2008 Portfolio

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Thomas Micheal Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala alasraM 5782-loohcS hgiH enooB-11/9-31 tibihxE-dyoB laehciM samoh Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Atack fO kcatA -xelpmoC ehT-puorG naM eulB-ruoF ytuD fo llaC-733L-teeL-truo Of The Show-Xbox 360-Prestige Mode-So Others May Live-Poly Vinal edirolC laniV yloP-eviL yaM srehtO oS-edoM egitserP-063 xobX-wohS eh Cloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down -noitoM gnipmuJ nwoD dnA pU ehT 3 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-anosreP-V Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-Family-FriendstnahC-koobraeY-elociN-sdneirF-ylimaF-htlaetS-ahcoM-noskcaJ-gnolAgni Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Advanced Combat Optical -deeF ehT-yalPX-thgisnuG lacitpO tabmoC decnavdA-61M-stuocS-ma Gunsight-XPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. -ebuT bweN-galF-yboM-ten.htuoslleb@dyobmoT-adirolF-erutuF ehT oT kca net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert gnikat 732 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-ecroviD-rehtafdnarG-yradnege Movement # 237 taking the Audiance On A Juinan Journey Through The B suohcnocnU evitceloc ehT hguorhT yenruoJ naniuJ A nO ecnaiduA eh colective Unconchous By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The desserpeR steG tahT fleS lamirP ehT roF rohpateM A sA wodahS ehT gnis Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By dna gnitteS dnuorgrednU nA gnisU yB oslA dnA anosreP nredoM eht y Using An Underground Setting and Labrinth Office Desgin To Reppresent dnA ehcysP reht fO shtpeD eht htoB tneserppeR oT nigseD ecfifO htnirba Both the Depths Of ther Psyche And The Dungon Like Isoloation Of Our hcihW yticoS ctsinahceM ylgniseercnI ruO fO noitaolosI ekiL nognuD eh Increesingly Mechanistc Socity Which Prevents People From Finding snoitcenoC llufgninaeM rO kroW gniyfitaS gnidniF morF elpoeP stnever Satifying Work Or Meaningfull Conections With Others-Cooking-New -tnomlihP-gnipmaC-saeS ehT fO modeerF-kroY weN-gnikooC-srehtO hti York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-sruasoniD-maeT-olaH-nosduH-rehtomdnarG-syadkroW-tceffE ssa Grandmother-Hudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain PaulcissaruJ-yadnoZ yaT-ecfifO ehT-syaW emertxE-luaP niatpaC-yspyG ospyla Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo Sixtyfour-ecivreS evitagitsevnI lanimirC lavaN-yrotsiH-ruofytxiS odnetniN-kra History-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet -caMI-neJ-adirolF htuoS-doPI-daeHcaM-toirahC teewS woL gniwS-sr3bmu Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-Baking-Ocean-BioshockenO ehT 2 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-ruoF ytnewT-kcohsoiB-naecO-gnika Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen -eviL-ecnerfnoC htuoY cilohtaC lanoitaN-owT ytniN neeteniN-pmuP tsiF mr Ninty Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-WarthoghgiH susreV yarulB-kraS .rM-747 gnieoB-semaG-gohtraW-stnemveihc Games-Boeing 747-Mr. Sark-Bluray Versus High Definition Digital Video iksehsaroB-ikcukleiK-stcaF modnaR-tsoL-zeP-ksiD oediV latigiD noitinfie Disk-Pez-Lost-Random Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-noitatsyalP-eeB gnillepS ytnuoC muntuP launA htiF ytnewT-nalC-parT dna Twenty Fith Anual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-OnlinesdnaH ruoY evaW 5 # tnemevoM trecnoC kcoR-essenneT ytisrevinU-eniln University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In -teN ehT dnuorA-ekiB-hctaW-ebuT uoY-eraC tnoD tsuJ uoY ekiL riA ehT n The Air Like You Just Dont Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetgnitarepO-pooL ehT-wahsworC eezthaY-htaeD maeT-neltiaK-ecapsy Myspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating yadrutaS-kooC enaD-irafaS-racsaN-owT noitatsyalP-dropeL X metsy System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday -enildaeD-enobmurD-ytilarteuN tenretnI-fawsehC-suseJ elcnU-eviL thgi Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-Drumbone-DeadlinekcoR-anosreP-regnesseM tnatsnI enilnO aciremA-sraW tamroF-traK kra Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock -snihploD imaiM-gnileppeR-boB daeH cisaB ehT 1 # tnemevoM trecno Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami DolphinsoreZ-hcertS geL daeH ehT dniheB ehT 4 # tnemevoM trecnoC kco Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero aloC acoC-106YOBYMMOT-efiLI-083A subriA-tsipacsE ehT-noitautcnu Punctuation-The Escapist-Airbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola trecnoC kcoR-hctamhtaeD maeT-dnalsI s’nagilliG-secaR tekcoR-cissal Classic-Rocket Races-Gilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert -niaR etalocohC-ecnaiduA ehT tA kooL resolC A gnitteG 01 # tnemevo Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-iiW-3 etiuS evitaerC-esaB aeS-yawdaorB-nitaL-ahctoG-nolahtakraS-yab Ebay-Sarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


