Colson_Blair 2016

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Blair Colson Portfolio 2016

Blair Colson

407-968-6100 Twitter: @blaircolson Instagram: @blair_colson

May 11, 2016 Renee Burke Journalism Advisor William R. Boone High School 1000 E. Kaley St. Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke, I have taken interest in the position for staffer on the award-winning, Legend Yearbook. As a staffer during 2015-2016, I have learned the skills needed to fulfill this job. Please read my enclosed resume while considering me for this position. I would like to take on being a staffer because my experience on yearbook has taught me leadership and time-management skills. I have learned people skills through conducting interviews with students along with adults. During my first year on staff, I had to correct my writing and meet strict deadlines. My ability to work ahead and make time to work on my spread will benefit the staff. I would like to pursue Journalism in my future career due to my interest in photography and writing. This position would allow me to improve more of the necessary skills needed for this job. Thank you for considering me for staffer on Legend Yearbook. Please contact me with any other questions. Respectfully yours, Blair Colson Enclosed: resume

Blair Colson

407-968-6100 Twitter: @blaircolson Instagram: @blair_colson

Blair Colson 1818 S Summerlin Ave 32806 Orlando, FL 407-968-6100

OBJECTIVE To gain experience on an award winning publication staff while furthering my writing and leadership skills EDUCATION Completed two years at William R. Boone High School GPA weighted: 4.8 GPA unweighted: 4.0 Graduation date: May 2018

EXPERIENCE Legend yearbook staffer, William R. Boone High School: Aug. 2015-2016. Met deadlines, interviewed students and staff, took photos, wrote body copy, learned how to design pages using Adobe Indesign and edited photos using Adobe Photoshop Babysitter for grades 2nd and up: 2012-present. Played with children, cleaned dishes and helped the children with their homework Youth leader, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church for Vacation Bible School. June 2013-2015. Had to watch children along with directing classes and worship songs Relevant High School Studies English 1 and 2 Honors Journalism 1 and 6 Honors Honors, Awards, and Memberships National Junior Honor Society 2012-2014, member. An honor club intended for community outreach and volunteering Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Representative and board member, 2014-2016. Attended monthly board meetings and huddles to spread God’s word Boone Lax Ladies: Vice President January 2016-present. Helped encourage the 2016 lacrosse team and promote school spirit by attending games and making goodie bags Student Government Council 2014-present. Attended meetings and participated in Homecoming float making and other school related events William R. Boone High School cheerleader 2014-2016 Florida Scholastic Press Association: “All-Florida Spring Digital Winner, Best of the Best Finalist” for Legend Yearbook References Renee Burke: Boone High School yearbook adviser (407)-443-8451 Karen Wendling: Boone High School FCA leader (407)-376-3776 Kelly Zannini: Mother, to whom I babysit (407)-970-6298

Essay and Reflections

Analytical essay

This year, Legend Yearbook has taught me many skills that have benefited me now and for the future. At the beginning of the year I was not very good at managing my time and working ahead of schedule. Deadlines have taught me to not wait till the last minute and be productive. During my deadline two, Brave TV, I waited a while to take pictures and start my interviews. When I did not make it through majors, I learned that I needed to start working ahead and plan accordingly. This deadline also taught me how to deal with hardships. My body copy got resubbed four times before making it to Burke. I had to stay positive and not give up on the story. During my fifth deadline, Projects and Presentations, I started making goals to reach all my deadlines on time. I started dedicating more time into coming after school and working on my writing from home. This deadline also taught me the importance of team work. I worked with Alex Sublette and we agreed on splitting up the work evenly. We each did our parts, I did the body copy and she did photos and captions. This resulted in the both of us making our first deadline. I also learned how to listen to other people’s constructive criticism and take stuff from it. Now when I get resubbed I know it is for the better and will lead to a better piece of writing. I have now developed the skills on how to put the camera on proper settings and how to batch rename them after uploading. The skills I have developed this year can be used in my school work and future goals. By writing lots of body copy, I have become a better writer and I recognize grammar mistakes faster. The time management skill will help me when making projects in school or doing my homework. I have learned that setting goals pushes you harder and motivates you to get the job done whether its with yearbook or in future careers. Scholastic journalism has impacted me in more ways than one. Aside from making me a better and more confident writer, I also developed more people skills. Going on interviews and talking to people I have never met before better prepared me for public speaking later in life. Scholastic journalism has made me want to consider a career in publications especially in magazines. It has also shown me that hard work and stress is always worth it in the end. When the final product of the yearbook came out, I felt a sense of relief and honor that our staff’s work paid off.

