5239 Phillips Oaks Lane Orlando, FL 32812 407-435-8295
May 5, 2011 Aimee Wirth Special Events Coordinator Florida State University 600 W. College Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32306 Dear Ms. Wirth, This letter is to express my interest in gaining event-coordinating experience with you through an internship or other unpaid position. I have attached my resume and feel that my addition to your staff would be mutually beneficial and that I can be a profound asset to your organization. My background as an editor of my high school yearbook has provided me with the organization skills needed for this position. I have learned the amount of time and dedication needed when I have a job to accomplish. My position as the president of my school club, Love Letters, has also taught me about organization and scheduling. As president I was in charge of organizing meetings, bringing the appropriate materials and making sure every member was reminded. I believe these experiences were small stepping stones which have lead me to this next opportunity that will prepare me for my future career. I have a strong desire to enhance my skills and focus them toward event coordinating. I am a quick learner, and although I have no previous involvement in this field, I am more than able to apply my past experiences to different situations I may be faced with. Although my attached resume demonstrates my background, I feel an interview would give me the opportunity to better exemplify my knowledge and skills. Thank you for taking time to review my request and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,
Amy Comstock Enclosed: Resume
5239 Phillips Oaks Lane Orlando, FL 32812 407-435-8295
OBJECTIVE To acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for a long-term career in the event coordinating field. EDUCATION High School Graduate as of June 2011 G.P.A. 4.1. Top 20% of my class. EXPERIENCE Journalism I Class August 2008- June 2009 Legend Yearbook Staffer August 2009- June 2010 Legend Yearbook Index Editor August 2010- June 2011 Baby-sitting children of all ages July 2005- Present Walgreens Beauty Advisor July 2010- Present Volunteer work: Green Up Boone (09, 10); Nathaniel’s Hope (07, 08, 09); Love Letters (08, 10) RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism I; Journalism II; Journalism III; Journalism IV; English I; English II; AP Language and Comp; AP Literature and Comp. HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS Freshman, JV and Varsity Volleyball Two Years on Club Volleyball High School Clubs: Math Club (08, 09, 10); Math Honor Society (09, 10); Spanish Club (07, 08); National Honor Society (09, 10); Love Letters (08, President in 10); Staffer of award-winning Legend Yearbook (09); Index Editor on award-winning Legend Yearbook (10) First Place in Sidebar Writing for Yearbooks given by Columbia University Gold Circle Awards (11) Member of the Social Justice Living Learning Community at Florida State University (11) REFERENCES Renee Burke Journalism advisor and Orange County Public Schools Teacher of the Year; Jennifer Hilley Advanced Placement Literature and Comp. teacher;
hen I was making my schedule freshman year, I chose to take Journalism I because I thought it would be cool to say I took part in making the yearbook. When I participated in the class the following year I realized that there was more to making the book than just a few cute pictures. That year I learned a lot about ethics, style and design. The preceding year, those things I learned were put to the test in my first year on staff. Ethics was stressed every day when we were checked to make sure we went to students and interviewed them for real quotes. Style was incorporated into the pages I worked on and into the way I placed things on these pages. This year design was most important because I was an editor and I had to design the whole index. I had to use the rules I learned sophomore year to create a page that incorporated all the information in a visually attractive way that would keep people on the page. This was a lot of work and it involved my life revolving around Room 224, but it was worth every second. I love that room and those people. They are my publications family. Along the way I also learned to love journalism. Although I never thought of myself as a particularly good writer or photographer I know I have developed into an excellent staffer and editor. I have learned so much these past three years and I know that it will stay with me forever. I believe I have learned things at a professional level, and if I ever need to in the future, I could fall back on journalism and be perfectly happy.
ver the course of this year I have grown so much journalistically. Last year I was an adequate staffer, able to do what I needed to, but not much more. This year I have grown immensely and I am comfortable with messing around with the programs we use. As a whole, the deadlines I had this year went much more smoothly than last year’s deadlines. Last year I did not have a strong start with meeting deadlines, and, compared with this year, as the year went on I did not gain much momentum. This year I also learned how valuable teamwork is. Since I was an editor I was able to see how much work the other editors have to do when staffers don’t pull their weight. Many times a staffers editor had to take over their page and then it was up to all of the editors to do what needed to be done in order to finish it. Another thing I learned the importance of is advertisements. I never realized just how much it cost to make the book and how much we rely on the ad’s. They are an extremely important asset to the book in order for us to publish it at a reasonable price. As the index editor journalism ethics was my priority. I was responsible for making sure all quotes were correct and signed off by the interviewee. When I came across quotes that were not quoted exactly it drove me nuts and my love for accuracy grew. Without having this position I don’t think I would have ever really understood why ethics was so important. Being an editor on yearbook staff takes dedication to a whole other level. I thought I was dedicated last year as a staffer, but this year I spent so many more hours working on my pages and I really learned what it was like to be dedicated.
y most significant piece of work is the homecoming tip-in. This is also a significant piece in the book because it literally stands out and brings attention to its spreads. On top of standing out, homecoming is a school wide event that every class participates in, so it is an exciting piece for students to look at, and they expect to see an awesome spread that reflects the week. I worked on this piece with another staffer, Tori, and together we planned how we would organize the different homecoming events and where they would be placed on the spreads to make it look perfect. There were over 40 pictures on this piece, and it took a while to decide which fit and looked the best on each page. After we finally found all of the appropriate pictures, we had to tackle the task of identifying all of the students and hunting them down for interviews. Because of the size of this piece it took an abundance of time and effort. Together, Tori and I worked to show a complete and accurate review of homecoming week. As we placed photo’s we had to rearrange the spreads to make sure the content of the design followed the rules and looked appealing. Also, many times when we opened a page to correct things, we would find an element did not fit well and we would change it to better complete the spread. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this piece. I think that the other students will really enjoy the uniqueness of the tip-in and the amount of coverage we included on the spreads.
believe that the story I wrote in the index about the Japan catastrophe could still use work. I wrote this story the day before we sent the proofs to press, so I believe that if I spent more time on it, it could have been a lot better. Because I knew that I had such a short deadline I believe that I did not concentrate on content as much as I should have. Instead, I concentrated on filling up the white space and getting as many facts in as I could. The first thing I would fix would be the word crumpled in the first line. Crumpled means rumpled, wrinkled or crushed. I believe that I was meaning to say crumbled, which means to fall into small pieces. This word would have fit much more appropriately with the toy blocks simile. As I read further into the story I see other smaller style and diction details I wish I could change. I know that if I had more time to move on to another story and then go back I would have caught these smaller details. Although I do think that I could have changed a number of things in this story I am very proud of the amount of research I put in to it within the amount of time I had. I am also proud that the story was able to include all of the important details while still reading well.
Zeigler, Andrew 228 Zeiher, Melissa 14, 228, 459 Zeitler, Natalie 177, 195 Zhang, Shu Tong 44, 210, 228 Ziglar, Phil 12, 56, 124, 169, 171 Zimmerman, Morgan 60, 129, 228 Zoia, Peter 228 Zuale, Luis 459 Zuleta, Manuela 228 Zuniga, Alejandra 195
anDreW yarnell, sophomore
Yaeger, Lindsay 228 Yanes Rey, Miguel 272 Yanez, Genesis 74, 195 Yarbough, Denzel 228, 452 Yarnell, Andrew 228, 459 Yaros, Evan 28, 113, 195, 374 Yingling, Cheyenne 225, 228 Yordan, Gabrielle 228 Young, Bobbie 228 Young, Hannah 128, 228 Young, Joseph 228 Young, Keith 228 Young, Terri 169 Yovaish, Trevor 228 Ysabel, Ramon 228
MIShelle ZaMBrano, junior
Zambrano, Mishelle 228, 459 Zannini, Foster 228 Zannini, Jensen 228 Zapata, Christian 228 Zapata, Jose Zarama, Katie 195 Zarraga, Kyleorlando 228 Zayas, Melquis 228 Zec, Zenajda 195 Zegers, Cole 228
Back of the lIne
I was always thinking why I was the last one and why can’t I get a new last name. luis Zuale, freshMan
I don’t really mind it, plus I’m going to graduate last, so I’ll get the most applause. alejandra Zuniga, senior You’re always the last person to get handouts, but sometimes it’s good because you get to sit in the back of the class. Melissa Zeiher, junior
earth ShatterIng DevaStatIon earthquake had overwhelming effects Buildings crumpled to the ground like toy blocks as an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck 45 miles off the coast of Japan. More than 100 aftershocks followed the quake, some above a 6.0 magnitude, adding to the devastation. Then came the tsunami. Thirty foot waves washed away cars, houses and people as survivors stood on structures to avoid the dangerous water. Immediately, the relief process began with the American Red Cross sending financial aid, shelter, blankets and food to support the displaced survivors. As a result of the earthquake, cooling systems in two nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture broke creating a radioactive leak. Within a six mile radius of one of the plants, 45,000 people
had to evacuate because of the deadly amounts of leaking radiation. However, 50 men stayed behind to manually operate the plant to prevent complete meltdowns that could throw thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air and endanger millions of neighboring civilians. On April 12, Japan raised Fukushima to a Level 7 event, which was equal to the Chernobyl disaster. Small, but not lethal, amounts of radiation were also found throughout the United States. One month later, the death toll was up to 12,600 people, and more than 14,700 people were still missing. The final death toll at the time of press was expected to be upwards of 20,000. n hearTbreak. Meguni Sasaki, left, and her husband, Satoru Sasaki, search the area where the second floor of their house landed, about a quarter a mile away. “I’m looking for something I can recognize; something I can pick up and say ‘this is mine’,” Sasaki said. She and her husband were not home when the tsunami struck; and their two daughters escaped with grandparents to a nearby mountain temple. (photo/Carolyn Cole/ Los Angeles Times/MCT)
TsirigoTis- Zuniga
199 Wood, Taylor M. 228, 458 Wood, Taylor R. 228 Wood, Thompson 113, 129, 195 Woodall, Natalie 228 Woodring, Kristin 195 Woodring, Tara 228 Woodrow, Michelle 169 Woods, Zachary 228 Woodstock, Stori 95, 228 Woolrich, Lance 228 Workman, Emily 195, 378 Wornick, Drake 228 Wornick, Russ 97 Wren, Clayton 228 Wrestling 153 Wright, Brittany 228 Wright, Karlie 195, 379 Wright, Mary 104, 113, 195 Wulff, Joseph 228 Wyche, Jessie 66, 228
West, Brittany 243 Westbrook, Victoria 169 Whaley, Jamie 80, 243 What’s In Your Bag 33 Whelan, Anthony 243 White, Christopher 243 White, Derricka 243 White, Earnest 157, 243 White, Jakeria 243 White, Nicholas 130, 195 White, Tyesha 70, 184, 195 Whitlock, Jennifer 243 Whitmer, Skylin 85, 243 Whitmire, Steven 236, 238, 243 Whitney, Brian 222, 243 Whitton, Elliott 169 Wickboldt, Jennifer 168, 169 Wicks, Delaney 243 Wieland, Elizabeth 22, 113, 128, 195 Wiggins, Jamea 222, 243 Wiggins, Ronisha 243 Wigley, Kortnee 195 Wiley, Debra 169 Wilhide, Matthew 243 Wilhite, Lindsey 232, 243, 324, 353, 461 Willett, Michael 196, 243 Williams, Akela 243 Williams, Blake 124 Williams, Brennan 243 Williams, Carolina 195, 376 Williams, Chelsea 243 Williams, Chris 206, 243 Williams, Christina 243 Williams, Clayton 243 Williams, Cynthia 243 Williams Jr., Darrel Williams, Jakara 243 Williams, Justyce 243 Williams, Katelyn 197, 243 Williams, Mariah 190 Williams, Markayla 195 Williams, Marvin 243 Williams, Morgan 82, 243 Williams, Savanna 195 Williams, Shaiquan 243 Williams, Sharlene 243 Williams, Tishlum 13k, 243 Williams, Tyler 157, 214, 243 Williams, Whitney 243 Williamson, Mackenzie 57, 138, 243 Willis, Emmanuelle 289, 243 Willis, Michael 153, 169 Wills, Chelsea 52, 138, 243 Wills, Clayton 57, 243 Wills, Tom 143 Willsey, Amy 243 Wilmoth, Kyle 136, 243 Wilson, Anthony 18 Wilson, Dominique 144, 243 Wilson, Dwayne 243 Wilson, Ekkoe 321, 243 Wilson, Gus 92, 169 Wilson, Jacqulyn 243 Wilson, Jean 243 Wilson, Jordan 243 Wilson, Kdosh 243 Wilson, Melissa 195 Wilson, Natalie 243 Wilson III, Stewart 243 Winford, Selina 243 Winford, Tony 195 Winn, Tara 80, 113, 195 Winship, Savannah 243 Winters, Morgan 243 Winters, Scott 195 Wintle, Sydney 243 Wireless Unlimited 407 Witt, Ian 243 Wnek, Amanda 195, 377 Wojciekofsky, Justin 243 Wolfe, Justin 243 Wolfinger, Christina 13k, 228 Woock, Allison 228 Wood, Braiden 25, 78, 126 Wood, Connor 148, 228 Wood, Lauren 85, 113, 195,
love every element of this picture. You can see so many similarities in Caley and her dad in this picture. The expression on their faces, the way they are faced and the way they are walking in sync are absolutely perfect. I also love the way the sun is hitting the outside of their faces, but there is a slight shadow where we see them facing the camera. I also love how they are obviously the focus of the picture. There are some people walking ahead of them, but they are small, out of focus and insignificant. Most of all I love how in the moment they are. They were both completely unaware I was taking this picture and yet they are still so picturesque. Clubs, RelayforLife 4/08 Amy, IMG_0228.JPG
am an asset to this staff and the 2011 edition of the Legend Yearbook because I am the Index Editor. As an editor I am responsible for assisting staffers and making sure all of the names in the book are spelled correctly. On top of that, I am responsible for making sure that the quotes in the book are quoted correctly and are signed as proof that the quote is correct. Besides my editor responsibilities, I am also a valuable staffer. I am organized and understand layouts, therefore I know how to arrange a spread to make it look visually appealing. I am also a solid journalist, and I am able to write a factual and interesting yearbook story. I have a good attitude, and I believe that it is easy for other staffers to confide in me when they need to talk to someone. This kind of communication really helped the chemistry on our staff this year. Above all, I am dedicated to the yearbook and that makes all the difference in the world. This dedication drives me to make sure it is the best we can make it.
his year my biggest hardship was deadline six. This was my deadline, and my deadline only. I started the deadline strong by designing my section and picking stories during deadline five. Toward the end of deadline five, I also found most of my photos I was going to use with each story. However, by this point, my deadline had begun and I needed to write the stories and place things. This is when I started to have trouble. Some stories I was familiar with and, although I still had to research them, I knew what I was talking about and I could write a rough draft. However, with other stories it was a lot more difficult and it took a lot more effort, even after all of my research. On top of the stories and pictures, I had to check the actual names. This process began months before deadline six. It was very difficult to go through all three thousand names, and even more difficult to look up the pages the index claimed they were on. I know I was working on those names until the very last minute. Then, I had the secondary coverage. This was supposed to easier for me because the staffers were assigned to go on interviews and take pictures. It did not go as smoothly as I hoped. Many of the staffers were confused about how they had to crop, cob or threshold the photos. This was difficult to hear because none of the photos needed to be thresholded. Once I cleared the instructions up with them, some still did not do it correctly and failed to save originals. This added more work for me, and I had to get help from other editors to get the pictures. After I sent the pages it felt like the world was lifted off of my shoulders. I was so relieved to just have it out of my sight and get some sleep again. Then proofs came. All of the stress came rushing back at ten times a quicker pace. I spent several days in a row without getting more than three hours of sleep and it was really affecting my attitude and other grades. There were a lot of changes to make in the proofs and I tried to do them all by myself. In the end, I realized I couldn’t make all of the changes necessary in the time given without help. Other editors, including from newspaper, were there to help me and we sent the final copy. I know that I should have been more open to help from the start. It isn’t a bad thing to ask for help, and in the end things can turn out better when another person is with you.
he midterm asked me to list goals I would like to achieve for the next semester. I chose to list four goals; to begin going through current events; make every majors; get more updates from staffers; and spell all names correctly. Overall I believe I improved on these goals. My first goal was met as I began looking through the current events at the end of the semester. I am very glad I got ahead by picking the events so early because if I hadn’t it could have been a huge setback for me. My second goal was more or less met. I made more deadlines, but I sadly did not meet majors every time. In the midterm, one of the reasons I wrote I did not make majors was because of my procrastination. Although that improved as seen in my first goal, the disease was not completely cured and I did still procrastinate on some things. My third goal was also met. I feel that in the second semester, I was able to get updates from staffers more frequently. During editors meeting in the first semester I was clueless about a page if I had not seen it, however, in the second semester I knew if the page was close to coming to me, or if it still needed work. I believe that my fourth goal was not met. It was a stretch of a goal to make, however I think it was still a necessary goal. The book has only been out a day and I have not heard any complaints, but I am sure there will be at least one name spelled incorrectly. Although I do not think I met this goal, I know that I worked to a point of exhaustion on trying to meet it. I am very proud about all of the names that are spelled correctly and all of the names that I did catch when they were spelled wrong before they went to press.
1 FEATURE WRITING: STUDENT LIFE pages 36 and 37 I believe that this is a very personal and heart-wrenching story. It tells a story with many appropriate details as well as statistics on alcoholism. It is well written and, although it was a negative story, it displayed a positive message for a hopeful future.
Y8 HEADLINE WRITING pages 36 and 37,458, 459 I believe these headlines are very clever. They all tell the reader what will be in the story, but in an entertaining way. They are original and fun to read and I am very proud of them. Y23 INDEX pages 447 through 459 I am very proud of my index. I believe that I did a good job incorporating students in secondary coverage who weren’t anywhere else in the book. I think my idea for how to display the letters was very original and creative. The stories are also original and provide all the information necessary from an interesting angle. DM8 Personal opinion: Off-campus issues I believe that this submission fits all of the criteria and is a well-written article. It is my opinion and it shows how I feel about the subject. It is also obvious that I researched the subject by actually listening to the CD and listening to past albums. DM44 Photo and audio slideshow I believe that this slideshow was put together very well. It shows what happens/ happened at Relay for Life. Since I have personal quotes from Caley about her dad it puts a personal and real life angle to it, making it more impacting. DM3 News writing I believe that this is a well-written and informative article. It is backed up with appropriate quotes and research.
She was only in kindergarten when her father, sitting in a bar, left her alone for hours at school. Picking her up never crossed his mind. When he finally stumbled his way to her school, he took her home and started a bath. Hours later, as she sat in a cold tub with pruning fingers, her screams echoed through the house to no response. While senior Jane Doe* was driving with her mom 10 years later another traumatic memory was made. Doe’s mother decided she was old enough to understand the reason her parents divorced. She told Doe that her father was an alcoholic. The reason he never responded to her cries years before was because he was passed out drunk in another room. He was completely unaware of his surroundings. “I was in complete shock,” Doe said. “I was driving on Orange Blossom Trail, about to get on the 408. I will remember why I was driving, where I was going and how my mom said it. When I found out I was really hurt because everything started clicking.” Doe was not alone. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that almost five million alcohol dependent or alcohol abusing parents have at least one child living at home with them. This not only affects the drinker, but also other family members, and creates a burden on the children. Studies on living with an alcoholic parent revealed that children will often feel guilt, anxiety, embarrassment, confusion, anger or depression resulting from the parent’s abuse. “I can’t trust guys. Whenever a guy starts yelling at me my automatic instinct is to cry. My dad never hurt me, but he would yell in a threatening manner; whenever a guy raises his hand I get freaked out,” Doe said. “When I was in third or fourth grade, I asked him why he just drank [alcohol]. He said ‘it’s all I like,’ and I didn’t push it because I felt like it wasn’t my place to keep asking. When I did keep asking, he was very defensive.” Doe’s mother and father separated when she was 2-years-old, and Doe’s interaction with her father was limited to him watching her on weekends. When they separated, Doe was told that it was because her parents didn’t love each other anymore. Doe accepted this without question, until her mother informed her of the real reason on the drive home from the department of motor vehicles, after receiving her license. “I think it all started because he wanted to have fun, but then he drank because he was stressed, and then it just became an everyday thing. He blamed it on me,” Doe said. “When I called and talked about the situation a few months after I found out, he told me ‘I drink because of you; you did this to me,’ and I never understood that.” Doe’s cousin was there for her and helped her work through the hard times that followed after finding out about her dad. “It was a lot to take in. She’s my cousin and I love her so my heart broke for her. I just wanted to be there for her in any way I could,” Doe’s cousin said. “It was hard for her, but she was being strong.” Although Doe’s father never abused her, there was maltreatment, including not being an adequate parental figure during the weekends he was responsible for watching her. Forty percent of maltreatment cases involved alcohol or other drugs, according to “I remember when it was his weekends, the first thing we would do is go to Hooters so he could drink,” Doe said. “There didn’t need to be an occasion [for him to drink].” According to Hope Networks, there were about 26.8 million children of alcoholics in the U.S., as of 2005. Despite her father’s issues, Doe was able to live in a stable environment with her mother and stepfather. “My step dad has tried to legally adopt me, but my dad won’t sign the papers,” Doe said. “I’m okay with [my step dad trying to adopt me] because legally, if anything happened before I turned 18, I would have to live with my real dad. Just knowing that’s the situation sucks.” Environment and social situations influence acceptable standards of substance use. Research by the National Association for Children of Alcoholics shows that children of alcoholics are four times more likely than children of nonalcoholics to develop alcoholism. However, if children of alcoholics are brought up with strong, healthy family traditions, if there is a high religious observance or if they have close relationships with other people around them who are not alcoholics, they can be protected from the consequences of their parent’s alcoholism. Doe had these factors, and because of them, there is a higher chance she will not be an alcoholic. “It sucks to know that someone would rather have alcohol over a person,” Doe said. “From this situation I learned that I would never jeopardize my family, future or anyone’s well-being [over alcohol],” Doe said. “It just isn’t fair to that person.” n Amy ComstoCk *name withheld
senior found closure after traumatic past through insight, perseverance and support
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*according to Alcohol Answers
OF alcOhOlics have cOexisting anxiety disOrders
A *according to the National Association for Children of Alcoholics
“I’m lucky to have the family I have now. If [my dad wasn’t an alcoholic], I wouldn’t be blessed with the step dad that I have,” senior Jane Doe said.
*according to Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
OF adults whO drink abuse alcOhOl
OF the u.s. adult pOpulatiOn has been expOsed tO alcOhOlism
tHE lEgAl Blood AlCoHol lEvEl IN FloRIdA IS *as of January 2011
037 ISSUE: AlCoHolISm
including President Barack Obama, urged Mubarak to step down. The revolutionary fervor in North Africa and the Middle East was first ignited by protests which led to the resignation of tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and rippled off into other developing countries including Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya. After the resignation of Mubarak, the military took charge until elections could be held in June. Though joyous protesters filled the streets of Cairo after the end of the regime, the power void promised an uncertain future for Egypt.
“No go, no go!” rang through the ears of the astronauts just minutes before the final lift-off of the shuttle Discovery on Feb. 24. These were not new words to the crew; the shuttle’s launch date had been postponed almost four months since its original lift-off date of Nov. 1. Despite the delay, the 27-year-old orbiter took off three minutes later and safely made it into outer space. Tens of thousands of spectators waited in Cape Canaveral to witness the historic event. Discovery’s final moment n blasT off. Space shuttle Discovery, STS-131, did not disappoint as it made its launches Monday, April 5, 2010, on a 13-day to the International Space Station. (photo/ way through the clear blue skies mission Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) to deliver the six astronauts and NASA robot, R2. The robot’s mission was to spend the next year in space completing simple tasks as a test of its capabilities in zero-gravity. The launch represented the beginning of the end. NASA scheduled two more shuttles to take off before the program was to be decommissioned and turned into a historical museum.
final launch for retiring spacecraft
Vacchio, Erin 169 Vagelakos, Mark 241 Valentin, Iramis 241
Valentin, Oscar 241 Valentin, Velinda 19, 241 Valiente, Annalie 241 Valverde, Melissa 160, 241 Van Arsdol, Kevin 195 Van Dyke, Steven 193 Van Haaren, Dustyn 241 Vancura, Alexis 241 Vancura, Melissa 241 Vanzile Jr, Clay 78 Vargas, Ariana 241 Vargas, Ilyana 241 Vargas, Kennet 241 Varnes, Sarah 193 Varvel, Austin 50, 241 Varvel, Savannah 241 Vasco, Valeria 241 Vasquez, Angelica 241 Vasquez, Kevin 241 Vasquez, Margarita 13a, 241 Vasquez-Dickson, Juan 241 Vazquez, Axelabdiel 241 Vazquez,Yesenia 13, 98, 241 Vega, Anthony 241 Vega, Hilary 191 Vega, James 241, 246 Vega, Leilanie 241 Veguilla, James Chris 241 Velasquez, Gabrielle 241, 402 Velazquez, Ashley 241 Velazquez, Coraly 241 Velazquez, Kristian 241, 386 Velez, Alexander 241 Velez, Christina 95, 241 Velez, Mathieu 241 Velgara, Anita 241 Ventresca, Patricia 241 Verdecia, Derian 241 Verheyden, Emily 87, 241 Vevera, Marty 51
DeSIree vInSon, sophomore
Ulpino, Rosimely 241, 370 Underwood, Heather 193 Undieme, Emily 103, 241 Undieme, Mike 34, 169 Undieme, Todd 104, 241 Unger, Suzanne 164, 169 University, Florida State 176 Upperco, Jackson 88, 241 Usma, Mateo 241 Utley, Melissa 113, 193, 457 Utreras, Kevin 113, 174, 193
MelISSa utley, senior
Tsirigotis, Dimitri 240 Tucker, Tyler 240 Tune, Montgomery 180, 224, 240 Turley, Jesse 193 Turman, Aaron 12, 124, 240 Turnbeaugh, Jessica 176, 193 Turner, Cassandra 87, 193 Turner, Shaylin 240 Turner, Sondra 193, 321, 370 Tyner, Samantha 241
Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
I think it’s good to see people taking control of their government and making it [better]. sydney sang, freshMan
n MayheM. Fighting and clashes erupted around Tharir Square on Wednesday, Feb. 2, between Mubarak supporters and detractors in Cairo, Egypt. The battle raged into the night with pro Mubarak forces, left, setting a car on fire and advancing with corrugated tin shields against the anti regime protesters, right. (photo/Michael
Shuttle’S laSt Feb. ‘DIScovery’
After 18 days of protest, 30 years of tyrannical rule were put to an end on Jan. 25 as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt complied with the demands of thousands of protestors and resigned from his post as president. Mubarak gained power through a coup d’état and held power with an iron grip supported by world powers including the United States and Israel. The angst of citizens living in meager and often unjust conditions fueled the toppling of this decade long regime. Together, the international community joined the voices of the protestors as world leaders,
egypt’s president stepped down after riots
A new beginning
458 indeX
“I went out for the All County Choir for the first time and made it,” sophomore Taylor Wood said.
Wade, Skyler 241 Wagner, Alana 169 Wagner, Noah 241 Walen, Christopher 241 Walimohamed, Bilkis 241 Walker, Cierra 203, 241 Walker, Kelvin 458 Walker, Clayton 113, 193 Wallace, Molly 62, 242 Wallace, Nathan 241 Wallace, Richard 157, 241 Walls, James 222, 242 Walsh, Alexander 91, 113, 193 Walsh, Kyle 242 Walsh, Robert 242, 402 Walther, Hunter 242 Waranch, Blake 6, 214, 242 Ward, Haley 69, 242 Ward III, John 149, 193 Ward, Jennifer 242 Ward, Tiffany 242 Warner, Mitchell 242 Warren, Jonathan 13a, 62, 113, 120, 193, 373 Wasdin, Michael 242 Washington, Alexis 242 Washington, Ashley 150, 242 Washington, Korey 54, 169 Wasson, Jonathan 215 Wasson, Matthew 215, 242 Watson, Chloe 242 Watson, Natalie 242 Watson, Rachel 242, 418 Weagly, Tiffany 169 Weakley, Zachary 242 Webb, Brianna 193, 374, 375 Webb, Dylon 242 Webb, Erin 208, 242 Webner, Arae 242 Webster, Kaylesha 171, 193 Webster, Kyndall 242 Weightlifting 151 Weinmann, Blaine 44, 242 Welch, Eric 242 Welch, Jeremy 242 Welch, William 242 Wellbrook, Caitlin 410 Weller, Austin 64, 242 Welling, Kyle 24, 195 Wells, Austin 242, 321 Welsh, Amanda 242 Welsh, Colleen 242 Welsh, Erin 126, 242 Wendling, Kaitlyn 242 Wendzel, Cheyenne 242 Wendzel, Devin 157, 242 Werner, Anthony 242 Wesley, Dontrayvis 242
kelvIn Walker, sophomore
Via, Meghann 193 Victor, Lesley 241 Videtto, Michael 241 Vila, Claudia 49, 241 Villar, Lia 160, 241 Villegas, Kevin 241 Villegas, Matthew 241 Vinson, Desiree 241, 457 Volleyball 133, 138 Volleyball States 21 Vo, Tuan 58, 169 West, Brittany 243 Westbrook, Victoria 169 Whaley, Jamie 80, 243 What’s In Your Bag 33 Whelan, Anthony 243 White, Christopher 243 White, Derricka 243 White, Earnest 157, 243 White, Jakeria 243 White, Nicholas 130, 195 White, Tyesha 70, 184, 195 Whitlock, Jennifer 243 Whitmer, Skylin 85, 243 Whitmire, Steven 236, 238, 243 Whitney, Brian 222, 243 Whitton, Elliott 169 Wickboldt, Jennifer 168, 169 Wicks, Delaney 243 Wieland, Elizabeth 22, 113, 128, 195 Wiggins, Jamea 222, 243 Wiggins, Ronisha 243 Wigley, Kortnee 195 Wiley, Debra 169 Wilhide, Matthew 243 Wilhite, Lindsey 232, 243, 324, 353, 461 Willett, Michael 196, 243 Williams, Akela 243 Williams, Blake 124 Williams, Brennan 243 Williams, Carolina 195, 376 Williams, Chelsea 243 Williams, Chris 206, 243 Williams, Christina 243 Williams, Clayton 243 Williams, Cynthia 243 Williams Jr., Darrel Williams, Jakara 243 Williams, Justyce 243 Williams, Katelyn 197, 243 Williams, Mariah 190 Williams, Markayla 195 Williams, Marvin 243 Williams, Morgan 82, 243 Williams, Savanna 195 Williams, Shaiquan 243 Williams, Sharlene 243 Williams, Tishlum 13k, 243 Williams, Tyler 157, 214, 243 Williams, Whitney 243 Williamson, Mackenzie 57, 138, 243 Willis, Emmanuelle 289, 243 Willis, Michael 153, 169 Wills, Chelsea 52, 138, 243 Wills, Clayton 57, 243 Wills, Tom 143 Willsey, Amy 243 Wilmoth, Kyle 136, 243 Wilson, Anthony 18 Wilson, Dominique 144, 243 Wilson, Dwayne 243 Wilson, Ekkoe 321, 243 Wilson, Gus 92, 169 Wilson, Jacqulyn 243 Wilson, Jean 243 Wilson, Jordan 243 Wilson, Kdosh 243 Wilson, Melissa 195 Wilson, Natalie 243 Wilson III, Stewart 243 Winford, Selina 243 Winford, Tony 195 Winn, Tara 80, 113, 195 Winship, Savannah 243 Winters, Morgan 243 Winters, Scott 195 Wintle, Sydney 243 Wireless Unlimited 407 Witt, Ian 243 Wnek, Amanda 195, 377 Wojciekofsky, Justin 243 Wolfe, Justin 243 Wolfinger, Christina 13k, 228 Woock, Allison 228 Wood, Braiden 25, 78, 126 Wood, Connor 148, 228 Wood, Lauren 85, 113, 195, Zambrano, Mishelle 228, 459 Zannini, Foster 228 Zannini, Jensen 228 Zapata, Christian 228 Zapata, Jose Zarama, Katie 195 Zarraga, Kyleorlando 228 Zayas, Melquis 228 Zec, Zenajda 195 Zegers, Cole 228
I was always thinking why I was the last one and why can’t I get a new last name. luis Zuale, freshMan
I don’t really mind it, plus I’m going to graduate last, so I’ll get the most applause. alejandra Zuniga, senior
Buildings crumpled to the ground like toy blocks as an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck 45 miles off the coast of Japan. More than 100 aftershocks followed the quake, some above a 6.0 magnitude, adding to the devastation. Then came the tsunami. Thirty foot waves washed away cars, houses and people as survivors stood on structures to avoid the dangerous water. Immediately, the relief process began with the American Red Cross sending financial aid, shelter, blankets and food to support the displaced survivors. As a result of the earthquake, cooling systems in two nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture broke creating a radioactive leak. Within a six mile radius of one of the plants, 45,000 people
Los Angeles Times/MCT)
n hearTbreak. Meguni Sasaki, left, and her husband, Satoru Sasaki, search the area where the second floor of their house landed, about a quarter a mile away. “I’m looking for something I can recognize; something I can pick up and say ‘this is mine’,” Sasaki said. She and her husband were not home when the tsunami struck; and their two daughters escaped with grandparents to a nearby mountain temple. (photo/Carolyn Cole/
had to evacuate because of the deadly amounts of leaking radiation. However, 50 men stayed behind to manually operate the plant to prevent complete meltdowns that could throw thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air and endanger millions of neighboring civilians. On April 12, Japan raised Fukushima to a Level 7 event, which was equal to the Chernobyl disaster. Small, but not lethal, amounts of radiation were also found throughout the United States. One month later, the death toll was up to 12,600 people, and more than 14,700 people were still missing. The final death toll at the time of press was expected to be upwards of 20,000.
