Sublette_Alexandra 2016

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portfolio alex sublette 2015 - 2016

COVER LETTER Mr. Bill Sublette of Sublette Law Offices, please accept the accompanying resume for your review and consideration. I am impressed that your law practice carries an “AV” rating from the Martindale-Hubble Law Directory, demonstrating a high level of legal ability, and I am excited that supporting your clients’ best interests through effective representation, sincere contact, and tailoring of needs seems to dominate your business philosophies. In applying for the internship position at your business, I am eager to join your team in helping your clients make decisions that take them one step closer to achieving a satisfactory verdict while staying within the bounds of ethics and the law. As a senior staff member on my high school yearbook, I learned to adhere to strict journalism guidelines, but I still had the freedom to think for myself and create bold layouts and find new angles to cover. The attached “Kiss The Pig” spread, found under the “Clips” divider, exhibits writing where I turned a traditional story into a new angle of interest. In working for your firm, I would be confident in creating appropriate law exhibits produced for the inspection of the court or used in deposition, as well as working with clients while following protocol that you expect of your employees. I understand that language is important in practicing law, and can assure you that you will be happy with my advanced writing skills and proper grammar. From listening to your public speeches online, I have heard you express that working for a law firm requires more office hours than time spent on the floor of the court. Spending a majority of my time in the Florida Capitol offices as a Senate Page two years ago helped me become proficient in making and sorting copies, sending emails, delivering messages, and completing other administrative tasks that are important to all businesses. When I spent time serving the Senators on the floor of the Senate Chamber, we relied on clear communication between the staff and pages to retrieve or file the correct information, a seemingly minor but actually important task to all involved. Elected into Student Government in high school, I also learned how to use Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets and perform fast execution in project management. I am also highly effective in using various social media to persuasively advertise, which might be helpful in gaining clients through other avenues. While on the yearbook staff, effective communication could make or break getting to press on time if partners could not be clear with one another on what needed to get done. We had continuous success in sharing ideas and information with one another because we remained open-minded. We could help each other without limits because we held each other accountable and grew in trust when we met our commitments. Applying my experiences to your firm, you will be able to hold me accountable in completing any order of business and I would remain faithful in my role as an intern to help keep your business running in a professional manner. I can confidently assure you that my working in the role of intern for your firm would assist you in smooth day to day operations while feeding my interest in learning about the law and providing me with a professional environment in which to develop my people skills. I would be grateful for the opportunity to build upon knowledge in legal studies while assisting my interest in a future in public relations and business management. Because your firm is known for candidly assessing client cases as opposed to telling the client what he or she wants to hear, I am eager to observe the manner in which you are honest in a way they keeps clients satisfied while you prepare their cases. Adhering to business philosophies unique to your firm was the factor that appealed to me the most when I reviewed the intern position. I am ready and eager to fulfill them, and am requesting an interview within your schedule to further discuss what the position entails. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Alexandra Sublette

RESUME Alexandra L. Sublette

Instagram & SnapChat: @alexsublette



Party Hostess and Sales Clerk, Farris and Fosters’ Chocolate Factory (Summer 2014-Present) Welcome guests into the venue, demonstrating the safety required when in proximity of the machinery. Lead parties of four to fifty people in creating chocolate items for purchase. Execute the employer’s task list, delegating roles of action to coworkers with a time budget. Oversee the front desk; answering the phone, ringing up customers, booking and filing party reservations. Babysitter, Self-Employed, The Delaney Park Neighborhood (Jan. 2008-Present) Tutor children in a multitude of academic subjects. Initiate and supervise activities for the children. Clean and maintain the residence. Yearbook Staffer (2015-2016) Advanced training in Photoshop CS6. Utilized InDesign to create layouts. Wrote and edited copy. Resized photographs. Balanced graphics, type, and color to create uniformity. Floor Salesperson, Dooney & Bourke Handbags (2013-2015) Greeted customers at the door, directing them to specific needbased divisions of the store. Promoted the sale of merchandise to potential buyers by having extensive knowledge on all products. Organized the stockroom for easy access to a variety of products. Senate Page, The Florida Capitol Building (2013-2014) Delivered messages for senators, returning with appropriate responses or materials. Guided people to particular sites within the Capitol. Represented a district at committee meetings. Performed office tasks, in particular: filed papers, made copies, wrote e-mails. Running Coach, Self-Employed, The Delaney Park Neighborhood (Nov. 2012- June 2015) Trained middle school athletes in preparation for the spring season of track and field, or other sports. Studied and applied appropriate strengthening exercises. Designed training calendars and progression charts for each individual. Taught nutritional eating and hydrating methods.

