Hutsell_Abby 2016

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Abby Hutsell @abbyhuts 407-770-9716 Renee Burke Yearbook Advisor Boone High School 1000 E Kaley St. Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Renee Burke, I am applying for a renewed position on the 2016-2017 Legend yearbook staff. I enjoyed my time on the previous yearbook staff and would be thankful to be considered for the staffer position again. My previous year on the staff brought me an abundance of new abilities, experiences and knowledge. I have learned new skills performed on Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. This includes designing spreads with cut ins and bleeds, a new way to cut out background such as adding a greenery behind the cob and making new secondary coverage to coincide with my spreads. I have met six out of the seven deadlines chosen for the yearbook. I projected my time management, commitment and dedication to complete these deadlines on time, turned into Mrs. Burke. I am also able to adjust my opinion to meet the standards of a partner during a shared deadline. All of these learned skills making me a exceptional candidate for the staffer position. I want to continue to advance my abilities and learning in this class. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you at a convenient time. Thank you for your consideration and review. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours, Abby Hutsell

Abby Hutsell @abbyhuts 407-770-9716 Objective:

To put together another national winning yearbook by utilizing my skills in InDesign and Photoshop


Completed two years of school at William R. Boone High School Graduation date: May 2018 GPA weighted- 4.6


Legend Yearbook at William R. Boone High School Making deadlines, interviewing students and adults, photographing, writing stories and picking secondary coverage for our pages Camp Orlando, completed photography I class (summer of 2015) Babysitter, 2012-present, ranging from infants to 10 year olds: interacted with them during the day, changed diapers and put them to sleep at an appropriate hour which took patience and responsibility Ronald McDonald, a social service organization for families, volunteer, 2011-2014, which took dedication and hard work

Relevant High School Studies: Journalism I and V honors English I and II honors Spanish I and II

Award, Activities and Memberships:

Representative for the freshman Homecoming Court, 2015 Received the “Showmanship Award” from freshman cheerleading season, 2014-2015 Chosen as one of the students for “academic excellence,” year of 2014 Chosen to be apart of National Junior Honor Society in 2013-2014 Student chairman of the Kemosabe Kloset, 2016-present Involved in the Freshman and Sophomore Class Council Adobe Photoshop certified Involved in Always Wear Your Seatbelt club Fellowship of Christian Athletes representative, 2016


Renee Burke, yearbook advisor @ 407-893-7200 ext: 6014614 Courtney Burns, babysitter employer @ 407-766-5721 Felicia Bennett, freshman cheerleading coach @ 407-970-2209

analytical essay In 8th grade I received the schedule sheet to sign up for the classes I wanted to take during my first year at Boone High School. I saw the “journalism� option as an elective and was interested, but didn’t have much knowledge on what the class entitled. I ended up not choosing the journalism elective and changed my mind over the summer. I made an appointment with my guidance counselor over the summer to change one of my electives to journalism because I heard it was an art credit, and I cannot draw if my life depended on it. Mrs DeGarmo, my previous counselor who switched schools, said the class was already overflowed but she would put me in because some students would end up dropping the class. Journalism gave me an immense understanding of things I had never had an learned, such as grammar, AP style, Adobe programs, etc. This class, that I looked forward to each morning, influenced my decision to apply for the upcoming yearbook staff. In over the course of one year in the 2015-2016 Legend yearbook staff, I have learned a sufficient amount of skills not only used in class but in the real world. One of the most important skills I have learned is meeting deadlines. This takes adequate amount of time management and productive work ethics. Being on time and performing to the best of my ability is a key component in making an award winning yearbook. It helps not only myself and grade but the other staffers involved. In any job I will take in the future will require these skills in order to meet deadlines. I feel as if I am better prepared for my future involving time management. Yearbook class has taught me how to set realistic goals. These goals include being on time to each editor during the editing process so I could receive my feedback and get started on correcting it immediately. I learned from my mistakes by setting these goals and remembered to be responsible during deadlines. Throughout this class year I have learned how to cope with stress. My fourth deadline was club reference, which was such a challenge for me. Everyone got a late start secondary coverage got switched around which was a stressful situation trying to get all new interviews and pictures for cobs. In the end, I did not make this deadline but it taught me future skills I will need to be able to perform, such as coping to stress and generating a positive attitude when doing this. Journalism has impacted me by giving me a sense of finality and purpose. I look forward to finishing each deadline to see the final product at the end of the year, which is the yearbook. It gives me purpose to put my abilities into an award winning publication.

