Boone County Shopper Senior Living March 2023

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Interesting Facts About The Month Of March

Millions of people look forward to the month of March every year. In the northern hemisphere, March 20 or 21 marks the beginning of spring, a season of rejuvenation in which individuals enjoy the first consistent periods of warm weather since the previous fall. Though the official start of spring is a much-anticipated event each March, the month is more than just the end of winter. The following are some interesting facts about the month of March.

• March derives its name from “Martius,” which was the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. The Romans gave the month that name in honor of Mars, the Roman god of war, & Martius was considered the beginning of warfare season, which is a far cry from the beginning that March is now associated with.

• March is host to one of the more popular sporting events in the United States. March Madness is a single-elimination college basketball tournament featuring 68 Division I teams (there are separate tournaments for men’s & women’s basketball). Much of the ongoing popularity of the event is a byproduct of bracket pools. Those pools involve participants predicting the outcomes of each game of the tournament by filling out their own bracket. March Madness can trace its name back nearly a century to an Illinois High School Association official named H.V. Porter, though many credit broadcaster Brent Musburger with popularizing the term for the annual tournament in the 1980s.

• March also is host to one of the most popular holidays in many parts of the globe. March 17 marks St. Patrick’s Day, a day initially designed to commemorate the life & contributions of St. Patrick, who is the patron saint of Ireland. During the twentieth century, St. Patrick’s Day became a celebration of Irish culture & has become synonymous with boisterous revelry, particularly in cities such as Chicago & New York.

• Many people find Daylight Saving Time in March inspiring. That’s because regions that still participate in DST turn the clocks forward each March. That adds an extra hour of evening sunlight & ensures people who work indoors all day long get to enjoy some welcome sunlight at the end of each workday.

• The daffodil is the birth flower of March. For many people, these generally white & yellow flowers reinforce the feeling of rejuvenation that comes each March with the official beginning of spring.

• Fans of inventor Alexander Graham Bell have reason to celebrate in March as well. That’s because the man behind the first phone call ever made patented the world’s first telephone on March 7, 1876. March is known for coming in like a lion & going out like a lamb. In between that entry & exit, individuals can celebrate & enjoy a host of memorable & fun events.

Enjoy The Belvidere Park District Facilities This Spring

Aberdeen Park • 1343 Orth Road, Caledonia

Baltic Mill • 920 W. Lincoln Avenue

Belvidere Park • 1006 W. Lincoln Avenue

Bob’s Park • 524 E. Locust Street

Doty Park • 365 W. Locust Street

Fridh Park • 1420 9th Street

Glenn Green Open Space • 8484 Distillery Road

Harkless Park • 918 W. 9th Street

Hickory Bills Island Canoe Launch • 113 S. Appleton Rd.

Prairie Fields • 1111 Fairground Road

Red Horse Bend Canoe Launch • 6301 Lawrenceville Rd., Garden Prairie

Rivers Edge Recreation Center • 1151 W. Locust St.

Special Recreation Facility • 6581 Revlon Drive

Sundstrand Park • 2100 Newburg Road

Tot Lot • 1022 East Avenue

Winterroth Park • 2143 E. 6th Street

March 2, 2023 Page 5 SHADLEY APARTMENTS 1151 NETTIE STREET, BELVIDERE • MANAGED BY LUDWIG AND COMPANY • apartments in Belvidere are specially designed for seniors and people with disabilities. Shadley Apartments is customized to facilitate independent living in a fully equipped apartment among friends and neighbors who share similar interests. fax: (815) 544-9568 Please contact Colisha Williams (815) 547-5255 Property Manager for private showing. SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING These conveniently located and newly rehabbed, one bedroom 1121 N. Main, Belvidere • 815-547-7642 B E L V I D E R E C E M E T E R Y A S S O C I A T I O N “Established 1847” Frank Lloyd Wright Pettit Memorial Chapel On Cemetery Grounds • Memorial Markers • Affordable Prices • Park-like Setting • Pre-Burial Arrangements • Cremation Burials • Columbarium Niches 4452 Squaw Prairie Road, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.547.6377 • fax: 815.547.3857 2250 Pearl Street, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.544.0358 • fax: 815.544.5006 Rehabilitation Services Our rehab services extend far beyond the physical - it is about serving every aspect of an individual with care, kindness & respect. Our goal is to provide the necessary approach to facilitate a complete return to health & successful return to home. Serving Boone County Over 50 Years! Serving Boone County Over 50 Years! Specializing In Short & Long Term Care Quality Healthcare Provided By A Professional Staff In addition to the highest quality care, we also strive to maintain the highest quality of life. For A Private Tour Call Our Admissions Department Today M a p l e C r e s t M a p l e C r e s t MapleCrest N o r t h w o o d s N o r t h w o o d s Northwoods Boone County Council On Aging 2141 Henry Luckow Lane, Belvidere • 815-544-9893 GENERAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IN-HOME NON-MEDICAL CARE Keen Age Center Senior Activity Center TOGETHER WE ARE GOLDEN Serving Boone County Since 1973 50th Anniversary You and your family are our top priority. As the region’s first hospice provider, no one has more experience putting you first. First in Caring Call us at 815.398.0500 to discuss the best care options for you or your loved one. © Northern Illinois Hospice 2022 M a r c h M a r c h March B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY



