Recolección Puntos Destacados
• Los residentes que actualmente utilizan carritos de MDC (la compania asociada de Rock River Disposal) conservaran sus carritos actuales.
• Los residentes que no tengan carritos del MDC recibirán un carrito de 95 galones para basura y un carrito de 65 galones para reciclaje. Las entregas comenzaran las dos ultimas semanas de mayo.
• Rock River recolectara basura y reciclaje ilimitados colocados adecuadamente para la recolección en la acera con los carritos designados para basura y reciclaje.
• La recolección de desechos de jardín se jardín anualmente del 1 de abril al 15 de diciembre.
• Se ofrece un descuento para personas mayores cuando el jefe de familia tiene 65 ayos o mas.
• Hay carritos de basura y reciclaje adicionales disponibles por una tarifa anual adicional.
Programa de Recolección en la Acera: $25.35/mensual (facturado trimestralmente)
• Los residentes que actualmente utilizan carritos de MDC (la compania asociada de Rock River Disposal) conservaran sus carritos actuales.
• Los residentes que no tengan carritos del MDC recibirán un carrito de 95 galones para basura y un carrito de 65 galones para reciclaje. Las entregas comenzarán las dos ultima semanas de mayo.
• Todos los desechos municipales que se encuentren fuera del carrito de 95 galones para basura y del carrito de 65 galones para reciclaje se recolectaran cuando estén preparados adecuadamente (el recipiente o bolsa de plástico no debe exceder de los 32 galones o 50 libras de peso).
• Se requerirá que los residentes tengan sus recipiente en la acera antes de las 6:45 am del día de recolección designado.
• Hay carritos de basura y reciclaje adicionales disponibles por una tarifa anual de $60.00 cada uno.
Descuento de Mayores:
Un descuento fijo de $3.00/mes sobre la tarifa mensual está disponible para residencias con un jefe de familia de 65 ayos o mas. ComunÌquese con Rock River Disposal al 815-965-2489 para obtener detalles sobre la solicitud.
Eliminación de Artículos a Granel y de Gran Tamaño: Se recogerá un articulo a granel (de menos de 50 libras) el día de su recogida regular sin cargo. Los artículos a granel que excedan las 50 libras requerirán un cargo adicional. ComunÌquese con Rock River Disposal al 815-965-2489 para programar la recolección. Los artículos a granel incluyen: Cajas, barriles, cajones, muebles y artículos similares que no caben en un recipiente adecuado y que un transportista puede recoger/levantar sin ayuda. Las excepciones incluyen artículos cuya eliminación directa en un vertedero esta prohibida (electrodomésticos, neumáticos, baterías de automóviles, televisores, desechos electrónicos). Se recogerán artículos de gran tamaño o con sobrepeso, pero se cobrara una tarifa adicional. Los artículos de gran tamaño o con sobrepeso son cualquier articulo individual grande o extra pesado que articulo que el residente programe una recogida especial. Un ejemplo de un articulo de gran tamaño es un piano, un jacuzzi o cualquier articulo que requiera dos o mas personas para levantarlo. Se aplicara una tarifa por articulo por cada articulo de gran tamaño. Llame a Rock River Disposal al 815-965-2489 para programar una recogida con anticipación.
Los apartos se recogerán semanalmente y los residentes llamaran para programar una recogida especial por una tarifa adicional de $50.00 por articulo. Independientemente del tamaño y el peso, todos los apartos/electrodomesticos deben llamarse para una recogida programada y el pago debe recibirse por adelantado Llame a Rock River Disposal al 815-965-2489 para programar una recolección. Los artículos no deben dejarse en la acera hasta la noche anterior a la recogida programada.
Días de Festivo Observado
Si el día festivo cae en un día laborable, por o antes de su recogida programada, el servicio se día un día durante la semana festiva. Si el día festive cae en domingo, se observara el lunes y el servicio se retrasara un día durante toda la semana. Programa de Recolección de Desechos de jardín: del 1 de Abril al 15 de Diciembre Anualmente
La recogida de desechos de jardín se realizara cada semana el mismo día que la recogida de basura y reciclaje. Recogida de desechos de paisaje: Cada semana se recogerán en la acera hasta cinco (5) bolsas, paquetes o contenedores rígidos de 32 galones de propiedad de los residentes (que no excedan las 50 libras de peso) preparados, sin cargo. Durante los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre se recolectaran hasta veinte (20) contenedores de desechos de jardín debidamente preparados. Los recortes de césped, hojas, ramitas, escombros de jardín, malezas, frutas, semillas, tallos, enredaderas, cortezas y astillas de madera se pueden colocar en la acera el día de recogida regularmente en bolsas de papel biodegradables o latas de metal o plástico de 32 galones claramente identificadas. Solo para residuos de jardinería. Las bolsas deben enrollarse y cerrarse y levantarse fácilmente hasta la altura de la cintura y no exceder las 50 libras.
