Sanders_Sophia 2016

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Sophia sanders (321) 243 6878 ig: _ssanders Renee Burke Yearbook Adviser Legend Yearbook 1000 E. Kaley St. Orlando FL, 32806 Dear Ms. Renee Burke: I thoroughly enjoyed my first year as a Legend Yearbook staffer. Now that I am eligible for an editor position, I would like to apply for the role of copy editor. As I have developed a connection with the publication and the people that come with it I have built a desire to contribute as much as I possibly can. I believe I can use what I learned this year on staff to positively influence our publication and the 2017 yearbook. This past year on staff I wrote the body copy for every deadline I was a part of. Each edit I received allowed me to gain knowledge about AP style that I previously lacked. My writing constantly developed throughout the year, allowing my spelling and grammar skills to become stronger. As copy editor I would be able to assist staffers, allowing them to develop their talents. I fully understand the commitment of the copy editor position, and I am prepared to face all the challenges I am presented with while making time to assist the staff when needed. I appreciate you considering me for the role of copy editor. I will meet with you regarding your decision. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Respectfully yours,

Sophia Sanders Enclosed: Resume

Sophia sanders (321) 243 6878 ig: _ssanders OBJECTIVE To develop and refine my skills in writing, design, and photography and utilize my creativity as Copy Editor of the 2016-2017 Legend Yearbook EDUCATION -Two completed years of attendance at William R. Boone High School -Graduation date: May 2018 -Unweighted GPA: 3.66 -Weighted GPA: 4.42 EXPERIENCE -Legend Yearbook Staffer: Interviewing and researching for stories; writing feature stories; exposure to photography; experience in Adobe InDesign, Bridge and Photoshop; writing sports stories Online; tweeting live coverage of sporting events; collaborating with a partner to make deadlines -Dog sitting: caring for dogs for long periods of time; making sure owners have nothing to worry about and that I am seen as responsible and trustworthy RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES -Journalism 1, Journalism 5 Honors, English Honors 1 and 2, Spanish 1 and 2, Drawing 1 and 2 ACTIVITIES -Varsity swim team (2014-present) -Varsity Water Polo (2015) -Altar serving at St. James Cathedral (2008-present) -Knight Commander at St. James Cathedral (2016) -First Place in the William R. Boone Sidewalk Chalk Competition (2016) REFERENCES -Christina Rexford: Drawing Mentor: 321-276-6494 -Nicole Moitoza: Drawing 2 Teacher: -Mike Wolny: Dog Sitting Employer: 407-739-4256

self analytical


I never thought I would end up in a journalism program. I always struggled with reading, and in third grade found out I was dyslexic. I could not read the directions for an assignment and instead of helping me understand, my teacher put me in the hall. After that my mother decided to home-school me, and I have never been more grateful. I was home-schooled through the Classical School at The First Academy. During my two years of education there my curriculum forced me to read. I also focused heavily on grammar, diagramming sentences and learning about all the different punctuation and when to use it. After I left the Classical School I possessed impeccable grammar skills. English, the class I previously hated, was my favorite part of the day.

street, who was the copy editor at the time. I quickly dismissed the thought until another journalism student resparked my interest in seventh grade. I decided to join. Freshman year was my first real exposure to journalism. I realized that the writing was completely different, I had never heard of InDesign, and I was too shy to go on interviews or take photos at crowded events. Sophomore year when I joined staff I had no choice but to become more confident talking to people and taking photos. I had to put my insecurities behind to do what was best for the Legend Yearbook staff. All the skills I learned in Journalism 1 were refined with each deadline. Collaboration with fellow classmates opened me up to new ideas. I discovered that I had a passion for journalism and writing.

My brother taught me the basics of photography on a family trip out West. Once he taught me how to use the camera, I never wanted to put it Next year as copy editor I hope to down. instill that same passion in new staffers and help them develop their I first heard about Boone’s journalism writing and confidence as a journalist. program from my neighbor down the I am not sure if I will peruse a career in journalism, but I know that the skills I have learned so far are transferable to any career path I choose.



