Boom Publishers Amsterdam Psychology & Psychiatry Rights List 2020
Boom Publishers Amsterdam
Psychology & Psychiatry Arnoud van Loon et al. - Treatment protocol misophonia Derek de Beurs – Myths about suicide Agnes van Minnen - Frozen by fear Mathijs Steeneveld - #imperfectlife Mariëtte Baanders - Putting things into perspective is an art Rob Faltin - #Just let them think… Denise Matthijssen, Els de Rooij & Denise Bodden - ACT your way
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Treatment protocol Misophonia No matter how quietly her husband or her children eat, Nicole seems to be unable to NOT hear the mashing and gnashing. Mealtimes with her family are excruciating, so she has her meals by herself, in the kitchen. Misophonia (‘hatred of sound’) is a condition for which up until 2000 there wasn’t a name, let alone a treatment. People who suffer from misophonia experience feelings of anger and revulsion when they are confronted with specific sounds, like swallowing, chewing, smacking, coughing, sniffing or pen clicking. Most are embarrassed by the degree of anger and disgust they feel and try to avoid situations in which these sounds may occur: they wear ear plugs, avoid the cinema and public transportation, open plan offices and family meals. Misophonia can seriously compromise functioning, socializing and ultimately one’s mental health. The Dutch publication of the protocol comprises 1) a group protocol, 2) a protocol for individual treatment and 3) a protocol
As of 2009 the psychiatry research department of Amsterdam
for children, but the authors will agree to the translation of
university hospital has researched and developed CBT-based
just one or two of these protocols. For instance, one could opt
treatment especially for these patients. They found that exposure,
to only publish the protocol (word count 29.000) for individual
which is an important part of CBT-treatment as usual, has an
adverse effect. By substituting exposure with rescripting they found they reached the best results. To this date over 2.000 people
Proposed content:
have been treated according to this protocol. It is the first evidence
based treatment protocol for this particular patient group.
Protocol - 8 sessions Questionnaires and homework
Workbook for patients
head of treatment, dept. psychiatry, Amsterdam university
is a clinical psychologist, researcher and
hospital and headed the research group. MARTHE VAN DER POL is a clinical psychologist. SIMONE SLAGHEKKE is a psychomotor therapist. CHRISTIANNE VAN DER MEER is a psychologist. ELLEN SCHEKMAN
is a psychologist and researcher. INGE JAGER is a
clinical psychologist and researcher. EVELIEN NIEUWENDIJK is a nurse practitioner. IRIS DE WIT is a psychologist. Treatment Protocol Misophonia (3 protocols) • 2019 • 248 pages r i g h t s Suzanne Batelaan,
original title
Myths about suicide ‘Derek de Beurs is an internationally recognized expert in suicide prevention and he is excellent at communicating complex ideas in an accessible manner. In Myths about Suicide, he provides a brilliant critique of the state of the science for suicide prevention which has widespread appeal to anyone interested in understanding suicide.’ Rory O’Connor, Professor of Health Psychology, Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, University of Glasgow There are still people who believe it’s better not to ask after suicidal thoughts, lest it would push someone over the edge. There are still people who believe that someone who commits suicide actually wants to die. Both are out and out myths. Here’s another one: suicide is a conscious, well thought out decision, instead of the result of an ever darkening tunnel of despair from which no escape seems possible. These and other myths are doggedly repeated over and over again, among the general population as well as, surprisingly, within the mental health system. Which of these myths are true? Do some at least hold some truth? And which are completely false? Contents:
Derek de Beurs, a young and charismatic scientist, psychologist
Myth 1: Asking after suicidal thoughts may push someone to
and expert in the field of suicide, decided to investigate these
go through with it
myths. He does so in an unassuming, empathetic and some-
Myth 2: Suicide rates spike around Christmastime
times even humorous way. His goal is to create more under-
Myth 3: Someone with suicidal tendencies wants to die
standing of this (sometimes fatal) condition and for the people
Myth 4: The way media report on suicide has an effect on
who suffer from it.
suicide rates Myth 5: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide
This book is a must-read for everyone who cares for people who
Myth 6: Artists have a proclivity towards suicide
find themselves in such a dark place.