How To Honor Vietnam Veterans

Each year on March 29, the United States honors the brave individuals who fought in the Vietnam War. Supporting National Vietnam War Veterans Day is a worthy effort that can send the right message to veterans who sadly were not always met with open arms when they returned home.

According to the U.S. Army Center for Military History, veterans of the Vietnam War represented nearly 10% of their generation. In recognition of those veterans’ efforts & sacrifice, in 2012 President Barack Obama signed a presidential proclamation designating March 29 Vietnam War Veterans Day, & the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was subsequently signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2017.

In recognition of the significance of honoring the many brave individuals who served in the Vietnam War, communities can embrace these suggestions for honoring Vietnam veterans.

• Plan a commemorative event. An annual community-wide commemorative event can serve as a great way to honor individuals who served in Vietnam & let them know their efforts are appreciated & not forgotten. Events can highlight local veterans who served in Vietnam.

• Prioritize veterans’ rights. The organization Vehicles for Veterans notes that support for policy makers & organizations that fight for veterans’ rights can ensure more veterans have access to services they need & benefits they’ve earned. This can be especially valuable for Vietnam veterans, the majority of whom are seniors & in need of help. Locally, veterans can find resources through the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County located at 130 S. State St., Suite 212, Belvidere. For more information call 815-544-6464 or visit

• Support the establishment of a public memorial or memorials. A public memorial or a series of memorials honoring locals who lost their lives in the war or have passed away since returning home can be a great way to remember both deceased & living veterans. For those veterans who are deceased, a public memorial like a commemorative brick or a dedicated, inscribed park bench ensures their sacrifices & bravery live on for years to come. Surviving veterans also can take solace from such memorials, knowing that their own sacrifice & bravery has been highlighted & honored.

• Invite veterans to share their stories. Communities can sponsor oral history projects and/or host public speaking forums that invite Vietnam War veterans to share stories of their service. Such endeavors can prove cathartic for veterans & also ensure the generations that come behind them have first-person accounts of a deadly & costly conflict that lasted for two decades.

Efforts to honor veterans of the Vietnam War can ensure their bravery & sacrifices are never forgotten.

Spring Cleaning Pointers

Spring is a season of renewal. When the flowers are blooming & the trees are budding & the weather is pleasantly warm, people often feel inspired to make changes around their homes.

There is debate regarding where the practice of “spring cleaning” originated. Researchers link it to certain religious groups. It has long been an ancient Jewish custom to thoroughly clean a house in preparation for the springtime feast of Passover. The house is scoured to remove any yeast bread, or chametz, from the home. Similarly, members of the Greek Orthodox church celebrate “Clean Week,” a week of cleaning before Lent. In Iranian culture, families spend days cleaning before the Persian New Year, which begins on the spring equinox. Spring cleaning is still a ritual for many today. As people embark on their plans to tidy up, these tips can help them along.

Tackle one big task a day - Who hasn’t started one project only to be distracted into moving along to another room? This often occurs when people discover something out of place in one space & then move that item where it belongs, only to find a new cleaning task at hand in that space. Inefficiency can make you give up on spring cleaning prematurely. Agree to address one room/task a day. Keep a basket or box handy to store errant items until you move on to the next room.

Stock up on supplies - Prepare all of the cleaning supplies in advance. Put together a tool kit of sorts with what you need, including mops, brooms, rags, cleansers, & the like. Organization can keep you on course. Harness your strengths & weaknesses - Some people clean because they are stressed or angry, others do so to avoid other tasks. Keep personality in mind when establishing a cleaning schedule. For example, clean at night if you’re a night owl, or wait until you are feeling antsy before embarking on a “calm down cleaning.”

