Tori Treiber 2011 Portfolio

Page 1

Cover Letter


May 24, 2011

4200 Trentonian Court Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 952 1903

John Smith Head Manager Firehouse Subs 4692 East Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32812 Dear Mr. Smith: I am applying to obtain the position of crew member. If Firehouse Subs is looking for a dedicated, fast learning employee then please accept and review the attached resume. As cocaptain of my state championship level soccer team, I have been organizing fund raisers and practices for over 3 years now. I’ve always loved being a part of a team and I also take great joy in being able to work well with others. Being a part of the Firehouse Subs family would be a great honor and an opportunity for me to really show my skills. Also, being a part of my high school’s newspaper has helped me obtain many unique skills,such as, graphic design and writing. Our publication recently participated in the Conway relay for life held at Boone High School. At this event I was in charge of the donated Chick-fil-A stand where I was required to sell food and make change. Although, the resume I have attached outlines my previous employment history, I think a face to face interview would give you a sense of who I really am and if I am right for this job. I would greatly appreciate if we could schedule an interview at a convenient time. I would personally like to thank you for considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours, Victoria Treiber Enclosed: resume


VICTORIA TREIBER 4200 Trentonian Court Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 952 1903

OBJECTIVE: To acquire knowledge and experience through working at a successful franchise business. EDUCATION: Completed nine years at Good Shepherd Catholic School Graduation Year: 2009 Boone High school Completed one year of high school; Current sophomore Graduation Year: 2013

EXPERIENCE: Newspaper Staff Member, Orlando Boone High School -Aug 2010-present. Hi-lights newspaper staff writer -Aug 2010-May 2011. Wrote and edited stories about numerous subjects that required online research and face to face interviews. East Orange Lightning Player - Sept 2007-present. Starter on the nationally ranked soccer team. HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS: -Florida Scholastic Press Association “Excellent” Award Recipient In recognition of outstanding achievement in journalism. I received the award for an article I wrote that was published in the school newspaper. REFERENCES: Club Head Soccer Coach Hugo Duarte (407) 233 7050 Newspaper Advisor Renee Burke (407) 433 8451

Personal Essay

Words are powerful. So powerful in fact they can cause two lovers to bind themselves to each other through vows, start world wide wars and even make the closest of friends complete enemies. Words can be used to express emotions and feelings that one is to afraid to even admit to themselves. Writing is the key a person’s true self and how they process the constant obstacles one faces daily. The most complex human emotion can be summed up into one simple word: love. I can honestly say, I love writing. Being able to express every thought that runs through my mind and lay it out in front of me in black-and-white keeps me sane. Although my choice in art doesn’t involve a paint brush or an intricate tool, each word and phrase I use conveys a particular emotion. I have always wanted to create a career centered around writing. When I discovered that my school offers a course in journalism, I enrolled right away. Learning a completely new way of writing proved to be difficult but ultimately it has made me a better journalist. Hopefully, I can continue to pursue journalism though college and a career.

Self Ana lysis

Throughout this year, my style of writing has completely changed. Journalism requires short, concise and straight to the point writing. At the beginning of the year, my style included a lot of “fluff” such as unnecessary adjectives and drawn out phrases, but being on Newspaper forced me to adapt. Although, the transition has proven to be difficult, pushing through each deadline has only made me an all around more organized person. The most challenging part of the year,however, was ad sales. The main reason for my demise was because I waited until the end of summer to begin attempting to sell ads. When I return to staff my senior year I will surely jump right on task once I get the summer assignment. Teamwork is a key factor when creating a publication. During the production of the December issue Brendan Hall and I had to combine forces to obtain a photograph of my subject,Tim Hamilton, performing karate. Deadlines were also very hard to keep up with. I’ve learned that procrastination only stresses me out more. I can save myself a lot of anxiety by just getting my work done as soon as possible. I can carry these newly found organization skills throughout my life.

Reflection One

This piece is significant to me because when I first received this assignment I was completely clueless about technology and everything to do with the “tablet� market. This topic forced me to hit the internet and understand a whole new world of gadgets. This story was not a very difficult one to write once I got all of the right information. However, there was a lot of pressure to get all of the facts included in this story right. Some people take pride in being technologically talented so I felt the need to make the story accurate as well as interesting. The story evolved greatly from the first draft to the final, published draft. The first draft was not finished and lacked key information such as specific operating systems each tablet runs. Throughout the process I learned a lot about each tablet and how they work.

