Warrants must be verified before arrest
The fugitives in this bulletin may be dangerous. Never confront them. Call Crime Stoppers or your local law enforcement
Your call is confidential; we never ask your name, and our phones DO NOT HAVE CALLER I.D. If your information leads to an arrest or solves a crime, you will be paid up to $1,000.00
This bulletin is an official publication compiled by the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, Belvidere Police Department and Boone County Crime Stoppers.
All individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
SE BUSCAN ESTOS FUGITIVOS 14 de Octubre de 2024
Los fugitivos en este boletín pueden ser peligrosos. Nunca se enfrente con ellos. Llame a Crime Stoppers o a la policía local
Su llamada es confidencial. Nunca le preguntaremos su nombre y nuestros teléfonos no identifican su llamada. Si su información resulta en un arresto o resuelve un crimen, usted puede recibir hasta $1,000.00
Este boletín es una publicación oficial del departamento de Policía de Belvidere, del Shérif del condado de Boone, y Crime Stoppers del condado de Boone en Belvidere.
En la corte, cada individuo se considera inocente hasta que haya prueba de que es culpable.
VARSITY FOOTBALL: Top Row L-R: Walker Paulsen, Nic Tapia, Brock Simmons, Zach Lobue, Anthony Reagan, Lasse Nothelfer, Jack Hasty. Next Row L-R: Ben Bucher, Josh Kaduk, Blaine Becker, Nathan Alexander, Madden Martinez, Alex Jokhy, Elijah Cameron, AJ Tauscher. Next Row L-R: Dylan Crawford, Coach Oldani, Coach Laud, Coach Cregeen, Coach Beck, Coach Eucker, Coach Fagan, Coach Byers, Antoine Williams. Next Row L-R: Sam Reed, Jared Delgado, Connor Frederick, Nolan Vaughn, Erick Roman, Jackson Johnson, Aiden Sanchez, Seth Williamson, Bernardo Sotelo Mendoza, Caleb Gallano. Next Row L-R: Gabe Sillanpaa, Cooper Zuroske, Jordan Lloyd, Noah Rooney, Alan Perez, Trent Dinsmore, Jaime Bosque, Ryan Meegan, Alejandro Calero, Logan Vongchanh, David Ford. Next Row L-R: Nolan Benney, Mason Snider, Andrew Bucci, Jayden Hand.
Belvidere North Blue Thunder (7-1) vs Kaneland Knights (5-4) Friday, Nov. 1st 7 PM at Milt Brown Stadium
POMS: Top Row L-RMaggie Anderson (Coach), Hazel Bryant, Olivia Goldie, Lindsay Anders, Jaime Rider, Faith Anderson. Next Row Down L-R - Macy Chism, Rocio Lobato Lago Bergon, Madison Scheeler, Chelsey Dixon. Next Row Down L-RCrystal Gutierrez, Brynn Proffitt, Chrisanta Mendez Hernandez.
CHEERLEADING: Top Row L-R - Adelynn Vosburgh, Tyreek Mitchell, Giana Seri, Connor Held, Emmy Ivanans, Allivia Fennessy. Next Row Down L-R - Kalen Yang, Stella Swiger, Denzel Willingham, Samantha Nevara, Tyree Mitchell, Margaret Taskey, Miles Taskey, Rylee Doss, Francis Baldauf, Katy Fridly, Nikolas Bartelt, Natalie Hayes, Antione Smith. Next Row Down L-R - Lauren Elliott, Allison Hritz, Karina Ulbert, Brittany Ramirez, Gabriella Fusco, Yadira Morales.
Dave Mace Country Financial 815-547-3912 • 1487 N. State St., Belvidere Twin Towers Embroidery & Screenprinting 815-544-5554 • 302 Meadow St., Belvidere twin-towers.us
J&D Countryside Marathon 13615 Route 76, Poplar Grove 815-765-3729 • JDCountryside.com
My name is Crystal Soltow, and I am running for the State Senate in Illinois’ 34th District, which includes the Greater Rockford and Belvidere areas. As a Mexican American mother and business owner, I am acutely aware of the challenges our community faces under the current leadership. Illinoisans are burdened by the highest taxes in the nation and a rising cost of living, which are increased by ineffective economic policies. I’m excited to speak to a community ready to shape our future. As we approach a critical election, I want to emphasize the importance of voting.
Steve Stadelman has been a failure in this area since he was elected over 10 years ago. You all are aware that he is someone who is not willing to stand up for small businesses, he is a puppet for the liberal agenda, and it is time to put someone in this role who is willing to fight against the status quo.
When elected as your State Senator, my primary goals will be to:
• Provide tax relief and fight the high living costs
• Invest in vocational training and empowering parents
• Support law enforcement and first responders
• Create and invite economic growth and development
• Advocate for local and small businesses
I am committed to working tirelessly to address these issues and improve our community’s future.
Despite over ten years in office, Steve Stadelman has once again received one of the NFIB’s lowest ratings, highlighting his continued shortcomings in supporting small businesses. This isn’t just a statistic - it’s a reflection of his inability to represent the heart of our district. It’s time for new representation that genuinely understands and prioritizes the needs of our crucial small business community.
These businesses are the backbone of our economy and encounter unique challenges that require focused support. Senate District 34 deserves a State Senator who is dedicated to backing the interests of local and small businesses, and I am ready to be that Advocate.
Together, we can create a real change. Together, we can
more prosperous future for our district.
ence. Free estimates. (You have called the rest, now call the best.) Robert’s Hardwood Floors, Bob 815-547-0407 or 815-761-1679.
