Minister recognises professionalism of security industry In his speech at the 2019 New Zealand Security Industry Awards, Associate Minister of Justice Hon Aupito William Sio acknowledges industry’s role in keeping New Zealanders safe, calls for thought leaders. Tena koutou katoa. Warm Pacific greetings to you all.
I would like to acknowledge the leadership and members of the NZSA, Sir William & Lady Judy Gallagher, the life members present, and Trish McConnell, the Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say a few words for the New Zealand Security Authority Industry Awards Dinner. I acknowledge the incredible work that goes in to providing quality security to New Zealand homes and businesses. I thank the New Zealand Security Association for organising and hosting this wonderful event. I particularly like to acknowledge Gary Morrison, CEO of the New Zealand Security Association. Gary was kind enough to invite me to speak here last year, and we are regularly in contact discussing the Security Industry. Gary is a strong advocate for your industry. The NZSA has done some terrific work, and as our largest industry representative body for the security industry in New Zealand, it deserves a lot of credit for the state of the industry today. As accredited members of the NZSA are in attendance, I would like to take a moment to mention the positive impact accreditation is having within the security industry. Having companies that New Zealanders can trust to act with integrity
Hon Aupito William Sio, Associate Minister of Justice
and professionalism is vital, especially as New Zealanders look to guard and protect their information, property, health and wellbeing. I would like to thank all of you as voluntary members of the NZSA – whether you serve large multi-nationals, sole traders, or providing services for private individuals looking out for their property – for your efforts at providing security and comfort to New Zealanders. As we all know, our terrorism threat alert level was set at high due to the terrible attacks in Christchurch. Many
New Zealanders would have seen police with guns outside buildings – and I suspect for the first time New Zealanders have experienced what it means to think seriously about their own security. That awful event has brought home to all New Zealanders the need to be more conscious of their own safety, their families, businesses and whanau. And while the Government plays a vital role in ensuring our national security, our national security does not just stop at the Government. WE all have a part to play.
October/November 2019