Boone County Shopper January 5th, 2023

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Through ballet & lyrical styles, students have a higher focus on technique, artistry, storytelling & choreography.


CIRCULATION 20,200 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #62 Belvidere, IL BooneCounty’s Largest&MostRead Publication 75th Anniversary Year! January 5, 2023 Published Every Thursday By Ed & Matt Branom Postal Customer 815-544-2166 Vol. 76 No. 49 I T ’ S A J ’ S 6 0 T H B I R T H D AY ! I T ’ S A J ’ S 6 0 T H B I R T H D AY ! IT’S AJ’S 60TH BIRTHDAY! Come Celebrate With Us As We “BLOWOUT” THE 50’S & HELP AJ ROLL IN THE “GOODYEAR” OF 60 ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 6TH, FROM 6:00 PM - ? AT Concordia Lanes, 1205 Logan Ave., Belvidere Shhh! It’s A Surprise! FOR PROGRAM DETAILS OR TO REGISTER VISIT BELVIDEREPARK.ORG OR CALL 815-547-5711 YOUTH BASKETBALL LIL PINT HOOPS 3-4years old Introductory class for the future hoopsters. Participants will work on dribbling, passing, shooting and listening through fun and creative games and drills. Location: Meehan Gym Min/Max: 5/12 Code Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time Register by 101096-01 3-4 $30/$45 1/7-28 SAT 9-9:45 am 1/2 101096-02 3-4 $30/$45 1/4-25 WED 5-5:45 pm 12/30 101096-03 3-4 $30/$45 2/4-25 SAT 9-9:45 am 1/30 101096-04 3-4 $30/$45 2/1-22 WED 5-5:45 pm 1/27
5-6 years old Basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting and listening will be
through a variety of creative drills and games. Location:
Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time Register by
5-6 $35/$50 1/7-28 SAT 10-11 am 1/2
5-6 $35/$50 1/4-25 WED
pm 12/30
2/4-25 SAT 10-11 am 1/30
5-6 $35/$50 2/1-22 WED 6-7 pm 1/27 YOUTH BASKETBALL Grades 1 thru 4 Youth Basketball In-House leagues are instructional with an emphasis placed on learning the fundamental skills of basketball in a fun environment. Volunteer coaches are needed. Practice is once a week at Meehan Gym; Games at Rivers Edge Rec Center • Min/Max: 40/80 Code Grade R/NR Fee Date Day Time Register by 101166-01 1-2 $45/$60 1/14-2/25 SAT 9 am-Noon 1/6 101176-01 3-4 $45/$60 1/14-2/25 SAT 9 am-Noon 1/6 NEW DOTY PARK CABIN RENTALS! Come rent a cabin that is adjacent to the ice rink for your next party. The space has two 8 foot tables with 16 chairs, heat & electricity. FEE: $40/HOUR (TK) J&J DANCE AT RIVERS EDGE Dancers will have the opportunity to participate in a recital hosted by J&J • Additional costume fees very by class from $70-$105 (billed directly by J&J). Register by Feb. 20th. Min/Max 4/20 CREATIVE MOVEMENT This class serves as an introduction to dance where preliminary ballet & tap skills are taught. Code Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time 101317-01 18 mos.-3 yrs. $48/$63 1/16-6/5 MON 5-5:30 pm
Meehan Gym Min/Max:
class, dancers implement basic jazz technique & learn floor skills to create awesome routines!
Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time
$48/$63 1/16-6/5 MON 7-7:30
In this
101317-04 6-9
pm 101317-05 10-18 $48/$63 1/16-6/5 MON 7:30-8 pm
Code Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time
101317-06 10-18 $56/$70 1/16-6/5 MON 8-8:45 pm
Age R/NR Fee Date Day Time
Our ballet/tap classes are offered separately for athletes ages 3.5-5 & 6-9. Instructors work
expand students’
dance knowledge. Code
101317-02 3.5-5
101317-03 6-9
1/16-6/5 MON 6:15-7
designed to help teach
of respect, self-control,
motor skills & coordination. Students will
& bully drills. Volunteer Instructor: Master Sung Sop An (8th Degree Black Belt) & his black belt staff. (AG) Location: Rivers Edge Rec Center Min/Max: 9/25 Code Age Fee R/NR Date Time Day 106086-01 4-12 $42/$57 1/3-1/24 6-6:30 pm TUE Dance on over to Rivers Edge for our Annual Daddy Daughter Sweetheart Dance. Memories to last a lifetime will be made while you enjoy music, memories, and goodies on this special
Light refreshments provided. Each young lady will receive a corsage & goodie bag. Each couple will have the opportunity to have their picture taken by a photographer to remember this special evening. Doors open at 6 pm to check in & have photos taken. (KI)Location: Rivers Edge Rec Center Min/Max: 25/100 DADDY DAUGHTER SWEETHEART DANCE Code Age Fee R/NR Date Time Day Register By 105016-01 3-13 $35/$50 2/11 6:30-8:30 pm SAT 1/30 Addt’l Child $17/$25 ICEHOGS Practice at Riverside Ice Arena Saturday, Jan. 16th @ 6PM SAVE THE DATE! In This Issue January... SEE PAGES 5-8 B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY S E N I O R L I V I N G S E N I O R L I V I N G SENIOR LIVING A MONTHLY FOUR PAGE SECTION FOR SENIORS CHICKEN WINGETTES JUMBO 3 LB $5.99
4-12 year olds the important qualities
& confidence, while building
learn important “stranger danger”
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 2 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIALOFFER b e l v i d e r e f a m i l y y m c a o r g 220 W. LOCUST ST., BELVIDERE (815) 547-5307 B e l v i d e r e F a m i l y Y M C A START THE NEW YEAR AT THE YMCA We Have Activities For The Entire Family YOUTH COED WINTER BASKETBALL LEAGUE Registration: Now - January 6th, 2023 Age Group: K-2nd (Little Ballers); 3rd-4th, 5th-6th & 7th-8th Practices Begin: Week of January 23rd (practices are determined by coaches) Games Begin: Saturday, February 4th Tournaments week of March 13th Description:  All special requests due to ride sharing, etc. will be considered but not guaranteed. The YMCA will be accepting both team & individual sign up in all leagues. Little Ballers:  Members: $30.00 Non-Members: $35.00 Co-Ed Fees:  Members: $70.00 Non-Members: $85.00  Team: $575 CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF JANUARY 9TH & RUN UNTIL THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 18TH! Family Memberships (2 adults & children) - $60/Month Pay 1 year in full & receive an EXTRA MONTH FREE Boone County’s Full Service Wellness Facility Cardio & Strength Equipment Warm Water Pool Full Gymnasium Family-Friendly Member Perks: Special Pricing for Premium Classes & Programs - Free Adult Fitness Classes - Free Adult Aquatic Classes - Free Fitness Orientation - Free Smiles NO JOINER FEE. NO CANCELLATION OR HIDDEN FEES. SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE IN NEED. Workout Equipment Is Spaced For Your Health & Safety. 