Reynolds charly2016

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CHARLY portfolio of works

ADAIR 2015-2016



Street Address City and Zip Code High School that I attend

Cell Number Home Number Twitter: Charly_Reynolds Instagram: CharlyReynolds_

Bert & Gerri Padron 1823 Osceola Avenue Orlando FL, 32806 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Padron, My name is Charly Reynolds and I am interested in the nanny position that you have open for the summer of 2016. I think that I qualify for this position because of my experiences in babysitting and child care. I would love the opportunity to meet with you whatever time is most convenient for you and your family. I think that I would be a great applicant for this position because of all my experience in babysitting and also my care and love for kids. I not only babysit your children, but I strive to make strong relationships with them so I am not just “the babysitter” I am a family friend. I have babysat for many families in the past, such as the Grimmets, Ingersolls, Lennons, Knotts and many others. I have also volunteered where I was required to cook, clean, play, and be in charge of children for a long period of time throughout the day or throughout the night. My favorite part of this job is to watch your children grow up and to be part of their life experience of growing up, dealing with problems and learning how to handle all kinds of different situations. I try make the relationship to where the child feels like they could talk to me about anything and have a trusting relationship. I can guarantee you and your child, will not be disappointed! I babysit during the school year about 2-4 days a week and feel that I would be the perfect nanny for your family. Thank you for your consideration for hiring me as your nanny for the summer of 2016 and I can’t wait to meet with you in person. Sincerely,

Charly Reynolds


Street Address City and Zip Code High School that I attend

Cell Number Home Number Twitter: Charly_Reynolds Instagram: CharlyReynolds_

OBJECTIVE: To better my people skills and get more experience in taking care of your children. EDUCATION: - Completed two years at William R. Boone High School - GPA 3.9 weighted, 3.5 unweighted - Graduation Date: May 2018 BABYSITTING EXPIRIENCE: - Transporting children to sports practices, friends houses, movies, dinner, etc. - Late night and overnight - Care for children and their pets overnight at my house - Accompanying families on trips to babysit children while the parents were out - Packing snacks and filling water bottles for sports practices - Cooking breakfast, lunches and dinners as needed for the children - Hubbard House Volunteer: Laundry, Cooking dinners, Cleaning, etc. - Mission Trips working with children and babies at their school cooking meals, putting them to bed, and playing with them 2012 - 2015 ACTIVITIES: - Staffer on Boone High School Legend Yearbook using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop 2015 - 2016 - Released two songs on iTunes 2015 - 2016 - Youth Group at First United Methodist Church of Orlando - Freshman Volleyball Team 2014 - Volunteer and teacher at Vacation Bible School at First United Methodist Church of Orlando RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUIDES: - Journalism 1, Journalism 5 Honors, English 1 Honors, English 2 Honors - Completed Florida Virtual School Parenting Skills Course - 2016 HONORS, AWARDS, MEMBERSHIPS: - Completed Florida Hospital Babysitting Course - 2013 - Completed Florida Hospital CPR Course - 2013 - Completed Florida Virtual School Parenting Skills Course - 2016 - Fellowship of Christian Athletes member of huddles and Bible studies 2014 - 2015 REFERENCES: Pam Grimmet - Family I babysit (407) 770 7664 Ashley Knott - Blankner School/Family I babysit (407) 595 8361 Courtney Ingersoll - Family I babysit (407) 575 9270




ANALYTICAL ESSAY After hearing my brother constantly talk about how amazing Mrs. Renee Burke is, room 224, and taking yearbook was for the last 10 years of my life, I was finally able to join the Boone High School Legend Yearbook staff in 2015, the start of my sophomore year.

