My Candidature, by Borislav Manev

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Candidature for the position

President of EMSA 2011/2012

Dear Members of EMSA

With this letter, I would like officially to present my candidature for the position President of EMSA 2011/12. On the next several pages you can read about me, my work experience in EMSA, my motivation letter and my Plan of Action. At the end of this document you can also find attached my CV.

Skopje, 18 August 2011

Borislav Manev

Content 1. A few words about me........................................................................3 2. My experience in EMSA ......................................................................4 3. My motivation letter............................................................................5 4. Plan of action.......................................................................................6 5. Final words ..........................................................................................9 6. CV ......................................................................................................10


A Few Words About Me My name is Borislav Manev. I am coming from Macedonia, a small country in the heart of southeastern Europe. Macedonia is warm and welcoming modern day country, with ancient and great civilization, unique blend of natural wonders, traditions, culture and hospitable people. I was born in Shtip and I am a third generation medical person in my family. After completion of my High Scholl in my home town, I continue my education in the capital of Macedonia - Skopje. Despite the many interests and opportunities that life gave me, I choose medicine because it provides daily contact with different people, challenges to help others, opportunities for research and personal improvement. Among others, my passions are the human brain, human soul, consciousness and also astronomy.

Last few years I had a great opportunity to visit several European countries. It was big experience and opportunities for me, to meet European modern, eventful life mixed with Balkan tradition and habits. These kinds of mixture culture and experience are the key to feel pleasant, comfortable and popular in different environment. The best results I reach individual but also easily and quickly fit into each team, giving the best from me and I respect the opinions of others. I realize that study smarter - not harder, gets the result easier and keep the information for good. I am fascinated by all kinds of creativity. In general, I like pieces of art that are positive, witty and cheerful. Mind exercising is my regular activity. As for movies, The Godfather Trilogy is the best movie ever. I usually spend my free time on short trips to exotic or historical places, seeking new adventures.


My Experience In EMSA My first contact with EMSA was twining project with EMSA - Warsaw. After visiting the beautiful Poland I had to explore some more projects of EMSA and EMSA – Macedonia. I found that this association is much more than a simple student organization. That year as a twining coordinator for my country, I organized twining project with IFMSA – Maastricht. According to all of the participants, that is the best twining that they have ever participated. My experience is build on as coordinator of the project Europe Spring Day 2010, as well as active participation in several TBH, the Best buddy project, AIDS Day, humanitarian auction, conferences, panel discussions and debates on Health System in Europe and Macedonia. Mon unanimous choice for president of EMSA - Macedonia and NC for EMSA, a success for the organization and feel flawless implementation of the First International Summer School on Emergency Medicine in Macedonia. The summer school was reached planned number of 60 participants, realized his surrender all 15 invited professors and Acc. The practicum was issued specifically for this project. From 12-16 May 2010, I attended NCM in Istanbul where I visited trainings for team spirit, fundraising, leadership, as well as the pillar session on Medical Ethics and the Future of Health system in Europe. Most interesting debate we had at “EMSA Future “where we had opportunity to hear that students want to participate in building the brightness future of EMSA. Next international event connected to EMSA will be the General Assembly in Athens, were I was candidate for the position of Medical Science Director and later elected by the GA. A whole new world opened to me. In the days that came I visit lots of events, met hundreds of new people and learned thousand of new things. I had opportunity to study EMSA from inside and with that to learn all the opportunist EMSA gives and all the weaknesses she has. At the 10th GA of EMSA - Macedonia (22 December 2010) the role of President and NC of my country, was one more time unanimous given to me. In 2011 I become part of the first training team of EMSA trainers at the TNT in Yeditepe; later I give training session on “conflict management” at the TCE. I visit 5 from 6 face to face meetings of the international board. Represent EMSA on several meetings, like ISCOMS, ESO, IFMSA AM and many more.