2023 Family Owned & Operated Since 1937 S t a c e y Fr i e d l B u r g e r, O w n e r 8 1 5 - 6 0 1 - 2 5 0 1 S t a c e y Fr i e d l B u r g e r, O w n e r 8 1 5 - 6 0 1 - 2 5 0 1 Stacey Friedl Burger, Owner 815-601-2501 No other offers apply • Expires 1-31-23 N e e d H e l p C l e a n i n g U p A f t e r Y o u r Need Help Cleaning Up After Your H O L I D A Y G U E S T S ? HOLIDAY GUESTS? N e e d H e l p C l e a n i n g U p A f t e r Y o u r Need Help Cleaning Up After Your H O L I D A Y G U E S T S ? A HOLIDAY GUESTS? JANUARY SPECIAL Clean 2 Rooms of Carpet Get 3RD ROOM FREE CARPETS l UPHOLSTERY l TILE CLEANERS 815.581.5551 • 6660 Newburg Road, Rockford $39.95 Super Softener Tune-Up Special EXP. 1-11-23. 815-544-0918 • 214 W. Menomonie, Belvidere AFFORDABLE WATER Does Your Culligan Equipment Need Service? We Service ALL Makes & Models Hard Rusty Water? WE CAN HELP!!! Affordable Water Wants To Be YOUR PREFERRED LOCAL WATER TREATMENT PROVIDER! JB J JB & PAINTING 815-543-9814 INTERIOR ONLY CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! Commercial & Residential State Street NEW SHOP HOURS 1322 S. State St. Belvidere 815.547.8650 Happy New Year! Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8 AM - 4 PM WALK-INS WELCOME COMPUTER VIRUS REMOVAL and performance tuning. Top rated and local computer and laptop repair. AIDA Electronics, Poplar Grove, 815-765-0300, FOR SALE: Extra large round bales of grass hay, net wrapped and wrapped in plastic, $100/bale, will load. Call 815985-1382. HELP WANTED: Receptionist/ Office full/part time. Must know QuickBooks. Please apply in person Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM. Affordable Water, 214 W. Menomonie, Belvidere. HELP WANTED: Small office seeking competent dental assistant. Please call 815-544-3426 or 815-979-5309. Please leave detailed message if no answer. HELP WANTED: Tree service and snow removal. Must have valid drivers license. Experience a plus, not necessary, Will train. 815-544-4993, leave message. DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans today! Help & support our Veterans. Fast - free pick up. 100% tax ded. 1-800-245-0398
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 3 DIXON AUTO SALES 1348 Fairgrounds Rd., Belvidere 815-975-9546 • $ 1 6 , 4 9 5 16,495 ONLY ‘12 NISSAN XTERRA PRO-4X 4X4, Clean, One Owner, V6, Only 109,453 Mi., Roof Rack With Off Road Lights, Full Power, Aluminum Wheels NJETree Service & Landscaping, Inc. 15% OFF Jobs Over $800 Some Restrictions Apply. TREE REMOVAL • PLANTING TRIMMING 70’ AIR LIFT BUCKET Fully Insured ~ Free Estimates 708-603-9141 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! 2545 Spring Creek Rd. • Belvidere • Call 815-858-2629 Today! C o m e H o m e To Q u a l i t y C o m e H o m e To Q u a l i t y Come Home To Quality Porches • Decks • Patios • All Season Rooms • Garages • Pole Barns Sheds • Power Washing • Flooring • Gutters • Kitchens • Bathrooms Our team has the experience to turn you dreams into reality. Over 25 Years of Experience! Our Professional Team is Fully Licensed & Insured. Beyer Builders General Contractor S A L E S • S E R V I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N S A L E S • S E R V I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N R E S I D E N T I A L C O M M E R C I A L ROSCOE GARAGE DOOR & SERVICE RGD We sell the Best and Service the Rest 815-623-8283 Lift-Master® The Professional Line Garage Door Openers We Stock Parts For Most Doors & Openers Over 25 yrs. Experience OVERHEAD DOORS C.H.I. 402 Buchanan St., Belvidere • Free Estimates On Installation • All Makes & Models • Certified • Fully Insured TM Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. TM “LocallyOwned&OperatedSince1964” 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 4 2 4 7 24 Hour Emergency Service 7 Days A Week! Prices Good Thru 1-10-23 BLACK LABEL LITTLE SIZZLERS 4 LB TURKEYS JJ FRUIT PIES 4 OZ CHICKEN WINGETTES JUMBO 3 LB NEW YORK STRIP STEAK SADLERS FULLY COOKED ST. LOUIS PORK RIBS JIMMY DEAN REGULAR SAUSAGE 1 LB $5.99 SALISBURY BEEF STEAK FULLY COOKED FROZEN BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS $1.99LB BELVIDERE 8 AM-8 PM POPLAR GROVE 6 AM-10 PM COUNTRYSIDEMARKETS.COM WIC is available at both locations. $9.99 $8.99LB HILLSHIRE FARM FULLY COOKED RIBEYE STEAKS 2/$4 $6.99LB HILLSHIRE BEEF POLSKA KIELBASA 12 OZ 2/$5 LLOYD’S FULLY COOKED BABY BACK RIBS 3 LB $11.99 $2.29LB 99¢LB 2/$1 $2.49LB 59¢LB BANANAS 59¢LB CABBAGE LIQUOR SOUTHERN COMFORT 1.75L $19.99 FRANZIA WINE 5L $11.99 LORD CALVERT CANADIAN WHISKY 1.75L $14.99 SUNSET BLUSH CRISP WHITE HOT BAR MAC ‘N CHEESE CHILI STRIP STEAK DINNER 8-10 OZ $8.99 $2.99 LB $2.99 LB DELI ECKRICH HARD SALAMI KRETSCHMAR HONEY HAM $3.99 LB $3.99 LB SAZERAC RYE WHISKEY 750 ML $27.99 CHILLABLE RED REFRESHING WHITE 2/$1 LG. NAVEL ORANGES D’ANJOU PEARS RED DELICIOUS APPLES FUJI APPLES BOONE COUNTY SAFE! 815-547-7867 We Need Your Help To Keep... LYFORD STORAGE 10’ X 20’ $115 Per Mo. 815-226-1444 1975 N. Lyford Rd. Coming Soon!! 10’x40’ Units With 110 Electric NOW NOW AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Lake Geneva, WI 262-248-0600 104.002640
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 4 2583 N. Mulford Rd., Rockford (Brynwood Shopping Center) 815-639-1200 Phil Salamone 815-543-2049 1444 North State St., Belvidere (815) 544-5000 g chan es salon Kathie Wesemann Next Appointment Date: _________________ Time: _________________ FEATURED PRODUCTS: Boone County Shopper Inserts • Belvidere/Boone County Guide Direct Mail PRINTING: Flyers • Brochures • Postcards • Booklets Door Hangers • Business Cards • Banners Yard Signs • Tickets • Punch Cards Letterhead • Envelopes Invitations/Announcements Boone County’s Largest & Most Read Publication 112 Leonard Court Belvidere, IL 61008 (815) 544-2166 Phone (815) 544-5558 Fax M a t t h e w L B r a n o m M a t t h e w L B r a n o m Matthew L. Branom V c e P r e s i d e n t V i c e P r e s i d e n t Vice President THE INC Let The Boone County Shopper Be Your Business Card Designer & Printer Business Card Magnets Also Available Call Us At 815-544-2166 Or Visit Us At 112 Leonard Ct., Belvidere 1444 North State St., Belvidere (815) 544-5000 g chan es salon timechange FOR A Kathie Wesemann Two-Sided Flat Full Color Starting At $45 For 500 $54 For 1,000 Klinefelter Drywall Bernie Klinefelter 815-509-0775 • Drywall *Finish • Painting • General Contractor 628 E. Madison St. Belvidere, IL 61008 Flat Full Color Starting At $42 For 500 $50 For 1,000

