CIRCULATION 20,200 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #62 Belvidere, IL BooneCounty’s Largest&MostRead Publication 76th Anniversary Year! June 1, 2023 Published Every Thursday By Ed & Matt Branom Postal Customer 815-544-2166 Vol. 77 No. 18 C O M M E R C I A L / R E S I D E N T I A L OMMERCIAL /R ESIDENTIAL R O O F I N G / S I D I N G / G U T T E R S / W I N D O W S OOFING /S IDING /G UTTERS /W INDOWS 7 7 9 . 3 6 8 . 0 2 5 6 779.368.0256 5 Y E A R C R A F T S M A N S H I P C YEAR CRAFTSMANSHIP W A R R A N T Y WARRANTY B U FA L O C O N T R A C T I N G . C O M BUFALOCONTRACTING.COM 0 % F i n a n c i n g Financing $29.95 Super Softener Tune-Up Special - Any Brand Offer Expires 6-31-23 Located 1-1/2 Blocks Off Of North State St. 214 W. Menomonie, Belvidere 815-544-0918 SUMMER SAVINGS WE REPAIR & SERVICE • Water Heaters Including Flushing • Sump Pumps • Ejector Pumps Call The Plumbers at A F F O R DA B L E W AT E R • 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 0 9 1 8 A F F O R DA B L E W AT E R • 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 0 9 1 8 AFFORDABLE WATER • 815-544-0918 $200 OFF Drinking Water Or Iron Filter Systems Offer Expires 6-31-23 SUMMER SAVINGS 12 Mo. Same As Cash Yo u r P r e f e r r e d S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r H a s E X PA N D E D T H E I R S E R V I C E S Yo u r P r e f e r r e d S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r H a s E X PA N D E D T H E I R S E R V I C E S Your Preferred Service Provider Has EXPANDED THEIR SERVICES In This Issue June... SEE PAGES 7-10 B O O N E C O U N T Y B O O N E C O U N T Y BOONE COUNTY S E N I O R L I V I N G S E N I O R L I V I N G SENIOR LIVING A MONTHLY FOUR PAGE SECTION FOR SENIORS $5.99 SUNLAND FROZEN BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS 4 LB BAG
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 2 COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 815-544-4993 JEFF SAWALLISCH - OWNER EST. 1985 FREE ESTIMATES FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Visit Us Online At Removal & Trimming Cleanup & Stump Grinding FIREWOOD FOR SALE Delivery Available WE SERVICE ALL YOUR BLACKTOP & SEAL COATING NEEDS & Commercial Residential 815-547-5061 A s p h a l t P a v i n g Asphalt Paving • New Construction • Overlays • Tear-out/Replace C o n c r e t e Concrete Free Estimates CALL FOR SPECIALS ON A/C & FURNACES Carey Heating & Air BEAT THE HEAT Electrical & Plumbing Services Available 815-222-2316 815-319-2465 Following COVID-19 Precautions To Keep You & Your Family Safe. Dr. Brant Hulsebus Dr. Nathaniel Hays Dr. Thomas Dace Watch Our Latest Podcast on or 1877 Daimler Rd. (Across From CherryVale Mall) Rockford, IL 61112 (815) 398-3434 Open Monday - Saturday Official Chiropractor Of The Rockford IceHogs! Go Where The Pros Go! • Chiropractic & The Brain • Exercise, Chiropractic & Pain b e l v i d e r e f a m i l y y m c a . o r g 220 W. LOCUST ST., BELVIDERE l (815) 547-5307 B e l v i d e r e F a m i l y Y M C A CARE TIMES: Monday-Friday, 5:30 AM - 6:00 PM MEMBER FEE: $145/Wk Per Child • NON-MEMBER FEE: $155/Wk Per Child ACTIVITY FEE: $10 (Field Trip Days). * We are no longer adjusting the weekly fee based on the number of days attended.* DATES: Camp begins Monday, June 12th - August 18th. We are closed on July 4th, no camp that day, it will be a 4 day week.
Monday, June 12th Please register online at or call 815-547-5307. If calling or coming into the Y to register, please do so during office hours, 8:30 AM - 4 PM SUMMER CAMP 2023 Entering Kindergarten - 8th Grade NOW HIRING Certified Lifeguards IT’S NOT TOO LATE! REGISTER NOW! SPECIAL PRICING FOR DIST. 100 STUDENTS IN JUNE & JULY YMCA facilities are available for rentals. For more info. contact the Membership Services Desk at 815-547-5307. BIRTHDAY PARTY FUN (5 - 10 years of age)
birthday party & decorate for you!
Party? Phone Number: 815.547.6363 1320 N. State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Other locations: Rockford . Freeport . Mt. Morris Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC For all your mortgage needs Call David Gerber 815-222-5598 NMLS # 860835 Like us on Facebook MIKE SPOHR BUILDERS: Over 25 years experience. Pole barns, roofs, decks, siding, flooring, remodeling, general handyman services. Free estimates and fully insured. Call 815-751-6263. COMPUTER VIRUS REMOVAL and performance tuning. Top rated and local computer and laptop repair. AIDA Electronics, Poplar Grove, 815-765-0300, BOB’S MASONRY: Brick, block, stone, and stone foundation repair, chimney repair, tuck pointing, and new construction. Serving Belvidere for over 30 years. Call 815-703-6747. HARDWOOD FLOORS: We install, sand and finish old and new hardwood floors. We also install laminates. 30 years experience. Free estimates. (You have called the rest, now call the best.) Robert’s Hardwood Floors, Bob 815-547-0407 or 815-761-1679. 2004 DODGE INTREPID SXT, high miles, 1 owner, runs good, $1.200. 815978-6560.
The YMCA will assist you with your
Hosting A
Jim Turner FFA
Amelia Sanford
Maci McCoy
Marilyn Turner Nursing
Mykaela Weber
Mike Hearn Memorial Football
Yasir Aldihaimawi
Boone County Realtors
Naomi Castro
Alex Sippy
Belvidere Education Association
Reese French
Marilyn Ochoa
Olney and Jeane Witbeck
Kyle Jensen
Sonya McClain
Emma Cordray
Elianna Hudson
Garret Mickey
Ryan Jensen
Sait Culafi
Maci McCoy
Matalin Wallace
Hailey Hicks
Joseph Kallal
Savanna Sperling-Osterberg
Katherine Wardenburg
Belvidere Officers Assoc. - Larry Wirth Jr.
Matalin Wallace
Nicholas Breckenridge Memorial
Marilyn Ochoa
Bob & Marie Stehley Memorial
Takaya Jones
D. Elvin Brown
Maci McCoy
U.S. Naval Appointment
James Foster
Boone County Republican
Amber Wisely
Kathryn Wolfgram
Poplar Grove Lions Club
Brooklyn DeWall
Boone County Fire Protection District #2
Firemen’s Association Memorial
Charlie Andres
Ryan Jensen
Alana Smelter
Chloe Robinson
Zonta Club – Vanessa M. Werth
Alexandra Blair
Keara Watson
Richard Koceja - Random Acts of Kindness Memorial
Ryan Jensen
Kyle Jensen
Pheasants Forever
Kyle Lund
Jace Smuszkiewicz
Belvidere Youth Baseball
Christine Koeller
Ryan Jensen
Branden Ramey Memorial
Emma Cordray
Shelby Hansen
Branden Ramey Sports
Kaelyn Kamholtz
Mykaela Weber
Branden Ramey Legacy
Maci McCoy
Boone County Realtors
Ethan Andre
Chloe Robinson
Belvidere Lions Club
Ryan Jensen
Maci McCoy
Ethan Andre
Jacob Fillmore
Philip Poffenberger Memorial
Maci McCoy
Dianne Poffenberger Memorial Nursing
Ryan Jensen
Belvidere Bucs Booster Club
Kyle Lund
Kellie Onley
Ryan Beaudet
Kenzi Lusz
Cosmopolitan Club of Belvidere
Juan Pablo Centero
Ethan Andre
Sutton Gaines
Kyle Jensen
Blue Thunder Booster
Samantha Kohls
Spencer Kohls
Michaela Beccastro
Nicholas Winters
Chandler Wehrle
Ashton Diercks
Riley Powers
BNHS Student Council Service
Trinity Lambert
Nicole Tracz
Aiden Montes
BNHS Music Boosters
Mara Anton
Grace Bryant
Grace Grafton
Zoe Hart
Joseph Kallal
Kathryn Wolfgram
BHS Music Boosters
Ella Scimeca
Marilyn Ochoa
Boone County Arts Council
Visual Arts
Ashton Diercks
Emma Cordray
Clarence F. Gates
Emma Cordray
Michael Pack
Frederick & Agnes Simon Music
Tikaya Jones
Kathryn Wolfgram
Marie Louise Hunt
Marilyn Ochoa
Zoe Hart
Dennis Sturges Memorial
Amber Wisely
Travis Lee Hudson
Ellianna G. Hudson
Michael J. Bergman
Andrew Ward
Yasir Aldihaimawi
John P. O’Leary / Bucciferro Family
Noah Cresson
Allana Eastridge
Colton J. Gritzmacher Memorial
Ryan Jensen
Coach Gary Lewis
Trevor Addotta
Aaron Winters
Wilbur Mong
Erin Morgan
Boone County Gardeners of America
Delaney Crawford
Katherine Wardenburg
Frederick Simon Physics & Math
Sophia Leese
Cody Martin
Spencer Kohls
Brette Hall
Panhellenic Society -
Elisabeth Seegmiller
Mera Moucharrafie
Kathryn Wolfgram
Sutton Gaines
Maci McCoy
May O. Kelly
Zoey Proper
Robert L. Tripke Industrial Arts
Kyle Jensen
Preston Trush Magnuson
Emma Cordray
Janet Hack Memorial
Brette Hall
Boone County Crime Stoppers
Graciela Lebensorger
Macee Whisenand
Belvidere Federated Woman’s Club
Sophia Leese
Ethan Andre
Isabel Mullen Arts
Asthon Diercks
Rob Salley
Alexander Albano
Zoey Proper
Belvidere Rotary Club -
Walter “Bud” Schiltz
Matalin Wallace
Keagan White
Coach Gary Lewis
Nicholas Winters
Jake Ulbert
Advanced Technology Center
Roy Coombes
Joshua Brown
Adrian Villalba
Doug Dempsey
Belvidere USBC Youth Bowling
Emily Holmes
Samuel Moran
Kyle Lund
Maci McCoy
Boone Retired Teachers Association
Noah Cresson
Reese French
Allison Pfeil
Solutions Bank
Sutton Gaines
Thomas F. Schoepski
Kyle Jensen
Jerry Parsons’ Coon Creek Casters
Jace Smuszkiewicz
Katherine Wardenburg
Belvidere Tornados Cross County
Alexander Albano
Mera Moucharrafie
American Legion
Kenzi Lusz
Ericka Flores
Alexia Pecora
Bill Pigott Memorial
National Wild Turkey
Phoebe Calabrese
Calabrese Memorial
National Wild Turkey
Rayne Kerchner
Dave Graham
Emma Cordray
Ashton Diercks
Owen M. Johnson
Ethan Andre
Sutton Gaines
Marjorie Carroll Johnson
Zoe Hart
Kathryn Wolfgram
Margery L. Hinrichs Scholarship
Tikaya Jones
Lory Lopez
Jesse Moyer
Mykaela Weber
North Boone Fire District #3
Firemen’s Assoc. - “Jake” Schoepski
Charlie Andres
Wilbur & William Cummings
Memorial Educational
Emma Cordray
Ashton Diercks
Emily Fillmore
Marilyn Ochoa
Allison Pfeil
Hugh K. and Alice Iles Funderburg
Samantha Kohls
Joseph Kallal
Mantle Awards
Brock Bottcher
Delaney Molloy
McKenna McGuire
Blake Stark
Ava Mitchell
David Bertolasi
Joseph Brown
Dylan Freund
The Belvidere School District would like to thank all scholarship providers for encouraging and supporting education after graduation and to wish all recipients success after high school.