Reflection One

Reflection My hardest deadline would be deadline two, Brave TV. This was my first time doing a yearbook deadline by myself. If you look on the next page, you will see a scan of body copy. This was written in the beginning of my staff career and I was not very sure how to write a story. By getting resubbed, I learned how to take people’s comments and correct them. Throughout the editing process, I improved on my writing and learned the skills of placing photos without relying on others. At first, I was overwhelmed with coming up with a headline and turning a factual story into something that flowed more interestingly. Even though I did not make this deadline, I would consider it my most significant piece of work for the publication. This is my best work because I did not give up through the stress it brought. In the finished product, I like how the story flows and how the dominant draws the readers in. From the first story draft that did not fit on the spread to the final product, I feel accomplished that I was able to create it and win a Florida Scholastic Press Association award for it.

Reflection scan (Deadline two, Body to Copy)

(Deadline two, Majors to Editor in chief)

Reflection Final

Reflection two

Reflection Y4. “There is Nothing Wrong with being Confident” Pages 126-127 While writing this piece, I improved my writing by learning how to make my quotes flow. I would like this piece to represent me because it was the longest story I’ve written by myself and I put a lot of effort into creating it.

Y6. “You need to know Isabella Braga” Pages 178-179 This was a very extensive story that entailed a long interview process. I had to put together her quotes and make sure I was telling her story the right way.

Y32. “Shoot. Edit. Air. Repeat” Pages 50-51 This piece was my most improved work and it taught me how to make a spread. The process was difficult but I learned to time manage and do things on my own.




Body Copy

Theme, Deadline one pages 178-179


I chose this piece for writing because the portfolio’s main purpose was to get to know Isabella Braga therefore the story had to describe her well. It was difficult breaking down the extensive interviews and fitting the long copy into the frequently changed design.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Academics, Deadline two pages 50-51


I chose this piece for writing because I had to make this story interesting instead of just facts about what happens during Brave TV. It was difficult to do this but the interviews helped it flow well.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Sports, Deadline four page 390


I chose this piece for writing because I wrote the captions and second coverage areas covering soccer. It was difficult finding stats for the players because there was not a website for it.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Sports, Deadline four pages 104-105


I wrote the captions covering the Junior Varsity soccer team. It was difficult making time to interview the players.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Academics, Deadline five pages 126-127


I chose this piece because I struggled with piecing the quotes and information together but managed to do it. I liked how it ended up flowing.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Sports, Deadline seven page 34


This was my first sports story and it was difficult getting the coach’s interview. I learned to improve the order of my quotes.


What’s Mine Secondary




Body Copy

Sports, Deadline seven page 34


I chose this piece for writing because I wrote the captions for the Junior Varsity softball team. It was hard to find stats.


What’s Mine Secondary



Caption: CHIP CHOP. Cutting out stencil, freshman Andrew Basinski works on his paper project in Art Club. “[I enjoy] the people and [I like] that I can pretty much do anything,” Basinski said. Basinski joined Art Club to get involved in extracurricular activities.

Clubs, Deadline three pages 74-75

I chose this picture to represent me because I learned to get up close to the subject. I had to do this to be able to see the art piece he was cutting.

Captions Body Copy

What’s Mine Secondary Coverage

Design Photography

Clubs, Deadline three pages 74-75


Caption: CHECK IT OUT. After a photo shoot, seniors Alayna Mole and Hannah Ward evaluate each others photos. “[The club members and I] help each other because everyone has different strengths,” Ward said. Ward felt accomplished after she edited her pictures and saw how they turned out. I chose this picture because I tried to capture the photo club members’ expresses during their shoot. It shows how happy they were to see each other’s work.

Caption: CONCENTRATION IS KEY. In Art Club, senior Jada Roberson focuses on her drawing technique. “I feel like [drawing] is a calming and concentrated exercise,” Roberson said. The friendships formed at Art Club impacted Roberson’s high school experience and provided her with more creativity in her artwork. This picture shows the subject’s dedication to her sketch. I like how close up this picture is.

Photography Academics, Publications, pages 86-87 Captions Body Copy

Caption: MEMORIES CAPTURED. In their photography class at Camp Orlando, sophomores Abby Hutsell and Kristen Collins take a selfie. “I liked the photo class because I [learned] about the [camera] modes and how to use them,” Collins said.

What’s Mine Secondary Coverage

Design Photography

Web Softball, Boone vs. Timber Creek

To read the story, click here

Web Softball, Boone vs. Freedom

To read the story, click here

Web Softball, Photo Galleries

To see the photo gallery, click on the photo.

To see the photo gallery, click on the photo.


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Helmet- to protect the head Bat Bagto carry equipment Bat- to hit homeruns Uniform- to show school spirit

Must haves

Carroline Suggs Junior

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