Notable Works

Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century. A scholar & minister who played a leading role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s & 1960s, King was tragically assassinated on April 4, 1968, less than three months after he turned 39. Though King’s life was far too short, he left behind a host of notable works. These works can provide significant insight into who King was & the legacy he left behind.

• Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. Published in 1958, this is King’s account of the Montgomery bus boycott that began in 1955 & ended in 1956. The book includes information about the planning of the boycott as well as King’s thoughts about it after it ended.

• The Measure of a Man. A short book, The Measure of a Man is actually two sermons King delivered in August 1958. The sermons are titled “What is Man?” & “The Dimensions of a Complete Life.” The Cornell University Library credits The Measure of a Man for offering insight into the theological roots of King’s philosophy of nonviolence.

• Strength to Love. A more extensive version of King’s sermons, Strength to Love focuses largely on racial segregation in the United States. King wrote the sermons in Strength to Love during the struggle for civil rights, even composing some of them while in jail.

• Why We Can’t Wait. Published in 1964, Why We Can’t Wait focuses on the nonviolent fight against racial segregation in 1963 in Birmingham. The book includes King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” which remains one of his most famous writings.

• Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? This was King’s last book before he was assassinated. King wrote the book from a rented house in Jamaica in 1967 after isolating himself from the civil right movement. In the book, King contemplates where things stand for the civil rights movement & what must be done to ensure equality for all Americans in the future. The collective works of Martin Luther King, Jr. provide unrivaled insight into the minds of the one of the most influential figures in American history.

Ida Public Library Programs

Drop In Hobbies: 3:30 PM on 2nd & 4th Fridays at the Library, 320 N. State, Belvidere. Ages 13+. Was your New Year’s resolution to learn something new? Get started right away with these great drop in hobbies! Each session, learn a different hobby from a fellow hobbyist. Try out sewing, drawing, knitting & more!

Cookie Decorating with EK Cakery: 5:30 PM on Wednesday, January 25th at the Library, 320 N. State, Belvidere. Learn the basics of cookie decorating from EK Cakery! A special Valentine’s pack of cookies (book, flower, heart) will be provided along with all the decorating supplies. Space is limited to 25 so be sure to register in advance!

Winter Gardens With U of I: 11 AM, Friday, January 20th & 6 PM, Tuesday, February 21st at the Library, 320 N. State, Belvidere. It may be winter but we can still think about gardening! Monthly presentations by the University of Illinois Extension Office.

Cozy Mystery Book Club: 10:30 AM on 3rd Mondays & Crafters Corner: 10:30 AM on 2nd Thursdays. Both offered at The Keen Age Center, 2141 Henry Luckow Ln., Belvidere. Please register for the above events at or call 815-544-3838.

January 5, 2023 Page 5 8094 Fairgrounds Rd., Belvidere, IL Open Daily 7-5; Sat. 7-Noon R. J. Daniels Fuel & Tire • Brakes & Suspension • Wheel Alignment • Shocks & Struts • Air Conditioning 815-544-2118 We Carry Complete Service Of Cars & Light Trucks • New Tires • Roadside Tire Service • Small Engine Sales & Service See Our “Pros” For Free Consultation • Wills • Trusts • Probate • Real Estate 815-544-3165 Suite 307, 600 S. State, Belvidere John H. Maville Attorney At Law Our goal is to maximize quality of life, so you can enjoy time with those who mean the most to you. ? Still Have Questions About Your Medicare Insurance Are Your Premiums Going Up? Do You Understand All Your Benefits? Have You Had A Review In The Past 3 Years? Contracted With: Aetna • AARP • Blue Cross/Blue Shield • Cigna • Humana • Mutual of Omaha • Silverscript • United Healthcare • Quartz • wellcare & More! Yvonne “Chevy” Peterson 815.414.9044 I CAN HELP! Call & Schedule Your FREE Review Today! J a n u a r y J a n u a r y January B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY S E N I O R L I V


Long Term Solutions To Protect Joints

Periodic aches & pains can affect anyone. Individuals who are physically active & even those who live largely sedentary lifestyles may experience pain from time to time. In fact, many professional & amateur athletes experience relatively minor, short-term injuries at one point or another, & rest is often the best remedy to overcome such obstacles.

Though minor tweaks may be somewhat normal, long-term issues like persistent joint pain should not be written off as par for the course. It can be tempting to write joint pain off as a concern only serious athletes need to worry about. Terms like “tennis elbow” & “runner’s knee” can give less physically active individuals a false impression of joint pain & what causes it. But the Mayo Clinic notes that lack of exercise can contribute to pain & stiffness in the joints. That’s because exercise strengthens the muscles & tissues that surround the joints. That added strength puts less stress on the joints.

In recognition of the threat posed by chronic joint pain, the Arthritis Foundation® recommends individuals take various steps to protect their joints over the long haul.

• Focus less on fashion in regard to footwear. High heels may be the epitome of glamorous footwear, but women who routinely wear high heels will pay a steep price. The AF notes that heels put added stress on the knees & increase risk for osteoporosis, & experts indicate that three-inch heels are seven times more stressful on feet than one-inch heels. But women aren’t the only ones whose footwear fashion sense could be hurting their joints. Men also must pay attention to what they’re putting on their feet. For example, sandals without a back strap force toes to overgrip the edge of the sandal, putting needless strain on each foot & potentially causing issues with the toes.

• Alternate between sitting & standing throughout the day. Joint stiffness & strain can develop when individuals spend lengthy periods of time sitting or standing. The AF recommends taking a break to stand up or sit down every 30 minutes. Professionals who sit at a desk all day may want to switch to height-adjustable desks that make it easy for them to transition from sitting to standing & still get their work done.

• Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight causes a ripple effect that impacts the entire body, including the joints. The AF notes that researchers have determined that losing 11 lbs. can reduce risk for osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%. On the flip side, each extra pound an individual carries puts four times the stress on his or her knees. Exercising to lose weight can provide the added benefit of preventing joint stiffness.

• Opt for low-impact activities. Low-impact activities like cycling & swimming are easier on the joints than fitness classes that involve high-intensity dancing & kickboxing. In addition, when choosing between a treadmill & elliptical machine, the Mayo Clinic notes that ellipticals are generally considered low-impact machines that are less stressful on the knees, hips & back than running on a treadmill or even outdoors.

Various strategies can help individuals maintain healthy, pain-free joints over the long haul.

Belvidere Park District Low Impact Classes

Low Impact Classes - This class is for everyone! No burpees, no push ups, this is low impact for all levels of fitness. Class includes warm up, workout & stretching. Low impact cardio, core & strength. Modifications are made for injuries & fitness levels. This class is offered on Mon./Wed./Thurs. at 6:15 AM or 4:15 PM . Fee: $45/ month.

Hatha Yoga - An ancient practice of physical well-being which promotes optimum health. Through the use of gentle stretching & deep breathing techniques, yoga tones muscles, increases strength & flexibility, reduces stress, improves concentration, & results in a sense of balance & peace. The atmosphere of the class is quiet & soothing. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace. Wear loose fitting clothing & bring a blanket or mat. Classes are instructed by Jeff Leaich and offered in three different sessions. Fee: $77/session. Beginner Yoga Thursdays 5:15-6:30 PM. Intermediate/Advanced Yoga Tuesdays 5:30-6:45 PM.

Both classes take place at the Rivers Edge Rec Center, 1151 W. Locust St., Belvidere. To register or for more information visit or call 815-547-5711.

Boone County Warming Centers

Salvation Army - 422 S. Main Street, Belvidere, Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:45 AM, 1:00 - 5:00 PM Belvidere Public Safety Building - 615 N. Main Street, Belvidere, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, 7 days a week. Belvidere Oasis/Illinois Tollway - East of Belvidere Toll Plaza on I-90, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Need A Coat? Did you know Holy Trinity Episcopal Church offers a Coat Closet. They provide one free coat per person and have a variety of sizes available. The coat closet is open each Saturday, 10 AM - Noon at 217 E. Hurlbut, Belvidere.