Myth 7: Suicide runs in the family Myth 8: Women talk about committing suicide, but men are
more likely to die from it
ment of psychiatric epidemiology at
Myth 9: Suicide rates are up as the economy goes down
Trimbos Institute and a leading expert on
is head of the depart-
suicide prevention. His research focusses on the training of professionals, e-health interventions and machine learning. Myths about suicide • march 2020 • 160 pages r i g h t s Hannah Klein Haneveld,
original title
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Frozen by fear How sexual abuse affects you ‘Prof. Agnes van Minnen is a leading trauma expert. As well as performing important research in the field of trauma, PTSD and sexual violence, she is an experienced clinician who has treated hundreds of patients with sexual trauma. I would certainly highly recommend her as an important clinical and scientifically driven author.’ – Barbara O. Rothbaum, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor in Psychiatry, Associate Vice Chair of Clinical Research, Director, Emory Veterans Program and the Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program, Emory University School of Medicine Why didn’t I scream? Why didn’t I resist? Why didn’t I tell anyone? Why did I do what I was told to do? Many victims of sexual abuse struggle with these questions and are too ashamed to speak out. In this groundbreaking book, Agnes van Minnen explains exactly which instinctive survival responses (freezing, fleeing, fighting or avoidance) can arise during and after sexual abuse. Learning about these survival responses, which serve a genuine function, can often be a great relief to victims and help facilitate the coping process. It also
Fourth print run. Over 5000 copies sold.
helps to break the cycle of abuse and reduce the risk of recurrence. ‘She told her story hesitantly, moving uncomfortably in her chair and
Frozen by fear dispels myths and provides readers with many
often lowering her eyes. I asked her “Is this actually your whole story?
explanations, tips, and practice cases.
Or is there something vital that you’re afraid to tell me?” She nodded and told me, in tears and without looking at me, that she “had not done
An important book in times of #metoo.
anything”. “I was paralyzed by fear, I cooperated. I’m so ashamed; it means that it was my fault.”’ AGNES VAN MINNEN
is a clinical psycho-
logist and expert in PTSD/trauma and fear who has treated hundreds of victims of sexual abuse.
Verlamd van angst • 2017 • 224 pages r i g h t s Barbara Kuiper,
original title
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
#imperfectlife Stop comparing and do what is good for you Often we feel like we have to change because we’re not good, or not good enough. But achieving change from such a negative starting point is difficult. You may manage for a while to stick to a diet by being strict with yourself, but there comes a time that you will be tired and cranky. Of course you’ll have a right to Ben & Jerry’s at such times! And then the genie is out of the bottle. You failed at your diet, so you may as well eat the entire tub. This book is based on three principles: (1) you are good as you are; (2) if you wish to change anything, do it because you want to, not because you have to; (3) take what works as your starting point and expand on it, instead of focusing on what goes wrong. Steeneveld’s ideas are based on appreciative inquiry. This means you examine what can be appreciated, and what you want more of. This creates much more confidence and a desire to get going. The book is well-written and offers recognisable examples and If we’re not checking Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to see
practical exercises.
how great our friends are doing, we are following vloggers who, while training their abdominal muscles, turn every day into a party. We compare ourselves with all these seemingly
perfect people and are unhappy with ourselves. And we forget
psychologist. He works as a trainer and
that hardly anyone has a #perfectlife or #killerbody.
a coach. His earlier publications include
(1985) is a
Optimism – Hope – Resilience – Self-confidence (2017) and Mindfulness, empowerment, and other hypes (2018).
#imperfectlife • 2019 • 160 pages r i g h t s Suzanne Batelaan,
original title
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Putting things into perspective is an art Tools for a balanced emotional life A mindful person notices his or her emotions, and accepts them – without resistance and without judgement, and without reacting to them. Then, emotions will pass like small clouds in the sky. But what can you do if your mindfully noticed emotions do not pass, but keep coming back? And what if you can’t manage to stick with your mindfulness meditation in everyday life? The Buddhist teachings offer us more than mindfulness alone. Elements like transience, our learned ego, compassion, and being responsible for our own emotional lives turn out to be really useful concepts during the process of learning to cope with our deepest emotions. This book provides practical tools for people who want to improve their emotional lives, and want to learn to deal with emotions in a healthy, constructive, and satisfying manner. Each chapter is structured around a monthly theme, and contains reflection assignments and exercises, with a light-hearted mood as the ultimate goal. This book isn’t about Buddhism, but it is inspired by it. Taking our present scientific knowledge of emotions into account, Putting things into perspective is an art is a pleasantly practical book about emotion regulation.
