Lindsey Wilhite

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lindsey wilhite 2013 PORTFOLIO

lindsey wilhite • 4316 Stonewall Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 • (407) 421-1785 • twitter: @lindseywilhite

April 22, 2012 Caryn Kanare 300 W 57th Street, Cosmopolitan 38th Floor New York, NY 10019 Dear Ms. Kanare, My areas of interest in a summer Cosmopolitan internship are articles and the web. It is likely that Cosmopolitan is looking for someone to contribute with experience and skill in writing, along with being passionate and pursuing a future career with the company. If so, please accept my accompanying resume for your review and consideration for an internship with your publication in which these skills will be of value. I understand that Cosmopolitan is one of the top woman’s magazines and I would love to contribute in reaching and interesting it’s readers. As a two year editor of my high school yearbook, I successfully accomplished creating designs for the section, wrote and edited stories, guided staff members, interviewed students and faculty, took photos of many events on and off campus, and posted stories and photos to the web. I also succesfully sold advertisements to companies and sold yearbooks to the student body. With previous experience in design, writing and communication, I am able to put my passion and creativity towards assisting editors with duties and ideas to better the publication. I enjoy making spreads creative and coming up with new ideas through design. After being the Academics and People Editor I have learned how to better manage time, I have learned design techniques, communication skills and I have gained experience to apply to the internship with your publication. Having gained the knowledge of what it takes to be a motivated leader, I think I can successfully apply my skills and passion to assist and learn about the magazine publishing industry through your publication. The accompanying resume displays my background well, but I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and have a personal interview at a convenient time. Thank you for your review of my resume and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours, Lindsey Wilhite

Enclosed: resume

lindsey wilhite • 4316 Stonewall Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 • (407) 421-1785 • twitter: @lindseywilhite

OBJECTIVE My primary objective is to obtain knowledge of graphic design, communications or working with a magazine through a summer internship EDUCATION Graduated with honors at William R. Boone High School. Graduation date: May 29, 2013 Weighted GPA: 3.7 EXPERIENCE/SKILLS Legend yearbook, William R. Boone High School • People editor August 2012- May 2013 Design section’s layouts through InDesign. Oversee and direct staffers through the editing process to final product. Take and edit photos in Photoshop. Place school headshots into section. • Academics editor August 2011- June 2012 Design layouts in InDesign for section. Oversee and direct staffers through the editing process to final product. Take and edit photos in Photoshop. Write body copy and manage own deadlines. • Aug 2010- June 2011 Legend yearbook staffer: Experience taking photos; interviewing faculty, staff and students; writing body copy, captions and sidebars and designing layouts. Developed customer service skills by selling advertisements and yearbooks. •Volunteer work- Green Up Boone (2011, 2013), American Cancer Society Relay for Life team member (2011, 2012, 2013), assisting Shenandoah Elementary School teachers (2009) RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism I-IV, Advanced Placement Literature and Composition; feature writing; Advanced Placement Psychology; computer classes working with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop CS6 and publishing to the web. Spanish I and II. HONORS, AWARDS, AND MEMBERSHIPS 2012 National Scholastic Press Association Journalism Honor Roll- In recognition of academic excellence by a staff member of an NSPA member publication. FSPA Spring 2013 Digital Contest- Rank: Excellent for Yearbook portrait spread REFERENCES Tommy Traughber 407- 580-1031 Renee Burke 407-443-8451 Jorge Manrique 321-297-8522