January 5, 2023 Page 6 STR E E T PUB Belvidere IL 111 BUCHANAN ST. | BELVIDERE, IL 61008 815-547-1012 SUNDAY - TUESDAY | 11AM – 2 AM WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | 8AM – 2 AM Live Your Best Life Schedule your visit to our community today! Residents are at the heart of all we do. We operate with integrity and are passionate about the services we provide as we live our core values of Love, Compassion and Dignity every day. 815-544-8391 Book The Funderburg House For Your Next Event Birthdays, Anniversaries, Meetings, Office Parties, Reunions, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Family Pictures & More The Funderburg House, 605 N. State Street, Belvidere FURNITURE 315 S. State St. Belvidere 815-547-6672 HOURS:Mon.-Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-4; Closed Sun. Need A Little Help Out Of Your Chair? W E H A V E W E H A V E WE HAVE L I F T L I F T LIFT C H A I R S ! C H A I R S ! CHAIRS! • Programs Recommended By Arthritis Foundation • Fitness Center With Trained Staff • Fitness Classes Free With Membership • 85 Degree Swimming Pool • Adult Lap & Open Times Throughout The Day • Discounted And Subsidized Memberships • Silver Sneakers And Silver & Fit Accepted 220 West Locust, Belvidere, IL 61008 815-547-5307 • For Youth Development • For Healthy Living • For Social Responsibility B e l v i d e r e F a m i l y Y M C A WHO NEEDS A DRIVE-THRU WHEN WE DELIVER! Delivery Available 6 Days A Week Mon. -Sat. DISPILL MEDICATION PACKAGING Prevents Your Loved One From Missing Medications O ’ B r i e n ’ s O’Brien’s P h a r m a c y Pharmacy 216 S. State St., Belvidere 815-544-3433 The UPS Store® HOME HEALTHCARE DEPT Walkers, Wheelchairs, Bath Benches & More

The Many Benefits Of Houseplants

The lines between the outdoors & indoors are being blurred. Homeowners build extensive outdoor living spaces so they can relax on weather-resistant furniture & even cook in lavish kitchens in their backyards. In addition, indoor three-season rooms full of bright, open windows that showcase outdoor vistas challenge the boundaries between outside & inside. For those working with limited budgets, there are some easy, inexpensive ways to enjoy the majesty of natural landscapes indoors. Houseplants can be used to improve indoor spaces, & they also provide various health benefits.

Help with allergies - According to WebMD, rooms with houseplants tend to have less dust & mold in them than those without any foliage. Leaves & other parts of the plants serve as natural filters, catching airborne particles & allergens. Plants with textured leaves might be especially effective at trapping particles.

Put more oxygen into the air - The human respiratory system works by bringing in oxygen & releasing carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite during photosynthesis. They absorb carbon dioxide & then release oxygen. Plants can put much more oxygen into the air, improving indoor conditions.

Increase indoor humidity & reduce illness - Studies from the Agricultural University of Norway found that indoor plants can increase humidity in indoor spaces, which decreases the incidences of sore throats, dry coughs, dry skin, & the common cold. Higher absolute humidity can decrease the chances of survival & transmission of the flu virus.

Filter the air - Researchers who presented their work at the 252nd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society found certain houseplants can combat the potentially harmful effects of volatile organic compounds. Plants may help filter out VOCs like benzene, acetone & formaldehyde, which can enter indoor air via cleaning supplies, dry-cleaned clothes, furniture, printers, & paints.

Improve interior atmosphere - Prevention magazine says plants can be used to screen unattractive areas, moderate room temperature by shading spots from the sun & even reduce noise. Plants also can improve ambiance & create a pleasing atmosphere in a room.

Can improve mood - Growing & caring for plants can alleviate everyday stress. A nationwide study from UK Magazine Gardeners World found 80% of gardeners declared themselves satisfied with life compared to 67% among non-gardeners. Gardeners were more positive mentally. Greenery can help people feel more at home & improve mental health. A rehab center in Norway found patients reported a greater increase in well-being four weeks after having greenery added to their surroundings.

Houseplants can improve indoor areas and positively affect personal health.

Start The New Year By Being Green!

Get out & start the New Year by being Green! Make 2023 a year where you give back to nature! The Boone County Conservation District is looking for volunteers to help maintain the following conservation areas during the month of January

Monday, January 16th, 9 AM - 12 Noon Join together & help give back to your community in a Day of Service remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. You can help restore native habitat at Spencer Conservation located on Appleton Road in Belvidere between North State & W. Lincoln Ave. The main entrance is located by St. James Cemetery.

Saturday, January 28th, 9 AM - 12 Noon Help celebrate Flora Prairie Nature Preserve’s 55th Birthday & clear out non-native plants in this beautiful Illinois Nature Preserve located at 498 Poole Rd., Cherry Va lley. Contact the Boone County Conservation District at 815-547-7935 or email to sign up for these opportunities to give back to nature!

January 5, 2023 Page 7 SHADLEY APARTMENTS 1151 NETTIE STREET, BELVIDERE • MANAGED BY LUDWIG AND COMPANY • apartments in Belvidere are specially designed for seniors and people with disabilities. Shadley Apartments is customized to facilitate independent living in a fully equipped apartment among friends and neighbors who share similar interests. fax: (815) 544-9568 Please contact Colisha Williams (815) 547-5255 Property Manager for private showing. SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING These conveniently located and newly rehabbed, one bedroom 1121 N. Main, Belvidere • 815-547-7642 B E L V I D E R E C E M E T E R Y A S S O C I A T I O N “Established 1847” Frank Lloyd Wright Pettit Memorial Chapel On Cemetery Grounds • Memorial Markers • Affordable Prices • Park-like Setting • Pre-Burial Arrangements • Cremation Burials • Columbarium Niches 4452 Squaw Prairie Road, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.547.6377 • fax: 815.547.3857 2250 Pearl Street, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.544.0358 • fax: 815.544.5006 Rehabilitation Services Our rehab services extend far beyond the physical - it is about serving every aspect of an individual with care, kindness & respect. Our goal is to provide the necessary approach to facilitate a complete return to health & successful return to home. Serving Boone County Over 50 Years! Serving Boone County Over 50 Years! Specializing In Short & Long Term Care Quality Healthcare Provided By A Professional Staff In addition to the highest quality care, we also strive to maintain the highest quality of life. For A Private Tour Call Our Admissions Department Today M a p l e C r e s t M a p l e C r e s t MapleCrest N o r t h w o o d s N o r t h w o o d s Northwoods Volunteer For Our Social Call Program! CONNECT BE THE ONE MAKE THE CALL We seek to alleviate chronic loneliness through fun, social phone calls. We need you. Regular interactions are proven to foster a sense of wellbeing & improve physical health. You have the power to help. A friendly phone call can make all the difference. We will teach you how to share your stories & experiences with participants & how to listen to someone tell you about theirs. Please call Kari at 779-552-7250 for information on volunteering or receiving calls today!!! Boone County Council On Aging 2141 Henry Luckow Ln., Belvidere • A simple phone call could make someone’s day Reduce the burden of loneliness Connect with an older adult from the comfort of your home You and your family are our top priority. As the region’s first hospice provider, no one has more experience putting you first. First in Caring Call us at 815.398.0500 to discuss the best care options for you or your loved one. © Northern Illinois Hospice 2022 Q u i c k C h i l i Q u i c k C h i l i Quick Chili
B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY S E N I O R L I V I N G S E N I O R L I V I N G SENIOR LIVING A MONTHLY FOUR PAGE SECTION FOR SENIORS Directions 1. Wash hands with soap & water. 2. Cook beef in skillet until lightly browned or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees F on food thermometer. Drain off fat. Stir in remaining ingredients. 3. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover & simmer 10 minutes. Recipe Provided By The U of I Extension Office Ingredients 1/2 pound extra lean ground beef 1 can (15 oz) kidney beans, drained (save liquid) 1/3 cup bean liquid 1 cup canned tomato puree 1 T. dried minced onion 1-1/2 T. chili powder Nutrition Facts Per Serving (4 Servings) Calories 200 Total Fat 4 g Sodium 650 mg Carbohydrates 24 g Fiber 8 g Protein 19 g T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e This Month’s Healthy Recipe




