OUT CLUB, K - 8TH GRADE NO ELECTRONICS PLEASE! Your child/children can have the opportunity to enjoy activities at the YMCA on their day off of school. Activities will include swimming, gym games, arts & crafts, and movies. Please have your child bring a sack lunch,
GIRLS’ CROSS COUNTRY: Top Row (L-R) Jenna Denhof, Anna Polasky, Camryn Diercks, Lauren Andrist, Nayvid Hernandez, Amelia Kackley, Ashley VanAnrooy. Next Row Down (L-R) Coach Alex Reza, Jissela Arce, Leslie Rivas, Gianna Ventre, Katie Flaherty, Adelaide Noble, Lydia Bryant, Coach Andrew Pivoras. Next Row Down (L-R) Avery Jamison, Olivia Giron, Karina Lopez, Addie Reyes, Zoe Lewis, Ashley Perez, Lyla Hoemke. Next Row Down (L-R) Haylee Gallas, Kaleigh Lovell, Maria Fierro, Annalisa Galluzzo.
BOYS’ CROSS COUNTRY: Top Row (L-R) Lukas Hoemke, Jack Dixon, Austin Lindell, Jesse Kramer, Isaac Irwin, Ben Meyers, Ethan Anton, Devin Davis. Next Row Down (L-R) Terrence Hawkins, Eric Poon, Brandon Molina, Coach Eryk Yunk, Coach Ken Husser, Coach Alec Beutel, Omri Granados, Angelo Parrinello, Henrik Piske. Next Row Down (L-R) Martin Hernandez, Bradyn Mireles, Zach Rediger, Giannie Casis, Adam Lendman, Axel Davila, Judah Binger, Xavier Torres, Tyler, Caporaso. Not Pictured: Dayne Farahar.
These Pages Sponsored By These Supporting Merchants In Cooperation With Belvidere North High School James Friesema, Principal; Bruyn Yunk, Athletic Director and Dr. Cassandra Schug, Superintendent.
GIRLS’ CROSS COUNTRY ROSTER: Stacia Anliker, Jeri Bailey, Annabelle Bould, Samantha Castro, Summer Commare, Mia Esquivel, Rosalie Gutierrez, Ashley Hernandez, Kallan Hunter, Abbi King, Madelynn Kolthoff, Emalia Koziol, Guadalupe Martinez, Michaela McClain-Smith, Ariel Ogunniyi, Nayely Ramos Garcia, Stephanie Ramos, Citlally Rico, Isamar Stacey, Edith Stark, Haylee Viita, Yadira Viramontes.
BOYS’ CROSS COUNTRY ROSTER: Claudio Bartolone, Caden Bould, Felipe De La Rosa, Samuel Del Rio, Angel Hernandez, Adam Hughart, Kyle Koehne, Jason Koziol, Samuel Kunets, Hunter Lembke, Ben Lopez, Logan Mancini, Arturo Medina, Jordan Mundy, Adrian Ramos, Keegan Sweeney, Mason Sweeney, Jace Vail.
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My name is Crystal Soltow, and I am running for the State Senate in Illinois’ 34th District, which includes the Greater Rockford and Belvidere areas. As a Mexican American mother and business owner, I am acutely aware of the challenges our community faces under the current leadership. Illinoisans are burdened by the highest taxes in the nation and a rising cost of living, which are increased by ineffective economic policies. I’m excited to speak to a community ready to shape our future. As we approach a critical election, I want to emphasize the importance of voting.
Steve Stadelman has been a failure in this area since he was elected over 10 years ago. You all are aware that he is someone who is not willing to stand up for small businesses, he is a puppet for the liberal agenda, and it is time to put someone in this role who is willing to fight against the status quo.
When elected as your State Senator, my primary goals will be to:
• Provide tax relief and fight the high living costs
• Invest in vocational training and empowering parents
• Support law enforcement and first responders
• Create and invite economic growth and development
• Advocate for local and small businesses
I am committed to working tirelessly to address these issues and improve our community’s future.
Despite over ten years in office, Steve Stadelman has once again received one of the NFIB’s lowest ratings, highlighting his continued shortcomings in supporting small businesses. This isn’t just a statistic - it’s a reflection of his inability to represent the heart of our district. It’s time for new representation that genuinely understands and prioritizes the needs of our crucial small business community. These businesses are the backbone of our economy and encounter unique challenges that require focused support. Senate District 34 deserves a State Senator who is dedicated to backing the interests of local and small businesses, and I am ready to be that Advocate.
Together, we can create a real change. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous future for our district.
Red Ribbon Week is a prevention campaign that was developed in 1985 to honor Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Enrique was an American intelligence officer for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The mission of this campaign is to keep kids drug free. Red Ribbon Week is always held Oct. 23rd-Oct. 31st. This years Red Ribbon Week theme is “Life is a movie, film drug free”. Boone County high school students will have the opportunity to film & submit up to a 30 second video about living a drug free life for a chance to win a seat & special video broadcast on Good Day Stateline through WTVO. To submit your video & learn more, visit our website. All video submissions are due October 27th & the winner will be chosen on the 29th.
