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yn s i x t ee

T: (407) 883-0498

E: swaranch520@gmail.com


May 8, 2016 Arlene Blake CEO of Blink Mink Lashes 910 N. Mills Ave Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Ms. Blake, My name is Sloan Waranch and I am applying for the social media content internship for Blink Mink Lashes. I’m applying for this position because I would love to learn about marketing, brand design and social media through a start-up company. As a yearbook staff member of the Legend yearbook I have learned how to use programs like, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. I have also learned how to make deadlines, conduct interviews, take quality pictures and use basic design skills. Not only have I learned basic production skills, I have also learned how to work well with other staff members, communicate with teachers and students, improve my organizational skills and complete a project under a limited amount of time. I’m a hard worker, a team player and a quick learner. Being apart of the yearbook staff has taught me how to work well under pressure and become a quick problem solver. I am motivated by challenges and complete them to the best of my ability. I also take an enthusiastic, positive and creative approach to everything. I would appreciate the opportunity to work for a start-up company like Blink Mink Lashes because I am very intrigued by the start-up culture and I would love to learn and grow with the company. I have attached my resume along with this letter to describe my experience and my potential to making a contribution to your company. I hope I will get an opportunity to meet with you for an interview. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

Sloan Waranch

T: (407) 883-0498

E: swaranch520@gmail.com



To utilize my skills to obtain a social media content internship at Blink Mink Lashes.

skills and experience


407-883-0498 swaranch520@gmail.com Instagram: @asliceofsloan


William R. Boone High School Graduation date: May, 2017 GPA: 4.2 weighted, 3.4 unweighted

relevant high school courses Journalism I, IV honors, AP Language and Composition


Renee Burke, yearbook adviser 407.443-8451 Brooke Holt, Babysitting parent 407.509-8199

Co-founder and President of non-profit organization, Savvy Seniors (2015-present) Created social media, graphic design, developed various marketing tools, aided senior citizen’s with technology Crayola Experience Employee (2015-present) Manage cash register, assist with customer service, photography, assist children with activities Clubs Editor, Yearbook (2015-present) Manage the Club section of the Yearbook, edit copy, design skills and photos Staff Member, Legend Yearbook (2014) Experience in programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, conducted interviews, wrote copy, designed layouts, took photos Volunteer, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Children (Summer, 2014) Helped patients and nursing staff with administrative duties Volunteer, Delaney Park Little League Concession Stand (2014-present) Provided customer service to patrons for food and beverage Volunteer, Cherokee School (2014-present) Created Teacher Appreciation Week: organized activities, fundraising through sponsorships, provided graphic design assistance Volunteer, Coalition for the Homeless (2015-present) Facilitated children with homework and activities Volunteer, Blankner School Reading Camp (2014) Helped children with reading activities

Honors, awards and membership -Young Democrat Club, Vice President(2016-present) -Model UN, President (2015-present) -National Honor Society, Secretary (2015-2016) -Class Council, Member (2014-present) -National Quill and Scroll gold key winner for Student Life page (2015) -2015 Legend yearbook staffer: National Scholastic Press Association first place best of show, yearbook, fall 2015 and spring 2016 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Crown, yearbook National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker, yearbook Florida Scholastic Press Association, Best of Show -Team Member, Varsity Cross Country Team (2014-2015) -Cross Country Regional and District Qualifier (2014-2015) -Member, Math club (2013-2014)

A peek into my year as a journalist

a n e s s a y a b o ut my 2 0 16 pub l ic a tio ns experienc e

I first became involved in the Journalism program at Boone High School when my sister persuaded me to take Journalism 1 my Freshman year. Little would I know that something that seemed like a burden would quickly turn into a passion. When applications came out at the end of the year, I knew immediately I wanted to join Yearbook. As an editor this year, more work was put on my shoulders. When I came into the position in the beginning of the year, It was hard for me to adjust to the amount of responsibilities I was given. I struggled on helping others in my section make deadline while also maintaining my own. During deadline 4, I started the club reference late and it needed many edits and corrections, so it took me longer to pass it on to the staffers. During deadline 4, I ended up not focusing on my deadline, but instead, helping the other staffers working on the club reference, so they wouldn’t get behind. After deadline 4, I soon realized I needed to take every task one-by-one and create to-do lists to make sure I could see exactly what I had to do. I also began to prioritize the time I was given in 5th period to work with staffers and the time in 4th and at home to work on my own responsibilities. In the beginning of the year, I felt I had many responsibilities that I couldn’t complete on time. I felt that every time I was in class there were always more tasks to complete, so I felt like I couldn’t balance my responsibilities. During deadline 4, I had to design and manage the club reference, help others in my section who also had a page in the club section, and complete my own deadline. It was hard because I didn’t know how to prioritize my responsibilities. Going into next year, I know what responsibilities I will be given and I can be prepared to complete them. This year, I discovered a love for photography. I enjoyed taking pictures at many club events when others couldn’t be there. I also realized my designing and writing skills aren’t my strong suit, but as each year progresses, I learn more about yearbook, like designing and creating an eye for design. I also realized that the more experience I gained, the more confident I became in my own work. One of the most important things I’ve learned this year is dedication. There were many moments when I questioned if yearbook was for me. There were so many moments this year where I was on the verge of tears, being pressured and stressed throughout. But, I couldn’t imagine my high school years without yearbook and I would never quit. I could never imagine the yearbook staff creating a yearbook without me. Seeing the yearbook come out on Distribution Day was a great moment and it made all the stress and hard work pay off. These past two years on yearbook have taught me so much. Although yearbook can be stressful, it has not turned me away from the journalism field as a future career, but rather, it has brought me closer.

