Quinones_Karina 2016

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Karina Quinones 2016 Portfolio

Karina Quinones KarinaGQuinones.wordpress.com KarinaQuinones143@gmail.com


May 13, 2016 Kohl’s Department Store 7143 Narcoosee Rd. Orlando, FL 32822 Dear Manager, As an advertiser to a nationally renowed publication, people skills have become a second nature. It is this experience, meeting with heads of businesses and persuading them to advertise in the Yearbook publication that qualifies me for a position on the Kohl’s staff as a cashier. Being an advertiser has taught me how to deal with people in a professional setting. It has taught me to be a great orator and to have exceptional people skills, which are immensely important when handling customers at the checkout. My experience of being a staffer and the People Editor of the Legend Yearbook for Boone High School has taught me how to work seamlessly with others. It has also taught me dedication and persistence to finish a deadline and to get a page to press. It is this dedication and teamwork that is beneficial in the work place. My ambition and determination set me apart from others. I am always striving to advance and be productive. My year as an editor has shown me how important it is to go above and beyond. To the best of my abilities, I will respect and uphold the values of the company. I appreciate what a great opportunity it would be to work at Kohl’s. While my detailed resumé is enclosed and describes my accomplishments, I feel an interview would allow me to express my qualifications at a more personal level. I appreciate you considering me, and I hope to hear from you soon. Respectfully yours,

Karina Quinones Enclosed: resumé

Karina Quinones KarinaGQuinones.wordpress.com KarinaQuinones143@gmail.com


Objective To gain occupational skills while learning about customer service as well as bring dedication, poise and tediousness to the brand. Education Completed 3 years at William R. Boone High School Graduation date: May 2016 G.P.A: 3.7/4.3 Experience May 2016. InDesign certified. June 2014. Photoshop certified. Aug 2012-present. Completed over 100 hours of work details. In addition to being Event C ommander, I have also dedicated myself to working for various details, primarily for the Central Florida Fairgrounds with the Orlando Police Department. Aug 2014-June 2015. Index Editor. People Editor 2015-present. In charge of all People pages, make sure names are spelled correctly, oversee club and especially sports reference pages. Aug 2013-2014. Staffer. Take yearbook worthy pictures, write stories, achieve deadlines, conduct interviews and sell advertisements. BARC member 2012-present. Officer 2014-2015. President 2015-present. Take care of over 10 foster dogs in the last four years, train them to be adoptable and take them to events for possible adopters. Camp Orlando July 2013, 2014 and 2015. Take classes on photography, design and sports writing as well as train to become a better writer. PAWS volunteer 2013-present. Travel to dog shelters in deplorable conditions, bathe dogs, clean cages and get them ready for adopters. Fostered over 10 dogs throughout high school. Relevant High School Studies Journalism I, VI, and VII, English I and II Honors Magnet, A.P. European History, Spanish I and II, Criminal Justice I, II, and III, A.P. American History, A.P. English Language, A.P. Psychology, A.P. Biology, A.P. Literature, A.P. Government, A.P. Macroeconomics, A.P. Calculus. Awards AP Scholar with Honor 2016- awarded to students who have passed at least 4 A.P. exams Criminal Justice Discipline Captain Aug 2015-present. Event Commander at specific work details and discipline students if they fail to meet the criteria of the program. Criminal Justice Lieutenant Aug 2014-June 2015. Come in to school at 5:45 a.m. on specified days and make cookies to raise money for the Criminal Justice program. Criminal Justice Student of the Semester. Awarded to the student that has the highest grades, shows the most dedication, and is actively involved in the program. References Renee Burke: yearbook adviser (407) 443-8451 Janice Scheu: former English teacher (407) 927-1411 Stacy Liebman: AP Literature teacher stacy.liebman@ocps.net

