DEBI Prospectus 2023-24

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eProspectus – Work Based Learning and Short Courses

Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Campus Information Business Development Centre Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation Buccleuch Road Hawick TD9 0EH 01450 361030

College Campuses

Scottish Borders Campus Nether Road Galashiels TD1 3HE 01896 66 26 00 Newtown St Boswells Campus Newtown St Boswells TD6 0PL 01896 66 26 00 Tweedbank Construction Hub Unit 4:2 Tweedbank Industrial Estate Tweedbank TD1 3RS 01896 66 26 00


General number for all College Campuses Tel 01896 66 26 00 General enquiries email To apply online visit our website

Contents Director of Enterprise and Business Innovation’s Welcome 4 Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications Commercial Short Courses Leisure and Community Courses National 4, 5 Certificated Courses and Higher Bespoke Training Opportunities Employability Skills for Life and Work Funding Celebration of Success Library Service STEM Hub, Hawick A-Z Index

Enquiring about a course is straightforward!

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Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Welcome from the Director of Enterprise and Business Innovation Welcome to the Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation (DEBI) at Borders College and our latest e-prospectus. Here you will find information about all the commercial and short courses we offer, as well as vocational courses, work-based learning, apprenticeships, higher and national qualifications, and skills accreditation programmes. We are really proud of the variety of courses that we offer and the exceptional learning experience provided to all our students, regardless of the type or length of course chosen. We have extensive experience in the delivery of many courses and qualifications in a wide variety of disciplines, and our staff are all experts in their chosen field, demonstrating occupational competence as well as professional teaching, coaching and mentoring for students. We work closely with employers to develop bespoke training courses and ensure that all our training provision is meeting their needs both now and for the future. Every year we aim to build on our success, engage with more new customers and support students to achieve qualifications. In 2022/23 we also: • Delivered over 35 fully funded new courses as part of the Community Renewal Fund. • Started 308 new apprentices and exceeded our targets for our apprentice contract as well as doubling the number of apprentices we have in construction and automotive and fulfilling our Employability Fund contract. • Developed our Skills Accreditation Programme and now offer Ready for Life, Ready for Retail and a Tenancy Award to adults at all levels to support their independence. • Secured funding to deliver digital skills to sole traders and small businesses and tailored support to Ukrainians who have relocated to the Borders. • Developed a Skills for Work Award in Textiles which supports progression into employment and the Modern Apprenticeship. • Delivered training via the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) to more than 45 businesses exceeding our targets by 25%. If you don’t already access this fund, make contact – it’s open to all businesses in Scotland. • Held two successful Craft Fairs at the Hawick campus, welcoming 22 businesses and over 100 visitors. • Welcomed visitors to the Hawick campus during Doors Open Day. • Cycled 500 miles during a bike-a-thon for Modern Apprentice Week. • Developed innovative new partnerships with Heriot-Watt University Robotarium and The Eco Group in Dumfries. • Achieved funding through the Innovation Voucher Scheme to support four local organisations to develop new processes and products. • Supported DEBI team members to complete additional qualifications and professional development awards to strengthen their skills and knowledge and held several team building events. • Developed new social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – check out Hello DEBI and click “like”. Why not make contact to discuss how we can work with you to ensure that we not only provide the training and development opportunities you need but also support your staff, our students, to be successful?. Katharine Mathison, Director of Enterprise & Business Innovation

“Thorburn have been really pleased with the training provided by Borders College to our younger staff. It is difficult in this fast-changing current environment to find engaging training that helps our company move forward whilst satisfying the attention of our younger staff, and well done to Ross Docherty and his team in coming up with tailored training that is both really useful and interesting.” Phil Morris – Director

Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation The Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation is a single point of contact providing practical help, support and advice for employers to enable them to develop the skills of their employees, increase productivity, find business solutions, and improve strategic decision making. We work with businesses and local organisations to develop training packages that meet the requirements of the future workforce and use labour market intelligence to inform the development of new courses. Talk to us about your needs and how we can help your business to grow. We proactively engage with our community and stakeholders to ensure our practice reflects their needs. We work with local and national employers and organisations both large and small to make sure that we are offering the opportunities you need to improve productivity.

