2010 Portfolio

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portfolio Sydney Morman


S y d n e y M or man

April 15, 2010

4212 Trentonian Ct Orlando, Florida 32812 sydneymorman@yahoo.com (321) 946-0320

Dean Stewart CEO Dean Stewart Photography 5232 South Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32809-3071 Dear M r.

Stew art ,

Perhaps your company would like a young and talented photographer with years of experience to help contribute to your business. With a strong passion for photography, I assure you that I can and will be an asset to your company. I can grasp complex concepts in a timely manner, and would have a desire to go above and beyond what is needed to complete tasks. You will see my passion for photography through my work ethic and final products. Please accept the following resume for your review and consideration for employment for Dean Stewart Photography. Your company would give me the chance to develop useful skills that will help me grow as a photographer and as a person. With years of experience in dealing with people, I have an idea of what will be expected of me. As the Photo Editor of Boone High School’s yearbook for two consecutive years, I have had the opportunity to use and become comfortable using Nikon and Canon SLR cameras. The past three years on yearbook staff, I have been exposed to numerous photography courses at Crealde School of Art and Journalism conventions close to home, and as far as Phoenix, Arizona and New York City. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you at a convenient time. Thank you for your review and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours,

Sydney Morman Enclosed: resume


S y d n e y M or man


4212 Trentonian Ct Orlando, Florida 32812 sydneymorman@yahoo.com (321) 946-0320

To pursue my love for photography in a professional setting and obtain the knowledge of the working environment. EDUCATION High School Diploma from William R. Boone G.P.A. 3.45 EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS Yearbook Photo Editor under the direction of Advisor Renne Burke for the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 editions of Legend Yearbook. Yearbook staff member for the 2007-2008 edition of Legend Yearbook. Attended numerous photography courses at Crealde School of Art and Journalism Conventions. Taken photos at the House of Blues Completed Photography 1 HONORS AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS National Honors Society 2008-209 and 2009-2010 school years Quill and Scroll 2007-2008, 2008-2009, ad 2009-2010 school years Member of the Boone Winterguard REFERENCES Renee Burke, Yearbook Advisor Glen Casel, CEO of Department of Children and Families Jennifer West, Family Friend


personal essay


personal essay:

This year I have developed more skills in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. At the beginning of the year our headshot style changed drastically from previous years. This new style brought up a lot of stress for staffers because we had to learn a new process in Photoshop and create our own watercolor backgrounds. Using Photoshop more this year has made me realize how much I love using the program. Aside from Photoshop, I also used Illustrator. I created my birthday invitations using Illustrator and Photoshop. As of now, I am currently working on creating labels for massage products at Healthy Body Massage. I can def initely use my skills with these programs later in life, even though my career choice does not involve design. I have also used Photoshop to edit my photography that I display on my Flickr account. Using Photoshop has helped me create more diverse versions of one picture to make them more interesting.


ref lection one


reflection one:

My best piece of work this year would have to be the concert band page (242-243). I think that the pictures on the page have interesting angles, they f illed the frame, and used the rule of thirds very well. The lighting is a little dark, and If I could do something differently I would have used a speed f lash to make the pictures lighter. My favorite part about this page is the dominate picture because of the soft green light on the side of the girls face. I think it adds some interest to the picture. I spent a lot of time on this page to get it as accurate as possible. I enjoyed doing this page because I had an interest in band (at that time) and knew the right people to talk to. When I attended the Winter Concert, I took detailed notes so I could capture the performance in my story. The f inal product didn’t change very much throughout the process and I think that it’s a good thing because it shows that I was focused in the beginning and throughout the entire deadline.


ref lection one


first draft


ref lection one


final draft


ref lection two


reflection two:

