Sarah Combs portfoli o
Sarah Combs
May 1, 2013 Renee Burke Yearbook Adviser Boone High School 1000 Kaley Street Orlando, Fl 32806-4199 Dear Ms. Burke, I know that the Boone Legend yearbook has won Gold Crown and Peacemaker before, and I would like to rejoin the publication staff as Ads Editor. Under this position I can teach beginner staffers how to work InDesign and Photoshop and I teach an upcoming Ad Editor for the following year and prepare them for the next year. Please obtain the resume that is attached and let’s work together to help beginner staffers make the ads the best they can be. Being an ad staffer, I have learned how to overcome difficulties that came my way, completed deadlines for 2014, and I would like to improve my skills. Being on the staff, I am able to understand time management and how to handle working with a partner on the same deadline as me. By this, I can help you make the best ads. I enjoy creating spreads for pages because these come easy to me. I also, enjoy taking pictures and have had success in this area, taking pictures gives me joy and makes me proud. I’m able to make deadline and ask question if I don’t understand things. Being on the ads staff will not only help the book, but also help me fulfill my long term goals of pursuing a job that includes designing. Thank you for taking your time and reading my attached resume and I look forward in having an interview with you to further explain why I am a reasonable person for the position as Ads Editor. I hope to hear from you soon. Respectfully yours,
Sarah Combs Enclosed: resumé
Sarah Combs
To have more knowledge about how to use InDesign and Photoshop at a complex level, to be able to explain steps to a beginner, help the book win more awards and sell more boos.
Completed three years at Boone High School Graduation date: June 2015 GPA 3.6
Legend Ads Staff Member, Boone High School • Aug 2012 - present. Wrote stories, created senior ads, took pictures, interviewed people, sent proofs to parents, customer service with parents and wrote online beats Mission Fuge • Summer of 2009 - present. Went into inner cities of southeast states to minister to kids and teenagers about the love of Jesus Christ
English 1 Honors, Journalism 1, English 2 Gifted Honors, Advanced Placement Language, Visual Technology 1
• Varsity Soccer (2011-present) • National Honor Society Member, at Boone High School (2013-present) • Caption for club soccer team at Orlando City Soccer • M.V.P. for Boone High School Soccer Team
Dave Madison - Church Youth Director (321) 231-2369 Bobby Hurrying - Soccer Coach (321) 276-0188
Self Evaluation
I got started in Journalism because at the time i wanted to be come just like my sister and help create and amazing yearbook and I’ve enjoyed doing that for the past two years. This year I have learned how to manage time better than last year for deadlines. I have also learned how to work with a partner on deadlines and not procrastinate till the last minute because it will leave a work load for the editors and shouldn’t do that. Compared to last year, I’ve gotten better at advertising, where i sold eight yearbooks this year, when i didn’t last year. I’ve learned that when you are dedicated on a deadline, you will be proud of the finish project and this is an amazing things to experience. I experience that with the water polo page because i twas dedicated to giving all my time and effort to make it an amazing page. This year I’ve learned to overcome problems things year. For example with the Robert’s ad, where i accepted a photo protected photo and later on i had to communicate to the parent about this and figure out how to make things better, correct and get the ad done on time, since the parent paid for this ad. I’ve learned that setting goals can be very useful for deadlines and this year. All i have to do is to be organized for the goal so i can make deadline on time.
Reflection 1
I would consider it my best work because I’ve made an improvement compared to last year and I’ve put in a lot of time and effort compared to last year. At the beginning it was a little difficult to get started with copy but once i got started going i got help along the way which made it seem easier. It was pretty easy for the work evolved from the draft to the final because i asked for help along the way and getting guidance from editors and working with them, instead of trying to work when stuck at one point. Plus, i asked questions to the editors if i didn’t understand anything, which made it easier for me. What i like about the final draft of the copy is that it flows from one paragraph to another with out sounding choppy and the transition from paragraph to paragraph makes since and doesn’t jump form one topic to another topic. Plus in the copy it doesn’t assume that the reader knows stuff about water polo and explains everything.
Reflection 1 First Draft
Reflection 1 Final
Reflection 2 Y15 Sports action photo: I would like this photo to represent me because it shows action with the player reaching back and shotting. You can tell it’s in action because th water is still, yet the player is shooting. It also shows emotion of the player.
Y17 Academic Photo: I would like this photo to represent me because it visually point interest with the student and the teacher being in focus.
Y18 Feature Photo: I would like this photo to represent me because it has good lighting and you can see her face clearly. You also can faintly see leading lines in the background behind her.
Reflection 3 I’ve grown in many ways. In one way I’ve have opened up to people and helped people, especially new staffers. For example, this year Amanda had a lot of questions about the portfolio and I was able to help her out. I’ve grown in my communication skill by being able to communicate with editors if there is a problem, instead of trying to fix it by myself and feel overwhelmed. I’ve grown in designing for ads when there are unique pictures that won’t fit for the design for the template. My writing has gotten better but i know that i can make it better and I know that it not as well as i want it to be. My photography skills haven’t gotten better but it hasn’t gotten worse. I know that i can make it better for next year. I feel like I’ve made an improvement in m portfolio compared to last year. I feel like this year portfolio is better and show that I’m more development. Even though this portfolio is simple it shows complexity with the pop of color in the photographs. When last year all I had was black and white on it with really no design qualities.
pstory pcaptions pphotos palternative copy
pstory pcaptions pphotos palternative copy
This is a quality photo because it shows visual point of interest with your eyes being attracted to the middle towards Kayla and Sam. This picture is also clear with no blurriness.
This is a quality photo because it shows depth of field with Israel Miller being in focus and the players in the background are not in focus as well as objects near them. This photo show a good action shot because it shows that the ball is leaving from Israel’s hand to go to another player without being blurry. Plus the water is still and not in motion, you can tell that because of the water drops are in mid-air.
This is a quality photo because it shows depth of field with each line fading as you look down at the bottom of the photo. Throughout this photo it has leading lines, which appeals to the eye. Also rule of third applies in this photo with the crease bing on the left side, which also attracts the eye.