Whisky group in high spirits Borders College Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation was delighted to have recently worked with Scotch Whisky Association employees who undertook the SCQF Level 6 Professional Development Award in Introductory Leadership and Management.

Read the full story by clicking here.

We have training opportunities across a wide range of different subject areas. Whether you are a farmer looking for ATV training, a large public sector organisation seeking digital upskilling, an SME who needs 1-2-1 support or an individual looking to meet new people and learn new skills, we have the right course for you.

Our Portfolio:

The major strength of the department is in the team of industry specialists who work with organisations and individuals to identify the most appropriate learning route for their employees. We offer a huge range of different courses across a diverse range of subjects including: Business and Administration; Health, Social Care and Childcare; Floristry; Photography; Astronomy; Languages; Management; Rural Skills; Construction and Retrofit; Green Skills; Manufacturing.

• Employability and Sector-based Training

• Commercial Short Courses • Modern Apprenticeships • Skills for Life • Community and Leisure Courses • Advanced Manufacturing • Innovation

• Bespoke Training Packages To find out more about the work and courses offered by Borders College, check out our e-prospectus.

For further information on our provision please contact one of our Business Skills Advisors on 01450 361030 or email us:



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications We offer a wide range of Foundation, Modern and Graduate apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications across the following subject areas; please contact us to discuss your requirements: Business and Administration Care Services Leadership and Management Construction and Engineering Customer Service Healthcare Support Clinical & Non Clinical Land and Animal Management Service and Professional Industries Social Services Children and Young People Social Services and Healthcare Team Leading and Management Textiles Youth Work

“I had such great support from my assessor Fiona and she always made me feel special, as if I was her only priority. She was very open and honest and always provided me with positive feedback, which enabled me to do my best. I’ve never known that level of support anywhere else. So I would like to say a massive thank you for all the help and support she’s given me throughout this apprenticeship, which made my experience exceptional.”


of students on an SVQ course successfully use an e-portfolio



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications

Modern Apprenticeships (MAs)

We offer a range of Apprenticeships, Vocational Qualifications and Professional Development Awards, which are designed to help students to gain recognised qualifications by demonstrating the knowledge, skills and competence required to be successful in the job role. With regular tutorials, work-based assessment and selfdirected study, these qualifications are designed to fit around your work and life commitments. Start dates are flexible and there are different funding routes – all of which we can help you negotiate.

Most of our MAs can also be offered as standalone Vocational Qualifications and we cover a wide range of different subject areas: Business and Administration • Designed to equip those working in business and administration with the skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate competence in the role • Offered at SCQF levels 5, 6 & 8 – from new administrator to office manager, there’s something for everyone Customer Service • Covering communication, best practice, improving customer service and understanding how to manage customer relationships, these awards are aimed at those in direct contact with customers, contact centres and public sector staff • Offered at SCQF levels 5 & 6, these awards allow staff to demonstrate competence in their area and to develop the knowledge and skills to deliver great customer service Management • Offered at SCQF levels 7, 9 & 11, these awards are tailored to enable managers to develop their knowledge and ensure they are able to manage effectively in the job role • From team leaders to front line managers, operational managers and strategic leaders, the awards support progression for managers and provide clear demonstration of competence in the job role • Awards are jointly certificated by SQA and the Chartered Management Institute, and are offered across all sectors • A range of Flexible Professional Development Awards in Management is also available at SCQF levels 6-9

Foundation Apprenticeships (FAs) Offered to S5 and S6 students, FAs enable students to gain industryrecognised qualifications while still at school. Courses are offered using a blended learning approach, supplemented with relevant work placements. Your school pastoral teacher will be able to provide additional information and all the courses are on our website. Apprenticeships at Borders College Foundation Apprenticeships are usually offered over two years, however, from 2021 Software Development, Social Services Children and Young People, and Social Services and Healthcare will be offered as fast track awards over one year.

“I can’t thank my assessor enough. She was absolutely amazing. After I gained my qualification from the English system she was able to guide me in the right direction for the Scottish curriculum. The assessor was always there to help, and so understanding if I needed a little support.”

