Tyler Patrick 2011 Portfolio

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Portfolio 2011 Tyler Patrick

TYLER PATRICK 4526 Gilpin Way Orlando, FL 32812 tylerpatrick93@gmail.com (407) 446-9634

May 27, 2011 Universal Orlando Human Resources 1000 Universal Studios Plaza Orlando, FL 32819-7610 Dear Human Resources, I am currently a Cashier/ Food Service Attendant at Cinnabon/ Arctic Express, located in the Ports of Entry area in Islands of Adventure. I would like to switch my position to become a Ride Attendant inside the park, preferably for RipSaw Falls, Jaws, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey or Spider Man. I should be considered for this switch because a change of pace in the MRE ZLOO EHQH¿W PH DV ZHOO DV WKH FRPSDQ\ , ZRXOG EH PRUH WKDQ KDSS\ WR FRPH LQ IRU DQRWKHU interview and take any training classes required. As a person who loves his job working with this company, I think that it will be time for me to change positions within the Universal Studios network. This is because when I turn 18 on October 13, making me available for this position, I will have been with your company for seven months and changing jobs will pick up the pace of the job and give me the position I was unable to have because I was a minor. I have learned over the course of my time with this company that I am great with all guests that we encounter on a daily basis. I listen to guests and I always smile at them, even when I’m in a bad mood. It’s actions like this that guarantee a positive outcome in the switch from Food Services to Attractions. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to consider me for this transition inside your company. I would be more than happy to come in for any interviews whenever the time is convenient for your department. Respectfully yours,

Tyler Patrick

TYLER PATRICK 4526 Gilpin Way Orlando, FL 32812 tylerpatrick93@gmail.com (407) 446-9634

OBJECTIVE To transition from Food Services (c) to a Ride Attendant EDUCATION Currently a senior at William R. Boone High School EXPERIENCE Newspaper Staff Member, Boone High School - Aug 2008 through May 2010. Staffer: took pictures, completed interviews, wrote stories - May 2010 through May 2011. Entertainment editor: designed pages, wrote stories - May 2011 through Present. Managing/ DPS editor: designed pages, wrote stories SeaWorld Orlando - Dec 2010 through Jan 2011. Food Services cashier Universal Orlando - Feb 2011 through Present. Cashier/ Food Service Attendant ACTIVITIES/ AWARDS - 2011 Excellent in Design for December: Sneak Peeks - Newspaper Staff Member: Aug 2008 - Present - Boone High School Color Guard: Nov 2009 through May 2011 REFERENCES Renee Burke (407) 443-8451 Amy London (321) 356-4008 Tabitha Berube (407) 668-9615

A Personal Essay

Journalism is an important role in society that teaches the world about what’s happening in all aspects of life, from war and education to food and entertainment. It teaches this vital information to readers in a way that they can relate to and understand. I got started in journalism when I joined newspaper my freshman year, I joined because I wanted to write and experience how a newspaper was run, something I had wanted to do since being a child. In order to succeed in newspaper, i had to learn how a paper was run and how exactly to write for a newspaper. This task was time consuming and didn’t work well for me AS pQRS BTS AFSEQ KEAQMIMG AMD LAJIMG LXREKF TMDEQRSAMD VHAS SN DN AMD VHEM SN DN IS doing well in journalism was an easy task.

A self analytical evaluation

Over the course of this year in journalism, I have learned a great deal of things. I’ve learned actual production skills such as how to properly design a page, something that I learned through my position as an editor this year. I learned that deadlines are crucial when it comes to working on a paper because if you don’t reach deadline then it holds up the press date and puts the entire thing in jeopardy of not coming out on time. I’ve learned use of teamwork is highly important because the paper consists of stories and pictures from a multitude of staffers who all have to work together in order to make the paper the best that it can be. The use of advertising in the paper is basically the sole way to pay for it because it costs money to print the paper and when given out for free, something has to pay for the paper’s production. I’ve learned that journalism ethics are highly important because they are basically the moral values that should be followed, in journalism, like the moral values in life, it is important to avoid violating the journalism ethic rules. Some examples of journalism ethics include not stealing a copyrighted image and/ or switching a photo so that it faces a different way. I have learned that dedication is possibly the most important aspect of working in journalism because it’s the way to show that what is being printed is quality work that you not only want to make the best it can be, but that people want to read and look at. I will use these skills in the future when i hopefully work on the magazine that I hope to be a part of and possibly in college when I am working on the campuses’ paper. These skills are also valuable when working and while being in school.


