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NZSA CEO’s January Report
In this update, NZSA CEO Gary Morrison talks NZSA member benefits, support for LSV Programme, Security Services Good Guidance document, Virtual Reality for CoA training, Review of Vocational Education, and more.
From the NZSA’s perspective we are looking forward to the coming year with considerable excitement as we introduce three new member benefit programmes (refer below), continue to expand our MSD Skills for Industry programme, launch the Security Services Good Guidance document and are involved in developing a ground-breaking training initiative which will be profiled in our next newsletter.
NZSA HR Advisory Service member benefit
From 01 February, NZSA members will be able to access free HR advice and obtain template Employment Agreements, Position Descriptions and other key Policy documents via the NZSA HR Advisory Service.
Members will be able to access the service either by calling 0800 HRLIVE (0800 475483) or emailing: nzsa@ livewirehr.co.nz.
Our contracted provider will provide an immediate response to enquiries received during normal business hours and will be able to provide best practice guidance on HR issues and individual situations. Where the level of advice moves beyond first level and requires specific action, our provider will advise the member accordingly and, if required, can provide those services at preferential rates exclusive to NZSA members.
As part of the service we will also issue members regular updates and guidance on HR matters.
This is a fantastic offer for our members and in particular those smaller companies who do not have access to in-house or contracted HR expertise, so please ensure that your staff who may have a need for HR guidance are aware of the service.
More detailed information will be provided to members shortly.
NZSA Integrity Line member benefit
The NZSA has partnered with CrimeStoppers in launching this service effective from 01 April. The NZSA Integrity Line will provide all employees of participating members with access to a totally confidential service where they can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern occurring in the workplace.
The service is particularly valuable where employees are reluctant to report matters due to fears that it may affect their employment or that by doing so they may be further victimised.
Reports received through the Integrity Line service will be independently screened prior to being forwarded to nominated senior management within member companies for investigation and reporting back.
It is important to note also that the recently revised Government Procurement Rules include a requirement for the providers of designated contracts (which includes all Government security contracts) to “provide a voice for staff” in relation to employment practices and conditions.
Details on the Integrity Line service, including 0800 number and email contact, will be promoted over the next few months.
NZSA support for LSV Programme
As part of our Skills for Industry partnership with MSD, we regularly attend and host employer expos where we can introduce candidates to the various career opportunities within the security industry.
In conjunction with the work expos, we have recently attended several of the LSV (Limited Service Volunteer) employer days and have been so impressed with the attitudes and commitment of the trainees that we have introduced an NZSA Award to be presented to the trainee demonstrating outstanding qualities for the security industry - initiative, empathy and going the extra mile.
The LSV programme is a free six-week motivational training course provided by MSD but facilitated by the New Zealand Defence Force. It is targeted at 18 to 25-year olds and aims to increase the number of young people entering employment or training by improving their self-discipline, selfconfidence, motivation and initiative.
Trainee Ropati Tusani, award recipient at the Trentham LSV graduation.
Our first award recipient was Trainee Ropati Tusani from Porirua at the Trentham graduation in early December.
“Ropati was blown away by the award,” the course leader commented. “Coincidentally I was sitting beside his parents during the graduation and after I presented the award his dad shook my hand in appreciation and a wee tear in his eye. Proud parents indeed.”
Tactical Solutions member benefit
Tactical Solutions is New Zealand’s leading provider of high-quality security equipment and uniforms. NZSA members will receive a 10% discount on all items purchased through Tactical Solutions.
Security Services Good Guidance document
This document has been a long time in the making but is in the final stages of review by WorkSafe and is expected to be available for official launch within the next few months.
The history of it goes back to the tragic death of Security Officer Charanpreet Singh Dhaliwal on 18 November 2011 when assigned to his first night on duty. The Coroner’s Report into the death made three key recommendations, including tasking WorkSafe (ACC at the time) with preparing an industry-wide code of practice or guideline.
Whilst WorkSafe acknowledged their responsibility to produce this document back in 2017, they also confirmed it was at the lower end of their priorities and realistically it would be at least five years before it could be considered.
The NZSA has subsequently taken ownership for developing the guideline and with input and assistance from stakeholders, including E tu and NZCTU, has progressed the document to the stage where it has been through rigorous consultation and is ready for release.
The Security Services Good Guidance document provides detailed operational instruction for all security providers, employees and customers that will ensure services are provided safely and in accordance with good practice. Once released, it will be available in soft copy on the respective websites of the PSPLA, NZSA, E tu, NZCTU and WorkSafe.