self analytical essay A short but oh so long four years ago, I decided to take Journalism as an elective. I had little knowledge on what journalism was and thought it would be fun. After three years on staff I have learned so much each year. Some things I continually learn each year and some are new. This year I feel was a whole new experience even though I was on staff the two previous years. I learned things this year that will be valuable to me for the rest of my life. The position of people editor was a much harder task than academics. This year I gained production skills because I produced in a team, which probably sounds like it’d be easier to most people but really it was a≠ little more difficult. Being in a team was good for the sake of all the work but it is harder to communicate what needs to be done because when you are working with yourself you just know. I don’t think I really learned anything about deadlines this year I actually feel like I did really well with them. Macy and I made our deadlines for proofs and always got our proofs fixed on time. We did what we needed to in order to get it done, like taking the work home with us. TEAMWORK. That basically sums up my year. Yes, it is teamwork every year on staff, always, but I was working as a team on all the deadlines I had until deadline seven. Teamwork is such an important thing for our staff and I feel like everyone did a good job this year with working as a team. I felt like my staffers were able to come up and talk to me if they had a question. Working as a team was probably one of the best experiences because it not only tested our friendship but showed us what we are capable of. I think either one of us could easily work in a team for a real job and be able to separate work and personal with the team because of what we have been through. As far as sales and advertising go, I don’t feel like I learned anything new this year. It’s the same thing, trying to sell the book to the student body and getting advertisements in the book. I didn’t learn anything when it comes to journalism ethics but my ethics were definitely tested this year. There were plenty of moments where Macy and I could have changed a part of a name, deleted a picture or something along those lines in order to save our butts and not have to do a ton of work but that would be so horribly wrong. I would have such a feeling of guilt sitting on me if I ever did something like that. I guess you could say I discovered I am a very honest and reliable person when it comes to having good ethics. To me, dedication means the most. This year and previous years I have learned what dedication truly means. If you love something then you do it no matter what. Being dedicated means sucking it up and getting through the hard times and not giving up just because you may not get your way. I have learned that I am dedicated because I would be willing to do anything to help make the book the best it can be. This class is the most valuable class I took in high school. This class will be with me the rest of my life, even if I decide not to pursue journalism. The lessons I have learned in this room could not have been learned anywhere else and I am so thankful for the people I have known and the things I have gone through, because they all shaped me and made me who I am.

reflection one

The “What’s in your...” page could still use work. A ton of work. The problem isn’t that not enough time was spent on it, it’s just that it was a small page and I didn’t have the most appealing design in my head. Of course, as it usually goes, I thought of a million different designs after it was finalized. I guess that while being in deadline I got so caught up in the original design and perfecting it rather than trying whole new design and having a different outlook on it since I had just been looking at the same thing over and over. The design didn’t change much throughout the process, things on the page were just moved around a little and instagrams were added to show the students who owned the objects. I learned that designs I may have thought would be simple to do, because the content is a small topic or idea, may be the hardest. I also learned that when there are small amounts of information that can’t be put on a normal spread with copy, the look is extra important. When there is a deadline and something isn’t working out just start from scratch, have new ideas ready and available because what you’d originally hoped to use may not work out. I shouldn’t be caught up in one design, I should make many to ensure it looks great and flows. If I could still work on it I would make it more graphically appealing. The page now just looks messy. I feel like the readers eye doesn’t really know where to look first. I would probably make the objects in the trunk, phone and backpack bulleted and use colors to somehow match up the bullet with the object in the picture. I would try to make it more organized, also. I feel as though the page just looks messy and isn’t a good depiction of my ability to design.

reflection one

reflection one

reflection two

Out of all the designs I did this year, my most significant piece of work in the book is the senior tip in. The purpose of the tip in was to create a specific part of the book that relates to all the seniors. Of course there is a whole senior section but the tip in relates to the seniors as a class and overall. The senior panoramic contains information on the whole senior class. Gathering all the information, such as the size of the class, quotes about the class, and significant things the seniors accomplished and participated in, was the easiest part of the panoramic. The most difficult part was finding a way to design a look that went with the book. I designed probably three or four different looks for the panoramic and ended up using elements from the in-depth pages, which really tied it in with the book. The purpose of the flowchart was to give the seniors a look at what type of college would be best for them and the characteristics of the college they’d like to attend. The most difficult part of this was to get the different questions and answers to “flow�. The style of the chart changed a few times and ultimately ended up not as much as a flow chart but still a quiz. The results of three students who took the quiz were added to the page as instagram head shots. I feel that these two pieces of work are my most significant because they really complete their purpose of relating to all the seniors. I put a lot of work in the designs and information to make sure they represented the senior class well and to the fullest.

reflection two

reflection two

reflection two

which TYPE of college is RIghT for you? start

I would like to have the opportunity to participate in Greek life.