Advantage Plan Open Enrollment

If you currently have a Medicare Advantage Plan, take advantage of the time to investigate all the plans you have to choose from, up to 42 plans, and see if you are on the one that best suits you. Many of these plans cover some dental & vision or offer a gym membership. These are only a couple of the many benefits they can offer. Call your information & assistance specialist to set up a time to go over your plan. Open enrollment runs January - March 2023. Call 815-544-9893 for more information.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement, dangerous weather, PLEASE check the Rockford weather stations: WIFR, WREX and WTVO for information about closings. If the Keen Age Center is closed due to bad weather, your homemaker WILL NOT come to your home for service, there will be NO public transportation & there will NOT be Meals on Wheels delivery.

N a t i o n a l B l o o d D o n o r M o n t h - J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3

According to the American Red Cross, winter is “one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs.” That’s because of, among other things, busy holiday schedules and bad weather often resulting in canceled blood drives. Furthermore, seasonal illnesses such as the flu force potential donors to forgo their blood donations.

That’s just one of the reasons that National Blood Donor Month, which has taken place each January since 1970, is such an important observance. Donating blood saves many lives & improves health for many people. According to the World Health Organization, “blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person - the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components - red cells, platelets and plasma.”

The Rock River Valley Blood Center operates four donor centers in the area. In Belvidere the donor center is located at 1740 S. State Street. They are open Monday 9 AM - 5 PM, Wednesday 11 AM - 6 PM and the third Saturday of each month 7 AM - 11 AM. For more information on donating call 877-RRVBC-99 or visit

S e t Yo u r S i g h t s O n G l a u c o m a

Eyesight often isn’t fully appreciated until it begins to diminish. Starting in one’s thirties, if not earlier, a person’s vision may start to be less sharp. Items at a distance or up close may be more difficult to discern, & if prescription glasses or contacts are worn, that prescription may need to be adjusted more regularly. However, there are some eye conditions that are not entirely a result of aging. Glaucoma is one of them.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, glaucoma is a chronic, progressive eye disease that occurs when the optic nerve is damaged. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness & usually occurs when an abnormality in the eye’s drainage system causes the aqueous humor fluid in the eye to build up, sometimes leading to excessive pressure that impacts the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects the retina with the brain, sending vision signals. Damage to the nerve can cause loss of eyesight. While pressure is largely to blame for glaucoma, glaucoma can occur even if eye pressure is normal.

Glaucoma is often a silent condition. The Mayo Clinic advises that many forms of glaucoma have no warning signs. With effects so gradual, no changes in vision may be noticed until the condition is in its later stages. This underscores the importance of getting regular eye examinations that will include measurements of the pressure in both eyes, says the Glaucoma Research Foundation. Glaucoma caught early can be slowed down or even prevented before it becomes severe. Lifelong treatment & monitoring will be needed after diagnosis. There are different types of glaucoma. The most common is open-angle glaucoma, which occurs after the clogged fluid does not drain properly. Angle-closure glaucoma, also called closed-angle glaucoma, happens when the iris is very close to the drainage angle in the eye & the iris blocks the drainage angle. This results in an acute glaucoma attack. Some people have normal tension glaucoma, in which eye pressure is in normal range but there are signs of glaucoma. These individuals’ optic nerves may be more sensitive to pressure than others’ & will have to be monitored.

Certain people are at a greater risk for developing glaucoma than others. Individuals over 40; those with a family history of glaucoma; people of African, Hispanic or Asian heritage; people with high eye pressure; those who have had an eye injury; & individuals who use long-term steroid medications are at increased risk. Other factors also affect glaucoma risk.

Glaucoma should be discussed at routine eye wellness visits to prevent lasting vision damage.

January 5, 2023 Page 8 880 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere • Mon.-Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM 815-547-7111 We want to buy your unwanted gold & silver, jewelry, coins & silverware FOR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT Bring in your antique and/or used jewelry, gold, silverware & estate jewelry for an offer. BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS WE PAY 10% MORE For Your Gold & SilverJewelry With This Ad. • All-On-4 Implants • Dental Implants • Implant Support Dentures • Bone Grafting • Cosmetic Dentistry • General Dentistry • Sleep Dentistry 140 N. State St., Belvidere, IL 61008 815-544-5144 CHAPKOANDSHAH.COM 2nd Opinions & Complimentary Consultations We Can Help You Say It Better! (815) 544-2800 227 Logan Ave., Belvidere DAILY DELIVERIES MON.-FRI. 8:30 AM - 5 PM • SAT. 8 AM - 2 PM Etc. GORGEOUS FRESH ARRANGEMENTS GREEN & BLOOMING PLANTS UNIQUE SEASONAL GIFTWARE FUNERALS • WEDDING QUINCEAÑERAS FANNIE MAY • GNOMES we need blood... like a walker needs tennis balls! Call 815.965.8751 or visit
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 9 Real Estate Estates & Probate 930 W. Locust Belvidere 815-547-3369 We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. YOU DON’T NEED TO MAKE DIFFICULT DECISIONS ALONE Wills & Trusts Bankruptcy COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 815-544-4993 JEFF SAWALLISCH - OWNER EST. 1985 FREE ESTIMATES FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Visit Us Online At Removal & Trimming Cleanup & Stump Grinding FIREWOOD FOR SALE Delivery Available Free Estimates CALL FOR SPECIALS ON FURNACES & A/C Carey Heating & Air Furnace Clean & Check Special Electrical & Plumbing Services Available 815-222-2316 815-319-2465 Following COVID-19 Precautions To Keep You & Your Family Safe. 5027 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 815-965-9454 M-F 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM • Medicare & Most Insurance ACCEPTED Locally Owned & Operated Since 1988 2020 Sutler Ave. Beloit, WI 608-313-0800 Curbside Pick Up Available •BATH SAFETY •HOSPITAL BEDS •BREAST PUMPS •SLEEP THERAPY •HOME OXYGEN •POWER CHAIRS •WHEELCHAIRS •WALKERS •SCOOTERS •RAMPS •STAIR LIFTS 596 N. Appleton Rd. 0 815-544-0800 m r g o o d w a t e r. c o m The Rosecke Family has been servicing the water industry for over 25 years. We take pride in our customer service. WE TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY. Water Treatment From Our Family To Yours HappyNewYear Includes Water Analysis, Brine Tank & Lime Cleaning Injector & Screen Cleaning. A Complete Resin Treatment. Resetting of Timer, Salt and Hardness Settings Must present coupon. Call for details. Exp. 1-11-23 $39.95 SOFTENER SUPER TUNE-UP & CLEAN 815-544-6640 Call for estimates 7200 Epworth Rd., Garden Prairie, IL Sand, Gravel, Excavating and Ready Mix Concrete MON. - FRI. 7AM - 5PM SAT. 7AM - 12PM CORDRAY BROTHERS, INC . VERY LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JANUARY 7TH, 2023 RUNNING TWO RINGS! Lunch By: Moni 9:00 AM Comfort Station Avail. LOCATION: 8847 Rt. 76, Boone Co. Fairgrounds, Belvidere, IL. TRACTOR, PEOPLE MOVER WAGON, SHOTGUNS (2), COINS, SILVER CERTIFICATES, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD, YARD, TOOLS & LOTS OF MISC. TRACTOR & WAGON TO BE SOLD AT 11:00 AM SHARP !! FOLLOWED BY (2) SHOTGUNS IL RESIDENTS MUST HAVE FOID CARD, PAPERWORK TO BE HANDLED BY JROC ARMS. DRESS FOR THE WEATHER!!! OWNERS: C. Ogden, J. Dall, B. Blachford, M. Born, J. Forman, R. Blum, D. Nordman, E. Verkuilen, B. Backe & The H. Greenlee Living Trust. TERMS: See website. LEE AUCTION SERVICE Belvidere, IL, 61008 Cell: 815-988-0249 A U C T I O N E E R : Lyle Lee, IL State Lic. #440.000200 & WI #2863-52 C L E R K S & C A S H I E R S : Lee Auction Service Visit our website at for terms & check out Auction Look or AuctionZip for pictures & more info. 815-943-6629 Household, Boat and RV Storage Sizes Available from 5’ x 10’ thru 25’ x 40’ In CAPRON and POPLAR GROVE! Visit W WW.HNHSTORAGE.COM If you need the space, we’ve g ot the Place! We Offer Easy Online Payments! 4760 Rt. 173 in Poplar Grove And two locations in Capron Main S treet and Wooster Str eet Capron, Illinois FAMILY H A I R C U T T I N G C E N T E R S 750 Beloit Rd., Belvidere • 815-544-6363 • Local Since 1973 Haircuts $18.00 Seniors $15.00 $1 OFF Please Mention Ad New Hours! Mon-Fri 8:30AM-8PM; Sat 8AM-6PM; Sun 11AM-5PM Jon’s Bathroom Remodeling 24 HR Full Service Contact Jon 815-322-3989 LOCAL CLAIMS SERVICE AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS INSURANCE Get A Quote From Up To 30 Insurance Companies 1676 Henry Luckow Ln., Belvidere, IL 61008 815-547-6341 LINDENWOOD APARTMENTS: Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath, central air, dishwasher, clean, quiet building. Call 815-547-5732. WE BUY UGLY homes! J.D. Properties, 815-721-7583. INDOOR STORAGE AVAILABLE for cars, boats, farm equipment, etc. Northern Boone County. 815-904-3386. NEED PAINTING? Interior/exterior, residential/commercial. Family owned and operated. Call All About Painting, 815-975-9692. Free estimates. LOST: WOODEN WALKING Stick (sentimental) at Walmart Gas Station’s bathroom or at Bravo’s Pizza. Call 815-5477331. NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® for free in-home estimate on carpeting & flooring. 844-785-0305 (MCN)

