Tyndall_Avery 2016

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Avery Tyndall tyndallavery1@gmail.com Twitter: @averytyndall Instagram: @avery_tyndall

May 12, 2016 Renee Burke Journalism Advisor William R. Boone High School 1000 E. Kaley St. Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke, Throughout the year I’ve developed the skills to design spreads and use Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and InDesign. I am reapplying for the Legend yearbook staff to learn new skills and gain more experience on writing and designing. I have spent one year on staff and learned how to work with others to meet a deadline, use Adobe Photoshop to edit photos, use Adobe InDesign to design spreads and create web stories to post on the Boone Publications website. I plan to increase these skills next year as I did throughout my first year on staff. I also hope to help those who are new to staff as they experience their first year on yearbook. My writing, photography, and design has been featured in the 2016 Legend yearbook, which shows the skills I have accomplished and how I have grown throughout the year. I have also acquired skills through balancing my academics, being on a varsity sport and working to meet a deadline at the same time. Having to do those tasks simultaneously taught me time management and how to balance myself. Thank you for considering me for a position on the 2017 Legend yearbook staff. I have attached my resume to this letter that provides my experience and education. I hope we can plan to meet for an interview to discuss my application. Sincerely,

Avery Tyndall

Avery Tyndall tyndallavery1@gmail.com Twitter: @averytyndall Instagram: @avery_tyndall


To gain new skills and experience on the 2017 Legend yearbook staff.


Boone High School- 10th grade 4.7 weighted GPA Graduation date: May 2018


Babysitting & Services 2011-Present: Babysitting for several families after school, on weekends and during school vacation, watch their kids while they aren’t home and make sure they finish their homework and eat dinner. Legend yearbook 2015-Present: design yearbook spreads using Adobe InDesign, resize and edit photos using Adobe Photoshop, 10-12 hours of work outside of school per week, work with others to publish the yearbook. 2015: Volunteer, Vacation Bible School at First Methodist Church of Orlando for elementary students, supervised the students as they played games and learned about God.

RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES: Journalism 1 and 5 Honors Spanish 1 and 2 English 1 and 2 Honors


2014: National Junior Honor Society Historian 2014: Blankner Middle School Scholar Athlete-played 3 sports and maintained straight A average 2016: Varsity Lacrosse 2015-2016: Spanish Club member 2015-2016: Chess Club member 2016: All-Florida award in the Florida Scholastic Press Association 2016 Spring Digital Contest 2016: Adobe Photoshop CC certified


Renee Burke Yearbook Adviser Phone: 407.443.8451

Julie Mitchell Academic Counselor Phone: 407.429.9994

Scott Miller Babysitting Contact Phone: 407.758.1947

Essay and Reflections Port folio 2016

Analytical Analytical Essay Essay In sixth grade I decided to apply for the Blankner yearbook staff and proceeded to be on staff for the rest of my middle school years. Those two years I spent creating a yearbook for elementary students and middle schoolers sparked my interest to take Journalism 1. Shortly after participating in the class I knew I would want to apply for the Legend yearbook staff but felt nervous about living up the expectations of the award winning book and the amount of work that comes with it. Throughout my first year on the yearbook staff I have learned even more than I imagined I would. My ability to write a feature story has increased greatly due to the edits and resubs that taught me what will be approved and what I need to change in my writing. Although I only met two deadlines this year, I have learned what I need to adjust in order to meet them next year, such as getting my interviews and photos finished sooner or staying after school longer. Of my six deadlines, I had a partner for three of them which taught me how to split the work to get everything done. My teamwork has grown over the year and has taught me how to be a reliable partner and be there for others when they are struggling. If my half of the work is finished while my partner is still working, I will help them the best I can because that is what I would want someone to do for me. All the deadlines throughout the year have taught me how to stay dedicated, no matter how many times I get resubbed. The lunches and afternoons spent in room 224 and nights spent in the parking lot devoted to deadlines show my dedication to the book and staff. All of the skills that being on staff has provided me with will benefit me greatly in the future. My improvement in writing will help me with my future essays in high school and college and in my job applications. Learning how to meet a deadline will also benefit my high school and college assignments as well as my future job assignments. Teamwork will help me in my deadlines next year on staff and group assignments in other classes. The dedication that I’ve learned will help me with everything in the future, from school to sports to work. Scholastic journalism has impacted me by teaching me the proper way to write a story and the ethics of journalism. I’m not sure if I have a future in journalism, but I know that at some point I will need the skills that I’ve learned whether it’s for school or work.