I prefer smalled class sizes



ye s



Sports are an important aspect of college.




How much do you plan to pay for college?




I would like for college to have many clubs/organizations on campus.

I would like to have a steady job while in college






I know exactly what I would like to major in




I would prefer to be able to walk to my class rather than bike or drive

s ye

I like the atmosphere of a big campus and being around a lot of people.

One-on-one time with my professors is very important to me.

I would like my college to be associated with my religion.




I want to be able to live at home




I have a high GPA

mostly green:

mostly yellow:

UNIVERSITY A large university fits you best. You enjoy being a part of the big crowd and don’t mind having big classes. Being involved through participating in sports and organizations is important to you.

I think going to a big college would be really fun. There are a lot more ways to be involved and there will be a lot of different people to meet there.” kendrick CRUz

PRIVATE You will be happiest attending a private college. You enjoy being involved on campus and with your peers, but you also prefer to have attention from your professors during class and individually if needed. You’ll enjoy attending a college that your religion is affiliated with. It would be good to have one on one time with teachers because they can focus on you and your needs. I can also be more involved with other students.” jamal gAlETTE design by lINdSEY Wilhite & MACY dye

mostly blue:

COMMUNITY Community college is a good choice for you. Not wanting to travel too far from home and being unsure of what you want to study, a community college will give you the time and flexibility to figure it while attending college. [Community college] is good so I can get my basic classes out of the way and not have to pay for a private school or university and get the same thing.” stephanie dAwSON

college chart 240a

reflection two

reflection three

ACOUSTIC CONCERT: acoustic concert 9-14_wilhite I am proud of this picture because I look at it and just think it is beautiful. The lighting is good and lights the girl playing the piano just right. I like how you can see the expression on her face. Her mouth is open because she is singing. She fills the frame pretty well. BASEBALL: baseball 4-2_wilhite Although this picture wasn’t used and couldn’t be used because you can’t see JJ’s face, I think it is a great action shot. JJ is in the air with his glove out trying to catch the ball. I like how you can see he obviously tried really hard and the ball is in the air behind him, you can tell exactly what happened just by looking at the picture. The area is well lit. LACROSSE: lacrosse boys 4-5_wilhite I am proud of this photo because of what is happening in the picture. Number five is going to scoop up a ground ball and you can see players behind him trying to get to him. This picture has rule of thirds because number five is not in the center. I feel like there are leading lines with the players in the back leading up to number five. The players fill the frame, it’s a nice and close picture. I like how the number on the jersey is showing so the player is identifiable.

reflection four

I was an asset to staff and the publication this year by being helpful, on time and respectful. As always, I was willing to help when another staffer was in need. Whenever I possibly had the time I helped with things like interviews, getting pictures and simply helping staffers with ideas or problems they were having. I helped staffers in my section come up with angles for their story, write body and choose photos. I think that being helpful also includes being able to work cohesively on a team along with being able to handle work you are given on your own. Macy and I did a great job of this. We were able to work together very effectively by figuring out who is doing what before we started a process. When it came time to do our jobs we did and had it done when we met back at the end of the class. I honestly don’t think I could have met every deadline without Macy. Together we achieved being on deadline with our section and sending the PDF’s on time. Being an asset to the staff and creating a publication means being on deadline. It is each staff member’s duty to get their work done and finish deadline on time. I did anything and everything I needed to in order to make deadline. If there was ever more work to be done, like placing the rest of the mug shots, I copied documents over from the server and finished over night or over the weekend to ensure Macy and I could send in our proofs. I feel like having respect for your peers and your boss is the key to making a staff work. If there isn’t respect in the workplace then people don’t work successfully with each other. I tried to respect everyone even if I didn’t particularly like them. Once someone loses respect for you they don’t take you or your word seriously and it is important to be a respectful editor to have a good relationship with your staffers.