Los arbustos y las ramas de hasta 6 pulgadas deben tener mangos con cordel (no se aceptan alambre o plástico) de 4 pies o menos de largo y 2 pies o menos de diámetro en la base y que se puedan levantar fácilmente hasta la altura de la cintura. Los desechos de jardín no incluyen vigas de madera, bordes de plástico, macetas o bandejas para plantas, bolsas de fertilizante o material de jardinería, telas de jardinería, secciones de raíces, arena, grava, césped, leña o desechos animales. Colección de Arboles de Navidad: Rock River proporcionara recolección y eliminación gratuita de arobles de Navidad cada ayo sin costo adicional para los residentes durante las dos primeras semanas de enero de cada ayo. Si tiene preguntas, comunÌquese con Rock River Disposal al:
Collection Highlights
• Residents that currently utilize MDC carts (the sister company of Rock River Disposal) will keep their current carts.
• Residents who do not have MDC carts will receive a 95 gallon cart for refuse and a 65 gallon cart for recycling. Deliveries will begin the last two weeks of May.
• Rock River will collect unlimited refuse and recycling properly placed for curbside collection with the designated carts for refuse and recycling.
• Yard waste collection will be offered April 1st through December 15th annually.
• A senior discount is available where the head of the household is 65 years of age or older.
• Additional refuse and recycling carts are available for an additional annual fee.
Curbside Collection Program: $25.35/monthly (billed quarterly)
• Residents that currently utilize MDC carts (the sister company of Rock River Disposal) will keep their current carts.
• Residents who do not have MDC carts will receive a 95 gallon cart for refuse and a 65 gallon cart for recycling. Deliveries will begin the last two weeks of May.
• All municipal waste found outside the 95 gallon cart for trash and 65 gallon cart for recycling will be collected when properly prepared (plastic container or bag not to exceed 32 gallons or 50 pounds in weight).
• Residents will be required to have their containers at the curb by 6:45 a.m. on their designated collection day.
• Additional refuse and recycling carts will be available for an annual fee of $60.00/each.
Senior Discount:
A flat discount of $3.00/month off the monthly rate is available for residences with a head of household age 65 or older. Please contact Rock River Disposal at 815-9652489 for details and to apply.
Bulk & Oversized Item Disposal:
One bulk item (under 50 pounds) will be collected on your regularly scheduled collection day at no charge. Bulk items exceeding 50 pounds will require an additional fee. Call Rock River Disposal at 815-965-2489 to schedule a collection.
Bulk items include: Boxes, barrels, crates, furniture, and similar items that do not fit into a proper container and can be collected/lifted by one driver without assistance. Exceptions include items which are banned from direct disposal into a landfill (appliances, tires, car batteries, TV’s, electronic waste).
Oversized and overweight items will be collected but will require an additional fee. Oversized/overweight items are any single large or extra heavy item that will require the resident to schedule a special pick up. An example of an oversized item is a piano, hot tub or any item that requires two or more people to lift. A per item fee of will apply for each oversized item. Call Rock River Disposal at 815-965-2489 to schedule a pick in advance.
White Goods/Appliances:
White Goods will be collected on a weekly basis with residents calling to schedule a special collection for an additional fee of $50.00/per item. Regardless of size and weight, all appliances/white goods must be called in for a scheduled pick up and payment must be received in advance. Call Rock River Disposal at 815-965-2489 to schedule a collection. Items should not be placed at the curb until the evening before the scheduled collection.
Holidays Observed
If the holiday falls on a weekday, on or before your scheduled collection, service will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the holiday week. If the holiday falls on Sunday, it will be observed on Monday and service will be delayed one day the entire week.