HARDWOOD FLOORS: We install, sand and finish old and new hardwood floors. We also install laminates. 30 years experience. Free estimates. (You have called the rest, now call the best.)

Robert’s Hardwood Floors, Bob 815-547-0407 or 815-761-1679.

FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET if qualified. Govt. pgm for recipients of select pgms incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-758-3892

LOOKING FOR LANDLORDS who need help with property maintenance. Some flooring, light electrical, general cleaning, general construction, painting, yard maintenance. Photo references. For more information call 815-985-9515.

GUITAR LESSONS - 30 minute private lesson for all ages, only $15. Located in Belvidere. Book now, 815-601-3185.

BECOME A PUBISHED AUTHOR. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit

PERSONAL WANT AD Deadline: No later than noon on Tuesdays, for Thursday publication. Must be paid in advance (cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). Call The Boone County Shopper at 815544-2166 or visit our website at


Byron Stumpf

CARING FOR AN AGING LOVED ONE? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care?’s Family Advisors help take the guesswork out of senior care for your family. Free, no-obligation consult: 1-855-759-1407

Byron Stumpf, Belvidere, IL passed away peacefully at his home on January 2, 2023.

Byron was 75 years old. A future celebration of Byron’s life with family and friends will be arranged at a later date.

Kimberly Wennmacher Lembke

After a courageous & spirited journey in this life Kimberly Wennmacher Lembke, 60 of Belvidere, IL, went to be with the Lord on December 29, 2022 surrounded by family at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center. She was born on May 19, 1962 at St. Joseph Hospital in Belvidere. The daughter of Judith King & Kenneth Lembke Sr. & stepfatherCharles “Chuck” King. She was a woman who was dedicated to her family, her faith, & her community. Kimberly always thought of others before herself. She was a caregiver since she was 7 years old, starting with helping care for her baby sisters, nieces & nephews, aunts & uncles & for her grandparents & parents. She graduated from Belvidere High School in 1980, & continued her education at Rock Valley College & various coaching & business courses. She was inducted into Manchester Who’s Who Executive & Professional Registry. She worked for many years at various medical facilities in the stateline area in administration including St. Anthony’s Medical Center, Medaphis Physician Services, Crusader Clinic, Maple Crest Nursing Home, Lundholm Surgical Group, Physicians Immediate Care, & Mayo Clinic (AZ). Prior to working in medical administration she talked fondly about working at LaBob’s as a sales associate & as a fitness instructor at the YMCA. Kimberly was also a volunteer for the Salvation Army & rang the bell during the holidays. She was always generous to organizations that were important to her such as America Coalition for Injured Veterans, Cancer Survivors Fund, American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens, Redemption Church, Illinois Police Association, Inc., Autistic Children of America, Volunteer Firefighters Association, Childhood Leukemia Foundation, St. Judes, & Kids Wish Network.

She was a devoted mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, great aunt, cousin, & friend. She often hosted family & friend gatherings, & was happy to spend quality time with those she loved. Kimberly would make sure that everyone had enough to eat, & went home with more to spare. She adored all of her pets & leaves behind her dog, Dixie. She was strong in her faith & often spent her time in her serenity room listening to Christian music & reflecting on life’s many blessings. Some of her favorite memories included dancing with her sisters & friends, quality time with her family, time spent on her boat, dice games & soaking in the sun. She was creative, loved giving gifts, & making crafts. She will be missed by many.

She is survived by her partner, James Cook; father, Kenneth Lembke Sr.; daughter, Tanya (Steve) Wennmacher-Choi; siblings, Kathy (Jimmy West) Lembke Corey, Kristeen (Dennis) Kiesling, Shelley (Dan) Sander, Bob (Jennifer) Lembke, Jim Lembke, Lisa Lembke, Vicky Lembke; nieces, Tiffany (Chris) Redeker Meyer, Tracey Redeker, Brooke Kiesling, Amanda (Robert) Travis, Allison (James Patterson) Addington; nephew, Robert Addington (Nichole Zimmerman); her many cousins, friends & great nieces, Bristol Travis, Brynleigh Travis, Gigi Meyer; great nephews, Brayden Travis, Gavin Meyer; & grandson, Benedict Choi.

She is predeceased by her mother, Judith King; stepfather, Charles “Chuck” King; siblings, Kenneth Lembke Jr. & Jennifer Lembke.

Also, the family thanks the staff at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center for their wonderful care, support, & prayers.

A funeral service for Kimberly will be Saturday January 7, 2023 at 11 AM at Anderson Funeral and Cremation Services. Located at 218 W. Hurlbut, Belvidere IL 61008. A visitation will take place at 10 AM until the time of service.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the family. They are establishing a memorial fund in Kimberly’s memory.

Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 10 Certified, Licensed & Insured CALL 779-772-0117 H A L F P R I C E H A L F P R I C E HALF PRICE HEATING & AIR Servicing All Makes & Models $3,500 STARTING AT $ 7 5 75 Clean & Check Boone County Only A/C & Furnace Install Capron Lions Club ANNUAL PANCAKE DAY Saturday, Jan. 14th, 7 AM - Noon DINE-IN OR CARRYOUT Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Cost Of Breakfast: Monetary Donation To Capron Lions Proceeds to benefit Capron Lions/ North Boone High School Scholarship Fund. Capron Lions Community Building 305 E. North Street, Capron Coming Soon to a Part of The Church Near You! “Back to the Future” Revelation A series of messages on Revelation that will go verse by verse, thought by thought, and promise by promise to encourage believers and caution those that will be left behind when Jesus comes back. Three years ago, the Corner of Lincoln and Main was born anothen into a warm, invitational, welcoming, and authentically Christian family of faith punctuated by grace, mercy and forgiveness wrapped in agape. Everyone with us/Him knows we are loved by Him and His. It happened by God’s providence during the hyperbole, hysteria, and histrionics of the manufactured CCPC19 that prompted a 10 part series on Revelation with the realized promise of Revelation 1:3. This series will go much deeper with many more messages over many months in one of the most complete expositions of Revelation that you’ve ever been invited to experience. Starts February 12th, 2023 at Our Family of Faith aka First Presbyterian Church, 221 N. Main Street, Belvidere SUNDAY SERVICES AT 7:15 AM AND 9:50 AM “Where Jesus is Lord by the book and you are invited, welcomed, included and loved!” Cage-Free Homelike Spa Experience • Aqua Massage Bath • Haircut • Personal Blow Dry • Ear Cleaning • Feet, Nail & Sanitary Trim • Natural Products Expires 2-1-23 151 S. State St., Belvidere 815.544.7666 Book online: O F F OFF $ 5 MULTIPLE UNITS AVAILABLE 10X10 UP TO 12X30 UNITS Starting At Per Month $55 • 24 HOUR ACCESS • SECURITY CAMERAS • LIGHTING 6845 BELFORD INDUSTRIAL DR., BELVIDERE 815-547-4072 NEWBURG STORAGE W E C A N H E L P W I T H T H A T ! WE CAN HELP WITH THAT! Submit Your Line Ad Online 24/7 At 112 Leonard Ct., Belvidere • 815-544-2166 • Open Monday-Friday 8-5 Some Helpful Hints: • Click On Red Box In Upper Right-Hand Corner • Spell Out All Words Correctly & Include Prices For Items For Sale • Include A Contact Phone Number In Your Ad • Submit Ad & Pay Online Sell Your Unwanted Items In The Boone County Shopper. *Note Line Ads Must Be Submitted Tuesday By 11 AM To Make Thursday’s Edition. Minnihans Tree Service Trimming • Removal • Stump Removal 24 Hour Storm Clean-Up • Bucket Trucks Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Senior Discount 815-703-2297 DRIVERS EDGE DRIVING SCHOOL 1455 McKinley Ave., Belvidere 815-547-1770 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 2:30 - 7:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon; Closed Friday & Sunday Start Driving In Just A Few Weeks Affordable Rates • Easy Payment Plan Classes Are Filling Fast! Your Children’s Driving Education Is Our #1 PRIORITY Your HOMETOWN Driving School With Over 22 YEARS Experience Community Building Presents 111 W. 1st St., Belvidere • 815-547-3928 Friday, Jan. 13th @ 6:30PM Doors Open @ 6PM FREE ENTRY & POPCORN $1 Concessions Bring the whole family! There’s plenty of theatre style seating. Bring a blanket for the floor.
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 11 880 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM 815-547-7111 WE BUY GOLD/ SILVER JEWELRY, all foreign gold/silver coins, & collectible coins, proof sets, mint sets, single coins & sterling silver. BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS WE PAY 10% MORE For Your Gold & SilverJewelry With This Ad. HELP WANTED Caregiver/Homecare Aid/CNA Join Boone County Council on Aging, in Belvidere, IL in making a difference in the lives of Seniors in Boone County, while building meaningful relationships. As part of our team you will assist our seniors in their home with personal care, companionship, light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, shopping, errands and medication reminders. Clean Background Check. High School Diploma or G.E.D. Valid driver’s license and insured vehicle. Bi-lingual Spanish/English Helpful. Boone County Council on Aging is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a United Way Agency. To apply send resume to or call (779) 552-7256. WANTED: Donated Clean Coats Adult & Child Sizes For Our Coat Closet Donations May Be Dropped Off At The Church. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 217 E. Hurlbut, Belvidere 815-544-2635 C AT CL SET Open Each Saturday, 10 AM - Noon (One FREE Coat Per Person) NORTH BOONE FIRE DIST. 3 FIREMEN’S ASSOC. The Poplar Grove FIRE STATION 305 W. Grove (Rt. 173), Poplar Grove Pancake Breakfast Sunday, Jan. 8th 7AM-1PM CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE Pancakes, Eggs (Made To Order), Sausage, Applesauce, Toast, Milk, Coffee DONATIONS APPRECIATED 815-547-7216 • 900 Chrysler Dr., Belvidere AMERICAN LEGION FISH FRY FRIDAYS! PUBLIC WELCOME! SERVING 4:30-7 PM OR UNTIL SOLD OUT Join Us For These Events! Jan. 6th Potato Pancakes & DJ/Karaoke Jan. 13th Crab Stuffed Tilapia Jan. 20th Crab Cake Dinner Jan. 27th Shrimp De Jonghe Thank you for supporting your local Veterans! VFW Post 1461 To Go Orders 815-544-2014 • 1310 W. Lincoln Ave., Belvidere PLAY BINGO PORK CHOP DINNER Friday, Jan. 13th, 4:30-6:30 PM $8.00/pp Includes sides & dessert. THIS SUNDAY, JAN. 8th WE OFFER TO GO MEALS CARD SALES END AT 12:20 PM BINGO STARTS AT 12:30 PM Must Be 18 To Play SOUP $2 - SM. TO GO $2.50 • LG TO GO $3.50 CHILI $3 - SM. TO GO $3.50 • LG TO GO $4.50 MONDAY LUNCH $5 January 16th, 11 AM - 2 PM Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup SOUP & CHILI WEDNESDAYS 11 AM - GONE JAN. 11TH NAVY BEAN SCHOLARSHIP MEAT RAFFLE FRIDAY, JAN. 13TH, 6 PM $10 For 20 Tickets With Over 100 Items to Choose From! Scholarship Money Raffle Immediately Following The Meat Raffle GAME NIGHT Saturday, January 14th 6:30 PM In The Lounge Boone County Democratic Party Questions - Email Wednesday, January 11th, 7 PM Paid for by Boone County Democratic Central Committee. You Are Invited To Attend Our Change That Matters Meeting At The Boone County Democratic Headquarters 219 N. State Street 413 Southtowne Dr., Belvidere • Open Daily • 815-847-0013 HAPPY HOUR $2 DOMESTIC DRAFTS & CANS TUES-SAT 12-3 PM WEEKLY SPECIALS! Thru 1-11-23 Thursday - $6 7” Italian Sub Friday - $16 Grilled Steak Dinner Saturday - $5 Tuna Melt Sunday - $5 Bears Buffet Monday - $1 Hot Dogs Tuesday - $1.50 Beef Tacos Wednesday- $6 Reuben & Slaw THURSDAY - $8 8 Pc. Wings & Fries MONDAY NIGHT - $10 Prime Rib Sandwich & Fries PRIME SATURDAY Prime Rib, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable & Dessert $20 FRIDAY GRILL Choice of Ribeye, Strip, or T-Bone w/ Baked Potato, Salad & Dessert $20 ADD SHRIMP $1 EA. Drink Of The Week $3 KRYPTONITE SCREWDRIVER *This Promotion