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 3
LUNA LAWN CARE provides quality service for all your mowing, cleanup and mulching needs. Local family owned and operated. Call or text 815-904-2821. We offer the best service in town. NEED PAINTING? Interior/exterior, residential/commercial. Family owned and operated. Call All About Painting, 815-975-9692. Free estimates.
No later than noon on Tuesdays, for Thursday publication. Must be paid in advance (cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). Call The Boone County Shopper at 815544-2166 or visit our website at
HAY FOR SALE: Small square bales of new hay. Call 815-985-1382. FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET if qualified. Govt. pgm for recipients of select pgms incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-758-3892
BECOME A PUBISHED AUTHOR. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit
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$50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 833-308-1971
DIRECTV STREAM - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 4 Budget Tree Services Residential & Commercial Tree Removal-Trimming-Cleanup Free Mulch (Boone County Only) (815)547-8894 24 Hr. Emergency Services (815)703-5571 Free Estimates Fully Insured Russell-Smith Insurance & Law Offices Seeking Justice for All - Protecting Your Home & Your Family FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1989 WE HAVE A WIDE RANGE OF LEGAL & INSURANCE EXPERIENCE Real Estate • Estate Planning • Probate • Wills We Protect Your Legal Rights. We Also Offer Smart Insurance Policies That Will Protect Everything That Is Important To You. Commercial & Personal Insurance LAW 815-544-0911 INSURANCE 815-544-3461 519 S. MAIN ST., BELVIDERE Cheryl Russell-Smith Brandon Smith NEW LOCATION Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIALOFFER 2545 Spring Creek Rd. • Belvidere • Call 815-858-2629 Today! C o m e H o m e To Q u a l i t y C o m e H o m e To Q u a l i t y Come Home To Quality Porches • Decks • Patios • All Season Rooms • Garages • Pole Barns Sheds • Power Washing • Flooring • Gutters • Kitchens • Bathrooms Our team has the experience to turn you dreams into reality. Over 25 Years of Experience! Our Professional Team is Fully Licensed & Insured. Beyer Builders General Contractor S A L E S • S E R V I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N S A L E S • S E R V I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N R E S I D E N T I A L C O M M E R C I A L ROSCOE GARAGE DOOR & SERVICE RGD We sell the Best and Service the Rest 815-623-8283 Lift-Master® The Professional Line Garage Door Openers We Stock Parts For Most Doors & Openers Over 25 yrs. Experience OVERHEAD DOORS C.H.I. Houses • Fences Concrete & More! 779-243-1844 Locally Owned & Operated Before Before After After Air Conditioning & Heating PROFESSIONALS Ensure An Efficient & Trouble-Free System For The Summer. PHILLIPS Heating/Air/Vent Service Belvidere 815-547-6995 Congressman Darin LaHood is appearing as a special guest & will not be soliciting any donations. Paid for by Tricia Smith for Boone County State’s Attorney. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. 5 9 6 N A p p l e t o n R d , B e l v i d e r e 596 N. Appleton Rd., Belvidere 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 0 8 0 0 815-544-0800 m r g o o d w a t e r. c o m Water Treatment From Our Family To Yours Includes Water Analysis, Brine Tank & Lime Cleaning Injector & Screen Cleaning. A Complete Resin Treatment. Resetting of Timer, Salt & Hardness Settings Must present coupon. Call for details. Exp. 6-7-23 $39.95 SOFTENER SUPER TUNE-UP & CLEAN
These events are free to the public! Bring your own chair or blanket and get ready to watch some movies in the park under the stars! Join us starting at 7:30 PM at the Baltic Mill. The movie will start at dark!
This program is designed to simulate game play while providing a positive instructional environment. The Park District will select teams and volunteer coaches are needed. Emphasis is on fun and participation. Every child will bat and play a variety of positions in the field. Each participant will receive a t-shirt and a baseball hat. A baseball glove is required and an ìIncrediballî will be used to ensure safety.
L 2 0 2 3
C o n c e r t s i n t h e P a r k Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm on the Baltic Mill stage (unless specified otherwise). Free to the public. Bring your own lawn chair or a blanket. Rain Site: Community Building at 111 W. 1st St., Belvidere, except June 24, July 23. Current CDC COVID guidelines will be followed.
June 4: Lone Canary - Baltic Mill Stage in Belvidere Park - 6:30 PM - Sponsor - Gary and Joan Ollmann
June 11: The Sensations - Baltic Mill Stage in Belvidere Park - 6:30 PM - Sponsor - Savant
Wealth Management
Dad and Me Paint
A Dad (or special person) and Me paint is a creative and fun activity designed for fathers and their children to bond over art. This offers an opportunity to engage in an activity that fosters creativity, imagination, and quality time. An artist will guide participants step-by-step through the creation of a painting. No prior painting experience is required, making this activity accessible to everyone. By the end of the event, each father and child duo will have their own masterpiece to take home.
A relaxing & inspiring activity that combines the pleasures of coffee with the joys of painting. An artist will provide step-bystep instruction.
