Interview by a Don

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(A Scene with dialogues – Submitted by Wardan

Inside a dimly lit hall with a yellow-tungsten light kept at the corner table, a middle aged man is smoking a cigar sitting behind a big finished wooden desk against white curtained window. His silhouette is visible from the long doorway, creating a whimsical visual in the smoke of cigar.

He is Mr. D. Wood (age 55-60), a yesteryear gangster and now head of the Dfamily.

He has a big scar on his face on his left cheek running from the temple to the lower jaw, the wound has already recovered long back but left behind disgusting filled up skin line. It appears that someone carefully gave him this well carved scar.

The door at the end of that long hall opens and a young woman steps in along with a gunned man. The gunned man bows to Mr. D. Wood and quickly goes out of the door closing it behind her. The girl is now alone.

She is tall, may be 5'7"-5'8", in a three-piece black suit. She has a slender, athlete body. Her hair is chopped in style, like a character in an anime. Her eyes are dark and sharp.

Her name is Ishita (age 28-32). She is an assassin, trained in martial arts and in oneto-one combat. But she is also famous for her sharp sniper shots. She looks at the figure sitting against the window. Her eye narrows.

Mr. D. Wood leans forward, his deep but grave voice echoes in the hall.

D. Wood: Welcome Miss Ishita. Your reputation preceded you. Come on.

Ishita: Thank you, Mr. Wood.

She starts walking towards him. As she walks she looks around, there are some portraits hung on the wall. She identifies some and reads the names on the portraits.

Ishita (V.O.): Oh, Harlen Maguire, the ladykiller. Tom Stall, the brutal mobster. Sergeant Dignam, the convicted sergeant. (She pauses) And who is this little fellow? Oh, Li'l Dice, master murderer. Jimmy Conway, the New York gangster. Ah, Tony Montana, the Cuban scarface. Anton Chigurh, coldfaced killer. Jules Winnfield, the free-sermon crook. And finally, Michael and Vito Corleone, the Godfathers. He has good taste.


She stands in front of him. He releases a puff of smoke. As smoke spreads, she can see his facial features, which are gruesome but yet look terrifying.

D. Wood: Please take your seat.

Ishita sits on the cushioned chair and keeps her hands on the table. She has long nails, painted in pink.

D. Wood: Your performance was fabulous. I am quite impressed. At this age, such skills are marvellous.

Ishita gets a little enamoured. She moves her hand over the ear, clearing some of her hairs back to the ears.

Ishita: Thank you sir.

D. Wood: But tell me, why do you want to join our family?

Ishita keeps her hand on the table and looks at him.

Ishita: It is not regular to get an invitation to be a gangster in the family. Besides, there are many who are waiting outside to be a great gangster with much better skills than I have, but that's not what you are looking for. Am I right, Mr. Wood?

Mr. D. Wood taps his cigar on the ash-tray; he takes a puff, and says-

D. Wood: Hmm, what do you have to offer that we don't have?

Ishita: You can hire any great killer in the world, but you can not purchase their loyalty and honour. I am here to offer my loyalty and honour

Mr. D. Wood looks at her sharply. Ishita's face is calm.

D. Wood: That's a very strong statement. This is a great offer that only a fool can refuse. But tell me, have you ever hurt someone for personal gain?

Ishita looks calmly at his face and with a nod says-

Ishita: I have done what needs to be done to move ahead. When the goal is clear then even gods goes against me, I will cut them out, and move forward.

Mr. D. Wood leans forward.

D. Wood: And.., you ever regretted your actions?


Ishita: Huh, regret is a luxury that I can't afford Mr. Wood. Once the Karma is done, you don't wait for its fruits.

Mr. D. Wood nods slowly.

D. Wood: You are a fearless lady, but still I want to ask, what is your greatest fear?

Ishita moves her hand back from the table and keep it on her laps. She looks down, thinks for a moment.

Ishita: I.., I think when your loved one goes against you, even then you want to protect them, but you fail.

Mr. D. Wood grins.