The BCDPC will be attending middle & high schools to do events all week to share information about prevention, drug trivia, & more. We were at Trick or Treat Downtown Belvidere on Oct. 23rd.
We are incredibly fortunate to have Illinois National Guard prioritize coalition work & take part in our action planning & initiatives. With their help, we have been able to accomplish so much, especially with alcohol & tobacco compliance checks & advocacy. We want to express our deep gratitude & appreciation for their contributions. Below are some of our National Guard facilitators. Thank you for your service!
The BCDPC is excited to announce its inaugural Annual Meeting scheduled for December 4th, 2024. We invite all community members to participate in our lunch & learn and register to discover our initiatives, explore opportunities for involvement, learn about donation options, & much more. You can find the registration link to attend this meeting on our website by scanning the QR code or by visiting bcdpc.org & navigating to our events page or the chamber of commerce website.
The Boone County Drug Prevention Coalition, alongside the COAR team from the Boone County Behavioral Health Taskforce, has joined forces with District 100 to continue the restorative program for youth as an alternative to traditional punitive measures. This innovative approach helps students become more self-aware of their behaviors & equips them with the knowledge to make better decisions in the future. Additionally, it allows for reduced time spent away from school or in in-school suspension. This is the second year that we have provided this program in our middle & high schools. We work with our School Resource Officers (SROs) to ensure that policies in schools & the county are being followed & enforced for accountability. Our goal is to reduce youth substance misuse & misconduct in schools with more resources & education for more positive decision making & great outcomes overall. This program runs from September-May during the school year.
The IOU Club’s Halloween Parade, a tradition since the 1920’s, will step off from N. State & Boone St. There are no entry fees to participate in the parade. The floats are to assemble for judging on N. State between Boone & Perry St. by 6 PM facing south, the costumed entries on E. Boone St., Central Middle School band on E. Perry St., South Middle School band on W. Perry St., Belvidere Bucs band on W. Boone St. & Belvidere North Blue Thunder band on east side of North State St. north of No. Boone St. by 6:30 PM. An IOU Club member will be assigned to each group & will provide direction & answer any questions to parade participants. Emergency vehicles from Boone County & the City of Belvidere, along with Sheriff Yunk & Police Chief Woody, will lead the parade south to the Community Bldg. FREE ICE CREAM & HOT DOGS immediately after the parade inside the Community Building. The IOU Club is dedicated to the youth of the community & their programs.
The IOU Club wishes to thank in advance all those planning to participate in this years parade & hopes they enjoy the evening as much as the IOU Club enjoys the sponsorship. Throwing of candy from moving vehicles is prohibited. Candy may be passed out by walking individuals. No political floats or politicking allowed. Parade questions should be directed to Dave Gallano 815-378-9352.
ROSATI’S Keeping It Real Since 1964 815-544-3121 1946 Gateway Center Dr. Belvidere rosatispizza.com
Us This Winter For Snow Removal 815-505-6777 • nicoslandscaping.com
815-547-2138 1800 N. State St. Belvidere hamblockford.com hamblocklincoln.com FNBO Branch: 1725 S. State St., Belvidere
815-975-9700 • fnbo.com Member FDIC
R.J. DANIELS FUEL & TIRE Big Enough To Serve You; Small Enough To Know You 815-544-2118 8094 Fairgrounds Rd. Belvidere
815-544-3165 600 S. State St., Ste. 307 Belvidere
815-544-6560 620 Logan Ave. (Side) Belvidere facebook.com/pg/firststepforkidsbelvidere/about/
Belvidere belviderecemetery@comcast.net belviderecemetery.com
Family Haircutting Center
815-544-6363 750 Beloit Rd. Belvidere
FAMILY LAUNDROMAT The only laundromat w/largest load capacity washer of 75 lb. 815-243-1604 1233 Logan Ave. Belvidere bufalolaundromat.com
IRENE AUCTION COMPANY Kenneth Freeman, Owner 815-289-7904 ireneauctioncompany.com DUKES & LORDS
815-765-3729 13615 Route 76 Poplar Grove JDCountryside.com
BELVIDERE Oct. 31, 4-8 PM
BELVIDERE Oct. 31, 4-8 PM
• Wear light colored clothing short enough to prevent tripping & add reflectors or reflective material to costume.
POPLAR GROVE Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
POPLAR GROVE Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
CALEDONIA Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
CALEDONIA Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
• Choose face paint & makeup whenever possible instead of masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision.
• Accompany children for Trick or Treating & the Halloween Parade.
CANDLEWICK Oct. 27, 2-6 PM
CANDLEWICK Oct. 27, 2-6 PM
(Residents Only)
• Trick or Treat during daylight hours & carry a flashlight or glow stick in the event of delay.
