Caley Brock 2011 Portfolio

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Caley Brock


Portfolio 2011


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Apply for position


1711 S. Summerlin Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 cell: 407-403-2234 email: May 16, 2011 Kristin Powers 360Ed 1 S. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 Dear Ms. Powers, 360Ed is seeking an intern with the skills to work independently and in teams who is eager to learn about the digital media world. For these reasons, please accept the accompanying resume to review for an intern position at 360Ed where I will learn about and contribute to the company. As the Editor-in-Chief of Boone High School’s Legend yearbook, I oversaw and participated in the production of a nationally award winning publication. I wrote and edited stories, took pictures, designed pages and assisted staffers with their deadlines. Our high school publications staffs also started As a member of this staff, I have experience with starting and updating a Wordpress website, as well as writing news articles. Because of my effective time management skills, I always meet deadlines set for me and make others accountable for the team deadlines I set. Although I gained important skills on my high school publications staffs, I know there is still more for me to learn, so I am open to instruction and criticism. I took five courses online at Florida Virtual School and have already experienced the work of 360Ed. As a quick learner and creative thinker, I feel I could be an asset to projects such as Spark. An internship with your company would give me the experience and knowledge necessary to pursue my long-term career goals. While the accompanying resume portrays my skills and experience accurately, I feel a personal interview would better demonstrate my abilities and eagerness to be an intern. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you at a convenient time. More examples of my work can be found at my online portfolio at Thank you for considering me. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Respectfully yours,

Caley Brock Enclosed: resume

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u m Resume




1711 S. Summerlin Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 cell: 407-403-2234 email: OBJECTIVE To gain knowledge and experience while working with a digital media company during a summer internship. Education William R. Boone High School 2007-2011 Graduation date: June 3, 2011 Unweighted GPA: 4.0; Top 2% of class Relevant high school courses: French I, II, III; Writing I; English Honors Gifted I, II; AP Language and Composition; AP Literature and Composition; AP Calculus AB, BC; AP Physic B, C; AP Statistics; Photo I; Ceramics 1;Yearbook; Mass Media Experience • Publications, William R. Boone High School - 2007-2011 Experience writing and editing captions and body copy and news stories, taking pictures, creating videos and sound slides in iMovie, designing, using Adobe programs, meeting deadlines and being a leader (09-11) Legend yearbook editor-in-chief for two editions (09-11) staffer; (11) Hi-Lights newspaper guest writer (08-09) Legend yearbook People section editor (07-08) Legend yearbook staffer • Internship at realty capital - 2008 Worked in marketing department of commercial real estate firm making flyers and answering phone calls • Babysitting children ages 2-12 • Private Tutor FOR algebra I students • Volunteer Work Nap Ford Brochure (11), Green-up Boone (08, 09, 10), Project Xmas (08, 09), Discovery Camp Work Crew (07), Summer Science Camp Helper (08, 10), assist Blankner School teachers (08), American Cancer Society Relay for Life (team member 09, committee online chair 10, team captain 10 and 11), Under Arrested Band Poster (10, 11), Math Center Tutor (10, 11) Activities/awards (11) Valedictorian of 2011 William R. Boone High School graduating class (10-11) National Honor Society (10-11) Engineering Club (09-11) Journalism Honor Roll; Quill and Scroll, Journalism Honor Society (08-11) French Honor Society (08-11) Math Club; 10-11 Mu Alpha Theta, Math Honor Society (07-08) Junior Varsity Soccer Legend Yearbook Awards: National Scholastic Press Association All American 5 Marks of Distinction (08), Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist (08), Pacemaker finalist (08, 09, 10), Silver Crown (08, 09, 10), Camp Orlando First Place (09, 10) Referrals Renee Burke: journalism advisor and Orange Country Public Schools Teacher of the Year; Victoria Nicoll; AP Language and Composition teacher and babysitting parent;


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essays divider

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Thinking of journalism makes me smile because it has been

such a significant part of my life for the past four years. I love all the life lessons I have learned that I can carry over to any other career. I like how journalism allows me to learn about different people’s stories and then share them with others. I find the transition to web exciting to be a part of because of the endless opportunities the web provides to share information. To be a leader in this movement at Boone is interesting. I crave to learn and improve everything I do with journalism, whether with yearbook, newspaper, or online. Progressiveness is key to maintain and gain readers. Because of its fast-paced nature I could definitely see myself finding a career in journalism or publications.

I applied to be on yearbook staff in grade eight because the advisor’s husband was

my teacher and he convinced me I would be good at it. I had no idea how much I would love it and invest myself into the program and product. The more I became involved, the more I enjoyed it. Then I started writing for, Hi-Lights and “Varsity Life” of Orlando Sentinel because I liked the variety it gave me. I started out not liking writing, but with more practice, journalism and reporting became second nature.