First Draft Reflection One



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Apple iPa vs. HP Slate \..../




J Open early and ready to serve. The top places to eat before school.


The Conway Cafe

4542 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32812

By VICTORIA TREIBER \'rith a battls;wrold as time, \lrllldmvs and Apple go head-to-head in the tablet computer market. Although the iPad is more widel!, known, the PC Slate pro,;d~ more durability, input JXlrts, and capabilities. The Slate comes \\ith a urll'lue geometric pattern on the back of each rablet. Ths feature pw\'idcs an interesting style and firmer grip on the dtTicc compared to the sleek desih'fl of the iFa,!. This particular CompontrH makes the Slate less accident prone than the Apple iPad Another attribute accompanied ""ith the PC Slate is the presence of a USB port. 1bis trait provides an easier \\';y to share documents. It alw allo\.\'s the gadget 10 be able to connect •••• 1th many more dc\;ces, such :u; iPods amI diffen:nt picture importers. The PC Slate funS the fullWmdow(1) operaring syHem which accommodates for many other pro,gr:uns like Google Chrome, and .\dobe Photoshop. ~'indowsDruns iTunes but is not compatible ",ith the ,••ide "arieIY of applications a.ailable to the Apple iPad. Howner, the iPad rWlS on the Apple network so it is more restricted •••• ith the applications the U8cr is allowed to access, such as Flash Playcr, which makes it extremely difficult to ,1cw mo.1es and telc.ision shows online. Although Wmdow1; 7 creates more possibilities, it Vi.lS not made to be "finger friendl}'" like the Apple programs. lbe \Vmdmvs hyout is made to be smaller and was not designed


'ad ,,,hieh does not ha,'e e Shte comes adorned with cwo (j}mega pixel cameras.. One installed in rne front for web chatting and another in the back for taking ,.ideos and snapping pictures. Though the quality of the cameras is nothing outstanding, the feature allows for capturing low.-<Juality .ideos and pictures. The cameras also make uploading ,;deos and pictures to the, ',f\ Intcmet less complicated. _ ~~, Due to the conyenienee and powerful processor the targt:t market for the HP Slate is business people~onstantlr on the go. lbe USB port also mak~s it a lot easier to transfer documents, power points and other files through a portable flash drive. 'lbe Apple iPad, on the other hand, is more family orientated. . 'lbe PC Slate's price compared to the Apple iPad is fair. The Slate has the capacity of 32 GB (which is 5549) and 64 GB ($599) of memory. While the iPad comes with 16 GB (S499), 32 GB ($599) and 64 GB ($699) of memory. The PC Slate prm;des many more opportunities than the iPad through its faster processor and camera capabilities. Equipped ",ith many more features and possibilities, the \Vmdows Slate reigns supreme.s:::-



The Basics: The Conway Cafe is a familY-<YWIledrestaurant serving a variety of breakfast meals, from a classic suck of pancakes to a satisfying breakfast sub. Costs very, but for a quick bite before school one can easily manage to spend less then seven dollus to get a filling meal. The Conway Cafe is a sit-down restaurant, hut promises quick service and a friendly atmosphere. The Hours:Monday-Wednesday 6am-2pm. Thursday-Friday 6am- Spm Bottom Une: The food comes in big ponions, so be ready to take some into school as a later lunch, or plan ahead to split a meal with a friend. Made fresh and l\-ith care, ones meal is delivered fast and is guaranteed to he yummy.


The All American Cafe

1817 South Ferncreek Avenue, Orlando, FL 3280

The Basics; With outdoor seating, this small cafe offers a wonderful array of omellettes and breakfast sandwiches, as well as amazing sausage gravy and biscuits. It's dose proximity to school, and it's never overcrowded schedule early in the morning, allol\'S students to have an easy in and out breakfast, without skimping on the flavor. The Hours: Monday - Friday 6am-2pm Bottom Une: The All American Cafe is a sit-down restaurant, perfectly located ne:u the school and with a friendly group of employees. &ch employee has a favorite dish, already on the menu, but they are able to suit one's taste buds and fulfill one's quest for the best meal before school.