High School Courses Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-calculus, English I and II, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, World History, Spanish I, II, and III; Physical Education; Creative Photography I, II, and III; Yearbook. College Courses Language, Literature, Environmental Science, World History, United States History, American Government, Macro Economics, Psychology. ACTIVITIES AND AWARDS Varsity and All-Metro Conference Team Cross Country (2012-2016) National Honors Society (2015-2016) Varsity Flag Football (2016) Student Government (2012-2015) Varsity Track & Field (2012-2015) The President’s Education Awards Program (2012) REFERENCES Mr. Jon Foster Lanegna, Employer, 4875 New Broad Street, Orlando, FL 32814; 407-770-1607; Mr. Andy Gardiner, Employer, 1013 East Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32806; 407-428-5800; gardiner.andy.web@flsenate. gov Mr. Justin Cox, Youth Pastor, The First United Methodist Church of Orlando, 142 East Jackson Street, Orlando, FL 32801, 407-849-6080,>

ANALYTICAL ESSAY For my senior year, adding the journalism workload to a packed calendar required time management and sacrifice. Interviewing for the role of a first time staffer, I never imagined how much sacrifice would be made to produce one book in nine months. The Editor In Chiefs told me that completing deadlines on time would demand hours of on-task labor; but until I found myself canceling Saturday plans to attend a work day with those falling behind on their spreads, I could not fathom how meticulous the production process would be. One could never have experienced the “rough” part of a “rough draft” without submitting her work to multiple editors for revision and receiving her work back multiple times to fix style errors. First, my teacher had to explain the difference between writing for an English class versus a journalism class. In English class, I had been praised for my “flowery” writing. Journalism, on the other hand, focused less on elaborate symbolism and more on descriptive facts. A single revision always led to another error. Once the “flowery” writing had been deleted, I had to learn how to change my sentence structures from passive to active voice. For example, in the Kiss The Pig story, I had to change the passive voice sentence, "The Senior Class officers pushed Olson towards Oliver the pig when her name was called." To make it active voice I wrote, “ When her name was called, the Senior Class officers pushed Olson towards Oliver the pig.” Then, five to eight sentence paragraphs became two sentence paragraphs with a quote separating each one. However, constant trial and error with style (and taught me flexibility and perseverance with the knowledge that the final outcome would be more enjoyable for the readers to follow. When setbacks made staying motivated a struggle, I had to set goals to shrink the large process of catching up into attainable steps. In deadline 3, my spread kept getting resubmitted because the story seemed discontinuous. Since the subject of my story

spoke Vietnamese, and the student who translated for him had a hard time catching all of what he said, facts kept becoming skewed. In the ethics of journalism, the journalist has to convey the facts with the positivity that they are correct. Therefore, I had to set team up with other staff members to interview him several times and ensure every quote would be published with the correct facts in the end. Then, I broke writing the story into baby steps with transitions where each corrected quote would be able to fit and flow with the entirety of the content. However, even with the tasks divided into manageable steps, staying dedicated to the course would have been challenging without a team keeping me accountable. I had been the captain of my cross-country team before committing to the yearbook staff, so combined efforts I felt as though I could handle. Still, the team dynamic on staff differed from that of cross-country because when one “chokes” in cross-country, the team can still pull through without that individual’s score. Whereas, in yearbook, when one staff member does not complete her tasks, the team has to make up for her laziness or else the spread will look catastrophic and may even be pulled from the book. Deadline 5 became the first deadline my partner and I got completed on time. Not only had I absorbed all of the lessons taught to me since the beginning of the course, but also my partner and I made communication a priority between us. We split the work half and half, scheduled times we would both make sacrifices to come in and get our half done, and then stayed true to those commitments. Our sacrifices that we made with clear communication and dedication to hold each other accountable until we finished our spread became the most important lesson I learned. This reliable communication between my partner and I made me realize if I made the time to sit down and take action, step-by-step before a deadline, and work together to consolidate our work, then I would be much happier with the final product.