Self-analytical evaluation Towards the beginning of my senior year, I had envisioned assuming the role of People Editor for the second year in a row would go smoother than last year. As I was insecure about my designing skills, one of the key components to creating the People section would involve my ability to design. In the 2015 yearbook, the overall style was quite similar to the 2014 book, and thus creating the quote page design was not difficult and was agreed on pretty early in the year. But because the editors and I wanted to embody a different and unique style from the previous books we had been a part of, it was difficult to agree on a style and a look. Because of this, and my lack of designing skills, the senior section fell behind on deadline and was not able to ship out until a month and a half later. This was particularly unsettling to me because my section had never been late last year. It broke my heart to see everyone compensate and send their pages in order to make up for the page count that we had to meet. This was especially difficult because I had experience with the section and my second year as People Editor should have gone smoother than the last. I was also faced with hardships during the underclass section deadline. Our particular style for the quote page was a little difficult for beginners and because the Journalism 1 students complete the quote pages in the underclass section, I was worried that they would not be able to understand out particular style. During this time, I was responsible for fixing all of the underclass pages, and when the Journalism 1 students began to fall behind, I had to work overtime to ensure that the pages would make it on time. I also had to interview new people, rearrange their position, including moving people to different pages and re-shoot quite a few individuals in order to meet our style. This was at a difficult time because of mid-terms and long holiday breaks, but this taught me how to set and make goals. I made sure to do as much as possible at home so that I would not fall behind in class. I had to complete the difficult task of asking people for help. This was especially hard for me because I often tend to feel that if I complete things myself, then I know that the particular task was done right. I was hesitant to leave a part of the underclass section up to Journalism kids I had never even met before and I was hesitant to ask people to help me take pictures for fear of bothering them from their own deadline. But I knew that in order to send my pages on time, I needed the help of others. This year taught me the necessary skills of dedication and goal-setting that I will definitely use in college. No other high school course that I have taken will impact me as much as yearbook has. Yearbook has taught me to own up to my mistakes and ask for help from others when I need it. It has taught me that occasionally you have to fall behind in order to get ahead, and that everyone goes through a challenging deadline. If yearbook was easy, everyone would be able to do it. I will use what I have learned in yearbook in order to set goals for myself in college so that I do not fall behind. Lastly, yearbook has taught me that while I may not always be on time, dedication is essential in order to help create an award-winning amazing product at the end of the year that my peers will cherish and enjoy for decades to come.


Reflection 1 My most significant piece of work for the publication this year is definitely Deadline 7. While this may have been the staffers last deadline, it was my first full deadline of the year. While the staffers obtained the experience of deadlines throughout the year, I did not due to my job of completing the People pages. Deadline 7 is the harshest deadline because no proofs are given, so the editors are significantly harsher when grading because there can be no mistakes on the page. I was responsible for writing the body copy, which was particularly difficult because I had not written body copy in over a year. I was nervous because if I messed up on body copy, it would affect my grade and put the page behind on deadline. Sports season wrap-up stories are one of the most difficult to write. It was also very difficult to incorporate three different people, when in the 2015 book, body copy was solely based off of the quotes of a singular individual. I found it difficult to create transitions that would help link the individuals together. While my page did get re-subbed by Copy and Burke, I was able to make deadline a day early. While the edits from these two are extensive, I needed the constructive criticism in order to create an amazing piece of body copy that was praised by the editor-in-chief as being “amazing.� I learned a lot about refining my writing skills in order to appeal to the reader while keeping the copy short and succinct. Because it was a track story, I really got to know the sport more and appreciate the athletes that compete in the day-long events, as well as make new friends. I learned the proper style of writing scores and distances as well. Deadline 7 was also memorable because all of the pictures on the page were my own. This was the first time this had occurred in my three years on yearbook staff and it made my heart swell to think that I had enough great pictures to fill a spread. It definitely made the all-day track meets in 90 degree weather worth it because at the end of the day, it was my name on the photo credit.

Reflection 1 Draft

Reflection 1 Final

Reflection 2 Y16. Sports Action Photo: I Believe I Can Fly: SS24 I would like this piece to represent me because it has great depth of field, utilizes rule of thirds, an was captured at the perfect time. This photo screams show stopper, everyone in the background of the photo has stopped and stared at the athlete. This photo one of the best photos I have taken this year.