Tackle seasonal chores first - Some tasks need to get done to prepare for the spring & summer season. These may include cleaning the grill & sorting through outdoor furniture & decor. Spring cleaning may involve cleaning out rain gutters to prepare for spring storms. Tackle time-dependent tasks first & then move on to others. Spread out the work - Some people like to devote full weekends to spring cleaning, but that can be overwhelming for others. Breaking down tasks into 15-30 minute intervals each day can make it more tolerable. Spring cleaning season has arrived, & certain tips can make the job more efficient & manageable.

Page 6 880 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere • Mon.-Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM 815-547-7111 We want to buy your unwanted gold & silver, jewelry, coins & silverware FOR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. Bring in your antique and/or used jewelry, gold, silverware & estate jewelry for an offer. BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS WE PAY 10% MORE For Your Gold & SilverJewelry With This Ad. • All-On-4 Implants • Dental Implants • Implant Support Dentures • Bone Grafting • Cosmetic Dentistry • General Dentistry • Sleep Dentistry 140 N. State St., Belvidere, IL 61008 815-544-5144 CHAPKOANDSHAH.COM 2nd Opinions & Complimentary Consultations We Can Help You Say It Better! (815) 544-2800 227 Logan Ave., Belvidere DAILY DELIVERIES MON.-FRI. 8:30 AM - 5 PM • SAT. 8 AM - 2 PM Etc. GORGEOUS FRESH ARRANGEMENTS GREEN & BLOOMING PLANTS UNIQUE SEASONAL GIFTWARE FUNERALS • WEDDING QUINCEAÑERAS FANNIE MAY • GNOMES we need blood... like a walker needs tennis balls! Call 815.965.8751 or visit

What Consumers Can Do To Support Local Farmers

Farming has never been a vocation for individuals looking for easy work. Farmers typically work long hours, braving the elements regardless of how unpleasant the weather may be. All that hard work ensures individuals who live in rural, urban & suburban communities have constant, readily available access to healthy foods. Such devotion merits support, & thankfully there are many things consumers can do to show their appreciation.

• Buy fresh foods at your local farmers market. Farmers markets are many foodies’ favorite places, but they aren’t exclusive to individuals with a passion for food. Everyone needs to eat, so why not eat foods grown locally? Even individuals who don’t typically eat fresh fruit & vegetables can find something delectable at a local farmers market, where anything from homemade tomato sauces to locally raised fresh beef & pork might be on sale.

• Order directly from local farms. Some farmers have embraced the e-commerce revolution & begun selling the foods they grow to consumers via their own websites. Research local farms & determine if it’s possible to buy directly from them. Farms may offer delivery or pick-up, & consumers can enjoy fresh foods even more knowing that they helped farmers earn higher profits by buying directly from them.

• Check labels before buying in local grocery stores. Packaging labels will indicate where fruits & vegetables came from. When possible, choose items produced by local farmers. This may include fruits, vegetables, meat, pork, or even desserts like pies. Locally produced foods often taste more fresh than items sent from overseas or distant farms, & consumers will feel better knowing they helped to support local farmers.

• Spread the word. Get the word out after a satisfying experience with local farms & farmers. Whether it’s buying food from farms or taking advantage of family days that let kids enjoy a day on the farm, sharing positive experiences via social media or word-of-mouth can be a great way to inspire others to support local farmers. Consumers can do much to support hardworking local farmers. In addition to feeling good about supporting their rural neighbors, consumers also might feel good when they sit down & enjoy a meal featuring locally grown, fresh foods.

This Month’s Healthy Recipe

3 Steps To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Chronic kidney disease is more common than people may realize. The organizers behind World Kidney Day indicate that roughly one in 10 people across the globe have CKD, which can develop at any age. The prevalence of CKD underscores how significant a threat it poses to the general public. In addition to its impact on public health, CKD also exerts a financial strain on countries across the globe. For instance, a recent report from NHS Kidney Care in England indicated the costs associated with kidney disease in that country outnumber expenses for cancers of the breast, lung, colon, & skin combined. Here in the United States, annual costs to treat CKD are estimated to be around $48 billion. Many instances of CKD are not preventable. However, these three tips can help anyone reduce their risk for CKD.