reflection five

This year was pretty tough, but I imagine it could have been worse. There was room for many things to go downhill and I am very thankful that Macy and I did not have any major fights this year. I actually feel as though us being partners and having to work together helped us realize we can’t fight over silly things because we are a team. I believe strongly that the reason there weren’t that many issues and that I didn’t feel like the world was going to end was because I had Macy by my side. The biggest hardship I faced this year was having to replace pictures. Pictures had to be replaced in senior, underclass and faculty sections and it was misery every time. The only thing making it miserable was the thought, ‘oh my god, this might happen again, how do I make sure this doesn’t happen?’ I could not recall the amount of times the booklet, CD and list of names was looked over and there still were issues. I tried my absolute hardest to make sure everything was correct and ready to be placed. This process just goes to show that humans make mistakes and always will. I don’t really know I to solve this hardship because I know I did everything I could have to make sure things like this didn’t happen. The only way to try to stop it from happening it to have more eyes look it over, seeing the same thing over and over makes it much harder to catch mistakes.

reflection six My first goal for the second semester was to clean out my box and keeping it clean. I planned on doing that by checking it everyday and putting things where they go rather than just putting them in my box. I did good with this for a while after the midterm. I checked every day for papers I got back. Once I was done with my deadlines I didn’t check it that often, which wasn’t what I planned to do. My second goal was to not be frustrated with the work I have or with Macy. The way I did this was by communicating better what needed to be done and figuring out who does what. I think I did good with this because the second semester was a lot easier. I did not get frustrated as easy because I knew things happen and Macy must feel the same way I do. When something went wrong with proofs we just worked together to see how to fix it instead of being mad or playing the blame game. My third goal was to pay more attention to what my personal duties were. I think I succeeded in this goal because I didn’t miss any other deadlines this year. I completed all my beats and posted two of the three. I also was on time with my deadline seven and started the process early so I wasn’t pressed for time.

reflection six

reflection seven

Y3. Sports feature writing Up close with Billie Mealey This sports feature story does a good job of representing the student as a person and how she performs in her sport and how they tie together. I would like this story to represent me because it displays my ability to write. I think I did a good job of writing it as a sports feature because her social life and athletic life are tied together to show that she performs the way she does in each because of the other.

reflection seven photo/Taylor Keefer


BUilDS boards student handmade surfboards

“i think it’s really cool that nick makes surfboards because it’s awesome that he has such a unique talent.” KOlteN cLOUcHeTe, JUniOR



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art in

STEP 1. Outline the shape of the foam blank. STEP 2. cut the blank with a hand saw. STEP 3. sand the board. STEP 4. Measure the surfboard to plane. STEP 5. Plane the blank with a belt sander.

As he precisely measured, carefully shaped and expertly sanded the foam blank, junior Nicholas Brown began to see the handcrafted surfboard take shape. Brown started surfing when he was 6 years old. When his brother let him borrow his board one day at the beach, it immediately sparked his interest in surfing. “[Surfing makes me feel] like not one person or one thing exists other than that next wave,” Brown said. Since he lived in Orlando, Brown could not constantly be at the beach and decided in the summer of 2012 to fill the void by making surfboards. “[When I first started making surfboards,] I felt like I was learning more about surfing,” Brown said. He received a sponsorship in November to make boards for the surf company Unlimited Drop to sell. The company provided Brown with a blank, which he shaped into a surfboard and painted within a couple of days. Brown then gave the finished product back to the store. He received a portion of the profit when the surfboard sold. “I’m glad I was sponsored because it gets me advertised and more business,” Brown said. Brown sold boards to both Unlimited Drop in Cocoa Beach and to local buyers on Depending on the style and quality of the surfboard, he profited an average of $200 to $400 an item. Brown’s friend of seven years, sophomore Jacob Cuellar, helped Brown make his very first surfboard and shared the same passion for surfing. Cuellar believed Brown’s hobby of making surfboards would help him in the future. “It’s a great start to him opening a surf shop and becoming a pro surfer,” Cuellar said. “He puts heart in the boards and loves what he does.” Brown’s parents also thought surfing would have a positive impact on their son’s future and believed making boards was a valuable learning experience for him. “Nick is the most creative child I have, and he taught himself how to make boards,” Brown’s mother, Julie, said. “I think he will be an engineer with a terrific future ahead of him.” / / / content by JOVann MARtiN