Yard Waste Collection Program: April 1st – December 15th Annually
Yard waste collection will take place each week on the same day as refuse and recycling collection.
Landscape Waste Collection:
Up to five (5) properly prepared yard waste bags, bundles, or resident owned 32 gallon rigid containers (not exceeding 50 pounds in weight) will be collected curbside each week at no charge. During the months of October, November, and December up to twenty (20) properly prepared yard waste containers will be collected.
Grass clippings, leaves, twigs, garden debris, weeds, fruits, seeds, stalks, vines, bark and wood chips may be placed at the curb on the regularly scheduled pick up day in biodegradable paper bags or 32 gallon metal or plastic cans clearly identified for landscape waste only. Bags must be rolled and crimped closed and be easily lifted to waist height and not exceed 50lbs.
Brush and branches up to 6 inches must be bundled with twine (wire or plastic is not acceptable) 4’ or less in length and 2’ or less in diameter at the base and easily lifted to waist height. Yard waste does not include wood timbers, plastic edging, plant pots or trays, fertilizer or landscape material bags, landscape fabric, root sections, sand, gravel, sod, firewood or animal waste.
Christmas Tree Collection:
Rock River will provide free collection and disposal of Christmas trees each year at no additional cost to residents during the first two weeks of January each year
Service Days:
Floors, Bob 815-547-0407 or 815-761-1679.
MIKE SPOHR BUILDERS: Over 25 years experience. Pole barns, roofs (asphalt, steel), decks, siding, flooring, remodeling, general handyman services. Free estimates and fully insured. Call 815-751-6263. FULL OR PART time office help and shop help at a auto repair shop in Belvidere. Call 815-323-5110.
PERSONAL WANT AD Deadline: No later than noon on Tuesdays, for Thursday publication. Must be paid in advance (cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). The Boone County Shopper, 815-544-2166 or boonecountyshopper.com
BOB’S MASONRY: Brick, block, stone, and stone foundation repair, chimney repair, tuck pointing, and new construction. Serving Belvidere for over 30 years. Call 815-703-6747.
NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to schedule a free in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! ! 1-844-588-6590 (MCN)
COMPUTER VIRUS REMOVAL and performance tuning. Top rated and local computer and laptop repair. AIDA Electronics, Poplar Grove, 815-765-0300, aidaelectronics.com.
9N FORD TRACTOR with loader, running condition, $2,000. 815-979-8951.
THE BATHROOM OF YOUR DREAMS dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer - $1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1833-618-1178. (MCN)
June 2, 7:00 PM
Online Only Public Auction Multi Location Belvidere, IL/Sycamore, IL www.KitsonAuctions.com
V e h i c l e s : 1993 Corvette convertible 40th anniversary 32k
mi., 1938 Ford Truck, 2013 Dodge Charger 91k, 2011 Ford cargo van 123k, 2018 Ford Explorer interceptor 135k, 1948 International Stake bed truck, 1993 Bluebird prison transport bus, 1996 Ford L8000 box truck 312k, 1997 Chevy party bus 89K, 2010 Ford E350 Medtec ambulance, 2000 Chevy Astro cargo van 101k, 2007 Ford F150 w/liftgate 132k, 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 228k, 2005 Chevy 3500 box truck 169k, 1966 Bridgestone DT175 vintage motorcycle, 2004 Ford F150 XLT 281k, 2007 Chevy Impala former taxi. Outdoor power equip.: Cub Cadet 782 w/cab/deck/ blower/blade, John Deere 320, Heckendorn 88” riding mower, Cub Cadet #1 cart, Turfco Pro-26 aerator, numerous snowblowers, Ford 8n, lawn carts, Aaladin hot water pressure washer, Dearborn 2 bottom plow, Simplicity Sun Runner, Simplicity 3108, Simplicity 707, Simplicity 606, Simplicity Model W, Montgomery Ward Squire 9, Lawnboy rider, Buebird power rake, 4,000 watt pto generator, Bolens Huski w/attachments, Locke greens mower, Cunningham MA sickle mower, Eclipse powered reel mower, Cyclone seeder, Yazoo 26” mower, Toro greens mower, Chris Cut mower. Misc: New Speedaire upright compressor, Smith upright compressor, PTO wire winder, lawnsweeper, wheelbarrows, gas cans, floor jacks, anvil, bicycles, pallet jacks, vintage go cart, new electric wheelchair bases, & more still being added to the catalog
June 4, 7:00 PM
Online Only Model Train Auction Lionel & More Belvidere, IL www.KitsonAuctions.com
500 lots of vintage & modern Lionel trains. These all come from one local private collection. We have assorted cars, locomotives, many rare sets, accessories, & much more. This is one of multiple auctions for this collection
June 15, 10:00 AM
Al Page Estate Live Auction 11050 Cemetery Rd., Capron, IL
Vehicles/boats: 2015 Chevy Silverado LTZ 4x4 LTZ, Ford L8000 Semi w/van trailer, multiple fishing boats.