By Tommy Boyd

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 5Thomas eMarsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The rComplex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never lAlone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will The Courage eBring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us ThomasBoyd eTo Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were rYesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear -Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May Live# 3Court The Up 2875 Marsala pPoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement -And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFl A Soldier rFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-TonightOrlando, aFall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Old Glory By His sGoodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, FliesTomboyd@bellsouth.net tDoor, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t 4078949482 To Serve eYou Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off nMy Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In ,July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, ,Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, oHe’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To nGive The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can sSee The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless rAll Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer rYou Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her rBabies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing gSky, Objective Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask kThrough -For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightTo be a productive worker throughout the year and to make deadline Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. .XPlay-The Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock knet-Moby-Flag-Newb yConcert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey AThrough The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A nMetaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth hPersona Education dOffice Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And Dungeon Like Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic cThe Went pre-k thru 2nd at St. Isolation James School Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work kSociety Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom 3rd thru 8th at Blankner School mOr Meaningful -Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-Grandmother1 year completed at Boone High school Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme eHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso -Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourCriminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing gHistory-Naval -Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingeOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth hArm Experience -Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkVersus Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-Lost-Bluray 2004-2007 BlanknerHigh band hRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Putnum County yAnnual 2007-2008 Yearbook staff Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University rTennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The Net-Like2006 and 2007 Official Heart walk Photographer gMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating ySystem X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday sNight Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Studies On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for rAre Relevant tthis people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Yearbook Lives, 1,You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So oOur Journalism wEasy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know tThe Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get You’re Not Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better rOld Honors, Awards andGonna Memberships eGet Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Ain’t Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff fDegree Life Scout in BoyGonna Scouts Of America sWorld Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites Know The Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your rYou Was on Quiz bowl Musics Team wGonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid Got 3 Presidential awards for volunteering dUp Better ACollege Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A dRuff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And yPeople Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody lNow Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still nLife Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When sThat Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics tGoing To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not rGonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better aBe Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna gBeat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making oThat Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To eSave Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be gA Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making kThat Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back tPoverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat eExplode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online cInstant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic 4Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 -The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The Escapist-Airbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket Races0Gilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-Ebay-Getting -Sarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Beat Poverty, Tuffbarely Kid It’s A Ruff I reallyAin’t don’t thinkGonna I am an asset to theBack staff. I screwed up one deadline made the others. World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Don’t reallyGet write Rich good stories or take good I don’t make people nor am I very Up Better Better Be photos. Making That Beatlaugh Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And creative. I only And have a few redeeming Qualities. my technology People Jeer Sometimes They Those Mayqualities Act being IN Fear But know Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When Thathow Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites Know ThesoMusics and ability to be able to cob images quickly. Besides that I’m notYou an amazing student Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna not really an asset to the staff. Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making BeatI’m Back Poverty, Tuff That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing The pageHer that I did that I liked the mostLove was the My gaming page. This page to me Ask Through Flesh, Says Country Yeswas Iimportant Do, I’ll For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb because it was the page that most Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock affected me. It was the page about what I enjoy doing. Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern I also enjoyed thatBy page because it allowed me to be able toSetting express to people what gamPersona And doing Also Using An Underground and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic ing is allWhich about and who gamers are. People It’s not just social rejects who play forSatisfying 24 hours straight Work Society Prevents From Finding Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain trying to get some mystical armor or trying to slay a magical beast. But everydayPaul-Extreme people who Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-Bakingenjoy entertaining themselves. Take the Guitar HeroConcert and Rock Band franchises that Ocean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Movement # have 2 been The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. Sarkcatapulted into today’s culture Definition simply because people have alwaysVideo had dreamsDisk-Pez-Lostof being there Bluray Versus High Digital Random Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock favorite bands. Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Today’s games have pushed past the poor pixilated images of 10 years ago to breath taking HD Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget of whatever designers want to paint To on there virtualThe pallet.Crowd, You can take theLooked recently So Our images Lives, You the Don’t Know How Work It Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old release You’re Gonna Beexample A Center Fold, Blow Up Better GrandNot Theft Auto IV as an whose level of detail Better has astounded those who Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites playedThe it. TakeMusics this experience of mineTo as example; just finished dropping pudgy Your You have Know Going Save I had Your life, HeymyKid Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid cousin off at his rundown business of a cab depot. Back When myPoverty, screen started to become darkerIt’s A College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Tuff Kid Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now and Shakes Therewhat Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In The Still darker I realized was happening, it was 4:00 in the morning andBetween Niko (my character) Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not needed sleep so I went back to theBetter rat infested Blow whole in Up the wall that my cousin procured Gonna Beto A Center Fold, Better Get had Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making me. I soon fell asleepThe on theSound filthy futon that came with place. The When Musics I awoke it was Thatfor Beat Explode Ignites Youthe Know Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Favorite Page