Clarkies Restaurant 3150 South Orange Ave.


The Baslc5: Don't be fooled by its looks, Clarkie's Restaurant is know for their dependable service and always tasty food. Located dose to campus, this -dive- is an easy and affordable spot for a quick breakfast. There is no outdoor seating around this small restaurant, but plenty of parking is available. The Hours: Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 10 a.m.; FridaySaturday 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Bottom Una: The service here is outstanding, making it personal mission to have their customer's food desires satisfied. Inside Clarkie's is basica1ly what one could infer from the outside: a miss match of tables and pictures, but none the less, a homey atmosphere and a hearty, greasy, home-down meal.

903 Mills Market


903 South Mills Avenue, Orlando, FL 32806

The Basics; This roomy cafe is known for its yununy sandwiches, but is also a good breakfast choice. 903 Mills Market serves eggs, bagels, french toast and their fresh brewed coffee. Opening up later than others is a downside, hut being located dose to campus allows the breakfast trip to be made and much appreciated. Tne Hours:everyday 7:00 am - 9:00 pm Bottom Une: This restaurant is a little more upscale, but has a freindly staff and delicious coffee. Surrounding the building is seating outside under umbrellas and trees. This tucked away cafe offers a relaxed, but more decidam breakfast. Late arrival students can take advantage of this cafe, and appreciate the atmosphere and array of flavors without worrying about being late for schooL


\.-I page 22





February 11.2011

Final Draft Reflection One

Reflection Two

I think my piece about Mellow Mushroom could use a lot more work. It was my first story written for Hi-Lights and still need more detail about the actual restaurant. The story lacks a full description of the establishment. During this issue I was mainly focused on making my first deadline and I think the writing suffers for it. If I were to improve upon it I would include more descriptions about Mellow’s unique decor style.

First Draft Reflection Two


entertainment The best thing


sinceicecream. A comparison of two frozen yogurt bars.


seasoned to pe ection-

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By Vl~rORlA TRElBER ~;tJi The hl.ldback, atmosphere of Mell?w ~

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ateorsimplyhangoutwithfriends. The Yogurt: Chilly Spoons serves a variety of flavorsof it's famous

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October 8, 2010

frozen yogurt including vanilla, I k.lesan d cream, chocoate,coo peanutbutter,cakebatter,redvelvet cake,Newyorkcheesecake,mango,

strawberry banana and tango. The Toppings: Fruit is placed next f hIt d . kl topleceso c oeo a ean spnn es of every shape are lined up next to m&m's. TheHours:Mon.Frillam-l0pm; Sat-Sunllam-l1pm



Ilthv page 28 "Pfeh'l(rS ?

Chilly Spoons

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EverythlngElse:Thlsfrozenyogurt . " bar serves a mo~e kid friendly . atmosphere,unllkethatofMochl. Butthelackofintimacyis made up forbytheneverendingfrozenyogurt choices, And with only45 cents

anouncethisyogurtbar;sdeemed affordable.Creativeloversoffrozen yogurtarecertainlywelcomeatthis




Final Draft Reflection Two

Reflection Three

I can proudly say I captured this photograph. Out of the over 200 pictures I took that night of Tim Hamilton (front; second from the left) practicing karate this one really seems to catch one’s eye. The picture contains leading lines and repetition which grab the viewer’s attention. I am mostly proud of this picture because while at the event Brendan Hall taught me how to adjust the camera light contrast by hand and this is the first picture I snapped with my manually settings.

Reflection Four

During this year I have helped numerous staffers with their production problems. While we were working on an issue I assisted Johnny by interviewing Sarah Daly for his story about the SGA canned food drive. Another time someone needed my help was during production when Joseph needed a graphic for his story about JV girls soccer. I quickly grabbed a camera and ran down to the practice fields where the girls were training. I then snapped a bunch of photos and interviewed each girl for captions.

Reflection Five

Juggling my regular school classes and newspaper was hard enough but also being on a nationally ranked level soccer team made multitasking a necessity. Coming home after a two and a half hour practice at around 11 made staying on top of all my deadlines extremely difficult. What helped me stay on task was planning out specific times before and after soccer when I could write and fix edits. I’ve learned from this situation that time management is a crucial concept when one is involved in two demanding extra curricular activities. Handling this circumstance was exhausting but it taught me to never get in over my head when it came to my work.