Letter of Motivation Dear students across Europe, dear colleagues, dear EMSAi; Today, facing one of the biggest decisions in my life, I came to the conclusion that I was not going to stand here if all of you were not around me to give me your support. Young people like us, always gossip the brave ones who have realized their dreams. Two years as national coordinator and one year as part of the EEB; visiting a numerous of FMOs and events, sharing ideas with enthusiast; organizing crucial projects and with that improving not only the health care system but also our society; I realized that this is my dream. So I'll be brave and try to reach and size this desire. As already mentioned, visiting all this events organized by our local FMOs, I realized that it is impossible to achieve to visit all of them. Dozens of summer schools, international conferences, official and unofficial meetings and gala openings all around Europe. But I wondered why these events and projects are not shared with all members of EMSA, with all students across Europe. Finally, it is time to give back all this projects and events to the true EMSAi. I have always enjoyed and found it natural to work and share ideas with people from different cultures and nations, and I can freely say this since I have a lot of experience in the field. This would be one of the many reasons that motivate me to continue my work in EMSA, to organize more great and professional project for the medical students. After one year of hard work and getting to know everything I am much more experienced and I will use it to work for EMSA during the following year. Planning all this activities, being a part of diverse team, working together to achieve same goals thru all this years back I realize that EMSA is no more a simple student’s organization for me. Now I feel a part of one unique society, a big family in which everyone of us have big and important role in it. And analog to that now I realize that EMSA have a big and important part in my life to. This is the reason that keeps me motivated to fight for EMSA; to go in new adventures; and new battles; which eventually will lead us to many memorable moments.


Plan of Action Concerning to my plan of action I will say that even every President and their successor follows one general politics and struggle with the usual problems of our association, we need to create and write down one general presidents or EB action plan for longer term that the future successors will use as guidelines and later even to be evaluated upon. Goals and objectives Something more concrete about the goals and objectives on which I will dedicate my time and energy to achieve are: Financial stability Students associations today are faced with financial puzzles. In addition to stretching their incomes and to face the necessary task of planning for future financial needs. It is easy to get caught up in everyday management and to forget to look ahead. A secure financial future requires setting goals and carefully managing with the money so goals can be met. This is why we have to create financial action plan that will enable us to make wise decisions now about our association future financial stability. Fundraising, as we can all agree is important for ensuring the financial sustainability of the organization and should be based on a sound fundraising strategy. The purpose of fundraising is to secure funds to meet your organizational goals and objectives. Fundraising, or obtaining funds from external sources, is required when a new program is initiated or when a current grant or contract ends. And this is that situation we are facing now. Fundraising should be undertaken only for programs or activities that are part of the organizations approved strategic plan. In other words, the fundraising strategy should support the organization’s strategic plan. Obtaining funds for activities outside the strategic plan simply because the funds happen to be available threatens the mission and long-term sustainability of an organization. Sustainability requires a full commitment at all level on the organization. Sustainability is a measure of an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission and serve its members over time. For EMSA improved sustainability means broader sources of funding and an enhanced ability to deliver vital services to target populations.


The importance of communication to the process of sustainability cannot be overstated. The principal traits of a sustainable organization revolve around good communication and dialogue: a sustainable organization maintains positive relationships with its stakeholders, carries out effective marketing and community outreach, and responds to the “felt needs” of the community. Develop Performance Plans

A well-written strategic plan will give the EEB direction to guide the organization toward the most effective path for achieving its mission. Well-targeted incentives provide staff members with the motivation to “go the extra mile” and put in more effort than they would otherwise.

A performance plan as a detailed list of goals and objectives an board member is expected to accomplish during a particular timeframe. A performance plan should be written for each EEB member based upon his or her job description. A performance plan should recognize and build upon the strengths of each board member and should identify and include training to improve his or her weaknesses.