Over the course of the year, my biggest obstacle was deadline two. Being a new staff member, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and was embarrassed to ask for help which quickly escalated to falling far behind on deadline. During this deadline I had lost almost total confidence in my work, and didn’t know how to control it. I knew I was disappointing my editors and Burke, and disappointing people is certainly not my forte. Making the mistake of not asking for help was obviously something I did not want to do again, so in future deadlines, if I did not understand what I was doing, I would ask and make sure I fully understood what I was doing so I could get it done correctly the first time. Team work was something I largely improved on this year. Being partners on deadline is very different than picking a partner to work with in math for the day. You must have extraordinary communication and dedication to always get the job done and I believe this is something that we were all slowly learning as the year went by. It is hard to trust someone to get the work done and let go of the reins when it harshly impacts your grade as well, but you have to learn. Learning how to push through hardships was one thing that I needed to learn and one that I did. No class that I had ever been in has ever been so stressful, frustrating and hard as yearbook, yet it is my favorite class. In the middle of the year I considered quitting because I was disappointing people that I didn’t want to disappoint, and felt like me being in yearbook was a setback for them. I realized that I am part of the team and quitting was something that would disappoint not only the staff, but also myself. I spoke to Mrs. Burke about the way I was feeling on deadline two, and she told me this, “He does not give us more than we can handle. We might seem challenged, but it’s doable.” This really spoke to me, not just in terms of yearbook, but in my life. So as I went on in the next couple deadlines, if I was having partner problems, or not understanding something on deadline, I knew that it was still doable. My best decision this year was to continue being on the yearbook staff for the years of 20162017, not only do we get cake and food, but everything I do in yearbook will help me sometime along the course of my life. Room 224 is not only a classroom filled with students, room 224 is a classroom filled with a family, a family who are together everyday sharing laughs, cries, frustration, and smiles. And if you look around you, a second home, a second place where you feel welcomed, and a second mom!







Out of all seven deadlines this year, I consider deadline 2, my water sports page to be my most significant piece of work this year. This page was very hard being that it was my first deadline alone so I wasn’t exactly sure how the process of going through the editors worked, how to write the body copy with correct style, and I just wasn’t aware of how much work there is in being in yearbook. My purpose for wanting to do this page is because I thought it would be a cool looking spread and since my cousin is a professional wake boarder, I am interested in water sports such as jet skiing, wake boarding and surfing. I wasn’t even thinking how hard it was going to be trying to get photos and find people that do those sports that haven’t already been used in the yearbook. I went ahead and designed two spreads that I could choose from for the page. I was in love with my design because I love using full picture spreads because people always think those are awesome, including me. My design ended up getting changed to match the theme of the book, and it turned out great as well. In the beginning of the deadline, I wasn’t even sure where to start. One of the major problems was having to rely on the people on my page to send me their pictures and videos. I think some people would just forget that I needed them and would keep forgetting them, or just didn’t feel like looking for their pictures. The pictures also kept changing because someone would send me a picture long after I needed them, and it might be a better picture or better quality so I would change it. When I changed the picture, I would then have to change the caption.

Near the end of this deadline, I got to see how yearbook really worked and the process of going through the editors. In the beginning of deadline, I didn’t know there was such thing as majors so that set me back far. I thought I was pretty much done while everyone was scrambling around trying to finish their spread and I thought I was done but apparently not. Some how, I managed to get this spread done with the help of my editor Olivia Page. I learned that you really have to be on top of things to get things done in yearbook and that when you have free time, that I should be working and not goofing off. I am glad that I struggled on this page because I think that it showed me to not sit back and relax, it taught me to work even harder on every deadline that I was working on.








Y16. SPORTS ACTION PHOTO With his eyes on the pins, senior Zach Strine determines his strategy to knock down all ten pins in one roll. I chose this photo to represent me in this competition because it is showing how this student was in total and complete focus on the pins. He would hold this pose before every roll and take deep breaths to prepare for the results of his roll.

