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Santa María de Cueva is one of the many tourist attractions in the state of Chihuahua, which we know is full of charming natural and cultural destinations. If you really want to know one of the most beautiful temples, it is necessary to travel to Belisario Domínguez by the short highway from Chihuahua to Guachochi.

From this old town, you take another paved road that connects the communities of Santa Rosalía de Cuevas, the Former Hacienda "Los Remedios" where it is still possible to see remains of the greatness that it had at the end of the 19th century until arriving at Santa María de Cuevas. All these small towns have inherited the ranchero tradition of the Chihuahuan semi-desert. Its pastures allow the raising of cattle whose caretaking jobs have been inherited from generation to generation.
Of course, the temple of Santa María de Cuevas stands out at first sight among the houses. Its main facade, as well as the whitewashed walls, are very well preserved. Visitors are pleasantly surprised by the main door, framed in a semicircular arch of pink quarry finished in the upper part with Mary and the Royal Crown's monogram. The construction of the temple began in 1691 by the Jesuits. Father Luis Mancuso was its main promoter.
However, it is inside the building where the most important attraction awaits. Unlike most of Chihuahua's temples, here, the polychrome roof is preserved along the central hall, presbytery, and choir. Its original use refers to Christianization's missionary work, in its dedicated to the Assumption of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.
For the community of Santa María de Cuevas, the temple and its pictorial richness possess a deep sense of identity. After all, it is a witness of innumerable events linked to their traditions. Visitors can enjoy and learn about one of Chihuahua's most valuable cultural heritages and learn about the importance of joining forces to preserve and protect such important assets.
As a witness to history, it brings us closer to the world of New Spain and the wars with the natives in the Seventeenth Century; the influence of European Art and pictorial techniques around 1710-1720; the times of the Spanish Colonization in the Northern region through the Mission Towns; until the introduction of livestock and new cereal crops such as wheat and oats, as well as fruit trees: apricots, peaches, pomegranates, and walnuts, among others.

Santa María de Cueva es uno de los tantos atractivos turísticos que hay en el estado de Chihuahua, que sabemos, está lleno de encantadores destinos naturales y culturales. Si realmente se quiere conocer uno de los templos mas bellos es necesario trasladarse al municipio de Belisario Domínguez por la carretera corta Chihuahua a Guachochi. A la altura del kilómetro 84 se llega a la cabecera municipal del mismo nombre.
De esta antigua localidad se toma otro camino pavimentado que enlaza las comunidades de Santa Rosalía de Cuevas, la Ex hacienda “Los Remedios” donde aún es posible observar restos de la grandeza que tuvo a finales del siglo XIX, hasta arribar a Santa María de Cuevas. Todos estos pequeños poblados han heredado la tradición ranchera del semidesierto chihuahuense.
Sus pastizales permiten la crianza del ganado vacuno cuyos oficios para su cuidado han sido heredados de generación en generación.

Uno de los atractivos turísticos que existen en el estado de Chihuahua, Santa María de Cueva. El templo y su riqueza pictórica poseen un hondo sentido de identidad

Por supuesto que el templo de Santa María de Cuevas resalta a primera vista entre el caserío. Su fachada principal al igual que los muros encalados se encuentran muy bien conservados.
Los visitantes quedan gratamente sorprendidos con la puerta principal, enmarcada en un arco de medio punto de cantera rosa rematado en la parte superior con el monograma de María y la corona real. El templo se comenzó a construir por los jesuitas en 1691, siendo el padre Luis Mancuso su principal impulsor.
Sin embargo, es en el interior del edificio donde aguarda el atractivo más importante. A diferencia de lo que sucedió en la mayoría de los templos de Chihuahua, aquí se conserva la techumbre policroma a lo largo de la nave central, presbiterio y coro.
Su uso original remite a la labor misionera de cristianización, en este caso dedicado a la asunción de María, la madre de Jesucristo.