June 18: Rockford Wind Ensemble - Baltic Mill Stage in Belvidere Park - 6:30 PM - Sponsor - Sue Flott
June 24: Dale Rhode and the Crossroads Band - Boone County Fairgrounds - 7:00 PM before Belvidere Heritage Days Fireworks - Sponsor –
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 5 BELVIDERE 8 AM-8 PM POPLAR GROVE 6 AM-10 PM COUNTRYSIDEMARKETS.COM WIC is available at both locations. Prices Good Thru 6-6-23 JIMMY DEAN REGULAR ROLLED SAUSAGE 16 OZ JJ’S FRUIT PIES ASSORTED FLAVORS HILLSHIRE FARMS SOUTHWESTERN STYLE TURKEY WRAP 8.8 OZ SIMPLOT SIMPLE GOODNESS REG. CUT GREEN BEANS 2 LBS 2/$3 LIQUOR SAILOR JERRY SPICED RUM 1.75 L GREY GOOSE VODKA 750 ML $21.99 SKOL VODKA 1.75L $11.99 $10.99 $7.99 TYSON BUFFALO STYLE HOT WINGS 4 LB BAG KENDALL JACKSON RISELING 750 ML $9.99 $9.99 DECOY SELTZERS 4 PK SUNLAND FROZEN BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS 4 LB BAG $5.99 $3.99LB PIT HAM DELI $4.49LB ECKRICH HARD OR GENOA SALAMI COUNTRY FRIED STEAK DINNER $6.99 HILLSHIRE FARMS CARVER COLLECTION RARE ROAST BEEF $6.99LB LOS CABOS EGG & CHEESE BURRITO 3.4 OZ SPARKLE PAPER TOWELS 6 ROLLS 2/$3 3/$2 3/$2 2/$5 FULLY COOKED ST. LOUIS RIBS $2.59LB JIMMY DEAN STACK PACK OR APPLEWOOD SLICED BACON 16 OZ $3.99 JIMMY DEAN SAUSAGE, EGG & CHS. BISCUIT 8 CT $6.99 ULTRA SOFT & STRONG QUILTED NORTHERN BATH TISSUE 6=24 $7.99 VIENNA SAUEKRAUT 2 LB PRAIRIE FRESH PORK LOINS OR TENDERLOIN 18-28 OZ $5.99 2/$5 BBQ BAY GRILLING CO. GRILLING SHRIMP 12 OZ $6.99 $16.99 WITH $3 OFF INSTANTLY SALE PRICE $19.99 SAVE $3.00 INSTANTLY Cage-Free Homelike Spa Experience • Aqua Massage Bath • Haircut • Personal Blow Dry • Ear Cleaning • Feet, Nail & Sanitary Trim • Natural Products Expires 7-5-23 151 S. State St., Belvidere 815.544.7666 Book online: O F F OFF $ 5 more summer programs at or call 815-547-5711 Summer Fun Starts Here! Canvas BRUSH Lil’ Swinger Introduce your child to the sport of baseball. Players will hit off a tee to ensure success. Weds.used for rain dates! Volunteer Coaches needed Code Age R/NR Fee Mo. Dates Time Day 201046-01 3-4 $50/$65 6/12-7/31 6-6:45pm MON 201046-02 3-4 $50/$65 6/13-8/1 6-6:45pm TUE T-Ball Learn to throw, catch, hit, field, run bases, & how to play with teammates. Weds. used for rain dates! Volunteer Coaches needed. Code Age R/NR Fee Mo. Dates Time Day 201066-01 5-6 $52/$67 6/12-7/31 7-8pm MON 201066-02 5-6 $52/$67 6/13-8/1 7-8pm TUE Both programs are Location: Prairie Fields Min/Max: 40/80 Register by: June 7 (TK)
Code Age R/NR Fee Mo. Date Time Day 201056-01 7-9 $55/$70 6/17-8/5 9am SAT
B a n t a m B a s e b a l l L o c a t i o n : Prairie Fields • M i n / M a x : 40/100 • R e g i s t e r b y : June 13
Min/Max: 10/40 (TK) Location: Rivers Edge Register Now Canvas & Brush Code Age R/NR Fee Mo. Date Time 203035-01 18+ $50/$65 6/10 8-10:30am
Code Age R/NR Fee Mo. Date Time 203036-02 3+ $50/$65 6/17 9-11am M i n / M a x :8/30 I n s t r u c t o r : Tracy Nogacz L o c a t i o n : Admin Lower Level (TK) The Bad Guys June 16th A R E Y O U A A R E Y O U A ARE YOU A V E T E R A N ? V E T E R A N ? VETERAN? Please come see us if you have any questions about Veterans Benefits or VA Disability Claims. Veterans Assistance Commission Of Boone County 130 S. State St., Suite 212, Belvidere, IL Email: Please Call For An Appointment 815-544-6464 & Pick Up Non-Perishable Food. Tissue Paper & Non-Perishable Donations Welcome. ARE YOU THE SURVIVING SPOUSE OR DEPENDENT OF A VETERAN OF BOONE COUNTY? YOUR AD HERE STARTING AT ONLY... $50.00 Contact The Boone County Shopper Today At 815-544-2166
BEST SATELLITE TV w/2 yr price guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels & 3 mo. free premium movie channels! Free next day install 855-824-1258. (MCN)
PAYING TOP CA$H for men’s sport watches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster, etc. Call: 866-3149742. (MCN)
SPRING HAS SPRUNG and it’s planting season again. This year Nature Hills, America’s largest online plant retailer, has an exclusive offer - French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea. Sale price just $24.60 plus s/h. Call for details and order today. Call Nature Hills Plant Nursery 1855-499-0049 or visit naturehillsdeal. com/bloom32. (MCN)
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DIRECTV SATELLITE TV Service Starting at $74.99/month! Free Installation!
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SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walkin tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available.
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FREE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet FREE with one-time $20 copay. Free shipping & handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today!
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MAKE MONEY WITH GOLD! Turn $100 into thousands. For Details send this Ad and stamp self-addressed envelope to: Kofi 2572 Wallace Ave#4G Midwest, Bronx, NY 10467. (MCN)
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 6 Minnihans Tree Service Trimming • Removal • Stump Removal 24 Hour Storm Clean-Up • Bucket Trucks Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Senior Discount 815-703-2297 Family Owned and Operated Since 2011 Comfort Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning cleaning • repairs • safety checks • 24/7 emergency service 10 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY 815-218-6271 Your Local Hometown Bryant Dealer Serving Poplar Grove and Boone County • A/C & Furnace Installation Combo $200 INSTANT DISCOUNT • Ionizers & UV Lights • Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) • Preventative Maintenance Program 10% OFF ON INSTALLS & OTHER SERVICES • Licensed Electrician • ComEd and Nicor Rebates Services We Offer: Hours of Service: Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:00pm 24/7 Emergency Service A/C Clean & Check Special GOOD THRU 6-14-23. $90 THRU 6-14-23. 0% 18 Mo. Financing On Approval $20 OFF on your next SERVICE CALL with this coupon NOT VALID FOR CLEAN & CHECK Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication in conjunction with the Association of Community Publishers and Community Papers of Michigan To learn more about Paws With A Cause how you help, just download this app and watch the story come to life! GET ZAPPAR ZAPTHECODE TO DONATE CARPETS l UPHOLSTERY l TILE CLEANERS We use environmentally safe and pet-friendly products and our prices are affordable. Our two step cleaning method provides cleaner and drier carpet. Call Stacey 815-601-2501 A CHAIR CLEANED FOR FREE Clean Couch & Loveseat & Get Expires 7-5-23. No Other Discounts Apply. Upholstery Cleaning Give New Life To Your Furniture! 880 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM 815-547-7111 WE BUY GOLD/ SILVER JEWELRY, all foreign gold/silver coins, & collectible coins, proof sets, mint sets, single coins & sterling silver. BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS WE PAY 10% MORE For Your Gold & SilverJewelry With This Ad. J&B MOWING and ServicesFully insured, free estimates. Call today to set-up mowing services,
10 “Dad Jokes” In Honor Of Father’s Day
1. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta.
2. What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1.
3. Where do pirates buy hooks? The second hand store.
4. Why did the tomato blush? It saw the salad dressing!
5. What’s blue and doesn’t weigh much? Light blue.
6. How do you make seven even? Take away the s.
7. What did one hat say to the other? Wait here, I’m going on ahead!
8. Where do you learn to make a banana split? Sundae school.
9. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up alone? Because it was two tired.
10. How do cows learn about current events? They read the moo-spaper.
Dad jokes from, enjoy the day with your family!
2023 Concerts In The Park Series
Hosted by The Boone County Arts Council - Sundays at 6:30 PM at The Baltic Mill Stage, Belvidere Park unless specified otherwise. Free to the public. Rain site: Community Building, 111 W. 1st St. except June 24th & July 2nd & 23rd.
June 4th Lone Canary Baltic Mill Stage
June 11th The Sensations Baltic Mill Stage
June 18th Rockford Wind Ensemble Baltic Mill Stage
June 24th Dale Rhode & The Boone County Fairgrounds 7 PM Crossroads Band Before Heritage Days Fireworks
July 2nd Bluegrass Reunion Band Baltic Mill Stage
July 9th Bucktooth Sugarbush Baltic Mill Stage
July 16th Universal Joint Baltic Mill Stage
July 23rd That Gurl Candlewick Lake Recreation Center
For more information visit or on Instagram & on Facebook.
Aphasia And Its Side Effects
We operate with integrity and are passionate about the services we provide as we live our core values of Love, Compassion and Dignity every day.
Fans were shocked to learn recently of the health struggles of beloved action star Bruce Willis. Willis was initially diagnosed with aphasia, a disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate. Aphasia affects speech, how people write & their comprehension of spoken & written language, according to the Mayo Clinic. For Willis, aphasia proved to be only one component of what was later diagnosed as frontotemporal dementia. Aphasia can be a byproduct of illness, like dementia or injury, or a complication of a stroke or traumatic brain injury. When blood fails to supply cells in the brain with oxygen, those cells die & can produce deficits. Aphasia also may result from conditions that disrupt how the brain works, & those conditions may be temporary, like migraines. The National Aphasia Assoc. says nearly 180,000 Americans develop aphasia each year. Families may feel that something is not right when a loved one has trouble finding words, reading or communicating effectively. There are different types of aphasia, & each kind can impact a different component of speech or understanding. Doctors may discover aphasia when they are treating patients for traumatic brain injuries or looking at images of the brain. The doctor may recommend a consultation with a speech-language pathologist, who can perform comprehensive testing. Sometimes aphasia symptoms can start to resolve on their own without treatment. Others may need help regaining the ability to communicate through various methods. These can include: Speech-language therapy; nonverbal communication therapies, such as computers or pictures; group therapy for patients & family members; simplifying language by using short, simple sentences & repeating words or phrases as needed. Aphasia affects communication but it might improve over time.
June 1, 2023 Page 7 J u n e J u n e June
SATURDAY CONCERT STR E E T PUB Belvidere IL 111 BUCHANAN ST. | BELVIDERE, IL 61008 815-547-1012 SUNDAY - TUESDAY | 11AM – 2 AM WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | 8AM – 2 AM Live Your Best Life
our community today!
we do.
