2008 Portfolio

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Thomas Micheal Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala alasraM 5782-loohcS hgiH enooB-11/9-31 tibihxE-dyoB laehciM samoh Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Atack fO kcatA -xelpmoC ehT-puorG naM eulB-ruoF ytuD fo llaC-733L-teeL-truo Of The Show-Xbox 360-Prestige Mode-So Others May Live-Poly Vinal edirolC laniV yloP-eviL yaM srehtO oS-edoM egitserP-063 xobX-wohS eh Cloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down -noitoM gnipmuJ nwoD dnA pU ehT 3 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-anosreP-V Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-Family-FriendstnahC-koobraeY-elociN-sdneirF-ylimaF-htlaetS-ahcoM-noskcaJ-gnolAgni Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Advanced Combat Optical -deeF ehT-yalPX-thgisnuG lacitpO tabmoC decnavdA-61M-stuocS-ma Gunsight-XPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. -ebuT bweN-galF-yboM-ten.htuoslleb@dyobmoT-adirolF-erutuF ehT oT kca net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert gnikat 732 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-ecroviD-rehtafdnarG-yradnege Movement # 237 taking the Audiance On A Juinan Journey Through The B suohcnocnU evitceloc ehT hguorhT yenruoJ naniuJ A nO ecnaiduA eh colective Unconchous By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The desserpeR steG tahT fleS lamirP ehT roF rohpateM A sA wodahS ehT gnis Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By dna gnitteS dnuorgrednU nA gnisU yB oslA dnA anosreP nredoM eht y Using An Underground Setting and Labrinth Office Desgin To Reppresent dnA ehcysP reht fO shtpeD eht htoB tneserppeR oT nigseD ecfifO htnirba Both the Depths Of ther Psyche And The Dungon Like Isoloation Of Our hcihW yticoS ctsinahceM ylgniseercnI ruO fO noitaolosI ekiL nognuD eh Increesingly Mechanistc Socity Which Prevents People From Finding snoitcenoC llufgninaeM rO kroW gniyfitaS gnidniF morF elpoeP stnever Satifying Work Or Meaningfull Conections With Others-Cooking-New -tnomlihP-gnipmaC-saeS ehT fO modeerF-kroY weN-gnikooC-srehtO hti York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-sruasoniD-maeT-olaH-nosduH-rehtomdnarG-syadkroW-tceffE ssa Grandmother-Hudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain PaulcissaruJ-yadnoZ yaT-ecfifO ehT-syaW emertxE-luaP niatpaC-yspyG ospyla Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo Sixtyfour-ecivreS evitagitsevnI lanimirC lavaN-yrotsiH-ruofytxiS odnetniN-kra History-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet -caMI-neJ-adirolF htuoS-doPI-daeHcaM-toirahC teewS woL gniwS-sr3bmu Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-Baking-Ocean-BioshockenO ehT 2 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-ruoF ytnewT-kcohsoiB-naecO-gnika Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen -eviL-ecnerfnoC htuoY cilohtaC lanoitaN-owT ytniN neeteniN-pmuP tsiF mr Ninty Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-WarthoghgiH susreV yarulB-kraS .rM-747 gnieoB-semaG-gohtraW-stnemveihc Games-Boeing 747-Mr. Sark-Bluray Versus High Definition Digital Video iksehsaroB-ikcukleiK-stcaF modnaR-tsoL-zeP-ksiD oediV latigiD noitinfie Disk-Pez-Lost-Random Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-noitatsyalP-eeB gnillepS ytnuoC muntuP launA htiF ytnewT-nalC-parT dna Twenty Fith Anual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-OnlinesdnaH ruoY evaW 5 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-essenneT ytisrevinU-eniln University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In -teN ehT dnuorA-ekiB-hctaW-ebuT uoY-eraC tnoD tsuJ uoY ekiL riA ehT n The Air Like You Just Dont Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetgnitarepO-pooL ehT-wahsworC eezthaY-htaeD maeT-neltiaK-ecapsy Myspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating yadrutaS-kooC enaD-irafaS-racsaN-owT noitatsyalP-dropeL X metsy System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday -enildaeD-enobmurD-ytilarteuN tenretnI-fawsehC-suseJ elcnU-eviL thgi Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-Drumbone-DeadlinekcoR-anosreP-regnesseM tnatsnI enilnO aciremA-sraW tamroF-traK kra Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock -snihploD imaiM-gnileppeR-boB daeH cisaB ehT 1 # tnemevoM trecno Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami DolphinsoreZ-hcertS geL daeH ehT dniheB ehT 4 # tnemevoM trecnoC kco Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero aloC acoC-106YOBYMMOT-efiLI-083A subriA-tsipacsE ehT-noitautcnu Punctuation-The Escapist-Airbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola trecnoC kcoR-hctamhtaeD maeT-dnalsI s’nagilliG-secaR tekcoR-cissal Classic-Rocket Races-Gilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert -niaR etalocohC-ecnaiduA ehT tA kooL resolC A gnitteG 01 # tnemevo Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-iiW-3 etiuS evitaerC-esaB aeS-yawdaorB-nitaL-ahctoG-nolahtakraS-yab Ebay-Sarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


By Tommy Boyd

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