Y2. Sports Reporting: We’re Back, Baby: SS24 I would like this piece to represent me because it was the first time I had written body copy in over a year, and it was praised by the editor-in-chief. I was a day early for this particular deadline, and it was a great, strong way to end my senior year on staff.

Y35. People spreads without mug photos one spread: Senior Panoramic: 184-185 I would like this piece to represent me because it brings life to the senior section. It is a great break from the normal mug photos and contains a lot of color that catches the eye. The info graphic keeps readers on the page while informing them and captures the senior class.


Writing Sports, 24, Deadline 7

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage




People, 184-185, Deadline 3

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage




People, 188-189, Deadline 1

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage




People, 180-181, Deadline 1

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage




People, 196-197, Deadline 2

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Design People, 199, Deadline 1

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Design People, 177, Deadline 1

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Design People, 186, Deadline 1

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Academics, 66

gettin’ pasty. Behind the junior/

senior cafeteria, junior Breanna Gauldin casts a footprint for the Criminal Justice Magnet. “My favorite part would probably be when the cast is fully hardened and we take it out of the dirt, clean it and you see the result of the footprint,” Gauldin said. After 45 minutes the footprint could be removed from the mold, but it took 72 hours for it to fully harden.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Clubs, 70

eat up. Eating a chicken sandwich

at Chick-fil-A, freshman Kevin Fika supports Best Buddies. “[My favorite part about being a sponsor is] seeing the friendships made between the kids,� Kim Florer said.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Academics, 89

Dec. 10- holiday CONCERT After their orchestra performance, junior Serra Colson takes a bow.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Academics, 126

get a clue. Kneeled on the floor of a portable, junior Paris Haynes investigates a staged crime scene for a Criminal Justice 3 group project.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Clubs, 356

flick of the wrist. On Oct. 9,

senior Jessica Edwards plays Ultimate Frisbee at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Field Day. “FCA has introduced me to my friends and improved my leadership skills,” Edwards said.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Photography Sports, 22 Spring Supplement

all in the wrist. Sophomore

Jae Crawford goes through her technique to throw the discus. “I like being able to do something that I love and that I’m good at. Also, my teammates are amazing,” Crawford said. Crawford placed first in the metro championship, throwing 41-4 in shot put and 103-2 in discus.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage





Track Wrap-up This was the first track wrap-up I wrote after a year of not writing sports stories. It was a bit difficult to execute because I did not want to just list facts in the same monotone way. I tried to add statistics in a different way so that the text did not seem uniform. I really liked the fact that I wrote the story and that I was able to use one of my photos as a feature photo.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage





Track Photo Gallery It was a bit difficult to take track photos because you have to take the photos at the right moment or you will not get the right shot. Lighting is also very important because the track is directly under the sun and it is very easy for your photos to turn out too bright. I learned a lot about camera settings while shooting track because you have to change your camera settings with each event you shoot because each track or field event is under different lighting.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage





Track Photo Gallery Track is one of the hardest sports to shoot because the events are never at Boone and they last all day. In addition, two or three different events will often go on at the same time, so it is up to the photographer to prioritize which events they are going to shoot. Although I was exhausted at the end of each meet, I am happy I was able to take great shots that I was able to use on my page.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage




http://teacherpress.ocps.net/hilights/2015/10/24/reviewgirls-night-in-at-plaza-live/ Girls Night Out Review This was the first entertainment review I had ever written. I was very nervous because I was insecure about my writing skills. Because I was not on newspaper, I felt out of my element when writing this story, but going to the event was exciting. I was feverishly taking notes on my phone throughout the performance so that I wouldn’t miss a detail in my wrap-up. Overall, I felt pretty confident with my writing and I would definitely do it again.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



Entrepreneurship 1-800-BOONEPUBS T-shirt design I would like this piece to represent me because it was the first time I had helped design a t-shirt for the staff. I loved the fact that I got to see the staff’s reaction when they got their shirt and I loved everyone’s positive reaction. Though these shirts were handed out at Christmas time, I still see staffers wearing the shirt around school, which makes me very happy that I could see my work come to life.

Whats Mine:

Body Copy


Alternative Coverage



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