earthquake had overwhelming effects
You’re always the last person to get handouts, but sometimes it’s good because you get to sit in the back of the class. Melissa Zeiher, junior
Back of the lIne
earth ShatterIng DevaStatIon
Zeigler, Andrew 228 Zeiher, Melissa 14, 228, 459 Zeitler, Natalie 177, 195 Zhang, Shu Tong 44, 210, 228 Ziglar, Phil 12, 56, 124, 169, 171 Zimmerman, Morgan 60, 129, 228 Zoia, Peter 228 Zuale, Luis 459 Zuleta, Manuela 228 Zuniga, Alejandra 195
MIShelle ZaMBrano, junior
Yaeger, Lindsay 228 Yanes Rey, Miguel 272 Yanez, Genesis 74, 195 Yarbough, Denzel 228, 452 Yarnell, Andrew 228, 459 Yaros, Evan 28, 113, 195, 374 Yingling, Cheyenne 225, 228 Yordan, Gabrielle 228 Young, Bobbie 228 Young, Hannah 128, 228 Young, Joseph 228 Young, Keith 228 Young, Terri 169 Yovaish, Trevor 228 Ysabel, Ramon 228
anDreW yarnell, sophomore
199 Wood, Taylor M. 228, 458 Wood, Taylor R. 228 Wood, Thompson 113, 129, 195 Woodall, Natalie 228 Woodring, Kristin 195 Woodring, Tara 228 Woodrow, Michelle 169 Woods, Zachary 228 Woodstock, Stori 95, 228 Woolrich, Lance 228 Workman, Emily 195, 378 Wornick, Drake 228 Wornick, Russ 97 Wren, Clayton 228 Wrestling 153 Wright, Brittany 228 Wright, Karlie 195, 379 Wright, Mary 104, 113, 195 Wulff, Joseph 228 Wyche, Jessie 66, 228
459 TsirigoTis- Zuniga
ViCente ArAgon, senior Abbara, Hayla 170, 447 Abel, Tyler 196, 234 Aboudallah, Xena 57, 196 Abreu, Nathan 170 Academic 105 Academic Clubs 111 Academics Divider 45 Acevedo, Carlos 196 Ackbarali, Enid 162 Acord, Jack 196 Acosta, Alex 93, 3, 112, 170 Adams, Carter 196, 244 Adams, Miranda 196 Adams, Samantha 150, 196 Adkins, Kyle 196 Administration 55 Agner Auto Parts 380 Agostinelli, Floyd 110, 196 Agostino, Joseph D 205 Agosto, Lauren 170 Aguilar, Cristian 196 Ahart, Kody 196 Akbarzadeh, Hannah 112, 170, 171 Akbarzadeh, Noah 196 Akins, Charlotte 112, 170, 249 Akinwolere, Olusegun 30, 196 Akos, Robert 13f, 170 Alami, Jennifer 162 Alava, Bryant 196, 240 Alba, Adolky 196 Alcantara, Valerye 196 Alday, Samantha 196 Aleem, Tatianna 196 Alexander, Lindsay 196 Alexandria Green 179 Alford, Bryanna 32, 170 Alicea, Liz 196 Alkhalil, Laya 6, 196 Allah, Abria 82, 170 Allanson, Emelie 112, 170, 192, 380 Allen, Chelsea 170, 251 Allen, Chloe 116, 170, 252, 434 Allen, Emma 112, 170 Allen, Hannah 170 Allen, Hunter 170 Allen, Kathleen 162, 168, 409 Allen, Nakeo 14, 196 Allen, Perry 162, 168 Allen, Zoe 196 Allred, Blake 196 Alston, Jeremiah 189 Alston, Raejine 14, 189, 196
Awarness Clubs 79 Ayala, Giovanni 197
Baba, Arielle 447 Babb, Thomas 197 Babir, Charles 64, 66, 112, 170, 255 Baella,Yalina 13j, 197 Baez, Cassandra 13j, 197 Baez, Gerald 197 Bailey, Ashley 13j, 197 Bailey, Brianna 197 Baird, Nicole 170, 464 Baker and Hyatt, P.A. 384 Baker, Cody 85, 197 Baker, Cole 136, 197, 437 Balancing Point 381 Ball, Amanda 197, 410 Ballard, David 62, 112, 114, 170, 261, 325, 461 Ballard, Felicia 170 Ballard, Jacob 17, 197 Ballentine, Ann 162 Ballentine, David 197 Bandy, Jonathan 90, 197 Banko, Jordan 197 Bannon, Gentry 197 Baque, Allison 197 Baque, Rebecca 197 Barahona, Elizabeth 197 Barahona, Melvin 197 Barati, Mitchell 197 Barley, Tanner 33, 197 Barnard, Andrew 193 Barnes, Daquan 34, 75, 170 Barnes, Darah 106, 112, 172, 258 Barnes, Erica 197 Barney, Austin 197 Barrett, Alexa 197 Barrett, Rory 197 Barr, George 2, 197, 445 Barrow, Shais 4, 143, 197, 200, 441 Barsamian, Michael 197 Barsati, Ejaz 15, 197 Bartram, Christian 197 Basila, Kelly 197 Basila, Kevin 197 Basketball 143, 145, 155, 157 Bassy, Robertson 172 Bastin, Alex 197 Batura, Victoria 198, 240, 435 Baute, Eduardo 198 Bautista, Pamela 198 Bavaro, Abigail 198 Baybay Bykov, Christine, 162, 168 BBC 65 Beach, Erica 118, 198, 435 Beals, Gabriella 88, 198 Beauchamp, Alexia 218, 228
Arielle BABA, sophomore
Beaumont, Lynette 162 Beavers, Alexandra 64, 100, 112, 172, 385 Bechara, Alex 198 Becker, Julia 198 Beckford, Leason 162 Beckley, Wesley 198 Beck, Whitney 74, 172, 384 Bedward, Iris 240 Beemer, Chloe 198, 240 Bejarano, Elayne 198 Bejarano, Lissette 451, 172 Bell, Carolyn 162 Belle Guerrelus, Rachel 180 Bell, Parker 198, 463 Belvin, Rebecca 40, 198 Benham, Brittney 172 Benitez, Alexa 198 Benitez, Francisco 198 Benjamin, Samuel 106, 198 Bennett, Bruce 14, 198 Bennett, Bryaseanty 198 Bennett, Megan 6, 66, 172 Bennett, Michael 198, 437 Bennett, Wendy 172 Bentley, Kendall 198 Berlin, Alicia 79, 112, 127, 172 Berlinsky, Sarah 99, 119, 189, 198, 324, 461 Bernal, Daniel 24, 198 Berrios, Melanie 84, 198 Berryman, Mary 13j, 198, 242 Bertola, Gianfranco 149, 198 Bertran, Trevor 148, 443 Besaw, Sheila 162 Besedick, Matthew 198 Best, Keiton 18, 33, 198 Besuden, Alexander 198 Besuden, Brittany 172 Besuden, Timothy 162 Betros, Lindsay 198 Bettmann, Ashlea 172 Bettmann, Haylea 155, 198 Beyer Kelly, Andrew 198 Bevan, Jill 162 Bholai, Obassi 198 Bian, Jocelyn 198 Bigelow, Megan 95, 198 Bird, Gregory 22, 198 Birdsall, Matthew 198
Bird, Tieler 198 Bisbee, Leah 39, 198 Bishop, Matthew 90, 198 Bivins, Akira 198 Black, Cameron 70, 198 Black, Christen 198, 233 Black, Dalles 85, 88, 198 Blackman,Yasmin 172 Black, Shea 172, 246 Blanca, Alexander 198, 233 Blanco, Cesar 198 Blaydes, Emily 198 Blount, Akiela 198, 223 Blount, Shamarhi 198 Blow, Kyle 116, 172 Bocage Village Apartments 384 Boche, Jovanny 198 Bochte, William 198 Bodiford, Brett 198 Bogan, Delanee 56, 198, 223, 444 Bohannon, Jordan 4, 198 Bohnhoff, Jalen 198 Bolivar, Laura 112, 172 Bonilla, Alondra 198 Bonilla, Amy 198, 462 Bonilla, Valeria 198 Bonner, Blake 198 Bonner, Sumer 198, 370 Bonnette, Bridget 198 Bookhardt, Kaley 198 Boone Broadcasting Company 65 Boos, Lyndsey 46, 198 Borges, Ligia 64, 112, 113, 172 Borges, Moises 137, 198, 231 Borges, Samuel 198, 234 Borgon, Ron 68, 162 Boria, Anna 198, 418 Borja, Anthony 92, 172 Borrell, Daniel 30, 198 Borrell, Felipe 198, 228 Borrero, Benny 198 Bosak, Jessica 133, 198 Bosela, Jeanette 72, 162 Boston, Guscenie 68, 198 Boucher, Alicia 198 Bourret, Monica 162 Boutella, Sarra 198 Bouton, Jeffrey 200
Bowling 117 Box, Maergrethe 143, 200, 436, 441 Boyd, Thomas 34, 63, 172, 325, 387, 461 Boyle, James 200 Bracewell, Jami 11, 200 Bracy, Marvin 125, 200, 437 Braddock, Christopher 172, 175, 262 Bradford, Robin 162, 167 Bradshaw, Adriene 200 Bradshaw, James 200 Braga, Bianca 200, 210 Brand versus Brand 23 Brannon, Bailey 112, 119, 172 Brantley, Hannah 172, 263 Brattli, Tiffany 200 Braund, Katherine 90, 200, 232 Brave Aid 35 Bravettes 103 Brea, Alejandro 200 Brenes, Christopher 105, 200 Bridewell, Logan 173 Bridewell, Rachel 146, 200, 321, 444 Bridget, Marlin 200 Brimhall, Bryce 200 Brimmer, Lacey 200 Britton, Tabatha 173 Brock, Caley 2, 62, 112, 173, 264, 325, 414, 416, 461 Brock, Cooper 200, 243 Brocket, Emily 200 Brock, Stephen 4, 32, 137, 200 Brock, Taylor 173, 188, 265 Brodie, Danni Sue 96 Brodie, Victoria 112, 173 Brooks, Christopher 200 Brooks, Kaiyla 200 Brown, Angela 200 Brown, Colin 16, 200 Brown, Corey 200 Brown, Dana 80, 200 Brown, Devin 200 Brown, Jaquavius 200 Brown, Madison 200 Brown, Margaret 200, 440 Brown, Mariah 200
Front oF the line It’s nice because you get to do everything first. NAtHAN AbrEu, SENIor I’m so used to [having a name at the beginning of the alphabet.] I’ve always been first in roll call or in the first seat. I really don’t think anything about it anymore. HAylA AbbArA, SENIor
I don’t like it because when I do presentations and stuff I’m always first. DAvID AcuNA, JuNIor
447 AbbArA- browN
n Amy ComstoCk Alternate Schools 75 Alvarado, Enrique 56, 196 Alvarado, Sabdie 146 Alvarenga, Brandon 3, 196 Alvarez, Bryan 158, 196 Alvarez, Jennifer 196, 231 Alvarez, Jonathan 27, 196 Alvarez, Monica 196 Alves, Francis 196 Alves, Matheus 196, 231, 439 Alwine, Sarah 14, 196 Ameriscapes 381 Ames, Alexander 106, 160, 196 Ampuero, Edward 10, 196 Ampuero, Nancy 196, 213 Amy, Caleb 100, 414, 110, 112, 170 Anatomy of Campus 19 Anderson and Moopen Orthodontics 382 Anderson, Cheron 55, 162 Anderson, John 170, 173, 253 Anderson, Kyle 70, 196, 216 Andino, Andilys 112, 170 Andrade, Luiz 196, 201 Andrews, Amber 178 Ane- Sanchez, Manuel 196 Angel, Cindy 196 Angelo, Kelsey 46, 196 Angelo, Mark 196 Animal Medical Clinic 383 Anselmo, Vinicius 46, 196 Anthony, Peter 33, 184 Apolonio, Arnold 170, 174 Aponte, Casiana 94, 196 Aponte Duran, Jorge 196 Aramburo, Luisa 196 Arcara, Samantha 108, 112, 170, 171, 412 Arce, Christian 196 Archer, Marilyn 162 Archundia, Luz 197 Archundia, Ramon 197 Ardines, Angelica 197 Arencibia,Yanira 197 Arevalo, John 35, 110, 170 Arias, Marissa 197 Arias, Rhapsody 197 Aristizabal, Jhoan 197 Arkeilpane, Delaney 20, 133, 197, 324, 461 Armas, Julian De 206 Armstrong, Hilary 80, 112, 170, 254 Arnold, Chase 197 Arroyo, Abimael 91, 170 Arroyo, Cynthia 197 Arroyo, Leslie 180 Art Classes 51 Artica-Herrera, Cristian 197 Artica-Herrera, Jorge 105 Asbury, Meghan 70, 197 Ascher, Morgan 116, 170, 434 Ashbridge, Devon 197 Ashby, Gregorie 197 Askew, Jordan 197 Assang, Chelsea 46, 197 Atiya, Ayea 197 Atiya, Mala 197 Attaway, Solomon 197 Atwood, Emily 197 Atwood, Stephen 184, 170, 381 Ausen, Hannah 197 Austin, Chad 197
448 iNdeX
“[I would brag about] homecoming week and everyone’s costumes. It was original,” sophomore Kenneth Aquino said.
Brown, Nicholas 200, 228 Brown, Shaughnessy 200, 305 Brown, Zachery 173, 178 Browning, Paul 162 Bruff, Amanda 173 Brune, Taylor 200 Bryan, Cayman 200 Bryan, Dustin 200 Bryan, Layla 93 Bryant, Christopher 136, 190, 200 Bumby at Michigan St Self Storage 384 Buchanan, Merrideth 162, 165 Buch, Brett 201, 414 Buckley, Dean 201 Buitrago, Johanna 201 Bullock, Justin 42, 51, 201 Buono, Tayler 99, 201 Burch, Rachel 103, 173, 266 Burden, Garrett 201 Burden, Sarah 201, 435 Burgos Mena, Luis 201 Burgos-Santos, Genesis 201 Burgos-Santos, Edward 201 Burk, Devon 201 Burke, Renee 98, 261, 162, 460 Burkett, Lauren 112, 120, 173, 436 Burkett, Rachel 201, 436 Burnett, Misty 201 Burnett, Shanice 201, 228 Burney, Alexis 201 Burns, John 153, 201, 446 Burns, Katherine 115, 201, 436 Burns, Rebecca 201 Burrell, Davis 201, 437 Burton, Carly 201, 324, 461 Burton, Stephen 24, 201 Burzee, Zachary 201 Bushnell, Marci 90, 173
Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)
n magical paradise. The main spire of Hogwarts Castle towers in the background over Hogsmeade Village at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, during a softopening preview for the attraction Wednesday, June 9. (photo/Joe
Caban, Melanie 201 Cabrales, Leann 94, 201, 413 Cabrera, Daniel 201 Cabrera, Manrique 201 Cabrera, Ramon 201 Cabrera, Sandel 455 Cabrera-Feal, Joel 201 Caceres, Juan 149, 201, 445 Cade, Chantelle 201, 422 Cadman, Ann 73, 162 Caffrey, Alyssa 173, 175 Cain, Isaiah 201 Cain, Joshua 201 Cain, Keighley 173, 175 Calabretta, Cinzia 112, 129, 173, 267, 416
LAUrEn CLEmEntS, junior
Bustamante, Hunter 201 Butler, James 201, 437 Butler, Malik 49, 173, 185 Butler, Michael 107, 162 Byerly, Kendall 142, 201, 441 Byle, Taylor 173 Bynaker, Krystal 201 Calderon, Grace 82, 201, 411 Calderon, Kristelle 201 Caldwell, Ciera 201 Caldwell, Kendall 201, 386 Cali, Amanda 110, 112, 139, 173, 268 Camacho, Rosa 162 Camargo, Adrian 131, 201 Cameron, Brianna 201 Cam, Jennifer 201 Campbell, Amanda 173, 187 Campbell, Daniel 173 Campbell, Jean 162 Campbell, Paul 201, 413 Campbell, Romello 201 Campos, Tifany 201 Canann, Nicholas 201 Cancel, Marissa 173 Capell, Jack 112, 173 Capell, Mitchell 201 Caperton, James 162, 72 Caperton, Paige 162 Caplan, Christopher 122, 201, 436 Caplan, Wesley 13a, 20, 35, 104, 112, 171, 173, 269 Capps, Bryan 80, 201 Caprice, Chrystal 70, 173, 462 Caquias, Francisco 201 Caraballo, Samantha 201 Carabeo, Abigail 201 Carbajal, Bryans 201 Cardenas, Marilyn 201 Cardenas, Michelle 13, 112, 173, 270 Cardenas, Vanessa 201 Cargo, Elizabeth 202 Carlier, Zachary 173 Carlisle, Gina 162 Carmona, Ana 162 Carney, Taler 155, 202, 441 Carpio, Frank 202 Carr, Garrett 136, 202, 437 Carr, Grayson 202 Carr, Morgan 12, 103, 202 Carrasquillo, Jessica 173 Carreno, Andrea 102, 202, 411, 413 Carrera, Priscilla 162 Carrigan, Rebecca 202 Carrillo, Ruben 202, 213 Carrion, Elaina 99, 202, 411 Carrion, Elisa 109, 202 Carrow, Kaley 173 Cartagena, Sarah 82, 202, 411 Carter, Tori 202, 230 Carter Sr., Vincent 443 Carvalho, Joshua 202 Casler, Nicholas 202, 212 Casler, Sara 93, 202 Cason, Shaneeca 173 Casselman, Joshua 13k, 202 Cassidy, Ashley 93, 202 Cassidy, James 202 Casteel, Cheyenne 202 Castillo, Elisa 85, 202 Castillo, Jean 202 Castro, Gyraiza 202 Castro, Melanie 173 Castro, Melissa 173 Castro, Vincent 140, 436 Catchings, Jonathan 202 Cater, Chelsea 173, 183 Caudill, Victoria 13, 174 Celeste, Austin 202 Cento, Emanuela 202 Cento, Giancarlo 174 Chafin, Kim 71, 162 Chamblin, Colton 202, 442 Chance, Tanner 70, 202 Chang, Dylan 202, 230 Channell, Jordan 202 Chanthavong, Tykenia 200, 202 Chanthavong, TyRran 202 Chapman, Tyler 202, 437
The night was dark, but the atmosphere was thriving. At midnight June 18, people were already lining up around Islands of Adventure waiting for the grand opening of Harry Potter World. By the time the park opened there were thousands of guests waiting in an eight hour line. J. K. Rowling’s famous Harry Potter novels inspired the wizarding world, Hogsmeade. As guests entered the park they were greeted by familiar scenes from the books and movies like Ollivanders and the Owl Post. Familiar beverages, like butterbeer, were also available. Universal converted the classic Fire and Ice and Unicorn rides to fit the Harry Potter theme, and became the Dragon Challenge and Flight of the Hippogriff. Designers also created a new simulation ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Special guest stars Warwick Davis, Tom Felton, Michael Gambon, Rupert Grint, Matthew Lewis, James Phelps, Oliver Phelps, Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright were among the first to see the park and also among the few who witnessed the grand opening ceremony.
Muggle OverlOad in HOgsMeade harry potter’s grand opening attracted thousands
I’m interested in going on the new ride, and I want to try the jelly beans and butterbeer. It seems pretty cool. christOpher dOweN, JuNiOr
Charles, Joseph 202, 221 Charria, Cristhian 200, 202, 445 Chastain, Jaci 142, 202, 441 Chavez, Christopher 202, 210 Cheatham, Amelia 129, 202, 439 Cheatham, Kaitlin 112, 174, 271, 412 Cheek, Willow 202, 238 Cheerleading 135 Chen, Janet 15, 202 Cherry, Cristien 202, 203 Chevalier, Megan 132, 202 Childers, John 202, 424 Childs, Malik 202 Chin, Saheka 202, 224 Chipley, Sarah 202, 229, 246 Chong, Paul 137, 202, 435, 437 Chorus 85 Choute, Cramsci 32 Chuilli, Nicholas 202 Church, Kelsie 202 Cintolo, Leslie 202 Cintron, Ruby 202 Cintron, Talia 202 Circa 1974 396 Clack, Samuel 202 Clark, Christopher 174 Clark, Eleanor 202, 4439 Clark, Jamal 202, 272, 443 Clark, Johnny 202 Clark, Nakia 162 Clary, Deborah 73, 162 Classe, Heather 203 Classe, Ryan 203 Class Size Amendment 53 Clavette, Ashley 203 Claxton, Taylor 174 Claypool, Daniel 93, 203 Claypool, Matthew 174 Claypool, Rebecca 203 Clayton, Alexandra 146, 203, 444 Clayton, Nichole 129, 203, 439 Clement, Marcus 203, 210 Clemente, Joshua 203, 234 Clements, Lauren 203, Cleveland, Eryn 203 Cleveland, Kyanna 142, 203, 441 Clifton, Daniel 174, 273 Clifton, Joseph 203 Clingman, Ashley 203, 240 Clinton, Zachary 203 Closing 463, 464 Clouchete, Kolten 203, 437 Clubs Divider 77 Cobb, Bria 203, 416 Cobb, Quante 14, 203, 446 Coble, Cailyann 76, 112, 174, 189, 388 Coble, Robert 32, 203 Code Green Lawn Service 389 Coffindaffer, Jacqueline 203 Coffman, Anna 138, 203, 440 Coggin Honda 274 Colangelo, Hunter 93, 203 Colaricci, Damian 162 Cole, Colleen 203 Cole, Jacquelyn 174, 275 Cole, Katelyn 203 Coleman, Caroline 14, 62, 324, 436, 461 Coleman, Davis 123, 203, 436 Coleman, Selby 200, 203, 200 Coleman, Vanessa 203 Colick, Jordan 203, 445 Colick, Tyler 24, 203 Collazo, Joseph 3, 63, 203 Collins, Charles 203, 436 Collins, Emily 203 Collins, Jesse 21, 132, 174, 276 Collins, Jessica 174, 277 Collins, Maribeth 134, 203 Collins, Megan 119, 160, 203 Collins, Patrick 203, 218 Collins, Tanner 203 Colon, Alejandro 203 Colon, Brandon 174 Colon, Cynthia 203 Colon, Danielle 203 Colon, Julio 203 Colon, Robert 162 Colon, Solange 203 Colon, Xiomara 203 Colon,Yolimar 203 Colon Gonzalez, Jonathan 203 Colon Nazario, Jesus 92 Colonial Lanes 385 Colophon 461 Color Guard 95 Colvin, Lauren 203 Colvin, Steven 203 Colvin, Trisha 162 Combs, Alyssa 203 Combs, Kayla 138, 147, 205, 325, 461 Combs, Matthew 20, 205 Combs Insurance Services 386 Commander, Ciara 205 Community Divider 247 Comstock, Amy 80, 112, 174, 278, 325, 461 Concepcion, Jose 205 Concert Band 91 Coneo, Nicolas 205 Conley, Andrew 117, 174 Connaster, Logan 75, 205 Connaster, Tyler 205 Connelly, Ashley 35, 89, 174, 389 Connelly, Bradley 205 Conrady, Tyler 34, 88, 205 Contreras, Diana 174 Conway United Methodist Church 390 Cook, Tyler 13, 205 Cooper, Deon 110, 205 Cooper, Rhian 205 Cope, Tyler 99, 196, 205 Corbin, James 164 Corbitt III, Hezekiah 205 Cordell, Glenn 174, 321 Cordero, Eric 205 Cordle, Peter 205 Cordray, Keelan 205, 226 Core Classes 71 Coriolan, Carlos 174, 192 Cornell, Benjamin 205 Cornell, Zachary 205 Cortes, Michelle 72, 86, 164 Corum, Matthew 205 Corwin, Travis 205, 216 Coscia, Anthony 205 Cotton, Brianna 205 Cotton, Joseph 205 Cotton, Spencer 205 Countryman, Melina 174 Covert, Pamela 164 Cox, Ashley 205 Cox, Derek 205 Cox, Dominick 205 Craddock, Steven 205 Crager, Elizabeth 138, 205, 440 Craig, Jonathon 149, 205, 445 Craig, Kaley 205 Crain, Mason 91, 104, 112, 174 Crain, Sean 205 Crane, Olivia 205, 324, 414 461 Crapps, Amber 205 Creel, Kristi 205, 210 Creer, Dakota 205 Creighton, Rosalie 46, 130, 164, 199 Crenshaw, Taylor 130, 174 Crenshaw, Wayde 205 Crespo, Devin 205, 437 Crook, Rachel 205 Cross, Brandyn 452 Cross Country 121, 123 Crowell, Cassaundra 205 Crumbly, Jackson 205 Crutcher, Carmela 112, 174, 205, 280 Cruz, Amy 13k, 205 Cruz, Andy 181 Cruz, Angel 240 Cruz, Angelina 32, 205 Dacosta, Brandon 205, 231 Dalton, Mitchell 206 Daly, Sarah 28, 101, 112, 174, 282 Dalzell, Brandon 206 Dance Teams 83 Dang, Kimgiau 206 Dang, Sang 181 Daniel, Bill 164 Daniels, Akia 206 Daniels, Aniqua 200, 206 Daniels, Blake 3, 206 Daniels, Randolph 171, 174 Daniels, Scott 164 Danner, Ashley 206 Darden, Tarik 206 Darin, Patrick 45, 206 Darr, Trevor 206 Dauphinee, Kristina 90, 174 David, Marina 206 David, Tyler 206 Davidson, Brendan 206 Davidson, Katelynn 99, 206 Davies, Justin 206, 229 Davis, Alexandria 206 Davis, Craig 206 Davis, Kaitlin 33, 206 Davis, Sarah 206 Davis, Taylor 75, 174 Davison, Kim 164 Dawkins, Brody 13a, 20, 112, 124, 145, 177, 283 Dawkins, Brooke 77, 135, 206, 325, 461 Dawkins, Jaleeca 177 Dawson, James 206 Dawson, Kaylie 177 Dawson, Nicole 13, 206 Dawson, Stephanie 206 Dawson, Tahlia 177 Day, Jessica 127, 206 Day, Michael John 206, 232 De Armas, Julian 206, 214 De Los Santos, Ivan 206 De Marco, Victor 49, 177 Dean Colon, Jovanski 206 Debra Botwin Attorney at Law 384 Decant, Talia 154, 206, 439, 441 Dejesus, Javier 206
ShAntE DUmAS, sophomore
Cruz, Caleb 174 Cruz, Carlos 205 Cruz, Darius-Malik 205 Cruz, Joannelys 205 Cruz Jaen, Alan 174 Cruz Jaen, Gabriela 205 Cruz Jaen, Tatiana 205 Cuenca, Simon 130, 131 Cueto, Adrian 205 Culberhouse, Jacob 10, 174, 281, 437 Cullum, Kirstyn 174 Cummins, Michael 205, 229, 246 Curbera, Alex 205 Curren, Pat 164 Currier, Kory 205 Cusick, Collin 205 Easterling, Katie 209 Eaton, Brandy 12, 209 Eaton, Colin 209 Eby, Randolf 209 Eddy, Kristyn 10, 177, 392 Edmonds, Lauren 209, 231 Edmondson, Raina 209 Edwards, Alexis 209 Edwards, Ashley 177 Edwards, Dominic 209 Edwards, Katelyn 62, 112, 177, 285 Edwards, Marissa 12, 209 Effects of Technology 49 Effron, Louis 177, 178 Effron, Marvin 177 Egan, Thomas 209 Elder, Margarita 209 Eldredge, Spencer 177, 286 Elliott, Melissa 70, 209 Ellis, Dequan 177 Ellis, Marcus 209 Ellixson, Brendan 130, 209, 439 Ellixson, Lindsay 177 Ellixson, Sean 209 Ellsworth, Coby 209 Elo, Andrew 46, 209 Emcor Services 400 Emery, Gina 164 Employee of the Year 460 England, Kristen 112, 177, 287 Ergle, Emily 209 Erickson, Stephen 66, 209 Ernest, Wendy 46, 79, 127, 164, 166 Erthal, James 28, 125, 177 Erwin, Christine 209 Escobar, Adrian 15, 23 Eslava, Jose 94, 96, 164 Esparza, Rafael 93 Espinosa, Christopher 209 Espinosa, Laura 19, 164 Espinosa, Steven 177, 183 Estrada, Clarissa 209 Eusebio, Michael 449 Evans, Johnethia 209
Dugan, Kristen 32, 207, 218 Dukes, Margaret 120, 207 Dulskis, Alec 207 Dumas, Chaquevia 78, 177, 185 Dumas, Shante 207, 448 Duncan, Alicia 207 Duncan, Joseph 207 Duncan, Michelle 121, 209, 463 Duncan, Phillips 122, 177 Dunn, Jennifer 209 Dusing, Mary 2, 209 Dwyer, Brock 209 Dyce, Zachary 156, 209 Dye, Chandler 209, 216
112, 178 Dugan, Colleen 164
DESInI fIShEr, sophomore
Faber, Samuel 209 Fabian, Bladimir 209 Fague, Marion 164 Faison, James 209 Faith, Micah 209 Fakhoury, Gabriella 209 Fakhoury, Gino 149, 177 Fansher, Devan 170, 177, 288 Fansher, Kyle 209 Faraji, Ariana 209 Farber, Garrett 157, 209 Faria, Cesar 85, 209 Farmer, Cody 177
mIChAEL EUSEbIo, senior
Dejesus, Venus 177 Deirio, Michelle 186 Delacruz, Dick 206 Delavega, Joseph 12, 206 Delazerda, Gabriela 206 Deler, Derek 206, 214 Delgado, Jose 207 Delgado, Rodrigo 207 Deliz, Bianca 207, 228 Deloach, Ajah 207, 228 Deloach, Daryl 207, 222 Delvalle, Lucielle 112, 177 Delvalle, Sanya 207, 222 Dempsey, Megan 140, 207 Devletian, Ariel 207 Devlin, Katelyn 134, 207 Devlin, Megan 207 Dewitz, Daniel 207 Diaz, Angel 69, 207 Diaz, Angelina 207, 233 Diaz, Cody 207 Diaz, Daniela 207, 215 Diaz, Deemarie 105, 207 Diaz, Gabriel 190 Diaz, Shayna 177 Diaz Fernandez, Denis 207 Di Cianni,Yuran 207, 242 Di Paola, George 207 Dicicco, Salvatore 207, 437 Dickerson, Andrew 207, 210 Dickerson, Robin 13d, 112, 177, 391 Dickinson, Nicholas 207, 90 Dierksen, Anna 196, 207 Dignam, Kenneth 207 Dike, Ashley 204, 207 Dike, Kaitlyn 207, 228, 324, 461 Dillard, Alexander 207 Diserio, Alana 84, 177 Diserio, Cory 207 Dittmer, Christopher 207 Dittmer, Olivia 112, 177 Dittmer, Ryan 207 Dixon, Coral 16, 207, 324, 461 Doherty, Jussi 85, 164 Dollar, Ashley 207 Dollar, Kayla 177 Donald, Justice 206, 207 Donelson, Brandie 177, 424 Donelson, Chelsea 207 Doran, Emma 207, 230 Dorman, Michael 164, 409 Doster, Samuel 145, 207 Dotson, Infinity 200, 207 Douglas, Summer 26, 207 Dowdell, Buffy 164 Dowen, Christopher 448 Drackett, Samuel 207 Dragicevic, Dejan 207 Dragon, Dylan 207 Drama 89 Drayton, Christian 207 Dreiling, Jessica 207 Dreiling, John 88, 207 Dressler, Jonathan 207 Driggers, Allyson 50, 207 Driskell, Dustin 122, 207 Droege, Alexandra 207 Dubourg, Kenneth 207 Dudley, Erin 207 Dudley, Taylor 100, 112, 177, 284 Duff, Hudson
[BP is] trying their best, but I think they could have done better; they were at fault. emerald Oates, sOphOmOre
Fika, Dylan 210 Filippov, Maksym 210 Finer, Talia 80, 210 Finley, Travis 178 Finnhenry’s 394 Finsie, James 210 Fiorelli, Kathryn 178 Fiorelli, Rene 210 Firebaugh, Antony 210 Fisher, Desini 449 Fisher, Kathryn 210 Fisher, Peyton 210 Fite, Charlotte 210 Fitzpatrick, Thomas 210 Fleminger, Amanda 178 Fleming, Stephen 210 Fleurisma, Mackenson 210 Fleurisma, Vanessa 210, 215 Flores, Alexa 210 Flores, Karina 210, 212 Florin, Bailey 12, 143, 210 Floyd, Dwayne 163, 164 Floyd, Gray 178, 180 Fluke, Michele 164 Fonseca, Cristhian 210 Fontaine, Dustin 210 Fontaine, Dylan 210 Fontes, Justin 210, 218 Football 125, 137 Ford, Jasmine 210 Ford, Kirstie 210 Ford, Shannon 210, 242 Formica, Marie 112, 178 Fortini, Sydney 134, 210 Foskett, Dalton 210 Foskett, Delaney 210
Foskett, Rayce 139, 178 Fothergill, Alexa 210 Fournier Jimenez, Salvador 210 Fowler, James 210 Fowler, Melody 97 Fox, Christopher 210 Francis, Brendan 66, 78, 126, 137, 210 Francis, Joel 210 Francis, Matara 66, 210, 410 Francis, Mikayla 210 Franco, Henry 50 Franco, Melissa 211 Francois, Nickson 211 Franklin, Alexander 189 Franklin, Jennah 22, 211 Franklin, Olivia 211 Franqui, Liz 211, 231 Frazzitta, Michael 48, 202, 211 Frederick, Elton 178 Frederick, Erica 211 Freeman, Ashleigh 211 Freeman, Shaheed 211 Freitag, Felicia 135 Frey, Grant 211 Fricke, Rachel 211 Fricke, Sarah 142, 178 Friend, Kirstie 22 Frye, Shaniece 83, 178 Fuentes, Alexandria 211 Fuentes, Johnathan 211 Fulford, Sue 164 Fuller, Torrey 200, 211 Fuqua, Alexander 211 Furman, Pamela 164 Furth, Cole 22, 211
The water suddenly turned black and slimy as an unnatural amount of oil leaked from 8,000 feet below. April 20, 2010, an oil rig exploded. Three months later BP capped the spill, but the effects of it still remained. The leak in the Gulf of Mexico largely affected Louisiana’s waters and fishing industry as well as Florida’s economy. Florida’s beaches, on the other hand, stayed relatively clear of the black crude oil. Unaware of this, tourists from Florida’s $60 billion tourism business came in smaller numbers. July was normally the busiest month of the year for Florida’s beaches, but in
Cole/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
n OvercOme. On Saturday, June 5, on Grand Terre Island, Louisiana, a pelican is still alive but too weak to lift its head. Rescue workers arrived a half hour later to remove the bird. The pelican was stabilized and transfered to Fort Jackson for washing. (photo/Carolyn
2010 revenue numbers for the month were off 25 percent. On top of the reduced revenue, tourists paid around 11 percent less than the previous July. Restaurants were also affected and had to raise their prices, leading to declining customers. Shrimp prices alone rose 25 percent. According to a study from Technomic’s, about 20 percent of consumer’s nationwide polled said they ate less seafood because of the spill. Miami’s daily hotel rates, however, rose. The tourism board worked to polish Florida’s image so tourists would come to the rest of the state.
british petroleum oil spill effected florida’s economy
Farrelly, Shiyana 112, 176, 178 Farrill, Christopher 178 Fashion 27 Fashionable Jewels 389 Faust, Kristin 20, 178, 133 Fay, Candace 14, 178 Fazio, Jillian 164 Febres, Luis 209 Feliciano, Kenneth 18, 209 Fennimore, Jason 209 Ferguson, Venecia 210 Fernandez, Ambar 209 Fernandez, Angela 84, 209 Fernandez, Jailene 209 Fernandez, Javie 130 Fernandez, Olivia 209, 370 Ferrari, Brian 209 Ferrari, Bruno 209, 233 Ferreira, Karina 94, 209 Ferreira, Melanie 209 Ferreiro, Diana 209 Ferrer,Yaritza 209 Fevrier, Valentina 112, 178 Fields, Austin 209 Fields, Kaitlyn 13, 118, 178, 393 Figarola, Dylan 209 Figuerado, Makenzie 209 Figuerado, Maria 171, 178 Figueredo, Brandon 209 Figueroa, Daniela 104, 178 Figueroa, Dinorah 209 Figueroa, Elijah 210 Figueroa, Gabrielle 178, 289 Figueroa, Keyshla 210 Figueroa, Sarah 119, 178, 290
449 BrOwN- Furth
“There were a lot of clubs to do, and I like all the choices that were offered,” freshman Chandler Green said.
450 indeX
G. Crimmings Enterprises, Inc. 389 Gadson, Roger 152, 211 Gage, Rebecca 211, 434 Gagne, Crystal 127, 211 Gaines, Brian 211, 402 Gainey, Lelah 178 Galatowitsch, Rebecca 46, 178 Galatowtitsch, Ruth 234 Galette, Jamal 156, 211 Galford, Codi 211 Gallagher, Kaitlyn 179 Gallina, Anthony 211 Gallo, Cristian 112, 179 Gamble, Andrew 211 Gamboa, Nicholas 211, 414 Gamez, George 33, 211 Gamez, Griselda 128, 204, 211 Gantt, Michael 59, 164 Garcia, Camille 28, 211 Garcia, David 211 Garcia, Eric 211 Garcia, Joe 211 Garcia, Joel 211 Garcia, Joseph 211 Garcia, Kevin 211 Garcia, Krystal 211 Garcia, Pablo 211 Garcia, Ramon 164 Garcia, Stephanie 121, 211
JoSHua Green, sophomore
Garcia,Yvette 211 Gardner, Brian 211 Gardner, Haley 179 Garlich, Sydney 34, 179 Garrett, Robbi 12, 13, 211 Garrett, Zachary 179, 190, 432 Gaudoin, Andrew 211 Gaudoin, Geoffrey 211 Gault, Alyssa 211, 241 Gault, Brittany 211 Gauthier, Benjamin 211 Gavern, Laura 12, 33, 211 Gaylord, Katelyn 82, 179 Geiger, Harrison 85, 211 Geiger, Hillary 112, 179 Gentry, Anna 103, 112, 179, 294 Gentry, Austin 179, 295 Gentry, Joshua 179 Gerben, Andrew 148, 211 Geren, Sydney 80, 103, 211 Germain, Nidia 179, 181 Gertel, Susan 164 Gibbons, Genie 211 Gibson, Brittany 211 Gibson, Danielle 4, 33, 211 Gibson, Katherine 126, 146, 211 Gidel, Carisa 112, 120, 179 Gidel, Carissa 296 Gies, Cory 297 Gies, Matthew 112, 126, 179 Gies, Taylor 151, 213 Giessuebel, Frances 164 Gilbert, Kaley 213 Gilbert, Robert 213 Gill, Kara 213 Gilles, Marie 213 Gilliam, Annie 179, 298 Gillilan, Anthony 213 Gitau, Eric 213 Glade, Austin 213 Glasgow, Randall 456 Glazer, Camille 213, 229 Glazer, Charles 24, 49, 213 Glester, Michael 164 Glover, Catherine 4, 213 Glover, Laron 213, 225 Glover, Nicholas 117, 175, 179 Godfrey, Kay 164 Goerler, Spencer 179, 292, 370 Goin’ Postal 395 Golat, Taylor 112, 179 Golding, Chad 213
Havens, Alex 131, 215 Havens, Davis 215
Habe, Zaida 214 Hadd, Elizabeth 54, 165
alexanDer J. Hall, senior
Grant, Zane 213 Graves, Logan 146, 179, 300 Gray, Cara 213, 324, 461 Gray, Gerald 213 Gray, Jaquan 207, 213 Gray, Lane 213, 218 Gray, Morgan 213 Grebinger, Sonia 213 Green, Alexandria 184 Green, Chandler 450 Green, Courtland 27, 179 Green, Dillon 84, 213 Green, Joshua 213, 449 Green, Samantha 210, 214 Green-Seall, Thomas 126 Greenwood, Nathan 214 Greer, Lindsay 94, 214 Gregory, Morgan 214, 224 Gregory, Sterling 214 Gregory, Sydney 134, 214 Gregory, Willie 214 Gresosky, Patrick 214 Gresosky, Shannon 12, 214 Grether, Ryan 179 Griffin, Benjamin 209, 214 Griffin, Mari 214 Griffin, William 16, 214 Griffis, Savannah 214 Griggs, Devin 214, 228 Gromlich, Emily 214, 215 Gross, Katelyn 214 Grothe, Corrine 80, 214 Guenzel, Gabrielle 180 Guerra, Briana 214 Guerra, Cristian 214 Guerrelus, Rachel Belle 180 Guerrero, Jolee Jadene 214 Guerrero Villacis, Nicole 112, 131, 180 Guetzloe, Jefferson 127, 180, 301 Guiette, Haley 302 Guillen, Erish 180, 204 Guion, Blake 23, 180 Guss, Mistic 214 Gutierrez, Gretchen 78, 126, 214 Guzman, Frankie 26, 214, 225 Guzman, Franklin 214
Jasmine Cole said. Paramedics were called when Louis collapsed, but he died later that day at the hospital. An autopsy reported that Louis collapsed because of an exertional sickling due to a sickle cell trait and heat stress. In 2007 the National Athletics Trainers’ Association reported that nine athletes, ages 12-19, in the previous seven years died from exertional sickling. “I encourage you to cherish the memories,” a pastor from Louis’s hometown in Haiti said encouraging the family and friends who survived him.