Every yearbook staffer dreads being resubmitted. However, this constructive criticism was a major component regarding the improvement of my writing this year.

confident as a photographer because I was forced to follow people and take photos of Deadline 3, Dual Enrollment, was different types of situations. the deadline I learned how to However, this did not make successfully write a feature story the deadline easy. including quotes from multiple people. At first my biggest Because my partner and I had problem was transitions. After to make and appointment to being resubmitted at my section shoot at Mid Florida Tech after editor I learned from my edits photos were due, it was a and made my story flow. game of catch up. Catching up was made more difficult due In addition to learning to the fact that my partner transitions, this piece was was in a separate class period, successful because I researched which made communication my topic and outlined how I difficult. Although these wanted my story to go. I knew obstacles created a hectic what I wanted to write before experience, they also taught I wrote it. I also went on site, me to adapt. visiting Mid Florida Tech, to take photos for the spread. This trip All the skills I developed allowed me to become more writing my first real feature story and shooting different situations were transferable to each deadline that followed.

fisrt draft

final draft

two reflection

GREASE MONKIES. Hovering over an engine, seniors Anton Wright, Austin Luyster and junior Ryan Hutchinson place valves inside. “It is hard when you’re competing (with people who share your passion), but you are not at the same leevel. It pushes me to be better,” Hutchinson said.”

I would like this photo to represent me because it shows students collaborating and demonstrates the rule of thirds.

Y18. Academic photo

Y30. Sports spread: one spread This spread should represent me because the story acurratley represents the events of the seasonwhile keeping the reader intersted. I also have two photos of the spread which was an acomplishment because water polo is hard to shoot at night.

Y30. Sports spread: one spread This spread is the best representation of my feature writing and also contains the most photos I’ve had on a spread. Everything on the page is relevant to the angle and provides information about the dual enrollment program.




theme, pgs. 40-41, deadline 1

端 body copy q captions q photography q secondary coverage q design q



student life, pg. 38-39, deadline 2


端 captions q photography q secondary coverage q design q body copy q


clubs, pgs. 92-93, deadline 4

端 body copy q captions q 端 photography q 端 secondary coverage q design q



index, pg. 399, deadline 5


端 body copy q captions q photography q 端 secondary coverage q design q


index, pg. 400, deadline 5

端 body copy q captions q photography q q 端 secondary coverage q design



index, pg. 401 deadline 5


端 body copy q captions q photography q 端 secondary coverage q design q


index, pg. 402, deadline 5

端 body copy q captions q photography q 端 secondary coverage q design q



sports, pgs. 28-29, deadline 7


端 body copy q captions q 端 photography q 端 secondary coverage q 端 design q

BON APPETITE. Before they begin making crepes, juniors Calli Cresap and Yamilex LugoCrespo decide what ingredients they need. “(Cooking is) a fun activity. I learned a lot about the process of things,” Lugo-Crespo said.

“spark filled future”

ü captions ü ü body copy q q q photography q secondary coverage q design


academics, pgs. 80-81, deadline 3



academics, pgs. 80-81, deadline 3


WATTS UP? In Mid Florida Tech’s electrical class, senior, Austin Pasag cuts wires. “It makes me feel excited to complete something of my own (in my electrical class),” Pasag said. “(It’s a) thrilling day all the time.”

“spark filled future”

ü body copy q ü photography q secondary coverage q design q ü captions q

GREASE MONKIES. Hovering over an engine, seniors Anton Wright, Austin Luyster and junior Ryan Hutchinson place valves inside. “It is hard when you’re competing (with people who share your passion), but you are not at the same leevel. It pushes me to be better,” Hutchinson said.”

“spark filled future”

ü body copy q ü captions q ü photography q secondary coverage q design q


Academics, pgs. 80,81, deadline 3



sports, pg. 38, deadline 7


water polo sports reference 端 secondary coverage q design q body copy q captions q 端 photography q

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE With the Environmental Club, seniors Kimberly Lopez and Isaac Gomez collected the recycling, "I do not want to end up like Wall-E. If you can save the planet, save it," Lopez said.

“The struggle is real”

ü photography q secondary coverage q design q body copy q captions q


clubs pg. 42



photo gallery February 28, 2016


q body copy q captions q 端 photography q secondary coverage q design

q body copy q captions q 端 photography q secondary coverage q design


photo gallery march 7, 2016


march 9, 2016


wrap up

MY WORK 端 photography q secondary coverage q design 端 body copy q q 端 captions q


march 17, 2016

wrap up 端 body copy q 端 captions q 端 photography q secondary coverage q design q


layout design

Color Page



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comunication leads to sucess


lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli

lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli


Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School


lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od ullupitiamet alit omnima que num nimporem eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli

50% only play during high school season

50% play off season


lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od ullupitiamet alit omnima que num nimporem eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli

lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli

sports “If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, would would it be?� grade name said.

lead in. Aque ex exerum imus alique eaque volorehendam fuga. Ut et et ea voluptur aliqui ut od eosaperes audaepro con repudicipsa sam autem acculli

Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School

Color Page

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