In the interests of making the document available, the initial release version excludes service specifications on some specialised services such as Event Security and Hospital Security. We are in the process of forming special interest working groups to assist in developing the content for these sections - if you have expertise in these areas and wish to be involved, please let me know (email gary@security.org.nz).
Virtual Reality Training for delivering CoA Unit Standards
The NZSA is currently working with MSD and software developer JBA (Joy Business Academy) to develop a VR (virtual reality) training platform for the delivery of the three CoA or Mandatory Training unit standards.
We are very confident that this will offer the industry a number of benefits such as improved access to training, consistency of delivery and enhanced learning outcomes as well as addressing current literacy issues and providing significant cost and time savings.
Obviously we still have a lot of work required on this but in our next newsletter we will provide more detail around how the training will be introduced and expected timelines plus information on the successful introduction of VR training across other industry sectors.
Domestic Smoke Alarm Installation Compliance
It has become apparent to the NZSA that there is some confusion within the security industry regarding the requirements for the connection of domestic smoke alarms into security systems.
The NZSA has compiled a guidance document to clarify current legislative requirements. We are currently waiting for licensing approval from Standards NZ to include references from the Standards in the guidance document and as soon as this is received the document will be distributed to all members and interested parties.
We strongly recommend that all service providers ensure they are compliant with these requirements and also implement a programme to retrospectively rectify non-compliant connection of domestic smoke alarms into security systems.
Increase in Minimum Wage - 01 April 2020
Members are reminded that the Minimum Wage increases to $18.90 per hour effective 01 April 2020.
Use of Surveillance Equipment for Recording Sound
We regularly receive enquiries from our members and industry customers about the legality of using cameras and other surveillance equipment to record sound.
The Privacy and CCTV Guide issued by the Privacy Commissioner for businesses, agencies and organisations (privacy.org) does not specifically cover audio recordings but does emphasise the principle that recordings should not reasonably intrude on people’s privacy and the accepted interpretation is that audio would be deemed an unreasonable intrusion in most circumstances.
The legislation is a little clearer in the UK where the Information Commissioners Office issued a warning that states “CCTV must not be used to record conversations between members of the public as this is highly intrusive and unlikely to be justified”. The statement also noted “customers should choose a system without audio recording if possible or if the system comes equipped with a sound recording facility then it should be turned off or disabled in some other way”.
Our advice is that audio recording capability should always be turned off and if customers specifically request the recording facility, the provider should inform them of the privacy issues and actively seek to dissuade them from using the system for recording.
ROVE - Review of Vocational Education
The next phase of the view process is now underway with the announcement of the six industry-led Workforce Development Councils (WDCs). The WDC’s will take over many of the key functions of the ITOs and are intended to provide industry with greater leadership across vocational education and training.
The six WDCs cover:
• Construction and Infrastructure
• Primary Industries
• Service Industries
• Health, Community and Social Services
• Manufacturing, Engineering, Logistics and Technology
• Creative, Cultural and Recreation
The security industry has been listed under the Service Industry WDC which includes coverage of wholesale trade, retail trade, accommodation and food services, tourism, cleaning, rental, hiring/leasing and real estate services, contact centres, business services and financial services.
Whilst this seems a logical fit for traditional ‘manpower’ services such as guards, patrols, cash-in-transit, document destruction and monitoring/ communication centres, there is a strong argument that ‘electronic services’ such as alarms, cameras, access control and cyber would be better placed under either Construction and Infrastructure (which includes electrical services) or Manufacturing, Engineering, Logistics and Technology (which includes fire protection services).
I would welcome member feedback on this as it is critical that we have strong representation within the WDC structure if we are to achieve the best education and training outcomes for our members.
One in eight workers have caring commitments for a loved one who is elderly, ill or has a disability or chronic condition. National NGO Carers NZ has partnered with MSD and business networks to offer a free programme to help employers to be carer friendly. Simple steps can keep carers working, boost retention and productivity, and demonstrate commitment to workplace values. Carers NZ invites NZSA members to become CareWise. Learn more at CareWise.org or phone 0800 777 797.
Gary Morrison is CEO of the New Zealand Security Association (NZSA). A qualified accountant, Gary originally joined Armourguard Security as a junior accountant and held several roles over two decades prior to appointment as GM for New Zealand and Fiji, after which he established Icon Security Group.