Goldsborough, Demetrius 213 Goldsborough, Dominique 213, 225 Golf 127 Gollen, Chad 74, 149, 179 Gomes, Andrew 213, 229 Gomez, Erika 213 Gomez, Katherine 179, 181 Gomez, Laura 98, 213 Gomez, Leyanet 213 Gomez-Candelario, Dilson 213 Gonzales, Cynthia 8, 213 Gonzalez, Alexandra 213 Gonzalez, Alexus 213 Gonzalez, Anthony C. 179, 452 Gonzalez, Anthony L. 213, 452 Gonzalez, Isaias 213 Gonzalez, Karolyne 213 Gonzalez, Keishla 213 Gonzalez, Kyle 164 Gonzalez, Louis 213 Gonzalez, Luis 464 Gonzalez, Natalia 213 Gonzalez, Omar 213 Gonzalez, Shannely 213 Gonzalez, Taylor 179, 189 Gonzalez, Wilfin 213 Goode, Frances 213 Goodwin, Daniel 179, 191 Gopaul, Naaron 213 Gordon, Douglas 213, 223, 370 Gordon, Elizabeth 213 Gordon, Gabriel 88, 179 Gorodnick, Rachael 117, 118, 179, 435, Goshulak, Nicholas 179 Goss, Alyssa 164 Gossett, Devin 156, 213, 442 Gould, Alexis 213 Gowen, Nicholas 213 Gowett, Heather 213 Grabhorn, Brandon 26, 213, 462 Grabhorn, Trevor 213 Graham, Samuel 34, 179 Grandinette, Frank 213 Grandinette, Nicole 188, 213 Granger, Chase 8, 213 Grant, Cody 124, 213 Grant, Ja Quiel 213 Grant, Laura 127, 112, 179, 299, 460 Grant, Marcus 164 Grant, Mason 213
Tears silently rolled down the cheeks of a mother who did not understand how she could’ve outlived her youngest son. At his funeral, Marie Bastien mourned the death of her son, Olivier Louis. Louis was a freshman at Wekiva High School and a member of the freshman fooball team. At football practice, just 19 days before his 16th birthday, Louis collapsed while stretching and preparing for his freshman football practice. “You never think something like this will happen. I mean, we have players that sometimes pass out, but you never think they’re going to die. So it’s really shocking right now,” Wekiva classmate
freshman olivier Louis died during football practice
Furukawa, Samuel 211 Fusilier, Justin 211 Fussell, David 16, 211
It was sad and a tragedy. It was unexpected, and a rare way to die. ariel khan, Junior
Haddock, Gail 165 Haddock, Trenton 214 Hadley, Khambrel 180 Hagood James, Hunter 153, 180 Hagood James, Lee 153, 214 Hagood James, Morgan 214 Hair, Kali 214 Hale, Marla 214 Haley, Christopher 214 Hall, Alexander 112, 171, 180 Hall, Alexander T. 303 Hall, Austin 214 Hall, Brendan 112, 171, 180, 304, 416 Hall, Janette 165 Hall, Jazzmen 214 Hall, Lindsey 121, 214 Hall, Nicholas 20, 28, 35, 55, 112, 120, 180 Hall, Shandise 142, 180 Hall, Taylor 214, 205 Hall II, Timmon 180 Halloran, Joshua 126, 214 Halloween 17 Hamilton, Brianna 180 Hamilton, Paul 171, 180 Hamilton, Quimairys 214 Hamilton, Timothy 46, 214 Hammond, Allison 210, 214 Hammond, Ryan 13k, 214 Hampton, Jeb 214 Hanberry, Joseph 214, 218 Hanberry, Tana 214, 224 Hancock, Mark 180 Hanks, Hunter 24, 112, 180, 462 Hannot, Diana 165 Hanson, Savannah 112, 180, 306 Harding, Caroline 101, 112, 180, 307 Harding, Kristen 214, 417 Harding, Merrie Grace 99, 214, 150 Hardy, Mitchell 180 Hare, Zachary 190 Hargett, Keith 180, 184 Harman, Charles 165 Harman, Sarah 214 Harper, Bethany 23, 78, 214 Harper, Brianna 180, 308 Harper, Catherine 214 Harper, Jalen 214 Harriger, Alexandra 214 Harrington, Channa 70, 200, 214, 324, 461 Harrington, Kristen 154, 214 Harris, Austin 157, 197, 214 Harris, Cooper 214 Harris, John 214 Harris, Kyle 215 Harris, Samantha 215 Harris, Tyrenthian 215 Harrison, Brett 112, 180, 192 Harrison, ElizabeTh 70, 127, 180, 309 Harrison, Hakeem 215 Harrison, Jenna 102, 215 Harvard, Alexandra 99, 133, 215 Hassan,Yousef 6, 158, 215 Hastings, Alexis 215 Haugh, Courtney 33, 215 Hauke, Jacob 180 Hauke, Samantha 215
Hawks, Terrell 49, 215 Hayes, Kaitlyn 92, 215 Hayes, Nicholas 215 Hayes, Sarah 12, 215 Hazelwood, Brittani 180 He,Yuanjun 215 Head, Robert 40, 87 Health Insurance 380 Healy, Eleanor 58, 165 Hediger, Fabio 137, 206, 215 Heffernan, Alison 108 Heffernan, Craig 215 Heilman, Kelli 112, 180 Heimbach, Sabrina 180 Heinkel II, Ronald 215 Heiselman, Connie 164, 165 Heisner, Heidi 112, 180 Helfrich, Burkhardt 215 Heller, Sam 215, 232 Heller, Sydney 215 Helms, Cole 215 Helms, Rachel 119, 215 Helping Others 81 Hemmer, John 196, 215 Henao, Anibal 165 Henderson, Adelia 64, 180 Hendry, William 215 Hendryx, Annie 112, 181 Henriquez, Clarissa 215 Henriquez, Naivette 215 Henry, Adonis 215 Hensley, Ken 165 Herald, Stephanie 215 Hermosa, Lisa 215, 227 Hernandez, Axell 215, 238 Hernandez, Cassandra 215 Hernandez, Choselina 181 Hernandez, Ciara 181 Hernandez, Crystal 36, 183 Hernandez-Curras, Francesca 215 Hernandez, Genieva 181 Hernandez, Hector 215 Hernandez, Hiraida 181 Hernandez, Jaime 165 Hernandez, Jason 215 Hernandez, Lynette 215 Hernandez, Raymond 215 Hernandez, Stephany 183 Hernandez, Wilfredo 215 Herrera, Dyana 147, 215 Herrera, Kevin 215 Herrera, Wildelis 215 Herring, Andrew 215 Herrington, Alexander 215 Herrington, Blake 18, 181 Herrington, Emily 19, 66, 112, 181 Hester, Julia 128, 215 Hickey, Jacob 215 High, Jamal 215 Hightower, Quatavious 217 Hilado, Mason 217 Hilights Newspaper 63 Hill, Bobbi 70, 217 Hilley, Jennifer 165 Hill, Heidi 217 Hill, Jessica 217 Hill, Matthea 217 Hill, Michael 70, 217 Hill, Shamara 217 Hill, Vincent 217 Hilton, Seth 156, 217 Hines, Jenna 51, 114, 217 Hines, John-Logan 18, 123, 181 Hita, Karen 19, 165 Hock, Bailey 217 Hoenstine, Ashley 217 Hoevenaar, Delaney 56, 138, 217 Hoevenaar, Hayden 127, 217 Hofer, Anna Hoffmann, Jamie 165 Hogan, Austin 26, 217 Hohman, Stefanie 22, 117, 217, 243 Holaday, Jeffery 18, 189, 217 Holder, Candrea 217 Holguin, Cristian 217 Holland, Desmond 24, 210, Iacone, Lori 207, 217 Icardi, Crystal 119, 181, 313 Iglesias, Carlota 54, 163, 165 Ilaria, Nicholas 217 Ilgenfritz, Carey 80, 181, 314, 325, 461 Igou & Smith 392 In-Depth: Challenge Day 87 In-Depth: Learning Disabilities 61 In-Depth: Parent Boosters 97 In-Depth: Sports Related Concussions 141 Ingram, Jacob 217 Inostroza, Diego 217 Interesting Jobs 11 Irizarry, Elizabeth 217
leSlie irizarry, freshman
217 Holland, Hugh 205, 217 Holleman, Samuel 217 Hollingshead, Christopher 181 Hollingshead, Glynn 217 Hollis, Ryan 217 Holloway, Anisha 217 Holmes, Brandi 181 Holmes, Christopher 217 Holmes, Joseph 217 Holmes, Tyler 217 Holysz, Kyle 13j, 157, 217 Holzman, Justin 181, 310 Homecoming 13 Hood, Anfernee 217, 246 Hoover, Christopher 217 Hope, Brittany 103, 217 Horgan, Catherine 217 Horgan, Elizabeth 181 Horgan, Victoria 217 Hortze, Nicholas 165 Horvath, Gigi 165 Hostetter, Donovan 217 Houser, Elizabeth 165 Houston, Gabriel 8, 217 Houston, Richard 165 Howard, Brittany 181 Howard, Jacquelyn 217 Howard, Thomas 76, 217 Hudkins, Sloane 217 Hudson, Ally 13a, 112, 118, 181, 311 Hudson, Sandy 165 Hughes, Nicholas 217 Huhn, Julianne 112, 120, 129, 179, 181, 312 Hulcher, Clint 305 Humphrey, Brooke 165 Humphreys, Cydne 217 Hungerford, Andrew 144, 181 Hunsicker, Emma 85, 195 Hunte, Kenwin 106, 181 Hunte, Sarah 50, 154, 217 Hunter, Rebecca 217 Hurtado, Daniel 158, 217 Hutchinson, Jeremy 217 Hutsell, Bradley 13, 64, 108, 217 Hutsell, Cindy 118, 165 Hylton, Austin 452 Hymes, Aja 217 Hymes, Javaun 217 Hyre, Alec 217
I think it is a good opportunity for seniors, because it used to be a community college, so its an upgrade for them. adam Padilla, Junior
Jackson, Alexis 218, 222 Jackson, Bailey 159, 218, 242 Jackson, Dylan 218 Jackson, Eryn 218, 229, 246 Jackson, Janibelle 165 Jackson, Lacy 189 Jackson, Rodney 121, 124, 125, 181 Jackson, Tyler 50, 218 Jacobs, Kyle 45, 218 Jacobs, William 218 Jacobshagen, Joseph 218 Jaen, Christian 106, 218
DaKota JoneS, freshman
Irizarry, Jailene 217 Irizarry, Joshua 218 Irizarry, Leslie 218, 450 Irizarry, Melisa 24, 218 Irrazabal, Carolina 181, 194 Irrazabal, Federico 218 Irwin, Kevin 98, 160, 218 Irwin, Kyle 137, 218 Irwin, Robert M. 157, 218 Irwin, Robert B. 202, 218 Isaacs, Danielle 178 Isaacs, William 218 Ishmael, Aaron 218 Issue: Alcoholism 37 Issue: Internet Safety 43 Issue: Rehab 41 Issue: Teen Mom 39 Ivey, Malik 19, 218
In September, Florida Pastor Terry Jones threatened to burn a Koran as a protest to the proposed building of an Islamic center near the site of the attack on the World Trade Centers in 2001. However, after being pleaded by numerous religious and government officials not to go through with it, Pastor Jones agreed not to go through with the demonstration. However, months after the hype died down, Pastor Jones decided to follow through with his plan, regardless of the consequences he knew n Burn the Book. Pastor Terry Jones speaks to the media in Gainsville, might ensue. Florida, Friday, Sept. 10. (photo/ricardo On March 20, with an audience ramirez Buxeda/ orlando Sentinel/MCt) of 30 worshippers, Jones burned the Muslim holy book at his small church in Gainesville, FL. Following the demonstration, three Muslim men sparked a riot in Mazar-I-Sharif, Afghanistan, and stormed the United Nations building, killing 12 people. The Afghan rioters carried signs reading messages such as “Down with America” and “Death to Obama” and called for Pastor Jones’ immediate arrest. Overtaking the building, rioters disarmed and beat guards, threw stones, [Jones] should keep that to collapsed guard towers and burnt part of the UN himself; he’s just going to make everything worse. compound. lissette BeJarano, President Barack Obama and Afghan President senior Hamid Karzai released a statement on Thursday, April 4, denouncing both Pastor Jones’ actions and those of the rioters.
proposal led to questionable actions
burn a Koran Day
Local Valencia Community College opened in 1967 to offer two-year associate degrees. On Sept. 21, it received permission from the state Board of Education to offer its first baccalaureate degree programs. After acquiring permission, Valencia announced the newly established programs could be available to students as soon as Fall 2011. The bachelor of science
degrees in radiologic and imaging services and electrical and computer engineering technology were two of the newly established programs. The University of Central Florida previously offered these programs, but dropped them because of budget cuts. Because UCF dropped these programs, VCC had the university’s full support through the process. On Dec. 14, after receiving
their accreditation as a baccalaureate degree granting institution by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as well as the trustees of Valencia, the school changed its name to Valencia College. Students hoped Valenica would keep its $91.73 per credit hour fees, versus the $167.35 per credit hour for state universities.
valencia granted permission to offer baccalaureate
No loNger just a commuNity college
Jaen, Dianela 218 Jaen, Karen 62, 218 James, Bashari 218 James, Patrick 10, 66, 218 James, Tisha 112, 181 Janas, Heather 218 Janer, Kevin 93, 181 Janer, Michael 181 Janes, Jessica 181 Jarrell, Mary 218, 321 Jean, Akim 190 Jean Francois, Cynthia 218 Jeffreys, Hailea 219 Jenkins, Allen 219 Jenkins, Kaytlyn 86, 219 Jenkins, Zachary 182 Jeune, Alex 14 Jeudy, Karl 182 Jewell, Colleen 182, 315 Jimenez, Angel 219 Jimenez, Marimar 219 Jimenez, Nyshka 219 Jimenez, Syleen 219 Jirau, Destiny 219 Jiskoot, Jacob 9, 219 Joachim, Stanislas 164, 165 John, Cushun 219 Johnny’s Fillin Station 316 Johns, Michael 219 Johnson, Aaron M. 219 Johnson, Alice 89, 182 Johnson, Austin 219 Johnson, Christopher M. 33, 219 Johnson, Christopher P. 9, 219 Johnson, Curtis 153, 182 Johnson, Durrell 219 Johnson, Dylan 215, 219 Johnson, Garrett 219 Johnson, Joseph 219 Johnson, Krysharra 175 Johnson, Taj 29, 219 Johnson, Tia 29, 219 Johnson, Tyler 12, 182 Johstono, Tyler 219 Jones, Alexander 182 Jones, Anthony 219 Jones, Austin 13, 125, 219 Jones, Christopher 174, 182 Jones, Dakota 219, 450 Jones, Dalton 219, 229 Jones, Janet 219 Jones, Kyle 12, 13a, 28, 35,
photo/Victoria Scott
Heartbreak oN tHe field
451 Furukawa- kelley
“I’d brag about the win over Freedom that football had because Freedom was undefeated,” sophomore Denzel Yarbough said.
Kage, Karl 219 Kahn, Joshua 219 Kaiser, Matthew 116, 219 Kaled, Ivan 158, 219 Kaled, Julia 219 Kallman, Kaley 46, 219 Kalmes, Haley 219 Kane, Justin 13a, 28, 62, 182, 318 Karney, Jessica 218, 219 Kasper, Cody 136, 219 Kasper, Taylor 138, 219, 440 Katauskas, Paul 57, 120, 165 Katynski, Amber 204, 219 Kaufusi, Wynonna 31, 182, 319 KBJ Architects 395 Keefer, Taylor 219 Keeler, Heather 219 Keener, Matthew 219 Keiser, Charlene 219 Keith, Lauren 27, 219 Keith, Ryan 157, 219 Keller, Nicholas 219 Kelley, Brian 219 Kelly, Alandra 219, 238 Kelly, Alexandra 78, 126, 219 Kelly, Veronica 77, 89, 219 Kemp, Kyra 89, 219 Kennedy, Brandon 182, 464 Kennedy, Danielle 104, 220, 386 Kent, Alicia 220 Kent, Kimberly 216, 220 Khan, Ameer 220, 289 Khan, Anashia 182 Khan, Ariel 450 Khoury, Andrew 220, 451 Kickery, Kasee 86, 234 Killgore, Caitlin 13j, 28, 85, 112, 182, 315 Kimble, Brittany 220 King, Drew 220 King, John Michael 220 King, Justin 60, 220 King, Robin 165 King, William 146, 165 Kinscy, Natalie 189 Kinser, Samantha 220 Kirchoff, Geoffrey 220 Kirk, Stephen 220 Kirkland, Destinee 220, 238 Kissick, John 10, 220 Kittrell, Sarah 28, 165, 194 Knapp, Kaley 220 Knapp, Linda 165 Kneeland, Jessica 78, 126, 220 Knepper, Jeremy 220 Knight, Heather 182, 395
aNDrew Khoury, sophomore
101, 112, 182, 317 Jones, Marcus 182 Jones, Ricardo 67, 219, 242 Jones, Sydney 217, 219 Joossens, Alice 55, 165, 409 Jordan, Caroline 21, 132, 219 Jordan, Walker 182, 192 Joseph, Guimard 219 Joyce, Monica 219, 428 Jure, Sarid 70 Jure, Sofia 198, 219 Justus, Katie
Labovitz, Adena 84, 220 Labs and Acivities 47 Lackey Thompson, Courtney 220 Lacount, Nonzo 321 Lacrone, Donald 220 Ladewski, Mike 20 Ladue, Jody 220 Lafave, Cole 220 Lago, Adrian 220 Lai, Victoria 44, 112, 182, 320, 325, 461 Lajoie, Noelle 182 Lakman, Brianna 220 Lam, Cathy 182, 386 Lam, Felix 220, 238 Lam, Vicky 33, 220, 272 Lamasters, Cody 220 Lamones, Deion 152, 220 Lampman, Samuel 14, 74, 220 Landis, Cullen 10, 220 Lane, Ivy 106, 220 Lane, Myranda 220 Lang, Claire 132, 220 Lange, Connor 220, 456 Lang, Max 124, 182 Lankford, Steven 171 Lant, Kathrine 45, 182, 322 Larr, Abbey 27, 220, 414 Larr, Carly 201, 220 Lason, Nadia 220 Lastarza, Jacob 34, 89, 182 Latham, William 222 Latimer, Shawn 18, 222 Lautner, Taylor 189 Lawhorne, Megan 9, 222 Lawshe, Samantha 222 Lawson, Kayla 222
Shellcy lemoS, sophomore
Knight, Jordan 220 Knight, Megan 150, 182, 395 Knighton, Spencer 220 Knoff, Hayley 220 Knox, Christopher 220 Knox, Dillon 13, 99 Koenig, Jesse 152, 220 Koffinas, Cassandra 4, 220 Kokis, Alexander 60, 68 Kolbo, Thayer 220, 386 Komanski, Connor 220 Kominowski, Alan 150, 160, 220 Konarski, Kiahna 220 Konowal, Nicholas 117, 220 Kouyo, Kevin 196, 220 Kovacs, Kailee 29, 112, 182 Kozy, Allison 50, 220 Krauss, John 220, 402 Krauss Coryell, Angela 220 Kreger, Hannah 66, 117, 220 Kroczaleski, Mark 220 Kroll, Aaron 182, 321 Krueger, Jennifer 220 Kruppenbacher, Brandon 110, 220 Kull, Tyler 182 Kunneke, Ian 182 Kyle, Nathan 138 Kyle’s Bike Shop 395
n WElcomE. The new Amway Center, replacing the old Amway Arena, officially opened Oct.1. The grand opening event attracted 50,000 people. (photo/Justin Kane)
Maloney, Christine 223, 228 Mami, Safia 166, 168 Mangold, Kaitlyn
It’s so nice. I went there for a magic game in January and had a lot of fun. coby EllsWorth, sophomorE
173, 175, 328 Manolesakis, Nikolas 158, 223 Manso, Xuhey 6, 223 Manuele, William 223 Maragos, Michael 131, 223 Marching Band 107 Marciaga, Jose 223 Marcial, Christopher 175, 184 Maria, Mario 9, 223 Maria, Tiffany 175, 178 Mariner’s Village 396 Markel, Andrew 223 Markel, Josilyn 112, 175, 176 Marlin, Melissa 16, 28, 113, 175 Maroney, Kacie 113, 175, 185, 329 Marozzi, Samantha 13a, 113, 118, 175, 185, 330 Marozzi, Vanessa 223, 13 Marquez, Alexis 175, 272 Marquez, Christine 166 Marquez, Gerardo 223 Marrero, Ashley 223 Marrero, Jeanette 22, 223 Marshall, Mariah 216, 223 Marshall, Montana 223 Marshall, Tyler 223 Martin, Celeste 143, 223 Martin, Charlie 223, 238 Martin Federal Credit Union 397 Martin, Jovann 134, 223 Martin, Michael 223 Martin, Terri 223, 239 Martin, Quentin 223 Martinez, Alexis 223, 324, 461 Martinez, Christian 223 Martinez, Cornelia 223, 239 Martinez, Crystal 223, 251 Martinez, Daniel 105, 175 Martinez, Jeissy 223 Martinez, Karina 223 Martinez, Kendal 4, 223
On a sun splashed Friday the countdown began: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty, Magic CEO Bob Vander Weide, Magic President Alex Martins and other dignitaries held the scissors to cut the blue ribbon that separated the public from their new Amway Center. The countdown reached one and the ribbon fluttered to the ground officially opening the $480 million facility. The Center, located in the heart of downtown on Church Street, replaced the Amway Arena, located on West Amelia Street. Vendors along the street were hopeful that the new center would bring life back to the street. The Center hosted concerts, the Harlem Globe Trotters and events on ice including Smucker’s Stars on Ice. Class of 2011 anticipate their graduation in the new building set for June 3.
amway center replaced old arena
let the Magic begin
Mabe, Austin 172
Macfarlane, Mark 166 Machado, Rachel 104, 223 Macias, Ivanna 223 Mack, Shaniqua 175 Mackenzie, Caitlyn 425 Mackenzie, William 140 Mackey, Darion 223, 232 Mackey, Kayla 33, 223 Mackey, Ricardo 46 Mackino, Jamie 175 Macleish Insurance Agency 327 Macnitt, Luann 223, 232 Madden, John 26, 223 Madera, Abraham 223 Madigan, Emily 135, 150, 223 Magnet and Academies 67 Maharaj, Ariana 223 Maia, Paulo 223 Maiden, Elizabeth 163, 223 Maiden, Joshua 223 Main, Lauren 147, 223 Maisonet, Tisha 223 Maldonado, Alexis 175 Maldonado, Christian 33, 34, 175 Maldonado, Jose 228 Mallard, Logan 223 Mallory, Shane 223, 241 Malloy, Saeeda 223
Nicole meDiNa, junior
Lockner, Justin 131, 199, 222 London-Tauriello, Amy 165 Long, Brendan 222 Long, Kaley 175 Long, Matthew 149, 222 Longest, Spencer 222 Longmire, Jamie 165 Lopareva, Daria 175 Lopes, Kevin 222 Lopes, Krystal 222 Lopez, Alondra 222 Lopez, Daviannish 222 Lopez, Diana 222 Lopez, Elizabeth 222 Lopez, Nathan 222 Lopez, Rose 222 Lopez, Sandra 222 Lopez, Stephany 222 Lopez,Yashira 4, 34, 175 Lopez Cruz, Francisco 12, 175 Lopez Olijnyk, Ashley Lorenzo, Elizabeth 222 Louden, Courtney 175 Love, Matthew 111, 112, 326 Lovingood, Christina 223 Lozada, Angel 84, 223 Lozada, Jose 223 Lucas, Marina 175 Lucas, Nicole 103, 223 Luff, Angelica 223, 233 Lugo, Daisy 166 Lugo, Leslie 223 Lumbert, Madison 85, 107, 223 Luna, Elizabeth 223 Lustman, Renee 175, 323 Lyders, Sara 166 Lynn, Kurt 131 Lyon, Austin 65, 166 Lyons, Edward 223 Lyttle, Clint 223
Lawson, Michael 222 Laxton, Adam 123, 222 Layton, Camille 81, 112, 182, 323 Layton, Jenna 222 Leadership 99 Leath, Jonathan 90, 222 Lee, Christopher 165 Lee, Jessica 222 Lee, Rodney 10, 222 Leesang, Alyssa 222 Legault, Alicia 188 Legend Yearbook 63, 324, 325 Lemay, Alexis 90, 112, 182 Lemcke, Dylan Lemme, Cameron 222 Lemos, Shellcy 222, 452 Leneave, David 222 Lenis, Felysha 78, 127, 222 Leon, Cassandra 222 Leon, Jessica 222 Leon, Julieanna 222 Leonard, Andrew 222, 402 Lesche, Kristin 74 Leveille, Kyle 144, 222, 442 Lewis, Aaliyah 206, 222 Lewis, Bradley 68, 222 Lewis, Courtney 182 Lewis, Dakota 222, 240 Lewis, Levelle 222 Lewis, Naesha 222 Lexner, Jessica 222 Lichtler, Kanchana 172 Liebman, Stacy 165, 166 Liley, Richard 222 Lindborg, Katharyn 222 Lineberry, Thomas 165, 167 Linxwiler, Wesley 206, 222 Lipa, Kyle 153, 172 Lipkin, Caleb 222 Liscano, William 222 Listort, Glenn 135, 137, 165 Lobozzo, Danielle 16, 27, 222 Locke, Dalton 175 Martinez, Rolando 223 Martinez, Sara 185 Martinez, Tatiana 185, 190 Martinez,Yolanda 166 Martinson, David 157, 166 Martinson, Joseph 124, 185, 331 Martinson, Matthew 224 Martucci, Christopher 224 Marulanda, Monica 224 Mary Kay 396 Maschinot, Kaitlyn 118, 185, 398 Maschinot, Tyler 10, 113, 185, 399 Mason, Calvin 224 Mason, Rachael 20, 113, 115, 132, 185, 382 Mastrodomenico, Melissa 185, 454 Matay, Darien 224 Mateer, Zackery 224 Mateo, Jessica 224 Matheson, Chase 65, 113, 185, 333 Mathews, Meredith 224 Mathis, Carlos 224 Matos,Yennifer 224 Matos, Balil Matteson, David 63, 113, 177, 185, 334 Matteson, Kelsey 104, 120, 224 Matthews, Carrie 224 Matthews, Elaine 166, 55 Matthews, Roquel 224 Mattie, Laura 166 Mattos, Albert 224 Mauerman, Alexis 26, 224 Mauerman, Seth 224 Mauldin, Kelci 185 Mauldin, Lindsay 166, 167 Maye, KaItlyn 224 Mayenschein, Bruce 224, 370 Mayer, Amanda 46, 224 Mayer, Rene 166 Mayes, Zipporah 224 Maynard, Dylan 4, 224 Maynard, Erik 224, 230 Mays, Destiney 224 Mazzotta, John 137, 224 Mc Alister, Mary 224 Mc Clintock, Tyler 222, 224 Mc Williams, Samuel 26, 224 McAloon, Alexis 224 McBryde, Travis 57, 224 McCall, Christine 166 McCann, James 224 McCarthy, Alexis 224 McClane, Henry 224 McClane, Thomas 224 McClellan, Connor 224 McClellan, William 185 McConnell, Cailey 113, 185, 335 McConnell, Chase 224 McConnell, Hunter 224 McCorkle, Colton 85, 224 McCormick, Zachery 185 McCoy, Edward 224 McCoy, Jessica 52, 63, 185, 336 McCoy, Mark 14, 185 McDaniel, Cory 224 McDuffie, Lucie 212, 224 McElroy, Madison 100, 224 McEwan, Elizabeth 99, 224 McFarlane, Gabrielle 224 McFarlin, Austin 224 McGee, Nicole 13j, 224 McGonigal, Danielle 224 McGrady, John 224 McGrath, Austin 116, 224 McGraw, Savannah 74, 185 McKibben, Andrea 58, 166 McKinney, Ian 224 McKnight, Chassion 56 McLemore, Taylor 224 McLemore, Tyler 224 McMaster, Alyssa 185 McMillen, Margaret 55, 166 McMillin, William 10, 224
When I heard about it I was scared that they would actually die. caItlyN mackENzIE, FrEshmaN
McMillion, Nicholas 153, 224 McNeill, Cameron 224, 353 McNeill, Wendy 353 Mead, Brent 224 Mead, Kaley 84, 185 Meade, Christopher 224 Mears Transportation Group 400 Medina, Ariel 174 Medina, Francisco 157, 225 Medina, Michael 225, 228 Medina, Nicole 225, 452 Medranda, Denise 225 Meeks, Sanford 12, 125, 225 Mehan, Brennah 225 Mehan, Kiernan 225 Meister, Elsa 31, 225 Melanson, Joshua 225 Melendez, Desseray 225 Melendez, Isaiah 225 Melendez, Luz 166 Melendez, Matthew 13i, 195 Mellado, Vanessa 225 Meme’s Creations 396 Mena, Dora 166 Mendez, Emily 225 Mendez, Matthew 225 Meneses, Alexandria 120, 225 Menk, Taylor 132, 185 Mercado, Alexis 225 Mercado, Marisol 92, 225 Mercado, Robert 225 Merced, Krystal 225 Mercedes, Barbara 172 Mercedes, Laura 225 Merchant, David 225 Meredith, Connor 20, 28, 113, 185, 338 Meredith, Cooper 2, 225 Merrigan, Tara 225 Merwin, Michael 4, 225 Metts, Casey 225 Meuwissen, Nathan 225, 402 Mevorach, Cecily 225 Meyer, Jennifer 225 Meyers, Karly 225 Michaud, Chelsea 225 Michaud, Marie 182 Micks, Ashley 60, 261, 225, 324, 461 Middleton, Samantha 166 Migetz, Karen 58, 166, 460 Milchling, Bethany 225 Miller, Ariana 19, 185 Moore, Megan 226 Moore, Ngwiekou 159, 226, 238 Moore, Taylor 127, 226, 230 Mora, Danielle 226 Morales, Alejandro 226 Morales, Angel 226 Morales, Dennis 187 Morales, Jefferson 226 Morales, Kaylene 226 Morales, Kelly 166, 168 Morales, Stephanie 226 Moran, Martin 178 Morata, Antony 226 Moreno, Hillary 226 Moreno Moreira, Julieta 226 Morgan, Jeffrey 156, 226 Morman, Brody 187 Morman, Ella 226, 432 Mormontoy, Le-Roy 64, 226 Morris, Austin 226 Morrobel, Jeriel 226 Morter, Chelsea 226 Moscatello, Maria 226 Moseley, Brenna 13d, 187, 337 Mosher, Robert 226 Mosley, Gary 226 Mosley, Olivia 289 Motta, Rachel 113, 176, 187 Motta, Vivian 24, 226 Mountz, Julie 46, 74, 187 Mouradian, Sarah 226 Moxley, William 226 Mr. Fix It All, LLC 396 Mulero, Gabriela 226 Mullins, Daniel 59, 166 Mullins, Joseph 226 Mulvaney, Dillon 226 Mulvaney, Sean 178 Muniz-Acevedo, Luis 228 Muniz, Carmelo 226 Muniz, Mario 10, 206, 226 Muniz, Melissa 228 Muniz, Tristan 134, 228 Munoz, Liza 228 Muragin, Matthew 228 Murdaugh, Nicolette 228 Murillo, Michelle 228 Murphy, Linda 166 Murphy, Michael 228, 239 Murphy, Nicholas 228 Murray, Alexandra 46, 187, 343 Murray, Jordan 187 Murray, Matthew 228
What began as a normal day for 33 men quickly turned tragic as the mine they were working in collapsed. On Aug. 5, in the Atacama Desert, 700,000 tons of rock in a San Jose gold mine trapped its workers. Surrounded by darkness, fear trickled into their minds and starvation scratched at their stomachs. Seventeen days later, hope arrived when they received a letter confirming people knew they were in there, and asking if they were alive, to which they responded, “All of us are well inside the shelter.” For 52 more days the miners received necessities through a
It’s kind of disturbing knowing someone else has your name. Jose r. rIverA, sophomore
It doesn’t bother me, but I do get mistaken for the other one. Jose m. rIverA, JunIor
n WElcomE back. The capsule carries Manuel Gonzalez, a rescue specialist, into the San Jose mine, near Copiapo, Chile, on Oct. 13, to aid in the rescue of the 33 miners trapped in the mine for nearly 70 days. (Alex Ibanez//mCT/Abaca press)
It’s messed up when you are mistaken for the other one, and schedules are always fun. otherwise, it doesn’t matter, I mean it’s kind of cool. AnThony l. GonzAlez, sophomore
[The other one] got in trouble once and I was the one called down to discipline. It’s just annoying sometimes. AnThony C. GonzAlez, senIor
Same NameS DiffereNt PeoPle
six inch portal. Their situation caught the attention of people all over the world, including Americans. When Brandon Fisher and Richard Soppe of Pennsylvania heard what happened they developed Plan B. This plan included enlarging the hole where the men were lifted out of their 69-day home. NASA also contributed in designing the rescue capsule. On Oct. 12, at 9:55 p.m. Luis Urza was the final miner rescued. “You brought your shift out like a good captain,” Chilean President Sebastian Pinera told a beaming Urza.
69 days later, miners rescued alive
Miracle 33
Miller, Cody 225 Miller, Douglas 54, 166 Miller, Elizabeth 9, 225 Miller, Israel 131, 225 Miller, Lindsay 225 Miller, Melissa 74, 185, 339 Miller, Pam 68, 166 Miller, Rebekah 210, 226 Miller, Shelby 64, 12, 113, 185, 340 Mills, Kelsey 185, 341 Mills, Samantha 113, 122, 170, 185, 325, 342, 461 Mills, Sybil 226 Minks, Allison 226 Minnear, Cody 226 Minor, Maxwell 226 Miranda, Irving 105, 185 Miranda, Jesse 110, 226 Miranda, Jessica 226 Miranda, Kikey 226 Miranda,Yezlie 80, 185 Mistry, Priyanka 226 Mitchell, Daniel 185 Mitchell, Jaccori 144, 226 Mitchell, James 166 Mixell, Courtney 190 Moch, Shane 226 Mogharnesi, Nasrine 226 Mohabir, Kaelem 226, 234 Mohan, Andy 226 Moise, Rayshawn 203 Moitoza, Nicole 51, 166 Moldon Proenza,Yanier 226 Mollenhauer, Jill 166 Mollings, Nicholas 226 Monast, Grant 185 Moncho, Shannon 226 Mondesir, Ethan 226 Monegro, Sharibel 226, 289 Monington, Alysha 226 Monn, Hunter 226 Monroe, Madeleine 226 Montaiuti, Leonardo 148 Montalvo, Allison 226, 246 Montalvo, Francisco 226 Montalvo, Harry Montalvo, Jeremy 226 Montalvo, Miguel 190 Montgomery, Annette 46, 166 Montgomery, Rob 166 Montoya, Juan 226 Mooneyhan, Rebecca 54, 166 Moore, Alexander 226
453 JoNEs- murray
“I really think all the seniors seem really unified,” senior Melissa Mastrodomenico said.
Alexander 229
O’Born, Samantha 27, 229 O’Day, Ryan 229
113, 187 Palisin, Ariel 229 Palmer, Davon 229 Palmer, Zachariah 68, 229 Pantaleon, Christopher 229 Panter, Brandon 187 Parikh, Binit 229 Parker, Amy 168 Parker, Eric Parker, Hannah 229, 436 Parker, Kristen 6, 115, 187 Parker, Quinton 240 Parker, Sarah 16, 229 Parker Prosky, Kyle 113, 187, 422 Parks, Connor 202, 229 Parks, Matthew 229 Parmele, Douglas 229 Parra, Steven 229 Parrett, Christopher 168 Parrish,
JasmIne ortIz, junior
Gillian 229 Parrish, Traci 228, 229 Patrick, Louis 62, 229 Patterson, Alessandra 187 Patterson, Doug 55, 97, 168, 305 Patterson, Tyler 229 Patton, Jennalynn 162, 168 Patz, Courtney 134, 13, 229 Patz, Donna 168 Patz, Tyler 156, 229 Paul, Bailey 229 Paul, Mallory 229 Paula, Alba 229 Payne, Antoine 178 Paz, Daniel 47, 229 Peacock, Judith 229 Peacock, Morgan 230 Peacy, Danielle 187 Pearson, Rosa 52, 72, 168 Peddie, Rachel 12, 98, 230 Peever, Samantha 230 Peirce, Krista 230 Peirce, Kyla 111, 113, 187 Pelier, Serenela 91, 113, 187 Pelier, William 230 Pell, Douglas 230 Pell, Robert 236, 230 Pellett, Danielle 225, 230 Pellett, Gabrielle 230 Pelot, Alisa 187, 348 Pena, Randy 230 Penagos, Andres 230 Pender, Virginia 12, 187 Pendleton, Jonathan 145, 230, 442 Pennant, Darrian 114, 230 Pensula, Patti 168 People Divider 161 Perez, Aimee 28, 230 Perez, Bryan 230 Perez, Cynthia 187 Perez, Daniella 230 Perez, Elvira 230
then city workers cared for the swans who lived in peace, at least until that night. Stephen Brezil, pet shop operator in Jacksonville, stole the swans with plans of selling them but, a warrant led to him turning himself in to the police. Brezil was arrested and charged with six counts of grand theft and six counts of animal cruelty. The swans were safely returned.
photo/Amy Comstock
It was wrong for them to steal [the swans]. austIN hyltoN, FrEshMaN
n No sCaN, plEasE. A TSA screener pats down a traveler at the B-side security checkpoint at Orlando International Airport on Nov. 24. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)
I wouldn’t be comfortable with [the scanners] because it’s invading privacy. braNDyN Cross, JuNIor
Local travelers experienced a change the week of Oct. 27, when the Transportation Security Administration installed full body scanners in the Orlando International Airport. The scanners were another precautionary device in the airport for the prevention of terrorist attacks. The scanners required passengers to step in for a full body x-ray. Workers viewed the image in a separate room. The workers looked for metallic and non-metallic objects hiding in or under one’s clothing. The scanners caused controversy because travelers considered them to be too invasive. The scanners created a general upset, and groups like Electronic Privacy Information Center sued against their installation. But, passengers had the option of opting out of walking through the scanners. If one chose not to go through the scanner, they instead had to have a pat down.
invasive scanners installed in airports
I see someone’s underpants
Lake Eola swans have a history over a century old, but overnight on Oct. 15, someone abducted nine of the historic swans. The story goes that over a century ago, Charles Lord of England moved to Orlando and resided on Lake Lucerne. He had fond memories of swans so on a trip back to England he shipped a pair of white and a pair of black swans back home. The male white swan constantly picked on the others. Because of this, Lord sent the other swans to Lake Eola. Since
swan-napper caught after he stole iconic swans
Justice for Lake eoLa swans
sarah persuad, senior
Pacheco, Jeremy 229 Pacheco, Leanna 218, 229 Padgett, Nicole 168 Pagan, Joshua 211, 229 Paguay, Carmen 168 Paguay, Jordy
O’Dell, David 229 O’Donnell, Janice 168, 409 O’Harrow, Trae 229 O’Loane, Daniel 229 O’Malley, Patrick 162, 168 O’Shea, Jaimi 12, 224, 225 Oates, Emerald 449 Odonnell, Cian 229 Ogando, Daline 15, 229 Olde Town Brokers 400 Olijnyk, Alexis 229 Oliveira, Adriele 222, 229 Oliveira, Bianca 102, 229 Oliver, Heather 229 Oliver, Ryan 229 Olmo-Crespo, Jeremy 229 Omar, Amal 229 Onderick, Joseph 156, 229 Oosting, Emily 229 Opening 2, 3, 4 Oquendo, Maria 229 Orange County Roofing and Construction 400 Ordonez, Julia 187, 401 Orlando, Matthew 289, 229 Ortiz, Hector 196, 229 Ortiz, Jasmine 453 Ortiz, Jeremy 217 Ortiz, Magdarelis 229 Ortiz, Marcus 229 Ortiz,Yessenia 187 Orvis, Blake 137, 229 Osorno, Andreina 76, 187 Oswald, Emily 80, 113, 187, 347 Oswald, Samuel 229 Otero, Angel 229 Otero, Thomas 229 Overly, Amanda 54, 168 Overton, Carl 163, 168 Owens, Nicolas 242, 229 Ozuna, Celeste 203, 229 Ozuna, Karen 229 Ozuna, Luis 222, 229
Evandro 228 Nagle, Madison 134, 228 National Honor Society 113 Navarro, Manuel 20, 113, 127, 187, 344 Navedo, Aisha 228 Nawrocki, Karsyn 187 Neal, Billy 196 Nebeker, Stephanie 220, 228, 324, 461 Neely, Rachel 138, 226, 228 Negron, Eric 228 Nelson, Kathleen 155, 228 Nelson, Quantavious 228 Nembhard, Simone 154, 228 Nemcik, Annemarie 187, 345 Nemcik, Kimberley 166 Newbold, Danise 228 Newsome, Derrick 228 Newton, Crystal 228, 463 Nguyen, Huy 166 Nguyen, Jenny 14, 228 Nguyen, Luc 69, 228 Nguyen, Ngan 228 Nguyen, Nhi 196, 228 Nguyen, Nhu 228 Nguyen, Paul 228 Nickerson, Clinton 228 Nicoll, Vicky 166 Nieves, Gabriella 228 Nieves, Kathleen 182, 187, 346 Nieves, Mabel 228, 453 Nieves, Nataliah 228 Nieves, Rossmarie 172 Nimnicht, Cody 228 Niu, Catherine 228, 231 Niu, May 31, 228 NJROTC 93 Nobles, Nicole 166 Nobles, Pamela 68, 166 Noor, Sehar 2, 4, 228, 325, 427, 461 Noor, Shaffaq 228, 426 Norman, Morgan 228 Normandia, Paul 228 Norris, Bridgette 32, 228 Novak, Heather 228 Nunez, Linda 166 Nusbickel, Emily 13jg 138, 228, 246, 324, 461 Nuzum, Eric 228 Nyland Ayala,
mabel nIeves, junior
Murray, Victoria 3, 71, 228 Muse, Ashley 158, 228 Muse, Lauren 158, 228 Musical Students 25 Muti, Raul 159, 228 Myers, Hershey 183, 187 Myrick, Kellsey 228
Quattrone, Olivia 202, 231, 462
Perez, Heidis 230 Quattrone, Vivien 62, 73, 112, Perez, Israel 172 113, 188, 325, 461 Perez, Jaciel 230 Quezada, Anthony 231, 240 Perez, Richard 58, 168 Quezada, Anthony 231 Perez, Tiffani 230 Quiles, Leyshla 231, 402 Perez, Tristen 230 Quiles, Matthew 231 Perez Rios, Malcolm 215, 230 Quiles, Natalia 231 Perez-Rios, Natascha 113, 187 Quilindo, Erika 231 Peric, Daiva 1, 187 Quinones, Bertin 231 Perrault, Paul 230 Quinones, Bradley 188, 192 Perroux, Nathan 230 Quinones, Ileana 168 Perry, Jaclyn 230 Quinones, Ismael 231 Perry, Marchee 210, 230 Quintana Morales, Destinee Perry, Simone 230 94, 231 Persaud, Sarah 454 Quirola, Christopher 455 Pesotski, Bradley 230 Quoyeser, Harvey 168 Peterson, Danny 230 Peterson, Kayla 230 Pfeiffer, Avory 230 Pfleiderer, Joyce 59 Pham, Te 58, 168 Pherai, Atiya 187 Pherai, Joseph 230 Phillips, Garrett 127, 188, 349 Phillips, Julia 230 Photo Mingle 401 Physical Education 57 Pickert, Daniel 48, 204, 230 Pierce, Rachel 230 Pierson, Bryce 188 Pierson, Cathryn 230 Pierzynski, Garrett 230 domInIQue raymond, Pimental, Franda 230 freshman Pinch-A-Penny 402 Pinder, Jacob 188, 350 Pinkston, Kenneth 168 Pinsky, Briahna 230, 233 Pinsky, Samantha 230 Piper, Brittany 230 Race, Cheryl 168, 194 Pipkin, Joseph 7 Radivonyk, Tom 163, 168 Pirino, Jacob 230 Raffaelli, Alanna 27, 231 Plain, Phillip 230 Ragbir, Ramin 76, 228, 231 Plogstedt, Erika 105, 230 Ragland, Christina 96, 231 Podeswa, Annika 110, 188 Ragland, David 96 Podeswa, Madeline 230, 289 Ragsdale, Reann 69, 231 Polanco, Anthony 230 Ragsdale, Robin 69 Policar, Noreen 230 Rahman, Easah 31, 231 Polk, Tori 230, 242 Rainey, Andrew 188 Pollard, Jesse 230 Ramer, Brittany 188 Pomeroy, Joseph 230 Ramirez, Jennifer 231 Ponce, Amanda 50, 188, 230 Ramirez, Karen 200, 231 Pontes, Morgan 230 Ramirez, Keila 231 Pope, Paul 168, 409 Ramirez, Onix 13e, 188 Porter, Catherine 81, 113, 176, Ramis, Margaret 168 188, 246 Ramos, Eunique 231, 234 Porter, Davon 230 Ramos, Luis 231 Porter, Jonathan 220, 230 Ramos, Nicole 231 Porter, Meredith 118, 230 Ramos, Renzo 200, 231 Porter, Taylor 230 Ramos, Roger 29, 50, 231 Porterfield, Emily 98, 134, 231 Ramos,Yazmine 66, 99, 231 Porterfield, Kimberly 168 Ramsey, Christopher 231 Porterfield, Scott 168 Ramsey, Stephen 231 Post, Pete 13, 168 Ramski, Jordan 231 Potter, Harry 178 Randolph, Rachel 184, 188, Powell, Teauna 188 351 Prario, Jennifer 190 Rangel, Joshua 231 Predelus, Max 144 Rauenzahn, Anna 231 Presley, Shakarr 231 Ray, Anthony 113, 186, 188, Prest, Devon 46, 231 352 Preston, Lucas 231 Ray, Hailie 231 Primary Care Specialist 403 Ray, Tom 305 Proenza, Sheilla 231 Raybon, Carley Proietto, Meghan 231 231 Proietto, Robert 231 Raymond, PTSA 337 Dominque 455 Publications 63 Reano, Pulgarin, Diamond 231 Andres Puller, Austin 26, 231, 231 242 Rebstock, Puller, Christy 188 Logan Pulliam, Travis 231, 231 234 Purcell, Taylor 231 Pursley, Kristen 231 Pyle, Devan 231 ChrIstopher QuIrola,
Rigby, Savannah 188, 356 Rimmer, Robert 144, 232 Riney, Jacob 188 Rios, Blake 204, 232, 324, 461 Rios, Daniel 188 Ritten, Carson 208, 232 Rivera, Alexander 182, 188 Rivera, Alyssa 232 Rivera, Annette 232 Rivera, Anthony 200 Rivera, Belicia 232 Rivera, Dan 232 Rivera, David 232, 235, 430 Rivera, Gina 232 Rivera, Harrison 181 Rivera, Jose 232 Rivera, Jose Rivera, Joshua 232 Rivera, Kathleen 232 Rivera, Natasha 188 Rivera, Nestmarie 5, 21, 133, 232 Rivera, Saliel 232 Rivera, Thalia 232 Rivera, Tiffany 232 Rivera, Timothy 232 Rivera-Matos, Dyanne 232 Rizor, Olivia 232 Robbins, Shaunique 232 Roberts, Analyse 232, 242 Roberts, Jade 159, 232 Roberts, Jade 232 Roberts, Matthew 232 Roberts, Pierre 32, 188 Roberts King, Khadijah 222, 232 Robertson, Jacqueline 224, 231, 232 Robertson, Joel 188, 194 Robinson, Cassandra 87, 188 Robinson, Ian 232, 272 Robinson, Vanessa 232 Robinson, Zachary 232 Robles, Anthony 233 Robles, Heather 84, 233 Roby Hamby, Kayla 233
On Nov. 2, Teresa Jacobs and Rick Scott became the 2011 Orange County mayor and Florida governor, respectively. Jacobs graduated from Florida State University with a degree in economics and went into banking after graduation. Since then she was a county commissioner, president of the Orange County Homeowners Association Alliance and a member of numerous state and regional boards. Scott served in the Navy, then earned his business and
law degrees, before entering politics in 2010. This is both Jacobs’ and Scott’s first time in their respective positions, and both won with a large margin between their opponents and themselves. Both republicans, Jacobs and Scott’s websites stated the economy was an important issue they wanted to address as soon as possible. Unemployment percentages were on the top of the list for fixing Florida’s economy.
