatric Association Understanding Mental Disorders – American Psychiatric Association DSM-5® Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria – American Psychiatric Association DSM-5® Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – American Psychiatric Association Study Guide to DSM-5® – American Psychiatric Association
contact information
Boom uitgevers Amsterdam Suzanne Batelaan, acquiring editor Barbara Kuiper, publisher v i s i t i n g a d d r e s s
mailing address
Prinsengracht 747-751
Postbus 15970
1017 JX Amsterdam
1001 NL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
t +31(0)20 521 89 38 e