Manufacturing Textiles Products • The qualification covers health and safety, security at work and contributing to achieving product quality. Learners can also focus on more specialist areas such as weaving, textile operations, dyeing and printing fabric, and working with Harris Tweed • Offered at SCQF level 5 and 7 Automotive • Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair is offered at SCQF levels 5 & 7. Students attend College, with day release work placements • Course includes general mechanics, health and safety, communication, maintenance and servicing • Provides progression into employment in the motor vehicle industry and associated organisations Fabrication and Welding This SVQ is aimed at candidates who are employed as trainee welders or fabricators. Delivered via an e-portfolio system, this SVQ in Fabrication and Welding Engineering at SCQF Level 6 will allow learners to gain an internationally recognised qualification which guarantees that they have the skills, knowledge and abilities required to carry out their role successfully. As assessment is carried out in the workplace this minimises any time learners would need to be away from their work. Course Content: The course comprises 3 mandatory units and 5 optional units. The mandatory units cover the following areas: • Complying with Statutory Regulations and Organisational Requirements • Using and Interpreting Engineering Data and Documentation • Working Efficiently and Effectively in Engineering 5 optional units can be chosen from a range of options suited to the workplace. These can include marking out components for metalwork, cutting materials using saws and abrasive discs, producing platework assemblies and producing fillet welded joints using a manual welding process.

“It was very informative and helped me to look at things in different ways. My SVQ assessor was fantastic.” Childcare • Offered at SCQF levels 6, 7 & 9 • The target audience for the SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) at SCQF level 6 is people who are support workers in early years settings and residential/day-care for children and young people • The award at SCQF level 7 is aimed at people who are practitioners in early years settings and residential/day-care for children and young people, and individuals who often work without direct supervision, or on their own, perhaps in the service user’s home • The SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) at SCQF level 9 is aimed at people who are employed in the childcare sector in a senior and/or management role. It is a requirement by the Scottish Social Services Council that everyone employed in this capacity should have achieved or be working towards an achievement of this qualification • The SVQ is assessed in the workplace. Examples of the settings or centres in which the SVQ is likely to be delivered include the NHS, private healthcare providers, care settings for children and young people, and training centres • It is a requirement of the SSSC that everyone working in a child care setting works towards achievement of an award appropriate to their role to enable registration Construction • Awards available in Carpentry & Joinery, Bricklaying, and Painting & Decorating • Offered at SCQF level 6 • Students attend College with day release placements • Progression to further study or employment in related sector

Social Services and Healthcare, Healthcare (Clinical) & Healthcare (NonClinical) • Offered at SCQF levels 6, 7 & 9, with the Care Services and Leadership Award at SCQF level 10 also available • It is a requirement of the SSSC that everyone working in an adult social care setting works towards achievement of an award appropriate to their role to enable registration • Typical roles include support workers, supervisors and managers in home care, care homes and adult residential services or supported living and day care services Rural Skills • Awards available in Agriculture (SCQF level 5), Gamekeeping (SCQF level 5), Horticulture (SCQF level 5) and Mixed Farming (SCQF level 6) • Parks and Gardens at SCQF Level 5, and Landscaping at SCQF Level 5 • Students attend College with day release placements • Progression to further study or employment in related sector Youth Work • This qualification covers areas such as initiating, building and maintaining purposeful relationships with young people, and assisting them to express and realise their goals. It also includes planning, preparing and facilitating activities with young people, and working with young people to safeguard their own welfare • Offered at SCQF levels 6 & 7 We also offer a range of Professional Development Awards in Management, Supervisory Units for Social Care and single VQ units.



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Commercial Short Courses We offer a range of commercial courses designed to provide employees with the correct qualifications to meet industry requirements.

Enquiring about a course is straightforward!

“Wonderful support throughout the entire process.”



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

“Great course and, with it being work-based, really helps to develop skills. I was supported from start to end and the process was smooth and realistic with timeframes. Thanks again.”

