THOMAS BOYD 2875 Marsala Ct. Orlando, Fl 32806 Tomboyd@bellsouth.net (407)-325-5795
OBJECTIVE To obtain some sort of job by laying out my skills in a general format that can be easily accessed at a later date and time. EDUCATION Graduated Boone Highschool June 2011 Currently studying at USF St. Pete. EXPERIENCE Yearbook staff member 2007-2010 Yearbook photo editor 2010-2011 Summer internship at Engauge Creative Services HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS BSA Eagle Scout with one Bronze Palm Three Presidential Volunteer Awards CSPA 1st place in nation for student life spread CERTIFICATIONS American Red Cross Lifeguard American Red Cross CPR American Red Cross AED PADI SCUBA
Personal Essay I feel that journalism is great; it has help transform me as an individual. It has taught me skills that I will carry through life such as the importance for punctuality/deadlines and the ability to use the adobe Creative suite. I got started in journalism through my high school yearbook. In order to be successful I have had to go through multiple deadlines that each taught me something. The old saying that you learn more from failure than success rang quite true, as I fell flat on my face on allot of deadlines. But thru my failures I learned the skills that would lead to my success.
Self analytical This year I have learned more about people than I have about physical skills. I learned that in general staffers are shit. They are lazy and can’t be trusted. Only when they prove otherwise can they be trusted. I prefer to call this the Guantanamo Bay approach to looking at people. In production skills this year I learned more about how to instruct other people in using the programs rather than any new skills. I found that you have to teach the programs certain ways to staffers so that they may remember it. In deadlines I learned just how staffers n not making deadlines screws over the section editors. Before whenever I was just a staffer I did not have to see the consequences of what would happen if I did not make deadline. I learned allot this year in teamwork. This entire year was about teamwork for me, because I had a partner for this entire year. I learned that no matter what you have to help your partner no matter what. If they need something done you do it because in the end it comes back to help you. I did not learn anything in the way of advertisement. In terms of dedication I learned that you must measure the worth of a staffer in terms of dedication. This is because those that show dedication always improve and while they may not be the best this year in the years to come they will transform into the best staffers.
Reflection #1 For my most significant piece I have chosen the BBC spread. I chose this one because it is one of the few pages that I have a byline on that I am proud of. Both the photography and the copy are strong on this page. The photography shows the BBC students on the inside of the studio and out in the field getting footage. This mixture truly represents what they do. If you look back at other BBC spreads they are almost all inside shots of them in their studio.
Reflection #2 For my piece that could still use work I chose the academic clubs spread. I chose this because overall the photography is sub par. If I had the chance would go back and try to find something more interesting to shoot for the dominant of math club because that dominant is one of the blandest in the book.
Reflection #3
This is my favorite picture I took this year. I wish this had been the divider for the clubs page. The photo was taken during “proof ” the dramas play they took to districts. The focus of the picture is Brandon Dalzell, what I like about the image is his Brandon’s face and body language and how it projects the emotion of the scene. As far as photographical elements go it uses depth of field as you have Betsy in the foreground. It also uses rule of thirds as Brandon is in the upper third of the picture.
Reflection #4 This year I believe I was an asset to the staff. I brought two key things to the table. The first was my overall experience, because I was not a section editor I was never tied down with designing. This allowed me more time to interact with staffers and help them whenever they came into problems I could assist them. The second way I was an asset was through my photography. With 93 photo credits in this year’s book I believe I can justify that claim. I also believe that without my photography several pages would not be nearly as good or would of had to been cut all together (i.e. Halloween, Chorus, Concert Band).
Reflection #5 I think my biggest problem this year came from having a partner the whole year. This lead to a fundamental shift to how yearbook operated for me. No longer could I rely on myself if I was behind and in a pinch. I now had to rely on someone else. That some one else was Sehar Noor. As a person I love Sehar, she’s quirky intelligent and funny an amazing writer. But as a partner Sehar I could not stand her. She would steal our folder leaving me in a holding pattern. It got to the point where during the middle of the year I used a clipboard as my folder keeping all of my interviews, edits and various papers on it so that I would be able to gain access to them when I needed them. She would also disappear off the face of the earth for undisclosed amount of times, only to reappear several days later and act like she had not been gone at all. To deal with it I simply ignored it. I hopped that like a good partner she would have her stuff by the time it absolutely had to be in and it usually was in. If I were to run into this problem again I would probably do the same thing and just ignore it.
Reflection #6 At the midterm I said my main goal was not to fall behind in work during Willy Wonka. I believe I was able to accomplish this, I think I was mainly successful thru my time management. I was able to more effectively utilize my extra time during first and seventh period and as a result I didn’t fall behind during he time I was in Wonka.
Reflection #7 Y17. Y18. Y20.
(Y17). Middle Bottom. Pg 44-45. Academics Divider. Presentation shots for the Canuk 1-5_boyd_0041.JPG (Y18). Left Top. Pg 102-103. Bravettes. Senior assembly 10-20_ boyd_343.JPG (Y20). Middle Top. Pg 2-3. Varsity Baseball. baseball 4-6_boyd0087.JPG Right Top. Pg 84-85. Chorus. Chorus Concert 10-11_boyd_361.JPG Left Bottom. Pg 16-17. Halloween. Key Club Halloween party 10-29_ boyd0025.JPG Right Bottom. Pg 106-107. Marching Band. Varsity Football 9-20_ boyd_0412.JPG I like all of these photos I took. I believe that the culmination of these photos show the most diversity in my photography skills.
Reflection #9 Compared to my previous years designs I believe this years portfolio is much more unique. It captures my photography and presents it in a different way. In previous years my designs had been more focused on the outlandish and chaotic, in contrast this year is more about simplicity. This is portrayed by the basic font used for the headline and the use of white space in the copy.
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LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence.
LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence.
LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence. LEADIN. This is a present tense sentence telling you whats going on. “this is a quotable quote that is awesome,” doe said. This is that last sentence.
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