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us9:00 Home, March Beside Into Battle, Give Us about The an Courage around and I decided to watch one ofUs the T.V. shows that the game has. After To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May Liveor so ofChloride in game time I IV-Persona-Rock realized something that I should be exploiting this sandbox Polyhour Vinyl Concert Movement # game 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier I quickly rushed down the Along old ricketyAstairs to the outside world of Liberty York). Fallso Asleep, Dreams Lonely Street, Soon City He(New Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You ICry, Ain’t Long I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off Serve soon found an oldBe Saber a man Till was driving I stepped in front of his car pointed my gun To at him My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, he didn’t get out I shot Proud, him in the head. bullet causedForm him to drop instantly his He’sand A when Gonna Make Them The The Children A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless was against theSacrifice, steering wheel of his car sounding his horn The windshield All head Those That Think About Meconstantly. In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky,now Holds A hole Picture To Her Chest, Prayers ToPolice God Racing had a bullet with blood spattered in a concentric pattern around it. The instantThrough Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. ly took notice of what I did; I swiftly pulled the corpse out of the vehicle and sped off. When I net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A hit the accelerator the car jerked forward, theThat police who were Repressed on foot popped 3 By shotsthe into the Metaphor For The Primal Self Gets Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The rear Dungeon Like Isolation Our Increasingly Mechanistic of the car two hit the rear windshield andOf shattered it into thousands of Satisfying fragments the last Work Society Which Prevents People From Finding Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-Grandmothershot broke out my taillight. Another nearby officer in a cruiser saw me and gave chase. As I Hudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing through the streets of the city trying to escape from theFlorida-Jen-IMac-Bakingofficer I cut around corners I could Low raced Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Ocean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. Sarkhear the rhythmic thumping of people’s pelvises shattering as they made contact with my radiaBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University tor. When all of theConcert sudden my pursuit was brought abrupt halt when my vehicle In crashed Tennesse-Rock Movement # to 5 a Wave Your Hands The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating into the worlds strongest sapling, instantly throwing me thru the windshield andCook-Saturday into a bush System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for thiswhen people stare with only eyes, Can Forget my character recovers the police are all over me.Deliver They bust meUs and So bringWe my rampage to Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get close. Old aYou’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff Experiences likebe theseMaking show off how games give you the freedom to doThe thingsSound you cant doIgnites in World Better That Beat Explode, You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better real life. Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Biggest Challenges