“Great course to further improve skills and knowledge”

We offer a variety of commercial short courses aimed at businesses looking to upskill or reskill staff. These can be offered online or face to face and may include some closed book assessment. Costs are variable – please make contact to find out more. Courses include: • Dementia Awareness • Elementary Control of Infection (REHIS) • Elementary Health and Safety (REHIS) • Emergency First Aid at Work (REHIS) • First Aid at Work • Licensing and Food Safety Responsibility • Manual Handling • Mental Health Awareness • Pre-Birth to Three • First Aid and Health Emergencies • Food Hygiene – Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced (REHIS) • Health and Safety • Introduction to HACCP for Caterers (REHIS) • Introduction to Nutrition • Personal License Holder • Spectator Safety • Welding – an Introduction • World Host • ATV Handling • Brush Cutting, Strimmer Clearance Saw Operation and Maintenance • Certificate of Competence in the Transport of Animals by Road (Short Journeys) • Chainsaw, Maintenance Cross-cut and Fell • Chicken Keeping • City and Guilds PAT Testing Course • Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 • Drystone Dyking • Forklift Truck Driving • Fox and Rabbit Control by Snaring • Garden Machinery Operation and Maintenance • Livestock Welfare and Handling • Mole Control • Nature Skills and Ecology • Pesticide Application (PA1, PA2 and PA6) • Tractor Driving • An Introduction to Thermal Imaging for Construction • Certificate in Mobile Air Conditioning System (City & Guilds 5101) • Control Systems, Fault Diagnosis and Rectification

• Domestic Vented and Unvented Hot Water Storage • Drone Awareness • Ground Source Heat Pumps Renewable Awareness • Introduction to Locksmithing, Pin Tumbler and Mortice Locks – for Access and Maintenance • National Accredited Certification Scheme for Gas Fitting Operatives • Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Methods • Requirements for Electrical Installations BS 7671:2018 / City & Guilds 2382-602 (18th Edition) – Level 3 Award • Water Byelaws • IOSH Managing Safely • IOSH Working Safely and CSCS Test • Presentation Skills • Train the Trainer We also offer bespoke training to meet the needs of businesses – talk to us to find out what we can do for you.



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Leisure and Community Courses Engaging in learning can be beneficial in so many ways. Joining one of our many courses can be a fantastic way to create new friendships with like-minded people, and provides the opportunity to become part of our College community, enabling people to build confidence and providing a platform to explore other learning opportunities, whether they be full-time, parttime, work-based or short learning interventions. Contact us to find out more and to be added to our mailing list – be the first to know what’s new.


of students who have had contact with their Achievement Coach reported having had a positive experience.

Leisure floristry course blooms into a resounding success



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

National 4, 5 Certificated Courses and Higher Delivered using a blended learning approach, our range of higher and national courses is offered in the evening. The main purpose of these courses is to provide learners with the opportunity to achieve the qualifications required for progression to higher education. Further information is available on our website. Please contact us for dates, times and costs.

Enquiring about a course is straightforward!

“I am very happy with the service from Borders College over the years”



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Bespoke Training Opportunities We offer bespoke courses to meet the needs of your business. Recently, that has included bespoke IT, Customer Service, Social Media for Small Business, Presentation Skills and GDPR. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Enquiring about a course is straightforward!

“Very helpful. Will save me a huge amount of time going forward”


of students stated they would recommend the Borders College SVQ programme to others



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Employability We offer a range of Employability courses in partnership with the DWP and Scottish Borders Council. We work with a range of organisations to provide courses that meet the needs of employers and ensure that students have the skills they require to enter the job market successfully. Contact us to find out more and discuss your needs.

Enquiring about a course is straightforward!



of employers stated that their experience with Borders College DEBI had been positive

of employers felt the qualifications undertaken supported staff to develop appropriate skills and knowledge for their organisation



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Skills for Life and Work Our Skills for Life and Work programmes are designed to equip candidates with the skills they need to lead successful and fulfilling lives. Our awards within these programmes start at entry level and can progress to level 4. These programmes support candidates to achieve accredited qualifications. We’re here to help you to develop your skills. With so many options for training and funding available we want to make it easy for you to find the package that suits you best. You can browse our information to find out about the learning opportunities available, and when you’re ready – get in touch with us. As part of this process we will advise on any funding opportunities that are available to you.