Misc: Outboard motors, lg. selection of fishing equip., like new mobility scooter, Stihl power equip., gas powered welder/generator, lg. assortment of tools, Suzuki 750 4x4 ATV, log splitter, John Deere 950 w/loader, 3pt snowblower, 3pt brush mower, 3pt post auger, grass collection system, gas powered RC trucks, antique RC Cola thermometer, new tires, Coleman lantern collection, lifetime folding picnic tables, solar power equip., 24’ truck box converted to dog kennel (super nice), dog equip., dog box for truck bed, & much more
This is a very partial listing as we are still setting up. There will be a very limited online bidding catalog for this auction
Auctioneer: Andrew Kitson 441.001674 (815) 973-0915
FOR RENT: 1415 Maryland Court. 3 bedroom duplex, bath and a half, central air, basement with washer/dryer hookup, stove and refrigerator furnished. No pets. Non-smoking. $1,100 per month plus deposit. 815-5473357.
LINDENWOOD APARTMENTS: Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath, central air, dishwasher, clean, quiet building. Call 815-547-5732.
FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home, 1.5 car garage. All appliances stay. Poplar Grove. $47,000 or best offer. 715-4168559.
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waving all installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. Offer ends 6/30/24.) 1-844-501-3208
WE BUY UGLY homes! J.D. Properties, 815-721-7583.
STILL SEEKING GRIZZLY Adams! Newer log cabin for rent in remote wooded area, northern Boone County. Hunting privileges, deer and coyote. 815904-3386.
Timeshare Cancellation ExpertsOver $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 833-308-1971
GET DISH SATELLITE TV + INTERNET! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-479-1516
TWO RINGS! Lunch By: Moni 9:00 AM Comfort Station Avail. LOCATION: 8847 Rt. 76, Boone Co. Fairgrounds, Belvidere. COINS, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD, YARD, TOOLS & MISC.
OWNERS: C. Wickson, S. Herdzina, J. Perry, L. Stringham, J. Shott, D. Lashelle, S. Velasquez, V. Artiga, B. Backe, J. Hill.
America’s premier mobile medical alert system. Home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free info! 1-888-489-3936
HI-SPEED INTERNET, ANYWHERE! Shop w/Viasat expert for high speed satellite internet. New customer deals. Nationwide Service 1-877-449-1844 (MCN)
Any questions or private showing, please contact O.D. Holley at Advanced Auction & Appraisal at 815-218-0705.
video games, bar stools, dishes, Christmas decor, 66” Smart TV, Futon, kitchen table & chairs & a roll top desk. There are tools, chain saws, lawn mowers, Western Saddles, toys, porch swings, wheelbarrows & so much more. Visit our website https:// www.advancedauction.com for more information & to be able to register & bid on this auction. An 18% buyer’s premium will be charged.
Steve Givhan Estate Any questions or private showing, please contact O.D. Holley at Advanced Auction & Appraisal at 815-218-0705. Online Only Auction Soft Closing starts at 7 PM on Thursday, June 6, 2024 Pick up will be at: 1903 Lorimar Dr., Durand, IL 61024 on Saturday, June 8, 9 AM - 2 PM CST Auctioneers Note: This auction has furniture, tools, video games. This auction is small but delivers a powerful punch!! 300 plus lots. We were given the honor to do the Chad Smith Estate Online Auction. Motorcycle: 2003 Honda 1300 cruiser miles showing 20K this bike has lots of upgrades includes: LED lights, pipes, hand grips w/palm rest. There are also hand tools & power tools, New Pwr Smart Snowblower, push lawnmower, 48” flat screen TV, 32” smart TV, La-Z-Boy furniture, video games, household items, kitchen items, Kenmore gas dryer, Kenmore washer, 2022 Samsung SST 3door French door fridge, lots of DJ equip., Karaoke machines. There are way too many items to list. Visit our website https://www.advancedauction.com for more information & to be able to register & bid on this auction. An 18% buyer’s premium will be charged. Please bring help to load & tools.
COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE: June 7th-9th from 8 AM-4 PM. Deer Hills Subdivision, off of Beaver Valley Road. 7+ families participating! Everything is priced to sell! Clothing; furniture; exercise equipment; toys; books; home decor; games; baby gear; and so much more!
GARAGE SALE: 1708 Pearl Street, Belvidere, IL 61008. Women’s, junior’s, kids and men’s clothing; household items; toys; patio furniture. 5/30 and 5/31 9 AM-4 PM, 6/1 9 AM-Noon.
GARAGE SALE: Twin bed frame; computer monitor; motorcycle bag; Bamboo birdcage; globe; stroller; car seat; bassinet; basketball hoop; saw table; toys; clothes. Thursday-Sunday 9 AM-5 PM. 107 West Park Street, Poplar Grove.
VILLAGE OF CALEDONIA Neighborhood Sale - May 30th, 31st and June 1st 9 AM-4 PM. 2311 Randolph Street, Caledonia. See Marketplace. Follow Signs.
ANNUAL 6 FAMILY Garage Sale: Antiques; collectibles; housewares and garage items. Corner of Beaverton Road and Route 173. Friday-Sunday 9 AM-4 PM.
SALE - 1216 CASWELL Street. Friday 8 AM-5 PM, Saturday 8 AM-12 PM. Beds, twin and full; compressor; battery charger; lawn chairs; clothing.
GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday 8 AM-5 PM. 118 Cross Drive, Poplar Grove. Fishing lures and equipment; tools; women’s and men’s clothes; tons of golf balls; antiques. Something for everyone!
YARD SALE: June 6th-8th 9 AM-3 PM, June 12th-15th 9 AM-3 PM. Furniture; toys; clothes; collectible; seasonal decor; tools. 204 East Harrison Street, Belvidere.
to connect to the right provider. (MCN)
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 400 plus procedures. Real dental insurance -NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www.dental50plus.com/ midwest #6258. (MCN)
GARAGE SALE: 611 East 6th Street, Belvidere. Electric scooter; transport chairs; walker rollator; handicap canes; tub chair; home workshop tools and hardware; Coleman lantern and stove; patio table; vintage racing bicycle; outdoor love seat glider; round end table; outdoor plants; house; garage and yard items. Saturday only, 8 AM-5 PM.
DIRECTV STREAM - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405
WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & restoration: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family & your homes value! Call 24/7: 1-888-872-2809
Have zip code!
PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES today with a GENERAC home standby generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.
INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s first offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $1000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-767-0798 (MCN)
GET BOOST INFINITE! Unlimited Talk, Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks, One Low Price! Call Today and Get The Latest iPhone Every Year On Us! 877-6835440. (MCN)
SWITCH & SAVE up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-888-909-7338. (MCN)
Wed: Half Price Pizza (Deliveries Available 4-8)
Thur: Meat Tortellini w/Garlic Bread $6.99
Fri: Baked or Fried Cod w/Choice of Potato $12.99; or Shrimp Basket $10.99
79, of Garden Prairie, IL, died at OSF St. Anthony’s in Rockford, IL on May 12, 2024. He was born to Harry M. & Charlotte, the 4th of 6 children in the house his parents built in Capron, IL on July 14, 1944. Fay graduated from North Boone High School in 1962. He was a lifetime farmer & started hauling livestock in 1973. Being a lifetime farmer, he was also a member the Leroy Commandoes 4-H club & the North Boone FFA. He was a Prairie Grange member for 50 years, where he was also a past Fair board director for the Boone County Fair. He supported the Garden Prairie Church of Christ. Fay was also a Former Trustee of Bonus Township. Fay was a Volunteer Fireman for Boone County District #2 Fire Dept. for 18 years where he enjoyed being part of the water fight team. Fay was proud to reside on a centennial farm owned in the Ellwanger name since 1903.