1. Recognize your risk. The National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases indicates that individuals are more likely to develop kidney disease if they have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and/or a family history of kidney failure. Annual physical examinations can indicate if blood pressure levels are high & help to determine if a person is prediabetic. Prediabetes does not mean a person has type 2 diabetes, but the CDC notes that, without intervention, prediabetes is likely to become type 2 diabetes within 10 years. Individuals also can speak with older relatives to determine their family medical history.

2. Speak to your physician about kidney testing. The NIDDK reports that early kidney disease may not produce any symptoms. As a result, testing may be the most effective way to determine if your kidneys are healthy. Health care providers will determine the frequency of testing, which involves blood and/or urine tests.

3. Eat a healthy diet. The NIDDK recommends individuals ensure less than 10% of their daily calories come from added sugars. In addition, reducing sodium consumption & focusing on heart-healthy foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, & low-fat dairy products, can help individuals maintain a healthy weight & blood pressure, thus reducing their risk for kidney disease.

Kidney disease is a significant threat to public health. You can employ various measures to reduce your risk.

March 2, 2023 Page 7 8094 Fairgrounds Rd., Belvidere, IL Open Daily 7-5; Sat. 7-Noon R. J. Daniels Fuel & Tire • Brakes & Suspension • Wheel Alignment • Shocks & Struts • Air Conditioning 815-544-2118 We Carry Complete Service Of Cars & Light Trucks • New Tires • Roadside Tire Service • Small Engine Sales & Service See Our “Pros” For Free Consultation • Wills • Trusts • Probate • Real Estate 815-544-3165 Suite 307, 600 S. State, Belvidere John H. Maville Attorney At Law Our goal is to maximize quality of life, so you can enjoy time with those who mean the most to you. Questions About Your 2023 Medicare Insurance? YVONNE “Chevy” Call Me, I Have Answers Not exactly what you expected? Are you unsure if it’s the best plan for you for the rest of the year? Yvonne “Chevy” Peterson 815-414-9044 & There is Never A Charge When Working With Me! Contracted With: Aetna • AARP • Blue Cross/Blue Shield • Cigna • Humana • Mutual of Omaha • Silverscript • United Healthcare • Quartz • wellcare & More!
B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY S E N I O R L I V I N G S E N I O R L I V I N G SENIOR LIVING A MONTHLY FOUR PAGE SECTION FOR SENIORS S e a s o n e d B a k e d F i s h S e a s o n e d B a k e d F i s h
Directions 1. If using frozen fish, thaw in refrigerator according to package directions. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Wash hands with soap & water. 3. Spray a casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray. Place fresh or thawed fish into dish. 4. Combine oil & spices in a small bowl. Drizzle or spread onto fish with basting brush. 5. Wash hands with soap & water after handling raw fish. 6. Bake until fish flakes easily with a fork, about 15-20 minutes. Recipe Provided By The U of I Extension Office Ingredients 1 pound (16 oz) salmon or cod fillet, fresh or frozen 1 T. olive oil 1/4 t. dried oregano 1/4 t. garlic powder 1/4 t. dried basil Nutrition Facts Per Serving (4 Servings) Calories 147 Total Fat 4 g Sodium 119 mg Carbohydrates 2 g Fiber 1 g Protein 26 g T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e
Seasoned Baked Fish


Thank You For The Community Support

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to share that this year’s Holiday Appeal was a success! We have seen increases each year since we began the campaign during the pandemic. We are grateful to have the support of a community of such generous individuals. Our other major fundraising event, the Jack Wolf Memorial Golf Outing exceeded our expectations & we have planned for additional golfers this year. Please mark your calendars! Everyone is welcome to participate or sponsor the event.

J ack Wolf Memorial Golf Outing

Friday, May 19, 2023, Noon Tee Time Timber Pointe Golf Club

Your financial support helps us to continue the activities & programs offered at the Keen Age Center including our Social Call Program. The programs go a long way to help our local seniors maintain connections. Life changes such as retirement, health decline, death of a significant other, giving up driving & increasing caregiving responsibilities can make keeping up with social connections a real challenge. The Social Call Program is designed to increase social connection by facilitating regular conversations between trained volunteers & participants. If you would like to volunteer or are someone who would like to stay connected - give Volunteer Coordinator, Kari a call at (779) 552-7250 or A warm, expected call can make a world of difference!