reflection one My most significant piece of work from this school year would be the crew page during deadline seven for the spring supplement. I was very proud of this spread because it had four pieces of secondary coverage, the headline bleeding into the dominant photo and took a great deal of work to make it look very organized and efficient in the yearbook. I was in charge of the design and captions, which was a struggle because our pictures on the page changed frequently. My partner and I traveled out to Turkey Lake Park for practice and a regatta to get pictures for the spread. The pictures changed because a majority of the kids in the our pictures were already pictured throughout the book. We had to use some of the same people who were already checked off in the master on our pages because a lot of the team was injured, so they would not participate which meant we could not get pictures of them. Another difficulty with the page came from a confusion of a secondary coverage choice. To go along with our three other mods, we needed a fourth to fill white space. First we started with a five person “Need To Know” mod. This already was a struggle because the people in the mod need to have diversity with race and grade. Everyone we tried to interview for this mod told us they had quit the team this year so we could not use them. Then to fill the rest of the white space, the mod changed to a seven person “Need To Know” instead of five persons. Luckily for us, Mrs. Burke received a list of freshman that were not used in the book that would work and graciously let us use those freshman (with no diversity) to finish the mod piece. We interviewed and took pictures of the freshmen and caught up with the editing process. This deadline taught me how to work well with more than one partner and work as part of a group. I learned how to share the responsibility of the spread among the three of us and delegating tasks. Our goal was to come up with a came plan before we started the deadline. We picked roles which brought Kevin to work on body, I completed the captions and Diego took the pictures on our spread. I think this helped us make deadline because we all knew what we had to bring to the table.

rou gh draft : d e ad line 7

reflection one

rou gh draft : d e ad line 7

reflection one

f in a l draft: d e ad line 7

reflection one

reflection two stunts to know sophomore Jaydah Jackson demonstrates five cheer poses performed at games and competitions

liberty bend left leg while standing with the right leg

heel stretch pull the left leg up to the head with left hand

scale grab the left shin and pull it upward,and straighten left leg

scorpion grab the toe from behind and pull toward the head

arabesque straighten left leg behind and look to the side

Entry Y23: Informational graphic: single, page 129 in yearbook. I chose this piece of secondary coverage as my informational graphic because I felt like this was a unique and helpful mod that clarified the readers on the different types of stunts performed during both sideline and competitive cheerleading seasons. Most people are not familiar with the different types of stunts the flyer performs in the air. This element helped readers understand the role of stunts better. Entry Y37: Organization spread: one spread, page 68-69 in yearbook. I chose this spread because it won an “excellence� award in the FSPA spring contest. I also had to learn a lot about competition clubs such as mock trial and debate to write the body copy. It was a learning process for myself and a winning spread.

reflection two

Entry Y28: Student life spread: one spread, page 4849 in yearbook. I picked this spread to represent me in this category because it was the only student life spread I worked on this year but I felt this was an important spread in the yearbook because it showed readers this years homecoming court, gave a visual of the night of the homecoming dance through the story and portrayed what the homecoming parade was like through the pictures on the page. Homecoming is a very popular dance in high school so I felt a significant role to portray this night.

I chose deadline 2 for one of the writing clips because I was in charge of writing the body between my partner and I. I think the body copy portrayed the night of the Homecoming dance very well, which is an important story in the yearbook.

q ü Body Copy q Captions q Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q Design

what’s mine:


people, 48-49, D2


I chose deadline 3 for one of the writing clips because I was in charge of writing the body between my partner and I. The body copy was written well and described the challenges of Mock Trial and Debate club this year.

clubs, 68-69, D3

what’s mine:

writing clips

ü Captions q Photography q ü Design q ü Secondary Coverage q ü Body Copy q

Club reference was put under writing clips because it didn’t have another category to fit under. I didn’t take any of the pictures or design the reference, so I put it under writing because I typed all names and completed the mods that were chosen for me.

ü Secondary Coverage q Design q Body Copy q ü Captions q Photography q

what’s mine:


club reference, 356-360, D4


club reference, 356-360, D4

what’s mine:

writing clips

ü Captions q Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q Design q Body Copy q

club reference, 356-360, D4

what’s mine:

writing clips

ü Captions q Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q Design q Body Copy q

I chose deadline 5 for one of the writing clips because I was in charge of writing the body between my partner and I. Body copy is my strength and I was on the cheerleading team last year, so I knew how to write about the cheer season well.

sports, 128-1 29, D5

what’s mine:

writing clips

q ü Body Copy q Captions q Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q Design

Sports reference went under writing clips because my partner and I wrote all the captions and typed in each name of all the girls. This was a difficult page because it was due during deadline 4, which was my most stressful deadline.

ü Captions q Photography q q Body Copy q ü Secondary Coverage q Design

what’s mine:


sports reference, 378, D4


I chose deadline 7 for my design clip because it was one of the only deadlines that didn’t get redesigned. I was very proud of the turn out because it looks very organized and one caption/headline bleed into the dominant photo.

clubs, 006-007 SS, D7

what’s mine:

design clips

ü Captions q Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q ü Design q Body Copy q

I chose deadline 1 for my photography clip because it was one of the only pages I took photos on. I took the COB’s of each person out of the 7 people and my partner and I split up the work before cobbing them.

ü Captions q q Body Copy q ü Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design

what’s mine:

photography clips people, 356-360, D1

clubs, 42-43, D2

photography clips

for eddie and laura.

With Always Wear Your Seatbelt, seniors Diana Bronson and Muhammad Saeed walk in the homecoming parade. “I got to meet the mayor. It was cool when he recognized us,” Bronson said.

what’s mine:

ü Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design q Body Copy q Captions q

competitive cheerleading

web story

competitive cheerleading

web story

new design

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