a peek into my most significant work from 2016

A p e e k i n to m y mo st signific a nt w o rk fro m 2 0 16

My most significant piece this year was the Edgewater and spirit page because it brought about many challenges. Because the page had a negative subject, my partner and I had to take a positive twist. The body copy was difficult to write, because our angle was negative and we wanted to make it positive and upbeat. We also wanted to include every aspect from the day in the story but it wasn’t sounding cohesive. As for the pictures, we struggled with finding a dominant picture. Between our pictures we took on the day of the Edgewater game we couldn’t find a strong photo that captured the whole day. We finally picked a picture of a few spirited and excited students at the game. Personally, I struggled with Balancing my responsibilities during this deadline. I was helping other people on their pages in my section and managing the club reference pictures. We both did our best on the page, but my partner worked really hard on the page to get us ahead when we were falling behind. Overall I love this page and I’m happy that we turned something that could’ve been a negative page, into a positive page.

d eadli n e thre e

e d ge wa ter/spirit

student l ife

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d ead li n e th re e

e d ge w a ter/spirit

student l ife

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d ead l i n e th re e

e d ge w a ter/spirit

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a peek into my submissions for Columbia scholastic press association

CSPA go ld c irc l e sub missio ns

Y1. Feature writing: Student Life I chose the story my partner and I wrote for the Edgewater and Spirit page because I was very proud of the way it turned out. Because the opposing team won and resulted in a negative outcome, the story could’ve been written in a negative way, but instead my partner and I wrote the story with a positive twist.

Y17. Sports feature photo This photo is my favorite photo I took all year. I like the emotion and the friendship between both of the teammates. Another one of my favorite things about this photo is the water and the depth of field. I think this photo captures the excitement and playful moment after the cross country meet.

Y19. Feature photo I like this photo because I think it represents the Bravettes jazz routine they performed at the NDA competition. Their routine was sassy and fast-paced and I think this pose displays the energy of their routine. I also like the vibrant colors of this photo, I think the blue color stands out well.

a peek into my writing, design and photography clips

d ea d li n e two

B o y s cro ss c o untry

spo rts

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I struggled while writing this body copy. It was hard to come up with a unique angle for this story, but after interviewing the coach and the teammates I was able to find an angle that would intrigue the reader.

what’s mine?





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e dgew a ter/spirit

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As my partner and I wrote this body copy we wanted the body copy to show the loss of the Edgewater game, but still have a positive twist.

what’s mine?





d e a d li n e o n e

teac h er q uiz

peo pl e

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My partner and I enjoyed coming up with the questions for this student quiz. We also enjoyed Interviewing students and listening to their responses.

what’s mine?





d e a d li n e f o ur

c l ub referenc e

c l ub s

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This design was my biggest struggle of the year. I began my design later than I should have which resulted in many difficulties. Many edits and corrections later I’m proud of my final club reference design.

what’s mine?





design clips

d e a d li n e f o ur

what’s mine?

c l ub referenc e



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design clips

d e a d li n e s e v e n

fl a g fo o tb a l l

spo rts

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This design portrays this year’s flag football team well. The design is simple, but still displays many action photos of the the team. The body copy also describes their successful season .

what’s mine?





design clips

d e a d li n e f o ur

ac a demic c l ub s

c l ub s

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I enjoyed making this mod because I liked drawing the pictures and creating them into vectors. I also believe this mod allowed students to understand words in other languages.

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b ra vettes

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I like this design because I like the pulled color from the dominant photo. I also like the different photo packages on the page.

what’s mine?





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w el c o me b ac k

student l ife

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miss president. At the junior assembly, Junior Class

president Kaitlyn Cullen warms up the crowd with a speech about the upcoming year. “Our class assembly helped me branch out and really get closer to other juniors,” Cullen said. I really loved that Mr. Johns introduced himself. It helped me get excited for the school year,” Cullen said.

d e a d li n e 2

b o ys c ro ss c o untry

keep it up. On Sept. 12, at The Lake Nona

Lion’s Prowl meet, senior Aidan Teel trys to stay ahead of a runner from Lake Brantley High School. “[My favorite part of running is] the healthy lifestyle that it sets you up for,” Teel said. Teel had a season best of 17:27.47.

spo rts

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b o y s c r o ss c o untry

spo rts

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talk it out. After the Class 4A regional

meet on Oct. 31, senior Anthony Turner discusses his performance with coach John Hines. “[When I reach the finish line], I feel exhausted but accomplished at the same time,� Turner said. Turner ran 17:43.28 in the 5,000 meter run, placing 63rd out of 127.