By clearly detailing the goals and objectives for each board member, performance plans help clarify the roles of each person. By outlining the EMSA’s goals and objectives, a performance plan also gives both the supervisor and the enthusiast a clear understanding of what is expected in terms of job performance. This better enables the coordinators to monitor the work group members on a day-to-day basis and also provides the basis for the members annual performance evaluation. EMSA’s board is ultimately responsible for governing the organization and also holds legal responsibility for the organization and its operations. The board helps develop, support, and defend the organization’s mission. Board members ensure that the organization is responsive to the needs of EMSA members and external partners. It is important that both the organization and the board members themselves have a clear understanding of the board’s roles and responsibilities and the nature of its interactions The board, especialy the President should comprise individuals who are willing to dedicate time and resources to the organization. EEB members should have a broad range of qualities and expertise, including professional skills, management experience, and recognition among the public. The board members should complement each other and the organization’s staff.


Projects - Being part of the team of the Directors of EMSA give me the opportunity to get to know all the projects of EMSA and their needs. That is why I will insure the start of the new projects of the Medical Science Pillar. Advice, help and supervise the already started projects. Support all the ideas for new projects, especially those one who give opportunity to be joined with other students association. Continue the search for cooperation and collaboration between EMSA and other student organizations. Keeping the good spirit - it is not all about the learning, but also about acquiring new acquaintances and building new friendships, and I believe such friendships can bring out the best in people and the brightest of ideas – ideas robbed of all kinds of prejudice and stereotypes. Motivation – yes! Not only through new members and young students, but also keeping motivated the board. And I strongly support the idea of motivating the alumni for forming a network, “club” and implementing in the work of EMSA as a support and supervision. Transparency – keeping the aspect of transparency, reminding not only the EEB but also the NC’s and the project coordinators to be as transparent as it is possible and with that keeping updated all our members and partners around Europe. Having no more exams for my studies gives me all the necessary time that I will need to be present at all the Face to face meetings of our board, but also to visit and represent EMSA at many other international events.


Final Words Dear members of EMSA, dear friends I have to say that I am delighted to have the chance of applying for this position. It would be a privilege and an honor to be a part of this rapidly growing environment, where I will have the opportunity to show, share and contribute with my knowledge and abilities and with that to help EMSA to grow big and professionally. This is the place where I see myself for the next year, between students and young doctors, trying to raise awareness, shift the paradigms and improve the youth of Europe, improve our self. As I know, the spirit of EMSA is one that includes values like diversity, cosmopolitanism, open – mindedness, creativity, vision, and many others. I have been striving my whole life to achieve these kinds of virtues, and I believe I am on the right road. In this adventure will definitely help my skill and intuition that I gain thru life. My selfconfidence and flexibility as my strongest characteristics usually get me in front of everyone, keeping me concentrated on the important points of track. I believe that my experience and previous work make me a suitable candidate for this position! I am ready to focus my energy in sharing ideas with other colleges and enthusiasts at EMSA society and I will consider it a great honor and personal success if I can hold a position from this significance. With a solid foundation in medical academic theory, continuous personal upgrading and intensive training gained through the numerous students’ and professional events in several European countries, I am confident that I will have the skills, knowledge and contacts that will enable me, as a student and future doctor, to deal with the complex issues that this organization will provide.

Sincerely, Borislav Manev

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or suggestions 9

14.08. 2011 Borislav Manev


Gender: Residential Address: Contact No. Date of Birth: Nationality: E-mail address:

Male str. Rudo No.17, Shtip, Macedonia, +389 70 64 73 75 July 22 1986 Macedonian


Candidature for the position President of EMSA 2011/12 EDUCATION

From 2001 - 2005

High School Gymnasium SLAVCO STOJMENSKI '05 Shtip, RM Average grade for 4 study years 5.00 (scale from 1-5); President of the generation;

From 2005 – 2011

University “ Sts. Cyril and Methodius” – Faculty of Medicine Skopje, RM Department: General Medicine


From 1998-2004

Member of Red Cross Society, and Captain of active rescue team for “First Aid”;

From 2006-2008

Active member in Macedonian Medical Students Association; and Member of the executive board in MMSA; Medical Students Attorney;

1st of December 2006

Volunteered in the campaign made for the 1st of December 2006 World AIDS Day by MMSA; Member of Organization Teem AIDS-day and F**k you Aids festival 2006;


