2011 PORTFILIO Channa Harrington.
Cover Letter
CHANNA HARRINNGTON 4158 Fallwood circle Orlando, Fl 32812 channa.harrington@gmail.com (407)451-9367 May 24, 2011 Mrs. Burke Yearbook Advisor Boone High School 2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke: Perhaps the Legend is seeking to recruit the talent of someone who can grasp the complex concepts, work independently and contribute to the success of a publication. If this is the case, then please accept the following resume for your review and consideration for the position of People Editor for the 2011-2012 school year. As a current staffer, I have learned to write and take constructive critisms effectively, interview numerous amounts of people, manage an urgent deadline and photo various events whether it be sports or different school spirited projects. All of these qualities have helped me in other aspects of my life outside of publications including other clubs in which I play a role of leadership in. I enjoy working closely with people and can work well in a group with delegated tasks assigned and can also reinforce the delegating myself if need be. I have been ‘shadowing’ the current People Editor this year to help and learn what her job really entails and witness how much time and energy she puts forth. By know these minor details, I feel as if I am qualified because I do know what goes into this position and already can assure you that I am willing to accept the work load. Although the accompanying resume illustrates my background well, I feel a personal interview would better demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you at a convenient time. Thank you for you review and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours,
Channa Harrington Enclosed: resumè
CHANNA HARRINGTON 4158 Fallwood cirlce Orlando, FL 21812 channa.harrington@gmail.com (407)451-9367 OBJECTIVE To obtain knowledge of the day-to-fay working of a communications, public relations, or publishing firm though a part-time job or summer internship. EDUCATION Completed 3 years at Boone High School Graduation date: May 2012 G.P.A. 3.0 EXPERIENCE Legend yearbook, Boone High School. - August 2009-2010. Intro to journalism student. Learned the basics of design, photo composition and writing techniques. - August 2010-2011. Legend yearbook staff member. Experienced taking photos, writing various styles of stories as well as captions and secondary coverage. RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES - Member of Key Club 2010-2011 - Member of French club 2009-2011 - Vice President of Key Club 2011-2012
Personal Essay
Journalism has mixed emotions with me. I admire the ethical values it obtains for that is a very important factor, however, the writing portion, for me at least, is very difficult and I’m not exactly sure why. I have always loved writing but in the story book kind of way. Writing from a journalistic approach is a challenge in the fact that sometimes I forget to focus on one particualr event that made the season a success, and I generalize the season as a whole. I was originally in T.V production and absolutely love it and decided to sign up for T.V 2, however soon realized that it wasn’t my forte and wanted to switch to something else. My guidance counselor recommended me for journalism since she noticed my past English classes. To succeed in my journalism class, I had to read sample articles whether it be in the yearbook or newspaper provided at school. Seeing examples really helped me know what the instructor would like to see and diffrent ways to achieve it.
Self-Analytical Evaluation
This has been a whirlwind of a year regarding all the prep and work effort and stress that had to be put into the production of this years book. I have learned what it takes to publish a real life book! I especially learned skills from Carey Ilgenfritz and Tori Lai, who really helped me out a lot with body copy and helping me with interviews. It was nice to have an experienced staffers as well as editors share their guidance. I have also learned that staying on task with your deadline is key for not accumulating stress in room 224. These skills can definitely be used in future work atmospheres as well as in daily life because of the contact with people and the need to work well together with them and the notion of meeting your deadlines on time in order to complete a project or just making sure that its turned in.
Reflection #1
I picked Bred for Success becuase this was my favorite story to compose since I used to be a competitive horseback rider as well. This was also the first piece, that particular deadline, that went to majors so I was really proud of myself. At first, it was hard to grasp a concept that worked and told Lisa Hermosa’s rising career as a rider, yet was still interesting enough to form a story out of. The finished piece look great and I felt the pictures and copy turned out, it really described everything it needed to. To make this piece a success however, I pretty much stayed in constant contact with Lisa, always interviewing her for more quotes or texting or e-mailing her for more information or clarification of the types of competitions she performed in and so on. I feel that if I had only interviewed her a few times, or hadn’t kept asking her questions, the story would not have been as wellrounded and informed as it is now.