is conducted by Accel Entertainment Gaming, LLC (“Accel”), located at 140 Tower Road Burr Ridge, IL, 60527, and Grampa’s Backstop Bar and Grill (“Locations”) located at 1901 Union Avenue, Belvidere, IL, 61008 together the “Sponsors.” Participants in Promotion must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. A copy of your identification will be made in order to redeem prize(s). Sponsors reserve the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any Participant for any reason, and to terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion at any time for any reason. No purchase is necessary to enter, nor will a purchase improve or increase a Participant’s chances of winning. Promotion Period begins at 11:00 AM on October 24th, 2022 and ends at the conclusion of the 4th Quarter of the Minnesota Vikings vs Chicago Bears game on January 8th, 2023. Participants can ask bartender, manager, owner for entry form. Participants are allowed only 1 entry per quarter during Chicago Bears game each week. Location will choose 1 winner at the end of the 1st 2nd, and 3rd quarters to win $25. Location will choose (1) winner at the end of the 4th quarter to win $100. Drum will be emptied at the end of the 4th quarter after the winner has been determined. The odds of winning are solely based on the amount of entries received during the promotion period. Participants must be present and have 5 minutes to claim their prize before another winner is chosen. Prizes are non-transferable. All taxes, if applicable, on any prize awarded are the sole responsibility of the winner. Sponsors reserve the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. Each Participant releases and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsors, their respective parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, related companies, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to Participant arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in Promotion. The winner shall bear all risk of loss or damage to his/her prize after it has been accepted and/or delivered. Sponsor will not be responsible for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, misdirected, llegible or postage due entries; or any and all technical error or failure. Promotions subject to the laws of Illinois. 1800 UNION AVE., BELVIDERE • 815-547-8109 HIRING BARTENDERS & COOKS HAPPY HOUR MON.-FRI. 3-6 PM $1 DOMESTIC DRAFTS 10OZ WEEKLY SPECIALS ITALIAN BEEF PIES: $5 SLICES $10 6” PIE $20 10” PIE $25 12” PIE $30 14” PIE $10 16” 1 TOPPING PIZZA $3 NUTRL SELTZER $4 JAMESON CASKMATES $3 FLAVORED JIM BEAM Plus Vikings Vs. Bears SUNDAY NOON! $25 $100 Giveaway Value EVERY QUARTER Giveaway Value END OF GAME! T RY O N E T RY O N E TRY ONE T O D AY ! T O D AY ! TODAY! SAVE THE DATE Allies For Autism Event Friday, Jan. 27th 7pm - 1am Sunday Steak & Football $14.99 Strip Steak & Baked Potato Admission $10 Pizza, Salad & A Free Song Prizes & 50/50 Raffle BELVIDERE MOOSE LODGE #295 BELVIDERE MOOSE LODGE #295 575 Beloit Road, Belvidere • 815-544-9279 Friday, Jan. 6th, 7-10 PM Dale Rhode & The Crossroads Band Country & Bluegrass $10 For Members • $12 For Qualified Guests Baked or Fried Cod, Fried Haddock, Shrimp or Combo; Choice of Potato & Coleslaw BURGERS ALSO AVAILABLE Members & Qualified Guests 5:30-7:30 PM $12 RISE & SHINE DAY CARE HOME In Capron With Full & Part Time Openings. 30+ Years Experience. Licensed & CPR Certified. Reasonable Rates. Call Barb 815-701-6349 RISE & SHINE MOBILEHELP, America’s premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you’re home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936 DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23. 1-866-479-1516 HUGHESNET - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499-0141
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - January 5, 2023 Page 12 A l a n B r o w n e C h e v r o l e t A l a n B r o w n e C h e v r o l e t Alan Browne Chevrolet A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T ALAN BROWNE CHEVROLET O n R t . 2 3 I n G e n o a • 8 1 5 - 7 8 4 - 2 5 1 1 O n R t . 2 3 I n G e n o a • 8 1 5 - 7 8 4 - 2 5 1 1 On Rt. 23 In Genoa • 815-784-2511 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 7 pm Fri. 9 am - 6 pm • Sat. 9 am - 3 pm C h e v y s 4 L e s s . c o m C h e v y s 4 L e s s . c o m ALAN BROWNE CHEVR OLET “It’s As Easy As ABC” Pictures For Illustration Purposes Only. FIND NEW ROADS FIND NEW ROADS Where Chevys Are Less! LUBE, OIL, FILTER SPECIAL $59.95* * Includes Up To 6 Quarts Of Conventional Oil And Acdelco Filter. Diesels & Synthetic Oil May Be Higher If Applicable. Taxes & Disposal Fee Are Extra. Coupons Must Be Presented At Check-In. Price Could Vary For Certain Makes And Models. Expires 1-11-23. KEITH VAVRA’S FEATURE OF THE WEEK! 2019 CHEVY BLAZER PREMIER AWD 2015 Toyota Sienna XLE Heated Leather, Sunroof, 8 Passenger, 72,000 Miles, One Owner CONTACT US #2445A 2019 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT Crew Cab, Pwr Sliding Rear Window, 4X4, 35,000 Mi., One Owner CONTACT US #6658A High Country, Crew, 4X4, 6.6L Gas, Htd/Cld Lthr, Nav., 20” Alloys, 1 Owner CONTACT US #2515A 2020 Chevy Silverado 2500HD 2022 Cadillac XT5 Premium 2007 Ford F150 XL 4.2 L V6, Fiberglass Camper Shell, 5 Spd. Manual, Only 117,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6642B 2020 Chevy Equinox Premier Htd./Cooled Leather, Htd. Steering Wheel, Memory Pkg., 41K Mi., One Owner CONTACT US #2482A 2012 Chevy Tahoe LTZ 4X4, Heated/Cooled Lthr, Sunroof, Nav., Quad Buckets, Trailer Package CONTACT US #6651B AWD, Htd/Cld Leather, Dual Scrn RR Entertnmnt, Pwr Boards, 63,000 Miles CONTACT US #6663A 2019 Cadillac Escalade Premium Luxury LT, Ext Cab, 4X4, Diesel, 5th Whl Included, Only 77,000 Miles, One Owner CONTACT US #2466A 2012 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Ta k i n g C a r e O f C u s t o m e r S i n c e 1 9 5 8 Ta k i n g C a r e O f C u s t o m e r S i n c e 1 9 5 8 Taking Care Of Customer Since 1958 2022 CHEVY COLORADO Z71, CREW CAB, 4X4 #2523 2022 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500, CREW CUSTOM, 4X4 #2477 2022 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD HIGH COUNTRY, 4X4, CREW 2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2 Liter Ecoboost, 3rd Row Seating, One Owner, Only 94,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6668A 1.5 Turbo, Apple Car Play & Android Auto, Remote Start, GM Cert. CONTACT US #6623A 2020 Chevy Malibu LT 2017 Chevy Suburban Premier 4x4, Heated/Cooled Leather, Sunroof., Nav., RR Ent., One Owner CONTACT US #2500A Leather Interior, Sunroof, Great Gas Mileage CONTACT US #2517A 2013 Mini Cooper SOLD Crew, AWD, Htd/Cld Leather, RR Ent., Only 134,000 Mi. CONTACT US #2188BB 2010 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali 3.6 V6, Panoramic Sunroof, Adaptive Cruise, Htd/Cld Leather, HD Surround Vision, Only 44,000 Mi., One Owner CONTACT US #6670A Luxury, AWD, Ultraview Sunroof, Nav., Bose Perf. Series, Only 4,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6669A SOLD SOLD

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