“My knowledge and confidence has grown as a result of doing this course”

“Training to meet our organisational needs, and will be invaluable in strengthening our working relationships and developing our workforce”



Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Funding Within the Department for Enterprise and Business Innovation we have a number of funding options available to support individuals and businesses. For further information on funding availability, please contact 01450 361030 or email

Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)

Travelling to Borders College

Students who are self-funding may be eligible for SAAS support to enable them to fund their awards. Further information can be found using the link below but if you are thinking of using SAAS to fund your award then please contact us and we can support you through the process, as well as look at alternative funding streams.

The College aims to encourage both students and staff to utilise sustainable and integrated modes of transport for commuting to and from College. Our objectives are to minimise environmental impact, improve safety, and ensure our facilities and services are accessible to all sections of society. undergraduate-funding


Celebration of Success Borders College holds an annual Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the success of students achieving an award at SCQF 6 and above. In addition, we have other celebrations for students achieving accredited short course certifications, awards at SCQF 5 and below, and some professional development awards. Celebrations of Success are an opportunity for students of Borders College to celebrate their achievements with family and friends, following the completion of their studies. It is important to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of our students and provide the chance to graduate at a formal ceremony.


Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

Can you tell the difference... ...between a childcare student and a motor vehicle student? No! Neither can we.

Debbie Lazzari – Motor Vehicle Student

Declan McKendrick – Childcare Student

Borders College addressing gender imbalance – one student at a time! Working towards the Scottish Government’s ambition to ensure equitable admissions by gender. Borders College, Scottish Borders Campus, Nether Road, Galashiels, TD1 3HE. Charity Number SC021180


Library Service When you join Borders College, you automatically become a member of the Library Service, which gives you access to information and help for your studies. Our friendly team of staff are already looking forward to welcoming you to the Library at the Scottish Borders Campus in Galashiels. In the Campus Library you will find: • Over 50,000 books and magazines • Over 11,000 eBooks and online educational videos covering every subject • 100+ spaces for individual and group study • “Shush bubbles” – two rooms dedicated to silent study

• Café area with vending for tea, coffee, sandwiches and snacks • Over 80 PCs and iMacs • Wi-Fi and plenty of charging points for your phone, tablet or laptop • Extended opening hours through term time (including 10pm most nights and Saturday openings) • A dedicated team of friendly staff who are here to help with everything from finding a book to writing essays

Students at our campuses in Hawick, Tweedbank and Jedburgh, as well as Galashiels, can access the online Library Services remotely, 24/7, through the College website. The Library Service also runs a Learning Centre at our Newtown St Boswells site. The Library team look forward to welcoming you and helping you make the most of your time at Borders College!


Borders College | Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation | eProspectus

STEM Hub, Hawick The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Hub is a space to celebrate all of the aforementioned, with a focus on sustainable construction. Within the hub, there are examples of the latest technology within the industry for use by students, staff and employers. Technologies within the hub will include: • Thermal Imaging • 3D Printing • Virtual Reality • Construction Design Software Attached to the hub is the Eco Room, which utilises a Passive House approach to ensure high energy efficiency, making the best use of:

Environmental monitoring, airtightness testing and thermal imaging will help to demonstrate how the methods used to build the Eco Room differ from more traditional structures. The Renewables Room aims to facilitate the training of our students, apprentices and local businesses on the latest developments within the renewable energy sector. • Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps • Solar Thermal Water Heating • Solar Photovoltaic Panels

• Sustainable Materials

• Wind Turbine Technology

• Superinsulation

• Battery storage systems

• Triple Glazing

• Electric Vehicle Charging Technology

• Biodiverse Green Roof Technology • Airtightness Principles • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery


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A-Z Index Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications.............................. 6, 8 ATV Handling.................................................................................... 13 Automotive......................................................................................... 8 Bespoke Training Opportunities....................................................... 18 Brush Cutting, Strimmer Clearance Saw Operation and Maintenance..................................................... 13 Business and Administration............................................................... 8 Campus Information........................................................................... 2 Celebration of Success..................................................................... 25 Chainsaw, Maintenance Cross-cut and Fell...................................... 13 Chicken Keeping............................................................................... 13 Childcare............................................................................................. 9 Commercial Short Courses............................................................... 10 Construction........................................................................................ 9 Contents.............................................................................................. 3 Control Systems, Fault Diagnosis and Rectification......................... 13 Customer Service................................................................................ 8 Deer Stalking Certificate................................................................... 13 Dementia Awareness........................................................................ 13 Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation.......................... 5 Drone Awareness.............................................................................. 13 Drystone Dyking............................................................................... 13 Emergency First Aid at Work (REHIS)............................................... 13 Employability.................................................................................... 20 Fabrication and Welding..................................................................... 8 First Aid and Health Emergencies.................................................... 13 First Aid at Work............................................................................... 13 First Aid at Work (REHIS) - Emergency............................................ 13 Food Hygiene (REHIS) - Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced............................................................. 13 Forklift Truck Driving........................................................................ 13 Foundation Apprenticeships............................................................... 8 Fox and Rabbit Control by Snaring.................................................. 13 Funding............................................................................................. 24 Garden Machinery Operation and Maintenance.............................. 13 Gas Fitting Operatives - National Accredited Certification Scheme...................................................... 13 Graduation Ceremony...................................................................... 25 Ground Source Heat Pumps Renewable Awareness........................ 13 HACCP for Caterers - Introduction.................................................. 13 Health and Safety.............................................................................. 13 Health and Safety (REHIS) - Elementary........................................... 13 Healthcare (Clinical)............................................................................ 9 Healthcare (Non-Clinical).................................................................... 9 Hot Water Storage - Domestic Vented and Unvented..................... 13

Infection Control (REHIS) - Elementary............................................ 13 IOSH Managing Safely...................................................................... 13 IOSH Working Safely and CSCS Test................................................ 13 Leisure and Community Courses...................................................... 14 Library Service................................................................................... 27 Licensing and Food Safety Responsibility........................................ 13 Livestock Welfare and Handling....................................................... 13 Locksmithing, Pin Tumbler and Mortice Locks - Introduction.......... 13 Management....................................................................................... 8 Manual Handling............................................................................... 13 Manufacturing Textiles Products........................................................ 8 Mental Health Awareness................................................................. 13 Mobile Air Conditioning System Certificate..................................... 13 Modern Apprenticeships.................................................................... 8 Mole Control..................................................................................... 13 National 4, 5 Certificated Courses and Higher................................ 16 Nature Skills and Ecology................................................................. 13 Nutrition - Introduction..................................................................... 13 PAT Testing Course - City and Guilds............................................... 13 Personal License Holder................................................................... 13 Pesticide Application........................................................................ 13 Pre-Birth to Three............................................................................. 13 Presentation Skills............................................................................. 13 Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Methods........... 13 Requirements for Electrical Installations.......................................... 13 Rural Skills........................................................................................... 9 Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Hub.............. 28 Skills for Life and Work..................................................................... 22 Social Services and Healthcare........................................................... 9 Spectator Safety............................................................................... 13 STEM................................................................................................. 28 Student Awards Agency Scotland.................................................... 24 Thermal Imaging for Construction - an Introduction....................... 13 Tractor Driving.................................................................................. 13 Training Opportunities...................................................................... 18 Train the Trainer................................................................................ 13 Transport of Animals by Road (Short Journeys) - Certificate of Competence............................................................. 13 Travelling to Borders College........................................................... 24 Water Byelaws................................................................................... 13 Welcome............................................................................................. 4 Welding - an Introduction................................................................. 13 World Host........................................................................................ 13 Youth Work.......................................................................................... 9

Published by Borders College, Marketing Department, Scottish Borders Campus, Nether Road, Galashiels TD1 3HE. 01896 66 26 00 The College will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses in accordance with the description set out in this publication. However, the College will manage its affairs in ways which are efficient and cost effective and therefore reserves the right to alter or amend the contents or methods of delivery of courses, to discontinue courses and to merge or combine courses, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary by the College. Borders College - Charity Number SC021180


Help and support is available by contacting the Student Advice Centre on 01896 662516 or by emailing Further information regarding the application process can be found on our website If you have any questions, need any special arrangements, help in completing your application form or attending for visits, please don’t hesitate to contact the Student Advice Centre on 01896 662516. Disclosure Scotland An offer of a place may be subject to a Disclosure Scotland Criminal Record Check.

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