This Year

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His I ended up facing many hardships this year. Besides the stresses yearbook I had to Mama deal withDon’t Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, of Says “Mama You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In hardships at home. July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To GiveThe The Boy Serenade, Tarmac first of whichAwas that my parentsAs got aThe divorced this threwLosses my life intoContact, a constant spiralHe Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her trying Eyes, to keep upCelebrates with the shifting schedules between the of my parents. Besides dealing Babies The Forth Ofboth July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask I had to move the summer this caused most of my plans for theGunsightbreak For with It the Inschedules, Red White And over Blue-Advanced Combat Optical XPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the that Audience A Jungian Journey to be thrown all out of whack. The second hardship I faced was On that my grandfather died on Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Easter.Design My mother To and I Represent had seen him that Both day and he looked like he was going to bePsyche fine. Then And Office the Depths Of The The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work when we got homeConnections and I was unpackingWith when my mother came into the room with tears in her Or Meaningful Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo Sixtyfoureyes and she told meCriminal “he’s gone, he’s gone.” This brought both ofService-Numb3rs-Swing us closer together thru the History-Naval Investigative Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm following Fist weeks, Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostThe other set of hardships I had to deal with this year was with Trap-Clan-Twenty yearbook. There were constantFifth Random Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Likepressures; You Just Don’t Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The I would have to say Care-You the hardest was the golf page. Not only was I gone for some of NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights also I had how toYou the stories or the captions. Butif afteryou that I had learned how for Are the Ondeadline The but Stage IsnoSet re asking god were made this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easytoo. On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Those Rich Better Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College were my biggestBe challenges this year Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Fond Mem

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

dest mory

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing My fondest memory Criminal while on staff would have to be the Christmas party. This was because we Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm were Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Catholic all together having fun. Not stressing out aboutTwo-National whether we would be able to make the Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth deadline. The staff came together we didn’t stick to our usual clicks of newbie’s and returnees Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Loop-Operating instead we were like a coherentDeath-Yahtzee family not caring what Crowshaw-The each other did just as long we were havSystem X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are ing Onfun. The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-




Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You IfUp Inside, A happened. Mama Cries, Try’s you are reading thisDown then oneThe of twoRoad things have The first being Burke To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask am about to say And to you Blue-Advanced or the second and more plausible being Burke is GunsightFor liked It what In IRed White Combat Optical XPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # what’s 237 wrong taking the Audience A Jungian Journey using this as one of those with his story/style quizzes. On Anyway my adThrough The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An immediately Underground Setting vice is that when you get your story or page start finding your storyand and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work if it is a sport contact you coach. The second is that don’t do anything that will make Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo a repeatingOffice-Tay sound around Burke (clicking pens, popping gum, or making that error SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Concert Movement # 2 The One noise on your computer). BesidesFour-Rock that,Ninety Whenever you do a interview make sure you Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus Definition Disk-Pez-Lostget good quotes fromHigh all you questions because it’sDigital much easierTrap-Clan-Twenty toVideo write you story Random Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Likelater. You Just Don’t The NetBasically my main adviceCare-You is do not shoot Tube-Watch-Bike-Around for the Joey Harmon award at the Myspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights end of the year. Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-