teresa jacobs and rick scott won elections
Channa Harrington)
I don’t think it’s fair how [Scott] came to be governor because he cheated. saNDEl CabrEra, sophoMorE
Roldan, Christopher 203, 233 Rolfe, Samantha 38, 189 Roman, Carlos 233 Roman, Felix 233 Roman, Hector 233 Roman, Krystel 69, 233 Roman, Wesley 233 Roman Caban, Stephanie 45, 233 Romanowski, Jonathan 233, 321 Romero, Vincent 233 Roque, Jose 189 Rosa, Candida 233 Rosa, Felisha 233 Rosa, Natasha 234 Rosado, Amanda 234 Rosado, David 189 Rosado, Joviana 214, 234 Rosado, Luis 184 Rosario, Alex 234 Rosario, Alexander 234 Rosario, Daniel 234 Rosario, Ivan 234 Rosario, Nathalie 189, 190 Rose, Jonathan 234 Rose, Tyler 30, 234 Rosenfeld, Joshua 110, 234 Ross, Jileiska 234 Ross, Shawn 234 Rossi, Alexa 23, 100, 113, 191, 358 Rossi, John 203, 234 Rossi, Jonathon 78, 113, 126, 191, 358 Rossi’s Pizza and Pasta 404 Rossman, William 234 Rosson, Jared 90, 191 Roth, Logan 234 Rouhier, Craig 168 Rousseau, Jonathan 234 Roy, Marilyn 234 Royal, Bradley 179, 191 Rozefort, Kimberley 234 Ruach, Weang 30, 234 Rubin-Beman, Robert 234,
n CoNgratulatIoNs. Florida Gov. Rick Scott presents his inauguration speech in Tallahassee, Florida, Tuesday, Jan. 4. (photo/Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) n authorIty. Mayor Teresa Jacobs listens to a citizen’s complaint at a county meeting. (photo/
Roche, Caleb 233 Rocher, Catherine 233 Rochester, Zachary 125, 188, 357 Rodriguez, Adelyn 233, 457 Rodriguez, Adriana 196, 232 Rodriguez, Alexandra 189, 457 Rodriguez, Alexis 233 Rodriguez, Angel Jr 189, 410 Rodriguez, Angel 233 Rodriguez, Brandon 233 Rodriguez, Christopher 233 Rodriguez, Efrain 233 Rodriguez, Eduardo 172 Rodriguez, Eric 206, 233 Rodriguez, Gina 233, 240 Rodriguez, Heather 233 Rodriguez, Ivan 233 Rodriguez, Ivarelisse 233, 457 Rodriguez, Jailene 233 Rodriguez, Jeanetis 189, 457 Rodriguez, John 233, 457 Rodriguez, Jose M. 233, 457 Rodriguez, Josue 233 Rodriguez, Katey 233 Rodriguez, Leslie 233, 234 Rodriguez, Lourdes 168 Rodriguez, Madison 233 Rodriguez, Marvid 233, 457 Rodriguez, Melissa 189 Rodriguez, Natalie 233 Rodriguez, Savannah 158, 233 Rodriguez, Shayna 233 Rodriguez, Stephanie 233 Rodriguez, Wesley 233 Rodriguez,Yenedid 233 Rodriguez,Yeyeveliz 233 Rogachesky, Joshua 109, 233 Rogers, Tanasia 233 Rohe, Caroline 113, 126, 189 Rohe, Cathy 126, 164, 168 Rohena, Efrain 233 Rohrer-Colvin, Bradley 70, 233 Roland, Christopher 233 Roland, Tyler 113, 189, 192
the winner is...
Recker, Brandi 146, 211, 231 Redd, Sarah 27, 2331 Reddick, Brandon 231 Redner, Alexis 232 Reed, Heather 94, 232 Reed, Lauren 9, 232 Reed, Nakaissia 232 Rees, Olivia 16, 138, 232 Rees, Olivia 232 Reeves, Bryant 232 Reeves, Christopher 232 Register, Myisha 229, 232, 246 Reid, Audrianna 232 Reid, Carol 58, 168 Reid, Garrett 189 Reidy, Madison 4, 48, 232 Reiff, Nathaniel 123, 232 Reiff, Nathaniel 232 Reilly, Richard 232 Reina, Daniela 232, 416 Reinhardt, Stephen 232 Reinhardt, Tyler 113, 188, 354 Reinheimer, Emily 232 Reining, Anthony 232 Reiss, Hannah 66, 226, 232 Rendon, Gabriel 149, 188 Rendsland, Harley 232, 321 Retirees 460 Rexroad, Austin 13k Reyes, Danielle 188, 192 Reyes, Joshua 188 Reyes, Ryan 35, 232, 321 Rhea, Brandon 26, 232 Rhea, Susan 96 Rhode, Justin 188, 355 Rhodes, Heidi 232 Ribot Flores, Sorielys 232 Richards, Kaydene 178, 188 Richards, Kristen 232 Richardson, James 232 Ricks, Millie 409 Ricks, Sue 168 Riconda, Eryn 121, 188 Riconda, Ethan 232 Rieck, Christie 232, 324, 420, 461
455 Murray- rubIN-bEMaN
“My favorite part about Boone is all the freedom you get,” freshman Randall Glasgow said.
Saavedra, Gabriel 234 Saba, Chelsea 219, 235, 324, 461 Sabillon, Cynthia 235 Saindon, Max 235 Salas, Cody 235 Salas, Gabriela 235 Salinas, Adismary 235 Salinas, Christina 191, 360 Samuel, Bianca 235 San Miguel, Nicole 235 Sanchez, Anais 113, 181, 191 Sanchez, Christopher 22 Sanchez, Erick 235 Sanchez, Hector 386 Sanchez, Manuel Ane 196 Sanchez, Michael 19, 22, 235 Sanders Jr, Tristan 235 Sanderson, Blake 196, 235 Sandlin, Carlee 235 Sandoval, Alexander 235 Sangrey, Carolyn 169 Sangrey, Cheyenne 191 Sanjurjo, Kennedy 13, 235 San Miguel, Nicole 235 Santana, Anthony 235 Santana, Destiny 235 Santana, Heimelly 235 Santana, Johnmir 235 Santiago, Anthony 235 Santiago, Carlos 88, 191 Santiago, Danny 51 Santiago, Gabriel 218, 235 Santiago, Paradise 235 Santiago, Vivian 235 Santin, Armando 235 Santino, Natalie 191 Santos, Angel 235 Santos, Jomar 172 Santos, Leslie 235 Santos, Nestor 235 Sarmiento, Pedro 235 Sarwar, Anika 242, 235 Sassman Dubois, Angelica 235 Saunders, Clivette 203, 235
JonaThan smiTh, senior
464 Ruiz, Daniel 73, 113, 191, 192 Ruiz, Francheska 234 Ruiz, Geghzebel 234 Ruiz, Roy 234 Ruiz, Stephanie 234 Rumiche, Melissa 234 Rumplik, Katelyn 13j, 113, 191, 359 Runge, Mason 234 Rushlow, Emily 103, 234 Rushlow, Megan 234 Russell, Matthew 234 Russo, Francheska 113, 191, 404 Rutzebeck, Zachary 234 Ryan & Burgay CPA’s, P.A. 346 Ryan, Brittani 26, 234 Ryder, Hannah 94, 234 Rydstrand, Christian 19, 234 Rymer, Anna 230, 234 Sepulveda, Leida 237 Seriberttis Fuenm, Carlos 237 Serocifino, Colin 24, 237 Serowik, Emily 237 Serowik, Laura 237 Serrano, Charlie 187 Serrano, Luis 237 Serrano, Senia 237 Sevilla, Elias 237 Sexton, Kendall 133, 237 Sexton, Mackenzie 29, 113, 191, 361 SGA 101 Shackleford, Derese 169 Shaffer, Erik 234, 237 Shaffer, Robert 33, 237 Shaikh, Kiran 237 Shaver, Lauren 237 Shea, Abigail 237 Shearouse, Elizabeth 109, 191 Sheffield, Austin 172, 191 Shenk, Cara 116, 191 Shenuski, Taylor 237 Shepherd, Jagger 237 Sheppard, Alexis 237 Shi, Xuan 184 Shields, Marisa 29, 237 Shipley, Chase 237 Shirley, Greg 145, 168, 169 Shistle, Emillie 237 Shoemaker, Katelyn 237 Short, Brian 237 Shortt, Tyler 237 Shultz, Nickolas 237 Shurman, Savanna 50, 237 Shutts, Brendan 124, 184, 191 Siaca, Carmelo 237 Siders, Daniel 111, 113, 148, 191 Sihle Insurance Group 400 Siler, Sherria 83, 169 Silvers, Thomas 25, 237 Simkovitch, Aaron 237 Simmerson, Ashleigh 237 Simmons, Dakota 66, 237 Simmons, Desaree 191 Simmons, Kari 237 Simmons, Robert 57, 237 Simmons, Shelbee 134, 237 Simon, Sendy 237 Simon, Thenmy 160 Simpson, Tre 237 Sims, Aja-Monet 222, 237 Sims, Daniel 50, 237 Sims, Rachel 237, 458 Sims, Stephanie 237, 420 Singer, Taylor 237, 402 Singh, Ryan 237 Singletary, Domanique 48, 191 Sitzes, Ashley 237 Sizemore, Kelly 237 Skarlupka, David 237 Skerrett, Fernando 237 Skersick, Kyndal 143, 237 Skinner, Stacy 169 Slason, Christopher 123, 237 Sloan, Allison 62, 86, 237, 325, 461 Sloppy Joe’s 362 Slovenkay, Scott 9, 108, 237 Small, Nathaniel 59, 169 Smith, Alexis 178 Smith, Carl 175, 191 Smith, Christopher 83, 191 Smith, Courtney 237 Smith, Elisabeth 49, 169 Smith, Holly 62, 237, 324, 461 Smith, Jacob 64, 191, 363 Smith, Jessica 237 Smith, Jonathan 455 Smith, Justice 237 Smith, Justin 237 Smith, Karen 96 Smith, Katie 237 Smith, Katy 150 Smith, Luke 4 Smith, Misha 237 Smith, Nicole 237 Smith, Robert 237 Smith, Ryan 237 Smith, Shelby 237 Smith, Terry 164, 169 Smith, Tyler Joseph 93, 238 Smith, Tyler James 238, 222 Smith, Wyatt 238 Smithie, Brittany 49 Snavely, Kevin 34, 238 Snell, Taja 83, 191 Snethen, Travis 3, 99 Snethen, Travis 238 Sobrepena, Jejomar 238 Soccer 147, 149, 159 Sokolovic, Kiersten 191 Soliven, Karl 52, 192 Solomon, Julie 109, 140, 169 Sondel, Jacob 238 Song and Associates 406 Soria, Eugenio 68, 238
(photo/Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT)
n REpEal. On Dec. 10, the Service members Legal Defense Network holds a Capitol Hill rally to call on the Senate to remain in session and the president to remain in Washington until The National Defense Authorization is passed - which includes the repeal of the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy barring homosexuals from openly serving in the U.S.military.
“For we are not a nation that says ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’. We are a nation that says, ‘out of many, we are one’,” President Barack Obama said. This was the president’s statement on Dec. 22, after repealing the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy in the military. The policy made it illegal to be openly gay in the military. The orientation of servicemen wasn’t questioned but anyone who openly admitted to being homosexual would be dishonorably discharged. The policy instigated protests because people believed it was discrimination to not allow someone in the military because of sexual orientation. There were also protests against allowing gays, open or closeted, in the military at all. The repeal went to the House of Representatives in late May where they voted to repeal it with a 234-194 margin. Four days before the president signed the bill, 65 senators voted in favor of repealing the bill. “Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well,” Obama said.
don’t ask, don’t tell policy repealed
Stewart, Kendyl 89, 238 Stewart, Tia 239 Stewart, Travis 2, 219, 239 Stewartson, Cameron 239 Stiles, Bradley 239 Stillwell, Kaylee 32, 239 Stilwell, Cassandra 169 Stimson, Daniel 239 Stinebaugh, Brittany 192 Stinson, Makhi 239 Stokes, Tyler 126, 239 Stoll, Cj 71, 192 Stone, William 115, 239 Stough, Kristopher 239 Strang, Kevin 169 Street, Taylor 18, 192 Strickler, James 110, 192, 366 Strickler, Joanne 169 Strickler, Stephen 110, 221, 239 Strom, Stacey 169 Struckmeyer, Brooke 94, 239 Struckmeyer, Brynn 239 Stuart, Megan 35, 160, 192 Stucker, Nicholas 75, 192, 367 Student Cultures 31 Student Help 73 Student Hobbies 15 Student Life Divider 6 Sturgill, Marissa 239 Suarez, Diana 239 Suarez, Luis 192 Suganuma, Allyse 10, 239 Sullivan, Sean 239 Summers, James 169 Support Staff 59 Surrency, Tyree 239 Surviving the Recession 9 Sussan, Nicole 192 Sutphin, Steele 66, 239 Sutton, Jillian 150, 192 Sutton, Julianna 239 Sveum, Christopher 239 Swain, Logan 239 Swanigan, Wanda 169 Swartwood, Alexandra 102, 113, 192, 368 Swartwood, Olivia 35, 121, 239 Swartwout, Amanda 108, 239 Sweat, David 239 Swimming 129, 131 Swinderman, Annie 239 Szabo, Michael 169
I think the [policy] is stupid. I think it’s right to let gays in the military. CoNNoR laNgE, sophomoRE
Soriano, Monique 238 Sosa, Jorge 238 Sosa Omahoney, Payton 238 Sotello, Jeffrey 238 Soto, Ashley 238 Soto, Christian 238 Soto, Harobeth 238 Soto, Lyann 231, 238 Soto, Melisa 206, 238 Soto, Talissa 113, 171, 192 Sotomayor, Emmanuel 238 Sparks, Matthew 84, 238 Spear, Devan 80, 238 Spearin Sharon, Alec 238 Spears, Christina 238 Special Education 69 Speer, Lisa 169 Speights, Nathan 238 Spence, Stephanie 238 Spielman, Aaron 218, 238 Spielman, Cassandra 107, 113, 364 Spielman, Sarah 238 Spinelli, Jessica 113, 192, 365 Spinelli, Joan Marie 51, 238 Spirit 29 Sports Divider 114 Sports Medicine 109 St Cyr, Courtney 238 St. Hubert, David 238 Stackpole, Christopher 238 Stacks, Brittany 192 Stafford, Aquanette 238 Stafford, Donta 172 Stafne, Olivia 192 Stalvey, Jarrett 238 Star Child Academy 406 Starling, Jaramey 113, 144, 192 State Farm 406 Stauffer, Monica 22, 238 Stearns, Andrew 238 Steel, Jennifer 238 Stefko, Lorenzo 225, 238 Stephany C. Spinelli & Associates, Inc. 406 Stephens, Jacob 238 Stevens, Kent 192, 353 Stevenson, Heather 184 Stevenson, Victoria 238 Steward, Kyle 238 Stewart, Ashlee 238
lawmakers lift Ban
Savary, Orlando 235 Savoy, Justin 235 Sawyer, Robin 169 Sayegh, Jennifer 228, 235 Sayegh, Jessica 235 SC Advisors 405 Scarlato, Roman 216, 235 Schaefer, Erin 142, 235 Schaefer, Ryan 235 Schaffer, Bernadette 169 Scheffler, Frank 235 Schelle, Alexandra 13i, 235 Schettino, Katelyn 235 Schields, Stephanie 169 Schildwachter, Elizabeth 235 Schildwachter, Evangelene 90, 235 Schmidt, Alice 51 Schmidt, Cynthia 126, 169 Schmidt, David 235 Schoeppler, Kevin 46, 106, 235 Scholze, Catrina 235 Schroeder, Michael 191 Schultz, Ryan 191 Sciotto, Elizabeth 94, 191 Scoggins, Matthew 235 Scott, Adrian 24, 235 Scott, Angel 235 Scott, Breanna 272, 235 Scott, Deshon 233, 235 Scott, Hansel 235 Scott, Joseph 191, 405 Scott, Kerissa 235 Scott, Lauren 272, 235 Scott, Thomas 235 Scurry, Austin 235 Scurry, Cory 191 Seacord, Delaney 138, 237 Seacord, Kinsey 13i, 78, 237 Sealey, Austin 231, 237 Sealey, Colton 237 Searcy, Chad 237 Seaver, Sarah 237 Sebastiani, Ana Maria 237 Sechi, Sean 237 Seda, Alex 237 Seijo, Taylor 237 Seijo, Tyler 237 Seithel, Tyler 237 Sekenski, Hanna 158, 237 Sellers, Trent 13d, 237 Sempier, Heather 237 Sempier, Michael 200, 237 Sensiper, Maxwell 91, 237
[It’s] weird [being one of 34 Rodriguez’s]. It makes me un-unique and makes me want to not fit in. JosE RoDRIguEz, FREshmaN
I wish I had a different last name because everyone has that last name. alEXaNDRa RoDRIguEz, sENIoR
pictures, which revealed a strange and paranoid man. One video had a man as the Grim Reaper setting fire to the American flag. Pima Community College, where Loughner attended, recognized his disruptive behavior and suspended him for conduct violations. The college told him he could return only after he had mental health clearance. Loughner did not make the effort to get the clearance, and he withdrew from the college months later. As of April 2011, Loughner had not yet received a trial date, and there was still a possibility that he could face federal charges because he murdered a federal judge. Until the trial date was scheduled, Loughner was held without bail.
n hopE. On Monday, Jan. 10, a memorial dedicated to the victims at the University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona. (photo/Will Seberger/MCT)
I feel that [the shooting] was an unfortunate situation and I wish it could have been avoided. TRavIs aRmsTEaD, sENIoR
It feels great because it feels cool to walk up to someone and know they have the same last name. aDElyN RoDRIguEz, sophomoRE
I feel lame because everyone has my last name. JohN RoDRIguEz, JuNIoR It’s strange. I don’t know why Rodriguez is such a common last name. IvaRElIssE RoDRIguEz, sophomoRE
I think that’s a lot of people; I didn’t know there was that many. It’s easy for me, because I’m the best one. JEaNETIs RoDRIguEz, sENIoR
Thomas, Marcus 193 Thomason, James 239 Thompson, Caleb 193 Thompson, Christopher 76, 193 Thompson, Crystal 239 Thompson, Eric 97 Thompson, Savannah 239 Thornton, Clark 239 Tibeau, Jean 239 Tice, Delaney 158, 239 Tillman, Kylia 239 Timothe, Adlet 193 Tinsley, Victoria 193 Tischer, Erin 240 Title 1 Tobin, Evan 46, 240, 432 Tolentino, Hector 240 Toler, Chelsea 113, 193 Tom, Nicholas 240 Tongue, Jacqueline 240 Tongue, Michelle 240 Tony Blankship Photography 370 Tony’s Auto Repair 407 Toomey, Nikia 146, 240 Toporek, Daniel 240 Torborg, Alexis 240 Tormos, Kaylee 240 Toro, Carlos 240 Toro, Emely 13k, 113, 193, 407 Torre, John Patrick 240 Torres, Alex 240 Torres, Catherine 240 Torrez, Felix 456 Torres, Samario 240 Torres, Samuel 148, 240 Torres, Tatiana 52, 240 Torres, Tiffany 200, 240 Tovar, Adriel 240 Townes, Monica 58, 169 Townsend, Clay 29, 35, 113, 193, 372 Townsend, John 10, 140, 240 Track Shack 407 Tracy, Megan 70, 240 Trading Post 408 Tran, Simon 16, 240 Tran, Tuan 240 Tran, Vinh 240 Treiber, Victoria 147, 240 Tremaine, Jaime 169 Trent, Travis 184, 193 Treu, Steven 240, 242 Triano, Bret 240 Trieu, Dung 58, 169 Trimble, Shelby 240 Tringali, Daniel 117, 164, 169 Trujillo, Gene 13g, 80, 240 Trybus, Madeline 135, 240
It’s a common name. It makes me feel like everyone is part of my family. MARvID RODRIguez, junIOR
Tachi, Brett 234, 239 Tachon, Stephanie 103, 113, 192, 369 Tachon, Taylor 239 Tachon, Terri 169 Taddei, Lucas 239 Tang, Tuyetrang 113, 192 Tanner, Jonathan 239 Tanner, Lauren 192 Tate, Tyler 239 Tatum, Cierra 192 Tavarez, Leslie 239 Taylor, Barry 56, 239 Taylor, Brandy 239 Taylor, Chelsea 239 Taylor, Jalen 186, 193 Taylor, Preston 239 Taylor, Rashad 224 Teacher of the Year 460 Teal, Zachary 181, 193 Tejeda, Edwardo 239 Tejeda, Nancy 239 Telfer, Cathy 78, 235, 239 Telleria, Michael 239 Tercero, Kayla 94, 239 Terry, Diederich, P.A. 389 Terry, George 193, 371 Thenier, Jorge 239 Theoc, Antainette 193 Theodore, Mercedes 155, 239 Theodoredis, Ashley 113, 193 Theodoredis, Giussepe 8, 239 Thetford, Steven 137, 239 Thomas, Baylee 135, 206, 239 Thomas, Darby 239 Thomas, Darius 239 Thomas, Deion 34 Thomas, Devin 34, 386 Thomas, Jaclyn 160, 169, 239
felix ToRRes, junior
7 of 34 RodRiguez’s
Shots rang out and panic spread as Jared Loughner calmly walked through a marketplace in Pima County, Tucson, Arizona, shooting 19 people. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was among those shot, along with Federal Judge John Roll and 9-year-old Christina Green. Roll, Green and four others passed away after the shooting, but Giffords and the other 13 survived. The victims were at the marketplace Jan. 8 for a neighborhood meeting held by the congresswoman. As she was conversing with Roll, Loughner walked up to them and began the rampage, shooting Roll first, then Giffords. “Everyone hit the ground,” witness and aid to Giffords, Mark Kimble said. “It was so shocking.” Loughner proceeded to fire 31 shots before pausing to reload. As he paused, Roger Salzgeber and Bill Badger tackled him while Patricia JaRED loughNER Maisch grabbed the magazine he was using. On Jan. 17, Loughner was charged with attempted assassination and homicide. Loughner pleaded his innocence; however, authorities found a signed note in a safe in his home that read “I planned ahead” in an envelope that was labeled “Giffords.” Loughner had a series of troubling Internet postings, including YouTube videos and MySpace
arizona shooting killed 6 people
photo/MCT Campus
tragedy strikes
457 RuIz- TRybus
including President Barack Obama, urged Mubarak to step down. The revolutionary fervor in North Africa and the Middle East was first ignited by protests which led to the resignation of tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and rippled off into other developing countries including Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya. After the resignation of Mubarak, the military took charge until elections could be held in June. Though joyous protesters filled the streets of Cairo after the end of the regime, the power void promised an uncertain future for Egypt.
“No go, no go!” rang through the ears of the astronauts just minutes before the final lift-off of the shuttle Discovery on Feb. 24. These were not new words to the crew; the shuttle’s launch date had been postponed almost four months since its original lift-off date of Nov. 1. Despite the delay, the 27-year-old orbiter took off three minutes later and safely made it into outer space. Tens of thousands of spectators waited in Cape Canaveral to witness the historic event. Discovery’s final moment n blasT off. Space shuttle Discovery, STS-131, did not disappoint as it made its launches Monday, April 5, 2010, on a 13-day to the International Space Station. (photo/ way through the clear blue skies mission Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) to deliver the six astronauts and NASA robot, R2. The robot’s mission was to spend the next year in space completing simple tasks as a test of its capabilities in zero-gravity. The launch represented the beginning of the end. NASA scheduled two more shuttles to take off before the program was to be decommissioned and turned into a historical museum.
final launch for retiring spacecraft
Vacchio, Erin 169 Vagelakos, Mark 241 Valentin, Iramis 241
Valentin, Oscar 241 Valentin, Velinda 19, 241 Valiente, Annalie 241 Valverde, Melissa 160, 241 Van Arsdol, Kevin 195 Van Dyke, Steven 193 Van Haaren, Dustyn 241 Vancura, Alexis 241 Vancura, Melissa 241 Vanzile Jr, Clay 78 Vargas, Ariana 241 Vargas, Ilyana 241 Vargas, Kennet 241 Varnes, Sarah 193 Varvel, Austin 50, 241 Varvel, Savannah 241 Vasco, Valeria 241 Vasquez, Angelica 241 Vasquez, Kevin 241 Vasquez, Margarita 13a, 241 Vasquez-Dickson, Juan 241 Vazquez, Axelabdiel 241 Vazquez,Yesenia 13, 98, 241 Vega, Anthony 241 Vega, Hilary 191 Vega, James 241, 246 Vega, Leilanie 241 Veguilla, James Chris 241 Velasquez, Gabrielle 241, 402 Velazquez, Ashley 241 Velazquez, Coraly 241 Velazquez, Kristian 241, 386 Velez, Alexander 241 Velez, Christina 95, 241 Velez, Mathieu 241 Velgara, Anita 241 Ventresca, Patricia 241 Verdecia, Derian 241 Verheyden, Emily 87, 241 Vevera, Marty 51
DeSIree vInSon, sophomore
Ulpino, Rosimely 241, 370 Underwood, Heather 193 Undieme, Emily 103, 241 Undieme, Mike 34, 169 Undieme, Todd 104, 241 Unger, Suzanne 164, 169 University, Florida State 176 Upperco, Jackson 88, 241 Usma, Mateo 241 Utley, Melissa 113, 193, 457 Utreras, Kevin 113, 174, 193
MelISSa utley, senior
Tsirigotis, Dimitri 240 Tucker, Tyler 240 Tune, Montgomery 180, 224, 240 Turley, Jesse 193 Turman, Aaron 12, 124, 240 Turnbeaugh, Jessica 176, 193 Turner, Cassandra 87, 193 Turner, Shaylin 240 Turner, Sondra 193, 321, 370 Tyner, Samantha 241
Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
I think it’s good to see people taking control of their government and making it [better]. sydney sang, freshMan
n MayheM. Fighting and clashes erupted around Tharir Square on Wednesday, Feb. 2, between Mubarak supporters and detractors in Cairo, Egypt. The battle raged into the night with pro Mubarak forces, left, setting a car on fire and advancing with corrugated tin shields against the anti regime protesters, right. (photo/Michael
Shuttle’S laSt Feb. ‘DIScovery’
After 18 days of protest, 30 years of tyrannical rule were put to an end on Jan. 25 as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt complied with the demands of thousands of protestors and resigned from his post as president. Mubarak gained power through a coup d’état and held power with an iron grip supported by world powers including the United States and Israel. The angst of citizens living in meager and often unjust conditions fueled the toppling of this decade long regime. Together, the international community joined the voices of the protestors as world leaders,
egypt’s president stepped down after riots
A new beginning
458 indeX
“I went out for the All County Choir for the first time and made it,” sophomore Taylor Wood said.
Wade, Skyler 241 Wagner, Alana 169 Wagner, Noah 241 Walen, Christopher 241 Walimohamed, Bilkis 241 Walker, Cierra 203, 241 Walker, Kelvin 458 Walker, Clayton 113, 193 Wallace, Molly 62, 242 Wallace, Nathan 241 Wallace, Richard 157, 241 Walls, James 222, 242 Walsh, Alexander 91, 113, 193 Walsh, Kyle 242 Walsh, Robert 242, 402 Walther, Hunter 242 Waranch, Blake 6, 214, 242 Ward, Haley 69, 242 Ward III, John 149, 193 Ward, Jennifer 242 Ward, Tiffany 242 Warner, Mitchell 242 Warren, Jonathan 13a, 62, 113, 120, 193, 373 Wasdin, Michael 242 Washington, Alexis 242 Washington, Ashley 150, 242 Washington, Korey 54, 169 Wasson, Jonathan 215 Wasson, Matthew 215, 242 Watson, Chloe 242 Watson, Natalie 242 Watson, Rachel 242, 418 Weagly, Tiffany 169 Weakley, Zachary 242 Webb, Brianna 193, 374, 375 Webb, Dylon 242 Webb, Erin 208, 242 Webner, Arae 242 Webster, Kaylesha 171, 193 Webster, Kyndall 242 Weightlifting 151 Weinmann, Blaine 44, 242 Welch, Eric 242 Welch, Jeremy 242 Welch, William 242 Wellbrook, Caitlin 410 Weller, Austin 64, 242 Welling, Kyle 24, 195 Wells, Austin 242, 321 Welsh, Amanda 242 Welsh, Colleen 242 Welsh, Erin 126, 242 Wendling, Kaitlyn 242 Wendzel, Cheyenne 242 Wendzel, Devin 157, 242 Werner, Anthony 242 Wesley, Dontrayvis 242
kelvIn Walker, sophomore
Via, Meghann 193 Victor, Lesley 241 Videtto, Michael 241 Vila, Claudia 49, 241 Villar, Lia 160, 241 Villegas, Kevin 241 Villegas, Matthew 241 Vinson, Desiree 241, 457 Volleyball 133, 138 Volleyball States 21 Vo, Tuan 58, 169 West, Brittany 243 Westbrook, Victoria 169 Whaley, Jamie 80, 243 What’s In Your Bag 33 Whelan, Anthony 243 White, Christopher 243 White, Derricka 243 White, Earnest 157, 243 White, Jakeria 243 White, Nicholas 130, 195 White, Tyesha 70, 184, 195 Whitlock, Jennifer 243 Whitmer, Skylin 85, 243 Whitmire, Steven 236, 238, 243 Whitney, Brian 222, 243 Whitton, Elliott 169 Wickboldt, Jennifer 168, 169 Wicks, Delaney 243 Wieland, Elizabeth 22, 113, 128, 195 Wiggins, Jamea 222, 243 Wiggins, Ronisha 243 Wigley, Kortnee 195 Wiley, Debra 169 Wilhide, Matthew 243 Wilhite, Lindsey 232, 243, 324, 353, 461 Willett, Michael 196, 243 Williams, Akela 243 Williams, Blake 124 Williams, Brennan 243 Williams, Carolina 195, 376 Williams, Chelsea 243 Williams, Chris 206, 243 Williams, Christina 243 Williams, Clayton 243 Williams, Cynthia 243 Williams Jr., Darrel Williams, Jakara 243 Williams, Justyce 243 Williams, Katelyn 197, 243 Williams, Mariah 190 Williams, Markayla 195 Williams, Marvin 243 Williams, Morgan 82, 243 Williams, Savanna 195 Williams, Shaiquan 243 Williams, Sharlene 243 Williams, Tishlum 13k, 243 Williams, Tyler 157, 214, 243 Williams, Whitney 243 Williamson, Mackenzie 57, 138, 243 Willis, Emmanuelle 289, 243 Willis, Michael 153, 169 Wills, Chelsea 52, 138, 243 Wills, Clayton 57, 243 Wills, Tom 143 Willsey, Amy 243 Wilmoth, Kyle 136, 243 Wilson, Anthony 18 Wilson, Dominique 144, 243 Wilson, Dwayne 243 Wilson, Ekkoe 321, 243 Wilson, Gus 92, 169 Wilson, Jacqulyn 243 Wilson, Jean 243 Wilson, Jordan 243 Wilson, Kdosh 243 Wilson, Melissa 195 Wilson, Natalie 243 Wilson III, Stewart 243 Winford, Selina 243 Winford, Tony 195 Winn, Tara 80, 113, 195 Winship, Savannah 243 Winters, Morgan 243 Winters, Scott 195 Wintle, Sydney 243 Wireless Unlimited 407 Witt, Ian 243 Wnek, Amanda 195, 377 Wojciekofsky, Justin 243 Wolfe, Justin 243 Wolfinger, Christina 13k, 228 Woock, Allison 228 Wood, Braiden 25, 78, 126 Wood, Connor 148, 228 Wood, Lauren 85, 113, 195, Zambrano, Mishelle 228, 459 Zannini, Foster 228 Zannini, Jensen 228 Zapata, Christian 228 Zapata, Jose Zarama, Katie 195 Zarraga, Kyleorlando 228 Zayas, Melquis 228 Zec, Zenajda 195 Zegers, Cole 228
I was always thinking why I was the last one and why can’t I get a new last name. luis Zuale, freshMan
I don’t really mind it, plus I’m going to graduate last, so I’ll get the most applause. alejandra Zuniga, senior
Buildings crumpled to the ground like toy blocks as an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck 45 miles off the coast of Japan. More than 100 aftershocks followed the quake, some above a 6.0 magnitude, adding to the devastation. Then came the tsunami. Thirty foot waves washed away cars, houses and people as survivors stood on structures to avoid the dangerous water. Immediately, the relief process began with the American Red Cross sending financial aid, shelter, blankets and food to support the displaced survivors. As a result of the earthquake, cooling systems in two nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture broke creating a radioactive leak. Within a six mile radius of one of the plants, 45,000 people
Los Angeles Times/MCT)
n hearTbreak. Meguni Sasaki, left, and her husband, Satoru Sasaki, search the area where the second floor of their house landed, about a quarter a mile away. “I’m looking for something I can recognize; something I can pick up and say ‘this is mine’,” Sasaki said. She and her husband were not home when the tsunami struck; and their two daughters escaped with grandparents to a nearby mountain temple. (photo/Carolyn Cole/
had to evacuate because of the deadly amounts of leaking radiation. However, 50 men stayed behind to manually operate the plant to prevent complete meltdowns that could throw thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air and endanger millions of neighboring civilians. On April 12, Japan raised Fukushima to a Level 7 event, which was equal to the Chernobyl disaster. Small, but not lethal, amounts of radiation were also found throughout the United States. One month later, the death toll was up to 12,600 people, and more than 14,700 people were still missing. The final death toll at the time of press was expected to be upwards of 20,000.
earthquake had overwhelming effects
You’re always the last person to get handouts, but sometimes it’s good because you get to sit in the back of the class. Melissa Zeiher, junior
Back of the lIne
earth ShatterIng DevaStatIon
Zeigler, Andrew 228 Zeiher, Melissa 14, 228, 459 Zeitler, Natalie 177, 195 Zhang, Shu Tong 44, 210, 228 Ziglar, Phil 12, 56, 124, 169, 171 Zimmerman, Morgan 60, 129, 228 Zoia, Peter 228 Zuale, Luis 459 Zuleta, Manuela 228 Zuniga, Alejandra 195
MIShelle ZaMBrano, junior
Yaeger, Lindsay 228 Yanes Rey, Miguel 272 Yanez, Genesis 74, 195 Yarbough, Denzel 228, 452 Yarnell, Andrew 228, 459 Yaros, Evan 28, 113, 195, 374 Yingling, Cheyenne 225, 228 Yordan, Gabrielle 228 Young, Bobbie 228 Young, Hannah 128, 228 Young, Joseph 228 Young, Keith 228 Young, Terri 169 Yovaish, Trevor 228 Ysabel, Ramon 228
anDreW yarnell, sophomore
199 Wood, Taylor M. 228, 458 Wood, Taylor R. 228 Wood, Thompson 113, 129, 195 Woodall, Natalie 228 Woodring, Kristin 195 Woodring, Tara 228 Woodrow, Michelle 169 Woods, Zachary 228 Woodstock, Stori 95, 228 Woolrich, Lance 228 Workman, Emily 195, 378 Wornick, Drake 228 Wornick, Russ 97 Wren, Clayton 228 Wrestling 153 Wright, Brittany 228 Wright, Karlie 195, 379 Wright, Mary 104, 113, 195 Wulff, Joseph 228 Wyche, Jessie 66, 228
459 TsirigoTis- Zuniga
his is my second portfolio for yearbook, and I believe the creativity of my theme has grown. Last year my theme was a simple black background with two brushes that I would turn and place in different positions on the page. The design of it worked and although it was simple, it looked nice. However, this year I chose to use photography and I think that shows a huge improvement in my knowledge of a camera and Photoshop. I took all of the pictures that I chose to use at New Smyrna Beach, and I think that they show a growth in my photography skills because of the variety of pictures and picture angles. I chose to do a double exposure theme with my pictures after I was inspired by some really impressive double exposure photos on I was not sure how I would make my photos look as if they were double exposed because I did not use real film, therefore I had to figure it out on my own. I am very proud that I was comfortable enough to play around with Photoshop until I could make the photos look how I wanted them to. To get the bright, double exposure look, I opened two photos separately in Photoshop and made one black and white. I messed with the other photos hue and saturation after changing the levels. I made the hue a negative so the blue looked brighter, and made the saturation higher, but not so high to where it didn’t look like a real picture. After that, I joined the pictures together and changed the opacity so the black and white was at about half of what the color picture was. After that I merged the layers and put a gradient feather to make the photo fade from left to right. I also like the fonts that I chose to go with the pictures. I think that it matches and has a beachy feel to it. I think my idea is original and I don’t think that anyone else has done double exposure before. I am proud of the final product because it takes knowledge of publication products to produce something like this.