The piece of work that I wish I could still tweak would be the girls swimming page (020-021). This page seemed to have changed everyday in class, from the layout, the pictures, the story line, and the secondary coverage, every time I looked, it was different. It was frustrating, and on top of that I was juggling two deadlines. There was no progress in this page, in my opinion. It was changed, but never improved. I think there could have been a more interesting secondary coverage, rather than headshots and quotes. There was also no communication between editors on how the page was to be set up. The layout was changed well over 10 times. With all these changes, it caused me to get behind in the grading process. So that this doesn’t happen in the future I feel that it would have been better to sit down with the EIC, Sports Editor and the Advisor to better understand how the layout would work so that there would be no confusion.


ref lection two


first draft


ref lection two

015 final draft


ref lection three


football 9-18_sydney005

This is one photo that stands out in my mind, way above all the rest. It shows action, crisp colors, and a great CVI. I absolutely adore this picture because it was taken with 400 mm f/2.8 telephoto lens that Chris Sherburt let me barrow during the game. Besides being a great shot, I love it because it was taken on a memorable night. I was so excited to use this lens because I had never gotten the chance to use one of that caliber before. It was a great experience.


ref lection three


This photo is another one of my favorites. It f ills the frame and has the girl clearly in focus. The colors are bold and the lighting is perfect. The look on the girls face shows that she is concentrating on the music and following the music. The winter concert was fun to shoot because of the lighting. The stage had Christmas lights in certain areas which created a nice touch to the picture. The soft green bokeh in the right hand corner of this picture is my favorite part. It adds character and depth to it.

winterconcert 9-18_sydney


ref lection three


underwater swimming 10-24_sydney 021

I love this photo because it was the f irst photo in the yearbook that was taken underwater. It was extremely fun to shoot because I got to go in the water while the swim team practiced, It was exciting to take photos underwater because I had never done it before. I was pleased with how all the pictures from this shoot came out. This photo def initely added to the swim page and I think that the students will enjoy seeing the new perspective.


ref lection four


reflection four:

As an editor this year, I feel that I have been an asset to the staff in a lot of ways. My position on staff has a lot of responsibility. My goal last year was to burn more cd’s throughout the year so that I wouldn’t be stressed out trying to get them done before school was over. I have been burning cd’s every week and have tried to clear out certain sections. I know my main goal was to clear the entire server each week, but that goal seemed impossible to complete because some days the computers didn’t want to cooperate for reasons unknown to me. I also helped take pictures for other staff members to help them complete their deadlines. I went to Blankner and to Kaley Elementary School to take pictures for the FFEA page. I skipped some of my classes and my lunch to get this done, which wasn’t a problem because I would do anything for publications. This shows my dedication and commitment to the staff and to the book.


ref lection f ive


reflection five:

In all honesty, this year has been the hardest by far. The beginning of the year was great, but it slowly went downhill. I still have dedication to the publication, but it doesn’t feel the same. I feel as if I lost some of my best friends, but also in the process gained some new ones. I have tried so hard not to let outside conf licts affect my ability to do my job, and I hope it hasn’t shown. Other than that, there hasn’t been any hardships dealing with yearbook itself. I don’t feel that I handled some situations correctly, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t try to f ix them. There are just some things in life that need to be left alone because they will never get solved. This year has made me a stronger person and I am thankful for that. I can def inetly learn from my experiences this year to help me in life after high school. I am truly blessed to have friends like Tyler Patrick and Catherine Porter, they have kept me going even when I felt like I could go no further.


ref lection six


reflection six:

For my semester exam I said that my greatest weakness was not working as hard in 5th period because I felt that I had devoted some much of my day to yearbook, having 3 periods already that it became monotonous. In the second nine weeks I decided to try something new that I had always wanted to do. I joined the winterguard team and to better help myself I also joined the class, causing me to loose one period of yearbook. Joining guard helped me to relieve stress and to stay in shape. It def inetly resolved the monotony without letting it affect my responsibilities on staff, and soon yearbook wasn’t something I was stressing about. I didn’t feel like yearbook was my life anymore, and it felt good because I could enjoy it more without always thinking about what I needed to get done.


