J. Nicole Cordova’s Portfolio
Cover Letter
J. NICOLE CORDOVA 1718 E. Michigan Street Orlando Fl. 32806 J.Nicole.Cordova@Gmail.com 321-662-3731
May 10, 2012 Joshua J. Jackson Boone High School 1000 E. Kaley St. Orlando Fl. 32806 Dear Mr. Jackson, It would be an honor to be considered for a position in the 2014 Sound of the Braves Marching Band leadership team. As you search though various potential leadership applications I hope my consistent dedication and positive attitude throughout the 2013 season brings notice upon my application. On the following page I have provided a resume as further evidence as to why I would be a constructive addition to your leadership team. As I approach my sixth consequtive year in band I find myself looking back at my growth as a musician more frequently. After being exposed to nine diffrent band programs in both Seminole and Orange County, five of which were though out my highschool carrer I’ve come to recognize that most of my musical and personal growth has been a product of the influence of both my directors and my peers on leadership. I don’t mean to imply that all influence from leadership has been positive, and as a leadership member at Boone Highschool I intend to bring my previous experiance with what does and does not work when leading peers. I look forward to our interview on May 15 as an opportunity for me to further exemplify the knowledge and skills I have aquired thought out my years as a member of the musical community. Respectfuly yours,
J. Nicole Cordova
J. NICOLE CORDOVA 1718 E. Michigan Street Orlando Fl. 32806 J.Nicole.Cordova@Gmail.com 321-662-3731
To acquire a position on the Sound of the Braves Marching Band leadership team
Three Years of a high school education as of June 2014
Experience: 2013 Marching at Boone High school 2012 Operations leadership at East River High school 2011 Marching at Winter Springs High school 2011 Band member at Lake Howell High School 2011 Band member at Limen High School 2009-2010 Flute tutoring of beginning band kids 7th and 8th grade Relevant Education: 3 consecutive years of high school band Stetson Saxophone Camp Partly instructed by world renounced saxophonist, Dr. Hemke Stetson Flute Camp taught by various professional flautists Honors, Awards: French Honor Society at East River High school 2013 United States Achievement Academy Language Arts Award Gold Presidential Education Award 2012 References: Band Director at East River Ryan Davenport- Ryan.Davenport@ocps.net
Self Analytical Essay
After transferring to East River High School the February of my freshman year I joined a creative witting course because East River did not offer the Entrepreneurship course I had been taking at Lake Howell. The teacher that taught the course was also the Icon yearbook adviser, through out the following months I saw staff running in and out of the class room, they were always full of emotion whether it was crying or laughing or screaming in frustration. I didn’t consider becoming a part of the yearbook staff or even returing to creative writing, but on the last week of school Mr. Mayse, the advisor, approached me and a few other kids in the creative writing class and offered us positions on the staff, he explained what yearbook would be like and I couldn’t help but say yes. My sophomore year I was placed in the Advanced Yearbook class out of the two classes offered at East River. The first week was exciting and fun, we didnt do much work in regards to publications because were mostly focusing on getting to know eachother and getting the newbies more familiar with Indesign. After deadline 0 came around I suddenly felt a ton of pressure, I had absolutly no clue as to what to do and felt intimidated by the staff around me. But as the year went by my love-hate relationship with yearbook grew, I hated the work load and deadlines but I absolutly loved the staff. This school year was a huge wake up call, before I came to Boone I thought that yearbook was alot of work, and boy was I wrong . I’ve learned perservearence and to keep comitments this year, at first I felt overwhelemd and wanted to drop yearbook; I was taking four AP classes, in band, and a member of several clubs, my grades and hours of nightly sleep were rapidly dropping. Instead of giving up I dropped a few clubs and lerned to prioritise, this was a hard lesson that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Though I haven’t been the most successful in meeting deadlines, I truly gave yearbook the best effort I could. I was committed and split saturday and thursdays with band and yearbook on multiple occassions and often spent lunches and time after school in the yearbook room trying to get work done.
Refletion One
I think my most significant piece this year was the “Community Service” page. Looking back now, the page really wasn’t that hard to put together but during the deadline it seemed like a difficult task. My purpose for this peace was to accurately represent different community service acts in which different kids from around the school participate in. Almost none of the photography on this page is my own and I was very lucky that other staffers had covered community service events and had captured some really incredible shots. Though we had pleanty of great photography to choose from, obtaining pictures from other community service events prooved to be the most difficult aspect with photography. The photography on this page continuously evolved as we aquired more pictures to place. Copy was the hardest element of the spread for me, I often lacked transistions, had widows, and an unacceptable amount of spelling errors, I remmber continuously frusturated with body copy through out this dead line. Though the stress from creating this page was massive, I feel as if this page is one of the pages I’m most proud of because it all seems to tie in together verry well, I love the dominant picture and I couldnt be more proud of the copy.
First Draft
What’s mine
Final Draft
What’s mine:
Reflection two
Reflection 1
Yearbook Page 10 writing student life I want this copy to represent me because it was the first peace I wrote while in Boone Publications, I worked hard on it and am proud of the results and its flow
Smug Mug Hilights.org I really enjoyed learning to shoot sports during our last dead line and I want this photo to represent me because I love the color, action and the composition of the entire photo.
Smug Mug Hilights.org This was also a favotie during our last dead line, I want this to represent me because it reflects my growth as a photographer; I usually only shoot sceanery or posed people but shooting sports took me out of my comfort zone and I am proud of the results
Student life
What’s mine
Student life
What’s mine:
What’s mine
Alternative Copy
What’s mine:
Alternative Copy
What’s mine:
Alternative Copy
What’s mine:
Alternative Copy
What’s mine
Alternative Copy
What’s mine:
Alternative Copy
What’s mine
Alternative Copy
What’s mine:
Multimedia/ Open
What’s mine
Multimedia/ Open
What’s mine:
Photo by/ Nicole Cordova
Photo by/ Nicole Cordova
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Photo by/ Nicole Cordova
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The Anatomy of a band director
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