Fay married his sweetheart, Donna Lynn Wych, on April 15, 1967, in Poplar Grove, IL. Fay’s interests included FARMING, tractor pulling, coin collecting, antique tractors, & collecting farm toys. Fay enjoyed riding the countryside on his Kawasaki Mule. He knew EVERYONE in Boone County & you either loved him or hated him!
Fay is loved & missed by his wife, Donna Lynn; children, Jodi (William) Johnson, Donald (Heather) Ellwanger, & Adam (Sara) Ellwanger; grandchildren, Kaelyn Rose Johnson, Madelyn Ann Johnson (Alek Escudero), Daniel Jacob “DJ” (Jennifer) Ellwanger, Brandon (Lexi Tintleman) Ellwanger, Christopher Ellwanger, Emilie Ellwanger, Scarlette Ellwanger, & Caroline Ellwanger; great-granddaughter Piper Ellwanger; & Grand-dog Tru.
He is preceded in death by his parents; Harry Merton Ellwanger & Charlotte Alice (Goodall) Ellwanger; brother, Harry Roger; and two infant grandsons.
A visitation for Fay will be from 5 - 8 PM, Friday, May 31, 2024, (with Fire Department walkthrough at 6 PM & Grange service at 7:30 PM) at Anderson Funeral and Cremation Services, 218 W Hurlbut Ave., Belvidere, IL 61008. Funeral service will be at noon Saturday, June 1, 2024, at the funeral home. Pastor Tim Ramsden will officiate. Burial at Lawrenceville Cemetery in Garden Prairie at 2 PM. There will be a celebration of life at Boone County District #2 Fire Station in Belvidere following the service.
In lieu of flowers, donations for a memorial bench at the Fairgrounds would be appreciated. Fay went just the way he wanted to...running full speed & fighting until the end.
COCOA MULCH SALE: Boone County Gardeners of America. Saturdays, April 27th- June 1st 8AM-12PM. Boone County Fairgrounds. After those dates call 815-621-6018.
YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are between 52-63 years old and under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-888-9240449. (MCN)
Sunday, June 2nd, 2 PM
Shattuck Grove Cemetery
Featured Speaker
21 Gun Salute By The Legion & VFW Presentation of Flag & Memorial Day Readings by County Clovers 4-H Club Services
Reeds Crossing, Belvidere
In Case of Rain, Ceremony Will Be Held at The Township Hall on Shattuck Rd.
Ronald C. Popham, 87, of Belvidere passed away 5/23/ 2024 at home surrounded by his family. Ron is survived by his wife Mary, daughter Angie Hughes, son Jason (Vickie) Popham. Grandchildren Brittani (Joe) Castillo, Josh (Yanet) Popham, Paige (Eddie)
Anderson, Jared Popham, Ashley (Joe) Douthat, Ayla Douthat. Great grandchildren Miya, Kiani, Nayome, Dominic & Emmie Castillo, Vailey, Joshua Jr. & Emiliano Popham, Juliana, Scarlett & Guinevere Anderson, Carter Mejia. Special sister-in-law Sandy Freeman. He was loved beyond measure and will be missed beyond words. He lived for his family. A Grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart. There will be no services as his wishes.
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg & Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-855-399-2203. (MCN)
BUYING & SELLING silver bars, silver dollars, rare coins, gold coins, gold jewelry, any gold-silver items, collector coins, currency. I have a 750,000 line of credit and own 1475 acres of land near Ormsby. Kuehl’s Coins, Fairmont, MN, 507-235-3886/507-399-9982. (MCN)
or Fried Cod w/ Mac ‘N Cheese
Atrium! PAYING TOP CA$H for men’s sport watches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster. Call: 1-888-8155873. (MCN) GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? Donate it to Patriotic Hearts. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patriotic Hearts’ programs help veterans find work or start their own business. 24/7: 844-588-6535. (MCN)
DIRECTV - All your entertainment. Nothing on your roof! Sign up for Direct and get your first free months of Max, Paramount+, Showtime, Starz, MGM+ and Cinemax included. Choice package $84.99/mo. Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV 1-866-296-1409. (MCN)
ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Discover Oxygen Therapy That Moves with You with Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators. Free information kit. Call 1-888-815-4903. (MCN)
4X4, Heated & Cooled Leather, Bose Sound, Rear Entertainment, Nav., 48,000 Miles #2763A