Salisbury_Diego 2016

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2016 Yearbook



t a b l e of c o n t e n t s

Cover Letter 004 Resume 005

Self-Analysis 006 Reflections 008 Writing 014 Photography 019 Design 022 Web-Stories 25

Diego Salisbury Orlando Health - Education Department 1414 Kuhl Avenue MP 14 | Orlando, FL 32806

Instagram: @diego_salisbury

Dear Ms. Angie Laxton, The 2016-2017 Allied Health 3 Academy is in search of the next wave of healthcare students to assume the leadership role in representing Boone’s Academy of Health Sciences out at Florida Hospital. This leadership position, which can be taken over by a maximum cap of 40 students coming from Allied Health 2, takes a certain mindset and motive to be both personally successful and to continue the merit and quality of the program. Attached is a copy of my resume for your review for the prestigious and one-of-a-kind leadership role. I have had a passion for medicine and healthcare as early as the age of eight when I first sat down with my uncle, who was an Anesthesiologist at Florida Hospital. I began exploring the medical field through both online resources, hands-on activities and in-person interaction which led me to see that I wanted to advance in the medical field in my future. The medical department at Boone High School has offered me such an amazing opportunity, and my last 2 years as a part of this program has only further nurtured my passion. I have a very strong history in leadership, as well as extensive prior experience in the hospital itself. This opportunity is far from ordinary, it’s quite extraordinary and to be a part of this program demands an extensive knowledge and skill in the use of your body language, proper etiquette, medical know-how and dedication. As I learned most of these skills more or less since the day I could talk, I essentially have my whole lifetime’s experience in correct body language, proper etiquette and dedication, all of these due to my upbringing by my parents and role-models around me. Through the additional instruction of my health science teachers, along with the direct influence of family members and friends, I have gained extensive knowledge on the medical field that will help me on my journey. I can intuitively adapt and connect in any environment that this program may have me in. I can effectively cooperate with other medical students, employers and other authority figures, as well as working to maintain the ethical value and quality of this program. I believe that these skills and values are necessary to lead the Boone’s Academy of Health Sciences. Regardless of the merits contained with my resume, I believe that an interview could better allow me to portray my passion and dedication for the program and the medical field while exhibiting my expertise in design and leadership. I would be appreciative to have the chance to meet you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for reviewing my enclosed resume. I look forward to meeting with you soon to discuss my interest in this program. Best regards,

D i e go S a lisbur y E ncl os e d: R e sume



Diego Salisbury Instagram: @diego_salisbury OBJECTIVE Applying my fast-learning, drive and experiences to the medical field as well as meeting deadlines, being dedicated and bringing knowledge to the table. EDUCATION Completed two years at William R. Boone High School | GPA: 3.42/3.92 | Graduating May 2017 EXPERIENCE Kennel Volunteer, Chickasaw Trail Animal Hospital — 2012 - 2013 I started my journey into the Veterinary field as a volunteer Kennel Technician. I was responsible for helping the Kennel Technicians with cleaning dog and cat cages, walking dogs, feeding all animals and any other things that were expected to get done. Kennel Staff / Veterinary Technician, Animal Hospital at Vista Lakes — 2014 - 2015 After a year of experience volunteering at the veterinary hospital, I decided to apply. I got the job and was responsible for the same things as the previous year along with new duties. Things that were added included: nail trims, baths, intubations, shots, medications and pre-surgery duties. Gressier, Haiti — 2014 - 2015 I flew to Gressier, Haiti to as an intern physician at the local “open-air hospital”. I dealt with things as simple as vital sign checks to breast cancer lumpectomy. I was responsible for the cleaning of tools, aiding in surgical biopsies along with general surgeries and being readily available at any moment for any kind of situation that may have risen. RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism V Honors, English I, II and III Honors, Spanish I, II and III, Physical Science Honors, Biology Honors, Chemistry Honors, Allied Health Magnet I and II, Algebra I and II Honors, Advanced Topics In Math, Anatomy & Physiology, Physics I Honors HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS ❖ USTA (United States Tennis Association): 2013-present ❖

ASPA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals): 2007-present

1st place in the “Stay The Course” national music video contest: 2015


SELF-ANALYSIS Having been around cameras, film equipment and essentially, “nerds” all my life, I have grown quite accustom to the digital expansions, specially DSLRs. I had a knack for DSLRs, getting my first one at 10 years old from my uncle, a Canon Rebel T1i; also known as the camera that started it all and I have it as a memory keepsake now. Having such exposures early on in my life led me to, in middle school, literally FORM the yearbook “class” if you will. The first year that my yearbook was produced, it was a two-man team, myself and Tyler Rispoli and looking back at that hardship, it has led me to see the “ease” (not always) and seemingly frictionless workspace. Although, at the beginning of the school year I was honestly really shy and was pretty scared about not being able to do what everyone else could do to the full extent, seeing that I skipped Journalism I; but this ended up not hindering my abilities at all. Diving straight into it, yearbook is hard work, there’s no way to build a bridge and get over that part. I didn’t think it was going to be too hard or stressful, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Over the course of this past year I have had many ups and downs, essentially yearbook is one big, unpredictable roller-coaster. Although, through many of the ups and downs I have learned both school/yearbook experience as well as general life lessons. For example, deadlines, stressful, yes, but very effective due to the fact that in your life later on no matter what you do there will be a deadline for something and you have to make sure you get the job done on time and done well. I wasn’t always the best at getting onto deadline early in the year, but with time, my skills enhanced and with time came speed and proficiency. To make things a tad bit easier, depending on who you had, partners made for a good asset and tool to accomplish things by dividing and conquering, although it didn’t always work out directly as planned all the time. One instance includes the time when myself,