Y16. SPORTS ACTION PHOTO Senior Jon Bartelt warms up hitting right side in the Boone vs Oakridge game. I think this photo is awesome of this player on the team because you can see his facial expression and his form to get up high and slam the ball down to Oakridge. This photo shows that he is really serious about this game and beating Oakridge on their own territory.

Y30. SPORTS SPREAD: ONE SPREAD I chose this spread to represent me because it was my last deadline of the year and my partner went out of town so I was responsible for getting everything done and changed on both workdays and all the way until deadline. I felt very good about this page because I feel like I did a lot on it and I am proud of what I did on this spread. Going to the volleyball games and shooting pictures was fun and interesting getting to know the players as well.


WRITING This page represents my writing skills because there was a lot of dedication in this page being that my partner Megan and I were mostly just in charge of the body copy near the middle of the deadline. Megan and I went to Panera and wrote and edited our body copy for 2.5 hours on a Saturday morning after getting a outstanding 45 minute interview with our principal Dusty Johns the day before.

People, 202-203, Deadline 1

WHAT’S MINE: qü Body Copy q Captions q Photography qü Secondary Coverage q Design

This page represents my writing skills because it was really interesting hearing about Jack Reddeck’s head injury in his jet skiing accident. This page was also the hardest page I worked on because it was my first deadline by myself and I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing. This page changed and improved to fit the theme as best as we could make it and it was a very frustrating but interesting and fun page to design.

Student Life, 022023, Deadline 2


ü Body Copy q q ü Captions q ü Photography q ü Design ü Secondary Coverage q

This page represents my writing skills because this page was a struggle. My partner and I didn’t communicate well with each other and because of that we fell far behind with everything and especially the body copy. Since we changed the body copy about 7 times, I think that it was an accomplishment for us to have the story come out like it did and to have improved it so much throughout the course of the deadline.

Clubs, 112-113, Deadline 5

WHAT’S MINE: q Body Copy qü Captions qü Photography q Secondary Coverage qü Design

DESIGN This page represents my design skills because even though it was hard to try to prevent “stacking” the pictures on the right page, I think this design came out very good. We had a problem in the beginning because all of our pictures were facing towards the right so that caused an issue but we got through it and were able to design a spread that would look awesome in the book.

Sports, 026-027, Deadline 7


ü Body Copy q Captions q ü Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q ü Design q

This page represents my writing skills because I had to type each and every name and the scores from the game. We had to keep updating the scores from every game since volleyball was still in season.

Reference, 037, Deadline 7

WHAT’S MINE: q Body Copy qß Captions q Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design

PHOTOGRAPHY This page represents my photography skills because in all of these photos I see emotion, wonder, excitement and happiness. Taking these pictures on this day was fun because I was there and got to experience seeing the wonder and excitement in person. I got to see how these students and volunteers communicated together and talked and I got to take pictures of those moments which I think is pretty cool.

Academics, 076-077, Deadline


端 Captions q 端 Photography q 端 Design 端 Secondary Coverage q q Body Copy q

This page represents my photography because it was so fun to shoot these pictures. Trying to get the dominant picture was scary because I had to climb up the tree and stand on a skinny tree branch to be in the right spot and right after I took this shot, the branch broke and I almost fell out of the tree. It was a fun experience!

Student Life, 090-091, Deadline

ü Photography q ü Secondary Coverage q Design ü Body Copy q Captions q WHAT’S MINE: q

WEB This page represents my photography and web skills because these are some of the most well taken pictures from this specific bowling game on October 6. These photos show almost all of the bowling team rolling for a strike and you can see the looks on their faces about how hard they were working to win the match. Click here to check out more of the pictures:


端 Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design q Body Copy q Captions q

This page represents my writing skills because in this web story I had to get all the stats for that nights game and incorporate them into my story and write my story around how the team did that at that game. Web stories were hard for me because I couldn’t figure out how I was suppose to upload it and how it should be written but I eventually understood. Click here for the full story:

ü Captions q Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design WHAT’S MINE: qü Body Copy q


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