Thomas Michael Boyd-Exhibit 13-9/11-Boone High School-2875 Marsala Court-Leet-L337-Call of Duty Four-Blue Man Group-The Complex- Attack Of The Show-Xbox 360-We Stand Together And Never Alone, Thru Our Trails And Triumphs We Have faith That You Will Bring Us Home, March Beside Us Into Battle, Give Us The Courage To Do That Which Others Cannot, Be With Us Today As You Were Yesterday, Give Us The Strength And The Will To Fight, Dear Lord Watch Over Us Tonight-Prestige Mode-So Others May LivePoly Vinyl Chloride IV-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 3 The Up And Down Jumping Motion-SingAlong-Jackson-Mocha-Stealth-FamilyFriends-Nicole-Yearbook-Chant Jam-Scouts-M16-Tonight A Soldier Fall Asleep, Dreams Along A Lonely Street, Soon He Says To Ma Goodbye, Tastes Her Famous Apple Pie, Flies Old Glory By His Door, Loves The Land He’s Fighting For, Says “Mama Mama Don’t You Cry, Ain’t Be Long Till I’ll Be Back”, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Morning Breeze of Uncle Sam, Blows Heritage In To His Hand, Churches Singing High And Loud, He’s A Gonna Make Them Proud, The Children Form A Motorcade, To Give The Boy A Serenade, As The Tarmac Losses Contact, He Can See The Welcome Parade, Marching Off To Serve My Country, Bless All Those That Sacrifice, Think About Me In July, It’ll Cheer You Up Inside, Down The Road A Mama Cries, Try’s To See Her Babies Eyes, Celebrates The Forth Of July, Underneath Another Sky, Holds A Picture To Her Chest, Prayers To God Racing Through Her Flesh, Says Love My Country Yes I Do, I’ll Ask For It In Red White And Blue-Advanced Combat Optical GunsightXPlay-The Feed-Back To The Future-Florida-Tomboyd@bellsouth. net-Moby-Flag-Newb Tube-Legendary-Grandfather-Divorce-Rock Concert Movement # 237 taking the Audience On A Jungian Journey Through The collective Unconscious By Using The Shadow As A Metaphor For The Primal Self That Gets Repressed By the Modern Persona And Also By Using An Underground Setting and Labyrinth Office Design To Represent Both the Depths Of The Psyche And The Dungeon Like Isolation Of Our Increasingly Mechanistic Society Which Prevents People From Finding Satisfying Work Or Meaningful Connections With Others-Cooking-New York-Freedom Of The Seas-Camping-Philmont-Mass Effect-Workdays-GrandmotherHudson-Halo-Team-Dinosaurs-Calypso Gypsy-Captain Paul-Extreme Ways-The Office-Tay Zonday-Jurassic Park-Nintendo SixtyfourHistory-Naval Criminal Investigative Service-Numb3rs-Swing Low Sweet Chariot-MacHead-IPod-South Florida-Jen-IMac-BakingOcean-Bioshock-Twenty Four-Rock Concert Movement # 2 The One Arm Fist Pump-Nineteen Ninety Two-National Catholic Youth Confrence-Live-Achievments-Warthog-Games-Boeing 747-Mr. SarkBluray Versus High Definition Digital Video Disk-Pez-LostRandom Facts-Kielkucki-Borasheski-Sand Trap-Clan-Twenty Fifth Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee-Playstation-Online-University Tennesse-Rock Concert Movement # 5 Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Just Don’t Care-You Tube-Watch-Bike-Around The NetMyspace-Kaitlen-Team Death-Yahtzee Crowshaw-The Loop-Operating System X Lepord-Playstation Two-Nascar-Safari-Dane Cook-Saturday Night Live-Uncle Jesus-Cheswaf-Internet Nuetrality-The Lights Are On The Stage Is Set You re asking god if you were made for this people stare with only eyes, Deliver Us So We Can Forget Our Lives, You Don’t Know How To Work The Crowd, It Looked So Easy On The TV Show, When You Fail The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode, People Cheer And People Jeer And Sometimes They May Act IN Fear But Everybody Now Shakes There Body Yeah Gets A Naughty In Between The Still Life Cant Make Rockets For You Cant Make Souls Take Off When That Beet Explodes Yeah, The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode The Sound Ignites You Know The Musics Going To Save Your life, Hey Kid Your Gonna Get Old You’re Not Gonna Be A Center Fold, Better Blow Up Better Get Rich Better Be Making That Beat Explode, Hey Kid College Degree Ain’t Gonna Beat Back Poverty, Tuff Kid It’s A Ruff World Better be Making That Beat Explode-Drumbone-Deadline-Sark Kart-Format Wars-America Online Instant Messenger-Persona-Rock Concert Movement # 1 The Basic Head Bob-Reppeling-Miami Dolphins-Rock Concert Movement # 4 The Behind The Head Leg Strech-Zero Punctuation-The EscapistAirbus A380-ILife-TOMMYBOY601-Coca Cola Classic-Rocket RacesGilligan’s Island-Team Deathmatch-Rock Concert Movement # 10 Getting A Closer Look At The Audiance-Chocolate Rain-EbaySarkathalon-Gotcha-Latin-Broadway-Sea Base-Creative Suite 3-Wii-