secondary coverage. Nulpa solorpor mos doluptas velestem que vente doloribea dita quatus nos si bla si secessunt vendam qui sunt mos quo ipit imusandae netur, quam re parchitiis molupistiam veniante iliquasperia con cum consent ex es moditis quosandit iusda verati int aut aped et, vendit, ut que prae sam sum que nonequi to temm verum iumendam dipsandunt facest ea explibus moloreperum quunt volorae ipiet estiorr ovidem qui dem dem haria exerum re sequat. Ro cus am dit ullam que pera di cusa ni omnis maiorem porepero ma volentibus maximustiunt officitaquam quia
ReGina GeoRGe
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photo by aMY coMStocK
section 001
Nulpa solorpor mos doluptas velestem que vente doloribea dita quatus nos si bla si secessunt vendam qui sunt mos quo ipit imusandae netur, quam re parchitiis molupistiam veniante iliquasperia con cum consent ex es moditis quosandit iusda verati nobit modis quodio. Et res dolendelest ad que que pel mil ius aut endererferum quam vid mos ipsantiscit atiam, ut et omnihit, vent mollendam que modio. Et duntes eversped et quias ad millata et volo eum late nobis arum, ent que ate oditia nim quistis solluptatio maximi, con es nitiam, sa sequam santibus et recerov idessi unt odionsequi doluptam et int aut aped et, vendit, ut que prae sam sum que nonserovid quam vitatur rem inventia nulparis volupta tatem. Itate es as aut ad quias si aut modi officip sandeli tiusapit omnis ped modipsa nducia volupta tiorro doluptatus secus. Optae posande ntusam, invelec aturior eriandic te consequiatur solorrovid quos con parum quissus andent quo omnitas aut et evelitassed molore, odicatur? Cimus sustrum culparit utatibe aturepe rrovide nobis int. Nulluptium et ea perspid endam, tem ipiet re quunt. Equi reiciatur aut voluptasit mo eate mo con nonsequi to tempos excea sa seriorporepe si od ut resequi ne naturer spersperit, sam, nam corrumquis excesed minto ilitiuntinit autas inumqua spersperi ut dolenih illant molorehentem verum iumendam dipsandunt facest ea explibus moloreperum quunt volorae ipiet estiorr ovidem qui dem dem haria exerum re sequat. Ro cus am dit ullam que pera di cusa ni omnis maiorem porepero ma volentibus maximustiunt officitaquam quia
photo by aMY coMStocK photo by aMY coMStocK
photo by aMY coMStocK
1R do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. ’Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,’ the sales person told George. ’You can try Sears.’ Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate. 2R Do you have one size up? Regina
photo by aMY coMStocK photo by aMY coMStocK
subhead goes here with font aargh
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate. do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming
photo by aMY coMStocK
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
aMY coMStocK
halloween 002
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
secondary coverage. Nulpa solorpor mos doluptas velestem que vente doloribea dita quatus nos si bla si secessunt vendam qui sunt mos quo ipit imusandae netur, quam re parchitiis molupistiam veniante iliquasperia con cum consent ex es moditis quosandit iusda verati int aut aped et, vendit, ut que prae sam sum que nonequi to temm verum iumendam dipsandunt facest ea explibus moloreperum quunt volorae ipiet estiorr ovidem qui dem dem haria exerum re sequat. e vente doloribea dita quatus nos si bla si secessunt vendam qui sunt mos quo ipit imusandae netur, quam re parchitiis molupistiam veniante iliquasperia con cum consent ex es moditis quosandit iusda verati int aut aped et, vendit, ut que prae sam sum que nonequi to temm verum iumendam dipsandunt facest ea explibus moloreperum quunt volorae ipiet estiorr ovidem qui dem dem haria exerum re
HEADline goes here and is Indy pimp font
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
photo by aMY coMStocK
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
photo by aMy coMstocK photo by aMy coMstocK
photo by aMy coMstocK
section 001
Ehent perempostis dolupta volupta di am, ut eserorepudi oditiis dusdandel id ut pligendia nihitatqui dianto ipis moluptam, ut fugit ex est ut volores temped ut volut omnihilibus est fuga. Porporem. Nus. Eque por as ex entem fuga. Nam reratur, et, odipsun ditiur, sum aceatiur autem vent. In perspitate pellores quid quati dolor alici res apissum apit voluptatum dem iunto quodite omnis doluptam, optatin cidiorion cullabor audit as et facesti ssitibus es con consero magnist esequis endam, omniet mo blaborepe nis dellum fugiam is ipicietur, il imintem es ant faccatum, aciandunt
subhead goes here with font aargh perepud igent, optatium quas a ditatus aectoria nonet rat. Xerro to excerfe rspelici soluptat expla etur aut autenda ndellorpost que eatempelit ex et qui volupta temodit atem odit accus evellor eceatur epediae con reicius, sim is dunt apernatem. Ihillat offictibus sequi berumen delest, conet lis ea de sum vellumque Gendae quis et exernatem quatet quod quodis sumquia tiatium sit, necuptaspiet quod que nos re sunt res et exerum fugit quam eat alitas untis alibusda comnis assitat urionet eatis dolupta temporero dollorrum necto mi, et imilicid quatem quatem
photo by aMy coMstocK
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight
[] do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight
halloween 002
aMy coMstocK
regina george
this is a pulled quote such as, boo, you whore
perepud igent, optatium quas a ditatus aectoria nonet rat. Xerro to excerfe rspelici soluptat expla etur aut autenda ndellorpost que eatempelit ex et qui volupta temodit atem odit accus evellor eceatur epediae con reicius, sim is dunt apernatem. Ihillat offictibus sequi berumen delest, conet lis ea de sum vellumque Gendae quis et exernatem quatet quod quodis sumquia tiatium sit, necuptaspiet quod que nos re sunt res et exerum fugit quam eat alitao dollorrum urionet eatis dolupta temporero dollorrum urionet eatis dolupta temporero dollorrum necto mi, et imilicid quatem quatem
HEADline goes here and is Indy pimp font
photo by aMy coMstocK
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
photo by aMy coMstocK
do you have one size up? Regina George tries on her homecoming dress and regrets all the calories she’s been eating. “Sorry, we only carry sizes one, three and five,” the sales person told George. “You can try Sears.” Regina was gaining weight because of the kalteen bars she ate.
photo by aMy coMstocK
ne to body ass?"
n said h
[I LIKe tO daNce arOuNd IN BetweeN cLasses] tO cheer up aNyONe arOuNd me. I KNOw studeNts get upset wheN we
teLL them tO hurry up, But If I daNce IN a fuNNy way, It cheers them up.
n Bust a mOVe. Tom Radivonyk break dances to entertain students. “I feel good [while break dancing], but it’s usually just for a good laugh,” Radivonyk said. Radivonyk knew only one break dancing move, but still impressed his students.
W QUIRKY AYS INTEREST STUDENTS Teacher got through to his students by dancing to relate with them With anxious energy running through his body, 11-year-old Tom Radivonyk held a remote in his hand while standing mesmerized in front of the TV. He was watching and re-watching yet another scene from Break into Boogaloo where the actors could flip and turn rhythmically to anything at anytime. Twenty years later, Radivonyk taught English I, but had not forgotten the moves he learned from watching the movie. Radivonyk incorporated the moon walk into a lesson because it helped demonstrate perspective to the class. “[I moon walked] to illustrate there are different ways of looking at something,” Radivonyk said. “It looks like you’re moving forward, but you’re actually moving backwards.” Radivonyk succeeded in grabbing his student’s attention and helping them understand his class lessons with different dancing moves. When he began, they froze with amazement and consequently quickly learned what he was teaching. “[It’s easy to learn because] he can relate to us,” freshman Elizabeth Maiden said. Sometimes he goes away from the book and it’s easier to learn.” n SARAH BERLINSKY AND AMY COMSTOCK
1 2 3 4 5
What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable!
This above all else to thine own self be true. That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.
The time is out of joint. The play’s the thing wherin I’ll catch the conscience of the king.
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n heads up. To keep his students entertained, Dwayne Floyd throws their homework at them. “This one time a young lady fell out of her desk trying to catch it,” Floyd said. Floyd taught pre-calculus and trigonometry.
photo/Thomas Boyd
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n SArAH BerlinSky And Amy COmSTOCk
A ninja cake, Pogotas, my name, no candle, and it has to be a chocolate cake. ALExAndER fRAnkLIn
WHAT iS yOUr ideAl CAKE BOSS Order? A cake with pistachio icing. JEREmIAh ALsTON
It would be really cool if I could get a life size cake of Taylor Lautner. CAILyAnn CObLE I’d order a cheesecake and add caramel and whip cream, just plain white, with my initials in red. LACy jACkSOn
Cookies and cream ice cream cake. It must be five feet high with five layers of boxes with crazy colors. It must have fireworks. TAyLOR GOnzALEz
[I would like] a lot of chocolate, sprinkles [with] limegreen. JACOB RINEY
I would want a fancy cake, really creative, and it would need a theme with purple [in it], like a fashion theme. nATALIE kInSCy
Alexandra Rodriguez Angel Rodriguez Jeanetis Rodriguez Melissa Rodriguez Caroline Rohe
Tyler Roland Samantha Rolfe Jose Roque David Rosado Nathalie Rosario
The typical Monday morning gloom was replaced by energized students. School had yet to begin for the day, but students filled the commons, crawling in the planters like ants. It was the Monday of homecoming week and freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors were decorating their class planter preparing for the week of spirit. “[Decorating the planter] got me psyched, especially for the dress up days. Every time I walked by it, it got me excited,” senior Tyler Johnson said. As Tuesday approached, girls started getting pumped for Powder Puff where it was time for girls in each class to compete against one another in a football game. The first game started and the reigning champs, the juniors, came out fighting against the freshmen. Staying tough throughout the game, the juniors won 43-0. The second game started and the seniors charged the field with energy hoping to crush the sophomores. Quarterback Bailey Florin led the sophomores, who outran the seniors, 22-0. In the final game the two winners faced off and the juniors shut out the sophomores, 10-0. “It felt great [being a two time champion]. I’m looking forward to next year,” junior Robbi Garrett said. “I am very confident.” Thursday night arrived and the festivities continued with Braves Brawl, the traditional homecoming week talent show. Each class, the Boone Dance Crew, the step team, cheerleaders and Bravettes performed. The competition was tight but the time-traveling Bravettes, last year’s winners, won yet again. Varsity cheerleaders came in second place and the Senior Class in third. At the bonfire, after Braves Brawl, football coach Phil Ziglar guaranteed a win for the game the next day. “[Winning Braves Brawl] was really exciting, it’s not something you can explain, it’s like a high,” sophomore Morgan Carr said. Friday afternoon the annual homecoming parade made its way around the block consisting of class and club floats. The contest for the best float was competitive with the Junior Class winning once again. The Senior Class
came in second and Key Club in third. The parade also set the anticipated mood for the big football game that night. “[My favorite part about the float was] getting to know people I wouldn’t normally talk to,” junior Rachel Peddie said. Pre-game events assembled as students tailgated and the Rowdy Crowd prepared for the game, guaranteed to be a victory by Ziglar. The stakes for the team were high; if they won the game it allowed them to stay alive for play-off opportunities. Within the first few minutes of the game the team scored a touchdown and set the mood for the rest of the game. At half time, cameras flashed as seniors Kyle Jones and Samantha Marozzi were announced homecoming king and queen. In the fourth quarter of the game, the momentum picked up as the defense stopped Freedom from advancing to the goal line. At the end of the quarter, sophomore Aaron Turman made a game deciding play, by catching an interception and ran the ball 70 yards. Boone defeated the undefeated Freedom, 24-10. “[Before the game, the team was] really serious because it was probably the biggest game of the year,” sophomore Sanford Meeks said. Homecoming week came to an end with the anticipated dance on Saturday night. At the dance, administration enacted a new rule; they used orange bracelets to help enforce appropriate dancing. If adults saw inappropriate dancing they would take off the bracelet as a warning. If they saw that same person “dirty dancing” again he had to leave the dance and could not attend prom. The jellyfish decorations added more light than previous years which made finding the offensive and inappropriate dancers easier. Despite these changes, other traditions of the dance remained such as: homecoming court making an appearance. “[I wanted] to have fun,” freshman Joseph Delavega said. “It was everything I thought it would be.” n AMY COMSTOCK AND VICTORIA LAI
homecoming brought excitement and festivities throughout the week
n CRazy PROFESSOR. In the Bravettes skit for Braves Brawl, freshman Nicole Dawson performs as a professor. “I really enjoyed [it]. We were worried the cheerleaders would win, [but] it was a lot of fun,” Dawson said. Dawson was attacked by a dog earlier that month which prohibited her from dancing rigorously with the Bravettes.
n JuNIORS. Xiomara Colon, Devin Griggs, Timothy Rivera, Yesenia Vazquez, David Ballentine, Amy Bonilla, Robbi Garrett, Bradley Hutsell. n SOPHOMORES. Cameron McNeill, Dillon Knox, Vanessa Marozzi, Aaron Turman. n FRESHMEN. Courtney Patz, Austin Jones, Brittany Hope, Austin Hogan.
013 HOMECOMING photo/David Ballard
“I would brag about the interesting costumes I saw [during homecoming week],” junior Sumer Bonner said.
the zone,” senior Rachael Mason said. The excitement was high as the Lady Braves stepped onto the court for the first game in the state championship against defending champion, Tampa Plant. The girls kept the score close in the beginning, 7-5, but Plant pulled ahead, ending the game 14-25. “After we lost the first game, we knew we had to come back so I was looking to the fans for support and to my family until it was time to start. The seniors [on the team] kind of brought us back and motivated us to play our best and want to win,” Arkeilpane said. Although the defeat in the first game was disconcerting, the fans remained optimistic, cheering for the girls as exuberantly as before. In the second game, the girls faced defeat 14-25. “It was hard. We were mentally down, and we were out of the game.
We weren’t playing how we knew how to play. We were beating ourselves up about it,” Mason said. By the third game, the girls felt the pressure to make a comeback against Tampa. Although the girls faced another heartbreaking defeat, they played their best, contributing to the final score of 17-25. “It was a heartbreak, we had come so far, and it wasn’t a good game. We were just like ‘did that really happen?’, and all of the seniors were crying,” Mason said. Despite the tragic loss, the overall season was the most successful in the school’s history. “The team went as far as we could. We deserved what we got. I hope that we set a new standard for Boone volleyball and fan support,” head coach Mike Ladewski said. n AmY COmSTOCk AnD ViViEn QuATTROnE
The gym was electric. The excitement and anticipation permeated the atmosphere. The fans sat on the edge of their seats cheering for the team that no one expected to get this far. “The fans were great; without them we wouldn’t have made it that far because they were always there to support us. They motivated us to play well,” sophomore Delaney Arkeilpane said. The girls received support from enthusiastic fans. Teachers made goody bags for the players and the players’ parents bought paint and decorated their vehicles before driving to the game at the Lakeland Center. Sixty five rowdy and supportive fans paid $5 each to ride on the spirit bus with the team to states. “[On the bus], everyone was getting pumped up. We were playing music, but we were also trying to focus and get in
n JUmP fOR JOY. In the district game against Lake Mary, senior Kristin Faust celebrates a good play. “[The fans encouraged me to play better] because their energy picked up our energy,” Faust said. The girls won in five games, 3-2.
an unbelievable and unprecedented season led to strong play-offs and a heartbreaking game
“The volleyball team going to states added an air of excitement to the school and the students,” senior Melissa Marlin said.
photo/David Ballard
n DISTRACTIONS. At the volleyball game against Oviedo, seniors Nicholas Hall, Wesley Caplan and Connor Meredith yell at an opposing player as she serves. “[School spirit is important] because you need to represent your school in a positive way. It looks good when you have a ton of fans. Plus they’re your friends,” Hall said. The atmosphere of the regional quarterfinal helped the team win the match, 3-1.
n CELEBRATION. After defeating Dr. Krop in the state semi-finals, sophomore Caroline Jordan rejoices. “All I could think about was how excited I was to be there, and to be playing my hardest,” Jordan said.
photo/Phabulous Photos
n BUmP IT. In the state championship, senior Jesse Collins saves the ball. “My focus and discipline made me want to pass the ball as well as I possibly could,” Collins said. Collins started on varsity as a freshman.
photo/Phabulous Photos
n GAmE fACE. On the sidelines, junior Nestmarie Rivera cheers in the state championship against Tampa Plant. “[I felt] excited, worried and nervous because we had played them before and it didn’t go well,” Rivera said.
photo/David Ballard photo/Phabulous Photos
She was only in kindergarten when her father, sitting in a bar, left her alone for hours at school. Picking her up never crossed his mind. When he finally stumbled his way to her school, he took her home and started a bath. Hours later, as she sat in a cold tub with pruning fingers, her screams echoed through the house to no response. While senior Jane Doe* was driving with her mom 10 years later another traumatic memory was made. Doe’s mother decided she was old enough to understand the reason her parents divorced. She told Doe that her father was an alcoholic. The reason he never responded to her cries years before was because he was passed out drunk in another room. He was completely unaware of his surroundings. “I was in complete shock,” Doe said. “I was driving on Orange Blossom Trail, about to get on the 408. I will remember why I was driving, where I was going and how my mom said it. When I found out I was really hurt because everything started clicking.” Doe was not alone. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that almost five million alcohol dependent or alcohol abusing parents have at least one child living at home with them. This not only affects the drinker, but also other family members, and creates a burden on the children. Studies on living with an alcoholic parent revealed that children will often feel guilt, anxiety, embarrassment, confusion, anger or depression resulting from the parent’s abuse. “I can’t trust guys. Whenever a guy starts yelling at me my automatic instinct is to cry. My dad never hurt me, but he would yell in a threatening manner; whenever a guy raises his hand I get freaked out,” Doe said. “When I was in third or fourth grade, I asked him why he just drank [alcohol]. He said ‘it’s all I like,’ and I didn’t push it because I felt like it wasn’t my place to keep asking. When I did keep asking, he was very defensive.” Doe’s mother and father separated when she was 2-years-old, and Doe’s interaction with her father was limited to him watching her on weekends. When they separated, Doe was told that it was because her parents didn’t love each other anymore. Doe accepted this without question, until her mother informed her of the real reason on the drive home from the department of motor vehicles, after receiving her license. “I think it all started because he wanted to have fun, but then he drank because he was stressed, and then it just became an everyday thing. He blamed it on me,” Doe said. “When I called and talked about the situation a few months after I found out, he told me ‘I drink because of you; you did this to me,’ and I never understood that.” Doe’s cousin was there for her and helped her work through the hard times that followed after finding out about her dad. “It was a lot to take in. She’s my cousin and I love her so my heart broke for her. I just wanted to be there for her in any way I could,” Doe’s cousin said. “It was hard for her, but she was being strong.” Although Doe’s father never abused her, there was maltreatment, including not being an adequate parental figure during the weekends he was responsible for watching her. Forty percent of maltreatment cases involved alcohol or other drugs, according to “I remember when it was his weekends, the first thing we would do is go to Hooters so he could drink,” Doe said. “There didn’t need to be an occasion [for him to drink].” According to Hope Networks, there were about 26.8 million children of alcoholics in the U.S., as of 2005. Despite her father’s issues, Doe was able to live in a stable environment with her mother and stepfather. “My step dad has tried to legally adopt me, but my dad won’t sign the papers,” Doe said. “I’m okay with [my step dad trying to adopt me] because legally, if anything happened before I turned 18, I would have to live with my real dad. Just knowing that’s the situation sucks.” Environment and social situations influence acceptable standards of substance use. Research by the National Association for Children of Alcoholics shows that children of alcoholics are four times more likely than children of nonalcoholics to develop alcoholism. However, if children of alcoholics are brought up with strong, healthy family traditions, if there is a high religious observance or if they have close relationships with other people around them who are not alcoholics, they can be protected from the consequences of their parent’s alcoholism. Doe had these factors, and because of them, there is a higher chance she will not be an alcoholic. “It sucks to know that someone would rather have alcohol over a person,” Doe said. “From this situation I learned that I would never jeopardize my family, future or anyone’s well-being [over alcohol],” Doe said. “It just isn’t fair to that person.” n Amy ComstoCk *name withheld
senior found closure after traumatic past through insight, perseverance and support
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drinking drinking addiction struggle struggle struggle struggle addiction struggle alcoholism addiction drinking struggle struggle addiction struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle addiction struggle addiction struggle struggle struggle struggle depression struggle struggle struggle struggle drinking struggle struggle drinking addiction addiction alcoholism struggle addiction struggle struggle drinking struggle addiction struggle addiction struggle addiction addiction struggle struggle drinking struggle drinking struggle drinking struggle struggle struggle drinking struggle struggle struggle drinking drinking drinkingdrinking struggle drinking addiction addiction struggle drinking struggle drinking addiction addiction depression addiction struggle drinking struggle addiction struggle struggle drinking addiction struggle drinking drinking struggle drinking addiction alcoholism drinking drinking struggle struggle struggle addiction struggle drinking drinking addiction addiction 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depression addiction drinking drinking struggle addiction addiction addiction drinking addiction alcoholism drinking struggle struggle struggle struggle drinkingdrinking addiction struggle struggle addiction addiction addiction alcoholism drinking struggle drinking drinking addiction struggle addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction alcoholismdepression drinking struggle drinking addiction addiction struggle struggle struggle struggle drinking illustration/vivien Quattrone
*according to Alcohol Answers
OF alcOhOlics have cOexisting anxiety disOrders
A *according to the National Association for Children of Alcoholics
“I’m lucky to have the family I have now. If [my dad wasn’t an alcoholic], I wouldn’t be blessed with the step dad that I have,” senior Jane Doe said.
*according to Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
OF adults whO drink abuse alcOhOl
OF the u.s. adult pOpulatiOn has been expOsed tO alcOhOlism
tHE lEgAl Blood AlCoHol lEvEl IN FloRIdA IS *as of January 2011
037 ISSUE: AlCoHolISm
ViCente ArAgon, senior Abbara, Hayla 170, 447 Abel, Tyler 196, 234 Aboudallah, Xena 57, 196 Abreu, Nathan 170 Academic 105 Academic Clubs 111 Academics Divider 45 Acevedo, Carlos 196 Ackbarali, Enid 162 Acord, Jack 196 Acosta, Alex 93, 3, 112, 170 Adams, Carter 196, 244 Adams, Miranda 196 Adams, Samantha 150, 196 Adkins, Kyle 196 Administration 55 Agner Auto Parts 380 Agostinelli, Floyd 110, 196 Agostino, Joseph D 205 Agosto, Lauren 170 Aguilar, Cristian 196 Ahart, Kody 196 Akbarzadeh, Hannah 112, 170, 171 Akbarzadeh, Noah 196 Akins, Charlotte 112, 170, 249 Akinwolere, Olusegun 30, 196 Akos, Robert 13f, 170 Alami, Jennifer 162 Alava, Bryant 196, 240 Alba, Adolky 196 Alcantara, Valerye 196 Alday, Samantha 196 Aleem, Tatianna 196 Alexander, Lindsay 196 Alexandria Green 179 Alford, Bryanna 32, 170 Alicea, Liz 196 Alkhalil, Laya 6, 196 Allah, Abria 82, 170 Allanson, Emelie 112, 170, 192, 380 Allen, Chelsea 170, 251 Allen, Chloe 116, 170, 252, 434 Allen, Emma 112, 170 Allen, Hannah 170 Allen, Hunter 170 Allen, Kathleen 162, 168, 409 Allen, Nakeo 14, 196 Allen, Perry 162, 168 Allen, Zoe 196 Allred, Blake 196 Alston, Jeremiah 189 Alston, Raejine 14, 189, 196
Awarness Clubs 79 Ayala, Giovanni 197
Baba, Arielle 447 Babb, Thomas 197 Babir, Charles 64, 66, 112, 170, 255 Baella,Yalina 13j, 197 Baez, Cassandra 13j, 197 Baez, Gerald 197 Bailey, Ashley 13j, 197 Bailey, Brianna 197 Baird, Nicole 170, 464 Baker and Hyatt, P.A. 384 Baker, Cody 85, 197 Baker, Cole 136, 197, 437 Balancing Point 381 Ball, Amanda 197, 410 Ballard, David 62, 112, 114, 170, 261, 325, 461 Ballard, Felicia 170 Ballard, Jacob 17, 197 Ballentine, Ann 162 Ballentine, David 197 Bandy, Jonathan 90, 197 Banko, Jordan 197 Bannon, Gentry 197 Baque, Allison 197 Baque, Rebecca 197 Barahona, Elizabeth 197 Barahona, Melvin 197 Barati, Mitchell 197 Barley, Tanner 33, 197 Barnard, Andrew 193 Barnes, Daquan 34, 75, 170 Barnes, Darah 106, 112, 172, 258 Barnes, Erica 197 Barney, Austin 197 Barrett, Alexa 197 Barrett, Rory 197 Barr, George 2, 197, 445 Barrow, Shais 4, 143, 197, 200, 441 Barsamian, Michael 197 Barsati, Ejaz 15, 197 Bartram, Christian 197 Basila, Kelly 197 Basila, Kevin 197 Basketball 143, 145, 155, 157 Bassy, Robertson 172 Bastin, Alex 197 Batura, Victoria 198, 240, 435 Baute, Eduardo 198 Bautista, Pamela 198 Bavaro, Abigail 198 Baybay Bykov, Christine, 162, 168 BBC 65 Beach, Erica 118, 198, 435 Beals, Gabriella 88, 198 Beauchamp, Alexia 218, 228
Arielle BABA, sophomore
Beaumont, Lynette 162 Beavers, Alexandra 64, 100, 112, 172, 385 Bechara, Alex 198 Becker, Julia 198 Beckford, Leason 162 Beckley, Wesley 198 Beck, Whitney 74, 172, 384 Bedward, Iris 240 Beemer, Chloe 198, 240 Bejarano, Elayne 198 Bejarano, Lissette 451, 172 Bell, Carolyn 162 Belle Guerrelus, Rachel 180 Bell, Parker 198, 463 Belvin, Rebecca 40, 198 Benham, Brittney 172 Benitez, Alexa 198 Benitez, Francisco 198 Benjamin, Samuel 106, 198 Bennett, Bruce 14, 198 Bennett, Bryaseanty 198 Bennett, Megan 6, 66, 172 Bennett, Michael 198, 437 Bennett, Wendy 172 Bentley, Kendall 198 Berlin, Alicia 79, 112, 127, 172 Berlinsky, Sarah 99, 119, 189, 198, 324, 461 Bernal, Daniel 24, 198 Berrios, Melanie 84, 198 Berryman, Mary 13j, 198, 242 Bertola, Gianfranco 149, 198 Bertran, Trevor 148, 443 Besaw, Sheila 162 Besedick, Matthew 198 Best, Keiton 18, 33, 198 Besuden, Alexander 198 Besuden, Brittany 172 Besuden, Timothy 162 Betros, Lindsay 198 Bettmann, Ashlea 172 Bettmann, Haylea 155, 198 Beyer Kelly, Andrew 198 Bevan, Jill 162 Bholai, Obassi 198 Bian, Jocelyn 198 Bigelow, Megan 95, 198 Bird, Gregory 22, 198 Birdsall, Matthew 198
Bird, Tieler 198 Bisbee, Leah 39, 198 Bishop, Matthew 90, 198 Bivins, Akira 198 Black, Cameron 70, 198 Black, Christen 198, 233 Black, Dalles 85, 88, 198 Blackman,Yasmin 172 Black, Shea 172, 246 Blanca, Alexander 198, 233 Blanco, Cesar 198 Blaydes, Emily 198 Blount, Akiela 198, 223 Blount, Shamarhi 198 Blow, Kyle 116, 172 Bocage Village Apartments 384 Boche, Jovanny 198 Bochte, William 198 Bodiford, Brett 198 Bogan, Delanee 56, 198, 223, 444 Bohannon, Jordan 4, 198 Bohnhoff, Jalen 198 Bolivar, Laura 112, 172 Bonilla, Alondra 198 Bonilla, Amy 198, 462 Bonilla, Valeria 198 Bonner, Blake 198 Bonner, Sumer 198, 370 Bonnette, Bridget 198 Bookhardt, Kaley 198 Boone Broadcasting Company 65 Boos, Lyndsey 46, 198 Borges, Ligia 64, 112, 113, 172 Borges, Moises 137, 198, 231 Borges, Samuel 198, 234 Borgon, Ron 68, 162 Boria, Anna 198, 418 Borja, Anthony 92, 172 Borrell, Daniel 30, 198 Borrell, Felipe 198, 228 Borrero, Benny 198 Bosak, Jessica 133, 198 Bosela, Jeanette 72, 162 Boston, Guscenie 68, 198 Boucher, Alicia 198 Bourret, Monica 162 Boutella, Sarra 198 Bouton, Jeffrey 200
Bowling 117 Box, Maergrethe 143, 200, 436, 441 Boyd, Thomas 34, 63, 172, 325, 387, 461 Boyle, James 200 Bracewell, Jami 11, 200 Bracy, Marvin 125, 200, 437 Braddock, Christopher 172, 175, 262 Bradford, Robin 162, 167 Bradshaw, Adriene 200 Bradshaw, James 200 Braga, Bianca 200, 210 Brand versus Brand 23 Brannon, Bailey 112, 119, 172 Brantley, Hannah 172, 263 Brattli, Tiffany 200 Braund, Katherine 90, 200, 232 Brave Aid 35 Bravettes 103 Brea, Alejandro 200 Brenes, Christopher 105, 200 Bridewell, Logan 173 Bridewell, Rachel 146, 200, 321, 444 Bridget, Marlin 200 Brimhall, Bryce 200 Brimmer, Lacey 200 Britton, Tabatha 173 Brock, Caley 2, 62, 112, 173, 264, 325, 414, 416, 461 Brock, Cooper 200, 243 Brocket, Emily 200 Brock, Stephen 4, 32, 137, 200 Brock, Taylor 173, 188, 265 Brodie, Danni Sue 96 Brodie, Victoria 112, 173 Brooks, Christopher 200 Brooks, Kaiyla 200 Brown, Angela 200 Brown, Colin 16, 200 Brown, Corey 200 Brown, Dana 80, 200 Brown, Devin 200 Brown, Jaquavius 200 Brown, Madison 200 Brown, Margaret 200, 440 Brown, Mariah 200
Front oF the line It’s nice because you get to do everything first. NAtHAN AbrEu, SENIor I’m so used to [having a name at the beginning of the alphabet.] I’ve always been first in roll call or in the first seat. I really don’t think anything about it anymore. HAylA AbbArA, SENIor
I don’t like it because when I do presentations and stuff I’m always first. DAvID AcuNA, JuNIor
447 AbbArA- browN
n Amy ComstoCk Alternate Schools 75 Alvarado, Enrique 56, 196 Alvarado, Sabdie 146 Alvarenga, Brandon 3, 196 Alvarez, Bryan 158, 196 Alvarez, Jennifer 196, 231 Alvarez, Jonathan 27, 196 Alvarez, Monica 196 Alves, Francis 196 Alves, Matheus 196, 231, 439 Alwine, Sarah 14, 196 Ameriscapes 381 Ames, Alexander 106, 160, 196 Ampuero, Edward 10, 196 Ampuero, Nancy 196, 213 Amy, Caleb 100, 414, 110, 112, 170 Anatomy of Campus 19 Anderson and Moopen Orthodontics 382 Anderson, Cheron 55, 162 Anderson, John 170, 173, 253 Anderson, Kyle 70, 196, 216 Andino, Andilys 112, 170 Andrade, Luiz 196, 201 Andrews, Amber 178 Ane- Sanchez, Manuel 196 Angel, Cindy 196 Angelo, Kelsey 46, 196 Angelo, Mark 196 Animal Medical Clinic 383 Anselmo, Vinicius 46, 196 Anthony, Peter 33, 184 Apolonio, Arnold 170, 174 Aponte, Casiana 94, 196 Aponte Duran, Jorge 196 Aramburo, Luisa 196 Arcara, Samantha 108, 112, 170, 171, 412 Arce, Christian 196 Archer, Marilyn 162 Archundia, Luz 197 Archundia, Ramon 197 Ardines, Angelica 197 Arencibia,Yanira 197 Arevalo, John 35, 110, 170 Arias, Marissa 197 Arias, Rhapsody 197 Aristizabal, Jhoan 197 Arkeilpane, Delaney 20, 133, 197, 324, 461 Armas, Julian De 206 Armstrong, Hilary 80, 112, 170, 254 Arnold, Chase 197 Arroyo, Abimael 91, 170 Arroyo, Cynthia 197 Arroyo, Leslie 180 Art Classes 51 Artica-Herrera, Cristian 197 Artica-Herrera, Jorge 105 Asbury, Meghan 70, 197 Ascher, Morgan 116, 170, 434 Ashbridge, Devon 197 Ashby, Gregorie 197 Askew, Jordan 197 Assang, Chelsea 46, 197 Atiya, Ayea 197 Atiya, Mala 197 Attaway, Solomon 197 Atwood, Emily 197 Atwood, Stephen 184, 170, 381 Ausen, Hannah 197 Austin, Chad 197
448 iNdeX
“[I would brag about] homecoming week and everyone’s costumes. It was original,” sophomore Kenneth Aquino said.
Brown, Nicholas 200, 228 Brown, Shaughnessy 200, 305 Brown, Zachery 173, 178 Browning, Paul 162 Bruff, Amanda 173 Brune, Taylor 200 Bryan, Cayman 200 Bryan, Dustin 200 Bryan, Layla 93 Bryant, Christopher 136, 190, 200 Bumby at Michigan St Self Storage 384 Buchanan, Merrideth 162, 165 Buch, Brett 201, 414 Buckley, Dean 201 Buitrago, Johanna 201 Bullock, Justin 42, 51, 201 Buono, Tayler 99, 201 Burch, Rachel 103, 173, 266 Burden, Garrett 201 Burden, Sarah 201, 435 Burgos Mena, Luis 201 Burgos-Santos, Genesis 201 Burgos-Santos, Edward 201 Burk, Devon 201 Burke, Renee 98, 261, 162, 460 Burkett, Lauren 112, 120, 173, 436 Burkett, Rachel 201, 436 Burnett, Misty 201 Burnett, Shanice 201, 228 Burney, Alexis 201 Burns, John 153, 201, 446 Burns, Katherine 115, 201, 436 Burns, Rebecca 201 Burrell, Davis 201, 437 Burton, Carly 201, 324, 461 Burton, Stephen 24, 201 Burzee, Zachary 201 Bushnell, Marci 90, 173
Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)
n magical paradise. The main spire of Hogwarts Castle towers in the background over Hogsmeade Village at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, during a softopening preview for the attraction Wednesday, June 9. (photo/Joe
Caban, Melanie 201 Cabrales, Leann 94, 201, 413 Cabrera, Daniel 201 Cabrera, Manrique 201 Cabrera, Ramon 201 Cabrera, Sandel 455 Cabrera-Feal, Joel 201 Caceres, Juan 149, 201, 445 Cade, Chantelle 201, 422 Cadman, Ann 73, 162 Caffrey, Alyssa 173, 175 Cain, Isaiah 201 Cain, Joshua 201 Cain, Keighley 173, 175 Calabretta, Cinzia 112, 129, 173, 267, 416
LAUrEn CLEmEntS, junior
Bustamante, Hunter 201 Butler, James 201, 437 Butler, Malik 49, 173, 185 Butler, Michael 107, 162 Byerly, Kendall 142, 201, 441 Byle, Taylor 173 Bynaker, Krystal 201 Calderon, Grace 82, 201, 411 Calderon, Kristelle 201 Caldwell, Ciera 201 Caldwell, Kendall 201, 386 Cali, Amanda 110, 112, 139, 173, 268 Camacho, Rosa 162 Camargo, Adrian 131, 201 Cameron, Brianna 201 Cam, Jennifer 201 Campbell, Amanda 173, 187 Campbell, Daniel 173 Campbell, Jean 162 Campbell, Paul 201, 413 Campbell, Romello 201 Campos, Tifany 201 Canann, Nicholas 201 Cancel, Marissa 173 Capell, Jack 112, 173 Capell, Mitchell 201 Caperton, James 162, 72 Caperton, Paige 162 Caplan, Christopher 122, 201, 436 Caplan, Wesley 13a, 20, 35, 104, 112, 171, 173, 269 Capps, Bryan 80, 201 Caprice, Chrystal 70, 173, 462 Caquias, Francisco 201 Caraballo, Samantha 201 Carabeo, Abigail 201 Carbajal, Bryans 201 Cardenas, Marilyn 201 Cardenas, Michelle 13, 112, 173, 270 Cardenas, Vanessa 201 Cargo, Elizabeth 202 Carlier, Zachary 173 Carlisle, Gina 162 Carmona, Ana 162 Carney, Taler 155, 202, 441 Carpio, Frank 202 Carr, Garrett 136, 202, 437 Carr, Grayson 202 Carr, Morgan 12, 103, 202 Carrasquillo, Jessica 173 Carreno, Andrea 102, 202, 411, 413 Carrera, Priscilla 162 Carrigan, Rebecca 202 Carrillo, Ruben 202, 213 Carrion, Elaina 99, 202, 411 Carrion, Elisa 109, 202 Carrow, Kaley 173 Cartagena, Sarah 82, 202, 411 Carter, Tori 202, 230 Carter Sr., Vincent 443 Carvalho, Joshua 202 Casler, Nicholas 202, 212 Casler, Sara 93, 202 Cason, Shaneeca 173 Casselman, Joshua 13k, 202 Cassidy, Ashley 93, 202 Cassidy, James 202 Casteel, Cheyenne 202 Castillo, Elisa 85, 202 Castillo, Jean 202 Castro, Gyraiza 202 Castro, Melanie 173 Castro, Melissa 173 Castro, Vincent 140, 436 Catchings, Jonathan 202 Cater, Chelsea 173, 183 Caudill, Victoria 13, 174 Celeste, Austin 202 Cento, Emanuela 202 Cento, Giancarlo 174 Chafin, Kim 71, 162 Chamblin, Colton 202, 442 Chance, Tanner 70, 202 Chang, Dylan 202, 230 Channell, Jordan 202 Chanthavong, Tykenia 200, 202 Chanthavong, TyRran 202 Chapman, Tyler 202, 437
The night was dark, but the atmosphere was thriving. At midnight June 18, people were already lining up around Islands of Adventure waiting for the grand opening of Harry Potter World. By the time the park opened there were thousands of guests waiting in an eight hour line. J. K. Rowling’s famous Harry Potter novels inspired the wizarding world, Hogsmeade. As guests entered the park they were greeted by familiar scenes from the books and movies like Ollivanders and the Owl Post. Familiar beverages, like butterbeer, were also available. Universal converted the classic Fire and Ice and Unicorn rides to fit the Harry Potter theme, and became the Dragon Challenge and Flight of the Hippogriff. Designers also created a new simulation ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Special guest stars Warwick Davis, Tom Felton, Michael Gambon, Rupert Grint, Matthew Lewis, James Phelps, Oliver Phelps, Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright were among the first to see the park and also among the few who witnessed the grand opening ceremony.