Reflection #1 (First Draft)
Reflection #1 (Final Draft)
Relfection #4
I feel as if I was an asset because of the time and dedication that I, as well as the other staffers, put in to the making of the yearbook. I remember the very first deadline I was assigned was Brand vs. Brand and was paired with Carly. It was difficult for her to write the 3 paragraphs yet I stayed almost everyday after school to COB numerous pictures of food and designed surveys to make the page look as best as it could. It was all completed, however, I feel like that showed my dedication from the very beginning and the amount of my time and effort I was willing to put forth. Also, the interest I took in knowing what the next step would be. For example, I ‘shadowed’ Carey through her ventures as people editor, and really got inside knowledge what she did and the amount of time and effort she put into it. Knowing this, I feel like next year even, I might be one step ahead and not completely lost and overwhelmed.
Reflection #5
I think that my biggest hardship that I faced this year was writing a story that didn’t get resubmitted. For some reason, almost all of my stories, such as bowling and the profile on Erin Webb, were never up to par on the first edits. But I learned to take those ‘re-subs’ and use them as constructive criticism when I figured out that the editors were not out to make our lives miserable, they were only trying to help us improve and make the book as pristine as they would imagine it to be. Now I’m not saying that I didn’t shed a few tears when I saw the ink splattered across my page in the beginning of the year but by the end, I knew that meant that the editors were’t trying to ridule my writing, they were just trying to help me improve.
Reflection #6
I believe that I answered staying on task and focusing on getting my work done for the day. I do like to talk and visit with people, however, it has caused my deadline to slowly creep up until it finally hits me that i need to do some work. I do feel that I have improved this since then. Writing ‘to-do’ lists really helped because of the simpleness of writing down a task and checking it off rather than sitting and overwhelming my self with the endless possibility that it will never be completed.
Reflection #7
Y.16 pg. 116-117 Bowling
This photo should be admitted becuase of the diffrent form that the bowler held showing a unique style and interesting angle. The bowling ball is a great center visual of interest because of the bright pink color, drawing the viewers’ eye towards it.
Reflection #7 (two)
Y.6 pg. 226-227
This profile has vast amount of coverage of this sport covering cost, how-to’s, and personal stories that will give the reader a more personal feel for the sport rather than just a factual information.. I also really like the secondary coverage on this page. Using the step-by-step method of how to tackle a horse is really informative and could actually be done following those steps.
Reflection #7 (three)
Y.6 pg. 226-227
I really like the secondary coverage on this page. Using the step-by-step method of how to tackle a horse is really informative and could actually be done following those steps. It looks great on the page, breaking upw the pictures and body copy and giving the layout a young, modern appeal.
Reflection #8
Channa Danielle Harrington
Design #1
Headline goes here Subhead goes here and and here and here
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lead in, I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen.
n lead in. i iam a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen. n lead in. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence
Design #2
I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen. n I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen.n I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is happening inthe photo. “I am a really good quoteable quote,” burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen.
Headline goes here and blah subhead goes here and here and here and blah blah blah... Tat la con henismod duis ad dit dolenit alit, sequam niamet nim irilisl exero con ercin vendip eugue dunt lum duip eugiatis nim alit acidunt ut adignim quissed dio dolortisit luptati onsequi bla faccum del ex erostisl et eu facipsum incil utat. Ut lutat. Quat. Rillam dit ut dunt nostis nis amet amet lametuero exercidunt at. Equis accum deliquisim quat, quipsustrud tat. Facil erit in ent acing ea feummy non eniamco nsequat lutpatinim duis nit la autate dignisc ilisim dip ex exerit nonulputpat. Rud et nibh exero et velit ut eu feugue modo od tat. Ut dolor sit non veriustrud eum eu faccum in hendreet, velessi tat. Obortisl ulputpate et lamet alit wis aut prat in heniamcon ex ex eugiamet loborem quatue eui essecte tem zzrit luptatem dolestis dolore esed
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Deadline #1 (A)
Deadline #1 (B)
Deadline #2
Deadline #3
Deadline #4
Deadline #5
Deadline #7
“You have to work year round at it and you can compete against yourself,” junior Dylan Fontaine said.