In Loving Memory Of Michael “Chet” Kielkucki.

Our Families Greatest Fuller Brush Man





People say it’s a

VICTIMLESS CRIME yet no crime is without harm

Every minute there are 425 incidents and $21,000 of stolen

victim cri goods in the United States. The total cost for the retail stores

affected was $37.4 billion each year. Jane Doe* and her friend contributed to these figures and became a part of the 25 percent of shoplifting cases that were committed by juveniles between the ages of 13-17 years old. “It became a way to get things that I couldn’t get. It was just easier, you don’t have to get a job or bug your parents and then have them annoyed,” Doe said. Following the majority of trends in shoplifting cases, Doe was caught after she had committed the crime two times previously, showing that the majority of previous shoplifting incidents were never brought to light. “My heart started pounding. So many thoughts were coming into my head. I knew I was in so much trouble. I didn’t even know how to react,” Doe said. In 72 percent of shoplifting cases, the culprits did not premeditate their crime, instead it was a spur-of-the-moment action. However, Doe and her friend planned to steal makeup before ever entering the store. While 50 percent of people caught were prosecuted, Doe was not turned over to the police. Instead, the store manager gave the girls a choice. The choice was taking the charges separately or combining them and in turn spending the night in a juvenile detention center. However, both Doe and her friend followed the second option and called their parents to be picked up. “[When I was picked up] my mom was furious with me. She didn’t say anything in the car but once we got home she screamed at me for two hours. I pretty much stood there. I knew I had done something wrong and there was no defense for my actions,” Doe said. “My mom was ashamed. She thought that it was reflecting on what she had done as a parent. That was my mistake; she was a good parent and I wasn’t really thinking of my actions,” Doe said. For her punishment, Doe lost all privileges like using the computer and watching television for three months. For the first month she was not allowed to go out and had to come directly home after school. Due to her punishments and the time of the crime, Doe even had to spend her seventeenth birthday in her room by herself. While there were no legal repercussions to face, the damage lingered in her home. “It still affects my relationship with my mom. I think she forgave me for it, but I don’t think she will ever forget about it. She says she thinks that whenever I talk about how I don’t have any money that I’m going to shoplift more. We’ve always had ,a strong bond of trust but it will always be in the back of her mind,” Doe said. life *name withheld for confidentiality


mless i me

issue here ISSUES003

photo/Tommy Boyd

up close

give back. With a forehand, sophomore Samuel Lee prepares to return the ball. “[The hardest part is] trying not to focus on the little details but focusing on the big picture,” Lee said. Lee won 7 out of 11 matches.