Muggle OverlOad in HOgsMeade harry potter’s grand opening attracted thousands
I’m interested in going on the new ride, and I want to try the jelly beans and butterbeer. It seems pretty cool. christOpher dOweN, JuNiOr
Charles, Joseph 202, 221 Charria, Cristhian 200, 202, 445 Chastain, Jaci 142, 202, 441 Chavez, Christopher 202, 210 Cheatham, Amelia 129, 202, 439 Cheatham, Kaitlin 112, 174, 271, 412 Cheek, Willow 202, 238 Cheerleading 135 Chen, Janet 15, 202 Cherry, Cristien 202, 203 Chevalier, Megan 132, 202 Childers, John 202, 424 Childs, Malik 202 Chin, Saheka 202, 224 Chipley, Sarah 202, 229, 246 Chong, Paul 137, 202, 435, 437 Chorus 85 Choute, Cramsci 32 Chuilli, Nicholas 202 Church, Kelsie 202 Cintolo, Leslie 202 Cintron, Ruby 202 Cintron, Talia 202 Circa 1974 396 Clack, Samuel 202 Clark, Christopher 174 Clark, Eleanor 202, 4439 Clark, Jamal 202, 272, 443 Clark, Johnny 202 Clark, Nakia 162 Clary, Deborah 73, 162 Classe, Heather 203 Classe, Ryan 203 Class Size Amendment 53 Clavette, Ashley 203 Claxton, Taylor 174 Claypool, Daniel 93, 203 Claypool, Matthew 174 Claypool, Rebecca 203 Clayton, Alexandra 146, 203, 444 Clayton, Nichole 129, 203, 439 Clement, Marcus 203, 210 Clemente, Joshua 203, 234 Clements, Lauren 203, Cleveland, Eryn 203 Cleveland, Kyanna 142, 203, 441 Clifton, Daniel 174, 273 Clifton, Joseph 203 Clingman, Ashley 203, 240 Clinton, Zachary 203 Closing 463, 464 Clouchete, Kolten 203, 437 Clubs Divider 77 Cobb, Bria 203, 416 Cobb, Quante 14, 203, 446 Coble, Cailyann 76, 112, 174, 189, 388 Coble, Robert 32, 203 Code Green Lawn Service 389 Coffindaffer, Jacqueline 203 Coffman, Anna 138, 203, 440 Coggin Honda 274 Colangelo, Hunter 93, 203 Colaricci, Damian 162 Cole, Colleen 203 Cole, Jacquelyn 174, 275 Cole, Katelyn 203 Coleman, Caroline 14, 62, 324, 436, 461 Coleman, Davis 123, 203, 436 Coleman, Selby 200, 203, 200 Coleman, Vanessa 203 Colick, Jordan 203, 445 Colick, Tyler 24, 203 Collazo, Joseph 3, 63, 203 Collins, Charles 203, 436 Collins, Emily 203 Collins, Jesse 21, 132, 174, 276 Collins, Jessica 174, 277 Collins, Maribeth 134, 203 Collins, Megan 119, 160, 203 Collins, Patrick 203, 218 Collins, Tanner 203 Colon, Alejandro 203 Colon, Brandon 174 Colon, Cynthia 203 Colon, Danielle 203 Colon, Julio 203 Colon, Robert 162 Colon, Solange 203 Colon, Xiomara 203 Colon,Yolimar 203 Colon Gonzalez, Jonathan 203 Colon Nazario, Jesus 92 Colonial Lanes 385 Colophon 461 Color Guard 95 Colvin, Lauren 203 Colvin, Steven 203 Colvin, Trisha 162 Combs, Alyssa 203 Combs, Kayla 138, 147, 205, 325, 461 Combs, Matthew 20, 205 Combs Insurance Services 386 Commander, Ciara 205 Community Divider 247 Comstock, Amy 80, 112, 174, 278, 325, 461 Concepcion, Jose 205 Concert Band 91 Coneo, Nicolas 205 Conley, Andrew 117, 174 Connaster, Logan 75, 205 Connaster, Tyler 205 Connelly, Ashley 35, 89, 174, 389 Connelly, Bradley 205 Conrady, Tyler 34, 88, 205 Contreras, Diana 174 Conway United Methodist Church 390 Cook, Tyler 13, 205 Cooper, Deon 110, 205 Cooper, Rhian 205 Cope, Tyler 99, 196, 205 Corbin, James 164 Corbitt III, Hezekiah 205 Cordell, Glenn 174, 321 Cordero, Eric 205 Cordle, Peter 205 Cordray, Keelan 205, 226 Core Classes 71 Coriolan, Carlos 174, 192 Cornell, Benjamin 205 Cornell, Zachary 205 Cortes, Michelle 72, 86, 164 Corum, Matthew 205 Corwin, Travis 205, 216 Coscia, Anthony 205 Cotton, Brianna 205 Cotton, Joseph 205 Cotton, Spencer 205 Countryman, Melina 174 Covert, Pamela 164 Cox, Ashley 205 Cox, Derek 205 Cox, Dominick 205 Craddock, Steven 205 Crager, Elizabeth 138, 205, 440 Craig, Jonathon 149, 205, 445 Craig, Kaley 205 Crain, Mason 91, 104, 112, 174 Crain, Sean 205 Crane, Olivia 205, 324, 414 461 Crapps, Amber 205 Creel, Kristi 205, 210 Creer, Dakota 205 Creighton, Rosalie 46, 130, 164, 199 Crenshaw, Taylor 130, 174 Crenshaw, Wayde 205 Crespo, Devin 205, 437 Crook, Rachel 205 Cross, Brandyn 452 Cross Country 121, 123 Crowell, Cassaundra 205 Crumbly, Jackson 205 Crutcher, Carmela 112, 174, 205, 280 Cruz, Amy 13k, 205 Cruz, Andy 181 Cruz, Angel 240 Cruz, Angelina 32, 205 Dacosta, Brandon 205, 231 Dalton, Mitchell 206 Daly, Sarah 28, 101, 112, 174, 282 Dalzell, Brandon 206 Dance Teams 83 Dang, Kimgiau 206 Dang, Sang 181 Daniel, Bill 164 Daniels, Akia 206 Daniels, Aniqua 200, 206 Daniels, Blake 3, 206 Daniels, Randolph 171, 174 Daniels, Scott 164 Danner, Ashley 206 Darden, Tarik 206 Darin, Patrick 45, 206 Darr, Trevor 206 Dauphinee, Kristina 90, 174 David, Marina 206 David, Tyler 206 Davidson, Brendan 206 Davidson, Katelynn 99, 206 Davies, Justin 206, 229 Davis, Alexandria 206 Davis, Craig 206 Davis, Kaitlin 33, 206 Davis, Sarah 206 Davis, Taylor 75, 174 Davison, Kim 164 Dawkins, Brody 13a, 20, 112, 124, 145, 177, 283 Dawkins, Brooke 77, 135, 206, 325, 461 Dawkins, Jaleeca 177 Dawson, James 206 Dawson, Kaylie 177 Dawson, Nicole 13, 206 Dawson, Stephanie 206 Dawson, Tahlia 177 Day, Jessica 127, 206 Day, Michael John 206, 232 De Armas, Julian 206, 214 De Los Santos, Ivan 206 De Marco, Victor 49, 177 Dean Colon, Jovanski 206 Debra Botwin Attorney at Law 384 Decant, Talia 154, 206, 439, 441 Dejesus, Javier 206
ShAntE DUmAS, sophomore
Cruz, Caleb 174 Cruz, Carlos 205 Cruz, Darius-Malik 205 Cruz, Joannelys 205 Cruz Jaen, Alan 174 Cruz Jaen, Gabriela 205 Cruz Jaen, Tatiana 205 Cuenca, Simon 130, 131 Cueto, Adrian 205 Culberhouse, Jacob 10, 174, 281, 437 Cullum, Kirstyn 174 Cummins, Michael 205, 229, 246 Curbera, Alex 205 Curren, Pat 164 Currier, Kory 205 Cusick, Collin 205 Easterling, Katie 209 Eaton, Brandy 12, 209 Eaton, Colin 209 Eby, Randolf 209 Eddy, Kristyn 10, 177, 392 Edmonds, Lauren 209, 231 Edmondson, Raina 209 Edwards, Alexis 209 Edwards, Ashley 177 Edwards, Dominic 209 Edwards, Katelyn 62, 112, 177, 285 Edwards, Marissa 12, 209 Effects of Technology 49 Effron, Louis 177, 178 Effron, Marvin 177 Egan, Thomas 209 Elder, Margarita 209 Eldredge, Spencer 177, 286 Elliott, Melissa 70, 209 Ellis, Dequan 177 Ellis, Marcus 209 Ellixson, Brendan 130, 209, 439 Ellixson, Lindsay 177 Ellixson, Sean 209 Ellsworth, Coby 209 Elo, Andrew 46, 209 Emcor Services 400 Emery, Gina 164 Employee of the Year 460 England, Kristen 112, 177, 287 Ergle, Emily 209 Erickson, Stephen 66, 209 Ernest, Wendy 46, 79, 127, 164, 166 Erthal, James 28, 125, 177 Erwin, Christine 209 Escobar, Adrian 15, 23 Eslava, Jose 94, 96, 164 Esparza, Rafael 93 Espinosa, Christopher 209 Espinosa, Laura 19, 164 Espinosa, Steven 177, 183 Estrada, Clarissa 209 Eusebio, Michael 449 Evans, Johnethia 209
Dugan, Kristen 32, 207, 218 Dukes, Margaret 120, 207 Dulskis, Alec 207 Dumas, Chaquevia 78, 177, 185 Dumas, Shante 207, 448 Duncan, Alicia 207 Duncan, Joseph 207 Duncan, Michelle 121, 209, 463 Duncan, Phillips 122, 177 Dunn, Jennifer 209 Dusing, Mary 2, 209 Dwyer, Brock 209 Dyce, Zachary 156, 209 Dye, Chandler 209, 216
112, 178 Dugan, Colleen 164
DESInI fIShEr, sophomore
Faber, Samuel 209 Fabian, Bladimir 209 Fague, Marion 164 Faison, James 209 Faith, Micah 209 Fakhoury, Gabriella 209 Fakhoury, Gino 149, 177 Fansher, Devan 170, 177, 288 Fansher, Kyle 209 Faraji, Ariana 209 Farber, Garrett 157, 209 Faria, Cesar 85, 209 Farmer, Cody 177
mIChAEL EUSEbIo, senior
Dejesus, Venus 177 Deirio, Michelle 186 Delacruz, Dick 206 Delavega, Joseph 12, 206 Delazerda, Gabriela 206 Deler, Derek 206, 214 Delgado, Jose 207 Delgado, Rodrigo 207 Deliz, Bianca 207, 228 Deloach, Ajah 207, 228 Deloach, Daryl 207, 222 Delvalle, Lucielle 112, 177 Delvalle, Sanya 207, 222 Dempsey, Megan 140, 207 Devletian, Ariel 207 Devlin, Katelyn 134, 207 Devlin, Megan 207 Dewitz, Daniel 207 Diaz, Angel 69, 207 Diaz, Angelina 207, 233 Diaz, Cody 207 Diaz, Daniela 207, 215 Diaz, Deemarie 105, 207 Diaz, Gabriel 190 Diaz, Shayna 177 Diaz Fernandez, Denis 207 Di Cianni,Yuran 207, 242 Di Paola, George 207 Dicicco, Salvatore 207, 437 Dickerson, Andrew 207, 210 Dickerson, Robin 13d, 112, 177, 391 Dickinson, Nicholas 207, 90 Dierksen, Anna 196, 207 Dignam, Kenneth 207 Dike, Ashley 204, 207 Dike, Kaitlyn 207, 228, 324, 461 Dillard, Alexander 207 Diserio, Alana 84, 177 Diserio, Cory 207 Dittmer, Christopher 207 Dittmer, Olivia 112, 177 Dittmer, Ryan 207 Dixon, Coral 16, 207, 324, 461 Doherty, Jussi 85, 164 Dollar, Ashley 207 Dollar, Kayla 177 Donald, Justice 206, 207 Donelson, Brandie 177, 424 Donelson, Chelsea 207 Doran, Emma 207, 230 Dorman, Michael 164, 409 Doster, Samuel 145, 207 Dotson, Infinity 200, 207 Douglas, Summer 26, 207 Dowdell, Buffy 164 Dowen, Christopher 448 Drackett, Samuel 207 Dragicevic, Dejan 207 Dragon, Dylan 207 Drama 89 Drayton, Christian 207 Dreiling, Jessica 207 Dreiling, John 88, 207 Dressler, Jonathan 207 Driggers, Allyson 50, 207 Driskell, Dustin 122, 207 Droege, Alexandra 207 Dubourg, Kenneth 207 Dudley, Erin 207 Dudley, Taylor 100, 112, 177, 284 Duff, Hudson
[BP is] trying their best, but I think they could have done better; they were at fault. emerald Oates, sOphOmOre
Fika, Dylan 210 Filippov, Maksym 210 Finer, Talia 80, 210 Finley, Travis 178 Finnhenry’s 394 Finsie, James 210 Fiorelli, Kathryn 178 Fiorelli, Rene 210 Firebaugh, Antony 210 Fisher, Desini 449 Fisher, Kathryn 210 Fisher, Peyton 210 Fite, Charlotte 210 Fitzpatrick, Thomas 210 Fleminger, Amanda 178 Fleming, Stephen 210 Fleurisma, Mackenson 210 Fleurisma, Vanessa 210, 215 Flores, Alexa 210 Flores, Karina 210, 212 Florin, Bailey 12, 143, 210 Floyd, Dwayne 163, 164 Floyd, Gray 178, 180 Fluke, Michele 164 Fonseca, Cristhian 210 Fontaine, Dustin 210 Fontaine, Dylan 210 Fontes, Justin 210, 218 Football 125, 137 Ford, Jasmine 210 Ford, Kirstie 210 Ford, Shannon 210, 242 Formica, Marie 112, 178 Fortini, Sydney 134, 210 Foskett, Dalton 210 Foskett, Delaney 210
Foskett, Rayce 139, 178 Fothergill, Alexa 210 Fournier Jimenez, Salvador 210 Fowler, James 210 Fowler, Melody 97 Fox, Christopher 210 Francis, Brendan 66, 78, 126, 137, 210 Francis, Joel 210 Francis, Matara 66, 210, 410 Francis, Mikayla 210 Franco, Henry 50 Franco, Melissa 211 Francois, Nickson 211 Franklin, Alexander 189 Franklin, Jennah 22, 211 Franklin, Olivia 211 Franqui, Liz 211, 231 Frazzitta, Michael 48, 202, 211 Frederick, Elton 178 Frederick, Erica 211 Freeman, Ashleigh 211 Freeman, Shaheed 211 Freitag, Felicia 135 Frey, Grant 211 Fricke, Rachel 211 Fricke, Sarah 142, 178 Friend, Kirstie 22 Frye, Shaniece 83, 178 Fuentes, Alexandria 211 Fuentes, Johnathan 211 Fulford, Sue 164 Fuller, Torrey 200, 211 Fuqua, Alexander 211 Furman, Pamela 164 Furth, Cole 22, 211
The water suddenly turned black and slimy as an unnatural amount of oil leaked from 8,000 feet below. April 20, 2010, an oil rig exploded. Three months later BP capped the spill, but the effects of it still remained. The leak in the Gulf of Mexico largely affected Louisiana’s waters and fishing industry as well as Florida’s economy. Florida’s beaches, on the other hand, stayed relatively clear of the black crude oil. Unaware of this, tourists from Florida’s $60 billion tourism business came in smaller numbers. July was normally the busiest month of the year for Florida’s beaches, but in
Cole/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
n OvercOme. On Saturday, June 5, on Grand Terre Island, Louisiana, a pelican is still alive but too weak to lift its head. Rescue workers arrived a half hour later to remove the bird. The pelican was stabilized and transfered to Fort Jackson for washing. (photo/Carolyn
2010 revenue numbers for the month were off 25 percent. On top of the reduced revenue, tourists paid around 11 percent less than the previous July. Restaurants were also affected and had to raise their prices, leading to declining customers. Shrimp prices alone rose 25 percent. According to a study from Technomic’s, about 20 percent of consumer’s nationwide polled said they ate less seafood because of the spill. Miami’s daily hotel rates, however, rose. The tourism board worked to polish Florida’s image so tourists would come to the rest of the state.
british petroleum oil spill effected florida’s economy
Farrelly, Shiyana 112, 176, 178 Farrill, Christopher 178 Fashion 27 Fashionable Jewels 389 Faust, Kristin 20, 178, 133 Fay, Candace 14, 178 Fazio, Jillian 164 Febres, Luis 209 Feliciano, Kenneth 18, 209 Fennimore, Jason 209 Ferguson, Venecia 210 Fernandez, Ambar 209 Fernandez, Angela 84, 209 Fernandez, Jailene 209 Fernandez, Javie 130 Fernandez, Olivia 209, 370 Ferrari, Brian 209 Ferrari, Bruno 209, 233 Ferreira, Karina 94, 209 Ferreira, Melanie 209 Ferreiro, Diana 209 Ferrer,Yaritza 209 Fevrier, Valentina 112, 178 Fields, Austin 209 Fields, Kaitlyn 13, 118, 178, 393 Figarola, Dylan 209 Figuerado, Makenzie 209 Figuerado, Maria 171, 178 Figueredo, Brandon 209 Figueroa, Daniela 104, 178 Figueroa, Dinorah 209 Figueroa, Elijah 210 Figueroa, Gabrielle 178, 289 Figueroa, Keyshla 210 Figueroa, Sarah 119, 178, 290
449 BrOwN- Furth
G. Crimmings Enterprises, Inc. 389 Gadson, Roger 152, 211 Gage, Rebecca 211, 434 Gagne, Crystal 127, 211 Gaines, Brian 211, 402 Gainey, Lelah 178 Galatowitsch, Rebecca 46, 178 Galatowtitsch, Ruth 234 Galette, Jamal 156, 211 Galford, Codi 211 Gallagher, Kaitlyn 179 Gallina, Anthony 211 Gallo, Cristian 112, 179 Gamble, Andrew 211 Gamboa, Nicholas 211, 414 Gamez, George 33, 211 Gamez, Griselda 128, 204, 211 Gantt, Michael 59, 164 Garcia, Camille 28, 211 Garcia, David 211 Garcia, Eric 211 Garcia, Joe 211 Garcia, Joel 211 Garcia, Joseph 211 Garcia, Kevin 211 Garcia, Krystal 211 Garcia, Pablo 211 Garcia, Ramon 164 Garcia, Stephanie 121, 211
JoSHua Green, sophomore
Garcia,Yvette 211 Gardner, Brian 211 Gardner, Haley 179 Garlich, Sydney 34, 179 Garrett, Robbi 12, 13, 211 Garrett, Zachary 179, 190, 432 Gaudoin, Andrew 211 Gaudoin, Geoffrey 211 Gault, Alyssa 211, 241 Gault, Brittany 211 Gauthier, Benjamin 211 Gavern, Laura 12, 33, 211 Gaylord, Katelyn 82, 179 Geiger, Harrison 85, 211 Geiger, Hillary 112, 179 Gentry, Anna 103, 112, 179, 294 Gentry, Austin 179, 295 Gentry, Joshua 179 Gerben, Andrew 148, 211 Geren, Sydney 80, 103, 211 Germain, Nidia 179, 181 Gertel, Susan 164 Gibbons, Genie 211 Gibson, Brittany 211 Gibson, Danielle 4, 33, 211 Gibson, Katherine 126, 146, 211 Gidel, Carisa 112, 120, 179 Gidel, Carissa 296 Gies, Cory 297 Gies, Matthew 112, 126, 179 Gies, Taylor 151, 213 Giessuebel, Frances 164 Gilbert, Kaley 213 Gilbert, Robert 213 Gill, Kara 213 Gilles, Marie 213 Gilliam, Annie 179, 298 Gillilan, Anthony 213 Gitau, Eric 213 Glade, Austin 213 Glasgow, Randall 456 Glazer, Camille 213, 229 Glazer, Charles 24, 49, 213 Glester, Michael 164 Glover, Catherine 4, 213 Glover, Laron 213, 225 Glover, Nicholas 117, 175, 179 Godfrey, Kay 164 Goerler, Spencer 179, 292, 370 Goin’ Postal 395 Golat, Taylor 112, 179 Golding, Chad 213
Havens, Alex 131, 215 Havens, Davis 215
Habe, Zaida 214 Hadd, Elizabeth 54, 165
alexanDer J. Hall, senior
Grant, Zane 213 Graves, Logan 146, 179, 300 Gray, Cara 213, 324, 461 Gray, Gerald 213 Gray, Jaquan 207, 213 Gray, Lane 213, 218 Gray, Morgan 213 Grebinger, Sonia 213 Green, Alexandria 184 Green, Chandler 450 Green, Courtland 27, 179 Green, Dillon 84, 213 Green, Joshua 213, 449 Green, Samantha 210, 214 Green-Seall, Thomas 126 Greenwood, Nathan 214 Greer, Lindsay 94, 214 Gregory, Morgan 214, 224 Gregory, Sterling 214 Gregory, Sydney 134, 214 Gregory, Willie 214 Gresosky, Patrick 214 Gresosky, Shannon 12, 214 Grether, Ryan 179 Griffin, Benjamin 209, 214 Griffin, Mari 214 Griffin, William 16, 214 Griffis, Savannah 214 Griggs, Devin 214, 228 Gromlich, Emily 214, 215 Gross, Katelyn 214 Grothe, Corrine 80, 214 Guenzel, Gabrielle 180 Guerra, Briana 214 Guerra, Cristian 214 Guerrelus, Rachel Belle 180 Guerrero, Jolee Jadene 214 Guerrero Villacis, Nicole 112, 131, 180 Guetzloe, Jefferson 127, 180, 301 Guiette, Haley 302 Guillen, Erish 180, 204 Guion, Blake 23, 180 Guss, Mistic 214 Gutierrez, Gretchen 78, 126, 214 Guzman, Frankie 26, 214, 225 Guzman, Franklin 214
Jasmine Cole said. Paramedics were called when Louis collapsed, but he died later that day at the hospital. An autopsy reported that Louis collapsed because of an exertional sickling due to a sickle cell trait and heat stress. In 2007 the National Athletics Trainers’ Association reported that nine athletes, ages 12-19, in the previous seven years died from exertional sickling. “I encourage you to cherish the memories,” a pastor from Louis’s hometown in Haiti said encouraging the family and friends who survived him.
Goldsborough, Demetrius 213 Goldsborough, Dominique 213, 225 Golf 127 Gollen, Chad 74, 149, 179 Gomes, Andrew 213, 229 Gomez, Erika 213 Gomez, Katherine 179, 181 Gomez, Laura 98, 213 Gomez, Leyanet 213 Gomez-Candelario, Dilson 213 Gonzales, Cynthia 8, 213 Gonzalez, Alexandra 213 Gonzalez, Alexus 213 Gonzalez, Anthony C. 179, 452 Gonzalez, Anthony L. 213, 452 Gonzalez, Isaias 213 Gonzalez, Karolyne 213 Gonzalez, Keishla 213 Gonzalez, Kyle 164 Gonzalez, Louis 213 Gonzalez, Luis 464 Gonzalez, Natalia 213 Gonzalez, Omar 213 Gonzalez, Shannely 213 Gonzalez, Taylor 179, 189 Gonzalez, Wilfin 213 Goode, Frances 213 Goodwin, Daniel 179, 191 Gopaul, Naaron 213 Gordon, Douglas 213, 223, 370 Gordon, Elizabeth 213 Gordon, Gabriel 88, 179 Gorodnick, Rachael 117, 118, 179, 435, Goshulak, Nicholas 179 Goss, Alyssa 164 Gossett, Devin 156, 213, 442 Gould, Alexis 213 Gowen, Nicholas 213 Gowett, Heather 213 Grabhorn, Brandon 26, 213, 462 Grabhorn, Trevor 213 Graham, Samuel 34, 179 Grandinette, Frank 213 Grandinette, Nicole 188, 213 Granger, Chase 8, 213 Grant, Cody 124, 213 Grant, Ja Quiel 213 Grant, Laura 127, 112, 179, 299, 460 Grant, Marcus 164 Grant, Mason 213
Tears silently rolled down the cheeks of a mother who did not understand how she could’ve outlived her youngest son. At his funeral, Marie Bastien mourned the death of her son, Olivier Louis. Louis was a freshman at Wekiva High School and a member of the freshman fooball team. At football practice, just 19 days before his 16th birthday, Louis collapsed while stretching and preparing for his freshman football practice. “You never think something like this will happen. I mean, we have players that sometimes pass out, but you never think they’re going to die. So it’s really shocking right now,” Wekiva classmate
Furukawa, Samuel 211 Fusilier, Justin 211 Fussell, David 16, 211
It was sad and a tragedy. It was unexpected, and a rare way to die. ariel khan, Junior
450 indeX
“There were a lot of clubs to do, and I like all the choices that were offered,” freshman Chandler Green said.
freshman olivier Louis died during football practice
Haddock, Gail 165 Haddock, Trenton 214 Hadley, Khambrel 180 Hagood James, Hunter 153, 180 Hagood James, Lee 153, 214 Hagood James, Morgan 214 Hair, Kali 214 Hale, Marla 214 Haley, Christopher 214 Hall, Alexander 112, 171, 180 Hall, Alexander T. 303 Hall, Austin 214 Hall, Brendan 112, 171, 180, 304, 416 Hall, Janette 165 Hall, Jazzmen 214 Hall, Lindsey 121, 214 Hall, Nicholas 20, 28, 35, 55, 112, 120, 180 Hall, Shandise 142, 180 Hall, Taylor 214, 205 Hall II, Timmon 180 Halloran, Joshua 126, 214 Halloween 17 Hamilton, Brianna 180 Hamilton, Paul 171, 180 Hamilton, Quimairys 214 Hamilton, Timothy 46, 214 Hammond, Allison 210, 214 Hammond, Ryan 13k, 214 Hampton, Jeb 214 Hanberry, Joseph 214, 218 Hanberry, Tana 214, 224 Hancock, Mark 180 Hanks, Hunter 24, 112, 180, 462 Hannot, Diana 165 Hanson, Savannah 112, 180, 306 Harding, Caroline 101, 112, 180, 307 Harding, Kristen 214, 417 Harding, Merrie Grace 99, 214, 150 Hardy, Mitchell 180 Hare, Zachary 190 Hargett, Keith 180, 184 Harman, Charles 165 Harman, Sarah 214 Harper, Bethany 23, 78, 214 Harper, Brianna 180, 308 Harper, Catherine 214 Harper, Jalen 214 Harriger, Alexandra 214 Harrington, Channa 70, 200, 214, 324, 461 Harrington, Kristen 154, 214 Harris, Austin 157, 197, 214 Harris, Cooper 214 Harris, John 214 Harris, Kyle 215 Harris, Samantha 215 Harris, Tyrenthian 215 Harrison, Brett 112, 180, 192 Harrison, ElizabeTh 70, 127, 180, 309 Harrison, Hakeem 215 Harrison, Jenna 102, 215 Harvard, Alexandra 99, 133, 215 Hassan,Yousef 6, 158, 215 Hastings, Alexis 215 Haugh, Courtney 33, 215 Hauke, Jacob 180 Hauke, Samantha 215
Hawks, Terrell 49, 215 Hayes, Kaitlyn 92, 215 Hayes, Nicholas 215 Hayes, Sarah 12, 215 Hazelwood, Brittani 180 He,Yuanjun 215 Head, Robert 40, 87 Health Insurance 380 Healy, Eleanor 58, 165 Hediger, Fabio 137, 206, 215 Heffernan, Alison 108 Heffernan, Craig 215 Heilman, Kelli 112, 180 Heimbach, Sabrina 180 Heinkel II, Ronald 215 Heiselman, Connie 164, 165 Heisner, Heidi 112, 180 Helfrich, Burkhardt 215 Heller, Sam 215, 232 Heller, Sydney 215 Helms, Cole 215 Helms, Rachel 119, 215 Helping Others 81 Hemmer, John 196, 215 Henao, Anibal 165 Henderson, Adelia 64, 180 Hendry, William 215 Hendryx, Annie 112, 181 Henriquez, Clarissa 215 Henriquez, Naivette 215 Henry, Adonis 215 Hensley, Ken 165 Herald, Stephanie 215 Hermosa, Lisa 215, 227 Hernandez, Axell 215, 238 Hernandez, Cassandra 215 Hernandez, Choselina 181 Hernandez, Ciara 181 Hernandez, Crystal 36, 183 Hernandez-Curras, Francesca 215 Hernandez, Genieva 181 Hernandez, Hector 215 Hernandez, Hiraida 181 Hernandez, Jaime 165 Hernandez, Jason 215 Hernandez, Lynette 215 Hernandez, Raymond 215 Hernandez, Stephany 183 Hernandez, Wilfredo 215 Herrera, Dyana 147, 215 Herrera, Kevin 215 Herrera, Wildelis 215 Herring, Andrew 215 Herrington, Alexander 215 Herrington, Blake 18, 181 Herrington, Emily 19, 66, 112, 181 Hester, Julia 128, 215 Hickey, Jacob 215 High, Jamal 215 Hightower, Quatavious 217 Hilado, Mason 217 Hilights Newspaper 63 Hill, Bobbi 70, 217 Hilley, Jennifer 165 Hill, Heidi 217 Hill, Jessica 217 Hill, Matthea 217 Hill, Michael 70, 217 Hill, Shamara 217 Hill, Vincent 217 Hilton, Seth 156, 217 Hines, Jenna 51, 114, 217 Hines, John-Logan 18, 123, 181 Hita, Karen 19, 165 Hock, Bailey 217 Hoenstine, Ashley 217 Hoevenaar, Delaney 56, 138, 217 Hoevenaar, Hayden 127, 217 Hofer, Anna Hoffmann, Jamie 165 Hogan, Austin 26, 217 Hohman, Stefanie 22, 117, 217, 243 Holaday, Jeffery 18, 189, 217 Holder, Candrea 217 Holguin, Cristian 217 Holland, Desmond 24, 210, Iacone, Lori 207, 217 Icardi, Crystal 119, 181, 313 Iglesias, Carlota 54, 163, 165 Ilaria, Nicholas 217 Ilgenfritz, Carey 80, 181, 314, 325, 461 Igou & Smith 392 In-Depth: Challenge Day 87 In-Depth: Learning Disabilities 61 In-Depth: Parent Boosters 97 In-Depth: Sports Related Concussions 141 Ingram, Jacob 217 Inostroza, Diego 217 Interesting Jobs 11 Irizarry, Elizabeth 217
leSlie irizarry, freshman
217 Holland, Hugh 205, 217 Holleman, Samuel 217 Hollingshead, Christopher 181 Hollingshead, Glynn 217 Hollis, Ryan 217 Holloway, Anisha 217 Holmes, Brandi 181 Holmes, Christopher 217 Holmes, Joseph 217 Holmes, Tyler 217 Holysz, Kyle 13j, 157, 217 Holzman, Justin 181, 310 Homecoming 13 Hood, Anfernee 217, 246 Hoover, Christopher 217 Hope, Brittany 103, 217 Horgan, Catherine 217 Horgan, Elizabeth 181 Horgan, Victoria 217 Hortze, Nicholas 165 Horvath, Gigi 165 Hostetter, Donovan 217 Houser, Elizabeth 165 Houston, Gabriel 8, 217 Houston, Richard 165 Howard, Brittany 181 Howard, Jacquelyn 217 Howard, Thomas 76, 217 Hudkins, Sloane 217 Hudson, Ally 13a, 112, 118, 181, 311 Hudson, Sandy 165 Hughes, Nicholas 217 Huhn, Julianne 112, 120, 129, 179, 181, 312 Hulcher, Clint 305 Humphrey, Brooke 165 Humphreys, Cydne 217 Hungerford, Andrew 144, 181 Hunsicker, Emma 85, 195 Hunte, Kenwin 106, 181 Hunte, Sarah 50, 154, 217 Hunter, Rebecca 217 Hurtado, Daniel 158, 217 Hutchinson, Jeremy 217 Hutsell, Bradley 13, 64, 108, 217 Hutsell, Cindy 118, 165 Hylton, Austin 452 Hymes, Aja 217 Hymes, Javaun 217 Hyre, Alec 217
I think it is a good opportunity for seniors, because it used to be a community college, so its an upgrade for them. adam Padilla, Junior
Jackson, Alexis 218, 222 Jackson, Bailey 159, 218, 242 Jackson, Dylan 218 Jackson, Eryn 218, 229, 246 Jackson, Janibelle 165 Jackson, Lacy 189 Jackson, Rodney 121, 124, 125, 181 Jackson, Tyler 50, 218 Jacobs, Kyle 45, 218 Jacobs, William 218 Jacobshagen, Joseph 218 Jaen, Christian 106, 218
DaKota JoneS, freshman
Irizarry, Jailene 217 Irizarry, Joshua 218 Irizarry, Leslie 218, 450 Irizarry, Melisa 24, 218 Irrazabal, Carolina 181, 194 Irrazabal, Federico 218 Irwin, Kevin 98, 160, 218 Irwin, Kyle 137, 218 Irwin, Robert M. 157, 218 Irwin, Robert B. 202, 218 Isaacs, Danielle 178 Isaacs, William 218 Ishmael, Aaron 218 Issue: Alcoholism 37 Issue: Internet Safety 43 Issue: Rehab 41 Issue: Teen Mom 39 Ivey, Malik 19, 218
In September, Florida Pastor Terry Jones threatened to burn a Koran as a protest to the proposed building of an Islamic center near the site of the attack on the World Trade Centers in 2001. However, after being pleaded by numerous religious and government officials not to go through with it, Pastor Jones agreed not to go through with the demonstration. However, months after the hype died down, Pastor Jones decided to follow through with his plan, regardless of the consequences he knew n Burn the Book. Pastor Terry Jones speaks to the media in Gainsville, might ensue. Florida, Friday, Sept. 10. (photo/ricardo On March 20, with an audience ramirez Buxeda/ orlando Sentinel/MCt) of 30 worshippers, Jones burned the Muslim holy book at his small church in Gainesville, FL. Following the demonstration, three Muslim men sparked a riot in Mazar-I-Sharif, Afghanistan, and stormed the United Nations building, killing 12 people. The Afghan rioters carried signs reading messages such as “Down with America” and “Death to Obama” and called for Pastor Jones’ immediate arrest. Overtaking the building, rioters disarmed and beat guards, threw stones, [Jones] should keep that to collapsed guard towers and burnt part of the UN himself; he’s just going to make everything worse. compound. lissette BeJarano, President Barack Obama and Afghan President senior Hamid Karzai released a statement on Thursday, April 4, denouncing both Pastor Jones’ actions and those of the rioters.
proposal led to questionable actions
burn a Koran Day
Local Valencia Community College opened in 1967 to offer two-year associate degrees. On Sept. 21, it received permission from the state Board of Education to offer its first baccalaureate degree programs. After acquiring permission, Valencia announced the newly established programs could be available to students as soon as Fall 2011. The bachelor of science
degrees in radiologic and imaging services and electrical and computer engineering technology were two of the newly established programs. The University of Central Florida previously offered these programs, but dropped them because of budget cuts. Because UCF dropped these programs, VCC had the university’s full support through the process. On Dec. 14, after receiving
their accreditation as a baccalaureate degree granting institution by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as well as the trustees of Valencia, the school changed its name to Valencia College. Students hoped Valenica would keep its $91.73 per credit hour fees, versus the $167.35 per credit hour for state universities.
valencia granted permission to offer baccalaureate
No loNger just a commuNity college
Jaen, Dianela 218 Jaen, Karen 62, 218 James, Bashari 218 James, Patrick 10, 66, 218 James, Tisha 112, 181 Janas, Heather 218 Janer, Kevin 93, 181 Janer, Michael 181 Janes, Jessica 181 Jarrell, Mary 218, 321 Jean, Akim 190 Jean Francois, Cynthia 218 Jeffreys, Hailea 219 Jenkins, Allen 219 Jenkins, Kaytlyn 86, 219 Jenkins, Zachary 182 Jeune, Alex 14 Jeudy, Karl 182 Jewell, Colleen 182, 315 Jimenez, Angel 219 Jimenez, Marimar 219 Jimenez, Nyshka 219 Jimenez, Syleen 219 Jirau, Destiny 219 Jiskoot, Jacob 9, 219 Joachim, Stanislas 164, 165 John, Cushun 219 Johnny’s Fillin Station 316 Johns, Michael 219 Johnson, Aaron M. 219 Johnson, Alice 89, 182 Johnson, Austin 219 Johnson, Christopher M. 33, 219 Johnson, Christopher P. 9, 219 Johnson, Curtis 153, 182 Johnson, Durrell 219 Johnson, Dylan 215, 219 Johnson, Garrett 219 Johnson, Joseph 219 Johnson, Krysharra 175 Johnson, Taj 29, 219 Johnson, Tia 29, 219 Johnson, Tyler 12, 182 Johstono, Tyler 219 Jones, Alexander 182 Jones, Anthony 219 Jones, Austin 13, 125, 219 Jones, Christopher 174, 182 Jones, Dakota 219, 450 Jones, Dalton 219, 229 Jones, Janet 219 Jones, Kyle 12, 13a, 28, 35,
photo/Victoria Scott
Heartbreak oN tHe field
451 Furukawa- kelley
“I’d brag about the win over Freedom that football had because Freedom was undefeated,” sophomore Denzel Yarbough said.