D. Wood: Young blood is rebellious, their betrayal fears you.

This makes Ishita uncomfortable; she heaves a sigh and says-

Ishita: Yeah, it hurts. Betrayal is intolerable. It must be met with some decisive action.

Mr. D. Wood leans back and looks at her.

D. Wood: You speak really well, Miss Ishita. But after all, these are all words; it becomes meaningless once spoken. However, action speaks volumes. You will be judged by your actions.

Ishita: You are right Mr. Wood, actions leave marks, like a scar on the face. But one needs to know who betrayed whom.

Mr. D. Wood suddenly remains stunned as if he came out of some reverie. He looks sharply at her, holding his cigar in his two fingers, he points towards her.

D. Wood: What do you mean kid, huh?

Ishita: Your scar is like a carved painting. Was it from someone very near to you?

D. Wood: Who are you? You will not go alive from here.

Mr. D. Wood's left-hand presses a button under the table, an alarm rings.

The alarm is heard by the gunmen in the gallery and also by the assassins who were sitting for the interview. They all rush towards the door.


Ishita keeps her hand on the table. Both her index fingers now have a single sharp and long pink nail. He looks at it.

D. Wood: What's this? You will not be able to fight with these nails with my gunmen.

She quickly jumps on the table and captures Mr. D. Wood's head as the gunmen enter through the door. All the assassins stop there looking at her. She is standing behind Mr. D. Wood's chair.

Ishita: Your threats are meaningless, Mr. Wood. These are specially toughened nails, when joined together, it forms a sharp saber tooth, which can easily pull out an eyeball.

With that sentence, she pulls out Mr. D. Wood's one eye. He screams loudly.

D. Wood: Aaaaaa.. hhh..

These gunmen had never seen this close view of a hanging eyeball gushing with blood. They remain stunned.

Ishita: Drop your weapons! I will not say it again, unless you love to see another hanging eyeball.

All the gunmen drop their weapons helplessly. Mr. D. Wood shakes with fear and anger on the chair, while Ishita's hand grips his throat and pinches her saber tooth on his skin. He suddenly stops moving, a thin blood stream oozes from his throat.

Ishita: You forgot to hang a very important portrait, Mr. Wood. He tries to look up at her; his hanging eyeball also tries to look up.

D. Wood: Huh..

Ishita: Beatrix Kiddo, the golden haired warrior! Who gave you this scar with her Hattori Hanzo sword?

With pain Mr. D. Wood loudly utters.

D. Wood: Oh, that cunt.., how do you relate to her?

Ishita: She is my revered aunt. I am Nikki. When you killed her, I lost my goal. I was purposefully preparing to kill her. I lost my aim. I was hopeless, but then something came to my mind. It was you who became a major gangster in the crime world. And then you became my end goal.


Mr. D. Wood laughs manically.

D. Wood: Ha ha ha ha.., ha, ha.., ha ha ah.. You fool; all these assassins will not let you go alive. They will search you wherever you go, everywhere around the globe, ha ha ha.., you made a great mistake! Ha ha ha..

Ishita looks at the all the gunmen and the assassins standing in front of her. They slowly move forward. Ishita looks left to right; they form a semi-circle and move towards the table. Mr. D. Wood senses her fear. But suddenly-

Ishita: That's what I want, to be a great assassin, who is wanted by every assassin in the world.

With that, Ishita's index finger quickly moves on the throat of Mr. D. Wood and she pulls out his throat. Everyone scares. They shiver looking at Mr. D. Wood who screams loudly and die.

Ishita is holding his veins in her hand. The angry mob jumps towards her. But she jumps out of the window. Everyone jumps to hold the legs of Mr. D. Wood.

An Assasin: She will be dead, it's 25th floor.

But outside the window, Ishita is holding the veins and swings down on the top of another building. She throws away the broken veins and starts running. As she is running, her thoughts are heard.

Ishita (V.O.): Human veins have the capacity to lift up to 50-60 Kg of weight. I became aware of this truth at this moment. Another truth is I will always be on the run, and every assassin wants to kill me. But this does not make me a great assassin.

Her running image freezes.


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