With the sun beating down and the crowd in silent awe, freshman Tyler Reinhardt stepped onto the service line to serve. This was his most memorable game. “[The match against Timber Creek] was the first singles match I ever played, and even though I lost, it was a close game,” Reinhardt said about his Timber Creek match up. With the help of his team and coach, Fredrick Johnson, Reinhardt was able to improve not only his game, but other skills too. “[I really improved] with consistency and being a smarter player. Also, being able to control my anger while I play,” Reinhardt said. The team also helped each other throughout the season, which resulted in a 7-13 record. “[The team] just gave me encouragement and really helped me out. Also, they never got mad at me and always gave me chance,” Reinhardt said. 1 step back. Closely eyeing the ball, sophomore Ashleigh Boos leans into her swing. “I like this sport because you only have to depend on yourself, it helps you get into college and it’s something you can play for the rest of your life,” Boos said. 2 you got served. Making the first serve, sophomore Daniel Dierksen begins his match. “[When I warm up,] I try the shots I’m not doing well with that day,” Dierksen said. Dierkson won his singles match 8-1 against Cypress Creek.

supplement 018SPORTS






for the record

60 600 4

balls used per practice

hours, average length of a match


games played per match

22average games per player per season *according to Fredrick Johnson, boys coach

photocourtesy/Lynn Alley

GIRLS TENNIS. Front: Taylor Brock, Sara Siders, Ashleigh Boos. Back: Linda Winter, Sarah Faraji, Kristy Giesecke, Alexandra Peters, Paige Attaway, Taylor Florin, Gabriela Winter.

girls showed superiority with near perfect season by tommy boyd, lauren burkett and elena finer

Walking quietly onto the court, sophomore Taylor Florin prepared for her match. She kept to herself, suddenly became quiet and thought about what she needed to do in order to succeed and defeat her opponent. “My first match [was my best match played]. It was nerve wracking because I didn’t want to lose. The coaches would be disappointed. After the beginning [of the match], I got over my nerves and started playing better and with confidence. I ended up winning,” Florin said. The girls showed their skills by winning every match except the one against rival Winter Park. However, Florin did not play in that match. [After the Winter Park match] we felt like we had

accomplished a lot because we had gone undefeated until then,” Florin said. “They are our main rival; we don’t worry about other schools except them.” Two weeks after the Winter Park game, the girls competed in Districts. The team lost by one point, ending up in second place behind Winter Park, but still qualified for Regionals. [Losing by just one point in a game] shows that we could go pretty far. It’s upsetting because we were so close to winning,” Florin said. Florin was a singles player this season and felt it was one of her strengths. “I like the competition because it is a great feeling when you win and learn from your losses,” Florin said.



by the numbers 2.13 East Ridge 2.14 2.19 2.20 2.26 2.28 3.5 3.13 3.17 3.19 3.20 3.24 3.25 3.26

University Colonial Timber Creek Edgewater Dr. Phillips Freedom Ocoee Cypress Creek Wekiva West Orange Apopka Winter Park Olympia

by the numbers 2.14 Universtiy


BOYS TENNIS. Front: Daniel Dierksen, Tristan Mohabir, Victor DeMarco, Samuel Lee. Back: Hunter Herron, Tyler Reinhardt, Coach Fredrick Johnson, Renato Hediger, Ian Lopez-Almeida, Gunnar Normand.


hits per player during practice

photocourtesy\ Rick Rienhardt


1 2

1 hit the ball. In the Ocoee match, junior Linda Winter returns the ball. “My personal goal for tennis is to get a scholarship to Florida Atlantic,” Winter said. Winters won 10 out of 13 matches. 2 watch it. At the line, senior Tristan Mohabir gets ready to hit a ground stroke. “I’ve been playing for six years. It’s a one on one game so it’s you and another player and it’s up to you to win,” Mohabir said. Mohabir won his match 8-3.

2.19 2.20 2.28 3.3 3.5 3.13 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.24 3.26 3.27

Colonial Timber Creek Dr. Phillips Edgewater Freedom Ocoee Cypress Creek Wekiva West Orange Winter Park Olympia Lake Highland

3-0 7-0 7-0 6-1 7-0 5-2 7-0 7-0 5-2 6-1 7-0 7-0 2-5 6-1

5-2 7-0 0-6 2-5 7-0 7-0 5-2 6-1 3-0 3-4 0-7 1-6 2-5

boys/girls tennis SPORTS019

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