Kage, Karl 219 Kahn, Joshua 219 Kaiser, Matthew 116, 219 Kaled, Ivan 158, 219 Kaled, Julia 219 Kallman, Kaley 46, 219 Kalmes, Haley 219 Kane, Justin 13a, 28, 62, 182, 318 Karney, Jessica 218, 219 Kasper, Cody 136, 219 Kasper, Taylor 138, 219, 440 Katauskas, Paul 57, 120, 165 Katynski, Amber 204, 219 Kaufusi, Wynonna 31, 182, 319 KBJ Architects 395 Keefer, Taylor 219 Keeler, Heather 219 Keener, Matthew 219 Keiser, Charlene 219 Keith, Lauren 27, 219 Keith, Ryan 157, 219 Keller, Nicholas 219 Kelley, Brian 219 Kelly, Alandra 219, 238 Kelly, Alexandra 78, 126, 219 Kelly, Veronica 77, 89, 219 Kemp, Kyra 89, 219 Kennedy, Brandon 182, 464 Kennedy, Danielle 104, 220, 386 Kent, Alicia 220 Kent, Kimberly 216, 220 Khan, Ameer 220, 289 Khan, Anashia 182 Khan, Ariel 450 Khoury, Andrew 220, 451 Kickery, Kasee 86, 234 Killgore, Caitlin 13j, 28, 85, 112, 182, 315 Kimble, Brittany 220 King, Drew 220 King, John Michael 220 King, Justin 60, 220 King, Robin 165 King, William 146, 165 Kinscy, Natalie 189 Kinser, Samantha 220 Kirchoff, Geoffrey 220 Kirk, Stephen 220 Kirkland, Destinee 220, 238 Kissick, John 10, 220 Kittrell, Sarah 28, 165, 194 Knapp, Kaley 220 Knapp, Linda 165 Kneeland, Jessica 78, 126, 220 Knepper, Jeremy 220 Knight, Heather 182, 395
aNDrew Khoury, sophomore
101, 112, 182, 317 Jones, Marcus 182 Jones, Ricardo 67, 219, 242 Jones, Sydney 217, 219 Joossens, Alice 55, 165, 409 Jordan, Caroline 21, 132, 219 Jordan, Walker 182, 192 Joseph, Guimard 219 Joyce, Monica 219, 428 Jure, Sarid 70 Jure, Sofia 198, 219 Justus, Katie
Labovitz, Adena 84, 220 Labs and Acivities 47 Lackey Thompson, Courtney 220 Lacount, Nonzo 321 Lacrone, Donald 220 Ladewski, Mike 20 Ladue, Jody 220 Lafave, Cole 220 Lago, Adrian 220 Lai, Victoria 44, 112, 182, 320, 325, 461 Lajoie, Noelle 182 Lakman, Brianna 220 Lam, Cathy 182, 386 Lam, Felix 220, 238 Lam, Vicky 33, 220, 272 Lamasters, Cody 220 Lamones, Deion 152, 220 Lampman, Samuel 14, 74, 220 Landis, Cullen 10, 220 Lane, Ivy 106, 220 Lane, Myranda 220 Lang, Claire 132, 220 Lange, Connor 220, 456 Lang, Max 124, 182 Lankford, Steven 171 Lant, Kathrine 45, 182, 322 Larr, Abbey 27, 220, 414 Larr, Carly 201, 220 Lason, Nadia 220 Lastarza, Jacob 34, 89, 182 Latham, William 222 Latimer, Shawn 18, 222 Lautner, Taylor 189 Lawhorne, Megan 9, 222 Lawshe, Samantha 222 Lawson, Kayla 222
Shellcy lemoS, sophomore
Knight, Jordan 220 Knight, Megan 150, 182, 395 Knighton, Spencer 220 Knoff, Hayley 220 Knox, Christopher 220 Knox, Dillon 13, 99 Koenig, Jesse 152, 220 Koffinas, Cassandra 4, 220 Kokis, Alexander 60, 68 Kolbo, Thayer 220, 386 Komanski, Connor 220 Kominowski, Alan 150, 160, 220 Konarski, Kiahna 220 Konowal, Nicholas 117, 220 Kouyo, Kevin 196, 220 Kovacs, Kailee 29, 112, 182 Kozy, Allison 50, 220 Krauss, John 220, 402 Krauss Coryell, Angela 220 Kreger, Hannah 66, 117, 220 Kroczaleski, Mark 220 Kroll, Aaron 182, 321 Krueger, Jennifer 220 Kruppenbacher, Brandon 110, 220 Kull, Tyler 182 Kunneke, Ian 182 Kyle, Nathan 138 Kyle’s Bike Shop 395
n WElcomE. The new Amway Center, replacing the old Amway Arena, officially opened Oct.1. The grand opening event attracted 50,000 people. (photo/Justin Kane)
Maloney, Christine 223, 228 Mami, Safia 166, 168 Mangold, Kaitlyn
It’s so nice. I went there for a magic game in January and had a lot of fun. coby EllsWorth, sophomorE
173, 175, 328 Manolesakis, Nikolas 158, 223 Manso, Xuhey 6, 223 Manuele, William 223 Maragos, Michael 131, 223 Marching Band 107 Marciaga, Jose 223 Marcial, Christopher 175, 184 Maria, Mario 9, 223 Maria, Tiffany 175, 178 Mariner’s Village 396 Markel, Andrew 223 Markel, Josilyn 112, 175, 176 Marlin, Melissa 16, 28, 113, 175 Maroney, Kacie 113, 175, 185, 329 Marozzi, Samantha 13a, 113, 118, 175, 185, 330 Marozzi, Vanessa 223, 13 Marquez, Alexis 175, 272 Marquez, Christine 166 Marquez, Gerardo 223 Marrero, Ashley 223 Marrero, Jeanette 22, 223 Marshall, Mariah 216, 223 Marshall, Montana 223 Marshall, Tyler 223 Martin, Celeste 143, 223 Martin, Charlie 223, 238 Martin Federal Credit Union 397 Martin, Jovann 134, 223 Martin, Michael 223 Martin, Terri 223, 239 Martin, Quentin 223 Martinez, Alexis 223, 324, 461 Martinez, Christian 223 Martinez, Cornelia 223, 239 Martinez, Crystal 223, 251 Martinez, Daniel 105, 175 Martinez, Jeissy 223 Martinez, Karina 223 Martinez, Kendal 4, 223
On a sun splashed Friday the countdown began: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty, Magic CEO Bob Vander Weide, Magic President Alex Martins and other dignitaries held the scissors to cut the blue ribbon that separated the public from their new Amway Center. The countdown reached one and the ribbon fluttered to the ground officially opening the $480 million facility. The Center, located in the heart of downtown on Church Street, replaced the Amway Arena, located on West Amelia Street. Vendors along the street were hopeful that the new center would bring life back to the street. The Center hosted concerts, the Harlem Globe Trotters and events on ice including Smucker’s Stars on Ice. Class of 2011 anticipate their graduation in the new building set for June 3.
amway center replaced old arena
let the Magic begin
Mabe, Austin 172
Macfarlane, Mark 166 Machado, Rachel 104, 223 Macias, Ivanna 223 Mack, Shaniqua 175 Mackenzie, Caitlyn 425 Mackenzie, William 140 Mackey, Darion 223, 232 Mackey, Kayla 33, 223 Mackey, Ricardo 46 Mackino, Jamie 175 Macleish Insurance Agency 327 Macnitt, Luann 223, 232 Madden, John 26, 223 Madera, Abraham 223 Madigan, Emily 135, 150, 223 Magnet and Academies 67 Maharaj, Ariana 223 Maia, Paulo 223 Maiden, Elizabeth 163, 223 Maiden, Joshua 223 Main, Lauren 147, 223 Maisonet, Tisha 223 Maldonado, Alexis 175 Maldonado, Christian 33, 34, 175 Maldonado, Jose 228 Mallard, Logan 223 Mallory, Shane 223, 241 Malloy, Saeeda 223
Nicole meDiNa, junior
Lockner, Justin 131, 199, 222 London-Tauriello, Amy 165 Long, Brendan 222 Long, Kaley 175 Long, Matthew 149, 222 Longest, Spencer 222 Longmire, Jamie 165 Lopareva, Daria 175 Lopes, Kevin 222 Lopes, Krystal 222 Lopez, Alondra 222 Lopez, Daviannish 222 Lopez, Diana 222 Lopez, Elizabeth 222 Lopez, Nathan 222 Lopez, Rose 222 Lopez, Sandra 222 Lopez, Stephany 222 Lopez,Yashira 4, 34, 175 Lopez Cruz, Francisco 12, 175 Lopez Olijnyk, Ashley Lorenzo, Elizabeth 222 Louden, Courtney 175 Love, Matthew 111, 112, 326 Lovingood, Christina 223 Lozada, Angel 84, 223 Lozada, Jose 223 Lucas, Marina 175 Lucas, Nicole 103, 223 Luff, Angelica 223, 233 Lugo, Daisy 166 Lugo, Leslie 223 Lumbert, Madison 85, 107, 223 Luna, Elizabeth 223 Lustman, Renee 175, 323 Lyders, Sara 166 Lynn, Kurt 131 Lyon, Austin 65, 166 Lyons, Edward 223 Lyttle, Clint 223
Lawson, Michael 222 Laxton, Adam 123, 222 Layton, Camille 81, 112, 182, 323 Layton, Jenna 222 Leadership 99 Leath, Jonathan 90, 222 Lee, Christopher 165 Lee, Jessica 222 Lee, Rodney 10, 222 Leesang, Alyssa 222 Legault, Alicia 188 Legend Yearbook 63, 324, 325 Lemay, Alexis 90, 112, 182 Lemcke, Dylan Lemme, Cameron 222 Lemos, Shellcy 222, 452 Leneave, David 222 Lenis, Felysha 78, 127, 222 Leon, Cassandra 222 Leon, Jessica 222 Leon, Julieanna 222 Leonard, Andrew 222, 402 Lesche, Kristin 74 Leveille, Kyle 144, 222, 442 Lewis, Aaliyah 206, 222 Lewis, Bradley 68, 222 Lewis, Courtney 182 Lewis, Dakota 222, 240 Lewis, Levelle 222 Lewis, Naesha 222 Lexner, Jessica 222 Lichtler, Kanchana 172 Liebman, Stacy 165, 166 Liley, Richard 222 Lindborg, Katharyn 222 Lineberry, Thomas 165, 167 Linxwiler, Wesley 206, 222 Lipa, Kyle 153, 172 Lipkin, Caleb 222 Liscano, William 222 Listort, Glenn 135, 137, 165 Lobozzo, Danielle 16, 27, 222 Locke, Dalton 175 Martinez, Rolando 223 Martinez, Sara 185 Martinez, Tatiana 185, 190 Martinez,Yolanda 166 Martinson, David 157, 166 Martinson, Joseph 124, 185, 331 Martinson, Matthew 224 Martucci, Christopher 224 Marulanda, Monica 224 Mary Kay 396 Maschinot, Kaitlyn 118, 185, 398 Maschinot, Tyler 10, 113, 185, 399 Mason, Calvin 224 Mason, Rachael 20, 113, 115, 132, 185, 382 Mastrodomenico, Melissa 185, 454 Matay, Darien 224 Mateer, Zackery 224 Mateo, Jessica 224 Matheson, Chase 65, 113, 185, 333 Mathews, Meredith 224 Mathis, Carlos 224 Matos,Yennifer 224 Matos, Balil Matteson, David 63, 113, 177, 185, 334 Matteson, Kelsey 104, 120, 224 Matthews, Carrie 224 Matthews, Elaine 166, 55 Matthews, Roquel 224 Mattie, Laura 166 Mattos, Albert 224 Mauerman, Alexis 26, 224 Mauerman, Seth 224 Mauldin, Kelci 185 Mauldin, Lindsay 166, 167 Maye, KaItlyn 224 Mayenschein, Bruce 224, 370 Mayer, Amanda 46, 224 Mayer, Rene 166 Mayes, Zipporah 224 Maynard, Dylan 4, 224 Maynard, Erik 224, 230 Mays, Destiney 224 Mazzotta, John 137, 224 Mc Alister, Mary 224 Mc Clintock, Tyler 222, 224 Mc Williams, Samuel 26, 224 McAloon, Alexis 224 McBryde, Travis 57, 224 McCall, Christine 166 McCann, James 224 McCarthy, Alexis 224 McClane, Henry 224 McClane, Thomas 224 McClellan, Connor 224 McClellan, William 185 McConnell, Cailey 113, 185, 335 McConnell, Chase 224 McConnell, Hunter 224 McCorkle, Colton 85, 224 McCormick, Zachery 185 McCoy, Edward 224 McCoy, Jessica 52, 63, 185, 336 McCoy, Mark 14, 185 McDaniel, Cory 224 McDuffie, Lucie 212, 224 McElroy, Madison 100, 224 McEwan, Elizabeth 99, 224 McFarlane, Gabrielle 224 McFarlin, Austin 224 McGee, Nicole 13j, 224 McGonigal, Danielle 224 McGrady, John 224 McGrath, Austin 116, 224 McGraw, Savannah 74, 185 McKibben, Andrea 58, 166 McKinney, Ian 224 McKnight, Chassion 56 McLemore, Taylor 224 McLemore, Tyler 224 McMaster, Alyssa 185 McMillen, Margaret 55, 166 McMillin, William 10, 224
When I heard about it I was scared that they would actually die. caItlyN mackENzIE, FrEshmaN
McMillion, Nicholas 153, 224 McNeill, Cameron 224, 353 McNeill, Wendy 353 Mead, Brent 224 Mead, Kaley 84, 185 Meade, Christopher 224 Mears Transportation Group 400 Medina, Ariel 174 Medina, Francisco 157, 225 Medina, Michael 225, 228 Medina, Nicole 225, 452 Medranda, Denise 225 Meeks, Sanford 12, 125, 225 Mehan, Brennah 225 Mehan, Kiernan 225 Meister, Elsa 31, 225 Melanson, Joshua 225 Melendez, Desseray 225 Melendez, Isaiah 225 Melendez, Luz 166 Melendez, Matthew 13i, 195 Mellado, Vanessa 225 Meme’s Creations 396 Mena, Dora 166 Mendez, Emily 225 Mendez, Matthew 225 Meneses, Alexandria 120, 225 Menk, Taylor 132, 185 Mercado, Alexis 225 Mercado, Marisol 92, 225 Mercado, Robert 225 Merced, Krystal 225 Mercedes, Barbara 172 Mercedes, Laura 225 Merchant, David 225 Meredith, Connor 20, 28, 113, 185, 338 Meredith, Cooper 2, 225 Merrigan, Tara 225 Merwin, Michael 4, 225 Metts, Casey 225 Meuwissen, Nathan 225, 402 Mevorach, Cecily 225 Meyer, Jennifer 225 Meyers, Karly 225 Michaud, Chelsea 225 Michaud, Marie 182 Micks, Ashley 60, 261, 225, 324, 461 Middleton, Samantha 166 Migetz, Karen 58, 166, 460 Milchling, Bethany 225 Miller, Ariana 19, 185 Moore, Megan 226 Moore, Ngwiekou 159, 226, 238 Moore, Taylor 127, 226, 230 Mora, Danielle 226 Morales, Alejandro 226 Morales, Angel 226 Morales, Dennis 187 Morales, Jefferson 226 Morales, Kaylene 226 Morales, Kelly 166, 168 Morales, Stephanie 226 Moran, Martin 178 Morata, Antony 226 Moreno, Hillary 226 Moreno Moreira, Julieta 226 Morgan, Jeffrey 156, 226 Morman, Brody 187 Morman, Ella 226, 432 Mormontoy, Le-Roy 64, 226 Morris, Austin 226 Morrobel, Jeriel 226 Morter, Chelsea 226 Moscatello, Maria 226 Moseley, Brenna 13d, 187, 337 Mosher, Robert 226 Mosley, Gary 226 Mosley, Olivia 289 Motta, Rachel 113, 176, 187 Motta, Vivian 24, 226 Mountz, Julie 46, 74, 187 Mouradian, Sarah 226 Moxley, William 226 Mr. Fix It All, LLC 396 Mulero, Gabriela 226 Mullins, Daniel 59, 166 Mullins, Joseph 226 Mulvaney, Dillon 226 Mulvaney, Sean 178 Muniz-Acevedo, Luis 228 Muniz, Carmelo 226 Muniz, Mario 10, 206, 226 Muniz, Melissa 228 Muniz, Tristan 134, 228 Munoz, Liza 228 Muragin, Matthew 228 Murdaugh, Nicolette 228 Murillo, Michelle 228 Murphy, Linda 166 Murphy, Michael 228, 239 Murphy, Nicholas 228 Murray, Alexandra 46, 187, 343 Murray, Jordan 187 Murray, Matthew 228
What began as a normal day for 33 men quickly turned tragic as the mine they were working in collapsed. On Aug. 5, in the Atacama Desert, 700,000 tons of rock in a San Jose gold mine trapped its workers. Surrounded by darkness, fear trickled into their minds and starvation scratched at their stomachs. Seventeen days later, hope arrived when they received a letter confirming people knew they were in there, and asking if they were alive, to which they responded, “All of us are well inside the shelter.” For 52 more days the miners received necessities through a
It’s kind of disturbing knowing someone else has your name. Jose r. rIverA, sophomore
It doesn’t bother me, but I do get mistaken for the other one. Jose m. rIverA, JunIor
n WElcomE back. The capsule carries Manuel Gonzalez, a rescue specialist, into the San Jose mine, near Copiapo, Chile, on Oct. 13, to aid in the rescue of the 33 miners trapped in the mine for nearly 70 days. (Alex Ibanez//mCT/Abaca press)
It’s messed up when you are mistaken for the other one, and schedules are always fun. otherwise, it doesn’t matter, I mean it’s kind of cool. AnThony l. GonzAlez, sophomore
[The other one] got in trouble once and I was the one called down to discipline. It’s just annoying sometimes. AnThony C. GonzAlez, senIor
Same NameS DiffereNt PeoPle
six inch portal. Their situation caught the attention of people all over the world, including Americans. When Brandon Fisher and Richard Soppe of Pennsylvania heard what happened they developed Plan B. This plan included enlarging the hole where the men were lifted out of their 69-day home. NASA also contributed in designing the rescue capsule. On Oct. 12, at 9:55 p.m. Luis Urza was the final miner rescued. “You brought your shift out like a good captain,” Chilean President Sebastian Pinera told a beaming Urza.
69 days later, miners rescued alive
Miracle 33
Miller, Cody 225 Miller, Douglas 54, 166 Miller, Elizabeth 9, 225 Miller, Israel 131, 225 Miller, Lindsay 225 Miller, Melissa 74, 185, 339 Miller, Pam 68, 166 Miller, Rebekah 210, 226 Miller, Shelby 64, 12, 113, 185, 340 Mills, Kelsey 185, 341 Mills, Samantha 113, 122, 170, 185, 325, 342, 461 Mills, Sybil 226 Minks, Allison 226 Minnear, Cody 226 Minor, Maxwell 226 Miranda, Irving 105, 185 Miranda, Jesse 110, 226 Miranda, Jessica 226 Miranda, Kikey 226 Miranda,Yezlie 80, 185 Mistry, Priyanka 226 Mitchell, Daniel 185 Mitchell, Jaccori 144, 226 Mitchell, James 166 Mixell, Courtney 190 Moch, Shane 226 Mogharnesi, Nasrine 226 Mohabir, Kaelem 226, 234 Mohan, Andy 226 Moise, Rayshawn 203 Moitoza, Nicole 51, 166 Moldon Proenza,Yanier 226 Mollenhauer, Jill 166 Mollings, Nicholas 226 Monast, Grant 185 Moncho, Shannon 226 Mondesir, Ethan 226 Monegro, Sharibel 226, 289 Monington, Alysha 226 Monn, Hunter 226 Monroe, Madeleine 226 Montaiuti, Leonardo 148 Montalvo, Allison 226, 246 Montalvo, Francisco 226 Montalvo, Harry Montalvo, Jeremy 226 Montalvo, Miguel 190 Montgomery, Annette 46, 166 Montgomery, Rob 166 Montoya, Juan 226 Mooneyhan, Rebecca 54, 166 Moore, Alexander 226
453 JoNEs- murray
“I really think all the seniors seem really unified,” senior Melissa Mastrodomenico said.
Alexander 229
O’Born, Samantha 27, 229 O’Day, Ryan 229
113, 187 Palisin, Ariel 229 Palmer, Davon 229 Palmer, Zachariah 68, 229 Pantaleon, Christopher 229 Panter, Brandon 187 Parikh, Binit 229 Parker, Amy 168 Parker, Eric Parker, Hannah 229, 436 Parker, Kristen 6, 115, 187 Parker, Quinton 240 Parker, Sarah 16, 229 Parker Prosky, Kyle 113, 187, 422 Parks, Connor 202, 229 Parks, Matthew 229 Parmele, Douglas 229 Parra, Steven 229 Parrett, Christopher 168 Parrish,
JasmIne ortIz, junior
Gillian 229 Parrish, Traci 228, 229 Patrick, Louis 62, 229 Patterson, Alessandra 187 Patterson, Doug 55, 97, 168, 305 Patterson, Tyler 229 Patton, Jennalynn 162, 168 Patz, Courtney 134, 13, 229 Patz, Donna 168 Patz, Tyler 156, 229 Paul, Bailey 229 Paul, Mallory 229 Paula, Alba 229 Payne, Antoine 178 Paz, Daniel 47, 229 Peacock, Judith 229 Peacock, Morgan 230 Peacy, Danielle 187 Pearson, Rosa 52, 72, 168 Peddie, Rachel 12, 98, 230 Peever, Samantha 230 Peirce, Krista 230 Peirce, Kyla 111, 113, 187 Pelier, Serenela 91, 113, 187 Pelier, William 230 Pell, Douglas 230 Pell, Robert 236, 230 Pellett, Danielle 225, 230 Pellett, Gabrielle 230 Pelot, Alisa 187, 348 Pena, Randy 230 Penagos, Andres 230 Pender, Virginia 12, 187 Pendleton, Jonathan 145, 230, 442 Pennant, Darrian 114, 230 Pensula, Patti 168 People Divider 161 Perez, Aimee 28, 230 Perez, Bryan 230 Perez, Cynthia 187 Perez, Daniella 230 Perez, Elvira 230
then city workers cared for the swans who lived in peace, at least until that night. Stephen Brezil, pet shop operator in Jacksonville, stole the swans with plans of selling them but, a warrant led to him turning himself in to the police. Brezil was arrested and charged with six counts of grand theft and six counts of animal cruelty. The swans were safely returned.
photo/Amy Comstock
It was wrong for them to steal [the swans]. austIN hyltoN, FrEshMaN
n No sCaN, plEasE. A TSA screener pats down a traveler at the B-side security checkpoint at Orlando International Airport on Nov. 24. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)
I wouldn’t be comfortable with [the scanners] because it’s invading privacy. braNDyN Cross, JuNIor
Local travelers experienced a change the week of Oct. 27, when the Transportation Security Administration installed full body scanners in the Orlando International Airport. The scanners were another precautionary device in the airport for the prevention of terrorist attacks. The scanners required passengers to step in for a full body x-ray. Workers viewed the image in a separate room. The workers looked for metallic and non-metallic objects hiding in or under one’s clothing. The scanners caused controversy because travelers considered them to be too invasive. The scanners created a general upset, and groups like Electronic Privacy Information Center sued against their installation. But, passengers had the option of opting out of walking through the scanners. If one chose not to go through the scanner, they instead had to have a pat down.
invasive scanners installed in airports
I see someone’s underpants
Lake Eola swans have a history over a century old, but overnight on Oct. 15, someone abducted nine of the historic swans. The story goes that over a century ago, Charles Lord of England moved to Orlando and resided on Lake Lucerne. He had fond memories of swans so on a trip back to England he shipped a pair of white and a pair of black swans back home. The male white swan constantly picked on the others. Because of this, Lord sent the other swans to Lake Eola. Since
swan-napper caught after he stole iconic swans
Justice for Lake eoLa swans
sarah persuad, senior
Pacheco, Jeremy 229 Pacheco, Leanna 218, 229 Padgett, Nicole 168 Pagan, Joshua 211, 229 Paguay, Carmen 168 Paguay, Jordy
O’Dell, David 229 O’Donnell, Janice 168, 409 O’Harrow, Trae 229 O’Loane, Daniel 229 O’Malley, Patrick 162, 168 O’Shea, Jaimi 12, 224, 225 Oates, Emerald 449 Odonnell, Cian 229 Ogando, Daline 15, 229 Olde Town Brokers 400 Olijnyk, Alexis 229 Oliveira, Adriele 222, 229 Oliveira, Bianca 102, 229 Oliver, Heather 229 Oliver, Ryan 229 Olmo-Crespo, Jeremy 229 Omar, Amal 229 Onderick, Joseph 156, 229 Oosting, Emily 229 Opening 2, 3, 4 Oquendo, Maria 229 Orange County Roofing and Construction 400 Ordonez, Julia 187, 401 Orlando, Matthew 289, 229 Ortiz, Hector 196, 229 Ortiz, Jasmine 453 Ortiz, Jeremy 217 Ortiz, Magdarelis 229 Ortiz, Marcus 229 Ortiz,Yessenia 187 Orvis, Blake 137, 229 Osorno, Andreina 76, 187 Oswald, Emily 80, 113, 187, 347 Oswald, Samuel 229 Otero, Angel 229 Otero, Thomas 229 Overly, Amanda 54, 168 Overton, Carl 163, 168 Owens, Nicolas 242, 229 Ozuna, Celeste 203, 229 Ozuna, Karen 229 Ozuna, Luis 222, 229
Evandro 228 Nagle, Madison 134, 228 National Honor Society 113 Navarro, Manuel 20, 113, 127, 187, 344 Navedo, Aisha 228 Nawrocki, Karsyn 187 Neal, Billy 196 Nebeker, Stephanie 220, 228, 324, 461 Neely, Rachel 138, 226, 228 Negron, Eric 228 Nelson, Kathleen 155, 228 Nelson, Quantavious 228 Nembhard, Simone 154, 228 Nemcik, Annemarie 187, 345 Nemcik, Kimberley 166 Newbold, Danise 228 Newsome, Derrick 228 Newton, Crystal 228, 463 Nguyen, Huy 166 Nguyen, Jenny 14, 228 Nguyen, Luc 69, 228 Nguyen, Ngan 228 Nguyen, Nhi 196, 228 Nguyen, Nhu 228 Nguyen, Paul 228 Nickerson, Clinton 228 Nicoll, Vicky 166 Nieves, Gabriella 228 Nieves, Kathleen 182, 187, 346 Nieves, Mabel 228, 453 Nieves, Nataliah 228 Nieves, Rossmarie 172 Nimnicht, Cody 228 Niu, Catherine 228, 231 Niu, May 31, 228 NJROTC 93 Nobles, Nicole 166 Nobles, Pamela 68, 166 Noor, Sehar 2, 4, 228, 325, 427, 461 Noor, Shaffaq 228, 426 Norman, Morgan 228 Normandia, Paul 228 Norris, Bridgette 32, 228 Novak, Heather 228 Nunez, Linda 166 Nusbickel, Emily 13jg 138, 228, 246, 324, 461 Nuzum, Eric 228 Nyland Ayala,
mabel nIeves, junior
Murray, Victoria 3, 71, 228 Muse, Ashley 158, 228 Muse, Lauren 158, 228 Musical Students 25 Muti, Raul 159, 228 Myers, Hershey 183, 187 Myrick, Kellsey 228
Quattrone, Olivia 202, 231, 462
Perez, Heidis 230 Quattrone, Vivien 62, 73, 112, Perez, Israel 172 113, 188, 325, 461 Perez, Jaciel 230 Quezada, Anthony 231, 240 Perez, Richard 58, 168 Quezada, Anthony 231 Perez, Tiffani 230 Quiles, Leyshla 231, 402 Perez, Tristen 230 Quiles, Matthew 231 Perez Rios, Malcolm 215, 230 Quiles, Natalia 231 Perez-Rios, Natascha 113, 187 Quilindo, Erika 231 Peric, Daiva 1, 187 Quinones, Bertin 231 Perrault, Paul 230 Quinones, Bradley 188, 192 Perroux, Nathan 230 Quinones, Ileana 168 Perry, Jaclyn 230 Quinones, Ismael 231 Perry, Marchee 210, 230 Quintana Morales, Destinee Perry, Simone 230 94, 231 Persaud, Sarah 454 Quirola, Christopher 455 Pesotski, Bradley 230 Quoyeser, Harvey 168 Peterson, Danny 230 Peterson, Kayla 230 Pfeiffer, Avory 230 Pfleiderer, Joyce 59 Pham, Te 58, 168 Pherai, Atiya 187 Pherai, Joseph 230 Phillips, Garrett 127, 188, 349 Phillips, Julia 230 Photo Mingle 401 Physical Education 57 Pickert, Daniel 48, 204, 230 Pierce, Rachel 230 Pierson, Bryce 188 Pierson, Cathryn 230 Pierzynski, Garrett 230 domInIQue raymond, Pimental, Franda 230 freshman Pinch-A-Penny 402 Pinder, Jacob 188, 350 Pinkston, Kenneth 168 Pinsky, Briahna 230, 233 Pinsky, Samantha 230 Piper, Brittany 230 Race, Cheryl 168, 194 Pipkin, Joseph 7 Radivonyk, Tom 163, 168 Pirino, Jacob 230 Raffaelli, Alanna 27, 231 Plain, Phillip 230 Ragbir, Ramin 76, 228, 231 Plogstedt, Erika 105, 230 Ragland, Christina 96, 231 Podeswa, Annika 110, 188 Ragland, David 96 Podeswa, Madeline 230, 289 Ragsdale, Reann 69, 231 Polanco, Anthony 230 Ragsdale, Robin 69 Policar, Noreen 230 Rahman, Easah 31, 231 Polk, Tori 230, 242 Rainey, Andrew 188 Pollard, Jesse 230 Ramer, Brittany 188 Pomeroy, Joseph 230 Ramirez, Jennifer 231 Ponce, Amanda 50, 188, 230 Ramirez, Karen 200, 231 Pontes, Morgan 230 Ramirez, Keila 231 Pope, Paul 168, 409 Ramirez, Onix 13e, 188 Porter, Catherine 81, 113, 176, Ramis, Margaret 168 188, 246 Ramos, Eunique 231, 234 Porter, Davon 230 Ramos, Luis 231 Porter, Jonathan 220, 230 Ramos, Nicole 231 Porter, Meredith 118, 230 Ramos, Renzo 200, 231 Porter, Taylor 230 Ramos, Roger 29, 50, 231 Porterfield, Emily 98, 134, 231 Ramos,Yazmine 66, 99, 231 Porterfield, Kimberly 168 Ramsey, Christopher 231 Porterfield, Scott 168 Ramsey, Stephen 231 Post, Pete 13, 168 Ramski, Jordan 231 Potter, Harry 178 Randolph, Rachel 184, 188, Powell, Teauna 188 351 Prario, Jennifer 190 Rangel, Joshua 231 Predelus, Max 144 Rauenzahn, Anna 231 Presley, Shakarr 231 Ray, Anthony 113, 186, 188, Prest, Devon 46, 231 352 Preston, Lucas 231 Ray, Hailie 231 Primary Care Specialist 403 Ray, Tom 305 Proenza, Sheilla 231 Raybon, Carley Proietto, Meghan 231 231 Proietto, Robert 231 Raymond, PTSA 337 Dominque 455 Publications 63 Reano, Pulgarin, Diamond 231 Andres Puller, Austin 26, 231, 231 242 Rebstock, Puller, Christy 188 Logan Pulliam, Travis 231, 231 234 Purcell, Taylor 231 Pursley, Kristen 231 Pyle, Devan 231 ChrIstopher QuIrola,
Rigby, Savannah 188, 356 Rimmer, Robert 144, 232 Riney, Jacob 188 Rios, Blake 204, 232, 324, 461 Rios, Daniel 188 Ritten, Carson 208, 232 Rivera, Alexander 182, 188 Rivera, Alyssa 232 Rivera, Annette 232 Rivera, Anthony 200 Rivera, Belicia 232 Rivera, Dan 232 Rivera, David 232, 235, 430 Rivera, Gina 232 Rivera, Harrison 181 Rivera, Jose 232 Rivera, Jose Rivera, Joshua 232 Rivera, Kathleen 232 Rivera, Natasha 188 Rivera, Nestmarie 5, 21, 133, 232 Rivera, Saliel 232 Rivera, Thalia 232 Rivera, Tiffany 232 Rivera, Timothy 232 Rivera-Matos, Dyanne 232 Rizor, Olivia 232 Robbins, Shaunique 232 Roberts, Analyse 232, 242 Roberts, Jade 159, 232 Roberts, Jade 232 Roberts, Matthew 232 Roberts, Pierre 32, 188 Roberts King, Khadijah 222, 232 Robertson, Jacqueline 224, 231, 232 Robertson, Joel 188, 194 Robinson, Cassandra 87, 188 Robinson, Ian 232, 272 Robinson, Vanessa 232 Robinson, Zachary 232 Robles, Anthony 233 Robles, Heather 84, 233 Roby Hamby, Kayla 233
On Nov. 2, Teresa Jacobs and Rick Scott became the 2011 Orange County mayor and Florida governor, respectively. Jacobs graduated from Florida State University with a degree in economics and went into banking after graduation. Since then she was a county commissioner, president of the Orange County Homeowners Association Alliance and a member of numerous state and regional boards. Scott served in the Navy, then earned his business and
law degrees, before entering politics in 2010. This is both Jacobs’ and Scott’s first time in their respective positions, and both won with a large margin between their opponents and themselves. Both republicans, Jacobs and Scott’s websites stated the economy was an important issue they wanted to address as soon as possible. Unemployment percentages were on the top of the list for fixing Florida’s economy.
teresa jacobs and rick scott won elections
Channa Harrington)
I don’t think it’s fair how [Scott] came to be governor because he cheated. saNDEl CabrEra, sophoMorE
Roldan, Christopher 203, 233 Rolfe, Samantha 38, 189 Roman, Carlos 233 Roman, Felix 233 Roman, Hector 233 Roman, Krystel 69, 233 Roman, Wesley 233 Roman Caban, Stephanie 45, 233 Romanowski, Jonathan 233, 321 Romero, Vincent 233 Roque, Jose 189 Rosa, Candida 233 Rosa, Felisha 233 Rosa, Natasha 234 Rosado, Amanda 234 Rosado, David 189 Rosado, Joviana 214, 234 Rosado, Luis 184 Rosario, Alex 234 Rosario, Alexander 234 Rosario, Daniel 234 Rosario, Ivan 234 Rosario, Nathalie 189, 190 Rose, Jonathan 234 Rose, Tyler 30, 234 Rosenfeld, Joshua 110, 234 Ross, Jileiska 234 Ross, Shawn 234 Rossi, Alexa 23, 100, 113, 191, 358 Rossi, John 203, 234 Rossi, Jonathon 78, 113, 126, 191, 358 Rossi’s Pizza and Pasta 404 Rossman, William 234 Rosson, Jared 90, 191 Roth, Logan 234 Rouhier, Craig 168 Rousseau, Jonathan 234 Roy, Marilyn 234 Royal, Bradley 179, 191 Rozefort, Kimberley 234 Ruach, Weang 30, 234 Rubin-Beman, Robert 234,
n CoNgratulatIoNs. Florida Gov. Rick Scott presents his inauguration speech in Tallahassee, Florida, Tuesday, Jan. 4. (photo/Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) n authorIty. Mayor Teresa Jacobs listens to a citizen’s complaint at a county meeting. (photo/
Roche, Caleb 233 Rocher, Catherine 233 Rochester, Zachary 125, 188, 357 Rodriguez, Adelyn 233, 457 Rodriguez, Adriana 196, 232 Rodriguez, Alexandra 189, 457 Rodriguez, Alexis 233 Rodriguez, Angel Jr 189, 410 Rodriguez, Angel 233 Rodriguez, Brandon 233 Rodriguez, Christopher 233 Rodriguez, Efrain 233 Rodriguez, Eduardo 172 Rodriguez, Eric 206, 233 Rodriguez, Gina 233, 240 Rodriguez, Heather 233 Rodriguez, Ivan 233 Rodriguez, Ivarelisse 233, 457 Rodriguez, Jailene 233 Rodriguez, Jeanetis 189, 457 Rodriguez, John 233, 457 Rodriguez, Jose M. 233, 457 Rodriguez, Josue 233 Rodriguez, Katey 233 Rodriguez, Leslie 233, 234 Rodriguez, Lourdes 168 Rodriguez, Madison 233 Rodriguez, Marvid 233, 457 Rodriguez, Melissa 189 Rodriguez, Natalie 233 Rodriguez, Savannah 158, 233 Rodriguez, Shayna 233 Rodriguez, Stephanie 233 Rodriguez, Wesley 233 Rodriguez,Yenedid 233 Rodriguez,Yeyeveliz 233 Rogachesky, Joshua 109, 233 Rogers, Tanasia 233 Rohe, Caroline 113, 126, 189 Rohe, Cathy 126, 164, 168 Rohena, Efrain 233 Rohrer-Colvin, Bradley 70, 233 Roland, Christopher 233 Roland, Tyler 113, 189, 192
the winner is...
Recker, Brandi 146, 211, 231 Redd, Sarah 27, 2331 Reddick, Brandon 231 Redner, Alexis 232 Reed, Heather 94, 232 Reed, Lauren 9, 232 Reed, Nakaissia 232 Rees, Olivia 16, 138, 232 Rees, Olivia 232 Reeves, Bryant 232 Reeves, Christopher 232 Register, Myisha 229, 232, 246 Reid, Audrianna 232 Reid, Carol 58, 168 Reid, Garrett 189 Reidy, Madison 4, 48, 232 Reiff, Nathaniel 123, 232 Reiff, Nathaniel 232 Reilly, Richard 232 Reina, Daniela 232, 416 Reinhardt, Stephen 232 Reinhardt, Tyler 113, 188, 354 Reinheimer, Emily 232 Reining, Anthony 232 Reiss, Hannah 66, 226, 232 Rendon, Gabriel 149, 188 Rendsland, Harley 232, 321 Retirees 460 Rexroad, Austin 13k Reyes, Danielle 188, 192 Reyes, Joshua 188 Reyes, Ryan 35, 232, 321 Rhea, Brandon 26, 232 Rhea, Susan 96 Rhode, Justin 188, 355 Rhodes, Heidi 232 Ribot Flores, Sorielys 232 Richards, Kaydene 178, 188 Richards, Kristen 232 Richardson, James 232 Ricks, Millie 409 Ricks, Sue 168 Riconda, Eryn 121, 188 Riconda, Ethan 232 Rieck, Christie 232, 324, 420, 461
455 Murray- rubIN-bEMaN
“My favorite part about Boone is all the freedom you get,” freshman Randall Glasgow said.