The struggles with time commitment, time management, and teamwork make me

more proud of my success. It was never just creating the book or writing an article. The late nights, the stress and the tears prove how through it all, I always got the job done.

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n What I learned

This year, more than any other year, I learned less through

failure, because there was less failure. Although the year was not perfect, my second year as editor-in-chief went smoothly and I learned what happens when things are done right. It was definitely the best all around year.

As a fourth year staffer and second year editor-in-chief, I feel my actual production

skills are strong. I am, however, still learning. With practice, I gained confidence with skills newer to me, like Adobe CS5 and sports photography. Newspaper helped me learn to write restaurant reviews and editorials as a guest writer

This was the first year I missed a graded deadline. I learned managing time between

helping others, and doing your own work is challenging, but key for a leader. The success of the book is more important than my grade, and I am satisfied we made our publisher deadlines.

Teamwork is the most challenging and enjoyable part of publications. I finally learned

how great teamwork works; the partnership with Allie was amazing. Becoming aware of my type of “gold/north� leadership style was invaluable for me because I can see my faults and strengths. Knowing this allowed me to maintain strong communication, the most important factor in team success.

For yearbook, convincing business owners you are a worthy teenager to support is

more important than selling advertising; most businesses just want to give their support and are not looking for advertising space in a yearbook. I learned the best sales people make friends. When talking with business owners and parents I learned to be more comfortable with talking to adults and shaking hands.

I learned just because we can print a picture or quote does not mean we should. A

yearbook should show positive aspects of the year so it is not always ethical to print something that shows a named student making a mistake.

I learned dedicated leaders make dedicated staffers. I think we had a large amount of

both this year. Without dedication, nothing will happen.

It is so exciting to already see myself use publications skills outside of high school pub-

lications. I used my actual production skills for a Nap Ford Community School brochure and received great feedback. Skills such as deadlines, teamwork and dedication will be invaluable to any job I have in the future.




Significant piece

Not only is the cover the first impression the student body

and our staff have of the book, it is also the most anticipated part of the book. As a fourth year staffer and editor-in-chief, the cover is what people will remember most about what I did and is definitely my most significant piece of work.

The challenge of designing the cover was the demands from the student body and our

staff: no white background and no people on the cover. However difficult, I believe they made it better. The amount of pressure for the theme as well as the cover caused me to second guess myself. Working with Allie made everything easier; I always feel more relaxed around her. Its actual production was not hard, it just took time. Once started, Burke and Missy were great sets of eyes to rely on for suggestions.

The first draft of the cover had the same elements as it does now, just in different posi-

tions. The more we changed the layout, the more interesting and special it became. Since we make the cover after we make the book, it almost makes itself. We have all the design elements and the theme well developed. The task is simply assembling it in a creative way.

I learned not to be afraid of suggestions. Welcoming them will increase options and

provide other support and opinions. I think we listened to our staff more this year than last year and that is what made this cover so much better than the last one.

I love that it visually screams Boone at first glance with the totem pole. Then, looking

more closely, the theme is obviously displayed through the quotes. I love those because they are specific things our students said. It is truly their book.




2011 Legend Yearbook Cover




2011 Legend Yearbook Cover Drafts

Draft 1

Draft 2

Draft 3




2011 Legend Yearbook Cover Drafts

Draft 4

Draft 5

Draft 6

Reflection 2

2 Could still use work

The academics divider was the biggest annoyance to

complete. Because the theme spin off, discuss, was clear for academics, the body copy was simple and straightforward to write. The photos however, stumped me. I probably had to come up with new photo ideas three times before one worked. There were so many problems with finding something to take pictures of and being able to use people. When we finally got a good visual-verbal picture, the color was off, but luckily I found a way to color correct on Photoshop to get rid of some orange.

By that time in the year, our divider layout was finalized, so the look of the spread did

not change much. The dominant picture did change from left side to right side a couple of times based on the picture we got. Otherwise the final product was what was expected from the beginning.

If I had the chance, I would probably continue to try to find a better dominant picture.

It is more rare to get academic pictures where kids are excited about what they are doing, but I believe it is possible. I would also find a synonym for the word encourage in the body copy because I used it twice. I also might try to add the quotes from the cover to the divider pages. I think that would have been interesting.

Although there are some things I would change, I am happy overall with the final look.

I think it represents the section and theme well.

Reflection 2

2 Academics Divider Finished Piece

Reflection 2

2 Academics Divider First Draft

tion 3


3 Photography

2011 Legend> Deadline 2> Originals> 138-001 bisbee One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to get a dominant photo published in the sports section, so I am very proud of this photo because it is the dominant on the Girls JV Volleyball page. It applies rule of thirds with the girl, as well of depth of field with the net. I also love how the ball is blurry and she is in focus. The emotion shows the intensity of the sport and adds to the appeal photo.