314 S. State St., Belvidere • The Ideal Setting For Your Next: Contact Us At 815-544-8391 or Anniversary / Birthday Shower / Wedding Family Picnic Class Reunion & More Preserving Boone County’s Past For Our Future. We Are Always Looking For Donations Of Historical Artifacts For The Museum. Mr. Cherry Sweet Treats Ice Cream Truck FURNITURE 315 S. State St. Belvidere 815-547-6672 HOURS:Mon.-Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-4; Closed Sun. Need A Little Help Out Of Your Chair? W E H A V E W E H A V E WE HAVE L I F T L I F T LIFT C H A I R S ! C H A I R S ! CHAIRS! • Programs Recommended By Arthritis Foundation • Fitness Center With Trained Staff • Fitness Classes Free With Membership • 85 Degree Swimming Pool • Adult Lap & Open Times Throughout The Day • Discounted And Subsidized Memberships • Silver Sneakers And Silver & Fit Accepted 220 West Locust, Belvidere, IL 61008 815-547-5307 • For Youth Development • For Healthy Living • For Social Responsibility B e l v i d e r e F a m i l y Y M C A WHO NEEDS A DRIVE-THRU WHEN WE DELIVER! Delivery Available 6 Days A Week Mon. -Sat. DISPILL MEDICATION PACKAGING Prevents Your Loved One From Missing Medications O ’ B r i e n ’ s O’Brien’s P h a r m a c y Pharmacy 216 S. State St., Belvidere 815-544-3433 The UPS Store® HOME HEALTHCARE DEPT Walkers, Wheelchairs, Bath Benches & More
Schedule your visit to
Residents are at the heart of all
Great Summertime Leisure Activities
A warm breeze on a summer day embodies the spirit of this beloved season for millions of people. Seen by many as a season to relax & recharge, summer, not coincidentally, goes hand in hand with leisure. People from all walks of life can consider these summertime leisure activities.
• Relax by the water: Whether it’s a pool, lake or river, the water beckons each summer. Simply sitting on a beach or beside the river or a pool is a great way to pass the time without much stress. Visit Boone County’s waterways throughout the Boone County Conservation District and the Belvidere Park.
• Fishing: Few activities may be more relaxing than fishing. Though there are many different ways to fish, some of which require considerable physical effort, casting a line & waiting for a fish to bite is a relaxing way to spend a day in nature. That might not seem like much to novices, but spending time in nature has been found to reduce stress & lower heart rates, which the U.S. Forest Service notes are both risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The Boone County Conservation District even offers a fishing pole lending program. Visit for more information.
• Read: Books make for great companions on warm summer afternoons. Reading is such a popular summer pastime that many bookstores set up displays featuring books that make for great beach reads, providing inspiration for individuals who aren’t sure which book or books to dive into this summer. And much like other summertime leisure activities, reading has been linked to reducing stress. A 2009 study from researchers at the University of Sussex in England found that reading can reduce stress by as much as 68 percent. Visit the Ida Public Library for two floors of books and periodicals, at 320 N. State St., Belvidere. The library is open MondayThursday, 10 AM - 8 PM, Friday & Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM; and closed on Sundays.
• Visit a museum: On summer afternoons when it’s raining or too hot outside or individuals simply want to spend some time indoors, a museum makes for the perfect place to visit. Museums do not typically draw crowds in summer, making this an ideal season to visit. Plan a visit to the Boone County Museum of History at 314 S. State Street, Belvidere. They are open Wednesday - Friday, 10 AM - 4 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM, closed on Sundays, Mondays & Tuesdays. Consider becoming a member, they offer a Senior Membership for individuals 55 & over for just $20 per year for a single senior. The Grandpass Membership is for Grandparents who would like to visit the museum with grandchildren. This membership covers a set of grandparents & grandchildren and is priced at $35 per year.
Summer is a season of leisure, & there are many activities that align with that spirit of relaxation.
Summer Safety Tips
Summer is synonymous with relaxation and fun in the sun. The easygoing nature of summer can make it easy to overlook safety concerns that run the gamut from heat-related illnesses to bug bites to water play injuries. Though no one wants to rain on their own summer parade, keeping these safety tips in mind can ensure the coming months are as safe as they are fun.
• Safeguard against the threat of heat-related illnesses. Sizzling summer days pose a significant threat if the proper measures aren’t taken to avoid heat-related illnesses. According to the National Safety Council, heat exhaustion, which occurs when the body loses excessive water & salt, & heat stroke, which the CDC notes is marked by the body’s inability to control its temperature, can escalate rapidly. The NSC identifies people who are 65 & older, people who are ill, and people who are overweight as those most at risk of heat-related illnesses. Such illnesses are entirely preventable, & the CDC recommends remaining indoors in air conditioned rooms, drinking plenty of fluids but avoiding alcohol, wearing loose & lightweight clothing as well as a hat, & replacing salt lost from sweating by drinking fruit juice or sports drinks.
• Apply sunscreen. Long days in the summer sun may be a great way to relax, but it’s imperative that individuals apply sunscreen before going outside & then reapply it throughout the day as necessary. Sunburn is not only unpleasant, it also increases a person’s risk for skin cancer & affects the body’s ability to cool itself, which can increase the risk for heat stroke.
• Protect against mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are more than a mere nuisance. Mosquitoes can carry an assortment of viruses, including Zika virus & West Nile virus. And though such viruses are often thought of as a problem for people in faraway lands, the NSC notes that the Aedes mosquito, which is a known transmitter of the Zika virus, has appeared in various regions of the globe, including the continental U.S. & popular vacation destinations like Mexico. The NSC recommends that everyone apply mosquito repellant before going outside & continue to do so as necessary throughout the day.
• Exercise caution around water. The CDC reports that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death for children between the ages of one & four. Though children might be most vulnerable to water-related accidents & death, adults also must exercise caution when around the water. The NSC recommends individuals avoid the water, be it in a lake, river, ocean, or pool, unless they know how to swim. Individuals also should never swim alone & only swim in areas supervised by a lifeguard. Adults also should avoid alcohol when swimming. Summer is a season to relax, but it’s also a season when safety should be a top priority for people of all ages.
June 1, 2023 Page 8 SHADLEY APARTMENTS 1151 NETTIE STREET, BELVIDERE • MANAGED BY LUDWIG AND COMPANY • apartments in Belvidere are specially designed for seniors and people with disabilities. Shadley Apartments is customized to facilitate independent living in a fully equipped apartment among friends and neighbors who share similar interests. fax: (815) 544-9568 Please contact Colisha Williams (815) 547-5255 Property Manager for private showing. SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING These conveniently located and newly rehabbed, one bedroom 1121 N. Main, Belvidere • 815-547-7642 B E L V I D E R E C E M E T E R Y A S S O C I A T I O N “Established 1847” Frank Lloyd Wright Pettit Memorial Chapel On Cemetery Grounds • Memorial Markers • Affordable Prices • Park-like Setting • Pre-Burial Arrangements • Cremation Burials • Columbarium Niches 4452 Squaw Prairie Road, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.547.6377 • fax: 815.547.3857 2250 Pearl Street, Belvidere, IL 61008 tel: 815.544.0358 • fax: 815.544.5006 Rehabilitation Services
rehab services extend far beyond the physical - it is about serving every aspect of an individual with care, kindness & respect. Our goal is to provide the necessary approach to facilitate a complete return to health & successful return to home. Serving Boone County Over 50 Years! Serving Boone County Over 50 Years!
In Short &
Care Quality Healthcare Provided By A Professional Staff In addition to the highest quality care, we also strive to maintain the highest quality of life. For A Private Tour Call Our Admissions Department Today M a p l e C r e s t M a p l e C r e s t MapleCrest N o r t h w o o d s N o r t h w o o d s Northwoods Boone County Council On Aging 2141 Henry Luckow Lane, Belvidere • 815-544-9893 GENERAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IN-HOME NON-MEDICAL CARE Keen Age Center Senior Activity Center TOGETHER WE ARE GOLDEN Serving Boone County Since 1973 50th Anniversary You and your family are our top priority. As the region’s first hospice provider, no one has more experience putting you first. First in Caring Call us at 815.398.0500 to discuss the best care options for you or your loved one. © Northern Illinois Hospice 2022
Long Term
5 Fruits & Vegetable Associated With Reducing Cancer Risk
The prevalence of cancer is widely known and that threat could be more significant in the immediate future. Estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer indicate that the global population boom & the growth of the world’s aging population could result in more than 16 million cancer deaths each year by 2040. The statistics surrounding global incidence rates for cancer are startling, which can give the impression that cancer is an inevitability for hundreds of millions of people across the globe. However, there’s much individuals can do to reduce their cancer risk.
According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, a healthy diet can help reduce cancer risk. A diet that focuses on plants & emphasizes healthy choices may not eliminate the threat of cancer, but it can be an integral component of a preventive health care regimen. With that in mind, the following are five fruits & vegetables associated with reducing cancer risk, courtesy of the MDACC.
1. Berries: Berries contain antioxidants, which protect the body from cell damage that can contribute to various cancers, including skin cancer, lung cancer & breast cancer, among others. Blueberries, raspberries & strawberries make wonderful additions to anyone’s diet.
2. Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, & brussel sprouts, among others. The MDACC notes that studies have indicated that special plant compounds in cruciferous vegetables may protect the body from stomach cancer & cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, & esophagus.
3. Garlic: The experts at Mount Sinai note that garlic is often linked with reduced risk for heart disease, notably the prevention of atherosclerosis, which affects the arteries through the deposition of plaques of fatty acids along the arterial walls. However, antioxidant-rich garlic also helps the body fight off harmful free radicals that can contribute to cancer.
4. Spinach: The CDC notes that colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the U.S. Studies have found that spinach inhibits the growth of colon polyps that can develop into colorectal cancer.
5. Tomatoes: Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their bright red color. According to the National Cancer Institute, human studies have produced inconsistent results, but various in vitro & animal studies have indicated lycopene may have chemopreventive effects for cancers of the prostate, skin, breast, lung, & liver. Eating these five fruits & vegetables is not the only way to use diet in the fight against cancer. Individuals are urged to speak with their physicians to learn about the many ways to utilize food in cancer prevention.