Reflection Six

One of my biggest weaknesses I tried to focus on changing during the last half of the year was focus itself. During deadlines and especially worked days I would find my self ending up behind on deadline because I was too distracted to get any real work done. I wanted to be able to not have a deadline hanging over my head all the time just because I couldn’t sit down and redirect all of my attention to my pice. So, to help myself pay attention I began to bring headphones to listen to music. Doing this simple activity help me block out all the distractions around me and get my work completed.

Reflection Seven

N12. Personality profile Page 13: May 13, 2011 I think this story could do very well in competition because it is one of the stories I wrote this year that I am most proud of. The concept praised a very talented make up artist who usually stands in the background.

N14. Entertainment reviews Page 2: May 13,2011 This story on the Winter Park restaurant Bosphours is short and concise but still includes a lot of details about the establishment. I think it is a great review that makes all the right points and informs the reader about my opinion of the restaurant.

DM5. In-depth news/feature story Page 21: Feb. 11,2011 I think this story would be a good contender in this category because I go into depth about where you can buy these tablets and also about how they work. The story compares each in a new and interesting way.

Reflection Eight

Victoria Treiber n o i a n t a d n i g Ima



November 1

November 2




May 1

May 2

May 3

DPS Design

Taco Bello Chalupa: 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other

page 6

Taco Bello Chalupa: 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other

November 12, 2010

Taco Bello Chalupa: 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other

Taco Bello Chalupa: 500 calories and other nutritional facts about this thing. 500 calories and other nutritional

By DAVID MATTESON Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Gulvis firta, Catus hostrec ienatint. Otintrum. Catuusulla re mei sus bonsuli issatiquod poraequa num ducidem porte convenam quam talego etor publicae alient. Mus. Servivic tatum inat. Rum haet fac tem intem omnereo hos hostium tat, moltu macerar iverrium ut immores tarbem ia poenihintem ori poendiendam fex me erridet publin dius, se issid stam publii in Etrum Palium omplicam dicae mihin dum tarbis. Eporari ptertuam quo aucissent. In vis eticae, constemno. Iptem acta dem et pri scia ocruro,

November 12, 2010

videtelutus coti publin se iam, utem cla reo, Catis essuam det ad publii potasdam inatilla ta, Cuperum consi popondierum in Itaripsentea pari, uterorte, que ta vides retor ublica; nos conintis. Opio etiam tem fuitast ademnen atelicavo, ne demorus vitinatuus acerit. Ves fortum ta resil ta, aciam publinam pubissul horis audesim quemo tem host vitrus voliis; hum intimorei sid rehebatus pratus audeo Catqui inam intio tis Mae nos hos, C. Etriam novis avocupplis med dum num pore inte ta o manum se consulv ividees! Sp. Oti, untimo ex mei confex me ne publiiste mandem quius, Palium publiquam es vivitimis ca; num sultuam si terniam patum ommo et C. Hebaturordin tuit, caelici terit, quam potionsultum re fue ina, quo voc, se quitam inihi, cus fac iniquem sedicaeceris veris. M. Sp. Satra nocae te conficae est? Ic vastro verrime consuppl. Fur. Maresum in Etrac vis patist? Res! Uce ciemus pricam. Mulisum inatuius fortemus contis hos, quam ductu et ve, quodi se facis hoctum, prit, sentelis, Catuius essimume in vere clem hebemur, se nit, nemqui sa nimus iam Romnons C. Habunum anu essidemus, nihilin tem sena, pate, pectus. Mae erum nius con verente mquonvo, pulescia diemorum publiumus ius, consunt, vide diis vius M. An sendintius voliu ius con stro, num poentra verimmor haet? Cuperit, ave, quemquo pernis? Maecis inatebut ina L. Quius At que clartilium pulica inatus, vivisqui tebenit, firmili cupimpere conimo eteatis? Dicapes ius ad re oriocultur pulturei il tatra? que teres et, ca ret plie mantrum. Romnime quamdit; horta re, ventem ingultura, quidienium in tuusupi oribus, sperum ne actodienam terbit; intiam ut aus cred mus. Arbit dem, nost? iam in dis rei con averem inte eo coeneque in dienat es horemne ssent. Sere fuit. Fuis, stilicidina, nos horena,