Saavedra, Gabriel 234 Saba, Chelsea 219, 235, 324, 461 Sabillon, Cynthia 235 Saindon, Max 235 Salas, Cody 235 Salas, Gabriela 235 Salinas, Adismary 235 Salinas, Christina 191, 360 Samuel, Bianca 235 San Miguel, Nicole 235 Sanchez, Anais 113, 181, 191 Sanchez, Christopher 22 Sanchez, Erick 235 Sanchez, Hector 386 Sanchez, Manuel Ane 196 Sanchez, Michael 19, 22, 235 Sanders Jr, Tristan 235 Sanderson, Blake 196, 235 Sandlin, Carlee 235 Sandoval, Alexander 235 Sangrey, Carolyn 169 Sangrey, Cheyenne 191 Sanjurjo, Kennedy 13, 235 San Miguel, Nicole 235 Santana, Anthony 235 Santana, Destiny 235 Santana, Heimelly 235 Santana, Johnmir 235 Santiago, Anthony 235 Santiago, Carlos 88, 191 Santiago, Danny 51 Santiago, Gabriel 218, 235 Santiago, Paradise 235 Santiago, Vivian 235 Santin, Armando 235 Santino, Natalie 191 Santos, Angel 235 Santos, Jomar 172 Santos, Leslie 235 Santos, Nestor 235 Sarmiento, Pedro 235 Sarwar, Anika 242, 235 Sassman Dubois, Angelica 235 Saunders, Clivette 203, 235
JonaThan smiTh, senior
464 Ruiz, Daniel 73, 113, 191, 192 Ruiz, Francheska 234 Ruiz, Geghzebel 234 Ruiz, Roy 234 Ruiz, Stephanie 234 Rumiche, Melissa 234 Rumplik, Katelyn 13j, 113, 191, 359 Runge, Mason 234 Rushlow, Emily 103, 234 Rushlow, Megan 234 Russell, Matthew 234 Russo, Francheska 113, 191, 404 Rutzebeck, Zachary 234 Ryan & Burgay CPA’s, P.A. 346 Ryan, Brittani 26, 234 Ryder, Hannah 94, 234 Rydstrand, Christian 19, 234 Rymer, Anna 230, 234 Sepulveda, Leida 237 Seriberttis Fuenm, Carlos 237 Serocifino, Colin 24, 237 Serowik, Emily 237 Serowik, Laura 237 Serrano, Charlie 187 Serrano, Luis 237 Serrano, Senia 237 Sevilla, Elias 237 Sexton, Kendall 133, 237 Sexton, Mackenzie 29, 113, 191, 361 SGA 101 Shackleford, Derese 169 Shaffer, Erik 234, 237 Shaffer, Robert 33, 237 Shaikh, Kiran 237 Shaver, Lauren 237 Shea, Abigail 237 Shearouse, Elizabeth 109, 191 Sheffield, Austin 172, 191 Shenk, Cara 116, 191 Shenuski, Taylor 237 Shepherd, Jagger 237 Sheppard, Alexis 237 Shi, Xuan 184 Shields, Marisa 29, 237 Shipley, Chase 237 Shirley, Greg 145, 168, 169 Shistle, Emillie 237 Shoemaker, Katelyn 237 Short, Brian 237 Shortt, Tyler 237 Shultz, Nickolas 237 Shurman, Savanna 50, 237 Shutts, Brendan 124, 184, 191 Siaca, Carmelo 237 Siders, Daniel 111, 113, 148, 191 Sihle Insurance Group 400 Siler, Sherria 83, 169 Silvers, Thomas 25, 237 Simkovitch, Aaron 237 Simmerson, Ashleigh 237 Simmons, Dakota 66, 237 Simmons, Desaree 191 Simmons, Kari 237 Simmons, Robert 57, 237 Simmons, Shelbee 134, 237 Simon, Sendy 237 Simon, Thenmy 160 Simpson, Tre 237 Sims, Aja-Monet 222, 237 Sims, Daniel 50, 237 Sims, Rachel 237, 458 Sims, Stephanie 237, 420 Singer, Taylor 237, 402 Singh, Ryan 237 Singletary, Domanique 48, 191 Sitzes, Ashley 237 Sizemore, Kelly 237 Skarlupka, David 237 Skerrett, Fernando 237 Skersick, Kyndal 143, 237 Skinner, Stacy 169 Slason, Christopher 123, 237 Sloan, Allison 62, 86, 237, 325, 461 Sloppy Joe’s 362 Slovenkay, Scott 9, 108, 237 Small, Nathaniel 59, 169 Smith, Alexis 178 Smith, Carl 175, 191 Smith, Christopher 83, 191 Smith, Courtney 237 Smith, Elisabeth 49, 169 Smith, Holly 62, 237, 324, 461 Smith, Jacob 64, 191, 363 Smith, Jessica 237 Smith, Jonathan 455 Smith, Justice 237 Smith, Justin 237 Smith, Karen 96 Smith, Katie 237 Smith, Katy 150 Smith, Luke 4 Smith, Misha 237 Smith, Nicole 237 Smith, Robert 237 Smith, Ryan 237 Smith, Shelby 237 Smith, Terry 164, 169 Smith, Tyler Joseph 93, 238 Smith, Tyler James 238, 222 Smith, Wyatt 238 Smithie, Brittany 49 Snavely, Kevin 34, 238 Snell, Taja 83, 191 Snethen, Travis 3, 99 Snethen, Travis 238 Sobrepena, Jejomar 238 Soccer 147, 149, 159 Sokolovic, Kiersten 191 Soliven, Karl 52, 192 Solomon, Julie 109, 140, 169 Sondel, Jacob 238 Song and Associates 406 Soria, Eugenio 68, 238
(photo/Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT)
n REpEal. On Dec. 10, the Service members Legal Defense Network holds a Capitol Hill rally to call on the Senate to remain in session and the president to remain in Washington until The National Defense Authorization is passed - which includes the repeal of the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy barring homosexuals from openly serving in the U.S.military.
“For we are not a nation that says ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’. We are a nation that says, ‘out of many, we are one’,” President Barack Obama said. This was the president’s statement on Dec. 22, after repealing the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy in the military. The policy made it illegal to be openly gay in the military. The orientation of servicemen wasn’t questioned but anyone who openly admitted to being homosexual would be dishonorably discharged. The policy instigated protests because people believed it was discrimination to not allow someone in the military because of sexual orientation. There were also protests against allowing gays, open or closeted, in the military at all. The repeal went to the House of Representatives in late May where they voted to repeal it with a 234-194 margin. Four days before the president signed the bill, 65 senators voted in favor of repealing the bill. “Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well,” Obama said.
don’t ask, don’t tell policy repealed
Stewart, Kendyl 89, 238 Stewart, Tia 239 Stewart, Travis 2, 219, 239 Stewartson, Cameron 239 Stiles, Bradley 239 Stillwell, Kaylee 32, 239 Stilwell, Cassandra 169 Stimson, Daniel 239 Stinebaugh, Brittany 192 Stinson, Makhi 239 Stokes, Tyler 126, 239 Stoll, Cj 71, 192 Stone, William 115, 239 Stough, Kristopher 239 Strang, Kevin 169 Street, Taylor 18, 192 Strickler, James 110, 192, 366 Strickler, Joanne 169 Strickler, Stephen 110, 221, 239 Strom, Stacey 169 Struckmeyer, Brooke 94, 239 Struckmeyer, Brynn 239 Stuart, Megan 35, 160, 192 Stucker, Nicholas 75, 192, 367 Student Cultures 31 Student Help 73 Student Hobbies 15 Student Life Divider 6 Sturgill, Marissa 239 Suarez, Diana 239 Suarez, Luis 192 Suganuma, Allyse 10, 239 Sullivan, Sean 239 Summers, James 169 Support Staff 59 Surrency, Tyree 239 Surviving the Recession 9 Sussan, Nicole 192 Sutphin, Steele 66, 239 Sutton, Jillian 150, 192 Sutton, Julianna 239 Sveum, Christopher 239 Swain, Logan 239 Swanigan, Wanda 169 Swartwood, Alexandra 102, 113, 192, 368 Swartwood, Olivia 35, 121, 239 Swartwout, Amanda 108, 239 Sweat, David 239 Swimming 129, 131 Swinderman, Annie 239 Szabo, Michael 169
I think the [policy] is stupid. I think it’s right to let gays in the military. CoNNoR laNgE, sophomoRE
Soriano, Monique 238 Sosa, Jorge 238 Sosa Omahoney, Payton 238 Sotello, Jeffrey 238 Soto, Ashley 238 Soto, Christian 238 Soto, Harobeth 238 Soto, Lyann 231, 238 Soto, Melisa 206, 238 Soto, Talissa 113, 171, 192 Sotomayor, Emmanuel 238 Sparks, Matthew 84, 238 Spear, Devan 80, 238 Spearin Sharon, Alec 238 Spears, Christina 238 Special Education 69 Speer, Lisa 169 Speights, Nathan 238 Spence, Stephanie 238 Spielman, Aaron 218, 238 Spielman, Cassandra 107, 113, 364 Spielman, Sarah 238 Spinelli, Jessica 113, 192, 365 Spinelli, Joan Marie 51, 238 Spirit 29 Sports Divider 114 Sports Medicine 109 St Cyr, Courtney 238 St. Hubert, David 238 Stackpole, Christopher 238 Stacks, Brittany 192 Stafford, Aquanette 238 Stafford, Donta 172 Stafne, Olivia 192 Stalvey, Jarrett 238 Star Child Academy 406 Starling, Jaramey 113, 144, 192 State Farm 406 Stauffer, Monica 22, 238 Stearns, Andrew 238 Steel, Jennifer 238 Stefko, Lorenzo 225, 238 Stephany C. Spinelli & Associates, Inc. 406 Stephens, Jacob 238 Stevens, Kent 192, 353 Stevenson, Heather 184 Stevenson, Victoria 238 Steward, Kyle 238 Stewart, Ashlee 238
lawmakers lift Ban
Savary, Orlando 235 Savoy, Justin 235 Sawyer, Robin 169 Sayegh, Jennifer 228, 235 Sayegh, Jessica 235 SC Advisors 405 Scarlato, Roman 216, 235 Schaefer, Erin 142, 235 Schaefer, Ryan 235 Schaffer, Bernadette 169 Scheffler, Frank 235 Schelle, Alexandra 13i, 235 Schettino, Katelyn 235 Schields, Stephanie 169 Schildwachter, Elizabeth 235 Schildwachter, Evangelene 90, 235 Schmidt, Alice 51 Schmidt, Cynthia 126, 169 Schmidt, David 235 Schoeppler, Kevin 46, 106, 235 Scholze, Catrina 235 Schroeder, Michael 191 Schultz, Ryan 191 Sciotto, Elizabeth 94, 191 Scoggins, Matthew 235 Scott, Adrian 24, 235 Scott, Angel 235 Scott, Breanna 272, 235 Scott, Deshon 233, 235 Scott, Hansel 235 Scott, Joseph 191, 405 Scott, Kerissa 235 Scott, Lauren 272, 235 Scott, Thomas 235 Scurry, Austin 235 Scurry, Cory 191 Seacord, Delaney 138, 237 Seacord, Kinsey 13i, 78, 237 Sealey, Austin 231, 237 Sealey, Colton 237 Searcy, Chad 237 Seaver, Sarah 237 Sebastiani, Ana Maria 237 Sechi, Sean 237 Seda, Alex 237 Seijo, Taylor 237 Seijo, Tyler 237 Seithel, Tyler 237 Sekenski, Hanna 158, 237 Sellers, Trent 13d, 237 Sempier, Heather 237 Sempier, Michael 200, 237 Sensiper, Maxwell 91, 237
[It’s] weird [being one of 34 Rodriguez’s]. It makes me un-unique and makes me want to not fit in. JosE RoDRIguEz, FREshmaN
I wish I had a different last name because everyone has that last name. alEXaNDRa RoDRIguEz, sENIoR
pictures, which revealed a strange and paranoid man. One video had a man as the Grim Reaper setting fire to the American flag. Pima Community College, where Loughner attended, recognized his disruptive behavior and suspended him for conduct violations. The college told him he could return only after he had mental health clearance. Loughner did not make the effort to get the clearance, and he withdrew from the college months later. As of April 2011, Loughner had not yet received a trial date, and there was still a possibility that he could face federal charges because he murdered a federal judge. Until the trial date was scheduled, Loughner was held without bail.
n hopE. On Monday, Jan. 10, a memorial dedicated to the victims at the University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona. (photo/Will Seberger/MCT)
I feel that [the shooting] was an unfortunate situation and I wish it could have been avoided. TRavIs aRmsTEaD, sENIoR
It feels great because it feels cool to walk up to someone and know they have the same last name. aDElyN RoDRIguEz, sophomoRE
I feel lame because everyone has my last name. JohN RoDRIguEz, JuNIoR It’s strange. I don’t know why Rodriguez is such a common last name. IvaRElIssE RoDRIguEz, sophomoRE
I think that’s a lot of people; I didn’t know there was that many. It’s easy for me, because I’m the best one. JEaNETIs RoDRIguEz, sENIoR
Thomas, Marcus 193 Thomason, James 239 Thompson, Caleb 193 Thompson, Christopher 76, 193 Thompson, Crystal 239 Thompson, Eric 97 Thompson, Savannah 239 Thornton, Clark 239 Tibeau, Jean 239 Tice, Delaney 158, 239 Tillman, Kylia 239 Timothe, Adlet 193 Tinsley, Victoria 193 Tischer, Erin 240 Title 1 Tobin, Evan 46, 240, 432 Tolentino, Hector 240 Toler, Chelsea 113, 193 Tom, Nicholas 240 Tongue, Jacqueline 240 Tongue, Michelle 240 Tony Blankship Photography 370 Tony’s Auto Repair 407 Toomey, Nikia 146, 240 Toporek, Daniel 240 Torborg, Alexis 240 Tormos, Kaylee 240 Toro, Carlos 240 Toro, Emely 13k, 113, 193, 407 Torre, John Patrick 240 Torres, Alex 240 Torres, Catherine 240 Torrez, Felix 456 Torres, Samario 240 Torres, Samuel 148, 240 Torres, Tatiana 52, 240 Torres, Tiffany 200, 240 Tovar, Adriel 240 Townes, Monica 58, 169 Townsend, Clay 29, 35, 113, 193, 372 Townsend, John 10, 140, 240 Track Shack 407 Tracy, Megan 70, 240 Trading Post 408 Tran, Simon 16, 240 Tran, Tuan 240 Tran, Vinh 240 Treiber, Victoria 147, 240 Tremaine, Jaime 169 Trent, Travis 184, 193 Treu, Steven 240, 242 Triano, Bret 240 Trieu, Dung 58, 169 Trimble, Shelby 240 Tringali, Daniel 117, 164, 169 Trujillo, Gene 13g, 80, 240 Trybus, Madeline 135, 240
It’s a common name. It makes me feel like everyone is part of my family. MARvID RODRIguez, junIOR
Tachi, Brett 234, 239 Tachon, Stephanie 103, 113, 192, 369 Tachon, Taylor 239 Tachon, Terri 169 Taddei, Lucas 239 Tang, Tuyetrang 113, 192 Tanner, Jonathan 239 Tanner, Lauren 192 Tate, Tyler 239 Tatum, Cierra 192 Tavarez, Leslie 239 Taylor, Barry 56, 239 Taylor, Brandy 239 Taylor, Chelsea 239 Taylor, Jalen 186, 193 Taylor, Preston 239 Taylor, Rashad 224 Teacher of the Year 460 Teal, Zachary 181, 193 Tejeda, Edwardo 239 Tejeda, Nancy 239 Telfer, Cathy 78, 235, 239 Telleria, Michael 239 Tercero, Kayla 94, 239 Terry, Diederich, P.A. 389 Terry, George 193, 371 Thenier, Jorge 239 Theoc, Antainette 193 Theodore, Mercedes 155, 239 Theodoredis, Ashley 113, 193 Theodoredis, Giussepe 8, 239 Thetford, Steven 137, 239 Thomas, Baylee 135, 206, 239 Thomas, Darby 239 Thomas, Darius 239 Thomas, Deion 34 Thomas, Devin 34, 386 Thomas, Jaclyn 160, 169, 239
felix ToRRes, junior
7 of 34 RodRiguez’s
Shots rang out and panic spread as Jared Loughner calmly walked through a marketplace in Pima County, Tucson, Arizona, shooting 19 people. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was among those shot, along with Federal Judge John Roll and 9-year-old Christina Green. Roll, Green and four others passed away after the shooting, but Giffords and the other 13 survived. The victims were at the marketplace Jan. 8 for a neighborhood meeting held by the congresswoman. As she was conversing with Roll, Loughner walked up to them and began the rampage, shooting Roll first, then Giffords. “Everyone hit the ground,” witness and aid to Giffords, Mark Kimble said. “It was so shocking.” Loughner proceeded to fire 31 shots before pausing to reload. As he paused, Roger Salzgeber and Bill Badger tackled him while Patricia JaRED loughNER Maisch grabbed the magazine he was using. On Jan. 17, Loughner was charged with attempted assassination and homicide. Loughner pleaded his innocence; however, authorities found a signed note in a safe in his home that read “I planned ahead” in an envelope that was labeled “Giffords.” Loughner had a series of troubling Internet postings, including YouTube videos and MySpace
arizona shooting killed 6 people
photo/MCT Campus
tragedy strikes
457 RuIz- TRybus
including President Barack Obama, urged Mubarak to step down. The revolutionary fervor in North Africa and the Middle East was first ignited by protests which led to the resignation of tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and rippled off into other developing countries including Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya. After the resignation of Mubarak, the military took charge until elections could be held in June. Though joyous protesters filled the streets of Cairo after the end of the regime, the power void promised an uncertain future for Egypt.
“No go, no go!” rang through the ears of the astronauts just minutes before the final lift-off of the shuttle Discovery on Feb. 24. These were not new words to the crew; the shuttle’s launch date had been postponed almost four months since its original lift-off date of Nov. 1. Despite the delay, the 27-year-old orbiter took off three minutes later and safely made it into outer space. Tens of thousands of spectators waited in Cape Canaveral to witness the historic event. Discovery’s final moment n blasT off. Space shuttle Discovery, STS-131, did not disappoint as it made its launches Monday, April 5, 2010, on a 13-day to the International Space Station. (photo/ way through the clear blue skies mission Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) to deliver the six astronauts and NASA robot, R2. The robot’s mission was to spend the next year in space completing simple tasks as a test of its capabilities in zero-gravity. The launch represented the beginning of the end. NASA scheduled two more shuttles to take off before the program was to be decommissioned and turned into a historical museum.
final launch for retiring spacecraft
Vacchio, Erin 169 Vagelakos, Mark 241 Valentin, Iramis 241
Valentin, Oscar 241 Valentin, Velinda 19, 241 Valiente, Annalie 241 Valverde, Melissa 160, 241 Van Arsdol, Kevin 195 Van Dyke, Steven 193 Van Haaren, Dustyn 241 Vancura, Alexis 241 Vancura, Melissa 241 Vanzile Jr, Clay 78 Vargas, Ariana 241 Vargas, Ilyana 241 Vargas, Kennet 241 Varnes, Sarah 193 Varvel, Austin 50, 241 Varvel, Savannah 241 Vasco, Valeria 241 Vasquez, Angelica 241 Vasquez, Kevin 241 Vasquez, Margarita 13a, 241 Vasquez-Dickson, Juan 241 Vazquez, Axelabdiel 241 Vazquez,Yesenia 13, 98, 241 Vega, Anthony 241 Vega, Hilary 191 Vega, James 241, 246 Vega, Leilanie 241 Veguilla, James Chris 241 Velasquez, Gabrielle 241, 402 Velazquez, Ashley 241 Velazquez, Coraly 241 Velazquez, Kristian 241, 386 Velez, Alexander 241 Velez, Christina 95, 241 Velez, Mathieu 241 Velgara, Anita 241 Ventresca, Patricia 241 Verdecia, Derian 241 Verheyden, Emily 87, 241 Vevera, Marty 51
DeSIree vInSon, sophomore
Ulpino, Rosimely 241, 370 Underwood, Heather 193 Undieme, Emily 103, 241 Undieme, Mike 34, 169 Undieme, Todd 104, 241 Unger, Suzanne 164, 169 University, Florida State 176 Upperco, Jackson 88, 241 Usma, Mateo 241 Utley, Melissa 113, 193, 457 Utreras, Kevin 113, 174, 193
MelISSa utley, senior
Tsirigotis, Dimitri 240 Tucker, Tyler 240 Tune, Montgomery 180, 224, 240 Turley, Jesse 193 Turman, Aaron 12, 124, 240 Turnbeaugh, Jessica 176, 193 Turner, Cassandra 87, 193 Turner, Shaylin 240 Turner, Sondra 193, 321, 370 Tyner, Samantha 241
Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
I think it’s good to see people taking control of their government and making it [better]. sydney sang, freshMan
n MayheM. Fighting and clashes erupted around Tharir Square on Wednesday, Feb. 2, between Mubarak supporters and detractors in Cairo, Egypt. The battle raged into the night with pro Mubarak forces, left, setting a car on fire and advancing with corrugated tin shields against the anti regime protesters, right. (photo/Michael
Shuttle’S laSt Feb. ‘DIScovery’
After 18 days of protest, 30 years of tyrannical rule were put to an end on Jan. 25 as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt complied with the demands of thousands of protestors and resigned from his post as president. Mubarak gained power through a coup d’état and held power with an iron grip supported by world powers including the United States and Israel. The angst of citizens living in meager and often unjust conditions fueled the toppling of this decade long regime. Together, the international community joined the voices of the protestors as world leaders,
egypt’s president stepped down after riots
A new beginning
458 indeX
“I went out for the All County Choir for the first time and made it,” sophomore Taylor Wood said.
Wade, Skyler 241 Wagner, Alana 169 Wagner, Noah 241 Walen, Christopher 241 Walimohamed, Bilkis 241 Walker, Cierra 203, 241 Walker, Kelvin 458 Walker, Clayton 113, 193 Wallace, Molly 62, 242 Wallace, Nathan 241 Wallace, Richard 157, 241 Walls, James 222, 242 Walsh, Alexander 91, 113, 193 Walsh, Kyle 242 Walsh, Robert 242, 402 Walther, Hunter 242 Waranch, Blake 6, 214, 242 Ward, Haley 69, 242 Ward III, John 149, 193 Ward, Jennifer 242 Ward, Tiffany 242 Warner, Mitchell 242 Warren, Jonathan 13a, 62, 113, 120, 193, 373 Wasdin, Michael 242 Washington, Alexis 242 Washington, Ashley 150, 242 Washington, Korey 54, 169 Wasson, Jonathan 215 Wasson, Matthew 215, 242 Watson, Chloe 242 Watson, Natalie 242 Watson, Rachel 242, 418 Weagly, Tiffany 169 Weakley, Zachary 242 Webb, Brianna 193, 374, 375 Webb, Dylon 242 Webb, Erin 208, 242 Webner, Arae 242 Webster, Kaylesha 171, 193 Webster, Kyndall 242 Weightlifting 151 Weinmann, Blaine 44, 242 Welch, Eric 242 Welch, Jeremy 242 Welch, William 242 Wellbrook, Caitlin 410 Weller, Austin 64, 242 Welling, Kyle 24, 195 Wells, Austin 242, 321 Welsh, Amanda 242 Welsh, Colleen 242 Welsh, Erin 126, 242 Wendling, Kaitlyn 242 Wendzel, Cheyenne 242 Wendzel, Devin 157, 242 Werner, Anthony 242 Wesley, Dontrayvis 242
kelvIn Walker, sophomore
Via, Meghann 193 Victor, Lesley 241 Videtto, Michael 241 Vila, Claudia 49, 241 Villar, Lia 160, 241 Villegas, Kevin 241 Villegas, Matthew 241 Vinson, Desiree 241, 457 Volleyball 133, 138 Volleyball States 21 Vo, Tuan 58, 169 West, Brittany 243 Westbrook, Victoria 169 Whaley, Jamie 80, 243 What’s In Your Bag 33 Whelan, Anthony 243 White, Christopher 243 White, Derricka 243 White, Earnest 157, 243 White, Jakeria 243 White, Nicholas 130, 195 White, Tyesha 70, 184, 195 Whitlock, Jennifer 243 Whitmer, Skylin 85, 243 Whitmire, Steven 236, 238, 243 Whitney, Brian 222, 243 Whitton, Elliott 169 Wickboldt, Jennifer 168, 169 Wicks, Delaney 243 Wieland, Elizabeth 22, 113, 128, 195 Wiggins, Jamea 222, 243 Wiggins, Ronisha 243 Wigley, Kortnee 195 Wiley, Debra 169 Wilhide, Matthew 243 Wilhite, Lindsey 232, 243, 324, 353, 461 Willett, Michael 196, 243 Williams, Akela 243 Williams, Blake 124 Williams, Brennan 243 Williams, Carolina 195, 376 Williams, Chelsea 243 Williams, Chris 206, 243 Williams, Christina 243 Williams, Clayton 243 Williams, Cynthia 243 Williams Jr., Darrel Williams, Jakara 243 Williams, Justyce 243 Williams, Katelyn 197, 243 Williams, Mariah 190 Williams, Markayla 195 Williams, Marvin 243 Williams, Morgan 82, 243 Williams, Savanna 195 Williams, Shaiquan 243 Williams, Sharlene 243 Williams, Tishlum 13k, 243 Williams, Tyler 157, 214, 243 Williams, Whitney 243 Williamson, Mackenzie 57, 138, 243 Willis, Emmanuelle 289, 243 Willis, Michael 153, 169 Wills, Chelsea 52, 138, 243 Wills, Clayton 57, 243 Wills, Tom 143 Willsey, Amy 243 Wilmoth, Kyle 136, 243 Wilson, Anthony 18 Wilson, Dominique 144, 243 Wilson, Dwayne 243 Wilson, Ekkoe 321, 243 Wilson, Gus 92, 169 Wilson, Jacqulyn 243 Wilson, Jean 243 Wilson, Jordan 243 Wilson, Kdosh 243 Wilson, Melissa 195 Wilson, Natalie 243 Wilson III, Stewart 243 Winford, Selina 243 Winford, Tony 195 Winn, Tara 80, 113, 195 Winship, Savannah 243 Winters, Morgan 243 Winters, Scott 195 Wintle, Sydney 243 Wireless Unlimited 407 Witt, Ian 243 Wnek, Amanda 195, 377 Wojciekofsky, Justin 243 Wolfe, Justin 243 Wolfinger, Christina 13k, 228 Woock, Allison 228 Wood, Braiden 25, 78, 126 Wood, Connor 148, 228 Wood, Lauren 85, 113, 195, Zambrano, Mishelle 228, 459 Zannini, Foster 228 Zannini, Jensen 228 Zapata, Christian 228 Zapata, Jose Zarama, Katie 195 Zarraga, Kyleorlando 228 Zayas, Melquis 228 Zec, Zenajda 195 Zegers, Cole 228
I was always thinking why I was the last one and why can’t I get a new last name. luis Zuale, freshMan
I don’t really mind it, plus I’m going to graduate last, so I’ll get the most applause. alejandra Zuniga, senior
Buildings crumpled to the ground like toy blocks as an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck 45 miles off the coast of Japan. More than 100 aftershocks followed the quake, some above a 6.0 magnitude, adding to the devastation. Then came the tsunami. Thirty foot waves washed away cars, houses and people as survivors stood on structures to avoid the dangerous water. Immediately, the relief process began with the American Red Cross sending financial aid, shelter, blankets and food to support the displaced survivors. As a result of the earthquake, cooling systems in two nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture broke creating a radioactive leak. Within a six mile radius of one of the plants, 45,000 people
Los Angeles Times/MCT)
n hearTbreak. Meguni Sasaki, left, and her husband, Satoru Sasaki, search the area where the second floor of their house landed, about a quarter a mile away. “I’m looking for something I can recognize; something I can pick up and say ‘this is mine’,” Sasaki said. She and her husband were not home when the tsunami struck; and their two daughters escaped with grandparents to a nearby mountain temple. (photo/Carolyn Cole/
had to evacuate because of the deadly amounts of leaking radiation. However, 50 men stayed behind to manually operate the plant to prevent complete meltdowns that could throw thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air and endanger millions of neighboring civilians. On April 12, Japan raised Fukushima to a Level 7 event, which was equal to the Chernobyl disaster. Small, but not lethal, amounts of radiation were also found throughout the United States. One month later, the death toll was up to 12,600 people, and more than 14,700 people were still missing. The final death toll at the time of press was expected to be upwards of 20,000.
earthquake had overwhelming effects
You’re always the last person to get handouts, but sometimes it’s good because you get to sit in the back of the class. Melissa Zeiher, junior
Back of the lIne
earth ShatterIng DevaStatIon
Zeigler, Andrew 228 Zeiher, Melissa 14, 228, 459 Zeitler, Natalie 177, 195 Zhang, Shu Tong 44, 210, 228 Ziglar, Phil 12, 56, 124, 169, 171 Zimmerman, Morgan 60, 129, 228 Zoia, Peter 228 Zuale, Luis 459 Zuleta, Manuela 228 Zuniga, Alejandra 195
MIShelle ZaMBrano, junior
Yaeger, Lindsay 228 Yanes Rey, Miguel 272 Yanez, Genesis 74, 195 Yarbough, Denzel 228, 452 Yarnell, Andrew 228, 459 Yaros, Evan 28, 113, 195, 374 Yingling, Cheyenne 225, 228 Yordan, Gabrielle 228 Young, Bobbie 228 Young, Hannah 128, 228 Young, Joseph 228 Young, Keith 228 Young, Terri 169 Yovaish, Trevor 228 Ysabel, Ramon 228
anDreW yarnell, sophomore
199 Wood, Taylor M. 228, 458 Wood, Taylor R. 228 Wood, Thompson 113, 129, 195 Woodall, Natalie 228 Woodring, Kristin 195 Woodring, Tara 228 Woodrow, Michelle 169 Woods, Zachary 228 Woodstock, Stori 95, 228 Woolrich, Lance 228 Workman, Emily 195, 378 Wornick, Drake 228 Wornick, Russ 97 Wren, Clayton 228 Wrestling 153 Wright, Brittany 228 Wright, Karlie 195, 379 Wright, Mary 104, 113, 195 Wulff, Joseph 228 Wyche, Jessie 66, 228
459 TsirigoTis- Zuniga
A Akbarzadeh, Noah 10 Alexander, Lindsay 28 Allen, Hunter 29 Alvarez, Jennifer 26, 31 Andrade, Luiz 29 Angelo, Kelsey 7 Angelo, Mark 26, 31 Arboleda-Gonzalex, Carolina 29 Arias, Rhapsody 16, 30 Arnold, Chase 10 Asbury, Meghan 29 Assal, Salim 30 Attaway, Solomon 31 B Bailey, Ashley 7 Baker, Cole 10 Barati, Jeffrey 31 Barati, Mitchell 2, 28 Barley, Tanner 28 Baseball 2, 26, 28, 31 Bell, Parker 10 Berdawg, Bill 28 Best, Keiton 30 Bhanote, Amanda 17, 30 Bochte, William 15, 29 Boos, Lyndsey 14, 29 Borges, Samuel 24, 29 Bracy, Marvin 19, 30 Bradford, Robin 28 Brignoni, Dominic 31 Brocket, Emily 7 Brooks, Kailyla 7 Buch, Brett 28 Bullock, Justin 10 Burden, Garrett 10, 28 Burnett, Shanice 30 Burns, John 19, 30 Burns, Katherine 16, 30 Burns, Rebecca 14, 29 Burrell, Davis 30 Bustamante, Hunter 8 Byle, Taylor 3, 28 C Caldwell, Kendall 7 Cameron, Brianna 26, 31 Caplan, Christopher 10 Cardenas, Vanessa 8 Cargo, Elizabeth 12, 28 Carrigan, Rebecca 4, 29 Carrion, Elaina 8 Castillo, Elisa 8 Castro, Vincent 30 Chapman, Tyler 18, 30 Chastain, Jaci 31 Chavez, Christopher 28 Chong, Paul 28 Cintolo, Leslie 12, 28 Clark, Eleanor 30 Clark, Johnny 30 Classe, Heather 16 Clayton, Nichole 30 Clingman, Ashley 30 Coble, Robert 2, 28 Cole, Katelyn 7 Coleman, Caroline 14, 29 Coleman, Davis 29 Collins, Charles 10, 28 Collins, Emily 30 Combs, Alyssa 4, 29 Combs, Matthew 20, 31 Conley, Andrew 11, 28 Connelly, Bradley 28 Cordell, Glenn 28 Coscia, Anthony 30 Cox, Dominick 24, 29
Craddock, Steven 10 Craver, Todd 31 Creel, Kristi 12, 28 Creighton, Rosalie 23 Crenshaw, Taylor 23, 30 Crew 4, 29 Cuenca, Simon 30 Cummins, Michael 10 D Davidson, Katelynn 28 Dawson, James 19, 30 Day, Jessica 30 Deler, Derek 3, 28 Delgado, Rodrigo 20 Dewitz, Daniel 20 Dike, Kaitlyn 16 Dillard, Alexander 10 Donald, Justice 17, 30 Donelson, Chelsea 8 Doster, Samuel 30 Douglas, Summer 27, 31 Dragon, Dylan 3, 28 Dreiling, Jessica 8 Driskell, Dustin 10 Dugan, Kristen 7 Duncan, Michelle 30 Duncan, Phillips 30 Dusing, Mary 31 Dwyer, Brock 10 E
Harding, Merrie Grace 28 Harper, Catherine 8 Hastings, Scott 15 Hauke, Samantha 31 Hayes, Sarah 13 Hazelwood, Brittani 31 Heilman, Kelli 30 Helfrich, Burkhardt 18, 30 Hendry, William 28 Hendryx, Annie 23, 30 Hensley, Ken 31 Herrington, Blake 18, 30 Hester, Julia 30 Hines, Jenna 30 Hines, John Logan 18, 30 Hogan, Austin 27, 31 Holland, Desmond 24, 30 Holloway, Anisha 7, 31 Holmes, Christopher 3, 28 Hunte, Kenwin 30 Hunte, Sarah 30 Hutsell, Bradley 30 I Irwin, Kevin 10 Irwin, Kyle 10 Irwin, Robert B. 3, 28 Irwin, Robert M. 31 Isaacs, William 10 J
Eaton, Brandy 13, 28 Edmonds, Lauren 9, 28 Edwards, Marissa 13, 28 Egan, Thomas 23, 30 Ellixson, Brendan 30 Elo, Andrew 10
Jackson, Dylan 10 James, Bashari 30 James, Patrick 10 Jeffreys, Hailea 7 Jiskoot, Jacob 10 Jones, Alexander 30 Jones, Sydney 8, 28
Faraji, Ariana 15, 29 Fields, Austin 10 Fields, Kaitlyn 28 Finsie, James 26, 31 Fiorelli, Kathryn 6, 31 Fiorelli, Rene 7 Flag Football 6, 31 Florin, Bailey 6, 31 Fontaine, Dustin 29 Francis, Brendan 30 Fuhler, Nick 31 Furukawa, Paul 20 Furukawa, Samuel 20 Fussell, David 30
Karfitsas, Athena 7 Kasper, Cody 29 Keefer, Taylor 7 Kickery, Kasee 29 King, William 10 Kirk, Stephen 15 Kissick, John 10, 28 Kneeland, Jessica 28 Knight, Megan 22, 30 Koffinas, Cassandra 5, 29 Konarski, Kiahna 7 Krauss, John 2, 28 Kyle, Nathan 31
G Gavern, Laura 13, 28 Germain, Nidia 17, 30 Gibson, Danielle 29 Gibson, Katherine 31 Gies, Matthew 28 Gies, Taylor 28 Gilbert, Robert 10 Glover, Catherine 4 Grabhorn, Brandon 27, 31 Grabhorn, Trevor 2, 28 Grandinette, Frank 3, 28 Granger, Chase 8, 28 Grant, Zane 30 Green, Joshua 18, 30 Gresosky, Shannon 22, 30 Griggs, Devin 30 H Hall, Brendan 21, 31 Hall, Nicholas 31 Hall, Shandise 30 Harding, Kristen 7
L Lacrosse 8, 10, 28 Lai, Victoria 22, 30 Lampman, Samuel 14, 29 Landis, Cullen 11 Lane, Meg 28 Lang, Max 30 Larr, Abbey 27, 31 Latimer, Shawn 30 Laxton, Adam 30 Lennon, Madison 29 Lewis, Dakota 22, 30 Lexner, Jessica 29 Liley, Richard 29 Lindborg, Katharyn 28 Linxwiler, Wesley 28 Listort, Glenn 24, 29 Lobozzo, Danielle 27, 31 Lopes, Krystal 6 Love, Matthew 31 Lucas, Nicole 8 Lustman, Renee 7, 31 M
Machuca, Alyse 31 Mackey, Kayla 30 Madden, John 26, 31 Marlin, Mellissa 17 Maroney, Kacie 12, 28 Martin, Quentin 29 Martinez, Crystal 8 Martinez, Kendal 5, 29 Maschinot, Tyler 11, 28 Matteson, Kelsey 30 Mayer, Amanda 8 Maynard, Dylan 29 Maynard, Erik 29 McClane, Henry 10 McClane, Thomas 28 McClellan, Connor 28 McClellan, William 11, 28 McEwan, Elizabeth 31 McFarlane, Gabrielle 30 McFarlin, Austin 10 McKinney, Ian 2, 28 McMillin, William 10, 28 McWilliams, Samuel 26, 31 Medina, Michael 30 Mehan, Brennah 28 Mehan, Joe 8 Mehan, Kiernan 28 Mellow, Jordyn 29 Meneses, Alexandria 30 Meredith, Connor 2, 28 Meredith, Cooper 31 Merwin, Michael 4, 29 Mevorach, Cecily 29 Miller, Elizabeth 28 Miller, Israel 30 Miller, Kenny 28 Miller, Lindsay 8, 28 Miller, Shelby 13, 28 Moore, Alexander 11 Moore, Megan 8 Moore, Ngwiekou 30 Mosher, Robert 28 Muniz, Mario 10, 28 Muniz, Tristan 8 Murray, Alexandra 8, 28 Murwin, Sheridan 7 N Nagle, Madison 8 Navarro, Julio 28 Navarro, Manuel 28 Nelson, Kathleen 31 Nembhard, Simone 7 Noor, Shaffaq 7 O O’Born, Samantha 31 O’ Day, Ryan 24 O’Shea, Jaimi 13, 28 Onderick, Joseph 28 Onyame, Damani 30 Ordonez, Julia 29 Oswald, Samuel 10 P Parker, Hannah 30 Parker, Sarah 16, 30 Patz, Courtney 31 Peddie, Rachel 8 Pell, Robert 30 Pender, Virginia 12, 28 Pennant, Darrian 29 Podeswa, Madeline 29 Pollard, Jesse 29 Ponce, Amanda 4, 29 Pope, Paul 29 Porter, Catherine 30 Porterfield, Emily 28 Post, Pete 28
Presley, Shakarr 19, 30 Puller, Austin 27, 31 Pulliam, Alexandria 29 Pulliam, Travis 4, 29 Q Quirola, Christopher 30 R Raffaelli, Alanna 27, 31 Ragbir, Ramin 20 Rauenzahn, Anna 7 Raybon, Carley 8 Recker, Brandi 31 Reddick, Brandon 30 Redd, Sarah 27, 31 Rees, Olivia 16, 30 Reiff, Nathaniel 30 Reina, Daniela 28 Reinhardt, Stephen 14, 29 Reiss, Hannah 29 Reyes, Ryan 30 Rhea, Brandon 27, 31 Ritten, Carson 29 Rivera Colon, Salina 6 Robinson, Zachary 21, 31 Rodriguez, Brandon 29 Rogachesky, Joshua 28 Roland, Christopher 20 Roman, Carlos D. 20, 31 Roman, Carlos S. 21 Roman, Shane 20 Rosenfeld, Joshua 30 Rossi, Alexa 23, 30 Ruach, Weang 24, 29, 30 Rumplik, Katelyn 31 Rushlow, Megan 8 Rymer, Anna 8 S Sanchez, Michael 29 Sanders Jr, Tristan 4, 29 Sanderson, Blake 27, 31 Saunders, Clivette 8 Schelle, Alexandra 8, 28 Schettino, Katelyn 12, 28 Schoeppler, Kevin 20 Scurry, Cory 28 Seacord, Delaney 8 Sealey, Austin 3, 28 Searcy, Chad 2, 28 Sevilla, Elias 27, 31 Shaffer, Erik 29 Shea, Abigail 30 Shearouse, Josh 17 Shepherd, Jagger 30 Simmons, Kari 29 Skarlupka, David 30 Skersick, Kyndal 7 Slason, Christopher 30 Slovenkay, Scott 28 Smith, Katy 31 Smith, Luke 30 Smith, Robert 30 Smith, Wyatt 24 Softball 12, 28, 31 Soriano, Monique 16, 30 Soto, Lyann 27, 31 Speer, Lisa 15 Spinelli, Jessica 5, 29 Spinelli, Joan Marie 29 Stokes, Tyler 29 Stone, William 23, 30 Sutton, Jillian 28 T Taylor, Chelsea 28 Taylor, Preston 19, 30 Tennis 15, 29
Thetford, Steven 29 Thomas, Deion 30 Thompson, Caleb 18, 30 Tice, Delaney 28 Tom, Nicholas 4, 29 Tom, Nick 4 Townsend, Clay 28 Townsend, John 28 Track and Field 16, 18, 30 Tran, Simon 30 Treiber, Sean 5, 29 Turman, Aaron 30 U Undieme, Emily 28 V Velasquez, Gabrielle 7 Vargas, Kennet 15, 29 Vargas, Kennett 15 Veguilla, James Chris 29 Velazquez, Ashley 8 Victor, Lesley 30 Villar, Lia 7 Volleyball 20, 31 W Walker, Clayton 20, 31 Walls, James 30 Washington, Alexis 6 Water Polo 22, 30 Webster, Kaylesha 30 Weightlifting 24, 29 Weinmann, Blaine 4, 29 Wendling, Kaitlyn 8 White, Nicholas 22, 30 White, Tyesha 30 Whitmire, Steven 30 Whitton, Elliot 28 Wieland, Elizabeth 22, 30 Williams, Jade 7 Williams, Whitney 7 Williamson, Mackenzie 30 Wills, Clayton 31 Wilmeth, Samuel 20, 31 Wilson, Anthony 30 Winship, Savannah 16, 30 Wyche, Jessie 4, 29 Y Yarbough, Denzel 29 Yaros, Evan 30 Yordan, Gabrielle 29 Z Zeiher, Melissa 15, 29 Zimmerman, Morgan 30