ref lection seven

029 CSPA Gold Circle

RELAY STATE OF MIND consecutive wins motivated relay team to go to states

by RACHEL bogan and SYDNEY morman In a close huddle, one girl started the The shot rang out, signaling the prayer. Praying before each race was a beginning of the race. Marlin took off; 4x100 meter relay team tradition. one by one the girls took their turn running Junior Melissa Marlin, freshman 100 meters and eventually handed the Justice Donald, sophomore Tyesha White baton to their next teammate to complete and senior Nicole Leveille mentally one lap around the track. prepared themselves for the race. Faster than the rest of the competition, “The relay teams were like family, we Donald pulled through for the lead, helped each other. We practiced every earning the relay team first place. day as a team. We did really well because “I ran my hardest. I made sure we’re so close. I gave a lot of time and everything was perfect. All of our hard energy into the practices to make it worth work paid off,” Marlin said. “Everyone it,” Marlin said. on the team did their hand off perfectly.” The girls warmed up and prepared for With a finishing time of 50.04 seconds, their run at the Lake Highland Classic on the team beat Olympia High School by March 13. It was the relay team’s time to 2.65 seconds for the win. show what they practiced. In the next three consecutive races, the “Starting a race was nerve wracking girls relay team kept the same drive and for all of us, we had to remain focused. continued to come in first place. Each win I liked feeling nervous before a race so I kept them on track and motivated them to knew I wasn’t over confident and wouldn’t go to the state championships. make little mistakes,” Marlin said. “Track has taught me to be very The sun baked the orange track and the disciplined. Even if you have one bad wind settled as if it was pausing to watch race you shouldn’t give up, because there the race. The relay team waited anxiously is always a second chance to redeem for the starting pistol to give the signal for yourself,” Marlin said. the race to begin. With two months left in the season, the Marlin placed her feet in the starting girls kept their focus on states. block and crouched down in anticipation.

feature photo y22

This photo is a good choice for this selection because it shows a band member in her natural environment. I love the crisp colors and the contrast between orange and white in her uniform. I love her concentration in this photo. I also love how her instrument shines in the stadium lights. The background is completely out of focus which creates a lovely bokeh and puts the focus on her, but at the same time shows the other band members that she is marching with.

sports reporting

This story captures the track meet. It is very detailed and describes the surroundings to make it feel as if you were at the meet watching the girls race. The story def inetly paints a picture and shows the girls preserverence. through the race and after. I like the statistics that were included in the story because we didn’t just tell the reader that the girls had a close race, but we included the actual seconds that the team was behind them.

academic photo y20

This photo is a good choice for this selection because it shows a Boone student helping the kindergartners at Blankner Elementary to help meet the requirement of Floridas Future Educators of America club. I enjoy the depth of f ield and how the bottom part of the photo is out of focus. It makes the focus of the photo the little boy with the glue bottle and the student helping him learn the letter F. I enjoy this photo because it was not taken at Boone and it breaks the monotony of a typical high school classroom.


ref lection seven


reflection seven: Looking back on my previous years portfolios I can see vast amounts of improvement. My f irst portfolio is very dull and shows little effort. I didn’t have any sense of style or how to use any Adobe programs. I wasn’t creative and used Century Gothic font and a few stars using illustrator. My cobs on my about me pages for the last two years were really jagged and unclean. I wish I had spent more time on them and looked at all the small details. I have found that things on the computer look a lot different than on paper. I didn’t take that into consideration while I was working on the past portfolios. This taught me that I should print out a page before I print out the whole thing to make sure it looks good. I have grown in this class through my dedication. I start my deadlines early so that I have time to look over and double check my work. When I have looked at something for a while I tend to get new ideas on how to improve it. I have also learned that sometimes starting over completely on something, such as a story, it leads to a better story than you had to begin with.


layout one



layout two






deadline one



deadline one



deadline two



deadline two



deadline three



deadline four



deadline f ive



deadline seven



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