Grade 4
October 2012
Classroom Chatter Room 264 What’s Happening in Mrs. Cichocki’s Learning Community? Keep informed of the latest news on our classroom website and blog
Wednesday October 31st “D Day” Costumes
Students may opt to wear their costume to school. No weapons. Masks may be worn only during the parade. Food and festivities will begin after lunch at 12:30. Thank you to Megan Dempsey (Jake’s mom) for her time and organization! The parade will begin at 2:00pm. *Please note: if students are signed out prior to 3:00 p.m., it will be considered an early dismissal.
Upcoming News and Events Monday October 29 Half Day PM: Superintendent’s Conference Day Wednesday October 31 Halloween Celebration and Parade Megan Dempsey (Jake’s mom) will be sending out email reminders to those that have signed up to send in food and treats! Box Tops The students and I have agreed to coordinate the efforts for collection and organization for Room 264. Thank you in advance as you continue to send in box tops to benefit our learning community. Book Club Orders October deadline is October 22 Did you know that you can order (and pay) online? This method is very convenient but also rewards you (and our class) with extra valuable coupons and free points (which add up to rewarding book selections for our classroom library)! Literacy The Book Fair is coming to Parkdale in November. Our class will be participating on November 8th from 11:10-11:35. I have arranged for a collaborative connection with the Kindergarten students in Mrs. McAtee’s room. Each of our 4th graders in room 264 will be practicing their fluency by reading with their “Kindergarten Buddy” on D Days! This exciting endeavor will begin in November! BLOG Check out our blog. I added some posts related to the special celebrations for the month of September and October. We’ve had several “Students of the Week” and some special birthdays! Thank you parents for your continued partnership and involvement. Crayfish University” Semester Break is coming soon! We are looking for a home for our remaining Crayfish. Students have agreed to a conduct a democratic vote to determine who (if interested and able) should be able to take home a crayfish. (This is not like hosting an exchange student for a temporary period of time) The Crayfish will not be returning to Cichocki University… Let’s just say that it is time that they travel abroad. If your child is interested, and selected to be the new owner of a crayfishI will need two things: A parent permission slip and a small take-home container with air holes! Departure date will be this Friday October 19th.
Website Subscription I've decided to leverage and pilot two web-based tools called Study Island and Castle Learning. These tools are available to K-12 teachers in our district. Your child has received his or her user name and password (which will travel with them throughout their years in EA) to use to access these sites. (You will find this information taped to the inside of their planner) We have practiced logging in and navigating the Study Island site at this point in the school year. Both of these tools provide an avenue for me to prescribe remediation and/or enrichment and allow students to engage in the practice of concepts in a very personalized manner. More information will be forthcoming.
Employment in Room 264 Interested students recently filled out a job application and have agreed that they would like to hold the position for at least a month. The following students have been hired for the month of October: Tech Support Brennan and Ian Errand Runner Jasper Secretary (Lunch Count and Attendance) Austin Monkey Caretaker Casea Materials Managers Emily Kendall Group Snackmaster Katie Greeter (answers our phone and greets classroom guests) Evey (Her first job was to welcome the Board of Education members that were touring our school this week!!!)