Cucumber Strawberry Salsa
1 cup fresh strawberries, diced
1 cup fresh cucumber, diced
cup red onion, finely diced
- 1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped (remove seeds for less heat)
1. Wash hands with soap & water. Gently rub produce under cool running water.
2. Combine strawberries, cucumber, onion, pepper, and mint in a bowl. Toss with lime juice
3. Add salt & pepper and stir. Served with baked whole-grain chips or crackers.
Fun Facts About The Month Of June
June marks the official start of summer in the northern hemisphere, & it’s the month when summer vacation begins. Those two things make the month of June especially popular in many households. But June is about more than summer. The following are five fun facts about the beloved month of June that anyone can use as a great ice breaker at backyard barbecues this summer.
1. June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of childbirth & fertility.
2. The day with the potentially longest hours of sunlight of any day all year is in June. When the sun is out on the summer solstice, which marks the official start of summer & in 2023 is celebrated on Wednesday, June 21, people in the northern hemisphere can anticipate more hours of sunlight than any other day during the year.
3. According to the American Gem Society, June is one of only two months that is associated with three birthstones: alexandrite, moonstone & pearl. Pearls are especially unique among gemstones, as they are the only ones made by living creatures.
4. In both common & leap years, no other month begins on the same day of the week as June.
5. New York Yankee Lou Gehrig began his streak of playing in 2,130 consecutive games on June 1, 1925. The streak ended on April 20, 1939. Gehrig held the record for consecutive games played until Baltimore Orioles legend Cal Ripken, Jr., surpassed the man known as “The Iron Horse” on September 6, 1995.
Page 9
A MONTHLY FOUR PAGE SECTION FOR SENIORS C u c u m b e r S t r a w b e r r y S a l s a C u c u m b e r S t r a w b e r r y S a l s a
Recipe Provided By The U of I Extension Office
& chopped 1 T.
juice 1/4 t. salt 1/8 t.
pepper T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e T h i s M o n t h ’ s H e a l t h y R e c i p e
Recipe Nutrition Facts Per Serving (18 Servings) Calories 5 Total Fat 0 g Sodium 35 mg Carbohydrates 1 g Fiber 0 g Protein 0 g 880 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere • Mon.-Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM 815-547-7111
your unwanted gold
jewelry, coins & silverware FOR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. Bring in your antique and/or used jewelry,
jewelry for an offer. BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS WE PAY 10% MORE For Your Gold & SilverJewelry With This Ad. • All-On-4 Implants • Dental Implants • Implant Support Dentures • Bone Grafting • Cosmetic Dentistry • General Dentistry • Sleep Dentistry 530 S. State St., Belvidere, IL 61008 815-544-5144 CHAPKOANDSHAH.COM 2nd Opinions & Complimentary Consultations We’ve Moved! We Can Help You Say It Better! (815) 544-2800 227 Logan Ave., Belvidere DAILY DELIVERIES MON.-FRI. 8:30 AM - 5 PM • SAT. 8 AM - 2 PM Etc. GORGEOUS FRESH ARRANGEMENTS GREEN & BLOOMING PLANTS UNIQUE SEASONAL GIFTWARE FUNERALS • WEDDING QUINCEAÑERAS FANNIE MAY • GNOMES we need blood... like a walker needs tennis balls! Call 815.965.8751 or visit
fresh mint, rinsed
ground black
This Month’s Healthy
We want to buy
& silver,
gold, silverware & estate
Jack Wolf Memorial Golf Outing
Article From: Kelly Hillan, Exec. Director of The Keen Age Center
More than 80 golfers enjoyed a round of golf hosted by Timber Pointe as part of the Jack Wolf Memorial Golf Outing on May 19, 2023. Kunes Auto Group of Belvidere served as the event partner, with funds raised from the event supporting the Boone County Council on Aging at Keen Age Center. Many thanks go to the Center’s fundraising committee lead by Amy Gallano & including Kay Davis, Dale Kaiser, Naomi Schultz, Maria Gonzalez, Deb Yunk, Alisa Patterson & Steve Kling. The community very generously supported the event, & their sponsorship is greatly appreciated!
Gold Sponsors
Don Banks
Edwards Orchard
Franklin Display Group
Gallano Trucking
Heritage Woods
Northern Directional Drilling Ron Wait UW Health
Silver Sponsors
Blackhawk Bank
Lineage Logistics
Mobil Quick Stop
Ollmann Ernest Martin Architects
Positive Results Property Management
R & D Theil
State Farm - Lisa Turbyville
Bronze Sponsors Area Services
Firebox / Sips & Sprinkles First National Bank of Omaha Gallano Farms
Magna Exteriors
Tobin, Ramon & Barber
XXIO Dunlop Sports US
Other Contributors - Berg Industries, Blain’s Farm & Fleet, Boone County Community Foundation, Central Grain, Certified Consulting Services, Cherry Valley Feed, Concordia Lanes, Country Financial - Dave Mace, Culvers of Belvidere, Dave Severson, Edward Jones - Eric Dahl, Jimmy John’s, Mr. Goodwater, Ned’s, Salamone’s, Smokin’ Coop, Title Underwriters, Tony & Kellie McIntire,Walmart, Wild Cherries
Simple Ways To Maintain Memory As You Age
Adults confront various age-related side effects as they transition from middle age to their golden years. Skin may begin to wrinkle & hair may turn gray, but those are just the visible side effects of aging. Many additional effects are unseen, but those changes can have a profound effect on adults’ quality of life.
According to the Mayo Clinic, various parts of the body are affected by aging. For example, the cardiovascular system changes as people grow older. Blood vessels & arteries stiffen as adults age, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood through them. Though many changes are linked to aging, other changes commonly associated with aging, such as a decline in memory, reasoning & other thinking skills, are not natural. The Alzheimer’s Association® notes that dementia is not a normal part of aging. There are many different types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, & these are the result of damage to brain cells that affect a person’s ability to communicate. That damage is not inevitable, even if it’s commonly associated with aging.
The Harvard Medical School notes that fleeting memory problems experienced with aging often reflect normal changes in the structure & function of the brain. But it’s important that those changes not be mistaken for dementia, & it’s equally important that adults recognize there are many ways they can protect & sharpen their minds as they age.
• Continue learning. HMS notes that a higher level of education is associated with improved mental functioning in old age. The reasons for that are unknown, but experts theorize that advanced education compels people to remain mentally active, which in turn helps them maintain a strong memory. Even aging men & women who are still working in challenging fields can benefit from pursuing a new hobby or learning a new skill.
• Use the tools at your disposal. It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that organizational tools like planners, maps & lists can help people maintain their memories. However, HMS notes that expending mental energy on finding car keys or trying to remember what to buy at the store makes it harder to learn new & important things.
• Let all your senses play a role. HMS reports that the more senses a person uses to learn something, the more his or her brain is involved in retaining a memory. HMS cites one study in which adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images that were each presented along with a smell. Participants were not asked to recall what they saw, but were later shown a set of images & asked to indicate which they had previously seen. The participants had excellent recall for the odor-paired images, & researchers believe that’s because additional parts of the brain were activated when participants were asked to use more than one sense.
Memory loss is not an inevitable side effect of aging, especially for adults who take steps to maintain their memories as they age.
June 1, 2023 Page 10
8094 Fairgrounds Rd., Belvidere, IL Open Daily 7-5; Sat. 7-Noon R. J. Daniels Fuel & Tire • Brakes & Suspension • Wheel Alignment • Shocks & Struts • Air Conditioning 815-544-2118 We Carry Complete Service Of Cars & Light Trucks • New Tires • Roadside Tire Service • Small Engine Sales & Service See Our “Pros” For Free Consultation • Wills • Trusts • Probate • Real Estate 815-544-3165 Suite 307, 600 S. State, Belvidere John H. Maville Attorney At Law Our goal is to maximize quality of life, so you can enjoy time with those who mean the most to you. Medicare Supplement Premiums Going Up, Up, Up?! YVONNE “Chevy” Call Me,There is Never A Charge For My Services. You don’t have to wait until fall to fix it! Let’s see if we can find you the same coverage at a BETTER RATE. Yvonne “Chevy” Peterson 815-414-9044 Contracted With: Aetna • AARP • Blue Cross/Blue Shield • Cigna • Humana • Mutual of Omaha • Silverscript • United Healthcare • Quartz • Wellcare & More!
Get Everyone Talking About Your
Ads Start At Just $9.25
Receive a FREE garage sale sign with your ad. Line ad deadline is Noon on Tuesday (11 AM if placed online). Ads may be placed in person, over the phone or online at
112 Leonard Ct., Belvidere, IL 815-544-2166
men’s &
New bike; baseball gear, new catchers gear; volleyball gear; English & Western riding clothes; gaming chair; basketball hoop; push mower; gas dryer; rototiller; shoes; home decor; & more. 4223 Glenhaven Dr. Thursday 9 AM-7 PM, Friday 9 AM-5 PM.
GARAGE SALE: 673 Clarksen Drive, Belvidere. Friday, June 2-3 8 AM-4 PM. Boys clothes, 3T-5, Gap, Nike, Under Armor; BOB stroller; double stroller; Radio Flyer wagon; Toys, Little Tikes bounce house, picnic table; Step2 kitchen set; Melissa Doug train table & set; grocery store; skeeball; scooters; Powerwheel; Paw Patrol; Power Rangers; books; games; puzzles.
HUGE GARAGE SALE: 308 Oak St., Poplar Grove. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 AM-5 PM. Antiques; collectibles; furniture; power tools; golf clubs; white board shelving & hardware; books; office stuff; kitchen stuff; craft items; Boyd Bears; Beanie Babies & much more. More added daily.