Abby Hutsell and Kevin Figueroa were on D7 Crew, we thought since we were the only group with 3 people that we would get through this deadline like a breeze, wrong. To put it simply, everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong, but through the miscommunication with both each other and the coaches, losing files, boat issues, transportation issues and falling far behind in the Trello ladder taught me something very important about the class and life. Class wise, more people doesn’t always mean better, but if you devise a plan (which we didn’t do) things might go a lot smoother than running blind in the dark, so to say. Life wise, this taught me how to handle certain conversations and situations with both other adults/authority figures as well as kids. I had a conversation with Mrs. Burke once, may I also add how scared, guilty and sad I felt, about a conversation I had with my guidance counselor about switching out; before having talked to Burke. I was so mad and stressed with yearbook that I just got to the point where I just wanted to drop everything and quit, but that did not happen and I’m honestly glad to say that I am still part of staff. Legend Yearbook has honestly helped me build relationships with new people, learn classroom and life lessons, better understanding how to deal under-pressure and situations with adults and use high-end, real-life programs. In all, through my seemingly unpredictable year and just so many things having learned, I did take one major thing out of yearbook and that is: life doesn’t come easy, you’re going to get stressed to your breaking point and just break down crying, you’ll encounter awkward, angering situations and you’ll find that through all of this, you’ll find a smile on your face at the end of the day because you can’t be in yearbook and be mad. If I could restart this year over and over again, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Legend Yearbook truly is legendary and once you’re a yerd, you’re always a yerd.


REFLECTION 1 Deadline 5, to me started off SUPER easy and seemed like it was going to be a breeze. I was partnered up with Tyler Rispoli and he got down to business pretty fast and the day I got photos back, he already had a design waiting for my arrival. My initial thoughts of the ease this deadline seemed to behold were quickly crushed by a very big rock slide that seemed to come out of no where. The initial page design/concept was a spread about students adapting and using technology in school; this idea later was revised by our advisor Renee Burke. Her initial thoughts were about a literal “divide” where one half of the spread would be the digital side and the other would be the non-digital side. Tyler and I quickly had to rethink of our plans for this page and once we did, we streamlining at a very fast, continuous pace. After our initial design and general deadline struggles, we finally got to the point where we could place everything in and we were on our way to be on deadline. Through this deadline and this experience, I learned that life will not always go according to what you think and how you want it to be, you’ll have to compensate and make adjustments, even if you don’t necessarily like it. I also learned a lot about time management and different organizational skills. We ended up only finishing a day behind schedule which was a definite feat, considering our pretty rocky start. Our page, after having gone through all of our advisors and editors, ended up being much more readable and flowed a lot better.






What’s Mine

ü Body Copy q ü Photography ü Captions q q ü Secondary Coverage q Design q






This photo shows a pivotal moment, a moment of complete seriousness and dedication to the game. With the ball out of focus and the pitcher in focus, we can highlight the pitchers form and his emotion through this.

This is a feature story on a boy named Jean Sylvain. A heart-wrenching and emotion bending experience, his journey and his story is a spectacular, inspirational read.

This photo, although seemingly bland and inactive, is actually full of emotion. Exuding exhaustion, hard-work and determination, a fellow Boone High School Football Player takes a seat during half-time.










What’s Mine

ü Body Copy q ü Captions q ü Photography q q Secondary Coverage q Design


REASONING I chose this as an option to represent my writing because this was a spread, well my first spread that I did, more or less, completely by myself. I felt like this was a milestone for me and a chance to really bring out my writing talents; it helped that it was about music, which made me feel even more connected to the story than anything.



What’s Mine

ü Body Copy q ü Captions q Photography q q Secondary Coverage q Design



I chose this as an option to represent my writing because this was a spread I felt emotionally and physically connected to. I was able to relate to both Jean Sylvain and his personal story which made this deadline something that wasn’t JUST a spread, it was something so much more than that.





CLUBS, 003-006, DEADLINE 7

What’s Mine

ü Body Copy q ü Captions q ü Photography q ü Design q Secondary Coverage q



I chose this as an option to represent my photography because this was a spread where I literally did shoot ALL of the photos. It shows emotion, feelings and gives the viewers an amazing visual.





What’s Mine

ü Captions q ü Photography q Body Copy q ü Design q Secondary Coverage q



I chose this as an option to represent my design because this was the spread where I really got into YEARBOOK, simply due to the fact that I would be having mods, design construction, fully body copy, etc. This is an important deadline to me because this was my essential “stepping stone� in yearbook, a fun one at that.










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