4 Ref


Asset to the staff



I am an asset to the staff because I am the editor-in-chief. I edit

everything, keep staffers accountable, take pictures, write copy, provide motivation, do the theme pages and carry the stress that comes with being the leader. I put all my energy into the program and love every bit of it. I only want success and I try to help the staff meet that goal. The leader has to be the most committed and involved member and I believe that I am. I love yearbook and the people, and I did everything I could to make the book and the year the best they could be.



5 Hardships

I had extremely reasonable hardships this year. Our staffers

were all newbies so there was definitely an adjustment period for them. Getting them through it with a positive attitude was difficult at times but it was worth it. They did a great job. I learned everyone needs some encouragement and time to learn. I am proud of their improvement and hope to continue to lead people in an encouraging way.

Allie and I took a few months before we discovered how to work best together. I was

in more classes than her and unknowingly leaving her out. We had a few disagreements about theme. Then we did some crying, hugging, talking and laughing and became best friends and partners. We never gave up on one another and never stopped talking and all worked out for the best. These were conquerable challenges and I am happy to say we beat them. I learned I just have to keep working to communicate. For my next team project, I plan to just keep open communication. Partnerships are always work, but two people working well together can achieve more than just one.

Overall, these issues were not major. This is the least I have ever had to say in the

hardships reflection and I am glad about it.




Goals met?

My mid-year goals: 1. Meet every deadline. Every publishers deadline this year was vital to make because the budget was tight. As sense of urgency and making staffers accountable helped us make all those deadlines. 2. Bring more staffers into the family. This was not the easiest, but I think I have done better than some editors before me. Almost all of them feel comfortable talking to us and most of them will joke around with us. 3. Leave the staff well prepared for next year. I could not be more proud of Allie. I have so much confidence in her for next year and I think she will step up even more. She and Kayla have a good team. The returning newbies know what is expected of them and will be able to lead others. I feel better about leaving since they are the people taking my place. 4. Make Burke proud. Mission accomplished. I have learned everything from her and our last year working together was pretty close to perfect. Especially after distribution day, I know she is proud.



7 CSPA Gold Circle for Yearbook

Y10. Theme and Concept Cover, endsheet, title page (001), opening (002-005), dividers (006-007, 044045, 076-077, 114-115, 160-161, 264-265), closing (462-4). I love our theme and feel it could do well in competition. I think it perfectly describes our school and students. Even people holding the book said ‘just saying’ without even realizing it was the theme. It was a well received concept. Y11. Cover Design Just Saying 2011 Legend Yearbook Cover. The cover is just what the students asked for. It is colorful, creative and school spirited. I like how it is obviously a Boone book because of the totem pole. The theme is also well represented. Y13. Title Page Legend Title Page (001). The title is a good representation of our school’s spirit as well as our book’s theme. We use our elements but the picture says it all. It makes a bold statement and would be memorable when submitted for judging.

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Reflection 8







It’s crazy how much I have grown. Just at first glance, my designs are

more advanced and appealing both with regard to my portfolio design and my clips. Freshman year I only used InDesign. My me page looks like stairs; it is horrible. The biggest jump was to sophomore year where I used Photoshop techniques. Junior year was one of the most original because I made up the design; it was not inspired my anything. This year’s design is the most complex. I started to make my own brushes and use new techniques in Photoshop. I have always been meticulous with my presentation and grammar, but my writing and diction has improved. Even though I was most rushed for this portfolio, I still think it is my strongest.




Multimedia ies technolog

CSPA Gold Circle for Digital Media

DM44. Photo and audio slideshow Ceramics Junkies. I like the ceramics soundslide because it not only shows their work, but has a personal angle. I like that Emily and Kat do most of the talking and Mrs. Dowdell finishes up the video. It is the perfect length for the web and is a good feature alternative.

DM44. Photo and audio slideshow Run Raises Funds. This soundslide includes a variety of people. I like that the entire event was showcased and interviews are with students and volunteers. I think it accurately portrays the Reservation Run and is interesting to watch.

DM17. Entertainment reviews Tony’s is Tasty Treat. This restaurant review has a good graphic and clear information. Because of its proximity to campus, I think Tony’s was important for us to review. I also think it is a good length for the web.


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Sample Yearbook Spread 1


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Sample Yearbook Spread 2


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Clips divider

Published Work







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2011 Legend Yearbook Cover




Deadline 2

2011 Legend Yearbook Title Page



Deadline 2

2011 Legend Yearbook Opening



Deadline 2

2011 Legend Yearbook Opening

d 3 Deadline 3

2011 Legend Yearbook Sports Divider

d 3 Deadline 3

2011 Legend Yearbook Academics Divider



Deadline 4

2011 Legend Yearbook Clubs Divider

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Deadline 6

2011 Legend Yearbook Staff Page

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Deadline 6

2011 Legend Yearbook Colophon

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Deadline 6

2011 Legend Yearbook Closing

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Deadline 6

2011 Legend Yearbook Closing

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