(Trunk or Treat @ Garden Prairie UCC 4-6 PM)
• Stay im the neighborhood & visit only homes you are familiar with.
• Pay particular attention to vehicle traffic, especially after dusk.
• Take extra time at intersections, on medians and on curbs.
TIMBERLANE Oct. 31, 5-8 PM
TIMBERLANE Oct. 31, 5-8 PM
CAPRON Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
CAPRON Oct. 31, 4-7 PM
(Capron Parade @ 7 PM)
815-544-2014 1310 W. Lincoln Belvidere vfw1461.com
815-544-7790 200 S. State St. Belvidere
815-323-5022 1490 N. State St. Belvidere sunshinestitchesinc.com
FIESTA MARKET 815-544-2220 400 Chrysler Dr. Belvidere fiestamarket.com
TOBIN, RAMON & BARBER LAW FIRM Natalie Hyser Barber, Partner
815-544-0316 530 S. State #200 Belvidere natalie@tobinramon.com
Owners: Lyle & Patti Lee leeauctionservice.com 815-988-0249
• Give & accept candy that is wrapped & examine all treats before allowing children to eat them.
• Practice good hand hygiene. Consider carrying clip-on hand sanitizers to use between houses.
815-547-5711 1006 W. Lincoln Belvidere belviderepark.org
Donald David Fisher, 85, of Belvidere, IL, went to be with the Lord on October 19, 2024, surrounded by his loving family. Born on February 6, 1939, to Marie (Warschkow) & David Fisher, Don’s life was a testament to hard work, love, & faith
After graduating high school, Don managed a filling station in Mason City, Iowa, before marrying the love of his life, Joyce Keeney, on July 27, 1958. Together, they shared 66 wonderful years of marriage, raising three children while cherishing moments spent dancing & creating memories with family.
In 1966, Don moved his family to Belvidere to pursue a career at Chrysler, where he dedicated 30 years as a forklift driver. His strong work ethic & commitment to his job earned him many lifelong friends & colleagues. A proud member of the UAW & the Eagles Club, Don’s contributions to his community were numerous.
A faithful member of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Don & Joyce instilled the values of their faith in their children. Don was known for his kind heart & warm smile, reflecting the deep faith he held in his heart.
An avid woodworking craftsman, Don created beautiful pieces, drawing his own patterns. He also loved working on cars, passing on his mechanical knowledge to his children. Mornings were often spent at the Steamplant restaurant, enjoying the Sunday newspaper & crossword puzzles. He had a special affection for the timeless storytelling of old Westerns.
Donald will be remembered for his unwavering dedication to family & community, his kindness, & his deep love for the Lord. He is survived by his beloved wife, Joyce; children, Karla (Cecil) Hart & Jeffrey A. Fisher; grandsons, Dustin Fisher, Jeffrey Hart, & Shawn Hart; great-grandchildren, Ben & Quinn Hart; brother, Paul Fisher, sisters-in-law, Karen Bendickson; brother-in-law, Gerald (Sue) Keeney & numerous nieces, nephews, & extended family.
He is welcomed into heaven by his son, Douglas Fisher; his parents, Marie & David Fisher; sisters, Darlene (Bob) Inman, Jenetta Dodge, Margaret (Dick) Mack; sister-in-laws, Phyllis Endress, Sharon Keeney, Beverly (Jack) Krause; brother-inlaws, Harold Keeney, Jerry Keeney, Ron (Joyce) Keeney, & Glenn Keeney Jr.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, October 29th, from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at Immanuel Lutheran Church, located at 1045 Belvidere Rd, Belvidere, IL, with a funeral service to follow at 11:00 AM. Burial will take place at Belvidere Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Immanuel Lutheran Church or a charity of your choice in Don’s memory.
Donald David Fisher’s legacy of love and laughter will be cherished by all who knew him.
September 10, 1961 ~ August 11, 2024
Ann Louise Edlund, born September 10, 1961, in Morrison, IL, the daughter of Robert & Mary Edlund. Ann lived in Rockford for most of her adult life. She entered into the arms of our Heavenly Father on the 11th of August, 2024.
There she will be greeted by her mother; sister, Gail; brothers, Raymond, Thomas, & Richard. Her grandparents, Raymond & Jane Sullivan; as well as Cecil & Hazel Edlund are also there to greet her.
Ann will be so missed by her father, Robert (Laury) Edlund; sister, Terri (Drake) Parker; brother, Robert (Alana) Edlund; sister, Kathy (Tony) Berg; sister, Donna (Rob) Burlo; brother, Anthony Edlund; many nieces & nephews, and special family friend Candy Adams and her beloved & cherished cat, Bobcat.
Join us for a Celebration of Life at 2 PM, Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at the Belvidere Cemetery, 1121 N. Main St. Belvidere, IL 61008 in the Pettit Memorial Chapel. Stateline Cremations is assisting the family, 6204 Forest Hills Rd., Loves Park, IL 61111. www.statelinecremations.com
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