MIKE SPOHR BUILDERS: Over 25 years experience. Pole barns, roofs (asphalt, steel), decks, siding, flooring, remodeling, general handyman services. Free estimates and fully insured. Call 815-751-6263.
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It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Mary Carol (Mickey) Johnson, affectionately known as Mary, who departed this life on October 13 at the age of 87. She was born at home on the farm January 10, 1937, in Garden Prairie to Robert and Esther Mickey. Mary is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Marcy and Matt Murphy, along with their daughters Paige and Sidney. She is also survived by her son and daughter-in-law Curtis Johnson and Michele Finley
Johnson, along with their children Greta and Stellan. She was preceded in death by her husband Phillip, sisters Pat Ross, Joan Kostka, Betty Heron, Jacqueline Mickey and Sydney Bounds, as well as her brother Robert R. Mickey and parents Robert C. and Esther Mickey. Mary graduated from Belvidere High School where she played coronet in the marching band, was a longtime member of 4-H club, and was 4-H Queen. Mary later attended University of Illinois and Rockford College. Having earned her teaching certificate, Mary dedicated over 20 years of her life as a head teacher at First Step Day Care Center. Mary enjoyed growing up on the farm, often recalling her time milking dairy cattle and ice skating at the river. As a young family, Phil and Mary enjoyed camping trips to Pilgrim Park where they often volunteered their service remodeling buildings and teaching the occasional crafting class. Mary was passionate about collecting antiques, crafting, gardening, canning, cooking, and spending quality time with her family. A member of the Red Hats, she also served on the board for United Way, member of Farmerettes, Extension, and was a longtime member of the Methodist Church of Belvidere. Mary was known for her joyous laugh and kindness to everyone she met.
A celebration of life service will be held November 8, 2024 at the Belvidere First United Methodist Church.
Visitation: 9:30-11 am. Service: 11:00 am. Luncheon to follow. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Belvidere First United Methodist Church or Lifescape - Meals on Wheels (https://lifescapeservices.org/donate/).
Come Celebrate Our Mother Barbara Moyer’s 90TH BIRTHDAY
SUNDAY l NOV. 3RD l 1-4 PM At The American Legion, 900 W. Chrysler Dr.,
Margaret Rose (Davies) Fair “Peggy” Age 87, passed away peacefully on October 5, 2024 in Palm Springs, CA. Peggy was born March 27, 1937 in Belvidere, IL to Herbert & Rose Davies of Garden Prairie, IL.
She married Donald G. Fair on July 20, 1958 and they lived & raised their family in Belvidere, IL for 45 years.
After Don passed away, in June 2005, Peggy lived in the family home until she moved to their condo in Cape Canaveral, FL in 2012. She enjoyed many years in the sunshine visiting with neighbors & friends.
Peggy has 3 children, David Fair, of Palm Springs, CA, Lori (Meyer) of Lake Geneva, WI & Lynne (Maurice) of Woodbury, MN. Peggy & Don prioritized their family, spending time in the daily lives of their 5 grandchildren, Aaron Maurice, Paige Meyer, Ryan Maurice, Kirsten Meyer & Jordan Maurice. Peggy has 5 great-grandchildren adding another generation of joy to her life, Rhone, Ellen, David, Lila & Wynn. Family was the cornerstone of her life & much of her daily thoughts. Her siblings, Wynn & Carolyn, her cousins, & her nieces. Peggy, like her father, engaged anyone & EVERYONE in conversation. After a lifetime of hosting oh-SO many gatherings with Donnie, she reinvented herself in the last 20 years, creating new lives & friends in both California & Florida. Peggy thrived in the role of news gathering & was a great phone communicator, bonding friends & family across the pond, building an irreplaceable network of love.
Peggy was active as a volunteer at St. Joseph’s hospital in Belvidere for over 30 years.
Memories & pictures can be shared at www.margaretrose.me
Roger Lee Overhouse Sr., 80, of Belvidere, IL, passed away Tuesday, October 22, 2024. He was born June 26, 1944, in Decorah, Iowa. The son of Bert and Mabel (Learn) Overhouse. He graduated from Dubuque Senior High School and then went on to serve our country in the United States Army 173rd Airborne during the Vietnam War. Roger married the love of his life, Joy L. Berger July 3, 1987, at Zion Lutheran Church in Belvidere, IL.
He retired after 30 years from Chrysler in Belvidere. Roger was a member of Zion Lutheran Church and the Belvidere VFW. He enjoyed sports and fishing. Most of all he loved to spend time with his family and friends at Partridge Lake in Wisconsin. He is loved and will be missed by his beloved wife, Joy; sons, Roger L. (Beth) Overhouse Jr. and Cody Overhouse; sister, Sharon Schetgen; loving dog, Daisy. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Rick Overhouse.
There will be a visitation Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at the Belvidere Funeral Home & Cremation Service in Belvidere, IL. A funeral service will begin at 11:00 A.M. Interment in Highland Garden of Memories in Belvidere, IL. Condolences can be shared with the family at www.belviderefh.com.
Please consider committing to 30 minutes of prayer & fasting (if you choose) in our chapel on Tuesdays NOW - OCTOBER 29TH and Monday, Nov. 4th, 5:30 - 6:00 PM Doors Open at 5:15 PM Our Chapel Will Also Be Open On Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th, 7 AM - 7 PM
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.” Psalm 33:12
Join Us For Bible Stories, Games & Crafts EVERY 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAY
Starting November 6th @ 6:30 PM
Heated Leather, Heated Steering Wheel, Eco Boost, 118,000 Miles #2744A Leather Edition, AWD, Htd Leather, Sunroofs, Memory Pkg., Remote Start, 68,000 Miles #2839C
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5 Passenger, 131,000 Miles, Clean Condition #2687B