HUGE SALE MULTI-FAMILY: 1465 Ipsen Road, Belvidere. Thursday and Friday 9 AM-5 PM, Saturday 9 AM-? Hand and power tools; household; toys; clothes; Cub Cadet rider; snowblower; patio fire pit; Hot Wheels; Stihl chainsaw; 2 Schwinn bikes. No early birds!
GARAGE SALE: 101A West Edson St., Poplar Grove. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 AM-4 PM. Couch; office chair; rocking chair; ladies bicycle; Christmas trees; women’s small clothes; lamps & much more.
GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday 8 AM-2 PM. 1353 East Avenue. Newborn 3T, mostly boys but some girls clothing; strollers; 4 in 1 crib; changing table; toddler bed with mattress; lots of miscellaneous.
VILLAGE OF CALEDONIA Multiple Sales: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9 AM-4 PM. Large variety of items and crafts. See marketplace ad. Multiple families. Location reference 2311 Randolph Street.
MOVING SALE - 9821 Prairie Lane, Belvidere. Tools; fishing and hunting; household; antiques; toys; books. June 1st, 2nd, 3rd 8 AM-?
STUBBEN EDELWEISS JUNIOR saddle, leather stirrups, girth, cover, $600. Simco Western saddle, $200. Please call or text 815-601-3950. HUSKY PUPS, AKC, 8 weeks. 815543-8144.
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 11 DIXON AUTO SALES 1348 Fairgrounds Rd., Belvidere 815-975-9546 • $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 16,995 ONLY ‘19 FORD EDGE SE One Owner, 84,546 Miles, Back Up Camera, Aluminum Wheels Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! • Replace • Repair • Clean • Screen Al’s Gutter Service 779-888-0388 Owner Installed - Insured 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE ASK ABOUT OUR MILITARY & SENIOR DISCOUNTS • Walls • Flat Work • Colored + Stamped • Skid Loader Work 8 1 5 - 8 8 5 - 3 2 5 5 o r 8 1 5 - 3 7 8 - 7 7 1 5 8 1 5 - 8 8 5 - 3 2 5 5 o r 8 1 5 - 3 7 8 - 7 7 1 5 CALL NOW FORSAVINGS!SUMMER FREE ESTIMATES & FULLY INSURED B & K C O N C R E T E CONCRETE B & K C O N C R E T E B K CONCRETE bandkconcrete com bandkconcrete com F o r Q u a l i t y Wo r k C a l l B o b K a h l e r F o r Q u a l i t y Wo r k C a l l B o b K a h l e r For Quality Work Call Bob Kahler 5027 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 815-965-9454 M-F 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM • Medicare & Most Insurance ACCEPTED Locally Owned & Operated Since 1988 2020 Sutler Ave. Beloit, WI 608-313-0800 Curbside Pick Up Available •BATH SAFETY •HOSPITAL BEDS •BREAST PUMPS •SLEEP THERAPY •HOME OXYGEN •POWER CHAIRS •WHEELCHAIRS •WALKERS •SCOOTERS •RAMPS •STAIR LIFTS Into our Care and Forever In your Heart 815-544-2616 A Pet Crematory Facility Extraordinary compassion and personalized service for your beloved family member NEW RV/Boat Parking SPACE AVAILABLE! • Security Cameras • LED Lighting C A L L N O W C A L L N O W CALL NOW 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 5 8 0 0 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 5 8 0 0 815-544-5800 2252 Anderson Dr., Belvidere NJETree Service & Landscaping, Inc. 15% OFF Jobs Over $800 Some Restrictions Apply. TREE REMOVAL • PLANTING TRIMMING 70’ AIR LIFT BUCKET Fully Insured ~ Free Estimates 708-603-9141
OAK BLUFF SUBDIVISION Annual Garage Sales: Corner of Grange Hall & Marengo Roads. June 8th & 9th 8 AM-4 PM & 10th 8 AM-? Look for pink signs!!!! GARAGE/ESTATE SALE: Marengo, 525 E. Van Buren. June 1-3 8 AM-4 PM. Antiques, miscellaneous. GARAGE SALE: Adult name brand very
clothes. Great
In The
for high
Sizes small thru plus
WE BUY UGLY homes! J.D. Properties, 815-721-7583.
FOR RENT: 1413 Maryland Ct., Belvidere, 3 bedroom duplex, bath & a half, separate basement with washer/dryer hookup, stove & refrigerator furnished. No pets, non-smoking. $1,100 per month plus deposit. 815-547-3357. BELVIDERE, 100X150 BUILDABLE lot, $49,999. 355 Biester Drive. Text 815-979-4591.
Visit to view auction listings for our participating auctioneers. Auction listings are updated weekly.
LINDENWOOD APARTMENTS: Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath, central air, dishwasher, clean, quiet building. Call 815-547-5732.
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49W105 Ellithorpe Rd., Hampshire, IL 60140. Directions: South of Burlington, IL 3 miles on Peplow Rd., to Ellithorpe Rd., then West 1 mile to sale site. Watch for signs.
Saturday June 10, 2023
9:00 AM Lunch Available
Truck - Classic Cars – Tractors – Gas Engines
2016 Ford F150, XLT, 4x4, EcoBoost, single cab, long box, 16,750 miles; 1935 Ford Deluxe Convertible, w/rumble seat; 1917 Ford Model T, Touring edition; Massey Harris 50 Tractor, WF, 3 pt., pto, S/N: 510485; Ford 8N Tractor, w/pto belt pulley; Fordson Tractor on steel, hand crank, gas, belt pulley; Fordson Tractor on rubber, gas, non-running; IHC Cub, WF, w/Woods 59 belly mower, S/N 92396; Farmall F12, non-running; IH 3200 Series A Skid Steer, gas, hyd.; 1975 Jeep CJ5, gas, 4x4, 4 sp., showing 19,553 miles w/Western snow plow; Gas Engines: JD w/JD Mag & cart; IH LA w/ McCormick Deering cart; IH LB w/IH Mag & cart; Fairbanks Morse & cart; McCormick Deering & cart; Lindsay Alamo Type A & cart; Hercules complete engine & cart; Sattiey Type L, IH Mag & McCormick Deering cart; Gas engine carts & parts.
Equipment- Antiques – Collectibles – Misc. Woods Mow’n Machine 6180, zero turn mower, 925 hrs., 48” deck; Cub Cadet HDS 2135 mower, 42” deck; EZ GO gas golf cart; IHC 2 bottom plow, pull type; McCormick sickle mower, H.D.; steel wheel planter H.D.; 2 bottom plow steel wheels Ford 3 pt. blade, 6’ potato plow & others; wood wagon, w/wood wheels, buck board seat, H.D.; Montgomery Wards 24” snow blower; Trail Blazer sickle bar mower; Stihl Woodboss 024 AV chain saw; Cub Cadet log splitter; Troy Bilt rototiller; E-Z Vac pull type; H.D. buggy; H.D. sleigh; upright visible gas pump w/Kool Motor globe; GB upright visible gas pump; Maytag wringer washer w/ Maytag motor; wood barrel washing machine w/Anchor wringer; Thor washing machine w/Lellered wringer; JD No. 1B hand corn sheller; AC spark plug tester; Mobil gas glass globe; oil & farm signs; Standard Oil jars w/carrier; Deering cast iron seat & others; Windmill fans & other related items; Challenge windmill, Batavia w/stand; small wooden front porch windmill; concrete lawn jockey; misc. concrete lawn ornaments; wood carved Indian bust; 15 gal Blue Ribbon crock; several wooden wagon wheels; (2) galvanized barn cupolas w/fans; Elk mounted antlers; milk cans; cye w/ cradle; oxen yolk; slag glass sash; wood adverting boxes; milk cans; oil cans; forge; 200 gal upright air compressor; Larin EH-2FB 2 ton foldable engine hoist; 3 ton floor jack; anvil; Craftsman & Remline rolling toolboxes; Acetylene torch & cart; power tools; hand tools. This is a partial listing –more barn finds to be discovered.
Edward Keller Trust – Owner
JUNE 4TH from 1-3 PM REAL ESTATE TERMS: $10,000 down day of sale (nonrefundable) by cashiers check or check w/bank letter of guarantee. Sold in “AS IS” condition. Closing in 30 days or less. Title policy to be furnished at closing. No warranties implied or expressed. Lee Auction service is NOT responsible for accidents. Sale is subject to owner’s approval. No buyer’s premium on real estate.
*Auctioneer’s Note: Truck, cars, tractors & gas engines sold at 12 PM* Terms: Cash, check, Visa/MC, 4% convenience fee for credit card use. No Buyer’s Premium. Number system will be used. Have proper ID. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. Statements made on sale day by auctioneers or owners take precedence over all printed matter. All items are sold as is where is.
