6 minute read

My favorite certification of all, Cruelty Free Products. There are three organizations that certify companies to be cruelty free. Now remember, brands do not have to have these certifications , they only do so if they want to. As the millennial that I am I love seeing that a cosmetic i am buying is cruelty-free!
The Humane Animal Society states in their website, “Government regulations often require numerous different animal-poisoning tests to assess the hazards of a single new chemical, pesticide or medicinal product.”

Imagine being forcefully fed a toxic chemical which in turn is killing you, being tied down to breath harsh chemicals for hours, being injected poisonous chemicals on to your skin and even worse no pain relief for any of this kind of testing procedures…How horrible! There is nothing humane about animal testing. Some of the most common animals used for testing are pigs, bunnies, sheep, beagles and mice.
According to Invitro International, which are pioneers in the development of testing alternatives, “To measure the trends towards cruelty-free cosmetics, many research firms combine cruelty-free and vegan cosmetics together. The business research and consulting firm, Grand View Research, says that the global vegan cosmetics market size was worth an estimated USD 12.9 billion in 2017.”
WOW!… Exciting news!

The first organization that allows for product certifications is called “Cruelty Free International”, many companies certify under this organization because it is internationally known. They conduct random audits to brands seeking certification, this way they can confirm that no animal testing is used at any part of their product development. When you see their “Leaping Bunny” logo on a product, you can rest assured its cruelty free!
The next organization is called “ Beauty without Bunnies”, this organization is ran by PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). This organization has been opperating to provide cruelty free cosmetics since 1987! Companies seeking certification must sign PETA’s contract of cruelty free products, or the company must provide their own statement pledging not to use any animals for testing in their product development.
PETA certification allows products to certify under two designations:
-Global animal test–free recognizes companies and brands that have verified that they and their suppliers do not conduct, commission, pay for, or allow any tests on animals for their ingredients, formulations, or finished products anywhere in the world and that they will never do so in the future.
-Global animal test–free and vegan recognizes companies and brands that meet the same requirements and whose entire product line is free of animal-derived ingredients. These companies are truly cruelty-free. You will be able to distinguish these certifications with these logos below:

-You will be able to distinguish these certifications with these logos below: And last but not least, there is also an organization called “Choose Cruelty Free”, this organization is based in Australia, it is non profit and independent. This organization requires companies to sign a legal contract stating, that no animals have been used for testing and that there are no animal derived ingredients used in their products. They also have a strict policy on animal-derived ingredients.

To display any of these certifications logo on the back of a product, a company must pay a license fee to use their logos on the back of their products. Keep in mind not many companies afford the license, this is why it is important to research (and by this I mean, trustworthy sites) a little bit about the brand to see if they are in fact, cruelty free or not.
Although not many companies can afford these certifications, many companies have moved towards obtaining these certifications, because it is the only way, a costumer can clearly identify a cruelty free product.
When buying a cruelty free product I always think of my fur baby niece SOL. (She is a rescue, she was left abandoned at the groomer’s when she was a puppy.) Not only rats are used when companies test out their products on animals, they can also use cats or dogs.
This is why it is important to always consider the cruelty free certification in your products. I know that sometimes this is impossible with every single product that we buy, but if we at least try, we can help save many animals from suffering!
Sending love to you and your pets, Alexia Reyes

El Municipio de Juárez, en medio de una pandemia, cambios de semáforos y restricciones de horarios, celebrará el Vigésimo tercer Festiva de la Ciudad, del 26 de noviembre al 7 de diciembre de 2020.

El alcalde Armando Cabada y el Director del IPACULT, Miguel Ángel Mendoza Rangel, dieron a conocer el programa cultural que enmarca los festejos de la fundación de la Ciudad, y que año con año se ha convertido en un entrañable festival cultural donde participan artistas de diversos géneros artísticos.
Este año, el Festival se llevará de manera virtual, y los espectadores podrán ser participes de los espectáculos a través de las redes sociales, específicamente a través del Facebook del Instituto para la Cultura del Municipio de Juárez.
El Festival inicia el 26 de noviembre, con el Ballet Nacional de Haití a partir de las 7:00 en vivo a través de un Facebook live; seguido por la compañía de teatro Pata de Perro, con el espectáculo Desclowntrolados, un espectáculo para toda la familia, el día 28 del mismo mes.
El 29, se presenta la obra de teatro Revelar la Fuente, de la compañía de teatro 1939. El lunes 30 de noviembre, la agrupación musical "Magari" ofrecerá un concierto de mientras que el martes 1 de diciembre se presentará el espectáculo "Desfachatez Clown" a cargo de la compañía Sonámbulos, de la ciudad de Puebla.

El 2 y 3 de diciembre, el sabor de la música jarocha se hará presente con la agrupación musical "Hermanos Carrillo" proveniente de Veracruz, que ofrecerá el espectáculo “Veracruz al compás del son”.
El día 4 se llevará a cabo la presentación del espectáculo multidisciplinario "Calacas", a cargo de la "Compañía Fuoco Di Strada" de la ciudad de Guadalajara.
El 5 se transmitirá la presentación del colectivo "Pies hinchados" también de Guadalajara que presentará la obra "No oigo nada, soy de palo, tengo orejas de pescado”.
El domingo 6 de diciembre la compañía de danza folklórica "México, Fiesta y Tradición" del Centro Municipal de las Artes (CMA), presentara su espectáculo "Nací norteño hasta el tope”.
Las actividades artísticas cerrarán el 7 de diciembre con la presentación de los grupos de Rock "Las Lolas" y "Cromosoma Y", ganadores del primer lugar en las categorías "Senior" y "Junior" del recientemente celebrado concurso "Éntrale al Rock" organizado por el IPACULT.
Cabe destacar que las presentaciones se llevaran a cabo en el Auditorio Cívico Benito Juárez, excepto, la del 5 de diciembre del Colectivo Pies Hinchados, que se llevará a cabo en el Centro Cívico S-Mart.

By: Patricia Arellano Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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