design by Lindsey Wilhite & Macy Dye


Y42. Design portfolio Brown builds boards 199 Overcoming differences 209 Mapping out the future 240 Hair generates flare 229 Picture perfect 250 Students debate AP vs. dual enrollment 239 These designs are my best from this year. I would like them to represent me because they display my designs to the best of my ability. Each design has a little something different that I am capable of. The different designs show that I can design multi-coverage as well as a single topic page. I also feel like designing single pages rather than spreads are a little more difficult and these show that I accomplished the task. The designs show a good representation of how I took the elements of the book and put them into my pages.

reflection seven

Y37. People spreads without mug photos multi-page presentation Tip-in 240a-d The tip-in is on the topic of the seniors and college. The tip-in is four pages. The flowchart, panoramic and blood drive page are all seniors. I think this shows that one topic can still be varied because it feels very much like one topic while it shows three different elements of one topic.

reflection seven Three years, three portfolios later I am a changed girl. I have changed and matured through high school with much thanks to room 224. I have done a lot of growing up in the yearbook room. I have learned so many valuable life-lessons like how to handle friendships when they fall apart, how to deal with people being unappreciative of your work and many, many more. Each year I gained more knowledge by moving up in positions on staff. Becoming an editor gave me so much more responsibility. I think each year I have come out of my shell, becoming more involved and comfortable with speaking my mind. I have learned how to be a boss like figure and work over people that are my friends, which I think is very important to take with me in life. Working in this atmosphere has taught me how to separate the two situations and not take things personal. After taking a look at my previous portfolios I have to admit I am a little embarrassed. My portfolio from sophomore year is just awful. It’s a little impressive that I drew and created my own brushes but I just feel it’s plain. I also waited until the last minute to do it and I promised myself I would never do that again because it was miserable. Since I was just a staffer I didn’t really know anything more than basic steps in InDesign and Photoshop. Last year my portfolio was much better than sophomore year because I was an editor so I knew how to do a lot more. I played with things like layers, opacity, lines and shapes, and angles of text boxes. But even though I was able to do all these things, it’s good to know limits and when to stop designing. This is where I feel I am this year. I am showing that I am able to create in InDesign and Photoshop but doing so tastefully. My design abilities have definitely become stronger. I will admit I still have trouble and need inspiration. I find it much easier to design when I actually have a topic rather than just designing. My writing abilities have also improved, I can write a story much faster than I could sophomore year. I am better overall in the process of a deadline. This year I began the process much earlier and was not so stressed. The experience of yearbook is like no other and everything I have learned I hold close to my heart. These experiences have shaped me and helped me become who I am today.


p eo p le

sentence. “This is a quotable quote pertaining to the photo,” doe said. This is a past tense sentence telling something you can’t from the photo. LEAD IN. This is a present tense sentence. “This is a quotable quote pertaining to the photo,” doe said. This is a past tense sentence telling something you can’t from the photo.

LEAD IN. This is a present tense

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This is a subhead right here oh yes about me and macy

Headline goes here

This is a quote from Adele about her items and it’s a good quote blah blah blah

watch: purchase at the mall for birthday this is so interesting blah blah Perfume: given by her boyfriend for this occassion oh this is awesome Purse: first thing she bought on her own this is a great secondary

adele’s essentials

sentence. “This is a quotable quote pertaining to the photo,” doe said. This is a past tense sentence telling something you can’t from the photo.

LEAD IN. This is a present tense

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2014 DESIGN 003


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subhead here like this right here

Headline here

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found his hand twin She learned 12 years ago


this 4 hours were spent

quick facts 24 people did

a quotable quote pertaining to the photo,” doe said. This is a past tense sentence telling something you can’t from the photo.

LEAD IN. This is a present tense sentence. “This is

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2014 DESIGN 003



whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage

MULTIMEDIA multimedia

whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage

MULTIMEDIA multimedia

whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage


whats mine: design photography writing alt coverage

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