Auctioneers: Mike Espe (630) 669-2667
Chris Wegener (815) 451-2820
Joel Prestegaard (815) 761-7426 Elburn, IL 60119 630.365.9838
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 12 B O O N E C O U N T Y A U T O B O D Y, I N C . BOONE COUNTY AUTO BODY, INC. Complete Collision Repair E D & S H A N E F I T C H • S H A N N O N S I C K L E R ED SHANE FITCH • SHANNON SICKLER 8 1 5 - 5 4 7 - 7 5 7 5 815-547-7575 5 1 6 W H I T N E Y B L V D , B E L V I D E R E 516 WHITNEY BLVD., BELVIDERE Local, personal, & available to meet in person! 930 W. Locust St., Belvidere (815) 547-3369 We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. Attorney Henry Repay We Should Have Used A Real Estate Attorney Before We Bought Our House... 402 Buchanan St., Belvidere • Free Estimates On Installation • All Makes & Models • Certified • Fully Insured TM Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. TM “LocallyOwned&OperatedSince1964” 8 1 5 - 5 4 4 - 4 2 4 7 24 Hour Emergency Service 7 Days A Week! QUALITY BUILT POST FRAME BUILDINGS • Commercial • Agricultural • Horse Barns • Storage • Shops HELP WANTED: Experienced builders. Call 815-624-7902. • Neurotoxins (Jeuveau & Botox) • Fillers • SkinPen Microneedling • VI Chemical Peels • Dermaplaning • IV Hydration • Kybella • Skincare Lines: Environ, SkinBetter & VI Derm 6660 Newburg Rd., Rockford • Father’s Day Golf Giveaway Win 4 18-Hole & Cart Passes To Ingersoll, Sandy Hollow or Sinnissippi Golf Courses Go to our Facebook or Instagram Pages to Enter. No Purchase Necesary. Drawing to be Held 6-10-23. 815-581-5551 LEE AUCTION SERVICE Belvidere, IL, 61008 Cell: 815-988-0249 A U C T I O N E E R : Lyle Lee, IL State Lic. #440.000200 & WI #2863-52 C L E R K S & C A S H I E R S : Lee Auction Service Visit our website at for terms & check out Auction Look or AuctionZip for pictures & more info. SAVE THE DATE REAL ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 1ST, 2023 TO BE SOLD AT 11 AM SHARP! LOCATION: 317 Springfield Ave., So. Beloit, IL 61080. 3 Bdrm, 1 bath home, 2 story frame, 1,000 sq. ft. of living area. LR, DR, kitchen & 3 season enclosed back porch. Washer & dryer hookups. Vinyl sided, freshly painted & new carpeting. 1-1/2 car unattached garage w/attached workshop. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY,
DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/31/24. 1-866-479-1516
ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936
J&L TREE REMOVAL: Trimming, brush removal, stump grinding. Free estimates, fully insured. Cheapest rates around. 815-281-2351, 815-281-2352.
& Military Discounts available. 855-761-1725
GARAGE SALE: 9589 Henninger Drive. Friday and Saturday 9 AM-4 PM, Sunday 1-4 PM. Lots of quilting fabric, most $3 a yard; Featherweight machine, case, table; 30 finished quilts.
HUGE SALE! Many, many tools; camping; household items; clothes (men’s, women’s and boys newborn-XXL); 18-20 baskets; holiday decor; toys; candles; gardening items. So, so much more! 8690 U.S. Highway 20, Garden Prairie. Thursday-Sunday 9 AM-5 PM this weekend and also next weekend. June 1st-4th and June 8th-11th.
HUGE GARAGE SALE: 11464 Prestwick Road, Belvidere, IL. Friday and Saturday, June 2nd and 3rd, 9 AM-4 PM. 35 years of household; antiques; books; furniture; automotive; collectibles; tools; dishware; toys; and many more.
NEIGHBORHOOD SALES: Summerfield Drive and Springbrook Road near Woodman’s. June 1st-3rd 8 AM-4 PM. Furniture; clothing; model trains; power washer; snow blower; twin XL bed with mattress and frame; playpen with changing table; housewares. Other sales nearby.
COCOA MULCH SALE: Boone County Gardeners of America. Saturdays, April 29th- June 3rd 8AM-12PM. Boone County Fairgrounds. After those dates call 815-621-6018.
DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398
WIN BIG at Logan Avenue Slot Lounge, 6543 Joan Drive, Belvidere. Monday-Thursday 8AM12AM, Friday and Saturday 8AM2AM and Sunday 11AM-12AM.
ARE YOU A PET OWNER? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual In-surance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1844-774-0206 to get a free quote or visit
INFLATION IS AT 40 YR. HIGHS. Interest rates are way up. Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Do you have $10k or more in debt? Call National Debt Relief to find out how to pay off your debt for significantly less than what you owe! Free quote: 1-877-592-3616
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 13 Join us in celebrating Edward Buhl’s 95th BIRTHDAY Saturday, June 10th Open House 1-3 PM Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 1045 Belvidere Rd., Belvidere No gifts please BELVIDERE MOOSE LODGE #295 BELVIDERE MOOSE LODGE #295 575 Beloit Road, Belvidere • 815-544-9279 Friday, June 2nd, 7-10 PM Dale Rhode & The Crossroads Band Country & Bluegrass $10 For Members • $12 For Qualified Guests Baked or Fried Cod, Shrimp or Combo; Choice of Potato & Coleslaw BURGERS ALSO AVAILABLE Members & Qualified Guests OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 5:30-7:30 PM $12 & Women of the Moose Bake Sale! BELVIDERE LIONS CLUB DUCK DERBY RACE ON THE KISHWAUKEE RIVER SATURDAY JUNE 24 DURING HERITAGE DAYS DUCKS SWIM AT 1:30 PM STARTING POINT IS MAIN ST. BRIDGE ENDING AT STATE ST. Ducks Can Be Adopted At or Belvidere Lions Facebook Page Proceeds go to the Inclusive Playground Complex Adopt A DUCK Single Duck $5 Duck Family (6 Ducks) $25 Duck Flock (12 Ducks) $50 Duck Pack (24 Ducks) $100 PRIZES 1st Place - $100 2nd Place - $50 3rd Place - $25 Need not be present to win. How Will The Ducks Be Released? Dump Truck? Front Loader? LANE’S FARM MARKET OPEN DAILY Mon.-Sat. 9AM-6PM, Sun. 9AM-5PM OPEN DAILY Mon.-Sat. 9AM-6PM, Sun. 9AM-5PM Full Line & New Products of Amish Jams, Jellies, Pie Fillings, Corn Salsa, Hot & Sweet Salsas, Mushrooms Healthy Salad Dressings & Much More! 100’S & 100’S Of Tropical Plants Have Arrived!! Yes!!! They Are! Come See For Yourself! Has 1000’S Of Extra Large Beautiful Hanging Baskets Great For Decks & Poolside The Biggest Selection Of Tomato Plants In The Area Over 3,500 4” accent plants, geraniums, vines, much more. Perfect for your patio, pool side, cemetery. We can fill your imagination! Chin Dripping, Sweet & Juicy Peaches Extra Large Red Ripe Kentucky Tomatoes Taste Like Homegrown Bursting with brilliant colors! We Accept Checks & Cash Only Just across the border of Boone County, Located at the Rockford Speedway on 173 Metal Yard Art: Giraffes (5 ft. tall), Zebras, Rhinos, Donkeys, Parrots and more!!! The Ark Of Animals HAVE ARRIVED!! Red Ripe Watermelons, Muskmelons, Sweet Corn And Much More!! 24/7 24/7 YOU HAVE ACCESS TO BOONE COUNTY SPECIAL EVENTS AT OR An Independently Owned Franchise • Auto • Home • Life Seguros de Auto y Hogar Broker: Jorge Valdez 6542 Joan Drive Belvidere, IL 61008 Se Habla Español 779-552-8421 BOONE COUNTY SAFE! 815-547-7867 We Need Your Help To Keep...
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior
Thursday - $7 Spaghetti & Meatballs
Friday - $20 Grilled Steak Night
Sat/Sun - $3 Maxwell St. Polish & Fries
Monday - $4 Burgers
Tues. - $6 Taco Plate
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STROKE & CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-742-7290. (MCN)
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 14 Thank you for supporting your local Veterans! VFW Post 1461 815-544-2014 • 1310 W. Lincoln Ave., Belvidere PLAY
COD DINNER Friday, June 9th, 4:30-6:30 PM $8.00/pp includes sides & dessert THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 4TH WE OFFER TO GO MEALS Must Be 18 To Play MONDAY LUNCH $5 JUNE 5th, 11 AM - 2 PM BLT LUNCH ALL ADVERTISED EVENTS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Card Sales End 12:15 PM Bingo Starts 12:30 PM GAME NIGHT Saturday, June 10th TRIVIA NIGHT Wednesday, June 21st Both @ 6:30 In Lounge EVERY WEDNESDAY 5:00 - 7:00 PM IN THE PAVILION BURGERS, BRATS & HOT DOGS $3 Make It A Meal For Addtl. $2 GOLF OUTING MONDAY, JUNE 26TH AT SWANHILLS GOLF COURSE Register by June 19th We are pleased to thank all of our sponsors this season: Blackhawk Bank; Byron Bank; Candlewick Lake Association; Sue Flott; Gary & Joan Ollmann; Savant Wealth Management; Solutions Bank; and UW Health. We would also like to thank the Belvidere Park District & the Community Building Complex Committee of Boone County. The programs of the BCAC are
Visit us at,
Instagram & Facebook
for information CONCERTS IN THE PARK Sunday, June 4th B o o n e C o u n t y A r t s C o u n c i l P r e s e n t s T h e 2 0 2 3 Next Weeks Concert: The Sensations Lone Canary Sponsored By: Gary & Joan Ollmann
evening at 6:30 PM at Baltic Mill Stage in Belvidere Park FREE To The Public Bring your own lawn chair or blanket. Current CDC COVID guidelines will be followed. BREAKFAST This Sunday, June 4th, 8-11 AM ALL YOU CAN EAT 815-547-7216 • 900 Chrysler Dr., Belvidere Eggs (how you want them), Pancakes, French Toast, Biscuits & Gravy, Ham, Sausage, Bacon, Omelets, Potatoes, Eggs Benedict, Toast, Coffee, Juice & Milk AMERICAN LEGION Adults $8 •Children 5-12 $5 • Under 5 Free IN HOUSE ONLY FISH FRY FRIDAYS! PUBLIC WELCOME! SERVING 4:30-7 PM OR UNTIL SOLD OUT Join Us For These Events! June 2nd Potato Pancakes June 16th Crab Stuffed Tilapia 1ST & 3RD FRIDAYS Traditional or Beer Battered Cod, Catfish, Blue Gill, Walleye, Shrimp & Hushpuppies SAVETHEDATE ATTENTION Saturday, August 19th Community Building Of Boone County 111 W. First St., Belvidere Friday & Sunday TBA Please register at For more information, please text Sue Walters Holmes at 815-566-0048 or visit our NEW facebook page at Belvidere HS Class of 1978 Please share this info with as many classmates as you can! HOPE TO SEE YOU IN AUGUST! BHS Class of 1978 --- 45 Year Class Reunion --FACEBOOK REGISTER HERE COOKOUT & AUCTION or $10 2 HOT DOGS OR HAMBURGER/CHEESEBURGER Includes Bag of Chips, Drink & Dessert Saturday, June 24th 2:00 - 6:00 PM Auction Starts At 4 PM Capron Lions Club, 305 E. North St. Proceeds from the Cookout go to Village of Capron’s 150th Anniversary Proceeds from the Auction go to Empower Boone & Capron Lions Club 1800 UNION AVE., BELVIDERE • 815-547-8109 HIRING BARTENDERS & COOKS KITCHEN NOW OPEN 7 DAYS/WK 12-8 PM! Mouthwatering Meals Any Time! WEEKLY SPECIALS SUNDAY RIB DINNER HALF RACK $14.99 FULL RACK $19.99 BBQ Rib Dinner With Choice Of Potato & Coleslaw M O N - F R I 3 - 6 P M M O N - F R I 3 - 6 P M MON-FRI 3-6 PM HAPPY HOUR $1 10 OZ DOMESTIC DRAFTS $6 BBQ PORK CHOP SANDWICH W/FRIES $6 1/4 CHEESEBURGER W/FRIES $5 JALAPENO CHEDDAR OR BEER BRAT W/FRIES $15 BUCKET DOMESTIC BEER BOTTLES $3 GUMMY BEAR SHOT $3 BOSTON LAGER ~ 413 Southtowne Dr., Belvidere • Open Daily • 815-847-0013 HAPPY HOUR $2 DOMESTIC DRAFTS & CANS TUES-SAT 12-3 PM PRIME SATURDAY Prime Rib, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable & Dessert $20 FRIDAY GRILL Choice of Ribeye, Strip, or T-Bone w/ Baked Potato, Salad & Dessert ADD SHRIMP $1 EA. $20 Phone Ahead To Add Lobster Tail To Your Steak Order!