1 of December 2007

Member of Organization Teem AIDS-day and F**k you Aids festival 2007;

17-20 May 2007

Member of Organization Teem of 30th International Medical Scientific Congress for students and young doctors in Ohrid, Macedonia;

22-25 May 2008

Participated in the 31st International Medical Scientific Congress for students and young doctors in Ohrid, Macedonia; with my scientific paper: “Risk factors and coronary heart disease“

Dec. 2008 – Dec.2009

o Author: Borislav Manev; o Mentor: D-r Ivan Sokolov; o Institution: Private Health Institution Prim. Dr. Samardziski; o keywords: Atherothrombosis; CHD; Myocardial infarction; Best Buddy Project; o helping and socializing the children from the “School for children with vision disorders” Active member in Europe Medical Student Association; Member of executive board in EMSA Macedonia; Twining Coordinator for Macedonia;

22-25 May 2009

Participated in the 32 International Medical Scientific Congress for students and young doctors in Ohrid, Macedonia;

14.08. 2011 15 December 2009

Candidate for national coordinator for European Medical students association in Macedonia; Candidate for president of the NGO EMSA-Macedonia;

23 December 2009

Elected for national coordinator for EMSA - Macedonia and president of EMSA-Macedonia;

15-25 Mart 2010

Successful organized twining project between ten students from Macedonia and ten students from Maastricht, The Kingdom of Netherlands;

12-16 May 2010

Attended at National Coordinators Meeting in Istanbul; o Attended at communication skills training; o Attended at fundraising training; o Attended at leadership training; o Attended at Medical Ethics debate;

27 June - 01july 2010

President of the Organization Committee of the First International Emergency Medicine Summer School in Macedonia, held in Ohrid; o 60 participants; o 15 professors, assistants and lecturers; o Printed course book;

15th - 18th July 2010

Participated at the 5th International Medical Scientific Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia; as active participant;

19 aug. – 4 sep. 2010

Attend at European Forum 2010 in Alpbach;

20 aug–25 aug. 2010

Alpbach Seminar week; o What is a conscious self? Towards a theory of subjectivity and selfhood (chair: dir. Olaf Blanke; Prof. Thomas Metzinger); o The impact of religions on societies (chair: Prof. James. W Jones; Marat Shterin);

21th aug.-23.aug. 2010

Health Symposium; o Diseases: definition and causes; o Why does the Mind get ill? New approaches to curing the mind; o Personalized medicine: vision and reality; o Ethics, economy and medicine – integrated care;

14.08. 2011 23 aug.2010

Reception hosted by PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry;

28 aug. 2010

Lobbing and Networking in the EU;

8 – 12. Sep.2010

EMSA General Assembly 2010, Athens, Greece Member of the credential commission of the GA. Candidature for the position of Medical Science Director in the board of EMSA. Elected for Medical Science Director 2010/2011


Visit of Austrian Red Cross; International/European crises management

1st of dec.2010

Organizing the project “Aids does not discriminate”

22 dec. 2010

Reelected for National Coordinator of EMSA Macedonia. Re elected for President of EMSA – Macedonia.


Become EMSA Trainer.


EMSA NCM Warsaw, Poland. Given: o

Session on How to create and present a good case report?

o Session on Medical Science thru time. o Session on Medical Science Projects in Europe. 20 - 22.05. 2011

European Student Summit on Right 2 Research Coalition, Berlin, Germany;

1st -5th June 2011

European Medical Student’s Forum; Ohrid, Macedonia;

7th -10th June 2011

Passive participant at International Scientific Conference On (bio)Medical Science ISCOMS, Groningen, Netherlands;

23th-28th June 2011

Attend the summer school on "Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century" Istanbul, Turkey;

6th - 10th July 2011

Supervised the 2nd International Emergency Medicine Summer School in Macedonia, Ohrid, R. Macedonia;


23th - 29 July 2011 st


1 – 7 August 2011

Attend the EMSO – ESO, Oncology Course, Ioannina, Greece; EMSA representative at IFMSA AM, Copenhagen, Denmark;