For the publication this year, my most signifi-

cant piece of work must be the Kiss The Pig page. The subject had been included in the publication since its introduction; so creating an angle that had not been used before proved difficult. The work evolved from first effort to published piece through two cycles of revisions with each of the six editors. In creating this piece, I went through the process of planning, designing, interviewing, taking pictures, writing body and captions, and revising. As conveyed by the star marking, “See me and I will teach,” I had to go to experienced journalists for guidance on how to fix the spread’s elements so that they matched the rest of the publication. Learning how to use InDesign from experienced journalists became a skill I will be able to utilize in a future career. Even though I had constant reminders on how to apply certain tools, the Kiss The Pig spread had been the first piece I created with InDesign as an individual. Therefore, the idea that I took a blank canvas and made it all my own is what I like most about the finished product.





Y 17.

Sports action photo, Class versus Class Kickball Game, page number not applicable. I shot this piece with a 1000 millimeter lense at a shutter speed around 1/250 to freeze the motion of the student lunging to catch the ball. I would like the piece to represent me because the subject expresses profound focus that conveys a story to the viewer. The viewpoint is clear that the student is trying to get another player “out� from the way she positions herself over the base, arms outstretched, reaching for the airborne ball.

Y 19.

Feature photo, Safety First, page number 30. I would like

this piece to represent me because the perspective I shot from varys depth of field and sets the photo apart from those with traditional, single depths of field. The car closest to the camera show the environment in which the subject is interacting. The viewer can tell the photo based on human-interest from the subject’s body language. He is not sitting in the golf cart, not helping, but at the curb, arm extended, waving cars forward once the cross-walk is free of students.

P hoto portfolio, Speak Out, page number 319. This feature photo displays an advocate against bullying who came and spoke to the student body. I would like this piece to represent me, alongside Class versus Class Kickball Game and Safety First, because the subject is in focus with excellent tonal quality and all three show the subjects’ interests in their environments with their facial expressions.

Y 21.


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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

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Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

Desi g n


Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

Desi g n


Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

Desi g n


Body Copy Captions Photography Secondary Coverage Design

ph o to LOST AND FOUND. At lu n c h , c u s t o d i a n J a i m e Hern a n d e z re t u r n s s o p h o m or e Sh a wn y l l e S u t t o n 's i Phon e h e fo u n d o n t h e gr ou n d . "I fe e l t h e s t u dent s a re m y f a m i l y, i t i s a p l e a s u re [ i n t e r a c t i n g wi t h t h e m ], " H e r n a n d e z s ai d . He l e n d e d a h e l p i n g hand t o t h e s tu d e n t s , f a c ulty, a n d s t a ff .

ph o to

REACH A L L L A N G U A G E S. Si gni n g fo r t he d e a f s t u d e n t s i n the crow d , i n t e rpr e t e r A l a n a Wa g n er tr ansl at e' s Vu j i c i c ' s s p e e c h . " I n t h a t kind of a si t u a t i o n t h e m e s s a g e w a s m o r e r eal beca u s e Ni c k 's s i t u a t i o n w a s s o meani ngfu l , " Wa g n e r s a i d . B e f o r e b e coming a hi g h s c h o o l i n t e r p r e t e r, Wa g n er signed for pa t i e n t s i n d o c t o r 's o ff i c e s .

MultiWEB media

To read the full strory, click here.


Color Page

4 for 4

001 Student Life

Summertime is when Ritature et, qui autemporerem hillit voluptatium

In the spring, Tem qui cusdantiis aut officiis dolupta sinis ium estrum re sequi temquo

Winter calls for Sedia verfero berferovit aceat quatemq uiassequas doloritet ut quis

The fall Doluptur sitia volorestibus doloreperunt omnihil iunt facepedi

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“What has been your greatest adventure in your lifetime so far?” grade name said.

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(Top to bottem) Sophomores name, name, name, and name work through every season to Facepra del moloreptatur alique

Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School

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Food & Culture

content and design by first name last name


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“What is one adventure that you wish to pursue in your lifetime?” grade name said.

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Students share the love of food across a variety of different cultures.

Food For the Soul

LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit. saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit Obis millabor sime sumquis quaturiaes sequatur,

the culture, but an aquired passion.

5.DRAWING is not a part of

for focus in late-night study sessions.

4. PLAYING SPORTS is essential

neighbors over prayer is traditional.


2. SALSA DANCE must be learned from a young age.

an every day task .

1. COOKING CURRY with the family is

with sophomore elizabeth porterfield

students have layers

LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit. saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit Obis millabor sime sumquis quaturiaes sequatur,

LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit. saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit Obis millabor sime sumquis quaturiaes sequatur,

Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School

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