sponsored in part by the Illinois Arts Council Agency and the National Endowment for the Arts.
@boonecountyartscouncil on
or call 815-544-6242
Thru 6-7-23
Wednesday- $5 Grilled Chicken Sandwich & BAGS
@ 6
Of The Week
PM Drink
$3 Alabama
ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 15 The Northern Illinois Mobile Food Bank at Zion Lutheran Church, 1300 Pearl St., Belvidere Saturday, June 3rd, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Food is distributed on a first come first served basis, while supplies last. For safety purposes please stay in your car. Your groceries will be placed in your trunk. Please line up off 6th St. There will be no access to the church building. FIREWORKSAT 9:15 PM! EVENTSAT VILLAGE HALL AND LIONS PARK CHECK VILLAGE OF POPLAR GROVE & LIONS CLUB FACEBOOK PAGES FOR MORE INFORMATION Go to our page to live stream music with fireworks!PARKING SHUTTLE FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOLBY TRACTOR DRAWN COME TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY FOR A DAY OF FUN! Shattuck Grove Cemetery Reeds Crossing, Belvidere Sunday, June 4th, 2 PM Weather Permitting Featured Speaker 21 Gun Salute By The Legion & VFW Presentation of Flag & Memorial Day Readings by County Clovers 4-H Club Services Memorial Day VBS @ FAITH BAPTIST For transportation or info. call 779-221-2373 For transportation or info. call 779-221-2373 1637 7th Avenue, Belvidere • You Can Register At The Door 5:30-6 PM FREE! Singing, Games, Bible Lessons, Snacks, Prizes & More! Singing, Games, Bible Lessons, Snacks, Prizes & More! Ages 4 Yrs6th Grade Menu $10 Activities $5 June 10, 2023 6:30-11:00 a.m. Now Open! we are a locally owned ice cream shop serving the SUPER PREMIUM ice cream made in Wisconsin. hours: mon. 3-8 pm, tues. closed, wed.-thurs. 3-8 pm, fri. 3-9 pm, sat. 1-9 pm, sun. 1-8 pm 115 E. Main St. Capron 815-569-1851 We Can Mix ANY FLAVOR into a SIGNATURE SHAKE or MALT from our 25 flavors & ingredients list. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SHAKE SHAKE G r a n d O p e n i n g Grand Opening G r a n d O p e n i n g Grand Opening Sunday, June 4th Noon - 6 PM during Buchanan Street Stroll Great selection of gifts, antiques & collectibles Stop and say Hi! to new owners Dean & Carol Chambers NEW EXPANDED HOURS Mon & Fri 10-5, Tues & Thurs 10-6, Wed 10-3, Sat 10-4 109B Buchanan Street, Belvidere 815.547.7747 OUR FAMILY OF FAITH On The Corner of Lincoln & Main aka First Presbyterian Church 221 N. Main Street, Belvidere • 815-544-6402 F l a g D a y F l a g D a y Flag Day P a t r i o t i c S e r v i c e P a t r i o t i c S e r v i c e Patriotic Service Light refreshments will be served following the service in fellowship hall! Guest Speakers: Judge Joseph McGraw Pastor David Smith Pastor Dan Pope Pastor Adam Reardon Pastor Brian Phillips We d n e s d a y, J u n e 1 4 t h a t 6 P M We d n e s d a y, J u n e 1 4 t h a t 6 P M Wednesday, June 14th at 6PM
Boone County Shopper - Belvidere, Illinois - June 1, 2023 Page 16 FIND NEW ROADS FIND NEW ROADS ALAN BROWNE CHEVR OLET Where Chevys Are Less! Where Chevys Are Less! LUBE, OIL, FILTER SPECIAL $59.95* * Includes Up To 6 Quarts Of Conventional Oil And Acdelco Filter. Diesels & Synthetic Oil May Be Higher If Applicable. Taxes & Disposal Fee Are Extra. Coupons Must Be Presented At Check-In. Price Could Vary For Certain Makes And Models. Expires 6-7-23. A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T ALAN BROWNE CHEVROLET On Rt. 23 In Genoa 815-784-2511 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 7 pm Fri. 9 am - 6 pm • Sat. 9 am - 3 pm “ I t ’ s A s Ea s y A s A B C ” “ I t ’ s A s Ea s y A s A B C ” “It’s As Easy As ABC” Pictures For Illustration Purposes Only. KEITH VAVRA’S FEATURE OF THE WEEK! A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T A L A N B R O W N E C H E V R O L E T ALAN BROWNE CHEVROLET T A K I N G C A R E O F C U S T O M E R S S I N C E 1 9 5 8 TAKING CARE OF CUSTOMERS SINCE 1958 Apple Car Play/Android Auto, XM Radio, Only 27,000 Miles, One Owner CONTACT US #6723A 2019 Chevy Malibu RS 2013 Chevy Equinox LT Heated Seats, Sunroof, Remote Start CONTACT US #2590A 2022 CHEVY 2022 CHEVY BLAZER BLAZER AWD, 3LT #2543 2016 Cadillac XTS-4 Luxury Collection, Htd/Cld Leather, Bose Sound System, AWD, 86,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6700B 2020 Cadillac XT6 Premium Luxury, AWD, 21,000 Miles, Platinum Pkg., Htd/Cld Leather, Ultraview Sunroof CONTACT US #6720A Signature Series, Heated Leather, 4.6 Litre V8 CONTACT US #2581A 2003 Lincoln Town Car 2024 CHEVY 2024 CHEVY TRAX TRAX RS, FWD #2585 2012 Ford F150 FX2 Sport Leather, Tonneau Cover, 5 Litre Coyote, Trailer Pkg., 152,000 Miles CONTACT US #2477B 2015 Chevy Colorado Z-71 Crew Cab, 4X4, Trailer Pkg., Tonneau Cover, Remote Start, 128,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6707C Crew Cab, Diesel, Htd/Cld Seats, Nav., Sunroof, 4X4, Only 37,000 Miles CONTACT US #2559A 2020 Chevy 2500HD High Country 2023 CHEVY 2023 CHEVY TRAVERSE TRAVERSE RS, LEATHER, AWD #2593 Redline Edition, 20” Alloys, 3.6 V6, 54,000 Miles, One Owner CONTACT US #6724A 2020 Chevy Blazer LT 2022 Chevy Equinox LT AWD, Remote Start, Apple Car Play & Android Auto, Only 14,000 Mi. CONTACT US #6708A 2019 Toyota Rav4 XLE AWD, Heated Seats, Dual Zone Climate, Only 37,000 Miles CONTACT US #2575A 2018 Ford F150 XLT Crew Cab FX4 Off Road, 4X4, Nav., Htd Leather, 20” Chrome Alloys, 5 Litre, 50,000 Miles CONTACT US #6682A 2016 Chevy Tahoe LTZ Htd. & Chilled Leather, Sunroof, Rear Ent., Heads Up Display, Nav., 104K Mi. CONTACT US #6687B 2022 Toyota Sienna XLE Hybrid Heated Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, 7 Passenger, Only 2,400 Miles CONTACT US #2597A Apple Car Play, Android Auto, Remote Start, Only 31,000 Miles, One Owner CONTACT US #6721A 2020 Chevy Trax LT