MARIËTTE BAANDERS is a publicist and a coach.
As a social psychologist, she obtained her doctorate with a thesis on the influence of cultural norms and values on our emotional experience. Her earlier publications include: Ik ben niet verdrietig, ik ben boos (I’m not sad, I’m angry) and Gepaste emoties (Appropriate Emotions). Putting things into perspective is an art is her first book published at Boom Publishers.
Relativeren is ook een kunst • 2019 • 240 pages r i g h t s Barbara Kuiper,
original title
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Just let them think… Wouldn’t it be great to stop worrying about what others think of you? In Just let them think..., you learn how to control your nerves and use your senses to discover that criticism and rejection might not be as bad as you think they are. With exercises and a many examples, this book helps you set your inhibitions aside and face the world on your own terms. By practicing with the very things that you fear, they become less scary. Are you up for the challenge? This practical book is based on the latest scientific insights regarding overcoming the fear of criticism. It’s a must-read for everyone who worries about other people’s opinion about them. Laat ze maar denken was highly acclaimed in the Dutch media.
Available: English translation of Contents and Chapter 1.
is an outstanding cognitive
behavioural therapist/psychotherapist and journalist in the Netherlands. Prior to his current line of work, he was a professional violinist with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and a consultant at kpmg. He has degrees from the University of Amsterdam, Nyenrode Business University and the Centre for Communication & Journalism in Utrecht. In addition to French and Dutch, he is fluent in English, German, Italian.
Laat ze maar denken • 2017 • 156 pages r i g h t s Suzanne Batelaan,
original title
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
ACT your way Doing what works for you
‘Those who follow their own path never get lost.’ This sounds like an undeniable truth, but following your own path is easier said than done. Many young people and adolescents have a hard time charting their own course, making choices and tackling things they’d like to change. This can make them anxious or depressed, and even impede their development. With the practical ACT your way workbook, young people learn how to discover what is really important to them and how to better handle stressful situations. The exercises in this book are based on the principles of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT your way is a fun workbook with a corresponding website that features videos, (audio) exercises and downloads: The workbook can be used for self-study or for learning with the help of a teacher, coach or therapist.
is a social psychiatric nurse, as well as a
family therapist at Altrecht GGZ mental healthcare institution. ELS DE ROOIJ
works as a psychotherapist at Altrecht GGZ.
is a researcher and lecturer at Utrecht
University and Radboud University.
Act your way • 2018 • 184 pages Barbara Kuiper,
original title rights
Boom Publishers Amsterdam | Psychology & Psychiatry
Recent acquisitions Sharon Martin – The CBT Workbook for Perfectionism Marc D. Feldman & Gregory P.Yates – Dying to be ill Miguel Farias & Catherine Wikholm – The Buddha Pill Lindsey C. Gibson – Adult children of emotionally immature parents Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg & Tom Pyszczynski The Worm at the Core Gary Wilson – Your Brain on Porn Richard Layard & David M. Clark – Thrive Paul Gilbert – Compassion Focussed Therapy Sophia Wang & Abraham M. Nussbaum – Pocket Guide for Elder Mental Health Amir Levine & Rachel Heller - Attached APA – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition APA – Understanding Mental Disorders APA – DSM-5® Self-Exam Questions: test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria APA - DSM-5® Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders APA – Study Guide to DSM-5®
contact information
Boom Publishers Amsterdam Arjen Groenink, publisher: Barbara Kuiper, publisher: Hannah Klein Haneveld, publisher: Suzanne Batelaan, acquisition editor: v i s i t i n g a d d r e s s
mailing address
Prinsengracht 747-751
Postbus 15970
1017 JX Amsterdam
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