Analytical reflection one Essay My most significant piece of work for the yearbook this year was my girls’ swimming page for deadline two because it showed the most growth and I learned the most from it. It was difficult to complete, but evolved to be one of my best pages. My girls swim page was my first deadline where I was by myself, and it went through many edits and changes. I got resubbed by Morgan, was behind on deadline and struggling with my story. It was difficult for me to think of a headline, and I procrastinated on getting caption interviews. Deadline two taught me all the basics of a page, but it mainly taught me how to write a better story. The edits taught me what editors want and don’t want to see, which improved my writing skills. Although I originally designed the spread, Matt redesigned it which improved the look of the page. I also liked the mod of Kennedy Anderson doing a flip turn because the photos were taken underwater by the GoPro which was different from other photos on the spread. Overall, I think the girls swim page turned out well for my first deadline.

deadline two draft

deadline two final

reflection two y3. sports feature writing 36-37

I want this story to represent me because it was the first story I’ve written for yearbook and I thought the angle was different from other angles.

y19. feature photo 92-93 I want this photo to represent me because I felt like I captured the moment and I think it shows the performance well. I’m also proud of this photo because it’s my first dominant photo on another page

y37. organization or greek spread: one spread I want this spread to represent me because it won All-Florida in the Florida Scholastic Press Association 2016 Spring Digital Contest.



Analytical Essay

sports, 36-37, deadline 2 what’s mine? Design

ü Body Copy

ü Captions ü Photography

ü Secondary Coverage

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because it was the first story I had written and what I had the most difficulty with for deadline two, but I think the finished product showed big improvement.

what’s mine? Design

Body Copy

ü Captions


ü Secondary Coverage


Analytical Essay

sports reference, 381, deadline 2

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because I wrote the statistics for the mod and typed the names of the students on the teams. The only difficulty with this page was getting the stats from the swimming coach because she was hard to contact.


Analytical Essay

clubs, 351-355, deadline 4 what’s mine? Design

Body Copy

ü Captions


ü Secondary Coverage

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because I typed the names of the students in the clubs and any captions or quotes for the mods. A difficulty I had with club reference was meeting deadline because we got the design later than expected.

what’s mine? Design

Body Copy

ü Captions


ü Secondary Coverage


Analytical Essay

clubs, 351-355, deadline 4


Analytical Essay

clubs, 351-355, deadline 4 what’s mine? Design

Body Copy

ü Captions


ü Secondary Coverage

what’s mine? Design

ü Body Copy



ü Secondary Coverage


Analytical Essay

index, 393-394, 411 deadline 5

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because I wrote current event stories for the index. I had difficulty with the stories because I didn’t know much about the topics and got resubbed, which put me behind on deadline.


Analytical Essay

index, 393-394, 411 deadline 5 what’s mine? Design

ü Body Copy



ü Secondary Coverage

what’s mine? Design

ü Body Copy



ü Secondary Coverage


Analytical Essay

index, 393-394, 411 deadline 5


Analytical Essay

sports, 20-21, deadline 7 what’s mine? Design

Ăź Body Copy



Secondary Coverage

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because it was my contribution to the page, while my partner did photos and captions. Difficulty on this page was getting resubbed by Morgan and getting in contact with the coach.

what’s mine? Design

Body Copy



Ăź Secondary Coverage


Analytical Essay

sports reference, 35, deadline 7

I chose this spread for the writing portion of my portfolio because I helped type the names and mod interview. There were no difficulties on this page besides reshooting the team photos due to bad lighting.


Analytical Essay

clubs, 74-75, deadline 3 what’s mine? ü Design

Body Copy

ü Captions

ü Photography

ü Secondary Coverage

I chose this spread for the design portion of my portfolio because it won All-Florida in the Florida Scholastic Press Association 2016 Spring Digital Contest and I’m proud with the way it turned out. There was some difficulty in finding photos for the spread, but we overcame the issue.

what’s mine? Design

Body Copy


ü Photography

Secondary Coverage

entertain for gain. At the district

showcase on Dec. 3, junior Kathleen McCree, senior Tanner Kaiser and sophomore Olivia Losch participate in the production of Kinky Boots. “Fundraising [activities]really enable us to work together and become closer as a family,” Kaiser said. The money raised at the district showcase helped offset the cost of the state competition.


Analytical Essay

clubs, 92-93, deadline 4


Analytical Essay

people, 180, deadline 1 what’s mine? Design

Body Copy


ü Photography

ü Secondary Coverage

I chose this spread for the photography portion of my portfolio because I helped take photos for the quote page for my first deadline. We had no difficulties with this page.


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To read the full story, click here


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