Batem, cia quidees Catortiam nos inteati usquon hos, que noctum obus re consule gilissed fur propubliam ia am nos nocri te hilissinatum ocum menatis, contermis. Ipimus, pra iste, Cat adductuam distin tem Patur, clut crurave rfeceri convocae maximus, quo us; nos nossent L. Milicis. Iris abessoludem tem poraequonius pracit, aucemnimente ne omne iam. Gra Simus con vita quam, nuntuit, conem popublicid Catiora condam ex nos audemoret gra patum omne constifex nihica; C. Ebunculisquo Catuus consilla porei con hilin satissi gnocupe cerivasta res con verniqua et; es nonfit verio, pere addum prorte, quo egerra L. Habem, quam ocumul tem esilis cae audemenatque octa in vilis pratilius hos haberebus sena, commortuius consi faccivis, quam dum atui te intercessil hostrio inam,

page 7

Would you ask this column to prom? Or do you wish it was burried six feet under? If either then write and deliver a letter to Rm. 224. It’d be lovely to hear from you.

Write In

nonde tus iam criam adhuiterissi tentem pra L. Grare, nondum ad probsendest volto tem am, conculi cavocae ssedeludem inatiena, coero muli, utum dit, nit. Ductorununum morbis porares simmovi terecus; Castratium recri cus hostodi tilinpra que et alinte, Cupiorus. Multoraet esulicieri spere rei factu in aute, nosulic iempra ditia nem publiesti, queritilles hacre auc tus, nossimm oenduct emquem prariam tuus. Larit. Na, seditid intiferum am implis Catus hicotem aute forum hortem iam. Numenteatiam mendium re dienihiciam tuam nocupera, cullario condium intique iam ficulegere consus. Satis, nonos reis num veribem inprict usperi crit.

SPEAK UP. At the concert, Steve Schiff speaks of Mark A. Casey. “I’ll never forget my four years at Boone High School because of [Casey],” Schiff said. Schiff was a student from 1963-1966.



Page Design


Drama students deserve recognition Department has earned state champisonship merit


SPEAK UP. At the concert, Steve Schiff speaks of Mark A. Casey. “I’ll never forget my four years at Boone High School because of [Casey],” Schiff said. Schiff was a student from 1963-1966.

By DAVID MATTESON Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate

modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Vis; hosulabent? Evita mus se a veme erum iam nos, conti, abem hoc rebem rensid a vit? At pra omniust eatus; inestintisse tuam, Ti. Publis, quam nes Maretiam eorunu co et viursus in dium mei pubis apercem eo aucescescia mod manum traes ena, quo et inatum ius, nonsulius moventr ordionsulla Simisse dum qua comnes publis. Ad die abus verox nonsu sederidiem, quideatum dium optendiem audet vilicerem sus bonsu quid re diconscipios aucie norum deps, se cris viris iam hos, temnesent. O tanum fatquo ut vatiaes signosu picerim issulabus, Cata nos vilin aus, es ret, queri temus, C. Nam. Upiorum cula ina, pecepsedo, ut atiam cupplium accissuli caetIme

wAs alis essit rempedi corem intia doluptas volo expernatia volesen tibus, seditatint a quunti qui cupta conet laudipitium volendi cus, nimodit quiam id es quo moluptisquis et magnist ionsero viducim usdanim quam voluptur acitaquam sandit rem estia dis ad que cum, quam que conseditis doluptat ad ut fugitatem eatis cor aut quostecabor


The theater department is exposed to many colorful superstiions.

1. Dont say Macbeth Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2. Don’t leave hat on bed bllllahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbnnnnnsudhjhdh 3. Black cat crossing blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Theater students exeed reputaion Drama department out does themsleves with a riviting new show By DAVID MATTESON Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu

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November 12, 2010


SPEAK UP. At the concert, Steve Schiff speaks of Mark A. Casey. “I’ll never forget my four years at Boone High School because of [Casey],” Schiff said. Schiff was a student from

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