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c o m p e ti tio n c l ub s

stay focused. Eyes locked on the pins, junior

Dhaysia Pinkston steadies the ball before she bowls.

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c o m p e titio n c l ub s

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let it roll. Using a ramp, senior Jamani

Ridley pushes her ball.

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c o m p e titio n c l ub s

play for keeps. To begin his play, senior Alexander Torres picks up his ball from the return.

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f undra ising

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animal lover. To support BARC, freshman Logan Kimble and her mom order dinner at a Chipotle spirit night. “It feels great to help this cause. I’m definitely an animal lover,” Kimble said. “To help a sick dog is really rewarding.” The money raised allowed BARC to sponsor animals.

d e a d li n e 4

f undra ising

glow up. Junior Carolyn Ocasio sells orange and white glow sticks at a football game to raise money for BARC. “Fundraising brings us together because we all have one common goal-to help the animals,� Ocasio said. The club raised money to pay for veterinary complications and expenses a shelter could not otherwise afford.

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d e a d li n e 4

c h o rus

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masquerade. Flat on the ground and wearing a mask from the Variety Show the previous year, senior Winston Carias squirts a water gun while playing a game of “Bang-Bang” at the chorus retreat. “[Chorus] helped me grow, helped me become a better singer and allowed me to be introduced to new music,” Carias said. “It helps me grow out of my shell and allows me to bond and make friends with other chorus members.” Carias performed as a bass in Concert Choir his senior year.

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c h orus

wish upon a star. As a Valentine surprise, Feb. 12, senior Agustin Vazquez performs with the Barbershop quartet to English teacher Paige Caperton. “[My favorite part was] the reactions from the teachers. They were so surprised and happy and it made me feel good that I was making someone else happy,� Vazquez said.

c l ub s

10 6 -10 7

Photography clips d e a d li n e 4

c h o rus

c l ub s

10 6 -10 7

yas ! At the Chorus retreat, sophomore

Mirianys Candelario and juniors Jaylynn Mangual and Miguel Meza enjoy a game of Lounge Lizards. “[My favorite moment was] getting to see all of the new faces in the department having fun,� Mangual said. Mangual trained to become president of chorus next year as President Elect.

photography clips d ea d li n e 3

e d ge wa te r/spirit

amen. On the sidelines, sophomore Reece Blankenship prays before the team received the ball at the end of the game. “It was our only chance to see if we can score and possibly tie up the game or win. I was just standing there with one of my teammates and he turns to me and goes ‘I’m not really religious, but I’m willing to try anything at this point’ so we sat and we prayed to have at least a shot at winning this game,” Blankenship said.

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e d ge wa te r/spirit

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let me take a selife. At A lunch, junior

Kechele Ross-Wiseman and sophomore Kyanna Baez-Santos take a selfie.

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e d ge wa te r/spirit

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splish splash. After Lake Nona’s Lion Prowl race on Sept. 12, senior Gabriel Tenorio splashes junior Jose Vasquez-Dickson with the jet from the WaterBoy. “[On the team], we’re all tight with each other, even after tough meets,” Tenorio said. “The Lake Nona meet [was my best race]. I was running well, but I still feel like I could have pushed harder.”

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e d ge w ater/spirit

student l ife

snip snip. At Green Up Boone, March 5,

seniors Isaiah Rutledge and Billie Mealey trim the bushes in the Student Government Association planter. “The energy of everyone involved created an really energized environment,” Rutledge said. “Nothing is better than giving back to your school or community with some of your closest friends and seeing the results of your hours of hard work.” Participants spread 100 yards of mulch across the campus, an increase from 25 yards in 2015.

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A d d a m s Fa mil y tra il er

I enjoyed creating this video trailer for the drama department. I liked filming and editing the video.

c l ic k h ere to c h ec k o ut th is v i deo.

c ro s s co untry w eb sto ry

This web story describes the cross country meet at Lake Nona. I liked covering the Boys Cross Country team because the meets were fast paced.

c li c k h e re to c h ec k o ut th is w eb sto ry .

c ro s s c ountry w eb sto ry

This web story describe the regional cross country meet against at Lake Nona. I enjoyed covering the girl cross country team because they full of energy.

c l ic k h ere to c h ec k o ut th is we b stor y.

c ro s s co untry ph o to ga l l ery

c l ic k h ere to c h ec k o ut th is photo galle r y.

I enjoyed taking photos of the girls cross country meet because I liked telling a story from the beginning of the race until the end of the race, with photos.

sa vvy senio rs

I created a logo, business cards and social media to market and create an image for Savvy Seniors, a new non-profit. I like the colors because they are bright and capture the brand well.

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