* SHIMJ LX LNRS RIGMIpCAMS OIECE NF VNQJ SHIR XEAQ VAR LX CNKTLM NM ONRRIBKE /EV :EAQR Resolution’s for celebrities. I think this piece was best because it presented my feelings to the public in a comical way that readers could both understand and enjoy. This piece is probably the exact reason that I created my column, because I wanted to share my opinions on the entertainment industry with the public since I have such strong connections to it. This piece was an easy write for me after I had discovered what I wanted to write about. I QELELBEQ SHAS * pQRS VAMSED SN VQISE A CNKTLM NM )AQQX 1NSSEQ AMD SHEM SHE &*$ +NMMX told me to do one on resolutions, which I reluctantly loved and decided to pursue. When this OIECE VAR pMIRHED * JMEV SHAS IS VAR A _NB VEKK DNME BECATRE IS KNNJED EWACSKX HNV * HAD EMUIRINMED IS VHEM * pQRS RSAQSED OKAMMIMG IS`


My piece that could still use work is my column on saying goodbye to items in the EMSEQSAIMLEMS IMDTRSQX RTCH AR )AMMAH .NMSAMA AMD )AQQX 1NSSEQ` "KSHNTGH * SHNQNTGHKX EM_NXED SHIR CNKTLM * FEKS SHAS * RHNTKD HAUE OICJED A DIFFEQEMS SHIQD SNOIC NSHEQ SHAM )IGH School Musical. I also felt that I should have focused on different ideas for each subject instead of how each show or movie related to people’s lives because honestly, who cares if it relates to somebody’s life, the entertainment industry is meant to entertain, not connect with viewers. The piece mainly stayed the same during the writing process, it wasn’t until I saw the printed piece that I decided to change my viewpoint on the subject. I think the topic was good, it just could have used a better angle to be covered with.


I am proud of this picture becomes it portrays a fabulous example of point of view because although this structure is only about ten feet away, the angle the picture is taken from makes it seem as if the structure is hundreds of feet away in the mountains. This photo IR AKRN A FAUNQISE NF LIME BECATRE IS BQIMGR SHE LAGIC NF )AQQX 1NSSEQ SN KIFE RHNVIMG HIR RCHNNK )NGVAQSR AMD LAJIMG IS QEAK` *Photo taken from personal camera, not for newspaper. (100_2950.jpg)


I believe that I was an asset to the 2010/ 2011 )I -IGHSR staff because I was a committed editor and staffer. I was always there whenever a newbie or other staffer had a question AMD IF * DIDMcS JMNV SHE AMRVEQ SHEM * VNTKD HEKO SHEL SN pGTQE IS NTS` I was almost always on deadline this year because I understood the importance of it and wanted to set an example for other staffers because I believe that when people see the good repercussions of somebody meeting deadline, it makes them want to do it as well. I feel as if these two examples of dedication to the paper are what make me an asset to the staff this past year.


I didn’t face many hardships this year because all my stories this year consisted of sneak peeks and my column, two items that could easily be done at home. I would say the biggest hardship was trying to sell ads for the year. In order to overcome this problem for next year, I am going to start going out to sell ads directly as summer starts because I want to get money for the paper and have a large selection of ads featured in the paper. To be completely honest, I handled the problem horribly because I didn’t try very hard this summer and I realized how completely unfair and irresponsible that was of me.


.X pQRS GNAK VAR SN CNLE TO VISH LNQE NOIMINMASED CNKTLM IDEAR` * SHIMJ * DID QEAKKX VEKK with this goal because all my columns were more student oriented throughout the year, rather than being me trying to convince people what they should watch and listen to. For example, my column on saying goodbye was something every person could relate to because all good things come to an end. My second goal was to continue to keep my priorities straight. I think I succeeded in completing this task because I worked hard to make sure I stayed on deadline and made my stories the best that they could be. .X SHIQD AMD pMAK GNAK VAR SN OICJ BESSEQ RSNQX IDEAR` *cL MNS RTQE SHAS SHIR IR A GNAK that could ever really be reached because there can always be a better story idea, however, I feel that I did the best I could to make sure the stories I presented were of the best quality they could be.


/ ` )NOEFTK QERNKTSINMR FNQ RSAQR 1AGE %EC` * CHNRE LX CNKTLM NM /EV :EAQcR 3ERNKTSINMR FNQ celebrities for this subject because I felt that it was a well written piece that provided humor and IMRIGHS NM SHE RTB_ECS NF CEKEBQISIER IM )NKKXVNND` *S was one of my most prized pieces of the year and I feel very proud of how it turned out in the end. / ` 4AX FAQEVEKK SN LAGIC EUEMSR 1AGE .AX I think my column on saying goodbye to shows and movies in the entertainment industry was a fantastic way to end the school year. It was sparked off saying goodbye to the leaving seniors and played well with the sadness of saying farewell to one’s favorite items. / ` .EQGE LAJER HIRSNQX 1AGE .AX I think my illustration on AT&T taking over T-Mobile was an interesting and humorous piece that represented the subject well, depicting AT&T as a larger monster eating T-Mobile, the smaller monster.



* HAUE GQNVM RIGMIpCAMSKX IM SHIR CKARR RIMCE FQERHLAM XEAQ VHEM * VAR A HNQQIBKE AMD lazy staffer. I have also grown since last year when I was a sophomore in the sense that I have learned greatly about design for newspaper and about how to work with the younger staffers and help them understand what to do. I think this is my most advanced portfolio so far because it represents more than just a placed brush. in Photoshop. It involved cutting out each person and then adding the HEADOHNMER IMSN SHE *M%ERIGM DNCTLEMS QASHEQ SHAM VHEM * RILOKX TRED A BQTRH IM 1HNSNRHNO AMD SHEM OKACED SHE OHNSN IM *M%ERIGM` *S SNNJ LTCH LNQE SILE SN CNLOKESE SHAM OQEUINTR ONQSFNKINR BECATRE SHE VNQJ VAR LNQE SEDINTR SN pMIRH`


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