For more information on the activities & programs such as cards, games, arts, crafts, billiards, music & fitness offered at the Keen Age Center, contact Robbie at (779) 552-7238 or

Golden Anniversary This year marks our 50th Anniversary & we truly believe that Together We Are Golden! We hope you can join us in celebrating our 50 years of dedication to supporting the needs of seniors in Boone County. More exciting details to come, so stay tuned!

Save the Date: Boone County Council on Aging

Keen Age Center 50th Anniversary Celebration

October 4, 2023

Watch for more info in our Newsletter, The Shopper, and at

Best Regards, Kelly

One of the best things prospective pet owners can do before welcoming new pets into their families is to conduct a poison audit throughout their homes. Pets are often vulnerable to common household items that may not pose a threat to adults. That’s especially true for curious pets anxious to explore their new surroundings. The Pet Poison Helpline, a licensed animal poison control center dedicated to preventing poison-related injuries, illnesses & fatalities to pets, offers this room-by-room breakdown to help existing & potential pet owners find items around the house that could pose a threat to their furry friends.

Laundry rooms

• Fabric softener

• Bleach

• Detergents, including detergent pods

• Dryer sheets


• Medications, including over-the-counter & prescription drugs

• Caffeine pills

• Drain & toilet cleaners

• Ammonia & Bleach

• Inhalers

• Lime & rust removers

• Cough drops

Attics & basements

• Mothballs

• Rodenticides

• Insecticides

• Paint

Living room

• Plants

• Liquid potpourri

• Devices, including smartphones

• Batteries, such as those inside remote controls


• Chocolate

• Macadamia nuts

• Grapes, raisins & currants

• Onions, garlic & chives

• Caffeinated products, such as coffee & tea

• Chicken bones

• Fatty scraps

• Unbaked yeast bread dough

• Alcohol

• Table salt

• Kitchen cleaning products

Garages & garden sheds

• Automotive fluids, including antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, motor oil, & gasoline

• Ice melt products

• Lawn & garden products, including weed killer, grub & snail bait & rodenticides

• Paint

• Glue

• Mothballs

• Fertilizers & Compost

• Plants

• Insecticides

Various products around the house can pose a threat to the health of pets. Make products as inaccessible to curious pets as possible by keeping them locked away when not in use. Find more info about protecting pets at

March 2, 2023 Page 8 STR E E T PUB Belvidere IL 111 BUCHANAN ST. | BELVIDERE, IL 61008 815-547-1012 SUNDAY - TUESDAY | 11AM – 2 AM WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | 8AM – 2 AM Live Your Best Life Schedule your visit to our community today! Residents are at the heart of all we do. We operate with integrity and are passionate about the services we provide as we live our core values of Love, Compassion and Dignity every day. 314 S. State St., Belvidere • The Ideal Setting For Your Next: Contact Us At 815-544-8391 or Anniversary / Birthday Shower / Wedding Family Picnic Class Reunion & More Preserving Boone County’s Past For Our Future. We Are Always Looking For Donations Of Historical Artifacts For The Museum. 1967 Belvidere Tornado FURNITURE 315 S. State St. Belvidere 815-547-6672 HOURS:Mon.-Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-4; Closed Sun. Need A Little Help Out Of Your Chair? W E H A V E W E H A V E WE HAVE L I F T L I F T LIFT C H A I R S ! C H A I R S ! CHAIRS! • Programs Recommended By Arthritis Foundation • Fitness Center With Trained Staff • Fitness Classes Free With Membership • 85 Degree Swimming Pool • Adult Lap & Open Times Throughout The Day • Discounted And Subsidized Memberships • Silver Sneakers And Silver & Fit Accepted 220 West Locust, Belvidere, IL 61008 815-547-5307 • For Youth Development • For Healthy Living • For Social Responsibility B e l v i d e r e F a m i l y Y M C A WHO NEEDS A DRIVE-THRU WHEN WE DELIVER! Delivery Available 6 Days A Week Mon. -Sat. DISPILL MEDICATION PACKAGING Prevents Your Loved One From Missing Medications O ’ B r i e n ’ s O’Brien’s P h a r m a c y Pharmacy 216 S. State St., Belvidere 815-544-3433 The UPS Store® HOME HEALTHCARE DEPT Walkers, Wheelchairs, Bath Benches & More
P e t P o i s o n s T h a t M a y B e L u r k i n g I n Yo u r H o m e
Letter From: Kelly Hillan, Exec. Director of The Keen Age Center

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