STRESSIN’. In the metro meet, freshman Ryan O’Day completes the bench press. “My goal for the season was to bench 145 because it’s good for my weight class,” O’Day said. At metros, O’Day lifted his personal best of 145 pounds.
The team of lifters congregated to get pumped for their upcoming lifts. Coaches had their team line up at their stations to get physically and mentally prepared. “[Before my meets] I eat. Then I warm up by lifting light weights and then before I lift, I pray for everyone to lift safely, including the competition I verse, and I pray for me, not to win but to do my best,” junior Desmond Holland said. Beginning his third year of weightlifting, Holland’s goal was to make it to Metros and to place first in every meet. He started lifting 260 pounds and improved to 275 pounds, placing fourth in the Metro meet, out of the 10 schools who competed. “Desmond was very influential with his hard work that he puts into the sport at practices and meets,” sophomore Wyatt Smith said.
To prepare for meets, Holland and the team worked out on Mondays to train for a Wednesday lift. Work at practices helped the boys improve their scores. “He leads by example. He’s always in the weight room and always lifting,” assistant coach Glenn Listort said. Junior Dominick Cox also assisted in the scores at the Metro Conference, placing fourth. Cox performed the clean and jerk at 235 pounds and the bench press at 250 pounds. “I think he did fairly well overall, he improved a lot in the season,” Smith said. With both Holland and Cox placing fourth in their separate weight classes, the team ended their season at Metros. “Through the motivation of my fellow weightlifters, we were able to pull through as a team,” Smith said. CARA GRAY AND CHANNA HARRINGTON
PUSH UP. Sophomore Weang Ruach lifts the bar to complete the clean and jerk. “[The hardest part of the clean and jerk is] jerking it because sometimes I get off balance or my arms don’t completely lock out,” Ruach said. Ruach completed the clean and jerk at 210 pounds.
FLEX. Tensing his arms, junior Dominick Cox competes in the clean and jerk. “[My biggest accomplishment was] lifting more than I could in the beginning,” Cox said. Cox concluded the clean and jerk at 235 pounds and participated in the 183 weight class.
photo/Dean Stewart Photography
photo/Dean photo/David Stewart Photography Ballard photo/Dean Stewart Photography
ABOVE AND BEYOND. As he steadies the bar above his head, junior Samuel Borges finalizes the steps for the lift. “[When I’m about to lift,] I get really mad because I get stronger when I’m mad,” Borges said. Borges completed the clean and jerk at 210 pounds.
photo/Cara Gray
RAISING THE BAR. Against East River, senior Max Lang completes the final step of the clean and jerk. “[My biggest accomplishment this year was] the clean and jerk at 260 pounds at the East River match,” Lang said. Lang was part of the unlimited weight class of 240 pounds and above.
photo/Channa Harrington
Reflection #2 (Rough Draft)
Reflection #2 (Final)
Reflection #3
I am so proud of this picture because it was one of the only sports photos I took that is not blurry. This picture follows the rule of thrids since its not exactly center, and it fills the frame. I would say that the ball is the center of visual interest because of its bright color and the wonder of where it’s going. My favorite part of this picture is the way she is posed. It is such a great angle and doesn’t look like an ordinary bowling picture. 116-005_choleallen.jpg
Reflection #3
I am so proud of this picture because it was one of the only sports photos I took that is not blurry. This picture follows the rule of thrids since its not exactly center, and it fills the frame. I would say that the ball is the center of visual interest because of its bright color and the wonder of where it’s going. My favorite part of this picture is the way she is posed. It is such a great angle and doesn’t look like an ordinary bowling picture. 116-005_choleallen.jpg