Awarded with a two year scholarship (for 11, 12 grade) from Macedonian Ministry of Education; o This scholarship was given to me for my continuous exceptional average and the active participation in the extracurricular activities; o And Publishing my first book “The Solar System And His Secrets” 

Author: Манев, Борислав;

Title: Сончевиот систем и неговите тајни;

First edition;

Description: 88 pages. : illustrated. ; 23 cm;

Monograph publishing; text type; Published book;

COBISS.MK-ID: 512072180;

august 2007

Certificate from IFMSA for students exchange in Slovenia;

22-25 may 2008

Second place for best Presentation on the 31st International Medical Scientific Congress for students and young doctors with my scientific paper: “Risk factors and coronary heart disease“

august 2008

Certificate from IFMSA for students exchange in Ukraine;

27 April 2009

Diploma for completed basic astronomy course from SAD; Certificate for active participant at the IMSCNS;

7.juni 2010

Scholarship for the Mentoring-program 2010/2011 by Club presented by Dr. Erhard Busek;

March 2011

Certificate for successfully completing the training: POWER OF THE SPEECH, training for communication, presentation and public speaking, by G. Rhydian Morgan, Stylus Communication and Youth Educational Forum;

28th March 2011

Acknowledgment as an EMSA Trainer, by Iza Ene HRO 2010/11,

14.08. 2011 Wander Kenter IFMSA Trainer and Frederico Pisanu, AEGEE, AIESEC and BEST Trainer; 10th of June 2011

Certificate by the OC of the 18th International Scientific Conference On (bio)Medical Science for participating in the ISCOMS 2011.

29th of June 2011

Certificate for successfully participated in the first EMSA Yeditepe Summer School “Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century” in Istanbul, Turkey; bu the Ayça Vitrinel, MD, Prof. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine



Networking - Ronny Hollenstein; ic2;


Prim. MR Dr. Walter Dorner - President of Austrian Medical


Chamber; - Burnout;


Prof. D-r. G. Aigner “Limits of Health and Social Care”;


Dr. M. Strolz “Forms and style in Politics”;


DL. J Probst. CEO, Soc. Ins. Comp “Public Health in Europe”;


Dr. E. Laminger “Great Place To Work”;


Austrian Minister of health A. Stoger, FM, f.Health;


R. Hundstorfer, Austrian Federal Minister f. social Affairs, Labor, Consumer-Protection;


Karl Beatrix Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research;


R. Romer, Chairman Common Incidence Insurance Comp.;


Prof. D-r. Mag. E. Egger “creativity un high-performing fields”;


Mag. A. Nossing “ High Positional in Science-management”;


OMR Dr. Günther Bartl, “Music and its role in the process of Healing”


GD Dr. Wilhelm Marhold “Chalenges for Management of Health Care and Social Organizations”


17.08.2010 17.08.2010 18.08.2010

Basic communication Skills Workshop: Shift of paradigms in Europe. HC and Social systems”; Project - Process and Program - Management”;

14.08. 2011 18.08.2010

Traingel of P3M; Moderation of Scientific Events� FMSR, ic2;


Alexander-technique, surcease ;

07.01.2011 08.01.2011

Project Management (IFMSA trainer) Communication (IFMSA trainer)


The power of Speech. Oral Skills - G. Rhydian Morgan (Stylus Communication);

21/25.03.2011 25/29.03.2011

Training New Trainers, Istanbul, Turkey ; Training Center of Excellence, Istanbul Turkey; Excellent Leadership; o Negotiation and teamwork; Influence; o Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities. Communication skills; o Oral; o Listening; Self-Confidence; Problem-solving; Motivation/goal setting; Professionalism; Study smarter - not harder; Computer/Technical Literacy ; o Advanced knowledge of computers and softer applications: o

Microsoft Word; Microsoft Power Point; Microsoft Excel: Adobe Acrobat; Corel Draw;

Languages o Native language: Macedonian o Actively using: English; most southern Slavic; Croatian; Serbian; Bulgarian, Bosnian‌

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